Prenatal Health Asssessment-final

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  • 8/4/2019 Prenatal Health Asssessment-final


    I. Demographic Profile

    DDL 26 year old female, born December 12, 1984, a Catholic, and is presently living at

    Provido Village City Heights, GSC, was assessed last February 02, 2011.

    DDL is married. She works as a cashier at a certain department store, and is receiving a

    paycheck of 7,000Php per month.

    II. Health History

    a.) admitting diagnosis/chief complaint

    b.) name of obstetrician

    A week prior to admission, DDL has been feeling pain during urination, thinking that this

    could be harmful to her current pregnancy; she decided to submit herself for admission under

    the management of Dr. Ma. Cecilia O. Balbuena.

    c.) past illness and surgeries

    Accordingly, DDL has always been healthy and she also feels physically well during the

    assessment. She never had a history of any serious illness, never been admitted to the hospital,

    and she did not undergo any form of operations. However, in some occasions, she does

    experience some common illnesses such as influenza, cough, and common cold.

    She also has been exposed to chickenpox and mumps when she was still in


    d.) history of present illness

    Last January 28, 2010, DDL consulted Dr. Cecili O. Balbuena for feeling pain duringurination. She was then suggested to have a urinalysis. Thinking that it was just nothing, she

    decided not to submit herself for urinalysis.

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    Two days prior to admission, she had her consultation, still regarding her condition.

    During that time, she had already the symptom of slight left lumbar pain; however, she did not

    submit herself for admission.

    After 2 days, she felt a moderate pain during urination, with moderate left lumbar pain

    and was associated with scanty urination which then prompted her admission.

    e.) obstetrical history and immunization

    DDL had her last menstrual period last December 19, 2010. Based on the computation,

    her expected date of confinement was on September 26, 2011. Her age of gestation during the

    assessment was six weeks and four days (6 4/7).

    Accordingly, she never was pregnant and never had an abortion prior to her pregnancy

    during the assessment.

    Leopolds maneuver was not yet applicable during the assessment considering her age

    of gestation.

    III. Social History

    A.) Habits and Patterns

    a.) sleeping pattern: DDL sleeps for 8 hours in a day with a nap time of a one hour

    during the afternoon.

    She sleeps around 10:00 in the evening after her favorite TV series and wakes up

    around 6:00 in the morning to prepare breakfast for her husband.

    b.) hobbies/activities/exercises: DDL spends her day working at the department store.

    Being a cashier, most of the time she was just sitting. Although she makes it a point to do some

    form of exercise such as walking during her break-time. When she is at home, she considersdoing the household chores as a form of exercise.

    c.) eating pattern: DDL eats at least three times a day; she also has snacks during

    afternoon which comprises of bread and juice, or at times, porridge.

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    Furthermore, she said she drinks water frequently but at times, when she tends to be

    busy, she neglect this very important health practice. In addition, she is fond of drinking colas

    and juices. She could consume one 8oz of cola for a day, or sometimes a 2-3 glasses of juice.

    B.) Consumption of Alcohol/Drugs: DDL does not drink alcoholic beverages and she does

    not used illegal drugs.

    C.) Cigarette Smoking: DDL is said to be a non-smoker, though she made mentioned that she

    did try to smoke when she was in High-school due to curiosity.

    D.) Home Conditions: DDL and her husband are living in a small, yet well ventilated rented

    house at Provido Village City Heights. The house is made of concrete and woods. Even though

    the house is small, it seems that it was well managed and well kept. The presences of pests like

    rats, mosquitoes, and/or cockroaches are not evident in the vicinity of the house.

    E. Familial/ Hereditary Disease: DDLs grandparents (on the fathers side) are said to be

    hypertensive, while her grandparents (on her mothers side) are known to be both hypertensive

    and diabetic. DDL parents are known to be hypertensive. Other than the one mentioned, other

    type of diseases that her parents might have are unknown.

