2011 November PresbyNews.docx Page 1 of 13 PresbyNews November 2011 Volume 36 Number 11 Published at 625 Florin Road Sacramento CA 95831 916-428-3439 www.faithpresby.org Pastor Jeff Chapman Associate Pastors Jim Zazzera, Patrick Vaughn, Next PresbyNews Deadline November 20 Sunday Services 9:00 and 11:00 Sunday School P-5 th : 9 and 11 6 th – 8 th Grade: 9 am 9 th – 12 th Grade: 11 am Adult Class: 10 – 11 November 5 Faith’s Rummage Sale See page 8 November 13 Fall Stewardship Campaign See page 2 November 16 Presbyterian Women Meet See page 2 November 20 Next Sunday School Class Begins See page 4 November 20 Next Look @ Faith See page 9 November 27 Hanging of the Greens See page 13 December 4 First Week of the Giving Tree See page 4 The PresbyNews is published monthly by a team of volunteer writers. Please send your submissions to Editor Suzy Hughes at [email protected] Advent At Faith Although it still seems like summer, Advent really is right around the corner! There will be special celebrations beginning with the Hanging of the Greens on November 27 th , all the way through Christmas Morning. See Page 12 for all the details!

PresbyNews Sunday Services 9:00 and 11:00...•Confessions, by St. Augustine • The Rule of St. Benedict, by St. Benedict • The Dark Night of the Soul, by St. John of the Cross

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  • 2011 November PresbyNews.docx Page 1 of 13


    November 2011 Volume 36 Number 11

    Published at 625 Florin Road

    Sacramento CA 95831 916-428-3439


    Pastor Jeff Chapman Associate Pastors

    Jim Zazzera, Patrick Vaughn,

    Next PresbyNews Deadline

    November 20

    Sunday Services 9:00 and 11:00

    Sunday School P-5th: 9 and 11

    6th – 8th Grade: 9 am

    9th – 12th Grade: 11 am Adult Class: 10 – 11

    November 5 Faith’s Rummage Sale

    See page 8

    November 13 Fall Stewardship Campaign

    See page 2

    November 16 Presbyterian Women Meet

    See page 2

    November 20 Next Sunday School Class Begins

    See page 4

    November 20 Next Look @ Faith

    See page 9

    November 27 Hanging of the Greens

    See page 13

    December 4 First Week of the Giving Tree

    See page 4

    The PresbyNews is published monthly by a team of volunteer writers.

    Please send your submissions to Editor

    Suzy Hughes at [email protected]

    Advent At Faith

    Although it still seems like summer, Advent really is right around the corner!

    There will be special celebrations beginning with the Hanging of the Greens on November 27th, all

    the way through Christmas Morning.

    See Page 12 for all the details!

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    Church Updates Fall Stewardship Campaign

    A favorite scripture reading of those of us involved in the Stewardship Ministry is from Mathew 6:21: “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” After almost three years of being Stewardship Elder, it is clear to me that the heart of Faith Presbyterian Church is in the right place. Time and time again – even through tough economic times – our congregation has shown extraordinary generosity. Sometimes we have to take it on Faith (no pun intended) that our financial gifts are being used wisely. Few of us, for example, will actually travel to Abaya Ethiopia but we listen to those who have, as well as read the testimonials from the children we sponsor there. Other times, the fruits of our gifts are right in front of us, such as our wonderful, brand new organ which will enhance our worship experience in great ways. As we enter our fall Stewardship campaign, we must all remember that the extent of our giving should not be based on the question “how much of my funds do I wish to give to Faith?” but rather we should ask ourselves “how much of what God has given us – which is everything – should we return to Him?” It is hard to approach this difficult question and is certainly something I struggle with myself. In the next few weeks we should all dedicate a least a little of our time for prayer and reflection on this issue. If we do, our Congregation will, once again, show that it is a community loving Christ, building disciples, serving all. Peace, Jon Coupal

    Views from the Pews Beginning in the January issue of the PresbyNews, we will be launching a new column "Views from the Pews". This is your opportunity as a member of the congregation to share your insights of your faith journey and perspective. We ask that you keep your message under 250 words, and submit it by the 18th of each month. The editor and PresbyNews team will disseminate the submitted articles. The team maintains the right to edit or refuse any article based on whether it is appropriate for the publication. Please submit your view from the pew to Elder of Communications- David Nash at [email protected]

