Sophisticated students, people reading this can relate to them They are dressed very neatly and look good-mannered, this indicates the school is very high class and people wanting to come to this can expect these high standards Images at the bottom show how diverse they are in terms of sports and activities and not only focusing on education. Posh building reinforces to the sophisticated students dressed smartly as well as the high standards Italic style writing connotes to the old fashioned style buildings, which till now these buildings were and are considered posh and sophisticated, this links with how the students are dressed. The blue background indicates the rich background how much expensive this college is, when we think of blue we automatically think, posh, expensive, sophisticated and well mannered. This links in with the images of the students. The well structured writing reflects how well organised the college is, this is also shown by how well organised and neat the students are shown towards us. The only negative side of this article , is that it only shows the middle/high class people. Others who are not in these categories will not find this appealing and will back away because they feel they cannot compete with the high standards of this college. The word investor can relate to the students expensive suits, due to the fact investors are highly wealthy and wear suits.

Preliminary tasks

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Page 1: Preliminary tasks

Sophisticated students, people reading this can relate to them

They are dressed very neatly and look good-mannered, this indicates the school is very high class and people wanting to come to this can expect these high standards

Images at the bottom show how diverse they are in terms of sports and activities and not only focusing on education.

Posh building reinforces to the sophisticated students dressed smartly as well as the high standards

Italic style writing connotes to the old fashioned style buildings, which till now these buildings were and are considered posh and sophisticated, this links with how the students are dressed.

The blue background indicates the rich background how much expensive this college is, when we think of blue we automatically think, posh, expensive, sophisticated and well mannered. This links in with the images of the students.

The well structured writing reflects how well organised the college is, this is also shown by how well organised and neat the students are shown towards us.

The only negative side of this article , is that it only shows the middle/high class people. Others who are not in these categories will not find this appealing and will back away because they feel they cannot compete with the high standards of this college.

The word investor can relate to the students expensive suits, due to the fact investors are highly wealthy and wear suits.

Page 2: Preliminary tasks

The red shirt and title connotes she’s sexually active due to her dressing as well the colour red.

She’s presented as a cheerful and confident person, this is shown by the way she's standing and her facial expressions indicates she's satisfied and proud with her self.

Her style of dressing and appearance reflects the stereotypical western American ‘college girl’.

The background looks like it’s a very friendly green environment, the environment also links with the way the girl is dressed and her emotions i.e. its summer and she's happy, she’s tanned etc.

The sub-heading may link in with the girl in the image as the words ‘American’ and ‘Teenager reflect this

The title is big and bold, its also red which links in with the red shirt

There’s a little skin shown which may attract the opposite sex

The magazine is free, its shown so people can see it.

Page 3: Preliminary tasks

Target audience: (age range, interests)Although it is a school newsletter you still have to think about your audience and how to appeal to them.

targeted at group age between 11-16 year olds. Young audience

Possible title ideas: (masthead / title block)What is your magazine going to be called?

Main image:What will be the focal point of your front page, remember, your work “must include a photograph of a student in a medium close-up”

Two students smiling with arms around each other

Main cover line:What will be the main story?

Preston manor football team

Additional key images:What other images will be on your front cover?Remember, it is a school magazine.

teachers, view of the school, football team and other students in their daily school life

Additional cover lines:Other features, stories or selling points which will be inside the magazine, these need to be audience appropriate.

school related matters and situations, activities, extra curriculums etc.

Typography: (style, size, colour of copy)Think about the writing and the style of the writing on your front page.

A4 sized front cover

Background colour/image:What will be in the background, remember you don’t want to take the focus away from the main image.

light purple background

Technical considerations:(equipment, setting, props, costume, lighting)Be realistic and creative, think about what you have access to and how you could use it.

using Photoshop and DSLR camera

AS Media Studies Preliminary Task – School Magazine Front Page Proposal Form