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    IV. Review of Systems/ Physical Assessment

    Her Physical Assessment reveals the following:

    General appearance: She was lying on bed, conscious, coherent and oriented to time and

    place. She is also responsive to verbal stimulation and is not in any form of distress. She has a

    mesomorphic body built. She was wearing a white patients gown. She was well-groomed and

    no body odor was noted during the whole assessment. She responds to the questions and

    interacts with calmness during the physical assessment.

    Vital Signs:

    Components Actual Value Normal Value Remarks

    Temperature 36.9 C 35.6-37.4 C Normal

    Pulse Rate 80 bpm 60-100 bpm Normal

    Respiratory Rate 17 cpm 16-22 cpm Normal

    Blood Pressure 100/ 80mmHg 110/70-130/90



    Cardiac Rate 81 bpm 60-100 bpm Normal

    Height: 5 feet and 1 inch (51)

    Weight: 52kgs


    a.) Skin: She has a fair complexion. Chloasma or melasma is not noted. Her skin is

    moist, smooth and warm to touch.

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    Temperature is uniform and falls within normal range both on upper and lower extremities. She

    has good skin turgor; skin springs back to previous state when pinched after 1-2 seconds.

    Presence of edema and tenderness on skin surfaces were not noted.

    b.) Nails: The fingernail plates were colorless, smooth in texture and have a convex

    curvature with an angle of about 160. Nail beds are pinkish indicative of good arterial

    circulation. Epidermis surrounding the nails is intact. After performing the blanch test, there is a

    prompt return of usual color in 2 seconds. Toenail plates were also colorless, smooth in texture,

    and have a convex curvature. The nail beds are also pinkish with surrounding epidermis intact.

    c.) Hair and Scalp: There is an even distribution of thin, oily and naturally dark black

    hair over the scalp. Infections or infestations were not noted upon inspection. Minimal body hair

    is noted.

    Head and Neck:

    a.) Skull: The head configuration is round, normocephalic and symmetrical with frontal,

    parietal and occipital prominences. Head circumference is 53.7cm and the size is in proportion

    with the body. She has smooth skull contour, uniform consistency and without any nodules and


    She has symmetrical facial features, palpebral fissures equal in size and symmetrical

    nasolabial folds.

    b.) Face: Hollowness on periorbital region is slightly evident. Facial movements are

    symmetrical as the patient was able to elevate and lower the eyebrows, close the eyes tightly,

    puff the cheeks and smile.

    c.) Eyes and Ears: The eyebrows are thick, evenly distributed and the skin on the area

    is intact. It is symmetrically aligned and with equal movement. The eyelashes are equallydistributed and curled slightly outward. The skin on the eyelids is intact with no discharges or

    discoloration. The lids close symmetrically. She has 15 involuntary blinks for one whole minute

    which moves bilaterally. When lids close, sclera above cornea is not visible. She has

    transparent bulbar conjunctiva with no lesions noted. The palpebral conjunctiva is shiny, smooth

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    and slightly pale in color and lesions are absent. No edema, tenderness or tearing on the

    lacrimal sac and nasolacrimal duct.

    The cornea is transparent, shiny, smooth and with visible details of the iris. Her iris

    appears to be dark brown while the pupil is black. The pupils are equal in size, with a pupillary

    size of 3 mm with a round and smooth border. The pupil constricts in direct response of light

    stimulation while the non- illuminated pupil also constricts as a consensual response. This

    reaction indicates proper functioning of the oculomotor and trochlear cranial nerves. Pupil

    constricts when looking at near objects and dilates when looking at far objects which indicate a

    normal pupil reaction and accommodation. She was able to see objects in the periphery while

    looking straight ahead. Both of his eyes are coordinated and move in unison with parallel

    alignment upon performing the extraocular movements. During the interview, the patient does

    not wear any corrective lenses. She also verbalizes that she does not wear corrective glasses.

