PRECISE WAREHOUSING WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT …€¦ · Precise Warehousing b. The Packing List Excel file must contain the complete information required to identify and track the shipped

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Page 1: PRECISE WAREHOUSING WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT …€¦ · Precise Warehousing b. The Packing List Excel file must contain the complete information required to identify and track the shipped





Page 2: PRECISE WAREHOUSING WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT …€¦ · Precise Warehousing b. The Packing List Excel file must contain the complete information required to identify and track the shipped



A. SETTINGS FOR TEST ENVIRONMENT ..................................................................................................... 3

B. LOGIN PROCESS .................................................................................................................................... 4

C. ITEMS LIST ............................................................................................................................................. 6

D. INBOUND SHIPMENT .......................................................................................................................... 11

E. RECEIVED GOODS LABELING & SCAN ................................................................................................. 16

F. SHIPMENT ARRIVAL CONFIRMATION ................................................................................................. 27

G. LOCATING RECEIVED GOODS .............................................................................................................. 32

H. MANUALLY RECEIVING AND LOCATING GOODS ................................................................................. 35

I. ITEMS INVENTORY .............................................................................................................................. 38

J. NEW ORDER ........................................................................................................................................ 40

K. PROCESS ORDERS RECEIVED BY EMAIL ............................................................................................... 46

L. OPEN NEW PICKING TICKET ................................................................................................................ 51

M. PICKING OPERATION ........................................................................................................................... 57

N. GENERATE PACKING LISTS .................................................................................................................. 66

O. SHIPPING GOODS / NEW BILL OF LADING .......................................................................................... 72

P. MANUALLY EXTRACT GOODS FROM INVENTORY ............................................................................... 78

Q. PRINT LOCATION (RACK) LABELS ........................................................................................................ 81

R. SCANNER SETTINGS ............................................................................................................................ 85

Page 3: PRECISE WAREHOUSING WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT …€¦ · Precise Warehousing b. The Packing List Excel file must contain the complete information required to identify and track the shipped



Website: http://precise.meadewillis.com/

Username: preciseuser

Password: test1234

Email: [email protected]

Page 4: PRECISE WAREHOUSING WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT …€¦ · Precise Warehousing b. The Packing List Excel file must contain the complete information required to identify and track the shipped



1. Go to the portal and click over LOG IN

2. Type your username and password

3. Click on Log In button

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1. Add New Item

a. Go to Settings > Items List over the Main Menu

b. The Items List will be displayed

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c. Click on Add New button to add a new item

d. Type mandatory fields (in orange) for the new item

e. Type optional fields (in white) for the new item if desired

f. Click on Insert button to create the new item

g. The system won’t allow creation of duplicated items (same item number for the same

customer). A warning message will be displayed if existing items are found

h. Click on Cancel button to cancel the current operation

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2. Update Existing Item

a. Click on Pencil (Edit) button to the right of the desired item

b. Edit Template will be displayed

c. Modify the fields for the item as desired

d. The Item Number won’t be available for edition since it determines the uniqueness for each

item. Therefore, the only way to correct item numbers will be by creating a new item and

deleting the wrong one. However the system won’t allow deletion of any existing item that

has been already used by different operations through the portal

e. Click on Update button to save changes for the item

f. Click on Cancel button to cancel the current operation

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3. Delete Existing Item

a. Check the selection box to the left of the desired item

b. Click on Delete Selected button

c. The confirmation popup will be displayed

d. Click on Yes button to delete the selected item

e. Click on No button to cancel the current operation

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1. Create & Send Inbound Packing List

a. Every customer must fill out and send a Packing List Excel file when shipping goods to

Precise Warehousing

b. The Packing List Excel file must contain the complete information required to identify

and track the shipped goods being received by Precise Warehousing

c. The template for Packing List provided by MW must be used as suggested by any

customer shipping goods to Precise Warehousing in order to allow the system to

correctly process the goods being received

d. The following are the key fields from Packing List sheet being read by the system when

processing Packing List Excel files:

A: ①Customer

B: ⑧No. & date of invoice

C: Item Detail Row

e. See the images below to know how these three fields should be filled out in Packing List

sheet, in order to be correctly processed by the system

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f. Customer must send one email message attaching this Excel file to Precise Warehousing

inbox ([email protected]).

g. Once the system gets the email, the attached file will be processed. The information

will be extracted from the PACKING sheet. The customer identification will be extracted

from area A and the shipment number will be extracted from area B. The details about

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the items being received: item number, box number, boxes quantity, total quantity, net

weight and gross weight, will be extracted from area C.

h. Type and save the required information on the expected rows and columns as showed

above, otherwise the system won’t be able to correctly process the file. If any change in

this template is required, please communicate with MW before to use any modified

template to generate this Excel file

2. Process & Display Inbound Packing Lists

a. The system will process every Packing List Excel file received by email

b. Once the file is correctly processed by the system, it will be visible on the Inbound

