Preschool the Aesthetics-01-English-Gustav Theodor Fechner

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  • 7/27/2019 Preschool the Aesthetics-01-English-Gustav Theodor Fechner.






    Gustav Theodor Fechner.





    The notion of a pre-aesthetics is a rather indefinite, as the so far published from thecomparison under this title works is, as ofJean Paul(1st edition 1804, 2nd edition1813, etc), byRuge (2 . edition 1837), byEckardt(1863-64),

    byEgger(1872). Without me now to try to resolve this indeterminacy or fix, I useonly to give this book a short appealing title in the following meaning is the same

    here. It is a series of essays in two parts aesthetic content without systematic follow andfreer treatment than would be suitable for a system of aesthetics offer, but which arelikely to be suitable for introducing into a more general interest in this teaching. Sothey are indeed very general questions, but with constant use, speziale to treat theseconditions, also go into some of those sections and in especial hold the intention foryour easy understanding everywhere.

    In the first two, serving as an introduction, sections I'll explain myself about theprinciples that underlie the entire statements in this publication is based. In order to

    summarize in a few words anticipate, so this writing renounces the attempt todetermine the objective nature of beauty conceptual, and develop from here thesystem of aesthetics, but contented themselves with the concept of beauty as anauxiliary term in the sense of linguistic usage the short name of what unites the vastConditions immediate pleasure to use, examines the empirical conditions of this

    pleasure to pursue, hereby the emphasis lays rather be out on the laws of pleasurerather than conceptual evolutions from the definition of beauty, and replaced theconcept of so called . objectively beautiful by the concept of what is immediately

    pleased with regard to its relationship to good.

    It will ask, however, whether I meet the inclination, this way, the answer to theotherwise prevailing way, but from the bottom up than down from the top, and over

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    leads to clear the height, as steady as he is taken here to follow. That it can not beachieved Everything you could want from an aesthetic that is granted by me, while Itry to prove by the following self-evident that one can achieve many things with whatan aesthetic higher style in an opposite way to be desired leaves something to be. Onemay so if nothing else, search the following is a supplement to such activity, and

    remember that it is not a fault of a font to have missed some of what can be found inother writings.

    Although, the following articles are intended to complement each other in turn,grab it here and there with their contents into each other. So and that they were partlyindependent of each other, has carried some reps that you might not find veryannoying, and I do not have anywhere by references to spare, not to break theconnection between the representation.

    The first part of this document focuses on identification of content with moregeneral conceptual and legal circumstances of the aesthetic area, which notably withembodiments and applications of two principles, which in the 6th and 9 Section are

    particularly discussed, as with the general principles of taste, and the second part willdeal with general considerations on art, on various issues concerning the art, a furtherseries of aesthetic laws and speziale some items.

    Some who only taken note of my writings other direction, it may seem strange thatI am facing after by so many years of other subjects, work finally started to concernmyself with aesthetics. Power but age, more mature, it is even so immature to anynew employment. Meanwhile, it is rather the end than the beginning of a

    preoccupation with aesthetic things, from which this writing is an adult, an activitythat was not always merely a sideline. For evidence of it, so to say show off myaesthetic service book, register here briefly what is previously entered by me in thisarea to the public without having certainly found in his isolation a long way into it.

    In 1839 I gave a pseudonym (as Mises) that kept the character of the otherMisesschriftchen pamphlet, "On some images of the second Leipzig art exhibition(Lpz. Voss)", mainly in conflict against a false sense of idealization thereof, which inthe recently (1875) published the collection "Small Fonts" von Mises isincorporated. - Against the exaggeration of the principle of the golden ratio I have

    some experimental facts in the essay "On the question of the golden ratio" in archiveWeigel 1865. 100 asserted. - More generally, the idea of an experimental aesthetics ofme in the papers of schs Soc. of Sciences. queued, writing "For experimentalaesthetics" (Lpz. Hirzel, 1871), represented a continuation of what is still to bedelivered. In the present work is in the 14th Section, where a sample of theirexecution. - "On the aesthetic principle of association" is a memoir of my Lutzow's

    periodicals. 1866 included the extension of some one in the 9th Sections of thisspecification is again found. - On the mainly Although historical, but in the aestheticto enter gambling, disputes over the two copies of the so-called par Holbein'schenMadonna I was in the essay "The dispute over the two Madonnas by Holbein" inGrenzb. In 1870. II, participated in the pamphlet "On the question of the authenticityHolbein'schen Madonna" (Lpz. Br and H., 1871), and several essays in Weigel's Arch

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    (1866-1869). - A public aesthetic experiment with the comparisons of these copies isemployed by me on the occasion of the Holbein exhibition in 1871, in what the smalltext "Report on the designed for the Dresden exhibition Holbein album" (Lpz. Br and

    H 1872 is) reported. 1) - At last I gave lectures in different years at the Leipzig ArtAssociation about individual aesthetic issues and the University on general aesthetics.

    1) I n is multiple public assessments above experiment, in direct contradiction with itsdeclared intentions, partly due to carelessness of the judge, partly because of anachgeschrieben other which the experiment is based rather on the authenticityquestion as to the aesthetic question, while I occasionally here custody againmarquetry, since those judgments are very suitable to put my own judgment inquestion, and are likely to be more widespread than the above, in fact, little has

    become known, pamphlet, which sets out the facts of the experiment.


    I. The aesthetics of the top and bottom of

    II prenotions

    1) pleasure and displeasure, pleasure and pain2) Aesthetic, practical and theoretical categories, Good, Good, True

    value, interest3) Aesthetic, Aesthetics4) Eudmonistisches principle

    III. Aesthetic laws or principles generally

    Principle IV of the aesthetic threshold

    V. aesthetic principle of aid or increase

    VI. Principle of unified link of the manifold

    1) Statement of Principle2) Examples3) Factual conflicts and support4) More detailed provisions5) of the general principle

    VII principle of non-contradiction, or unanimity truthVIII Principle of clarity. Summary of the top three formal Prinzipe

    IX. Aesthetic principle of association1) Input

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    2) Examples3) a statement of principle4) association by similarity5) Additional association6) Temporal association. Intellectual and emotional judgments

    7) simple associative character colors, shapes, layers8) Man as the center of associations9) analysis of associated impressions. Remarks about the creative powerof the imagination10) Gradual formation of the associated impression11) The principle in higher use12) Some general considerations

    X. Explanation of the scenic impression through the principle of associationXI. Relationship between poetry and painting from the point of view of the

    association principleXII. Physiognomic and instinctive impressions

    XIII. Representation of the direct factor of aesthetic impressions compared to theassociative

    1) Preface2) The direct factor in the music3) The direct factor in the arts of visibility

    XIV Several attempts to set up a basic form of beauty. Experimental

    aesthetics. Golden section and square

    1) attempts a normal or basic form of beauty to set up2) the objections that can be raised against the usefulness ofexperimental and aesthetic studies at all and the same execution3) methods of aesthetic experimental investigation. For examplean embodiment of the method of choice. Insbesondre results interms of golden section and square

    XV. Relationship of convenience for beautyXVI. Commentary on some Schnaase's utterances in terms of architectureXVII. Of ingenious and witty comparisons, word games and other cases which have the character ofErgtzlichkeit, mirth, ridiculousnessXVIII. The taste

    1) Royal term2) Dispute of taste3) plant, cultivation of taste4) principles of right or good taste

    I. The aesthetics from above and from below.

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    The two ways of how human knowledge seeks to establish and develop, is alsoreflected in the aesthetics of the doctrine of pleasure and displeasure, or according toothers the doctrine of beauty, contends. They were treated to a short prints from thetop down by starting descends from general ideas and concepts for individuals, upfrom below by rising from the particular to the general. There one assigns the

    aesthetic experience of a field of top viewpoints constructed, only a conceptualframework and under, here you build the whole aesthetics due to aesthetic facts andlaws of the bottom on. There is, first, while the highest authority to the ideas andconcepts of beauty, art, style, its position in the system the most general terms,insbesondre their relationship to truth and good, and like it thus increases to theabsolute, to divine, the divine ideas and the divine creative activity up. From the pureamount of such generalities and climb into the ground-empirical field of individual,time and place of beauty down, and measure every single thing on the scale of thegeneral. Here you go from experience about what pleases and displeases out, based

    on this all the terms and laws that have to resort course in aesthetics, she studiedunder Mitrcksicht to the common law of obligation, where the pleasure must alwaysremain subordinate to more and more to generalize and thus to arrive at a system themost general possible terms and laws.

