Predictors of IFVL

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Integrated Faith and Value on Learning

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    Predictors of IFVL and Teacher Integration IFVL

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    The noun PREDICTOR has 3 senses:

    1. someone who makes predictions of the future (usually on the basis of special


    2. information that supports a probabilistic estimate of future events

    3. a computer for controlling antiaircraft fire that computes the position of an aircraft

    at the instant of a shell's arrival

    There are two predictors that effects to the education:

    1. Teacher Integration

    2. Subject Integration

    Teacher Integration

    The prophet Daniel was an illustrious character. He was a bright example of what

    men may become when united with the God of wisdom. A brief account of the life of this

    holy man of God is left on record for the encouragement of those who should afterward be

    called to endure trial and temptation.True education does not ignore the values of scientific

    knowledge or literary acquirements; but above information it values power; above power;

    goodness; above intellectual acquirements, character. The world does not much need men of

    great intellect as noble character. It needs men whom ability is controlled by steadfast


    Through Christ had been communicated every ray of divine light that had ever

    reached our fallen world. It was He who had spoken through everyone that throughout the

    ages had declared Gods word to man. Of Him all the excellences manifest in the earths

    greatest and noblest souls were reflections. The purity and beneficence of Joseph, the faith

    and meekness and long-suffering of Moses, the steadfastness of Elisha, the noble integrity

    and firmness of Daniel, the ardor and self-sacrifice of Paul, the mental and spiritual power

    manifest in all these men, and in all others who had ever dwelt on the earth, were but gleams

    from the shining of His glory. In Him was found the perfect ideal

    Subject Integration

    Ellen White never intended that the Bible should be just another subject in the curriculum. It

    was to predominate and infuse all other subjects. The Holy Scriptures are the perfect standard

    of the truth, and as such should be given the highest place in education. For a school to

    become infused by Gods Spirit so there will be a complete integration of learning, faith, and

    practice requires teachers who put spiritual priorities first and are sensitive to the leading of

    the Holy Spirit.

    When we talk about integration in education, we can not separate it with the curriculum.

    What is the curriculum?

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    A board definition of curriculum : Curriculum includes what is taught by any experience that

    can be infuenced by the school.

    There are three types of curriculum :

    Formal Curriculum : what is commonly taught in classes tha are normally a part of

    elementary, secondary, or higher education programs

    Informal curriculum : What is taught through learning experiences that are not part of formal


    Hidden curriculum : What is taught unintentionally through either the formal or informal

    curriculum. Sometimes the hidden curriculum influences students more than what teachers

    intend to convey.

    The difference between the informal and the hidden curriculum is often just a matter of


    There are some selected examples from the informal or the hidden curriculum

    Methods of grading

    Selecting procedure that does not require students to compete with one another, but

    rather strive to reach attainable goal, increases the probability that they will progress

    further, help one another, and develop more positive attitudes toward the school


    School programs

    Is the objective of your school programs merely to entertain? Do they have spiritual

    objectives, or do they simply keep the students occupied? When they do satisfy a

    more serious purpose, such as in student talent productions, is the accent on

    excellence and enrichment or on human vanity and vainglory?

    The hidden curriculum in Secular Textbooks

    Theism, the Godward orientation of a life, perceives the unseen dimension of realy,

    the supernatural, and seek examples of God at work in His world. Humanism, the

    opposite of this deals only with the seen, the natural dimension, concentrating on man

    at work in his world. It is the Christians teacher central task to develop and maintain

    a theistic approach to his subject, and to help the student comprehend the deeper

    levels of reality.

    Playground activities

    Teacher should investigate and implement wholesome activities that encourage

    cooperation and the other positive attitudes.

    Field trips

    Sometimes teachers do not think of field trips as related to Bible principles.

    Consequently, many children do not have a serious understanding of the result of sin.

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    One very effective field trip is to take young people to see an inner-city mission

    where drunks and other types of individuals come when they are really down and out.

    The intercom

    Actually, poor audio sound can raise anxiety and frustration levels, contributing to

    actions that support negative attitudes and value.

    Background music and stories in the classroom

    An intercom or background music can be asset in the classroom. One teachers play

    bible stories, thus developing moral values while students are doing arts or crafts. The

    noise level in the classroom thus reduced, and while the students are involved in this

    positive experiences, they are less likely to resort to negative behaviour that might

    result from boredom.

    Bulletin boards and pictures

    Every pictures has a message. Select pictures to illustrate an objective, to convey a

    message about helpfulness, or to evoke interest in a doctrine communicated by the


    The library and outside reading

    Children love to read stories and experience vicariously the victories and positive

    deeds of the person they reading about. Students can also realize that if this person

    could overcome a handicap or difficulty perhaps there is also hope for them to


    Dress code

    Teacher should discuss openly the way certain people have dressed and how such

    styles communicate what kinds of people they are.

    School rules

    Rules should be simple and few, and easily understood. Make that each person

    understands them and that, once developed and accepted, the rules are enforced until

    there is a systematic way of changing them. When a student learns he cannot change a

    reasonable rule, he will usually adjust to it. The rules must be reasonable and

    administratively viable, but they must also be spiritual.

