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  • 8/14/2019 Preliminary Report1




    Advisory Report

    Date: 19-11-2009

    CREM group C1: Kelly Abbring 081124 Joshua Brouwer 081468 Bas van der Bruggen 080293 Kim op t Hoog 081405

  • 8/14/2019 Preliminary Report1


    Advisory report AOS Studley 19-11-2009


    Table of contents

    Introduction 3

    1. Comparison 4

    2. Site selection 52.1 REN Criteria2.2 REN Quick Scan2.3 SWOT analyses

    2.3.1 SWOT analysis Botersloot2.3.2 SWOT analysis De Meent

    2.4 Conclusion SWOT analyses

    3. Workplace concepts 103.1 Office functions

    3.1.1 List of office functions3.1.2 Advice

    3.2 Workplace concepts3.2.1 List of workplace concepts3.2.2 Advice

    3.3 Table of advantages (+) and disadvantages (-) of workplace concepts

    3.4 Workplace concept tool: Bubbles

    4. Building & Design 154.1 Building types4.2 Gross Surface Area

    4.2.1 Gross Surface Area AOS Studley 4.3 Requirements design new building AOS Studley 4.4 Trends and Developments Design

    5. Layout 18

    6. Legal 20

    7. Finance 217.1 Financing possibilities

    7.1.1 Buying7.1.2 Renting7.1.3 Leasing

    7.2 Criteria financing choice7.3 Advice

    List of sources 24

    Appendix I Project Plan 25

    Appendix II Company Profile 35

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    In order to come to a good conclusion, whether AOS Studley made a right decision forrelocating their business, we started to compare the old building with the new one. In orderto get a good overview we wrote some facts and figures about the building. After that each

    aspect of the building will have a closer look.

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    1. Comparison

    AOS Studley relocated their company to another building recently. There were differentreasons for relocating the business, for example:

    - Saving rental costs- Saving Parking costs- Old building + concept does not fit to the image of AOS- Practice what you preach

    These were the main reasons for AOS which made them decide to move. The new buildingdecreased their yearly costs enormously.

    Comparing both buildings with each other, the following overview can be created:

    New Building Old BuildingSquare meters 349 m2 468 m2Rental costs 45.370 83.931

    Cleaning 570 -Full service contract (4desktops and 36 laptopsand 4 servers)

    7.449 7.449

    Service charges 11.168 15.233Parking costs 25.230 65.000

    Total yearly buildingcosts

    89.787 171.613

    Some other facts and figures about the new building:- Average occupation: 15- Budget: 160.000- 5 year rental contract

    Of course there are not only advantages on the new building, some disadvantages can befound as well:

    - Bad entrance ( looks cheap)- No air-conditioning- No security - No toilet cleaning- No wheelchair entrance

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    2. Site selection

    In this chapter the following question will be answered: What is the best location for AOSStudley Netherlands?.

    To answer this question, some criteria for the location is formulated. Besides this, the old andnew location of AOS Studley is been accessed by the REN Quick Scan.

    2.1 REN criteria

    There are some indicators needed when assessing the locations. Nine indicators are relevantand realistic to AOS Studley. The importance of each indicator is made visual by an A, B or C:

    A=important, B=less important and C=not important. First, an analysis is given of what isimportant for AOS Studley and what is not. Than the 2 location will be accessed by thefollowing indicators:

    1 Geographical Position

    B, because they need a central place in the Netherlands for reducing travel expenses. But it isnot really important.

    2 Accessibility A, it is important that clients and employees easily can reach the building by car and publictransport.

    3 Amenities/FacilitiesB, they only need a standard facility like cleaning. Security is not needed yet and they do notneed catering.

    4 Public safetyC, because they are working at regular office hours and they do not have expensive

    equipment in the office building. 5 Parking A, a lot of employees come by own transport and also the clients will. So there has to be roomfor their cars.

    6 NuisanceB, it is not wise to locate directly near a highway, but in the middle of a city should not give tomuch nuisance.

    7 Quality/stability of neighborhood A, the environment needs to have the same image as AOS Studley does. Mr. Harold told usthat in the interview.

    8 Image A, the image is really important for AOS Studley, because they invite clients at their location.

    9 cost of land A, they also want to save costs at the new location. So the cost of land is important.

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    2.2 REN Quick Scan

    See the attachment.

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    2.4 Conclusion SWOT analyses

    The location at the Botersloot is their new location. It is located near the train station Blaak and situated in a quickly developing area. At the 4th floor one can find the floor of AOSStudley. They have creative and inspiring architectures as neighbors. Which also contributesto the image of the building. A big disadvantage of the old building was the very high parkingcosts, this problem is solved at their new location. Because they have their own parkingfacilities. Both locations where good located for public transport, only the station which islocated near the new situation is less available for international trains. Another point which

    was crucial in the decision to move, was the area in which the old building was located. It wasin a huge industry area, with big office building. It was not the image that AOS wanted tohave, they are more creative and innovating.

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    3. Workplace concepts

    A workplace is a building or room where people perform their jobs. A concept is a principle oridea. So a workplace concept is an idea of how to organize a building or room to work there. A

    workplace concept can be judged on the technical and physical side, but also on the qualitiesof the workplace; application possibilities, new collaboration, space efficiency etc.

