WELCOME PRELUDE 8:30 "Two Chorales" Marcel Dupre OPENING WORDS Worship Ways One: Brothers and sisters. If you lift your net and it is empty, Come here! Many: We’ll cast it out again into Christ’s abundance. One: If you open your eyes but do not recognize the Holy One, Come here! Many: We’ll find the Risen Christ in all Creation. One: If your life is filled with mourning, Come here! Many: Christ is leading a dance of joy. One: Come here, sisters and brothers! Many: To give blessing and honor and glory to God! *HYMN NCH #172 "Jesus Calls Us, O'er the Tumult" Tune: Galilee *PRAYER OF INVOCATION adapted from Worship Ways One: Generous God, Giver of all that is good, Creator of all that is beautiful, you have blessed us with abundance, more than enough for everyone to share. Many: Out of this abundance you call us to care for each other: “Feed my lambs.” “Tend my sheep.” “Feed my sheep.” Awaken us to the beauty and bounty of your Creation. Encourage us to share generously with all those you love. May we protect the beauty of all that is yours and nurture your bounty for our children and our children’s children. Amen.

PRELUDE 8:30 Marcel Dupre · WELCOME PRELUDE 8:30 "Two Chorales" Marcel Dupre OPENING WORDS Worship Ways One: Brothers and sisters. If you lift your net and it is empty, Come here!

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PRELUDE 8:30 "Two Chorales" Marcel Dupre


One: Brothers and sisters. If you lift your net and it is empty, Come here!

Many: We’ll cast it out again into Christ’s abundance. One: If you open your eyes but do not recognize the Holy One,

Come here!

Many: We’ll find the Risen Christ in all Creation. One: If your life is filled with mourning, Come here!

Many: Christ is leading a dance of joy. One: Come here, sisters and brothers!

Many: To give blessing and honor and glory to God!

*HYMN NCH #172 "Jesus Calls Us, O'er the Tumult" Tune: Galilee

*PRAYER OF INVOCATION adapted from Worship Ways

One: Generous God, Giver of all that is good, Creator of all that is beautiful, you have blessed us with abundance, more than enough for everyone to share.

Many: Out of this abundance you call us to care for each other: “Feed my lambs.” “Tend my sheep.” “Feed my sheep.” Awaken us to the beauty and bounty of your Creation.

Encourage us to share generously with all those you love. May we protect the beauty of all that is yours

and nurture your bounty for our children and our children’s children. Amen.

*RESPONSE "Halle, Halle" Traditional

MISSION MOMENT: Stillpoint Multi-Faith Campus Ministry Rev. Laurel Hayes

A READING FROM THE CHRISTIAN TRADITION John 21:1-19 Later, Jesus again was manifested to the disciples at Lake Tiberias. This is how the appearance took place. Assembled were Simon Peter, Thomas “the twin,” Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, Zebedee’s children, and two other disciples. Simon Peter said to them, “I’m going out to fish.”

“We’ll join you,” they replied, and went off to get into their boat. All through the night they caught nothing. Just after daybreak, Jesus was standing on the shore, though none of the disciples knew it was Jesus. He said to them, “have you caught anything, friends?” “Not a thing,” they answered. “Cast your net off to the starboard side,” Jesus suggested, “and you’ll find something.” So they made a cast and caught so many fish that they couldn’t haul the net in. Then the disciple whom Jesus loved cried out to Peter, “It’s the Teacher!”

Upon hearing this, Simon Peter threw on his cloak – he was naked – and jumped into the water. Meanwhile the other disciples brought the boat to shore, towing the net full of fish. They were not far from land – no more than a hundred yards. When they landed, they saw that a charcoal fire had been prepared, with fish and some bread already being grilled. “Bring some of the fish you just caught,” Jesus told them.

None of the disciples dared to ask, “Who are you?” – they knew it was the savior.

Jesus came over, took the bread and gave it to them and did the same with the fish. This marked the third time that Jesus had appeared to the disciples after being raised from the dead.

When they had eaten their meal, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon ben- john, do you love me more than these?” Peter said, “Yes, Rabbi, you know that I’m your friend.” Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.”

A second time Jesus put the question, “Simon ben-John, do you love me?” Peter said, “Yes, Rabbi, you know that I’m your friend.” Jesus replied, “Tend my sheep.” A third time Jesus asked him, “Simon ben-John, do you love me as a friend would?” Peter was hurt because Jesus asked, “Do you love me?” a third time. So he said, “You know everything, Rabbi. You know that I am your friend.”

