Precognitive Dreams & Premonitions Part 1 Find out more about Precognitive dreams & premonitions here.. Precognitive Dreams & Premonitions About four out of ten reported psychic experiences involve some seeming awareness of the future. The term premonition is in general use, and the more clinical word precognition, ('before knowing'), tends to be used by parapsychologists. In descending order of frequency, premonitions come in the form of dreams, waking thoughts, waking imagery and sleep-onset, (hypnagogic), imagery. We can define a premonition as an experience, (eg dream, waking thought, etc.), which appears to anticipate a future event that could not reasonably have been inferred from information available before the event. The fact that they mainly refer to unpleasant things is reflected in the term premonition itself, which derives from the Latin word praemonere - to warn in advance. Sometimes the person who has the premonition, (the percipient), doesn't know precisely what will happen but has a feeling that something untoward will occur - it's then a foreboding or presentiment. As both authors have had personal experience with precognition, they in turn, give their own accounts, starting with Dr Hearne: My own particular interest in this area of parapsychology was thrust upon me as the result of a personal experience. I had never considered myself to be at all psychic, but one day something happened that made me consider that perhaps I had a slight ability in that field. In 1981, I was living in Hull and used to visit a colleague, Robin Furman, perhaps once a fortnight or so. Robin lived in Grimsby and the journey involved crossing the Humber estuary - before the suspension bridge was opened. It was a journey I was very used to. However on one occasion, as soon as I sat on the ferry, I experienced a strange feeling of concern. I knew with absolute certainty that there would be some untoward event on the ferry trip. It was perplexing - I didn't know exactly what was going to occur - but something would! The feeling was so urgent that I wanted to tell the captain - but a moment's thought made me realise that he'd think I

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Precognitive Dreams & PremonitionsPart 1

Find out more about Precognitive dreams & premonitions here..


Precognitive Dreams & Premonitions

About four out of ten reported psychic experiences involve some seeming awareness of the future. The term premonition is in general use, and the more clinical word precognition, ('before knowing'), tends to be used by parapsychologists. In descending order of frequency, premonitions come in the form of dreams, waking thoughts, waking imagery and sleep-onset, (hypnagogic), imagery.

We can define a premonition as an experience, (eg dream, waking thought, etc.), which appears to anticipate a future event that could not reasonably have been inferred from information available before the event. The fact that they mainly refer to unpleasant things is reflected in the term premonition itself, which derives from the Latin word praemonere - to warn in advance. Sometimes the person who has the premonition, (the percipient), doesn't know precisely what will happen but has a feeling that something untoward will occur - it's then a foreboding or presentiment.

As both authors have had personal experience with precognition, they in turn, give their own accounts, starting with Dr Hearne:

My own particular interest in this area of parapsychology was thrust upon me as the result of a personal experience. I had never considered myself to be at all psychic, but one day something happened that made me consider that perhaps I had a slight ability in that field.

In 1981, I was living in Hull and used to visit a colleague, Robin Furman, perhaps once a fortnight or so. Robin lived in Grimsby and the journey involved crossing the Humber estuary - before the suspension bridge was opened. It was a journey I was very used to. However on one occasion, as soon as I sat on the ferry, I experienced a strange feeling of concern. I knew with absolute certainty that there would be some untoward event on the ferry trip. It was perplexing - I didn't know exactly what was going to occur - but something would! The feeling was so urgent that I wanted to tell the captain - but a moment's thought made me realise that he'd think I was mad. I could have still got off the boat at that point, but I was fascinated and intrigued by the episode and so remained to see what would transpire. It was rather cold so I sat below decks.

It was the last ferry of the day and darkness was descending rapidly. After about half an hour we were some 200 metres off the landing stage on the other side of the estuary, when there was sharp cry of "Man overboard!" I went up on deck. A man had somehow fallen off the bow of the ship. The captain stopped the engines and people peered into the blackness. There was no sound. The victim's young wife stood, shocked, holding a young baby in her arms. Everything was silent. As

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the minutes passed, we assumed the man had been swept away and drowned.