    Both modes of treatment can also differ as well philosophical and empirical. Sethey are not in conflict with each other, so far a correct and perfect knowledge of thefirst principles of being, the divine and human things, the principles must include a

    proper consideration of the aesthetic conditions, to hand a proper generalization ofthe experiential facts and laws of the must enter into aesthetic area in these

    findings. Both measured by the same area but in the opposite direction, and all areadded the possibility of movement in one direction by such an in an oppositedirection. However, both methods have their peculiar advantages, difficulties anddangers.

    The first way is to tell us that from the outset the goal to which we must aspire tothe second only because of grants from the general view, the highest points, but youhave access to it difficult to give a clear orientation of the reasons for pleasure anddispleasure in detail, it has to be but also for us to do, and it remains more or less atundetermined pending, in its generality, the individual is not easily taken sharp

    terms. This is the way to run correctly, a correct output ahead, which you can findbasically only in a perfect philosophical and even theological systems, which we bothhave not yet. Only many attempts the same we have, and we also have many attemptsto set the aesthetics so in relationship, all still leave much to be desired, but meet it'sneed most general and highest points, and if the same does not fully satisfy , but get

    busy and awake. Also have these disadvantages as advantages in all very numerousrepresentations of aesthetics and aesthetic modes of treatment issues, which havetaken in response to Schelling, Hegel and Kant himself, the direction of the top so far,

    been more or less felt.

    The other way, however, the path from the bottom, grants or promises at leastimmediately clear guidance not only in the field of concepts, which are subordinatedto the field of pleasure and displeasure, but also about the reasons of pleasure and

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    displeasure in detail and neighbor, but you can reach him difficult to commonviewpoints and ideas, easily stays in detail, one-sided, points of minor value andsubordinate significance self-conscious of how this shows especially in the English(as such Hutcheson. Hogarth, Burke, Hay and others) which preferably have chosenthe path from below.

    According to the above, be at all the attempts that have since been made withtreatment of aesthetics in the first sense, more can satisfy him who seeks his maininterest in the subordination of things under general concepts or ideas, and takes

    place in any design the same satisfaction without the claims to provide clarity andobjectivity higher than they now provide sufficient, however, an attempt to deal withthe aesthetics in the second way, more satisfying to be able to the matters above all inan easy and clear orientation in the Closest, and in turn no greater height anduniversality claimed as of now is to just risen. In general we can say that on top of anaesthetic from the outset put higher demands, however, the aesthetics of the lower

    bottom, to make them more easily satisfied. Now if at all once the aesthetics of the top come to pass, which makes the rightthing by the previous attempts the same in my opinion the highest and ultimate

    principles assumed that rather sought than has been achieved, it is even only bymeans of careful slow upgrades not only by the aesthetic field, but all the individualareas of human knowledge under Mitrcksicht. must be reached on practicaldemands. From there, however, is then allowed to return to the individual knowledge

    branches and they descend through, and not just any knowledge circle of itself willcome in response to higher point of view, than those to which the only ascending

    paths through it alone had to be reached , but also its content through the connectionwith other branches of knowledge in other ways will appear motivated and explainedthan can step into the light on the ascending pathways. But such aesthetic aspects ofhigher remains a thing of the future, and past attempts thereof are rather likely to bethe legitimate task to describe and present them to receive, but to fulfill.

    Thus, while it is in the same sense can provide a philosophical aesthetic stylehigher than the empirical, as there may be a natural philosophy of physics and

    physiology, if not already there. But as the right natural philosophy, to hope for, theselessons will not replace or out birth of a priori reason, but the same is subject to the

    prerequisite and support, without themselves losing in their specialties, so it is withthe relationship of philosophical higher aesthetic style to the empirical. Butunfortunately it still lacks far too much of the empirical support, and so it seems tome all our systems of philosophical aesthetics giant with feet of clay.

    We see from this well that I count down even aesthetics of the essentialpreconditions of formation of an aesthetics of the top, and I, in so far as otherinadequate fulfillment of these preconditions to the path from the top as little clear,safe and successfully pursue would be able, as I find so far taken him, so I'll ratherthrough strict compliance and tracking of Below is a mite to contribute to this

    performance look, which I to advance all the essential advantages thereof in claimsuppose, without, in whose nature lying, to avoid disadvantages. The mere threats of

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    answer regardless of the terms and concepts, hereby but the difficulty of a cleardetermination of the most general concepts transfers to all derived terms.

    Among the Germans, the processing of aesthetics in the way of top has far get theupper hand over the processing of the bottom depending on Kant, Schelling, Hegel,and keep up to now. With the influences of those philosophers but catch recently

    more and more those of Herbart, Schopenhauer, Hartmann mix itself; other hand, butalso the aesthetics, be it still philosophical influences or more independent directionand development on the way from the bottom to relent with (Hartsen, Kirchmann,Kstlin, Lotze, Oersted, Zimmermann), and this is already part not in such a pureimplementation than I had in previous characteristics in mind, some happen only in alimited version, so you can not say yet that this way was left with us at all. This thenestimable empirical studies of modern times come into aesthetic specialty areas as

    bridge, Helmholtz, Oettingen, including 1) not finally art-critical considerations inabundance, which tend more or less to one or the other, on which all but enter into

    detail here; intention and to refer to the historic main relationships on the histories ofthe aesthetics of Lotze and of Zimmermann.

    1) Zeising, although homage in the main direction of the top, can thus not beforgotten, as he has sought to complement the philosophical foundation of thegolden section through an empirical and support.

    II preconceptions.

    With difficult philosophical and theological preterminals in which the aesthetics ofthe top searches its reasoning, we have claimed that neither start nor will it lead us tofollow, but what we need in our sense of explanations for the result, will also get theresult. Meanwhile, there are certain terms or words used to designate conceptswithout the use you do in meeting aesthetic conditions absolutely no step and evencan the concept of aesthetics does not make clear what it will nevertheless be well to

    premise a few observations, since the manner of use of these terms neither in life noris firmly in science. Now it is in any case specify how we want to do our part it. The

    close relationship but in which the basic aesthetic concepts related to the practical andincluding ethical will, of itself cause it to connect with explanations about the firstsuch on the last, and up to certain limits on the relationship of ethics to aestheticsitself respond.

    1) pleasure and displeasure, pleasure and pain.

    We ever say that we like or dislike something, depending on it, our look or ideapresented, the same issues a pleasurable or unpleasurable character. The pleasurewhich we feel directly the welfare taste of a dish, the pleasurable sensation ofstrength and health is not the pleasure in it, but have probably the lust of the idea that

    we taste something pleasant taste, or taste like the idea that we are healthy and ingood forces. In these cases, the lust of the representational idea of inner states, which

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    defines the concept of pleasure, - and in any case allows the use of language to applythe concept of pleasure also on this - in other cases, the representational idea what thelust of pleasure depends, be brought directly by external reality itself, at the pleasureof a painting, a musical.

    Thereafter, the concept of pleasure and displeasure much depends on the terms of

    pleasure and pain, and examination of the conditions of pleasure and displeasure fallsin part directly related to those of pleasure and pain, sometimes it goes back to those.

    Herbart (Lehrb. for Einl in d Philos. 82, tot. WI 122) stands an explanation of the

    concepts of pleasure and displeasure by the fact that it attaches them an original

    evidence, which I do not seem cogent, if those terms even a return on other terms

    allow, where such evidence is only fair. He closes internal states of the areas of that

    to which the concept of pleasure is applicable from by reflected, among other in this

    regard: "The use of language is confused when someone says the smell of hyacinth

    like better than the smell of me lily. because in the expression like it is something that

    pleases because, as something determined in mind zustellendes provided. Nobody but

    can smell a flower, which is a feeling in him, to tell others still refer to it as an object

    of contemplation. " - This seems to me to be only motive and effect restricted the use

    of language rather than clarified the contrary. It is common ground in the desire

    nature, which may be present as an external object the consideration of the interior

    state, something in common, which is a common name calls, and since the language

    has introduced the term pleasure for it, there is no reason for him to one side

    limit. Herbart is also can not prevent that you still find that not only delight in the

    smells of a flower, taste of food, but also seen in at any lustful imagination.