    No other inflammation, discharge, lesion or tenderness was observed.

    Ears are bilaterally equal in size upon inspection. Auricles equally align with the outer

    canthus of the eye and have the same color as of that the facial skin. The pinna is symmetrical

    and the external canals are clean with no foul smelling discharge. Skin around the area is

    smooth with no lesions. Canal walls are pink and smooth without nodules. Gross hearing in

    each ear is symmetrical .She responds to the questions accurately and is oriented and coherent

    to environmental sound stimuli. She can hear normal voice tones as well as ticking of the clock

    during the watch tick test.

    d.) Nose and Sinuses: The external nose is symmetrical in size; nasal bridge is located

    in the midline. External nasal skin is the same with facial color. Nasal mucosa is pink, moist,

    lined with enough amount of hair and free from exudates and other unusual discharges. Nasal

    septum is set at the midline with intact skin. Both nostrils are symmetrical and patent as air is

    able to move freely inside it upon inhalation and exhalation and without unusual discharges and

    lesions noted. Nasal hairs were noted in sufficient amount. Tenderness is not felt upon palpationof maxillary and frontal sinuses.

    e.) Mouth and Pharynx: The lips have uniform pinkish-reddish in color, with smooth

    appearance. Her lip has also a symmetrical contour with no lesions noted and was able to purse

    lips. The oral mucosa has a uniform pink color and appears to be hydrated. The gums are pink

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    with no ulcerations noted. Incomplete set of teeth was noted. Missing teeth are right second

    premolar on the upper jaw and on the second and third molar on the left side of the lower jaw is

    missing. The tongue is positioned centrally, pink in color, able to move freely. Tenderness or

    palpable nodules were not noted. Tongue base is smooth. The frenulum is at the midline.

    Salivary duct openings have no swelling or discolorations noted. The color is the same

    with the buccal mucosa and the floor of the mouth. The soft palate is smooth and light pink in

    color. The hard palate is lighter pink and more irregular in texture compared to that of the soft

    palate. The uvula is positioned at the midline. The tonsils are pink, smooth and are not inflamed.

    Discharges are absent. Gag reflex is present.

    f.) Neck: The muscles on the neck are equal in size and head is located on the center.

    No marked lesions were noted. Head movement is coordinated and smooth with no signs of

    discomfort. There is bilaterally equal strength on the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius


    Lymph nodes are not palpable. Trachea is centrally placed in the midline of the neck.

    The thyroid gland is slightly enlarged upon inspection but ascends when asked to swallow. No

    bruit heard upon auscultation.

    Thorax and Lungs:

    a.) Posterior thorax and lungs

    The surrounding skin is intact with uniform temperature. The chest wall is intact and no

    masses or tenderness noted. Chest expansion is full and symmetric when the client takes a

    deep breath and has a respiratory excursion of 2 cm. Vocal fremitus is bilaterally symmetrical

    and is heard most clearly at the apex of the lungs. Diaphragmatic excursion is 1.5 cm. No

    adventitious sounds noted.

    b.) Anterior thorax and lungs

    She has a quiet, rhythmic and effortless respiration. There were no significant scars

    noted on the anterior thorax. Lateral diameter is larger than the anteroposterior diameter. Vocal

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    tactile fremitus is bilaterally symmetrical and is decreased over the heart and breast tissue. No

    adventitious sounds noted. Respiratory rate is 17 cpm.

    Cardiovascular and Peripheral Vascular System:

    No pulsations, lifts or heaves noted on aortic, pulmonic, tricuspid and apical areas noted

    upon inspection and palpation. Aortic pulsations are present on the epigastric area. Jugular

    distention is absent. Capillary refill time result is 2 seconds. Carotid arteries have symmetric

    pulse volumes and full pulsations. No sound heard upon auscultation.

    Peripheral pulses have full pulsations with symmetrical pulse volumes. Peripheral leg

    veins are symmetric in size. Original color returns in 10 seconds after performing Buergers test.