    3.1 Office functions

    The office is of a great importance, it fulfills several functions in behalf of the organization.Besides, these functions are criteria to examine the performance of the office. An office has toprovide some performance in each of the following office functions.

    3.1.1 List of office functions

    Means of production

    The office as a means of production. This is the traditional approach of the office. The officecan be seen as a machine that optimal supports the work.

    Meeting place / communication systemThe office as a meeting place. This is the social approach of the office. Especially withinorganizations with a lot unattached employees, this is a preferred office function. At such ameeting place employees can quickly communicate and discuss work with each other, beforethey set off.

    Image supporterThe office as an image supporter. This function is particularly became important fororganizations that by means of their office intensive get in contact with their market. Theappearance of the office can strengthen the remaining image-utterance.

    EnvironmentThe office as environment. This function is very popular within human-focusedorganizations. They assume that human beings spend a big part of their lifes at work andtherefore the environment has to offer more than only a working environment.

    Source of inspirationThe office as a source of inspiration. This image is really alive within creative organizations. Itis expected that the working environment provides an inspiring contribution to the creative


    Group monumentThe office as a group monument. This is applicable at big organizations which have a lot

    employees who operate everywhere, especially at clients. The office (often the head office) hasthe function of reference point, as representation of the culture. A lot employees are hardly coming to the head office, but they do feel connected with it.

    InvestmentThe office as an investment. Investors are looking differently towards an office than users.For an investor, it is about the return of investment.

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    3.1.2 Advice

    The function meeting place / communication system is the best office function for AOSStudley; AOS has a lot flexible workers, flexible working times and employees are coming inand out (from and to clients). Besides, AOS would like to be able to receive clients at theiroffice. Therefore the office function image supporter is the other suitable office function for

    AOS Studley.

    3.2 Workplace concepts

    3.2.1 List of workplace concepts

    Cell officeThe cell office is the well-known traditional office concept.

    Within a cell office, all the rooms are situated near the window.The rooms are accessible via passages, stairs and elevators. Theserooms offer place to one till four people. Facilities are in mostcases present in the rooms, such as the dynamic archive. Clients

    will be received in the room. The office concept is suitable fororganizations with a lot concentrated work and mainly formalcommunication. The freedom of division of the building is highly limited.

    Group office / open-plan office A group office is an office concept in which team working is gettingstimulated. Four till twelve persons work in one big area where all thenecessary facilities are housed and the dynamic archive. The receiving of clients will be in a different area. The emphasis in this concept is atcommunication, which will decrease the concentration. Status is lessimportant. Informal contact is very important. The freedom of division ishigh. When this concept will be applied in large-scale, one speaks of anopen-plan office.

    Team officeThe team office is an office concept in which the organization uses small group areas (threetill six persons). The group areas can be open or closed connected with the hall or insideroom. Facilities are shared over several teams. The dynamic archive is situated partly at the

    workplace and partly between the team areas. Status has a limited role. Informal contact isimportant. The freedom of division is small. The main character of a team office is that it isone area with communication and concentration activities. Communication occurs within theteam at the central table (in the middle). Concentration is possible because of the backwardposition of the work desks.

    CoCon-officeThe CoCon-office is based on the separation of the communicationactivities and the concentration activities (COmmunication andCONcentration). The office concept is shaped by a broad middlearea with at both sides cell-offices. In each of these cell-offices isone workplace. In the middle area are the shared facilities and the

    workplaces aimed at communication activities. Also the dynamicarchive can be founded in here. In the middle area are no fixed

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    workplaces, all flexible. A CoCon-office is reasonable transparent. There is only in the middlearea freedom of division.

    Flexible workplace officeThe flexible workplace office goes further than the separation of communication and concentration. The workplaces are related to theactivities. No employee has his own fixed workplace. Based on theactivity, employees choose their workplace: concentration area,communication area, project area etc. The archiving is digital, just asthe information and the communication technology (wireless). Thefreedom of division is small, because of the sustained placing of highquality. The flexibility can be found in the variable use of a relativefixed division.

    Virtual office A virtual office is an office that is far automatized, no spacial coherence is needed. The office works on the basis of the structure within the ICT-facilities. People can be situatedeverywhere and use the telephone and videoconferencing for consultation. When face to facecontact is needed, people meet at a public area, an office, home etc. The virtual office is anetwork of people who organize their own workplace and other facilities. The organizationoffers for this the infrastructure and supports.

    3.2.2 Advice

    Harold Coenders, manager workplace consultancy of AOS Studley, wrote the article: Themultigeneration workplace. Mensgerichte, innovatieve werkomgevingen. This article waspublished in the Yearbook Facility Management Magazine 2009. He wrote:

    "Innovatieve kantoorconcepten vieren in Nederland hun tienjarig bestaan. Met de openingvan het hoofdkantoor van Interpolis werd het denken over innovatieve kantoorconceptendestijds in een keer op de kaart gezet. In deze tijd waarin zowel economische,maatschappelijke en technologische ontwikkelingen zich met de snelheid van het licht voltrekken, blijft echter niets tien jaar innovatief. Tijd om te herdefinieren en te kijken naar de eisen die de medewerker van vandaag stelt aan werken en leven".

