presentacion en power point en ingles

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  • 8/7/2019 presentacion en power point en ingles


    Student: Jose Miguel Olivera Garcia

    3 grade group "DEnglish matters

    food and meals menu

    Mexican food

  • 8/7/2019 presentacion en power point en ingles


    Necessary ingredients in this recipe: Chicken: 1 boy Achiote: 1 square, or to taste

    Orange: 2 Garlic: 3 cloves Celery: 1 yard Pope: 2 Carrots: 2 Salt, to tasteHow to prepare Achiote Chicken: Cut chicken into pieces. Blend orange

    juice with achiote and salt to taste. Spread on chicken pieces and letstand 2 hours. In a saucepan with 3 cups of water is incorporated andboiled chicken. And boil, cover and simmer for 15 minutes. Addchopped vegetables into medium pieces, cover and cook another 15minutes.

  • 8/7/2019 presentacion en power point en ingles


    y Oaxacan mole enchiladas

    Necessary ingredients in this recipe: Machaca: 1 / 4 kg, or Beef: 1 / 4 kg, cooked Tomatoes: 1 / 2 kg Onions: 1 Chocolate: 1 tablet

    Sugar: 1 tablespoon Mole: 1 bottle Soda Crackers: 100 g Beef Broth: 6 cups, or Chicken Broth: 6 cups Cotija cheese: 100 g, or Queso Fresco: 100 g Corn Tortillas: 1 / 2 kg Salt, to taste Pepper, to taste

    How to prepare Oaxacan Mole Enchiladas: Soak 30 minutes the chocolate bar in the broth orbouillon, 24 boxes of crackers and the mole. Blend and cook with sugar. Saute the onion is finelychopped or crushed adding minced meat with salt, black pepper and chopped tomatoes. He joinedthe stew in the tortilla, so you can roll forming enchilada with mole bathe and decorate withsliced onion and grated cheese to taste.

  • 8/7/2019 presentacion en power point en ingles


    Necessary ingredients in this recipe: Brown: 1 / 2 k Vegetable Oil: the necessary Chile Width: 2 seeded Tomatoes: 4, ball

    Garlic: 1 clove Onions: 1 / 2 in pieces Chicken Broth: 4 cups Chicken Seasoning: 1 tablespoon Rancho cheese 1 cup shredded Fried Pork: 1 cup, chopped Cream: 1 / 4 liter Avocado: 1

    How to prepare Tortilla Soup: Cut the tortillas into strips approximately 1.5 x 7 inches andfry them in plenty of oil; Drain on absorbent paper and reserve. Fry the peppers and cutinto thin strips, reserve. Roast the tomatoes and garlic and onion; Licuala with the stockand seasoning. Ena Pour into pan with a little hot oil, lower the heat and let simmer untilthe season. Serve the tortilla strips in bowls and pour the tomato sauce. Serve withcheese, pork, chilies, sour cream and avocado.

  • 8/7/2019 presentacion en power point en ingles


    Necessary ingredients in this recipe: Cambray Onions: 2, sliced Garlic: 1 clove

    Vegetable Oil: 1 / 2 tablespoon Chicken Broth: 3 cups defatted Nopales: 8 large, cooked diced Spinach: 4 sheets, clean strips Cilantro: 1 / 2 cup chopped Queso Panela: 250 g, diced

    How to prepare Cactus Soup: Saut onion and garlic with a littleoil. Pour half the broth and cactus. Let simmer for 10 minutes.Blend the spinach with cilantro and the remaining broth, pouredcactus and cook 5 minutes. Serve at once and served with cheese.

  • 8/7/2019 presentacion en power point en ingles


    INGREDIENTS:2 cups dried Jamaica flowers and clean10 cups water3 / 4 SugarIce

    PREPACION:Flowers are cooked with cups of water to a boil, then lower the heat andhe left another 10 minutes, turn off the heat and allow to cool.

    Strain the liquid and VACE in a jar, is sweetened and put it on ice.

  • 8/7/2019 presentacion en power point en ingles


    INGREDIENTS:2 cups of rice soaked for 2 hours4 cups water2 cinnamon sticks

    2 cups milkSugarIcePREPARATION:Let it soak rice in water for 2 hours, then you drain the

    water and blend with 4 cups water, cinnamon and milk andVACE in a jar, is sweetened and puts ice.

  • 8/7/2019 presentacion en power point en ingles


    Ingredients:1 kg of sweet potatoSugar 1 kg1 / 2 Liter Water5 drops of lemon or orange essence

    1 pinch of food coloring, green or orange.preparationBoil the potatoes in water, once cooked, peeled and mashed with a fork until adough. Dissolve the sugar in 1 / 2 cup water and set to simmer until a syrup, asthis list is mixed with mashed potato.

    He begins to heat the mixture stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, untildough is slightly sticky. Allow to cool slightly and add the essence and coloring,stirring well. Spread the dough on a flat surface and allow to cool.With the hand are formed and then sweeten camotitos. Allowed to dry well,then wrap in waxed paper and stored in a cool place.

  • 8/7/2019 presentacion en power point en ingles



    INGREDIENTS:1 kg TejocotesSugar 1 kgPREPARATION:

    Wash well the hawthorn and Boil in 5 cups of water, once they arecooked peel and let stand in the same water for two days.

    Boil then neuve adding the sugar until slightly thickened. It vacean in aplastic mold.

    They can be eaten alone or served well and add a little milk.

    It also can be crushed and put the fire back to add more sugaraccording to taste and move continuously until consistency of jam totake

  • 8/7/2019 presentacion en power point en ingles
