Book4ClassSetAW07-2 5/25/2014 10:44 AM ©Roland Trego - 134 - Exercise. Fill in the blanks. Use present perfect or present perfect continuous. 1. a. (you ever read) ____________________ this book before? b. We had to read it in high school, but I don’t remember very much about it. 2. a. Ah, there you are! I hope (you not wait) ____________________ a long time. b. No, not at all. I just got here a few minutes ago. a. Good. 3. a. (you ever get) ____________________ to school before the building was open? b. Are you kidding? It opens at 7:00, doesn’t it? a. Yeah. b. I’m lucky if I get here by 7:45! 4. a. Mom, can I go to the park and play basketball with Jim? b. (you do) ____________________ all of your homework? a. I can finish it when I come back. I just have a few pages of history left* to read. *remaining, , quedar b. Actually, you can finish it now. Then, after you finish, you can go to the park. a. Mom… b. No arguing! You know the rules. 5. a. This is driving me crazy! b. What? a. All week (I get) ____________________ these e-mails for sex products—every single day! b. Go to “options” and use the filter to block junk mail. I’ll show you how. You’ll still get some, but it’ll help a lot. 6. a. We’re going out for a bite* to eat. (you have) ____________________ lunch yet? *a small amount b. No. a. Well, why don’t you come with us? b. I’d love to! Thanks. 7. a. Look at you! b. What do you mean? a. (you eat) ____________________ jam* or something? You have something red all around your mouth! *jelly, , mermelada 8. a. Ah, there you are! ( I look) ____________________ for you. b. What do you mean? (I be) ____________________ down here all along.* *the whole time a. Well, I guess you just couldn’t hear me. Anyway, guess what? I’ve got some good news for you. b. What? 9. a. Next time you see her, could you ask her about our request for a new computer? b. Actually, (I already speak to) ____________________ her about it. a. You have? When? b. Yesterday, and she said she’s going to approve* the request. *give the permission for, , aprobar 10. a. Boy, it’s been a busy day! (I cook) ____________________ all afternoon. b. Do you need any help? a. No, I just have to put the chicken in the oven. Then, I’ll be finished. But thanks, anyway. 11. a. How many times (they come over) ____________________ for dinner in the last few months? b. Hmm, I imagine four or five. Why? a. It’s about time that they invited us, don’t you think? (=It really is time for them to invite us.) Turn the paper over. There's more on the other side!

Present Perfect Continuous Exercises

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Page 1: Present Perfect Continuous Exercises

Book4ClassSetAW07-2 5/25/2014 10:44 AM ©Roland Trego - 134 -

Exercise. Fill in the blanks. Use present perfect or present perfect continuous.

1. a. (you ever read) ____________________ this book before?

b. We had to read it in high school, but I don’t remember very much about it.

2. a. Ah, there you are! I hope (you not wait) ____________________ a long time.

b. No, not at all. I just got here a few minutes ago.

a. Good.

3. a. (you ever get) ____________________ to school before the building was open?

b. Are you kidding? It opens at 7:00, doesn’t it?

a. Yeah.

b. I’m lucky if I get here by 7:45!

4. a. Mom, can I go to the park and play basketball with Jim?

b. (you do) ____________________ all of your homework?

a. I can finish it when I come back. I just have a few pages of history

left* to read. *remaining, 剩下, 余下, 残留, 剩余, quedar

b. Actually, you can finish it now. Then, after you finish, you can go to the park.

a. Mom…

b. No arguing! You know the rules.

5. a. This is driving me crazy!

b. What?

a. All week (I get) ____________________ these e-mails for sex products—every single day!

b. Go to “options” and use the filter to block junk mail. I’ll show you how. You’ll still get some,

but it’ll help a lot.

6. a. We’re going out for a bite* to eat. (you have) ____________________ lunch yet? *a small amount

b. No.

a. Well, why don’t you come with us?

b. I’d love to! Thanks.

7. a. Look at you!

b. What do you mean?

a. (you eat) ____________________ jam* or something? You have something red all around your

mouth! *jelly, 果酱, mermelada

8. a. Ah, there you are! ( I look) ____________________ for you.

b. What do you mean? (I be) ____________________ down here all along.* *the whole time

a. Well, I guess you just couldn’t hear me. Anyway, guess what? I’ve got some good news for you.

b. What?

9. a. Next time you see her, could you ask her about our request for a new computer?

b. Actually, (I already speak to) ____________________ her about it.

a. You have? When?

b. Yesterday, and she said she’s going to approve* the request. *give the permission for, 批 准, aprobar

10. a. Boy, it’s been a busy day! (I cook) ____________________ all afternoon.

b. Do you need any help?

a. No, I just have to put the chicken in the oven. Then, I’ll be finished. But thanks, anyway.

11. a. How many times (they come over) ____________________ for dinner in the last few months?

b. Hmm, I imagine four or five. Why?

a. It’s about time that they invited us, don’t you think? (=It really is time for them to invite us.)

Turn the paper over. There's more on the other side!

Page 2: Present Perfect Continuous Exercises

Book4ClassSetAW07-2 5/25/2014 10:44 AM ©Roland Trego - 135 -

12. a. You look great!

b. Thanks. (I use) ____________________ this new acne* medication the doctor gave me, and my

face is really clearing up. *blemish, 痤 疮 a. Really? Maybe I should try it.

b. I can give you the name of my doctor, if you want.

13. a. What are you going to do this summer?

b. Go to Idaho. (we visit) ____________________ my aunt there every year since I was little.

a. Oh, that must be nice.

14. a. Well, there you two are! I’ve been looking for you.

b. Yes, (we chat*) ____________________ with each other. *to talk, to converse, 聊 天, charlar

Would you like to join us?

a. Yes, I’d love to.

b. Well, have a seat. So, tell us. How (you be) ____________________?

a. Great! (I write) ____________________ a new play.

b. How exciting! Can I read it?

a. I haven't finished it yet. I'm trying to decide how it should end.

15. a. What (you do) ____________________ all afternoon? It’s nearly 4:30, and

you’re still down here!

b. I know. (I try) ___________________ fix this printer, but it still isn’t working.

It’s driving me crazy.

a. Well, in a half hour we have to leave. You might have to try again tomorrow.