    AOS Studley finds human addressed, innovative working environments of high importance.This has also to do with choosing the right workplace concept for the company. The human

    being stands in the centre. For the first time in history, there are four generations activetogether in the work field and in the same office of AOS Studley. There has to be paidattention to that aspect as well, when choosing a workplace concept. The best workplaceconcept is a mix of certain concepts: team office, CoCon-office and flexible workplace office;

    Team office: ideal workplace to work together, to have group consultation with colleagues. We have chosen for the team office instead of the group office, because a group office is to bigfor AOS Studley. On average, 15 people are working per day at AOS Studley. They do not allhave to work together, so a team office for three till 6 people would be enough. Besides,

    within the CoCon-office concept there is also room for employees to work together.

    CoCon-office: within this concept there are several workplaces for communication activitiesand concentration activities. We have chosen for the CoCon-office instead of cell offices,

    because within CoCon-offices you have also cell offices plus space for group work. Those celloffices are for the traditional employees, who prefer to work quit and alone.

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    Flexible workplace office: this concept is the modern workplace. It is especially for employees who work at home and at the office. They do not have fixed working hours. This applies toalmost all of the employees of AOS Studley. They come to the office and work wherever they

    want, nobody has a fixed workplace. The chosen workplace is geared to the work activity of the employee of that day.

    Virtual office: this concept is too modern for AOS Studley, thinking about the oldergeneration within AOS Studley. Besides, they want to receive clients at their office. Within a

    virtual office there is no real, tangible office. AOS Studley wants their office to be a visitingcard towards their clients. They have the value: practice what you preach.

    3.3 Table of advantages (+) and disadvantages (-) of workplace concepts

    3.4 Workplace concept tool: Bubbles

    To visualize the advice towards AOS Studley concerning the workplace concept, there is beenmade use of the tool Bubbles.

    The floor plan of the new building:

    Organization Work Work environment

    Privacy Transparency Communication Concentration Cooperation Use of IT-possibilities

    Personal Archives

    Use of facility support

    Cell office (++) (-) (-) (++) (-) (-) (++) (-)

    Group office (-) (++) (++) (-) (++) (+) (-) (++)

    Team office (+/-) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+/-) (+) (+/-)

    CoCon office (+) (+) (++) (++) (+) (+) (+/-) (+)

    Flexible workplace


    (-) (+) (++) (+) (+) (++) (-) (++)

    Virtual office (++) (-) (+/-) (++) (+/-) (++) (++) (+/-)

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    The floor plan of the new building illustrated with the tool Bubbles:Indeling nu: Het gebouw:

    - vergaderruimte- bar + eetruimte + receptie- 2 cockpits- Open concentratieruimte- Bankhoekje


    Groepsplekken- Ieder n laadje- Enkele werkplekken- Balkon moet nog stoelen enz. op komen- Lift, pas vanaf 1 e verdieping- Toiletten (schamen ze zich voor).

    = Cell office = Flexible workplace office

    = CoCon-office = Canteen

    = Team office

    In the advice is written that the best workplace concept for AOS Studley is a mix of certainconcepts: team office, CoCon-office and flexible workplace office. As one can see in the floorplan of the new building illustrated with the tool Bubbles is that AOS Studley implementedalready those workplaces. So concerning the workplace concepts, AOS Studley has arrangedit well.

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    4. Building & Design

    4.1 Building types

    Buildings are nowadays created for several reasons and have their own functionalrequirements which can be linked to the design of the building. Some buildings can beintended to be monuments, while others are simply made to work in it. Both the usage as thedesign of the building is changing over time. Nowadays specialised buildings for specificfunctions are popular.

    A lot of distinction can be made in different building types. However, the main building typefor offices is the High-Rise Office Building.These building types are mainly located in the urban centres of cities. More and morecompanies perceive an A-location. Therefore the building spaces in the economic centres of the cities are getting more and more scanty. Creating high buildings is the only solution todeal with this problem.

    At the moment architects are dealing more and more with the nature aspect. Large buildings can create long shadows as well as wind velocities. These are direct disadvantagesfor the surrounded area. Solutions for these problems are Row-Buildings and Low-RiseBuildings. These solutions however are hard to pursuit as well since there is limited spaceavailable.

    4.2 Gross Surface Area

    The gross surface area of a building is the sum of all surface areas of all ground planes. Inother words, it covers the floor area plus underground surfaces. This means undergroundparking areas and cellar areas are also included in the GSA.The gross surface area can be divided into Net Surface Area and Construction Surface Area.

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    4.2.1 Gross Surface Area AOS Studley

    The Gross Surface Area of the current AOS building is 349 square metres. Compared with theold building they have already decreased their surface area with 25 percent, but we believethey still have some excessive space.The average building occupation is estimated at 15 to 20 employees each day. In total 40employees work for AOS Studley.Looking at the floor plan above, 43 workplaces can be found. This does not include the largemeeting room. The meeting room should not be used as a workplace since possibleclients/guest needs to be received in there.In our opinion AOS Studley has too many workplaces since at an average day more than half of the workplaces stay unused.