    Pleasure and pain itself, pure and abstract taken from all secondary rules aresimple, not further analyzable provisions of our soul, but not so abstract in realityexist as to which we may be taken zukommenden assets of abstraction, but as co-determination or resultants, if you want features that other soul provisions to whichthey give a character and thereby receive a character. Depending on the nature oftheir co-determination or causal factors then you are different types of pleasure and

    pain. The pleasure of good taste of a dish is far different than another, as whenlistening to a beautiful music, the joy of feeling loved to know on a pleasant smell,like when viewing a beautiful painting to another, as honored to know the pleasure in

    any of an active employment other than at some receptive impressions. Itself remainsLust, gold remains as gold, but they can be like the gold received in variouscompounds and excreted from a variety of conceptual connections.

    In fact. would not it - here and there, but one has denied that there is an everywhereidentical with itself the essence of lust, - where the need for a common name for it inall those cases, when nothing would Identical to designate. Yes believe it only thefirst, and any other instances of the occurrence of pleasure to give as often occurringcases of displeasure over, one is for all the differences that exist on each side forthemselves, but feel that each side opposite the other something in common reserves,which we now just as abstract pleasure and pain of it and can face each other.

    With the simplicity and purity, in which one considers the concept of pleasure, the

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    vastness of its usability is related. It is with him in this regard as a puredistillate. Everything takes along inside the distillate from the front, its limitedavailability, though it is edible and useful only in its uses. So you distill even so tosay the concept of pleasure for aids its general usability from the outset purely fromfrom everything, worein is received, hold him in general and pure, disavowed all

    Intresting, each side relationship of cause, consequences, type, height, strength,goodness. Distinctions are of the same particularizations is self find according will beconsidered received on its relations and co-determination, hereby come talk tospecific types or instances of pleasure or pain.

    What pleasure and pain are in the pure version of yourself, can ever make themclear by any description, but only by internal Aufzeigung. Feel it, you know it, morecan not be said for their last clarification, hanging on to their simple nature. Incontrast, leaves much say the same and probably statements give the same after that

    but their ultimate clarity only ever get through inner demonstrating what we out feel

    just as pleasure and pain of all concrete occurrences of the same identical, of thecauses, consequences, relationships. But that such a 'pointing in the same Transparentor slightly inwardly at previous ways to Mach ends is easily possible clear, are alsoall terms that can be subservient to them, a clear core.

    We call pleasure and pain, and hereby the pleasure and displeasure, they worein a-go, the higher a nature or put them at a higher character as in, grab a place in everhigher spiritual regions, or higher depending on linkages, relationships, relationshipsthey establish themselves, the lowest amount is linked to simple sensoryimpressions. Thus the desire and hereby pleased with a harmonious chord is higher

    nature than on a simple pure tone of a musical sentence higher than for a simplechords in the single cooperation mood of an entire piece of music more than a simplesentence.

    In ordinary life we confuse easily height with strength of desire, is inclined todesire to hold only in lower senses with the additional stipulation of a certain strengthor vitality, and only specific kinds of pleasure, as they now present themselves in life

    just before your eyes have. But lust is higher in the above sense is not always thestronger or bigger, for it can someone greater desire for a simple sensual enjoymentthan to have a proper knowledge, but it is also the joy of a true knowledge as well as

    the desire for sensual pleasure still so good to bring enjoyment, and the weakest senseof satisfaction or contentment with the concept of pleasure as the strongest one elsewants a common term for the common element in all 'have to, but you need to. Andwhen go out in ordinary life, the need of concrete versions of pleasure and pain, is notlarge, so you can still same even withdraw not quite, the less has he may withdrawscience, according to which the concept of pleasure in psychology harmless is used inthat full length and universality, which depends on its Abstrahierbarkeit in the purestversion, and what with the lowest desire also subordinated to the highest kind,

    because such version to position the most general aspects is needed, to where the

    need of common life is not enough. Some have to escape the restrictive connotations, which easily carries, proposed for

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    the more general use other words, such as welfare, well-being, happiness, bliss, orpreferred, the common use of the word lust. This changes nothing in the matter, andonly these words of language use paste not as good as pleasure, and can be usedwithout explicit explanation much less as little or basically term used to refer to theallgemeinst. This does not, because where's language sends, or to use it, depending

    on how often we will be, since they are in any case depending on the terms desire. That is preferably inclined, like to use in niedrem sense, makes, for example, in

    words like lstig, revelry, lust, lust, lust law. In this tendency, however, is one not to

    misconstrues Direction and not to be underestimated drawback for the use of the

    word lust in that the broadest sense, bordered with the lowest the pleasure of the

    highest character among themselves, as easy involuntarily imputes the closer and

    lower importance to him. Would provide only the language in its stock a sufficient

    substitute for dar. But now reluctant expression like but not exactly those furthest

    version, and you can even in ordinary life, probably by a desire for the things of God,

    a desire to search for truth, the do good to talk etc, but how should one speak of afeeling of wellbeing or happiness in it. This linguistic inconvenience In using any

    substitute for the expression of desire and in psychology already accepted use of the

    same in greatest width leaves me in the same aesthetics as a whole before others

    prefer expressions, but without thereby prevent its use everywhere.

    Respect, according to the preceding from all still so different kinds of pleasure aspain something identical is abstracted as pleasure or pain, can assume that someIdentical is included as the last general of the main reasons of pleasure as pain in allthe various causes of pleasure as pain; but it was that we look for it on a physical,

    psychological or psycho-physical side, it is not yet found, or at least found no clearexpression, although it has several tries for it (as such harmony, inner essence

    promotion), the yet more Seeking the term the found. Herbart seeks to go deeper, butI must leave his school, which I do not belong, to satisfy it. From a psychophysical

    hypothesis that I myself set 1) and consider very possible, but I think not necessaryhere to speak, because it is not a question here of psychophysics. Of course, theultimate cause of pleasure, which he was also to be sought only in us, and what ofthose external to arouse in us, it can only insofar as it is this inner reason the game.


    In the "Ideas for Creation Story" But we knew also that common last inner reason, it would therefore not spared toinvestigate the specific internal and external causes of pleasure and pain, seek laws oftheir formation under special circumstances; like you from the heat while knows thatthey all over rapid vibrations of the physical particles based, but with this knowledge,no fire and sulfur sticks can heat steam engine no.

    Both pleasure and pain, are classed under the name together feelings. However,insofar as this name is usually applied to various states of the mind or soul, which arenot to bring on clear ideas or concepts, regardless of whether pleasure or pain it

    comes into play, you can give pleasure and pain to the definite distinction aestheticfeelings.

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    2) Aesthetic, practical and theoretical categories. Beautiful, good, true, value,


    Generally speaking, the person strives for happiness, whether that refers to lust ordesire conditions of happiness; draws therefore generally speaking, the lust of the

    pain, the greater the smaller pleasure that minor discomfort of the greater pain before,

    and transmits this to the conditions of pleasure and pain, by considering more or lesscontemporary with the consequences. In the great interest which thereafter of

    pleasure and pain earnings of things and relations for him, but has he also findsreason to terms and expressions relating to form it.

    Now, there are some terms and therefore expressions which are related to the thingsand conditions in accordance with, as they give a present or immediate pleasure ordispleasure yield, as pleasant to the fancy side, graceful, attractive, lovely, lovely,cute, pretty, beautiful etc, where as many correct to the displeasure of the page. Bothof us summarize as aesthetic categories and distinguish them as positive andnegative. Others there are which on the pleasure and pain earnings of things andconditions with regard to the context and consequences relate them where these fundscan carry a pleasurable or unpleasurable character, regardless of the current yield isnot thereby precluded THEREFORE the Lust Page beneficial, useful, useful,

    prosperous, wholesome, beneficial, valuable, good, etc, which do not correspond toless than positive turn after the many negative side displeasure. Both of us summarizeas practical categories, provided they are primarily designed for the direction of ouraction irrelevant.