Jesus said, “Feed my sheep. The truth of the matter is, when you were young

Learning Hour at Peace


Peace UCC Meeting on Children and Youth— Join us to learn more about faith formation plans for the fall. Pastor Wendy and Debbie Gregg will lead this discussion for all ages at 9:45a.m. in the Sanctuary. All Peace UCC members and friends are encouraged to attend. If you are unable to attend this session, please note that the same information will be shared on Wednesday, April 13 at 5:30p.m. On Wednesday, childcare will be provided for children age 3 and under in the Crib Room. Children PreK-6th Grade may attend Children’s Choir with Darcy Swanson or choose to attend the meeting with their family.

Peace Youth Gathering— All youth in 6th-12th grade are welcome to gather with Carla and Christopher Grundy in room 20 at 9:45am. Friends welcome.

Peace Talks— Whether you are considering membership or just want to learn more about our congregation, you are invited to attend our continuing "Peace UCC-Who Are We?" sessions hosted by Al Schon, one of our Pastoral Associates, April 10, and April 17 (Sundays) at 9:45am. If you are not able to attend all of the sessions, please understand we welcome you at any which fit your schedule. Sessions will be held in room 23 on the upper level at the west end of the Education Wing hallway. Lori Winter, our New Member Coordinator, may be reached at or by email: [email protected] to answer any of your questions.

Next Sunday:

Hand Chimes- Come and learn some beginning hand chime techniques and note-reading skills. 9:45a.m, choir room.

Good Questions begins the series Painting the Stars (religion and science). Wynn Miller, leader. 9:45a.m. in room 24

Peace Youth Gathering— 9:45 a.m. in room 20.

Peace Talks— See description above. your questions.

Church School- Church School classes for PreK-K with Sarah Gottemoeller, Grace Morris and Liz White in room 16, 1st-2nd grade with Amy Hilmer and Anna Dodson in room 11 , 3rd-5th grade with Loretta Haggard and Marie Bardelmeier in room 12 .

you put on your own belt and walked where you liked; but when you get old, you will stretch out your hands and someone else will put a belt around you and take you where you don’t want to go.”

With these words, Jesus indicated the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God. Then the savior said, “Follow me.”

One: For the marvelous blend of fact, myth, poetry, and story that is in scripture, we give thanks.

Many: May the Spirit open us to the wisdom we most need to hear.

CHILDREN’S STORY Following the story, young children are encouraged to remain in worship or

they may choose to go to the nursery (birth-3) or to Shepherds (11a.m.: ages 4-6), in Room 21 on the upper level.

SPECIAL MUSIC 8:30 "In dir ist Freude" Marcel Dupre "In Thee Is Gladness" Instrumental Ensemble

11:00 "Lead Me Jesus" Ted Creen Folk Choir

SERMON Rev. Wendy Bruner

*HYMN "Do Not Turn Away the Children" Tune: Beach Spring

Text: Carolyn Winfrey Gillettte

Samaritan Fund

Pastor Wendy has been utilizing the church Samaritan Fund to assist people from the community who ask for our help. Contributions to replenish this fund are needed in order to continue helping our neighbors. Please consider making a donation to this fund via the offering plate. Mark your check or giving envelope for the Samaritan Fund. Thank you.

Advocacy for Children – The Next Local Step

If you weren’t able to join the Peace UCC contingent that went to Jefferson City on Wednesday to lobby for legislation affecting Missouri’s children – or even if you did, but have not yet contacted your state legislators – stop by the table in the narthex TODAY to write them a letter. You can pick up infor-mation about various bills before the legislature, identify your state representative and senator if you don’t know their names, and/or take a moment to write a letter on the spot.

Stillpoint Multi-Faith

Campus Ministry

Did you know that Peace UCC sponsors a campus minister at Webster University? (The Rev. Dr.) Laurel Hayes has been the campus minister with Stillpoint Multi-Faith Campus Ministry since 2002. Peace UCC provides Stillpoint with a small budget. Stillpoint’s activities have varied over the years, but a weekly meditation session has been constant.

In Our Prayers…

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Believing that each joy and/or concern expressed is indeed a prayer, after each expression, the worship leader will say: Loving God. And the people

may respond: Hear our prayer. PASTORAL PRAYER

PRAYER G. Vosper

As I live every day, I want to be a channel for peace. May I bring love where there is hatred and healing where there is hurt; joy where there is sadness and hope where there is fear. I pray that I may always try to understand and comfort other people as well as seeking comfort and understanding from them. Wherever possible, may I choose to be a light in the darkness, a help in times of need, and a caring, honest friend. May justice, kindness, and peace flow from my heart forever. Amen.

INVITATION AND REMEMBRANCE based on our Theological Assumptions

Minister: Come, Holy Spirit, and move among these elements assembled at this Table.

Many: Through this sacrament, transform our hurt into healing, our fear into faith, and death into life.