    AOS Studley stands for Practice what you preach, meaning that they have some kind of showroom function for their clients.Our idea is to limit the amount of workspaces by eliminating six flexible workplaces. Thespace that will come available can be used for a showroom function.

    4.3 Requirements design new building AOS Studley

    One of the reasons for AOS Studley to relocate their business was the old-fashioned design of the building. A lot of clients who visited AOS got a bad first impression therefore.For the new building a new nice design was a high priority.

    The goal of the new design was to give their clients a good impression of how an office couldlook like when hiring AOS.Therefore different workplace concepts should be implemented in the design. Whenimplementing different workplace concepts clients are able to see the workplaces in real life,

    which makes it easier for them to decide what they want for their own company.The workplace concepts have to be adapted to the employees. Since there are fourgenerations active, within AOS Studley, workplace concepts need to be fitted to the wishes

    and demands of these groups. For that reason different concepts needs to be implemented.Besides workplace concepts the furniture should also have a showroom function. Tablesand chairs can be supported by their suppliers and contractors. This will save AOS a lot in theinventory costs.

    Some important considerations/factors for AOS Studley to take into account when designingthe new building are:- Cost effective- Functional/Operational- Flexibility - Urban Planning- Technical Connectivity

    - Secure/ Safe- Sustainable

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    4.4 Trends and Developments Design

    Within the office design industry there are several new trends besides the standards trendssuch as more color in the building. These trends are often taken into account when buildingnew offices, but also old offices are trying to implement them since it increases theproductivity of the employees.

    The most important trends are:

    - More bandwidth, smarter buildingNowadays office users tend to work more via networks. Therefore more room for wiring andducting is needed. Besides that more electricity capacity is needed as well. This means morespace will be used for the data centres.

    - GreenOffices tend to be more environmental friendly. This automatically translates itself to thedesign of the building. Workplace concepts nowadays are created of environmental friendly material. Besides that green building design can also be effective for energy efficiency, itreduce life-cycle costs and it improves employee productivity.

    - Sculpted and scaled Todays modern buildings need to be elegant, colourful and full of modern designs.

    - Air, Light and spaceIn order to let your employees work as efficient as possible investigation showed us that they produce the best work when being in an inspiring environment.The usage of glass and systems that clean the air can improve the productivity.

    - Adaptability and personal spaceThe demand of the employer for higher creativity and productivity among his employees isincreasing. Therefore it is important to create a personal space in which the employees areable to work on it. Collaboration and communication are important factors to increase the

    productivity, therefore it is important to have the right work environment and personalspace.

    - Leisure space in the office A game such as pool tables, bowling alleys, but also a sport gym or living room (withfireplace) allows the employees to de-stress during a hard day of work. Investigation showedthat a de-stress period during work will eventually increase the productivity.

    - Safety and SecuritySafety in and around the building have become of major importance the last few years.Buildings need to meet building codes which makes sure that buildings will be safe andcapable to last powerful sources such as high winds and earthquakes.Besides that access points of the building are being secured with security staff more often as


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    5. Layout

    The layout of the new building is a combination of about 10 workplace concepts. They want toshow their (future) clients what they have to offer and how you can implement it in your own

    building. AOS Studley is located on a floor in a building which contains more companys, sothe layout of the outside of the building has not much to do with AOS Studley. When entering

    AOS Studleys floor, one immediately notice a lot of different materials, colors and lay outs.First there is the catering. It is a very long bar with bar stools, behind this all the food anddrinks are stored. On the other side there is a very large table and they usually lunch there

    with all the employees. Continuing walking one find a meeting office with glass walls on theleft side, this is the biggest office they have and this is for a maximum of approximately twenty people. On the right side there is a small office for two people, also with walls of glass.Further there is some kind of sofa office and a very large cabinet with fake grass on top of it.In this cabinet all the employees can store all their papers etc.

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    Efficient building occupancy.The standard norm for occupancy in a building does not apply for AOS Studley, because atthe same time they want to work and show as many workplace concepts as possible. This isnot the most efficient way to use space.

    Paying attention on the space where materials, documents etc. are stored, this can be done ina multifunctional cabinet so no space is wasted. Another possibility is to use thecatering/lunch area as a multifunctional space. Because it is a quit long and small buildingand one need rather small work spaces it is smart to organize workplace concepts on bothsides of the path but then non parallel placed. Because they use a lot of colors and differentmaterials it is important to use a safe and straight light floor.

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    6. Legal

    When someone gives the assignment to provide them with a real estate advice it is importantfor both parties to have a correct contract. This contract most of the times contains privatelaw, public law and will declare all the obligations from both parties. Other legal queries thatare involved in a real estate advise or investment are the notaries duties. The real estatepurchase proceedings, the documents securing a transaction, tax aspects of the investmentand the language and jurisdiction of the contract.