    From the outset, without already have the previous provisions on both majorcategories in mind, you might find something mysterious in theirrelationships. Certainly appear to vorgreiflicher view the positive aesthetic categoriesrelated to the positive and the negative practical, according to permutation of positiveand negative. It is pleasant and nice place with helpful and want rather good, bad andharmful than on the same rope, and yet something pleasant can be very bad,something unpleasant to be very good. How does the rhyme? Very simply, if you go

    back to the above provisions. The current yield pleasure can indeed be surpassed by agreater reluctance income, current income displeasure of a larger desire to yieldresults. The joint relationship of both categories to pleasure and pain betrayed that

    right from the outset by the fact that both offer a match which opposed the positiveand negative, pleasure and pain as the plays themselves, but it clears up completely

    by the above provisions. So we have every reason to trust these definitions tion frommost general point of view.

    Common ground that the practical categories, rather than by reference to pleasure

    and pain, by reference to our subconscious drives and counter drives, or, what also

    occurs, but amounts to the same thing, by reference to one, on the scope of the

    ordinary use of language sprawling concept explain the love, Awakening as

    Envisaged and aiming to value, love, and love take grossing forming. After the basic

    psychological relationship between pleasure and pain on the one hand, conscious

    drives and counter drives the other hand, what under 4), a few words, but occur both

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    explanations objectively at each other in, and will always allow a translation into

    one another, after which untriftigerweise by one the other holding excluded. To favor

    our side in the declaration of the fundamental relationship of practical categories on

    pleasure and pain from the relationship on struts and buttresses, but was still a

    double reason. Once it was immediately clear to emphasize the relationship of these

    categories to the aesthetic categories, which could only be done by a common middleterm, ie only by pleasure and pain, provided they have formed the core of aesthetic

    categories. Secondly, however, it seems to me that the general language and concept

    consciousness in fact summarizes the practical categories in a more direct

    relationship to pleasure and pain than to counter braces and struts. Because you find

    something not beneficial, well, if you seeks or should seek, but one seeks or should

    seek, because it advantageous good is it then, so that not tantamount to an identical

    set, you have advantageous well another term as determined pursuit think, and it's

    just a matter of a clear analysis to recognize the concept of pleasure in our sense of

    it. If I have therefore added to the above, that can explain the practical categoriesprovide both about her relationship with struts and buttresses as to pleasure and

    pain, it is but only as long as you look at these categories for themselves, but not I

    can admit that a system of concepts, which we constructed using the first method of

    explanation to establish the general understanding of the same easily accessible and

    equally free of hidden or open circles explanations, as that which is based on the

    latter mode of explanation.

    Among the aesthetic categories of the term occurs beautiful, with the practical, theterm well depending on the further or closer as either the most common, that is, the

    others below are comprehensive, or as the top, ie, in a preferred meaning before theother understood, on , anyway, than the main term. We have much to do here onlywith the first, but without being able to leave the relation of the second to completelyaside.

    To grasp the concept of beauty as the main concept of aesthetics, corresponds to thegeneral agreement, though some people will simply explained as the science of

    beauty even this doctrine. The beauty itself, but is variously according to its origin(from God, imagination, enthusiasm), its nature (sensuous appearance of the idea of

    perfection of sensuous appearance, unity in diversity, etc., etc.) or its performance

    explains (in pleasure, pleasure). Our hand, we are not only the principle, conceptualeverywhere assumed explanation of linguistic usage, tied to the output of the laststatement means, but also the consequence of our general provisions on the aestheticcategories, but in turn only come back in a more general way to such explanation.

    After this is already in the broadest sense, is the meanest same time, Everythingthat you will find the property directly, to awaken not only through reflection orthrough its effect liking, insbesondre, if this property is not on too small a degree, andif it it has relatively clean, however we at lower or only relatively moderate levels ofexpression as pleasant (often with sensual connotation), attractive, pretty prefer, and

    this or that shades the gradient ends through this or that other terms, such as graceful,cute, sublime, magnificent etc call. In that broad sense can something so beautifulgood taste to look nice, there are beautiful souls as well as a beautiful body, beautiful

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    ideas as beautiful statues. The use of language in fact not only tolerates all this, butit's also good that he will not tolerate it, because we keep everything else for nocommon term we need yet. In the narrow sense of aesthetics and art appreciation but

    beautiful is something only what extent it is appropriate to allow higher than merelysensual pleasure but immediately draw from sensuous what either through considers

    internal relations of the sensible or by association of ideas to the sensual is possible,what closer is enough reason to take offer. Even in this narrower sense the term isbeautiful so dear used by an object, the full and pure is his desire impression andshading are the same by special aesthetic categories covered, tend to look for one ofits main tasks the textbooks of aesthetics in their discussion. If, however, some

    beautiful in the strict sense only seek to have applied to works of art (as creations ofthe mind) the expression, this is an arbitrary restriction, which does not share thecommon parlance formed, and while the beauty of a living person as a landscapedefend themselves fitly allowed. That does not recognize differences between natural

    beautiful and fine art, but this one has just two words to distinguish both. It is certainonly that the concept of beauty in the narrow sense is more often fulfilled by thebeauty of art as a natural beauty that belongs andershin a closer look.

    However, one has to speak of a concept of beauty in a strict sense. With theprevious regulations, we do not come out on the subjectivity of beauty, the One canthen still find beautiful, what the other excludes from its territories. But should not alllike what they like, there is not only laws according to which pleasure and displeasureactually judge of which will be to continue to talk, but also demand laws of pleasureand displeasure, it pertinent rules of good taste, and it dependent rules of the

    education of taste, which are not in conflict with the first law, but those have to useonly in the right direction. The definition of beauty in a strict sense, the trulybeautiful, the true beauty that is not only precipitated from higher considerations, butalso has right to appeal, you incurring the value of pleasure that goes into the favorwith, what the concept of the real beauty of a substantial participation by the conceptof the good subject, of which the value depends in the later contemplativemanner. Shortly you will be able to say in terms of beauty in the narrowest senseintersect the general concepts of the beautiful and the good, however, they usuallyreach out to each other. Always the concept of beauty is also in this closest versionunlike the concept of the good at much, directly to and hereby arouse pleasure

    pleasure in itself, but not every pleasure, every pleasure is with regard to theconsequences and connexion equivalent hereby equally well .This is discussed in thelater sections detail about the taste.

    After this, nothing prevents to derive the true beauty, so what is worth to arousepleasure in the highest authority of God, from which indeed last all will be derivedand in which eventually has to complete everything and to culminate the same withvaluable highest ideas in relationship to set, as an expression of the same in theearthly to explain supernatural, only we may, in our way from the bottom not start

    with such statements, and have us the word operate nicely for brevity by entering thebeginning, in order to indicate an achievement that everyone is used outside ofaesthetics and art theory, thereby finding rejected.

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    A simple feature that makes things beautiful in its broadest or narrowest sense, it isnot at all, while many attempts, the nature or essence of the beauty of this or thataspects through a simple phrase aptly be described. The systems maintain theaesthetics of the top of such tests assume, beat, denying it, and so do not come to anend. The aesthetics of the bottom has it, after what has been said earlier about her

    character, from the outset only explanations to explain the use of language to be ableto speak clearly about the laws can, according to which some like and to please, andmake the claim in any definition of beauty to stay at all correct.

    Certain it is that in which width always the living voice and term use may grasp theconcept of beauty, it does not take on the origin and essential nature, but power of

    beauty in fancy terms, and it is explanatory, the concept of beauty in this relationshipwith the compiling of wholesomeness. Also this has formed only in relation to acertain performance of the funds and is clear and properly only in relation todetermine this, which is to make people healthy. If you wanted to make the notion of

    wholesomeness of funds in relation to some general property or source of the funds,and make the medicine depend on it, it would be just as untriftig than when youestablish the concept of beauty accordingly and the aesthetics depend on it to makesearches. After the adoption of the concept of wholesomeness relating to the to theexecutive of the funds performance is rather the question of what things are

    beneficial, just a matter of the laws of wholesomeness, which it is impossible toanswer the same in terms, and so is after discovery of the concept of beauty inrelation to the beauty of the executive power, the question of what things are good,

    just a matter of the laws of beauty or pleasure, which it is as impossible to answer the

    same in terms adequately; as just a general property, which makes things loss factor,as such, which makes it beneficial, so little is known, and only then, if it should beable to reason this power of beauty just as clear and simple as the power to designateitself, a fundamental explanation of beauty would have found it.

