HERLAND BY GILMAN Challenging Culture’s Infuence and Stereotypes Against Women CA!L"##$ %$!&INS GILMAN

Presen Herland

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HERLAND BY GILMANChallenging Culture’s Infuence and Stereotypes Against Women

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CA!L"##$ %$!&INS G

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CA!L"##$ %$!&INS G

• Feminist critic and author, born in 1860 in Hartford, Connecticut.

• Her father abandoned their family, forcing his wife and daughter to live in pomove freuently• Charlotte was a voracious reader and self taught

• !eparated from husband in 1888 and moved to C"# left child with husband•

$his was scandalous at the time• "dvocated economic independence for women in writings

• %ecame feminist lecturer, maga&ine publisher, writer, economist, social reform• "head of her time

• Committed suicide after she learned she had breast cancer in 1'().

• Her wor*s were rediscovered during the Feminist movements of the 60+s

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'#"%IC (ISI"N ") HER

• " society free of women+s eploitation and poverty where all are eual regardless of their -se and they have no desire toindividually but contribute for the greater good of the commu

• -/e were now well used to seeing women not as females but

 people of all sorts, doing every *ind of wor* ilman, ((23.

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• 4eff, $erry and 5an+s culture+s influence and stereotypes agai

such as that women are inferior to men, and conseuentl

deserve no rights and opportunity within a society are chall

their interaction with a well advanced society inhabited only b

• -ilman believes that widely held societal conventions en

 patriarchal status, and that these conventions were all the mo

 because they encouraged women to accept their subordination

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 #$ *'$S#I"N$!LAN+$!

• -/hy should there be surnames7

• /hy should a woman lose her name and identity after marriage7

•  /hy is long hair considered feminine by men when only male lions in *ingdom have manes and only men in China wear ueues7

/hat, they as*, do women in the other world do all day if they do not wthe domestic sphere7

• /hy should that god be personali&ed as a manli*e figure7 oc*3

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 #$ )I!S# ALL,W"(ILLAG$ IN

$o escape

• domestic violence

• rape

• child marriage

• female genital mutilation

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Lane- Ann ./ 0Charlotte %er1ins Gilman/0 American National BiogrOxford Univerity !re" 2345467 Reearch #tarter/ We8/ 55 "ct


• Lane- Ann ./ 0!e;ie<s "= Boo1s7 'nited States/0 American Hitor545/> 25??@67 53?3,53?/ Hitory Reference %enter / We8/ 55 "c


• Spar1Notes $ditors/ Spar1Note on erland/ Spar1Notes/com/ SLLC/ 344@/ We8/ 4D "ct/ 3459/

• Moc1- Michele L/ 0erland/0 &aterplot' Forth Edition 2345467 5Reference %enter / We8/ 55 "ct/ 3459/

• http7EE<<</ta1epart/comEarticleE3459E4FE35E1enya,<omens,;illa

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• $rs1ine- #homas L/ 0#o erland And Beyond/0 &agill)# Literary *++* 25??567 5,/ Literary Reference %enter / We8/ 33 "ct/ 345