    Abaya Vision Team Chosen As many of you know, our Vision Team that will travel to Abaya, Ethiopia has been chosen. The members are Jon Cash, Virginia Escalante, Jenny May, David Nash, Natalie Reyes, Maria Rodriguez and Pastor Jim Zazzera. This team will be visiting the Area Development Project we have been supporting through our child sponsorships and special gifts. They will be travelling to Ethiopia at the beginning of March 2012. In preparation they will be doing some training to learn about Ethiopia and World Vision work, raising some support for part of their travel funding, and seeking your questions as they attempt to be a communication bridge between the people of Faith Presbyterian and the people of Abaya. Our first meeting together will be in a few weeks, so please pray for us all as we prepare on behalf of this church and Christ’s mission.

    Presbyterian Women Presbyterian Women will be meeting on Wednesday, November 16th. Our speaker will be our own Sally Vigren. Her topic will be ‘Volunteering for the Freeport School’. All women of the church are invited.

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    Pastor’s Column Books Every Christian Should Read Pastor Jim Zazzera I just started reading a newly published book called 25 Books Every Christian Should Read: A Guide to the Essential Spiritual Classics, authored by an editorial board from a group called Renovare. It is a fascinating group and an even more fascinating concept. Though I am planning to read the book about these books, I can’t promise you I will read all the recommended texts. It looks to be quite a daunting task. Here are some of the books they list:

    • Confessions, by St. Augustine • The Rule of St. Benedict, by St. Benedict • The Dark Night of the Soul, by St. John of the Cross • The Pilgrim's Progress, by John Bunyan • The Practice of the Presence of God, by Brother Lawrence • The Brothers Karamazov, by Fyodor Dostoevsky • The Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins • The Cost of Discipleship, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer • The Seven Storey Mountain, by Thomas Merton • The Return of the Prodigal Son, by Henri J. M. Nouwen

    To be honest, I have read a few of the books (though I am not sure how much I retained of Brothers Karamazov from so many years ago), but most are ones from which I have only read excerpts. (You can see the full list at this link: www.renovare.us/25books) I must say, I do find this an interesting concept. What books would I recommend to brothers and sisters in faith? Would they be books about prayer? Wonderfully crafted fiction? Books of theology that spell out the details of our belief? True and inspirational stories? Biblical studies? Poetry? I suppose the answer is that it depends on the person I am talking to. Not all of us are drawn to all books. Yet even in this digital age where paper has become e-ink, most of us find some writing that inspires us, encourages our growth, and deepens our faith. Even without Oprah using the airwaves to tell us what to read, there are still titles to be explored. So I ask you, what would you recommend as essential books for every Christian? (No choosing the Bible, either, we all know that that is #1!) Try this exercise right now. What five books (25 may be more than many of us can think of) would you recommend that every Christian read sometime in his or her life? Or, if you like, what 5 books have been most influential in your life? It is a challenging thought, isn’t it? And if you come up with 5 or 10 books – email the list to me and I will be glad to publish it in an upcoming newsletter. Here is the only condition: if you do send a list, you must write a sentence or phrase about each book to say why you consider it important. AND, no fair submitting books you haven’t read yourself! So, you are probably wondering (or maybe not), what books would I recommend? I’m going to disappoint you – I am not yet ready to offer my ideas yet. I do have some thoughts and I promise I will offer them in an upcoming newsletter with a bit of annotation. From the beginning or our history, Christians have been (as our Jewish ancestors were before us) people of the book, people of stories and ideas, people of words, people of the Word. There is good reason for us to read and to be read to. So pick up a good book (or 25). And pass it on!

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    Opportunities to Get Involved! Faith’s Annual Giving Tree The Christmas season is approaching quickly and will be here before we know it. This means it will be time for our annual Faith Giving Tree. Each year our Giving Tree adopts four organizations in need of help. I ask you to prayerfully pick one or all to help their wishes come true. Please mark your calendars and bring your gifts to be placed under the tree in the sanctuary on the Sundays noted. God Bless us all during this time of year and may the spirit of God move you!