    Nevertheless, in disregard of the impossibility thereof, which has since been placedon the top of the aesthetics of beauty explanations preferably at the reference toorigin or being held, and there are just so remained unsatisfactory for a successfuldevelopment of aesthetics. Not that not all aestheticians have for him which is able torecognize it as beautiful, granted the power of beauty in higher desire, or even

    required, rather, that all in the way match taking place deviation herein, proves itselfthat these performance is essential to the concept of beauty, except that it has meantto them in the definition of beauty is not enough and they have sought to be replaced

    by one which is equal to the condition or the principle instead of the statementincludes the same performance, the performance but has taken into account as adesire not only essential for the definition of casual or secondary. But harm all suchstatements, by not giving what may be to clarify the general language and conceptuse as a point of attack and initiation of factual investigation really give, but seem togive what by any general statement in a simple sentence is to give, hereby distract

    from proper ways of exploring it. Now there are of course also aestheticians, like Kant, Bouterweck, Fries and others,which of the performance thereof in the determination of beauty in desire or the

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    capacity to please the same, go out, but instead of there way to the study of the lawsof pleasure and displeasure wanting to take stand in formal terms of the nature of

    pleasure in beauty, or experience in the ways of the origin or reason of the nature ofpleasure right in the definition adequately, hit back.

    But let us turn from the main concepts of the aesthetic to the practical categories to

    perceive this to his difference-like relationships clearly. The concept of the good is explained as the beauty of the origin, nature or

    performance. And again, are we on our part, tied to the relationship to performance,no less, to connect us to the most common phrase to many other particulars, as forretaining the relationship to beauty as it is due to the general relationship of theaesthetic and practical categories. Hereafter called us well in the broadest sense, is themeanest same time, all insofar as it raised with respect to a considered orindeterminate left circle of the correlates and consequences voraussetzliche conditionof more pleasure than pain, or a way to prevent more pain, to pay than to create whatyou give both of good weather, a good harvest, as can speak of a good man, a goodorganization of the state; - however well in the strict sense of ethics and religion,where the so-broad concept in mind, action, and endeavors rational beings, is thehighest authority of the divine nature, based, according to which a person is to callonly good insofar as he made a disposition is out and in the sense of rules, whichvoraussetzlich rather fortunate than unhappiness, rather hereby Lust is promoted as

    pain in the world, God is good only insofar as it is assumed that he had made eventsfor the salvation of mankind, that is, their bliss of highest and last point of view, and

    even turn the evil in this sense. 2 )

    2) Of course, one gets with the way in which theological turn is attempted, theomnipotence and goodness of God, both at the same time, compatible with theexistence of evil in the world, into insoluble antinomies.For my part, I believethat the evil in the world is neither the will nor by the approval of God, but by ametaphysical necessity of existence, but that in so doing there is so necessaryand in connection a tendency in the world, the same to lift more and more, tomend, to reconcile, and that the general higher into infinity reaching divine isabove all individual human conscious tendency in this direction, which is now

    just based the goodness of God, which perform further and more detailedjustification, but this is not the place, since it not here to prove the cause ofgoodness, but to explain their concept of the beauty of the opposite. Is there aGod and goodness of God, as it is in any case only be understood as above, it isto be understood at all.

    Beneficial, useful, practical and other practical categories, the broadest terms ofgood order under the provision with respect to a more or less definite and limited

    class of contexts and consequences, and rather in relation to external things andcircumstances, rather than those to be applied, which fall within the circle of good inthe strict sense of the ethical or moral good, while short for special determinations of

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    the latter, the ethical categories, as such honest, legal, loyal, conscientious, charitable,generous, noble, etc Tugendbe all drawings are.

    If the moral and Divine good brought under a common category with so many

    other good, hereby all this only common subordinate appears, this conceptual

    subordination of its factual Hoebe behaves nothing, since a high level objectively

    becoming the highest remains, despite that they conceptually occurs with lower levelsunder a common term; yes without which they could not at the rank of highest use.

    Will you explain the ethically good as what is the will of God according to the

    spirit and will of the people, so this explanation contradicts the above objectively, but

    can only be in the religion of place. Then you will always have to ask you: what is the

    meaning of the divine will? and even if this question through the 10 commandments

    and the words of the Bible: "Love God above all and your neighbor as yourself", has

    answered from the top down substantially, according to a linking point of these

    commandments and ask clear interpretation last word can , to which the principle of

    the good must be determined yet andersher.

    Quality of a thing not due to essential beauty of them, but can lead to contributing,as to when the desire yield of the correlates and consequences, and then the quality ofthe case is based, transmits through familiar become association of ideas on theimmediate impression of the thing, a source of complacency, the later (under IX) isdiscussed in detail. Conversely, it may not require the beauty of goodness, but can

    beauty when it is present, help to establish quality, provided that the immediatepleasure yield but belongs to the whole pleasure Endure to which the concept of thegood will, only this is not solely determined and does not break through against a vastdispleasure yield the consequences. This has a beautiful form of the good as astimulus to strive for the same. But also the ugliest can be well found, like a bad-tasting medicine and bad looking under the assumption that the same will yieldimmediate aversion outweighed by eliminating major pain episodes.

    Respect, both on the previous Beautifully can be used as well in very differentlength, the rule of use will be the one that we hold in accordance with wider ornarrower than the circle of observation expands or narrows, so long as it in for us

    broadest sense of touch, as do non-limiting provisions of itself be expressly claimed

    or asserted. But that the broadest definitions of fine and good, as they have been placed above,are really nothing else than the explication of the most comprehensive and vividlanguage term use, may be explained by the following observations and bereaffirmed.

    The common man used by all aesthetic categories at all only the conceptbeautifully by no desire feels in his underdeveloped system of concepts to engage infiner distinctions of direct gradient ends, so it represents beautiful in its broadestreplaced all other aesthetic categories. In fact, you never hear him say that is pleasant,

    pleasing, graceful, petite, cute, he says everywhere only: that's nice. But the more educated, those finer distinctions are familiar, like the expression

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    operate in so many cases where it is expressly designated to enforce such distinctions,beautiful in greatest width, say therefore harmless: it tastes nice, smells nice, speak ofa beautiful tone, beautiful weather, a beautiful idea, a beautiful proof, what is not, is

    preserved everything to that of the aesthetics of higher style, narrower conceptversion of the beauty fits, after which neither the merely sensual, pleasing, nor quite

    the inner spiritual territory Falling beautiful is subsumed under the term. But as a whole according to Nicely, it behaves in these relationships with good. Theexpressions useful, beneficial, useful, valuable, healing can not be heard by thecommon man, he has virtually all aesthetic expression of the beautiful, for all

    practical categories only the same expression, is the most general meaning, and aboutblessings for a great abundance of good both at the same time if the meanest. Theeducated speech and word usage is just as the distinction between the practical andaesthetic categories, but can also often as little of the broadest version of the conceptof good abstract as the term beautiful, because of a general description of the

    pleasure-giver under Mitrcksicht on contexts and consequences often just asnecessary as the distinction between the sub-concepts and nuances there is nointerest.

    The same as the ratio of the main categories Beautiful and Good to the subordinatecategories can be said to each other by the ratio of the two main categories. They aredifferentiated in daily life quite as mentioned before.