    ILFP in the formal curriculum

    ILFP in mathemathics

    Developing an appreciation of the order and structure of nature through

    observing geometric and other mathemathical concepts illustrated in the

    universe ;

    Relating simple concepts of probability to the theory of the origin of life as

    taught by evolution

    ILFP in Science

    Emphasize that through the study of Science we learn about Gods creation

    and the laws by which nature is governed;

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    Relate principles of science to health. Help students to understand the

    scientific basis for the Christians healthful life style.

    IFLP in the Language Arts

    Help students develop criteria for selecting good material for reading,

    listening, or viewing. Study of the Bible can greatly aid in this search;

    Select meaningful topics for writing assignments. Have students write simple

    poetry or prose descriptions of objects that show beauty in nature or design.

    They can also write about events that show how their parents or other

    Christian have helped them;

    Have students rewrite Bible stories in modern language or use a contemporary

    setting to restate a story and teach the same lesson the Bible author intended.

    ILFP in Art, Music, and Crafts

    Study the historical influence of religion on art and music;

    Make appropriate use of the arts in formal and informal worship settings.

    ILFP in History and Social Sciences

    Identifying the geographic locations of mission programs and chruch


    Showing how specific historical envents fulfill Bible prophecy.

    Lesson presentation

    Planning the first two week

    The first two weeks of school are critical to the success of the entire school year.

    Spricks guidelines for the first two weeks of school include the following seven steps


    1. List all types of classroom activities

    2. For each activity, imagine how you would like students to behave.

    3. Design classroom rules

    4. Design consequences for severe misbehavior

    5. Design a grading system that encourages motivation and participation

    6. Design routines for assigning and collecting in-class assignments and homework

    7. Prepare activities for the first day of class.

    Cooperative learning

    Example : Jesus Christ often worked with groups. He sent the disciples out two-by-

    two. Paul also often worked with a team in his missionart endeavours.

    Teaching social skills

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    Apply IFVL as a Teacher

    The integration wherein biblical principles as practice in the life of the school

    administrators, faculty and staff. No part of our conduct escapes observation. We cannot

    hide our ways from the Most High. . . . Every act, every word, every thought, is as distinctly

    marked as though there were only one person in the whole world, and the attention of heaven

    were centered upon him. (PP 217, 218.)

    IFVL in teachers lifestyle:


    Only as we daily talk to God in prayer and listen to His voice can we hope to

    live the life that is hidden with Christ in God (Col. 3:3)

    Sabbathkeeping (Eze. 20:12)


    The purpose of Christian dress is:to protect the people of God from the

    corrupting influence of the world, as well as to promote physical and moral health.

    The dress should be :avoid gaudy display and profuse ornamentation, fads and

    extreme fashions, particularly those transgressing the laws of modesty, and that our

    clothing should be, when possible, of good quality, of becoming colors, and suited

    for service rather than display. Our attire should be characterized by modesty,

    beauty, grace, and appropriateness of natural simplicity. To dress

    plainly,abstaining from display of jewelry and ornaments of every kind, is in keeping

    with our faith. and.....We should avoid the use of cosmetics not in keeping

    with good taste and the principles of Christian modesty. (1 Tim. 2:9).


    Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19).Both mental and

    spiritual vigor are in great degree dependent upon physical strength and activity;

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    whatever promotes physical health promotes the development of a strong mind and a

    well-balanced character. For this reason, we live intelligently in accordance with

    health principles of physical exercise, respiration, sunshine, pure air, use of water,

    sleep and rest. By conviction we choose to eat healthfully, wear suitable

    clothing,practice cleanliness, engage in proper recreation, and freely choose to follow

    the principles of health, self-control, and wholesome diet.Therefore we abstain from

    all forms of alcohol, tobacco, and addictive drugs. We strive to preserve our physical

    and psychological balance by avoiding any excess.

    Media, recreation and Entertainment

    Like our bodies, our inner beings need wholesome nourishment for renewal and

    strengthening (2 Cor. 4:6). Our minds are the measure of our persons.Food for our

    minds is of the utmost importance in developing character and in carrying out our

    lifes purposes. For this reason we should carefully evaluate our mental habits. What

    we choose to read, hear, and watch, whether by book or magazine, radio or television,

    the Internet, or other modern media shapes and impacts our character.

    Philippians 4:8

    Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest,

    whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are

    lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, and if there

    be any praise, think on these things.

    References :

    C.Ellis Nelson (1967). Where Faith Begins.Atlanta, Ga : John Knox Press, p.117

    Dudley with Gillespie, Valuegenesis : Faith in the Balance, pp.59,60

    Education Department (2004). Teaching The Adventist Way, Book 1 : Principles Our

    Practices. Southern Asia Pacific Division, Phillipines.

    Ellen G. White,(1903). Education.: Pacific Press Publishing Association, California pp 185


    ____________,(1923). Fundamental of Christian Education. Nashville, Tenn : Southern

    Publishing Assn.

    Rasmussen,Jay.B & Rasmussen, Roberta Hernandesz.(2015).The Challenge of Integrating

    Faith-Learning-Living in Teacher Education.


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