    The legal aspects that one has to keep in mind in reference to hiring a building, are a hiringcontract, the ARBO legislation for the safety and health of the employer and his employees.There are also obligated facilities that a building should contain such as toilets, parkingspaces, a place to have lunch, air-conditioning etc. The starting point of the ARBO legislationis that the employer has the obligation to handle a omission policy. There are 3 majorsubjects: safety, health and well being. This has to be in the year plans of a company andthere have to follow regularly reports on how it works in process in the company.

    An other Legal aspect is when a transmission from owners took place, one can give someone

    a special title. This means that that person will only have the right and not the obligations of the transmitted company.

    (`The transmission from the owner art: 3.80 lid: 3. Special.)

    Contract: Legally enforceable promise on agreements or promises made between two or moreparties that the court will enforce.

    Letter of intent: document outlining an agreement between two or more parties before theagreement is finalized. To clarify the key points.

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    7. Finance

    7.1 Financing possibilities

    There are a lot of possibilities concerning the finance of real estate. The most important and

    most common are: buying, renting and leasing. All other existing finance possibilities arederived of these four.

    7.1.1 Buying

    Buying of real estate was till thirty years ago the most common finance possibility. This isdecreased the last couple of years. The main reason for this is that the purchase of a buildingtakes a massive possession of the available means, also when the purchase is financed by liabilities. The money spend in the purchase, can not be applied to other purposes anymore.

    A consequence of buying is that the solvency decreases. The solvency is the relation betweenthe total assets and the liabilities. This relation will decrease. A possible consequence of thisdecreased solvency is that the organization can have trouble with attract more owners equity

    or liabilities. Within buying, the economic risk lays at the owner/user. Examples of these risks are lack of occupancy or value changes. The lack of occupancy risk appears when the organization, withthe eye on future grow, move into a bigger building than is necessary at this moment. In thatcase it is advisable to let out the excessive part of the building. When this does not succeed,there is talk of lack of occupancy. Value changes appear, because the value of real estatedepends on several factors: the circumstances on the real estate market, the location, theaccessibility and the technical obsolescence of the building.

    7.1.2 Renting

    In case of renting, the organization (apart from starting-up costs) does not have to investowners equity or liabilities in the building. The disadvantage of renting is that the user hasless participation within the design or the division of the building. Also other wishesconcerning the building can be less quickly accept. As the rent contracts are agreed on for alonger period of time, the letter would be more willing to realize the wishes of the tenant.During the renting period, the tenant has more certainty over his housing costs, because theheight of the rent etc. will stand in the contract. After the renting period the letter is free toraise or lower the rent, partly depending on market circumstances.

    The big advantage of renting is that the tenant does not have to pay for repairs andmaintenance of the building, that is the responsibility of the letter. Also in case of rent, the

    building will not appear at the balance sheet of the organization; renting is also called off- balance financing. So, this way of financing has no consequences for the loan capacity of the


    7.1.3 Leasing

    In the eighties, leasing of real estate was developing. Leasing is a mix of buying and renting,in which there is tried to combine the positive qualities of both and eliminate the negativequalities. The tenant of leasing is called a lessee , and the financer a lessor .

    Several advantages of leasing over owning are:

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    - leasing is not a loan, so all lease payments are tax-deductible;- 100% financing rather than 70-80%, which is the case with buying (mortgage). So no

    need to use equity capital.

    The two most common shapes of leasing are financial and operational lease. The difference isdetermined by economic ownership: who is responsible for the economic risks of the realestate. With financial lease is the lessee the economic owner, with operational lease is thelessor economic owner. In both cases is the lessor legal owner of the real estate.

    Within financial lease the user has the economic risk and therefore all the likes and dislikes.The duration of the agreement is mostly equal to the economic life of the building and theuser has the right to buy the building after the duration of the agreement.

    Financial lease is an on-balance finance manner, the user is obliged to put the building at the balance sheet. This is because within a financial leasing-contract the organization accept a very important fixed commitment, namely to pay a certain lease amount during a couple of years. Financial lease offers not much advantages in relation to buy with the help of liabilitiesand therefore it does not occur that often in practice.

    Within operational lease the owner has the economic risk and the tenant can return the realestate to the owner. The tenant does not have to activate the real estate at the balance sheet,it is an off-balance finance manner.

    In the table below the differences between the two most common shapes of leasing areshown:

    Financial lease Operational lease Finance agreement Indissoluble Terminable Lease period Equal to the economic life Shorter than the economic life Buying right Yes No Economic risk Lessee Lessor Legal ownership Lessor Lessor Activate in balance sheet Yes No

    Because of the fact that organizations in some cases have a need to new capital while they areowner of the real estate, is in the eighties the sale and lease back-construction developed.

    Within sale and lease back, organizations sell their real estate to a financer to lease itthereupon back.

    7.2 Criteria financing choice

    The choice of a financing form is not only based on the comparison of costs. Because of thelarge number of variables and the uncertainty about the variables, a comparison of costs isoften very difficult and uncertain.

    At least as important is to involve the organization strategy within the choice between severalalternatives. The criteria that can be involved when choosing between several alternativesare:

    the desired flexibility of the organization; the possibility to realize the wishes of the tenant; the acceptable economic risk the organization wishes to bear; the fiscal advantages and disadvantages.