    As they say in daily traffic to others: "It's nice of you to come," if you want theimmediate pleasure that brings the coming of the Gentiles give an expression, "it isgood that you have come," if you thinking about consequences of his coming in thesense of pleasure or for the prevention of pain. - There is talk of weather or goodweather, according to the same immediate positive impression or want the pleasingeffects that it promises to call. - Copies of the One might say it is a lovely, of Andre,it's a good painting. You probably want to express the same in substance, but the Asummarizes the painting here, as it really brings pleasure by his presence, the Andresums it up as such properties possessing that it can bring pleasure under the requiredconditions, without his prints something to indicate the current pleasurable effect ofthe painting. - It's called a house is beautifully built, when it was built in such

    proportions, embellished so desire it granted directly by the sight of him. But such a

    house could be built so that it would prefer sooner or later collapsed over our headsIn using or inconvenience to himself, which would be greater than the pleasure thatnow gives us his vision. Then we would be able to read it but not well built; also nice

    but we would not find it if its poor construction in the immediate impression madesuch claims to transmit the pain of the consequences of association as that. - I heardsomeone say, "if one curls the vine, the grapes ripen earlier and bigger." "This isindeed quite nice," said one of others, "but I think it not to be good,., He will sufferfrom this unnatural treatment and you lose the whole more like a win" With the prints

    beautiful he was referring to the immediate pleasure, expressing good on the whole

    profit with the inclusion of the consequences. - If one thing that has made us a longtime difficulties, finally came into being in the right way, or an evil that has plaguedus a long time, is finally lifted, it will be in spite of the immediate pleasure, what you

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    have thereto, but not say, "now is it beautiful," but "now it is good"; if we still livelyenters the context of success with the expiration of the upscale and eliminated for thefollowing difficulties or evils in mind than the present gratifying success itself

    Since the quality of the immediate pleasure effects, where they exist, always comeinto consideration, they can of course only be considered where they are present

    alone, or where no specific cause is, except them rather on consequences in terms ofpleasure or pain to think. So no need in such cases very well synonymous, thereforejust says so often that tastes good, smells good, as that tastes good, smells good,which takes off well, as that takes off beautifully.

    On the other hand, we can according to the mentioned above made observation adevice or action that is called good with respect to their expected legal consequences,are also nice, so far they are so presents itself in connection with its consequences,that the idea of making an immediate pleasure impression. One only has to maintainconceptual clarity, always envisage what aspects of it are one and the same prettysoon, soon well known, and is given the distinction between the two terms are thenalways confirmed.

    With the concept of quality is intimately connected to the concept of value. Shortone can understand the scale of the value of quality. As such, it is also a measure of

    the yield pleasure, we at things, actions, create conditions 3) , with Bcksicht thataverted applies with equal or superior displeasure generated content. In other words,we measure things and relations at a level that they contribute according to humanhappiness or unhappiness prevent, eradicate.

    3) When exchange values or prices, the difficulty of raising comes as a factorin Mitrechnung.

    That we can not estimate mathematically the desire yield 4) , nothing changes in theconcept of value, we can see the value of those things that can not be estimatedmathematically, both estimate defects, you want to keep it going, not only parallel,

    but boil down to the same . But we can sometimes sensible to consider some for awhole resulting from the experiences and teachings feelings, which in general ismuch more determining and often much safer than those that estimate an effect moreor less of the value within certain limits of security by, and must let us meet them, sowe are not able to continue to drive to safety. Daily, hourly, but man, all young if youmet him to look at his proportionate contribution to increase, maintain or decrease ofhuman happiness, just pleasure and pain on his return. Without his knowing it,

    pleasure and pain results for a whole of successes expected in his feelings out, so thathe comes to value provisions of the things that he himself does not know how, andoften without the mind seems to have something done to it; although not the sameeverywhere it is still to be idle. Meanwhile, make funds available to the individual forobtaining the correct value rules for bids, not far, and it is based mainly on assays thathave been found through the experiences and reflections of a population in history,

    which he but even something may contribute to or alter them to make solid.4) A mathematical actually (only undisputed psychophysical possible) measure

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    Higher desire (lust of higher character) has greater value only insofar as lower thanit is at once the source of more pleasure. The child's delight in his innocent games,the lust of the industrious laborer at his simple meal but, although low, is still morevaluable than the desire for a bad or immoral intrigue novels.

    Generally follows the length of the value concept of different length, in whichmakes the concept of the good catch, and vice versa, according to which the value isoften only for a limited circle of contexts and consequences, as we have it right infront of eyes, including the immediate pleasure yield is measured. But they put new

    pleasure and pain not only in lower common sense, one estimates the pleasure andpain conditions not only by their expected legal Endure in individual selfishmomentary pleasure and pain, but according to the presupposed yield on the wholefor the whole, we shall thus the have true and full value of these Conditions highestcommon factors. An absolute estimate of the true value of things and relations iscertainly an ideal, but it can be said that virtue is truly valuable as a vice, and ingeneral can be relative judgments in this regard is simply easier to make thanabsolute.

    The agreeable and the beautiful narrower sense we can attach greater value undercertain circumstances, as that which is useful only for its consequences, both becausethe immediate pleasurable effect of the pleasant and beautiful all the pleasurableeffect of the useful, the terms of its concept only limited scope is concerned, canoffer, secondly, because the concept of beauty in the narrowest sense, the real beauty,a Mitrcksicht includes the desire to follow as a side with determination. The real

    beauty, by suggestions that granted it in good sense, use more than what is merelyuseful or say. However the people seems good in the narrower and higher sense, themoral and Divine good of all, to be what the highest awards and has, because in themost common and most rigid conditions of maintaining a prosperous state ofhumanity lie at all. Without rational thought that people feel in the spirit and action ofmoral people to ensure in this respect, as far as it depends on human will and action,out, and so immoral in the opposite.

    We see, for example, someone who is funny, witty, turning in behavior, clever,

    beautiful, who would not like to be that person who does not envy him for all thepleasure he scatters effortlessly around and once is enough. But now it says he is a

    bad person, dissolute, hard against his own people, dishonest, and he is lost in our

    opinion and respect, even as he entertains us, hosted, creeps us an eerie feeling. We

    feel comfortable that all the pleasure that enters his wit, his spirit, his dexterous

    conduct him immediately, and others, do not weigh as much as the pain, which will

    bring its profligacy through its consequences himself than in the sad hours He makes

    his wife and his household, as the evil that he brings through his dishonesty about

    Andre. All those fancy appears to us only as the white foam over a dark lake of

    pain. We do not say that of course in detail: but our educated through countless

    experiences and teachings feeling has the power, you could say all what the mind

    singly, to unite in a resultant.

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    Suppose now that over the dry, set, yes pedantic man of unimposing Affairs, who

    knows how to entertain nobody good, but does his duty, his office in order managed

    by forces the community and useful institutions promotes, with his wife in Peace lives

    and educates his children well, although it does not contribute through spiritual

    means that are not available at his command, but by material as much as he can to

    pleasure the other, we would certainly not like to be so dry and pedantic, as he; butat the Wertsvergleichung it with what precedes we will not for a moment be present to

    put him on the preceding, we will be using it, how we express ourselves, pay higher

    than that; eighth but is nothing when the value estimate; - by well- feel, how much

    more pleasure but as a whole flows from his conduct, than from the former things.

    However, we estimate characteristics of a human being not only if they can be

    brought under the concept of morality, but rather Anything starting brings the world

    of a man plenty of pleasure higher nature, is held up by the world and only knows the

    higher still the right feeling to put on that high. What Goethe is appreciated but

    regardless he was morally no more than so many minor spirits. How much is a singerin the values if she is beautiful and sings beautifully, even if one of them knows

    nothing of morality. And even when you know that it is something reckless, we forgive

    you many things about her beauty and her beautiful singing's sake, and would prefer

    it be this careless, but not bad, being, as a so-called moral silly goose. Why? because

    that is a living wellspring of desire, and a drought this pool. The scale of pleasure

    upheld by all. But if the same singer who enraptures us with her songs and her grace,

    yet modest and classy appears in its essence, as unspeakably higher we make it then

    but at the same time as the reckless, which throws away, and when the silly goose. We

    feel that the whole world here in the infinity of desire to win more than one individualdebauchery, and the good will of the other stupid.

    Conscience, which assures the people of his own goodness, gives him a sense of

    security about everything beyond what may initially result from his actions, and is the

    most precious feeling at the same time by his immediate texture like. According to its

    consequences In neither feelings of their own beauty, nor the beauty of something

    Anderm is something similar. What we now have it, we have, the rest remains to be

    seen, except that a character of goodness at the same time with ausprge.