    Cardiac rate is 81 bpm.

    Breast and Axilla: Breast was symmetrical and uniform in color. No tenderness masses

    and bulges. Darker pigmentation of nipples and areola were noted. Nipples were, symmetrical

    with no tenderness, masses and nodules noted. Fullness of breasts and tingling sensation were

    noted as per verbalization of the client. Tubercles of Montgomery are slightly enlarged.

    Growth of hair in axilla is minimal with no tenderness and masses upon palpation.

    Axillary nodes are impalpable.

    Abdomen: Flat, nontender abdomen, no linea nigra present. Fundus is not yet palpable.

    Abdomens contour is soft and round with no signs of spleen orliver





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    substances according to their odor

    (e.g. alcohol, perfume, vinegar).OPTIC SENSORY Vision and visual

    fields-Able to read imprints by the aid ofreading glasses; able to distinguishcounting by fingers


    MOTOR EOM; moveseyeballs up and

    down, moveseyeballs left and


    -brisk eye opening-Able to move EB up and down-Able to move EB left and right

    TRIGEMINAL SENSORY Sensation of thecornea

    -blinks upon stimulation of thecornea





    -able to close eyes tightly, puff

    cheeks, smile, and elevateeyebrows

    AUDITORY SENSORY Equilibrium;hearing

    -Able to hear normal voice



    Swallowingability; tongue


    -Good swallowing ability-Able to move tongue vertically andlaterally


    Sensation of thepharynx, larynx,swallowing, and

    vocal cordmovement

    -Intact speech-Symmetrical palate [soft] as patientsays Ah!


    MOTOR Head movement;shrugging of


    -Able to move head vertically, andlaterally against resistance-Equal strength upon shrugging theshoulders

    HYPOGLOSSAL MOTOR Protrusion oftongue

    -Able to move tongue vertically andlaterally

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    V. Laboratory Results with significance and interpretation

    Diagnostic Exam: Urinalysis


    Name ofLaboratory


    Purpose ofLaboratory


    Result NormalValue

    Clinical Significance

    February03, 2010


    A urinalysis parameter commonly used in the evaluation of kidney function andcan aid in the diagnosis of various renal diseases.

    a.) color Shows the

    degree of





    to Dark


    -Turbid may be form of hematuria,

    spermatozoa, prostatic fluid, & fat


    -Red-colored urine may indicate presence

    of blood pigments.

    -Yellow-Brown reveals obstructive


    -Orange urine from urinary antiseptic.-Dark brown to black may be due to

    malignant melanoma.


    Also shows the

    degree of


    Hazy Clear May indicate presence of bacteria, pus,

    RBC, WBC, phosphates in the urine.

    c.) reaction As part of the


    balance, the

    kidneys remove


    hydrogen ions

    from the blood

    and excrete

    them in the

    urine. In


    physiology, a

    urine pH

    greater than 6.5indicates the

    presence of

    bicarbonate in

    the urine.

    pH 5 4.6-7.5 Decreased:

    -Metabolic & Respiratory acidosis




    -Renal Failure


    -Metabolic & Respiratory alkalosis


    -Vegetarian Diet

    -NGT suctioning

    -Prolonged Vomiting

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    Name ofLaboratoryProcedure

    Purpose of LaboratoryProcedure

    Result NormalValue


    d.) albumin The presence of urinaryalbumin is an indicator ofglomerular disease. The

    nephritic syndrome producesa great loss of albumin in theurine. The renal loss also maybe associated with systemicdisease that causesglomerular damage

    negative negative May indicate nephrotic

    syndrome, renal

    disorder associated

    with hypertension, DM,

    systemic lupus



    e.) sugar Glycosuria (glucose in the

    urine) is usually an indicator

    of significant hyperglycemia &

    DM. When a fasting specimen

    is obtained, it is highly specific

    & accurate in the detection ofglucose in the urine.