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    Shown below in the table are the different criteria and the several financing forms comparedto each other. Financial lease is not showed in this overview, because this form of leasing iscomparable to buying of real estate. The + is positive, the is negative.

    Criteria Buying Renting Operational leaseFlexibility - + +Realisation users wishes + - +/-Economic risk - + +Fiscal stimulants + - +/-

    Besides, quality considerations are also very important when choosing a financing form:- location;- maintenance level;- multifunctionality of the building.

    7.3 Advice

    In this time, while the credit crunch is still going, it is not a wise decision to buy real estate.This because the market is just not stable at the moment, so buying is not an option for AOSStudley. Looking at the criteria table, operational lease is in general the best financing option.

    When times and the market are better and AOS Studley has survived the credit crunch, they can switch from operational lease to financial lease. By doing so, AOS Studley can buy the

    building for the book value after the leasing period. Then it is a good option to buy.

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    List of sources RedfernWaterloo/Markup/4_BuildingTypes_A.pdf

    Mooij, M., 2002, Kantoor Innovatie, First ed., Alphen aan de Rijn: Kluwers.

    Scheijndel Eur.Erg., P.A.M. van, 2004, Handboek kantoorinnovatie , 2005/2006 ed., Den Haag: SduUitgevers bv.

    Interview AOS Studley.

    book: Facility management: strategie en bedrijfsvoering van de facilitaire organisatie Maas & Pleunis, page 114 116, Kluwer, 2006, 2nd revised edition.

    Arbo: Basisboek recht, tiende druk, mr OAP van der Roest (red.), Wolters noordhoff.

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    Appendix I Project Plan

    CREM C1

    ProjectplanAOS Studley

    Kelly Abbring, Joshua Brouwer, Bas van den Bruggen and Kim op t Hoog


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    Table of content

    A. The Assignment 3The context of the assignment 3The description of the assignment 3

    An orientation on the subject 3 Involved stakeholders 4The assignment questions 4

    B. Organization of the project in time 6 Essential activities 6 Planning Gantt Chart 7 Critical Path 7

    C. Organization of the project as a team 8Team 8Communication 8

    Products Essential sources 9

    Appendix Gantt Chart 11

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    Advisory report AOS Studley 19-11-2009


    A. The Assignment

    The context of the assignment

    We are four second years students at the NHTV, International Real Estate and Facility

    Management. This project plan concerns the theme Corporate Real Estate Management. Ourcommissioner is AOS Studley. They recently moved to a new location and we need to give asecond opinion in which the new housing situation is held against the light in areas of spaceefficiency and costs. To reach this goal, we will go to AOS Studley and have an interview withMartin van Brandwijk; project manager of AOS Studley. Further we will do research on thecompany, space planning, efficient building occupancy, workplace concepts and financialmanagement.

    The project is spread over a period of approximately 15 weeks: September 2009 throughJanuary 2010. We are formed a fictive consultancy bureau: eFFectiv. We created a weblog

    where we share a weekly update on the project developments with the visitors:

    The description of the assignment

    As a group of four students we have a case company ; AOS Studley. This company advisesother companies how to manage and implement new workplace concepts and gives advice inrelation to the design of it.

    AOS Studley recently moved to a new location and we need to give a second opinion in whichthe new housing situation is held against the light in areas of space efficiency and costs. We

    will provide them with a clear advisory report which shows the new location with all the factson efficiency, costs, facilities etc. We will pay extra attention on space planning, efficient

    building occupancy, workplace concepts and financial management.

    Because this companys specialty is to advice companies on this subject we can presume thatit was the right choice to move to this building. We have to show that we walked the samepath to this conclusion, how we found out that this was indeed the right decision.

    We will use our skills and knowledge that we gained in the first years CREM project and putit into practice with this real assignment. Besides, we will use the CREM lectures of the firstand second year of August Timisela. We will also use the information about ratios and

    budgeting of the accounting/finance lectures of the second year.

    An orientation on the subject

    Our subject is to give a housing advice for AOS Studley. AOS Studley is an real estate

    consultancy company. They are active in eleven countries and their head office is in France. AOS Studley in the Netherlands has important clients like Electrabel and Albert Heijn. They give advice on real estate and workplace concepts. A company can give them full control of amovement or a change. Or they can give them control of small projects or let an interim takeover some departments. They have their own workplace concept called: Multi generation

    workplace concept which they also used in their current building.

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    Involved stakeholders

    Each company has several stakeholders. Stakeholders are the people who are involved inprojects within the organization. Besides that stakeholders sometimes own a part of thecompany.

    A few examples of stakeholders are:- Employees- Partners- Government

    The involved stakeholders for the AOS Studley case are:- owner AOS Studley;- AOS Europe;- employees AOS Studley;- partners AOS Studley;- clients;- (local) government; city planners.

    The assignment questions

    During this project we will work on an advisory report in which we look at the new housingsituation concerning AOS Studley. This advisory report will include factors such as spaceefficiency and cost control, through this is of major importance.

    The leading research objective is to give an assessment of the new housing situation of AOSStudley. Therefore the leading management question will be:

    Is the new housing situation the right choice of AOS Studley?