    • December 4th: The Mustard Seed School. This is the emergency school for homeless children of families involved with Loaves and Fishes. They are in need of car seats that can accommodate under/above 40lbs. Our goal is to collect enough donations so we can provide them with five of these car seats.

    • December 11th: Freeport Elementary School. We are so excited to have this new local partnership and hope you are too. We would like to help ensure our students arrive to school warm and dry ready to learn and to help encourage their love of reading.

    Freeport is asking for children’s coats/jackets and/ or children’s reading books

    • December 18th: St. John’s Shelter for Women and Children. The Giving Tree is holding its first Diaper and Wipes

    drive. St. Johns is in need of sizes 1, 4, & 5 diapers and Pull Ups. On the same Sunday, our own Crafters Club will be selling their handmade hats and scarves to be donated to St. Johns, with monies collected going to Mission Projects.

    • December 24th: SSIP Food Closet. The Food Closet is in great need of canned meats, cereal, and of course our

    tradition of jars of Peanut Butter. Any questions please call Lisa Swanson 451-7234

    New Adult Sunday School Class Begins November 20th

    Come and spend a few weeks studying one of the smaller but most powerful books of the New Testament. In this book, the apostle Paul gives advice to young Christians that is still important for us today. Paul had seen the enthusiasm of the Colossian Christians but knew they had no idea of the dangers they would face. Longing for them to continue growing in faith, Paul wrote this letter to his young flock, affirming them, warning them of hazards and pointing them to Jesus, the supreme one who was with them and at work in them. Pastor Zazzera will lead this study at 10:15 am each Sunday beginning November 20th.

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    Notes on the Harvest Dinner By Hazel Watson As a newbie at Faith, I am struck by how this community multi-tasks. The Harvest dinner was not only a chance to get some good eats and good entertainment, to get some early Christmas shopping done, and get to know your pew neighbor, it was also a chance to ensure that children have an opportunity to build their faith at Westminster Woods. Which is important to me, because my time there was pivotal to my faith journey. So here are my humble observations and reflections on the Harvest Dinner. When I first arrived I was somewhat disappointed that no one told me to wear my Western duds; then I realized the red and black bandannas signified who were the worker bees of the evening -- very helpful for a first timer needing to learn the ropes. Lori Rapier and her team did an impressive job of pulling off this tremendous event. I appreciated the smoothness of the dessert drop off, auction lines, food lines and the seating arrangements. Again the bandanas (and the kind folks wearing them) were most helpful. The entertainment was phenomenal. Melody Tactaquin, Rick Williams, and the Tuesday Ladies were a powerful distraction from the auction and socializing of the evening. Somehow I managed to spend some time scoping out the auction items. Making a lasting impression on me were the hand- tied fishing flies by Bob Calbo and the African Violet Pot donated by Pastor Quinn Vaughn. Speaking of the Vaughn family I would like to note my objection to the wing-span raffle ticket policy. Patrick clearly has an unfair advantage. Though I didn't see him win anything, so all's fair that ends fair. Georgianne Becker noted that her favorite part was the “auction/raffle” because “it's fun.” I would add that credit should go to Pat Tatro and his faithful, fearless runners who kept the raffle moving and entertaining. Congratulations to David Nash who did some early Christmas shopping for his sisters and is now the proud owner of not one but two hand crocheted purses. Food was provided by Mike and Grace Andrade. “The Best Taste in Town.” They definitely get my vote. It was great to see and talk to so many people from the congregation. As worker bee Melodi Andersen stated it was great “seeing everybody have a good time.” Sami age 5, a Harvest Dinner 4-year veteran said her favorite thing was “playing.” All in all a good time was had by everyone, with the possible exception of John Rodriguez. Despite purchasing many tickets he won nothing in the raffle, and was last seen looting his son's winnings. The Harvest Dinner made over $5,200 for the campership fund. This fund helps ensure that everyone can have the opportunity to attend not only Westminster Woods, but also Faith's fall retreat, the Women's retreat, and the Men's and Boy's retreat. See you all next year! Faith Harvest Dinner "Worker Bees"

    • The Fellowship Team: Melodi Andersen, Lissette Arias, Renee Beers, Ellie Boyce, Wilma Cornelius, Lesley James, Betty Keller, Nancy Luke, Betty McClure, Shari Reyes, Maria Rodriguez, and Jeff Simington

    • Auction & Raffle: Pat and Kitty Tatro, Lyle and Debbie Grabowski • Donations: Jeff Simington - nearly 2/3 of items were solicited by Jeff • Centerpieces - Lissette Arias • Audio- David Nash • Additional support- Greg Rapier Sr. and Jr.