    negative negative Presence of sugar

    indicates DM,

    hyperthyroidism &


    d.) specific gravity Measurement of the ability of

    the kidneys to concentrate &

    excrete urine. Concentrated

    urine has a higher specific

    gravity because the proportion

    of components to water in its

    composition is greater. Diluted

    urine has a lower specific

    gravity because it contains

    fewer components in

    proportion to the amount of


    1.010 1.005-








    -Renal Tubular


    -Severe renal damage

    -Diabetes Insipidus




    -Profuse Sweating





    -Adrenal Insufficiency

    -Altered secretion of


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    Name ofLaboratoryProcedure

    Purpose of LaboratoryProcedure

    Result NormalValue


    b.) RBC Normal urine may exhibit a fewRBCs without any significantpathologic cause. The

    presence of few cells isconsidered acceptable underhigh power field (HPF)microscopic visualization.Significant hematuria isindicated by one episode ofgross hematuria or oneepisode of high-gradehematuria, with an RBC countgreater than 100 cells perHPF.


    Negative Indicates presence of

    benign tumor, cancer,

    urinary calculi,


    lupus nephritis,

    sclerosis, UTI

    c.) Pus cells An elevated WBC count in the

    urine indicates pyuria (pus in the

    urine). The microscopic urinalysis

    findings of 5 to 10 WBCs per HPF

    is a significant elevation that

    indicates the presence of urinary

    tract infection.



    0-2 HPF Indicates presence of

    Urinary Tract Infection

    d.)Bacteria Fewe.)Urates crystals Few

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    Diagnostic Exam: Urinalysis


    Name ofLaboratoryProcedure

    Purpose ofLaboratoryProcedure

    Result NormalValue

    Clinical Significance


    10, 2010



    A urinalysis parameter commonly used in the evaluation of kidney function and

    can aid in the diagnosis of various renal diseases.

    a.) color Shows the

    degree of





    to Dark


    -Turbid may be form of hematuria,

    spermatozoa, prostatic fluid, & fat


    -Red-colored urine may indicate presence

    of blood pigments.

    -Yellow-Brown reveals obstructive


    -Orange urine from urinary antiseptic.

    -Dark brown to black may be due to

    malignant melanoma.


    Also shows the

    degree of


    Hazy Clear May indicate presence of bacteria, pus,

    RBC, WBC, phosphates in the urine.

    c.) reaction As part of the


    balance, the

    kidneys remove

    excesshydrogen ions

    from the blood

    and excrete

    them in the

    urine. In


    physiology, a

    urine pH

    greater than 6.5

    indicates the

    presence of

    bicarbonate in

    the urine.

    pH 5 4.6-7.5 Decreased:

    -Metabolic & Respiratory acidosis



    -Starvation-Renal Failure


    -Metabolic & Respiratory alkalosis


    -Vegetarian Diet

    -NGT suctioning

    -Prolonged Vomiting

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    Name ofLaboratoryProcedure

    Purpose of LaboratoryProcedure

    Result NormalValue


    d.) albumin The presence of urinaryalbumin is an indicator ofglomerular disease. The

    nephritic syndrome producesa great loss of albumin in theurine. The renal loss also maybe associated with systemicdisease that causesglomerular damage

    negative negative May indicate nephrotic

    syndrome, renal

    disorder associated

    with hypertension, DM,

    systemic lupus



    e.) sugar Glycosuria (glucose in the

    urine) is usually an indicator

    of significant hyperglycemia &

    DM. When a fasting specimen

    is obtained, it is highly specific

    & accurate in the detection ofglucose in the urine.