    Besides the leading management question, the following key words are given: space planning,efficient building occupancy, workplace concepts and financial management. In order to givethe right and complete answer to the leading management question, we need to fully understand the given key words. Therefore we first have to find out:

    - What is space planning?- What is efficient building occupancy?- What are workplace concepts?- What is financial management?

    Looking at the theme CREM I, there are certain topics when assessing a new housingsituation. We made some research questions out if these topics:

    Company Profile1. How is AOS Studley organized?2. What are the values of AOS Studley?3. What are the daily activities of AOS Studley?

    Site Selection4. What is the best location for AOS Studley?

    Workplace concepts5. Which office functions are there?6. Which office function suits AOS Studley?

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    7. Which workplace concepts are there?8. Which workplace concepts suit AOS Studley?

    Building9. Which building types are there?10. Which building type is suitable for AOS Studley?11. What is Gross Surface Area (GSA)?12. What is the Gross Surface Area (GSA) of the new building?

    Design13. What are the requirements that the new location has to meet according to AOS

    Studley?14. What are the consultancy requirements?15. Which trends are there in the field of corporate real estate?16. Which developments are there in the field of corporate real estate?17. Which legislation need to be taken into account when designing a new building?

    Layout 18. What is the layout of the new building?

    Legal 19. Which rules and regulations are involved in a real estate advice?20. Which rules and regulations are applicable at the new housing situation of AOS


    Finance 21. What is the best thing for AOS Studley to do: buy or lease?22. What is the budget for a new housing situation of AOS Studley?23. What are the costs of the new housing situation of AOS Studley?24. What are the main cost savings compared with the costs of the old building?

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    B. Organization of the project in time

    Essential Activities

    To give a solid and complete advice to AOS Studley concerning the new housing situation, we

    as consultancy need to do several essential activities. We have written them done sharply:1. Project Plan (week 41):

    - Attend the two lectures about Project Management.- Training Project ManagementIn the project management training we got a workshop on how to make a project plan.- Use the book Project Management when producing the project plan.- Use the information concerning Project Plans, published by Tim van Leeuwen onn@tschool.

    2. Given Keywords (week 39):- Do research about the given keywords. books (library), internet, n@tschool etc.

    3. Company Profile (week 40):- Do an interview with the commissioner. We will have an interview with an employee of AOS Studley, for more information.- Do research about organization structure, values, daily activities etc.

    4. Comparison new with old building (week 40):- Look in the minutes of the interview.- Come up with extra questions (costs) after the interview.

    5. Site Selection (week 41):- Do research about the Real Estate Norm (REN).- Come up with selection criteria.- Search for potential locations.

    - Do REN Quick Scans with the potential locations.- Make a SWOT analysis of the two best locations.

    6. Workplace concepts (week 42):- Do research on office functions.- Do research on traditional workplace concepts.- Do research on new workplace concepts.- Make a table with advantages and disadvantages of workplace concepts.- Use the workplace concept tool: Bubbles.

    7. Building (week 43):- Do research on the different building types.- Do research on Gross Surface Area (GSA).

    - Make a Gross Surface Area (GSA) table of the new building of AOS Studley.8. Design (week 44):

    - Find out the requirements of the new location according to AOS Studley.- Come up with requirements of our consultancy.- Do research on trends.- Do research on developments.- Do research on legislation.

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    9. Layout (week 44):- Make a layout plan of the new building.- Come up with the best way of efficient building occupancy.

    10. Legal (week 45):- Do research on rules and regulations concerning real estate.- Decide which rules and regulations are applicable to AOS Studley.

    11. Finance (week 45 + 46):- Do research on buying.- Do research on leasing.- Finding out what the lowest budget can be for the new housing situation of AOSStudley.- Finding out what all the costs are for the new housing situation.

    12. Produce a Preliminary Report (week 47)The preliminary report is a draft version of our final report. This report will include allthe information of the preceding points.

    13. Write a Final Report (week 50)The final product, which will include an advice on the current building of AOSStudley.

    14. Make a poster presentation (week 1) With the poster presentation, we present our advice to the commissioner.


    There are a few important deadlines for the project CREM:

    Products Deadlines Project Plan Week 41, Thursday 8 October, 14.00.Preliminary Report Week 47, Thursday 19 November, 14.00.Final Report Week 50, Thursday 10 December, 14.00.Poster Presentation Week 1, Wednesday 6 January Instantly.Starr report (individual) Week 1, Thursday 7 January.

    Gantt Chart

    A Gantt Chart is also made for the project CREM. Because of the size, it was not possible toshow it below. Therefore it can be found in the appendix.

    Critical Path The critical path in this project will be the red tasks in the Gant Chart, which can be found inthe appendix.

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    There are several products we need to hand in during the theme CREM:

    Project planThe project plan consists of: a description of the assignment, an orientation on thesubject, the context of the assignment, involved stakeholders, objectives, essential activities, necessary sources, required budget, products, deadlines and project


    A weblog A weblog with messages and information concerning the project to keep everyoneup-to-date.

    Advisory report Shows the new location with all the facts on efficiency, costs, facilities etc and recommendations, conclusions etc.

    Poster presentation

    After handing in the advisory report, we will make a poster and do the poster presentation about our findings and advise to AOS Studley.