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    Face of Faith Betty Park has been the face of Faith at South Sacramento Interfaith Partnership (SSIP) for over 20 years. She has also been an intrepid advocate for getting food to the hungry for over 20 years. When asked how it began, she says it was trying to find a plentiful source of food for their then 12-yr old son’s pet iguana. That came from Safeway - from what they were discarding. Her involvement with SSIP began in much the same way - because she asked what was done with outdated cheese. She went on to make invaluable connections with grocers/managers/owners to see that outdated food at Safeway, Trader Joes, Nugget came to SSIP. If that wasn’t enough, she went on to staff the food bank with over 20 volunteers. She coordinates daily bread pickup and delivery from stores, buys food when needed or when she finds a deal she can’t pass up and, of course, recruitment. Those she has ‘tapped’ to volunteer are Lois Chan, Carol Frank, Bob Becker, Janet Sather, Kay Russell , as weekly workers at the closet; Ken Finch, Art Crane, Kent Kim, Bob Connett, Jackie Rule, Charlie Tucker, Howard Payne as bread drivers; Larry Thommen, who faithfully helps unload a delivery from Trader Joe’s each Sunday; Bert and Barbara Brown, Nancy Streukens and Dick McClure, who serve as much-needed substitutes; and those retired, Chuck and Hilde Tetlow and Wayne Burkinshaw who drove until he was 90. Georgianne Becker and Janet Sather represent Faith on the board of SSIP. Although not a regular volunteer, architect Dave Anders gifted his time and talents giving us our wonderful new structure. And, of course, Betty who is at the closet daily and runs a library single-handedly for the clients, collecting discards from Crawford’s Books and Belle Cooledge and Martin Luther King libraries. God bless Betty!!! If you have an interest in helping at SSIP (substitutes especially needed), talk to any of us or, of course, Betty.

    What is P.A.C.T.? Pocket Area Churches Together

    As you may have heard, a new effort is underway among Pocket area churches to work together to serve our community. Many of us have recognized that even though we worship and live in such close proximity (Florin Road is church row!), we rarely connect with one another as churches. That is changing. Our goal has become to find regular ways our congregations can come together to meet the needs of others who live in the Pocket/Greenhaven neighborhood. Back in May we held our first cooperative food drive and collected thousands of pounds of food for the SSIP food closet. This summer, a crew did landscaping at Kennedy High School. On October 29th we’ll work together for another food drive. We may not worship the same way or all share exactly the same theology, but we do all claim to be followers of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, and we do all understand as his followers we must love and serve the world around us. Doing that together is a fantastic way to demonstrate our unity in Christ. Want to know more, contact PACT steering committee members Rhonda Hankey, Liz Gibson, Don Fleharty, Janet Sather, or Jeff Chapman.

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    New Organ Debuts at Faith!

    Faith’s new four-manual Rodgers organ made its debut in worship services on October 23, after several years of discussion, selection, fundraising and installation. Many people played key roles in this process, but we don’t have space to print all their names here. However, a special expression of gratitude is owed to the many people who contributed funds to make the purchase of our new organ possible. Also, we owe a debt of gratitude to Winona Miles for the use of the organ she had donated several years ago for our worship through music. The old organ has now begun its new life at Faith Community United Church of Christ in the Parkway neighborhood. A date has yet to be set for an official dedication and organ concert, so that Faith organist Thomas Stahl and a guest organist provided by Rodgers Instruments and NovoGroup, their exclusive Northern California vendor, can make a full demonstration of the wonderful “voices” this new organ has to share with the Faith community.