Eventually the engines were started and the boat circled the area. Suddenly, something was seen in the water. It was the man. He was dragged aboard with boat-hooks and a crew member performed mouth to mouth resuscitation on him. The boat docked and the man was rushed off to hospital. To be honest, I was excited about my seeming foreknowledge of the situation.

Next, David Melbourne maintains a strident belief in precognition, because, from time to time, he experiences the phenomenon himself. Following, is an account of one of his own experiences:

Having spent about fourteen years as a firefighter, I ocassionally dream about fires, which seems perfectly natural. Some of these dreams carry messages, while others appear to refresh my memory by bringing back faces of old comrades who had since been forgotten. This indicates that some dreams also serve yet another purpose, that of recharging the battery of our memory. However, to illustrate my point about precognition, let us examine an extremely vivid dream I had a couple of years ago.

In my dream, I found myself standing just inside the porch of a wooden house, gazing at a fire which had recently started next to the porch door. The fire was beginning to spread up the wall. Looking round, I saw an old-fashioned 'soda acid' type fire extinguisher. This was the kind where one struck a knob causing soda to mix with acid, which generated carbon dioxide gas within the extinguisher, in order to expel the water held within.

I struck the knob, only to find that there was little more than a dribble of water being expelled by the extinguisher. However, being extremely careful, I managed to put out the blaze. Just as the last flame died, the fire brigade turned up with a high pressure hose-reel.

When I awoke, I decided that because the dream was so extraordinarily vivid, it was a must for recording on paper for analysis at a later date. It is worth mentioning, that despite the startling clarity, I did not recognise it as precognitive, although upon waking, the memory was accompanied by a feeling of anticipation.

That same afternoon, observing our local ferry dock, I set off to collect my post. As I was getting into my car, I noticed smoke issuing from my nearest neighbour's roof - the house was built from Canadian Pine. My neighbour informed me that there was a fire in the cavity of the wall, between the wooden exterior and the plasterboard interior - next to the porch door. He had called the local fire brigade. The sounds of fire cracking away behind the plasterboard were clearly audible.

At the time, all the owner was able to rig up was a garden hose which was supplied from a water tank. The absence of pressure resulted in little more than a trickle from the hose. I ran my hands over the wall, checking for heat, in order to ascertain the exact location and extent of the blaze. The fire seemed to be confined between two wooden partitions, which were about four feet apart.

Knowing that the island's fire crew consisted of part timers, I realised that there

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might be some delay - the members have to drop what they are doing, then make their way to the fire station, before they can get underway.

During the brief time I was assessing the situation, I was aware that the fire was beginning to get hold and was showing early signs of spreading into the roof. I had to make a snap decision, whether to wait an unspecified time for the arrival of the fire brigade or try containing the blaze with what little resources were available.

With the fire growing louder every second, I decided to punch a small hole in the plasterboard near the ceiling. That way, there would not be enough air to cause any acceleration of burning and at the same time, it would enable me to push the end of the hose through the hole and attempt to extinguish the flames.

The resulting hissing noise, as clouds of steam were being generated, was music to my ears. After a few moments, I instructed my neighbour to punch another hole about a foot below the first one. Again, the sound of hissing was encouraging. And so the procedure was repeated several times, as we worked our way down the length of the plasterboard.

Finally, the crackling ceased, and I decided that it would be safe to tear down the plasterboard to facilitate access to the interior surface. As the first section came away, the fire gave one final burst of defiant flame before being extinguished completely. At that point, the fire brigade turned up with a high-pressure hose-reel.(Continued In Precognitive Dreams & Premonitions Pt 2...)

Authors Details: David F. Melbourne Web SiteDavid F. Melbourne, who lives on a remote Scottish island, has been studying dreams for 25 years and is known all over the world for his accurate dream interpretations. Apart from the general public, he has analysed dreams for celebrities and famous authors, all of whom have admitted a high degree of accuracy.