    If some against the eudaemonistic feature that passes through all the previous

    system of concepts and necessary related to an ethical system of correspondingcharacter, bucking, so they may consider whether they are not with their otherconceptual system only less clear-way objectively to the same ethical conclusionscome, and her aversion to the introduction of the pleasure concept in the practical andhereby ethical categories not only to lower at a and at all limited version of this termdepends on which one is always inclined in spite of conflicting requirement totransfer from the common life in science , after which he certainly is ethicallyimpermissible inferences room. Anyway, the previous system of concepts to those notin the aesthetics, and since it will folgends act much about this, not about ethics, so I

    can take use of it to justify in detail the same system for ethics, but it will be somediscussion in this yet at the end of this section apply direction (under 4). To leaveentirely up side was in any case the discussion of practical categories therefore here

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    not because they, if not implement the highest point for the aesthetic centering,aligned but in earlier briefly touched and future (under IX) closer executed way intoaesthetic categories and thus in the aesthetics can be intrusive, the concept of good inthe narrowest version of beauty enters directly determining factors.

    Lotze, whose views divide the eudaemonistic feature with our6) , are yet to thereby

    impacting terms like, Nice, Good, value, a very different position to each other, as

    happened here, including making the beautiful only from moral goodness depends

    instead to consider both in a common dependence on the fancy terms, as we did, by

    declaring for beautiful that of7), in whose appearance the rhythm (reflecting the

    structure of the flow) and the ratio of forms in which the moral good in us and

    beyond us expresses in the divine world-order and leadership and moved. In the

    desire produce of external things and circumstances, so that their pleasing

    impression is conditioned, it looks so to say only the stamp of "own excellence" of the

    same, which rests in the fact that they have of that rhythm, those forms of relations

    something in itself, in us reflect, without being therefore the actual content of the

    moral good need to carry with them. 8) only this, even the moral good but he senses a

    fundamental, all others only a derived, at value. The notion that good, as the

    quintessential Precious, to which we find ourselves hereby finally rejected, he builds

    on the concept of pleasure in the highest potency (the bliss) by the following

    statement (Mikrok. III, 608.) 9) : is "good in itself enjoyed the bliss, the goods we call

    it, are a means to that good, but not even that good before they are transformed into

    their enjoyment; well but is only the living love that seeks the salvation of the other.

    " To the execution thereof, it can not enter into here.

    6) Key sayings in this regard sua in Mikrokosm. II 3047) Abh customary. d lim. d Sch. 15 or shops. 978) business. 100th 232 234th 265th 286th 293 4879) Is there, as well presuppose another specific statement here on in Lotze, yet

    such has escaped my searching.

    This is now certainly a very different conceptual framework than ours, without thatthere is therefore a factual contradiction between the two. But I do think that the

    according to the common manner of use of the terms is our more than that of Lotze,

    which is even more in terms of ethics and aesthetics from above than from below,

    while Lotze elsewhere moves with success in the last direction.

    There is a term of common use for the sequence, the hinbiegt from one side to themore aesthetic, more of the other to the practical side. Much of what we would callneither pretty nor beautiful, we can still find interesting. Indisputably one will beinclined to expect this category to the positive rather than negative, but may be

    interested in something ugly to ourselves, how is that right? - The answer is that wefind something interesting, to say nothing else than that it us for this or that poem

    points like us to deal with it without the need therefore to please us as pretty or

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    beautiful in the whole. Rather, it may be only for circumstances pleasing this or thatproperty, to the ties, interest, and even the charm of novelty can do one thinginteresting, so long as it is new to us, so the ugly Pastrana. But the benefit or harm,the one thing makes for some aspects or promises can draw our attention to yourself,and in speeches as that someone has an interest in eye drops even the concept of

    interest with the benefit or advantage themselves together. With the terms of the beauty and goodness of the word of truth combined to form akind of trinity everywhere. We only go here as briefly as possible to answer his

    position to those terms.

    Absolutely, absolutely, objectively true, is an idea which is contradiction with anyother real or possibly to adopt even non-contradictory notion, or the total circlescontradiction belongs with the other existing ideas; she certainly is aware of thefulfillment of the conditions of truth. Pursuant but as this term of the absolutely truthand conscience suffers limitations or is taken only conditionally, as only applied tocertain performance areas or percipient beings, or the conditions of truth or certaintyonly be conceived more or less satisfied incomplete, enter the absolute Categories thetruth and certainty of more or less relatively valid, which can be summarized as thetheoretical with the absolute, which are: intrinsically true, externally true subjectivelycertain, correct, accurate, concise, persuasive, reliable, undoubtedly, credible, likely,etc. of positive character, which does not correspond to many less of a negativecharacter.

    First, now you missed these provisions, relationship of truth to the beautiful and thegood, but if such is not directly on the point comes to light, it advocates on asfundamental in factual, and our being able the beautiful and good in terms of us todefine unknown last general reason of pleasure, would also find herein the conceptualrelationship of truth. In fact, not just an aboriginal feeling of pleasure is directlylinked to the knowledge of the truth and finding truths, which acts as a driving forcein science and appears in art as a fruit of the fulfillment of an important requirement,

    but it can also only true knowledge to good practical consequences drove, so it can beconcluded that even reversed by a very general principle, the truth of a knowledge of

    their goodness, but what to enter into any detail here. 10)

    10) Comp. about the "three motives and Gr. of Eq." Page 120 The good thing considering in one after all as the serious man and of the whole

    budget folder, present and future, near and far, and to maintain the advantage for allrelationships examined, the beauty of the blooming wife, who worried the present,with consideration on the will of man, the pleasant child, what delights in sensualenjoyment and games of the individual; the useful servant, which the rule does hand

    performance with only bread receives according as he deserves such. The truth finallycomes as a preacher and teacher of the members of the family added, as a preacher inthe faith, as a teacher in knowledge, and it borrows the good eye, the hand leads the

    useful and the beautiful holds a mirror up.3) Aesthetic, aesthetic.

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    It will still apply, so far the only use of the term casually drawn into the aestheticand aesthetics as the science of aesthetics closer to explain and hereby also the area inwhich the considerations of this document is keep certain limit.

    According to the etymology and original declaration by Baumgarten (of whichaesthetics as a science dates), and Kant would go Aesthetic to the world of the senses

    or forms of sensory perception in general without regard to agreeableness andMiflligkeit, and thereafter aesthetics a theory of sense perception ( or their forms)

    mean anyway 11) , for an explanation, which still later, some are followed without herbut each execution of the aesthetic is followed. In fact, how far would have to reachfor certain page and how closely together to pull the other side of the aesthetics, itshould meet this definition and not exceed. All the conditions of sensuous perceptionwith little of the same detachable relationship to physiological and physicalconditions would belong to them, from Goethe's Faust and the Sistine Madonna, butonly what the mind is stirred, the aesthetic consideration be subjected to.So far after

    one and so close to the other side you have never taken aesthetics and they were noteven taken by Baumgarten himself, but from him the fact that he gets the beautiful asthat which is perfect sensory perception to the main objects of contemplation andincurs aspects that go beyond the physical conditions purely sensory perception, has

    been transferred to the now hergebrachte version of aesthetics. What one can say thatfrom the outset today as in the manner of use of the term aesthetics, as in execution, ifnot anywhere in the definition of teaching, he has made reference to pleasure anddispleasure essential law.

    11) Thus, even in Kant in his transcendental aesthetics, however, he later, in hisCritique of Judgment, which contains the actual foundation of its aesthetics,aesthetics and aesthetics rather used in the now usual sense, which hascontributed well itself mainly to the current manner of use of these terms .

    So you understand now under aesthetically even know what to conditionsimmediate pleasure and displeasure refers to that which enters through the senses inus without but merely to have the purely sensual side of it in mind as rather relations

    of the sensible, as in the Music and association concepts that merge directly with thesupernatural, as the words in poetry and the forms in the visual arts, finally ratios ofthese ideas, in so far as the pleasure or displeasure linked to everything, with in therealm of aesthetics are drawn. Yes to a narrower many other particulars of theaesthetic one even includes that which is able to arouse only his sensual or little

    beyond reaching effect of pleasure or displeasure, the concept of the aesthetic todisplay only the directly from the higher point of view, for higher relations pleasingand Mifallende including to conceive. So you look at, for example, the pleasingimpression that a pure rich tone, deep saturated color, the fragrance of a flower, theflavor of a food is able to awaken without any show linkage, as nothing Aesthetic,

    probably even makes the impression of a simple chord, as the kaleidoscopic figure asstill too low, are not considered as such, and takes consideration of all the just under

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    the designation as pleasant, but for the express exclusion from the terms of theaesthetic fact as to classification including in the aesthetics on.