Minister: As this grain, sown in hills and valleys, is harvested, and now becomes one in the loaf,

Many: so we, scattered, diverse, separated and isolated from one another, hear your invitation to become one body around this Table, the center of our life together.

Liturgist: As this juice, grown in vineyards under the sun, fills the cup, may we be filled and refreshed by this meal,

Many: and strengthened to respond to your call to reach out in compassion to all living things. Minister: In sharing this meal we remember.

Many: We remember meals Jesus shared with friends and enemies, outcasts and

marginalized, fearful and earnest. Minister: He took the bread and, giving thanks, blessed it and broke it

and shared it with his guests, saying, “This is the bread of life, symbol of my sacrifice.”

Many: As we share the bread today, we eat it as those who seek to follow Jesus.

Liturgist: After the meal, Jesus took the cup. Giving thanks, he shared it with his guests, saying, “This cup symbolizes a new relationship with God, a relationship of partnership founded on grace.”

Many: As we share the cup, we seek to experience that grace in which Jesus lived fully.


All: Come, Holy Spirit, come. Bless this bread and bless this fruit of the vine. Bless all of us in our eating and drinking that our eyes might be opened,

that we might recognize the risen Christ in our midst, indeed, in one another. Come, Holy Spirit, come.

The Congregation is invited to come forward by the center aisle, partake of the bread and juice, (gluten free bread and chalice available) and light a candle in prayer, and place an offering in the plates beside the table. You may also give

electronically from the pews by scanning the QR code on the right. Catch the eye of a table host if you would prefer to be served at your seat.

RESPONSE "Open My Eyes" Please remain seated Source: Manibusan and Zaragoza

PRAYER OF DEDICATION adapted from Worship Ways One: Thank you, God, for the gifts and ministries of your people.

Many: Grant that this offering given in thanksgiving for all the blessings you have given us will fill empty hearts with love and will proclaim your honor and glory in the name of Christ Jesus to all people. Amen.


Spring Directories Thank you for responding to the call for directory updates! Many folks expressed an interest in updating their directory photos and are in the process of doing just that. We have pushed the deadline back another week so folks can continue to send those updates!

The latest edition of the Peace UCC directory will be available next Sunday, April 17. This is your last call to update your contact information and photo with the church office if you have not already done so. You may contact the church office at (314) 968-1727 or [email protected]. In the meantime, you may access the online version of our fall directory by visiting our website at www.peaceuccstl.org.

Mission Garden

Gardeners are needed to tend to the mission garden. Peace UCC grows vegetables in raised beds throughout the summer to donate to folks in need of food. If you are interested in helping with this effort, please contact Pastor Al Schon at [email protected]

New Installation in the Peace UCC Fireside Art Gallery

For the month of April, the Peace UCC

Fireside Art Gallery is featuring the quilts

of the Gottemoeller family. Watch for

more information from Sarah

Gottemoeller about these family

treasures coming soon. If you would like

to show your art work in the Fireside Art

Gallery, please contact Brenda Detrick:

[email protected]

Scan and Give

Supporting the work of this church has never been easier. Just scan the QR code with your smartphone and you can make a donation to Peace UCC or to our Mission Moment of the Month.


Bulletin recycling: Though we invite you to take your bulletin home to review the prayers and opportunities throughout the week, if you choose to leave your bulletin after the 8:30a.m. service, place it in the basket and we will use it again. Bulletins placed in the basket after the 11:00a.m. service will be recycled.

Notes: Sources for words, images, and music are noted where available. Permission to reprint music and words from sources other than The New Century Hymnal is granted under OneLicense.net, license no. A-704973, and/or LicenSing.org.

St. Louis Association Women United Church of Christ

Spring Pilgrimage

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Caroline Mission Neighborhood Houses 2828 Caroline Street, St. Louis, MO 63104

9:00 Register 9:30 Gathering & Staff Update 10:15 - 11:30 Tours & Service Projects 12:00 Lunch—Bring finger food to share 1:00 Worship Service We are asked to consider donations such as: diapers, baby wipes, toilet paper, and/or canned soups. Call Sandy Bowe or e-mail [email protected] to register by April 1 and arrange carpooling. No charge for lunch.

Witnessing Whiteness

Witnessing Whiteness: We're excited we are beginning this work together. We've got work to do. How delightful we can do it together! Our sessions are: Sundays from 1-3pm 4/10, 4/24, 5/8, 5/22, 6/12, 6/26, 7/10, 7/24, 8/14, 8/28. Thanks to all of those who have signed-up, this session is now full!

Tai Chi in the Narthex

Lin Gao, a local Tai Chi instructor would like to once again offer Tai Chi classes at Peace UCC if there are interested students. Classes would meet weekly and run $15 per month. Dates and times to be determined with student input. If you would like to participate please contact Lin Gao at: [email protected] Tai Chi is a Chinese martial art and form of stylized, meditative exercise, characterized by methodically slow circular and stretching movements and positions of bodily balance.