    STARR reportWe need to make an individual STARR report concerning the project CREM.

    Essential sources

    We have one interview scheduled to gain more information about AOS Studley. Besides, we will have lectures concerning real estate topics.


    Spatial Planning - Spatial Planning Systems in Western Europe, An Overview.

    Gerhard Larsson- Space Planning, for Commercial and Residential Interiors.

    Sam Kubba- Space Planning: designing the office environment.

    Lila Shoshkes- Space Planning

    Roberta Freifeld, Caryl Masyr.

    Efficient building occupation- Architects data

    Ernst Neufert- Between dictate & design: the architecture of office buildings.Gert Staal

    - Living the BrandNicholas Ind

    Workplace concepts - Transforming Your Workplace

    A. Bell- The European office: office design and national context.

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    Juriaan van Meel- The stirring of soul in the workplace.

    Alan Briskin- eBusiness and workplace redesign.

    Paul J. Jackson, Reima Suomi

    Financial Management- Life Cycle Costing for Facilities

    Alphonse J. DellIsola, Stephen J. Kirk - Key Account Management

    Peter Cheverton- Financial Accounting for non-specialists

    Catherine Gowthorpe- Cost Management

    Leslie G. Eldenburg, Susan K. Wolcott

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    Appendix II Company Profile

    Company Profile AOSStudley CREM C1

    Kelly Abbring, Joshua Brouwer, Bas van denBruggen and Kim opt Hoog16-10-2009

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    This report is part of a project on giving a housing advice commissioned by AOS Studley. A lot of information which led to this report is knowledge gained from interviews and lectures

    by people from the facility work field and AOS Studley.

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    Table of content

    Preface ........................................................................ Fout! Bladwijzer niet gedefinieerd.

    Introduction............................................................... Fout! Bladwijzer niet gedefinieerd.

    Short Company Overview ......................................................................................................... 39

    Vision, philosophy & mission ................................................................................................... 40

    Developments ............................................................................................................................. 41

    Sources ....................................................................................................................................... 42

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    Short Company Overview

    AOS Studley is a leading Real Estate Consulting and Services firm with more than 400 staff and a turnover of 70 million . From SME through to International, Multi-Site organizations,

    AOS Studley provides integrated solutions from consulting to implementation. AOS Studley has over 30 offices globally, with major hubs in San Francisco, Chicago, New York, London,Paris, Brussels, Munich, Dubai, Hong Kong & Shanghai.

    AOS Studley separates himself in three core businesses;- Real Estate services

    Advice to users on the strategy for their business property, assistance in the selection ordevelopment of business sites and buildings and negotiating the best rental or purchaseterms.- Building servicesSupervision of the end users during the implementation phase of a new building orredevelopment of existing buildings.- Occupier services

    Workplace, IT and facility management consulting, realization of projects, interim solutions.

    AOS Studley operates from a integrated approach from various disciplines throughmultidisciplinary teams which are composed of complementary profiles(economists,engineers, architects, computer specialists, interior designers, etc.). The different services are

    based on three pillars: advise, implement and manage.

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    Vision, philosophy & mission

    One cannot write a n advice/analyze report without knowing the companys core values. Theinformation about that was rather small. Because AOS Studley Netherlands is a independentdaughter company of AOS Studley International and it could happen that a location of AOSStudley in for example France has a different view on the philosophy. Thats why we firstquoted the website of AOS Studley International. And after that we use the information givenduring the interview with the CEO of AOS Studley Netherlands.For the vision, philosophy & mission we wanted to quote the website of AOS Studley International where the following is stated;Our vision

    To become a leader in the design and implementation of real estate services.

    Our mission

    To advise and serve our clients with integrated solutions in order to optimize their corporatereal estate and infrastructure.

    Our Ambition

    To serve our multi-sited clients across an international platform.

    Our added value

    A strong ability to help our clients optimize their real estate strategies, through interventionsat all levels.

    For getting more insight in the core values of AOS Studley Netherlands we use the interview with Mr. Coenders. During the interview with Mr. Coenders, CEO of AOS Studley Netherlands, we could ask specific questions of the expectations and the reasons for amovement. We have to know in what kind of environment they want to be sited. They werefirst sited in a very industrial neighborhood, with high office buildings. And AOS Studley Netherlands doesnt want that image. They want to be seen as a creative innovative realestate consultant. Their current location is surrounded by creative companies likearchitecting bureau. So it is important that we can implement that vision and mission intoour housing advice.

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    They serve their clients by a integrated developed workplace concept, called multigeneration workplace. It is developed by AOS Studley Netherlands, and it is gonna be usedall over Europe. Within this concept they set the end user central while developing andimplementing a workplace concept. They are very proud of this concept and they also used itin their new headquarters of AOS Studley Netherlands. Under the motto of: Practice what

    you preach. With this new concept they want to achieve their mission, to become marketleader in integrated complex workplace solutions for end-users.

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    LiteraturePowerpoint for information use from AOS Studley. Provided by Drs. Harold Coenders.

    WebsitesFout! De hyperlinkverwijzing is ongeldig. ] Sited at 19-10-2009