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Preschool English Activity Book - Libris.ro

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Page 2: Preschool English Activity Book - Libris.ro

1. Letter / Litera A................4

2. Letter / Litera M ...............5

3. Letter / Litera | .................6

4. Letter / Litera T.................7

5. Letter / Litera O................8

6. Letter N / Litera N............9

7. Cock-A-Doodle-Doo

Cucurigu .........10-11

8. Letter / Litera S................12

9. Letter / Litera E ................13

10. Letter / Litera R................14

1 1. Letter / Litera J.................15

1 2. Letter / Litera U ................16

13. Letter / Litera L ................17

14. The Foolish Fish :

Pegtigorul nesibuit ......... 1 8-1 9

15. Letter / Litera K................20

16. Letter / Litera D................21

17. Letter / Litera G................22

18. Letter / Litera P ................23

19. Letter / Litera Z ...,............24

20. Letter / Litera V................25

21. A Christmas Surprise

O surprizd de Crdciun...2&127

22. Letler / Litera 8................28

23. Letter / Litera H................29

24. Make the Pattern

SE facem un mode|.........30

25. Colour Me a Pet

ColoreazS-mi citelul,.... 31

26. Letter / Litera F.................32

27. Letter / Litera C................31i1

28. Letter / Litera W...............34

29. A Thirsty Crow

O cioari insetati ............36

30. Letter / Litera Y.................36

31. Letter / Litera X..........----37

32. The Wind and The Leaucs

Wntul gi frunzele ---38€933. Letter / Litera Q--.40

Page 3: Preschool English Activity Book - Libris.ro

Colour the first letters of the given words.Coloreazd primele litere ale cuvintelor aritate.

AXE2. Now let's learn how to write the letter A.

Acum si invitim cum si scriem litera A.

3. 9ircle the letter A in the words given below.A

Incercuiegte litera A tn cuvintele de mat jos.



a. ANT







Page 4: Preschool English Activity Book - Libris.ro

1,. Colour the first letters of the given words.Coloreazd, primele litere ale cuvintelor aritate.




MIRROR2. Now let's learn how to write the letter M.

Acum si invitim cum si scrlem litera M.

Colour everything that starts with the letter M.Coloreazl, tot ce tncepe cu litera M.

Page 5: Preschool English Activity Book - Libris.ro

Coch,l'Doodle=DooA llttle boy got out of bed

It was only slx o'clock

And out the wlndow he poked hls head. ,

And rpled a cruwlng eock.

The llttle boy rald, "Mn Blrd,

Pleaoe tell me who arc you?'

And dl the an$ru that he heard

Was, nCocl-adonrlle-doot"

'What worild 5rou thlnk, lf pu wene me,

He sald, "And tr I rerc you?"

But stlll that bld hts crylng


"Now hark to me, pu rtuptd tGraHow much ls two tlmes two?'

That old btrd wlnked one eye, and rrHJust "Cock-a-doodle-doot"

The boy then slammed the wlndory down,

To a fenee the old bfud flew,

And flapplng hard hls two wlngs bruwn

Crled, "Cock-a-doodle-doodle-doodle-dool"

CucurlSuC6nd s-a dat jos din pat bliatul

Era ora 6 fix.

$i-a scos pe fereastri capul,

Cflnd cocogul da din plisc.

Pugtiu-i zise: "Pasilre,

Spune-mi, zilu, cine egti tu?"

Dar tot ceea ce-nfelese

A fost doar "Cucurigu!"

'Ce-ai zice dacil tu ai fr eu,

Zise el, "gi eu at fr tu?"

Dar paslrea cAnta mereu:

Atffta doar, "Cucurigu"

"Ia asculti, cap piltrat,

Ciit fac doi gi cu doi, si zici acu'!"

Pasirea a-nchis un ochi gi a cflntat

Doar atflt 'Cucurigu!"

Atunci lreiatul a inchis fereastra,

Spre gadul unde pasirea stltu

S6-gi fluture-aripa gi creasta

$i sd mai strige "Cucu-riguuu!"