*HYMN "You Are Mine" Source: David Haas

Tune: You Are Mine


SUNDAY, APRIL 10 TODAY 8:30a.m. Worship Service 9:45a.m. Coffee Fellowship 9:45a.m. Meeting on Youth and

Children, sanctuary 9:45a.m. Peace Talks in room 23 11:00a.m. Worship Service 12:30p.m. Healing Touch (by appt)

with Debbie Kelly 1:00p.m. Witnessing Whiteness in the

Fireside Room 2:00p.m. Korean Drumming Group 3:00p.m. Girl Scouts—Oberkrom 5:00p.m. Woodcarvers 7:00p.m. Narcotics Anonymous MONDAY, APRIL 11 6:30p.m. Sts C&F Faith Sharing

TUESDAY, APRIL 12 8:30a.m. Walking Group 12:00p.m. First Steps Mtg 1:30p.m. WG Nature Society Book Club

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13 11:00a.m. Eden Students in the Sanctuary 11:50a.m. Eden students in room 23 12:30p.m. Mary Martha Circle 2:00p.m. Noteworthy Music School

for Strings– Paul Huppert 5:30p.m. Children’s Choir 5:30p.m. Meeting on Children and

Youth—second session

THURSDAY, APRIL 14 8:30a.m. Walking Group 9:00a.m. Quilters and Artists

FRIDAY, APRIL 15 7:00a.m. Contemplative Prayer– Sts C&F 9:30a.m. Moms’ Group 4:00p.m. WSSL Performance in the


SATURDAY, APRIL 16 10:30a.m. Narcotics Anonymous 12:00p.m. Youth Choir 2:00p.m. Spouts of Peace 5:00p.m. Sts. Clare and Francis Mass

For a complete calendar visit: www.peaceuccstl.org

Men's Breakfast— We meet at 8:00 a.m. on the 2nd Thursday of the month at the Steak and Shake at Elm and Watson Road. Next meeting: April 14.

Job Jar—We meet at the church on the first and third Mondays of the month. Join us at 9:15 a.m. for coffee, fellowship, and a few chores around the church. Next meeting: April 18.

Moms’ Group— Calling all moms. Do you own things that mean something to you? Are there special items which carry particular stories or a portion of family history? Please bring these to share at our next moms' group meeting on Friday, April 15. We meet in the fireside room at 9:30. If you need childcare, please call Dee Ban ahead of time

The Peace UCC Quilters & Artists will meet next from 9 - 11 a.m. on Thursday, April 14 in Room 23 at church. Our special guest at 10 a.m. will be Lisa Grossenheider from Jackman’s Fabrics, who will present a program on machine quilting. She will be showing us lots of fun things that we can make and do on our ordinary sewing machines. We welcome anyone who enjoys needle arts to join us!

Mary Martha Circle meets Wednesday, April 13, at 12:30. Bring a sandwich or salad; dessert and beverages furnished. Ann Wilson will be with us to share "church in the midst of travels". We are each invited to bring the picture and/or story of a church you visited somewhere in your travels.

Peace Groups—opportunities for Fellowship, Learning and Service

Want to be in the know about Peace UCC?

Sign up to receive our weekly email newsletter.

Text KNOWPEACE to 22828

to get started.

Dignity Period Spring Gala

Dignity Period is an organization founded by Peace members Dr. Lewis and Helen Wall, with the mission of keeping adolescent Ethiopian girls in school by ensuring that they have access to quality menstrual hygiene products. Dignity Period is having a Spring Gala at the Missouri Botanical Gardens on April 30th. The evening will feature emcee Carol Daniel, KMOX, and special guest presentations by Freweini Mebrahtu, from the Mariam Seba Sanitary Products Factory in Mekelle, Ethiopia, Dr. Loko Abraham, Dean of the College of Health Sciences at Mekelle University, and Dr. Lewis Wall, Dignity Period co-founder. Other activities include silent auction, wine pull, buffet dinner and full bar. You may purchase tickets on line at www.dignityperiod.org/events

Home Sweet Home and All That Jazz All are invited to attend an Open House featuring hors d'oeuvres, drinks, tours, and raffle for Home Sweet Home on Thursday, April 21st, from 5:30-8p.m. at 2653 Locust Street, St. Louis 63103. Home Sweet Home is St. Louis' first major furniture bank, founded by Peace member Betsy Reznicek. The mission of Home Sweet Home is to give families a sense of pride and to improve the quality of their lives by providing basic household furnishings. A flyer for the open house is located on the bulletin board in the narthex. To learn more about Home Sweet Home visit: www.homesweethomestl.org