    negative negative Presence of sugar

    indicates DM,

    hyperthyroidism &


    d.) specific gravity Measurement of the ability of

    the kidneys to concentrate &

    excrete urine. Concentrated

    urine has a higher specific

    gravity because the proportion

    of components to water in its

    composition is greater. Diluted

    urine has a lower specific

    gravity because it contains

    fewer components in

    proportion to the amount of


    1.005 1.005-








    -Renal Tubular


    -Severe renal damage

    -Diabetes Insipidus




    -Profuse Sweating





    -Adrenal Insufficiency

    -Altered secretion of


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    Name ofLaboratoryProcedure

    Purpose of LaboratoryProcedure

    Result NormalValue


    b.) RBC Normal urine may exhibit a fewRBCs without any significantpathologic cause. The

    presence of few cells isconsidered acceptable underhigh power field (HPF)microscopic visualization.Significant hematuria isindicated by one episode ofgross hematuria or oneepisode of high-gradehematuria, with an RBC countgreater than 100 cells perHPF.


    Negative Indicates presence of

    benign tumor, cancer,

    urinary calculi,


    lupus nephritis,

    sclerosis, UTI

    c.) WBC 0-1

    HPFd.)Bacteria Few May indicate the

    presence of urinarytract infection.

    e.)Urates crystals Few

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    Diagnostic Exam: Complete Blood Count



    Name of



    Purpose of Laboratory


    Result Normal


    Clinical Significance

    June 02,



    Hemoglobin Used to measure the severity

    of anemia, which is

    characterized by a low

    hemoglobin value, or

    polycythemia, which is

    characterized by a high

    hemoglobin value. It is also

    used to monitor the result ofmedical or nutritional treatment

    for the condition.

    99g/L 120-160g/L Decreased:






    -Congestive Heart Failure-COPD



    Hematocrit Used to evaluate blood loss,

    anemia, polycythemia &

    dehydration. The hematocrit

    value is elevated when the # of

    RBC increases or when the

    volume of plasma is reduced.

    On the other hand, hematocrit

    value falls when there is

    excessive loss of RBC, as in

    anemia or after blood loss.



    0.315 Decreased:



    -Fluid Overload


    -Congestive Heart Failure




    Leukocyte Constitutes the total # of 5

    types of leukocytes present in

    1 mm3 of blood. It is a general

    indicator of infection, tissue

    necrosis, inflammation or bonemarrow activity.


    x8 /L

    11.8 x





    -Viral Infection




    -Acute Infection


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    Name of



    Purpose of Laboratory


    Result Normal


    Clinical Significance

    Neutrophils Neutrophils are the most

    active cells & respond to

    tissue damage or infection.The two types of neutrophils

    are segmented and bands.

    They are phagocytes that

    provide an early, rapid

    removal of cellular debris & a

    large # of bacteria. Of all the

    leukocytes, neutrophils are

    the largest in group.

    0.80 0.50-0.70 Increased:

    -Bacterial Infection

    -Severe burns-Rheumatic fever


    Lymphocytes Consists of the B-cells & T-

    cells that are responsible for

    the activities of the immune


    0.16 0.25-0.40 Decreased:

    -Aplastic Anemia

    -Renal Failure

    -Terminal Cancer




    Removes debris or foreign

    particles from the articulation.

    In the work of phagocytosis,

    monocytes perform the samework as neutrophils, but their

    # is greater & they are

    capable of more work.

    0.04 0.03-0.08 Increased:

    -Acute Infection (bacteria,

    viral, mycotic, rickettsial,


    -Chronic Myeloid Leukemia-Ulcerative Colitis


    -Hairy Cell Leukemia

    -Bone Marrow Failure

    -Aplastic Anemia

    Thrombocyte Used to assess the bone

    marrows ability to produce

    platelets & to identify the

    destruction or loss of

    platelets in the circulation. It

    is also used to evaluate the

    untoward effects of

    chemotherapy or radiation

    treatment. Platelets function

    is to initiate the process of


    270 150-350

    x109 /L


    -Dengue Hemorrhagic fever




    -Multiple Myeloma

    -Iron Deficiency Anemia


    -Renal Disease infection or


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