    Now you have to admit that this restriction of the aesthetic is not only in commonuse in life but also in the whole predominant scientific many other particulars, andlast page is even often were explicitly this restriction. But not any scientific treatment

    of aesthetics has turned it, and in more general version of which is altogetherimpossible, are here to stay, out of the two reasons that there are enough factors,which engage together on lower and higher favor, and that both themselves (afterSection V) can connect to a consistently greater and higher products. So let us alsoadd the following to the narrower than in accordance with many other particulars asthe circle of view is narrowed accordingly, without principle, to limit ourselves,which incidentally has neither the sense to reform the use of ordinary life, still othersto the narrow use for a want to fight from the outset more restrictive circle ofobservation.

    Of course, aesthetics is even today not all explicitly stated in terms of pleasure anddispleasure, pleasure and pain, namely the extent they are declared as a lesson of

    beauty, but makes the concept of beauty of other terms, such as the idea of perfectionand so dependent which above discussed shortly. Since they but in fact in any design,it has been found wesentlichst or, preferably, with the objects to the sides, makingthem suitable to arouse pleasure or displeasure, busy, and those terms itself, which inthe main explanations play a role, find their principal use in this direction, it seems

    best, in fact, the point of which equal the same record as the main aspect of theaesthetic in the definition to hereby designate the direction of its task a priori

    clear. And if that is not the prevailing sense of aesthetics from above, so I'm lookingfor earlier made observation in the fact that they do not meet with their initialstatements to the nail from the outset on the head, the reason that he more or lessoblique direction increases, which means you just can not thus learns what is in thethings actually arrives to the pleasure and displeasure, but just how far something issubordinated to put at the top of idealistic point of view, what the concept of pleasureand displeasure is only an incidental .

    From some points of view, it would, however, be desirable to use the term aesthetic

    in a different turn when he accepted the relationship to pleasure and displeasure, if

    only not this relationship in the dominant language and concept of many otherparticulars objects already too tight and to compensate another term for bids

    circumstances. Every object with which we operate has even accepted by this traffic

    reaches beyond a sensual impression his importance for us, to make that impression

    with both claims as in our 9 Section will be discussed in detail. Thus we see in a

    crown not merely a yellow stripe with some elevations, but at the same time a thing,

    which is intended to cover the head of a king. Common ground now, one may wish to

    refer to such impressions that consist of a sensual and associates it meaning with a

    specific word, but there is none for it if you do not want to take aesthetically it;

    making but the relationship to agreeableness and Miflligkeit would remove asmuch, for it can be found under such impressions indifferent enough, the pleasing

    and simply form a peculiar department displeased them, and based on a previous

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    general term aesthetics but also as could then vorzugsweisem of interest in a

    particular department to be treated.

    Much this is the view of the aesthetic and the aesthetic that C. Hermann in his plan

    d general aesthetics 1857 (Fri butcher) and his aesthetic theory of color 1876 (M.

    Shepherd) represents, and I do not know what principle against Imposition of such a

    theory would argue, would from which our aesthetic in some respects constitute onlythat particular department, so far as one does not intends to build purely direct

    impressions without associated meaning. Hermann, however, is based only on the

    result of the association principle, without going into the development of the

    principle itself, and followed the course of the whole, more than from the top down,

    so that our meeting is only a partial with him. Also has a doctrine which represents

    the point of view of how our pleasure and displeasure at the top of associated

    meanings and take into consideration only after their participation in the pleasure

    and displeasure, required to take a slightly different turn, as such, that the aspect of

    participation of sensory impressions through a meaning to shows up andagreeableness and Miflligkeit pulls in an ancillary manner considered.

    Common ground could be under detention the relationship to pleasure and painhave a wide generalization of the notion think aesthetically, namely, that recklesswhether the impressions of the outside world come and happen immediately, underaesthetically ever minds what to conditions of pleasure and pain refers to aesthetics atall a doctrine which, inner and outer, tracks the overall pleasure and pain conditionsin the world according to their conceptual and legal relationships, linkages, modes oforigin and engaging ways. And in any event, take a term in such a fashion and the

    idea of such a comprehensive theory of pleasure and pain lets up, it may also arise ascientific need to use those expressions in this broadest sense, should not let other seeit. However, the term is aesthetically never used in such a while, been already

    proposed the term hedonic for the general teaching but to my knowledge. 12)To sucha general theory but it will be here at any rate not to do, and so we will of expressionaesthetically in such a largest width only when the traffic exceptionally leads to theconceptual context and makes it understandable by itself.

    12) are the main features of such a theory, without the use of the word hedonism

    for it, you may Hartsens "broad science of happiness. room. Pepper. 1869" andits "beginning of wisdom. Lpz. Thomas 1874", pamphlet, with their Bottom ofpure swing and eudaemonistic trend I find myself in full agreement.

    In some ways, divide the human heart, there are two that fall through each other,just as classification according to different sides and levels. After first there is a pageof feeling and imagination with what it grows into memories, terminology, etc., oneside of the drive and determination and a side of feeling of pleasure and displeasure,

    rooting into it which or as participation in the first page in depth in mediate and finaldrives is putting held between the two. After second Eintei-ment as a low sensual andhigher spiritual level that can be further divided or can convey through different

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    intermediate stages. The aesthetics of our text now refers to the side of pleasure andpain, if any immediately awakened to depend on foreign ideas and feelings, butupheld the lower and higher field by both insofar as the higher salaries of thesesensations and ideas for her pleasure - and displeasure with content falling withintheir area.

    Herbart takes ethics into aesthetics, and if you want to raise the latter to a generalhedonic what did not happen by Herbart, the former will include aspects of

    eudmonistischem with less. Apart from this but it is my opinion always be preferable

    to separate aesthetics and ethics to the above stated aspects of the beautiful and the

    good, as beat up from the envisaged by Herbart points, which does not prevent,

    respond to this as of other relationship between them aware . It is true that the moral

    good, purely taken from secondary ideas, brought an immediate pleasure, and the

    same thing of beauty. But apart from that the moral good is a purely inward thing,

    which is not the beauty in the narrow sense, which we call good is not good in that it

    legally considered an immediate pleasure aroused, this is a minor matter, is to tellhim so externally; but as it is, no matter how it appears to a viewer in the specified

    (under 2) sense is the source of flourishing consequences. From this and no doubt

    from the standpoint of immediate good will, moral laws and requirements under

    consideration of the experiential nature of men and things are to be derived. Here

    you will certainly find others also Herbart pattern ethical terms, but see no reason to

    include developments in the context of the same, and enter into their discussion of

    Herbart basic aspects.

    Is there a the whole world controlling and linking conscious mind, just a god over

    the world, of which our and all finite conscious mind it flowed, or still is a child ofnature, and wants to venture on the basis of generalization and increase thefundamental provisions of our mind to think of the divine spirit - another indicationof the idea of reason and the conclusion it but we have not - one would have to thinkof one side of the pleasure and pain in him and in what he likes and dislikes in hisworld. Thereof, the terms already, because you, but do not know how to do withoutan anthropomorphism that one rejects basically. But you took the gloves with thatgeneralization and improvement due to the fact that the finite mind of the divine thatwell but can not be equal to the basic essence as a figment in the enclosure and

    height, and they pursued after upgrade from bottom side of the pleasure and pain oftheir top season in the divine spirit backwards in relation to the equally erklimmtenhighest ideas of good and truth, one would obtain an aesthetics from above, in whichwere to occur in the beauty of the relationship with the Divine, which is attributed tohim so much, really clearly followed . But not even the point of such a justification,the aesthetics of the top granted or is made clear, all speech is an explanation of the

    beautiful in God a sweet-sounding phrase.

    4) Eudmonistisches principle.

    Our respect for the aesthetic reduction of ethical categories and success-orientedaesthetics to ethics is a eudaemonistic (happiness, pleasure-setting as a goal)happened approaches, and I do not see how it could happen at the same time clear

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    and proper. The prejudice against the subordinati