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    Family Promise News

    Family Promise is alive and well in Sacramento and at Faith Church. We just hosted our 26th week of providing support to homeless families in our own community and continuing the strong mission commitment of our congregation. We were able to provide shelter and food to 3 families. The first night of hosting coincided with our Harvest Dinner where our guests enjoyed the great meal and activities with us (thanks to the Fellowship Committee). During our week one mother was able to start a new job and 2 of her children were able to continue their education at Mustard Seed School. Two of her older children used public transportation to continue their schooling at a local middle school and a high school. A young father and his daughter entered the program and he is now enrolled in a GED program and is looking for employment. He has told the Day Center staff that he thanks the Lord every day for Family Promise and his new beginning. A third family consisted of a young mother and her 2 sons; a new born and a toddler. She has now enrolled back in school. The day after the guests left Faith, a fourth family entered and the program is now full with 13 people. Family Promise of Sacramento is tightening its belt as are all non-profits in our area. They have had to cut the hours of their staff but they are continuing to provide services. Faith Church responded in August with a monetary donation of $1,000 given by the Mission Committee to help them keep their doors open. Marsha Spell the Executive Director has been very busy applying for grants and has been successful in receiving acceptances from the Spiritual Life Center and the California Endowment. As always this program could not succeed without the generous support of our Faith volunteers. Dinner providers were: the Buehler Family, Carol Frank, the Van Duyns, the Cadeaux Family, Audrey Sherfy, Melodi Andersen, Lena Zazzera, Cynthia Crow, Krysia Falltrick, Virginia Escalante, Virginia May, Vicky Chastain, Glenda Arellano, the Kim Family, the Klingensmiths, the Beatties, Mary Nabers, Lois Chan, Winona Miles, the Ravas Famliy, the Turners, Donna Touros, Dallas Love, Michelle Fortes, Matt Bailey, Gayle Alexis, Carol Keller. Fellowship Volunteers were: Lynn Weston, Cynthia Crow, Janet Leader, Anne Schmidt, Paul and Betty Keller, the Brown Family, the Kinney Family, the Chapman Family, Bob and Tanya Anderson and Sarah Ainsworth. Our super sleep over volunteers were: Chuck Bell, the Crows, John Rodriguez, Dan and Justin Morris, the Thommens, the Warren Family and the Reynolds Family. Behind the scene volunteers included: the Latimer Family, Roy Bagby, Matt Bailey, Lee Bush, the Healows, Jim Tracy, Erwina Bush, Andeen Lovett, Ann Johnson and the Kims, who delivered the mattresses to the next church. If you would like to participate next time be sure to sign up on the white board for our next week starting with Sunday, New Years Day 2012! Or you may contact Cynthia 392-9141([email protected]) or Kelly 684-0811([email protected]) to secure your spot. Faith’s Rummage Sale Don't miss out on the Faith rummage sale, Saturday, November 5, and pick up a variety of treasures and finds. Sale starts at 8 a.m. on the front lawn of Faith and in Link Hall. Items for sale include baby and children's clothing, toys, jewelry, books, kitchen goods, TVs, couches, recliners, and other furniture. The youth will hold a bake sale and coffee sale during the morning hours. And the last hour of the sale, from noon to 1 p.m., will feature $1 and $2 grab bag deals. Fill up a plastic bag for $1 or a paper bag for $2 with as much as you can fit in. All proceeds go to the Abaya School Project. Please help spread the word and invite your neighbors and friends. Questions: contact Sarah Jimenez at (916) 376-7079 or [email protected].

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    Gatherings to Discuss Sexuality and Leadership in the Church In light of recent discussions and decisions in our denomination and at the request of the session, we will be offering occasions for all members and participants in the life of Faith Presbyterian Church to attend one of three scheduled gatherings to discuss “Sexuality and Leadership in the Church.” Each gathering will consist of a time to worship together, an opportunity for some faith sharing, a small group time to discuss issues around “sexuality and leadership,” and a concluding occasion for worship and communion. A study guide (written by the pastoral staff) will be provided in advance to prepare for these gatherings. We ask that you read it before participating. The goal of this session is to share in dialogue about our perspectives of what Christ, through Scripture, teaches us about sexual standards when it comes to leadership in the church. Please make time in your schedule to attend one of these gatherings at the church as we come together to consider the mind of Christ and affirm our unity in him. All gatherings will be held in the sanctuary. Sunday, November 6th from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Monday, November 7th from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Thursday, November 17th from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. We look forward to seeing you there.

    Are You Interested in Becoming a Member?

    (Or just like to learn more about our church?) Pastors Jeff Chapman and Jim Zazzera lead a class called A Look @ Faith which is offered about once a quarter. Among other things, the class explores questions like:

    -What’s the vision of this church? -Where is it headed? -How can I connect and build friendships at Faith? -How can I serve here at Faith? -What benefits/expectations come with membership?

    Interested? If so, know that we’d love to have you join us for our next class on Sunday, November 20th, from 12:30-3:00 (includes lunch!). Contact Kristi Johnson in the church office this week to reserve a spot (428-3439 - [email protected]). Any questions, feel free to speak to one of our pastors.

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    Session October Highlights What is Session? Session is the governing body of our congregation. Made up of 17 members (pastors and elders) who are called by God and elected by the congregation, the Session is charged by God to oversee the ministry and mission of Faith Presbyterian Church. By God’s grace, Session works hard to make sure that we are becoming, day by day, the sort of church God wants us to become – A community loving Christ, building disciples, serving all. What has Session been up to lately? The following are some of the decisions which were made this month at Session and some of the areas of ministry which were celebrated. We hope you share in the enthusiasm of Session in all that God is doing in our midst. As a reminder, Session meetings are held the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 here at church. Unless otherwise determined, they are open meetings and church members are always encouraged to come listen in. We’ll even share our snacks!

    - Session approves one worship service for Christmas Morning – Christmas falls on a Sunday this year. After an

    extended discussion, which took into account how we can best serve those in our church and beyond who may want to worship Christmas morning, Session voted to have one worship service Christmas Morning this year at 11:00 a.m. We will work hard to make sure this celebration is widely communicated. We will still hold two Christmas Eve worship celebrations at 7:00 and 11:00 p.m.

    - Session reviews proposed 2012 budget and shares the stories behind the numbers – The Session has worked

    hard to put together a 2012 budget, a draft of which will be presented to the congregation at our budget forum on November 6th. This month the elders spent a significant amount of time sharing with one another how they felt God was leading them this coming year in each of their respective areas (e.g. children’s ministry, worship ministry, building ministry, etc.). Session will be eager to share some of this vision in the coming Stewardship campaign.

    - Session Approves Fundraising Oversight Policy – Session has been concerned that we exercise careful

    coordination with our various fundraising efforts so as to not diminish or dilute any one effort. At the recommendation of our Stewardship Team, the Session approved the following policy which was put into effect immediately:

    The Faith community has demonstrated its enormous generosity many times. But it is important that our church not find itself with members who have “donor fatigue” because of overlapping requests for financial contributions. If a ministry desires to make a request of the congregation for financial contributions, it is therefore important that these requests be coordinated with the Stewardship Team. If possible, please plan accordingly and, if your ministry would like to make a direct appeal for contributions, please communicate with pastoral staff as well as the Stewardship Ministry which will maintain a calendar of programs and efforts which will then be scheduled on a special Stewardship Calendar. This policy need not apply for very minor requests such as carwashes, selling of arts and crafts and other fundraising efforts which do not envision collection of funds in excess of $500. Also, this policy will not apply to emergency requests such as an immediate need for a local effort or natural disaster, such as the earthquakes, floods and tsunamis.

    - Other business – Other business at our October meeting included approval of a special offering to celebrate

    Quinn Vaughn and her ministry these past five years, an update on the exciting ministry of the Outreach team, and the scheduling of an annual review for Pastor Jeff Chapman.

    If you ever have any questions for any of our elders, a complete list of names, areas of ministry,

    contact info, and even photos can be found on our web page under the “leadership” page of www.faithpresby.org

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    Photos From the Annual Golf Tournament! 43 Participants showed up for Faith’s Golf Day at William Land Golf & Country Club. Some had high scores and some had low scores. Either way a good time was had by all. And the food was fabulous…

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    Advent at Faith Sunday, November 27th ~ The Hanging of the Greens A wonderful Faith tradition in worship (both services) at which our sanctuary is transformed for Christmas. A perfect time to invite friends and family to join us.

    Wednesdays, November 30th, December 7th and 14th ~ Advent Dinner & Worship

    Join us at 6:00 for an all-church dinner in Link Hall (food will be provided, donations accepted). At 7:00, we gather for a 30-40 minute contemplative worship in the sanctuary. Crew (High School Group) will still meet at 7:00 in Link Hall.

    Sundays, December 4th, 11th, 18th – Advent Worship (9 and 11 a.m.)

    Invite others you know to join us these Sundays for worship filled with special music and relevant messages on what Christmas teaches us about love.

    Sunday, December 18th ~ Family & Youth Christmas Caroling

    Our family ministry will sponsor this event open to all. We’ll eat together and travel to sing carols to others in our congregation, many who are typically unable to get out and join us for Christmas. All are welcome!

    Saturday, December 24th – Christmas Eve Services

    7:00 – Family Service – A celebration geared for the whole family. Communion will be served at this service. 11:00 – Candlelight Service - Communion will be served and the chancel choir will sing. Come early at 10:30 for pre-

    service music and carols. Sunday, December 25th ~ Christmas Morning Worship

    What a treat this year to celebrate Christmas on a Sunday! Join us at 11:00 that morning (note that we will only have one service on Christmas) to celebrate together the birth of our Lord!

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    A Marker in Faith…

    Presentation of Bibles to 3rd Grade Students The Bible is the living word of the living God. Faith Presbyterian Church has a long-standing tradition of giving each third grade student a gift of the Holy Bible. As a response to our congregation’s baptismal vows, we promise “to place in their hands the Holy Scriptures and to nurture them in faith and prayer.” We present a Bible to our children to help honor this promise. As a church family we become partners with parents, equipping them in their most important calling of leading their child(ren) to know and love God and to become obedient disciples of Christ. We celebrated this faith milestone by presenting Andrea Robinson, Bobby Horst, Daniel Dell, Emily Martin, Godebo Chapman, Jill Arellano, Madison Price, Maggie Watson, Nathan Wessen and Nya Mitchell with a Bible during the 9:00 a.m. worship on Sunday, October 30, 2011. This was a special occasion marking the students’ graduation from Godly Play instruction into Children’s Worship. Please encourage these families and pray that the Holy Spirit ignites in them living and transforming faith!

    The Evening of the Day By Bill Kirk

    When the long day’s labor’s done And when all but gone’s the sun,

    Fatigue wraps itself Like a heavy cloak

    Around the old man’s body, At long last, bent and bound for rest.

    His rough, work-worn hands Weave their calloused digits

    In thanksgiving for the Warm bread and steaming bowl

    At table before him.

    Now, dusk approaches as The day invites the dark night.

    Even time is near—the end of toil and care. And in this peaceful moment, May the evening of the day

    Bring longed for respite To body and spirit.


  • NOVEMBER 2011Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

    309:00 AM Worship Service10:15 AM Adult Sunday School11:00 AM Worship Service8:00 PM AA Meeting

    311:00 PM Crafters' Club1:30 PM Mens' Life Group7:00 PM Women's AA Meeting

    19:00 AM Bible Study Fellowship11:00 AM AA Meeting7:00 PM Munchies Jr. High Youth Group8:00 PM AA Meeting

    22:00 PM Adult Discussion Group6:30 PM Young Adults Life Group7:00 PM Companions in Christ7:00 PM Crew High School Youth Group8:00 PM AA Meeting

    32:00 PM Older Adult Life Group4:00 PM Parents and Tots of Faith8:00 PM AA Meeting

    48:00 PM AA Meeting

    58:00 AM Church Rummage Sale9:00 AM Deacons' Training

    6Budget Forum-after both services9:00 AM Worship Service10:15 AM Adult Sunday School11:00 AM Worship Service4:00 PM Sexuality and Leadership Gathering8:00 PM AA Meeting

    71:00 PM Crafters' Club1:30 PM Mens' Life Group7:00 PM Sexuality and Leadership Gathering7:00 PM Women's AA Meeting

    89:00 AM Bible Study Fellowship11:00 AM AA Meeting7:00 PM Munchies Jr. High Youth Group8:00 PM AA Meeting

    96:30 PM Young Adults Life Group7:00 PM Companions in Christ7:00 PM Crew High School Youth Group8:00 PM AA Meeting

    102:00 PM Older Adult Life Group4:00 PM Parents and Tots of Faith8:00 PM AA Meeting

    118:00 PM AA Meeting


    13Stewardship Sunday9:00 AM Worship Service10:15 AM Adult Sunday School11:00 AM Worship Service12:30 PM Deacons' Meeting8:00 PM AA Meeting

    141:00 PM Crafters' Club1:30 PM Mens' Life Group7:00 PM Session Meeting7:00 PM Women's AA Meeting

    159:00 AM Bible Study Fellowship11:00 AM AA Meeting7:00 PM Munchies Jr. High Youth Group8:00 PM AA Meeting

    166:30 PM Young Adults Life Group7:00 PM Companions in Christ7:00 PM Crew High School Youth Group8:00 PM AA Meeting

    171:00 PM Sexuality and Leadership Gathering2:00 PM Older Adult Life Group4:00 PM Parents and Tots of Faith8:00 PM AA Meeting

    186:00 PM Session Retreat8:00 PM AA Meeting

    199:00 AM Session Retreat

    208:30 AM Faith Blood Drive9:00 AM Worship Service10:15 AM Adult Sunday School11:00 AM Worship Service12:30 PM Look @ Faith 8:00 PM AA Meeting

    211:00 PM Crafters' Club1:30 PM Mens' Life Group7:00 PM Women's AA Meeting

    229:00 AM Bible Study Fellowship11:00 AM AA Meeting8:00 PM AA Meeting

    2310:00 AM PW Bible Study 11:30 AM PW Meeting/Luncheon6:00 PM Communications Meeting6:30 PM Young Adults Life Group8:00 PM AA Meeting



    25OFFICE CLOSED8:00 PM AA Meeting

    269:00 AM Hanging of the Greens Rehearsal


    Hanging of the Greens/1st Day of Advent9:00 AM Worship Service10:15 AM Adult Sunday School11:00 AM Worship Service8:00 PM AA Meeting

    281:00 PM Crafters' Club1:30 PM Mens' Life Group7:00 PM Women's AA Meeting

    299:00 AM Bible Study Fellowship11:00 AM AA Meeting7:00 PM Munchies Jr. High Youth Group8:00 PM AA Meeting

    306:00 PM Advent Dinner & Worship6:30 PM Young Adults Life Group7:00 PM Crew High School Youth Group8:00 PM AA Meeting

    12:00 PM Older Adult Life Group4:00 PM Parents and Tots of Faith8:00 PM AA Meeting

    28:00 PM AA Meeting


  • November 2011 Assistant Schedule November 6 November 13 November 20 November 27Worship Service

    9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m.

    Acolyte Cole Rodriguez James Kubish and Joshua Smith

    Jacqueline Laybourn Cameron Cowling

    Audio Operator

    Bill Baker Don Sperling David Nash Rick Hom

    Coffee Hosts Linda Jacobs and Lori Rapier

    David and Teri Fong Maria Rodriguez and Denise Fass

    Chris Cowling and Kristi Johnson

    Greeters Randy and Kathy Ramos Dave and Teri Williamson Andeen Lovett and Carol Aycock

    Kathy and Danny Healow

    Offering Escort Norma McKay Don Sperling Maria Rodriguez Don Sperling Ushers Don and Jan Sperling Bill and Em Baker Bert and Barbara Brown Charlie Tucker and Virginia

    Escalante Worship Assistant

    Hal Turner Helen Frisch Rudy Buehler Maria Rodriguez

    Worship Service

    11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m.

    Acolyte Mikey Rock Daniel Foley Zack Roberts Colin Reynolds Audio Operator

    Joe Parente Rick Hom Ken Finch Pat Smith

    Coffee Hosts Mike and Karena Van Duyn and Lori Rapier

    Naomi Roberts and Lori Rapier

    Susan Little and Wilma Cornelius

    Paul and Betty Keller

    Greeters Bob and Barbara Powell Rick and Cynthia Crow Kent Kim and Don Fleharty Dave and Teri Williamson Offering Escort Jarvis Arellano Helen Christianson Dick McClure Jarvis Arellano Ushers Jarvis and Glena

    Arellano Brian and Allison Reynolds Dick and Mary Patterson Dick and Betty McClure

    Worship Assistant

    Nancy Remley- Johnson Virgie Cornelius Amhy Carlson Rick Williams

    Lockup Jim Tracy Dick McClure Bob Bagby Tom Busch Tellers

    Kitty Tatro and Jarvis Arellano

    Jim Tracy and Erwina Bush

    Barbara Powell and Marvette Swayzer

    Norma McKay and Marilyn Becker