Shipments page of the portal

c. Inbound Shipments can be filtered by Status:

In Transit: Inbound Shipments processed by the system but waiting for manual

confirmation through the Received Shipments operation

Received: Inbound Shipments processed by the system and already confirmed

through the Received Shipments operation. The Inbound Shipments with

Received Status are easily identified by the check mark on the Received box

column and by the Discrepancies button available to display the corresponding

Discrepancies report generated during the Received Shipments operation.

d. The Shipments with Status Received won’t be available anymore for the Received

Shipments operation

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1. Print & Stick Material Labels To Received Boxes

a. All the incoming boxes containing goods from different customers should be labeled

during reception and after scanned one by one in order to generate a Scan List which

will be processed and matched against the corresponding Shipment & Packing List Excel

file previously received by email

b. The Material Labels are the labels that will be used to identify every single box received.

c. Go to Main Menu > Precise Labels > Material Labels and generate all the Material Labels

required to identify the boxes received and their content (real items quantities) checked

during the goods reception:

Customer: Select the required customer to display the corresponding item


Item Number From: Select the item number for which you want to print labels

Lot Number: Type the received lot number (optional)

Stored Qty: Type the received quantity (the item quantity contained in the box)


Labels Qty: Type the quantity of labels you want to print with the same

specifications (remember that one label per box should be generated)

Start Sequence: Type the starting integer for the serial number identifying each

label (box)

Item Number To: If you want to print a massive quantity of labels to identify

boxes with similar specifications (lot number, stored qty, etc.) but for different

items, you could select the range (from/to) of items and then add the selected

range to the labels list

Transfer To Label List: Click on Transfer button to add the current selections to

the labels list

Generate Labels: Click on Generate Labels button to generate the PDF file

containing the desired labels to be printed

Material Labels List: Every row in the labels list will be added to the pre-printing

PDF file generated

Delete Item: Click on Delete Item button if you want to remove any selected

row from Material Labels List

Reset/Clean: Click on Reset/Clean button if you want to reset the Material

Labels List by removing all the current rows and start again from scratch

Total Labels: Display the final labels quantity that will be generated for all the

rows in Material Labels List

d. After printing the required labels, stick them to the corresponding boxes being checked

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2. Create & Send Inbound Scan List

a. Turn on the scanner (see Scanner Setting section for details about installing and

required settings for scanners to be used)

b. Open (double click) the “CustProdCE5” application from the scanner’s desktop screen

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c. Select the tag “PRECISE: RECEIVING” in “Customer” dropdown from the application’s


d. Click on “Product” text box to start scanning operation (be sure that the scanner’s

pointer is in “Product” text box every time you try to scan a label)

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e. Scan every box barcode from Material Label in order to generate a Scan List which will

be processed and matched against the corresponding Shipment & Packing List Excel file

received by email

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f. Verify the scan list is complete before to process it

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g. Be sure that the eBase of the scanner is conveniently plugged to your computer

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h. Plug the Scanner to the eBase. You should hear a beep if connection is successful

i. Ignore and close the mobile window opened by default

j. Go to your computer’s desktop screen and execute (double click) the “ScanUploadProd”

program pre-installed in order to read the scan list from the scanner and transfer it to

Meade Willis servers

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k. You will see the program being executed

l. If you see “No file to Send” message being displayed, then try to plug again the scanner

device on the eBase and execute the “ScanUploadProd” program until the current scan

list is successfully sent to Meade Willis servers

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m. Once the scan list file is correctly processed by the system, it will be visible on the

Inbound Scans page of the portal (Go to Main Menu > Inbound > Inbound Scan List)

n. Over there you can see all the inbound scan lists that are ready to be processed. Also

you have the option to remove (click on Delete button to the right) any scan list from

the grid

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1. Go to Main Menu > Inbound > Received Shipments to open the Shipment Arrival

Confirmation page of the portal

2. Select Shipment Number and Scan Number to match from the available drop down options

3. Click on Matching button

4. The Shipment Excel file and the Scan List selected will be compared and the matching

results will be displayed in Shipments section

5. The missing items (boxes declared in the Shipment Excel file but not received or vice versa)

will be marked in orange

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6. Before to confirm the shipment be sure that the item quantities correspond to the real

quantities checked during reception

7. If necessary, click on Edit (pencil) button to modify the received item quantities as required

(add a note if desired)

8. Save your changes by clicking on checkmark button. Click on the “X” button to cancel the

edit operation

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9. Click on Confirm Shipment button to accept the current shipment and therefore to add the

corresponding item quantities to the “un-located” inventory

10. The received quantities will be added to the inventories and the final matching results

between the Shipment Excel file and the Items Received will be displayed

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11. Select “Discrepancy Report” and click on Create Reports button to generate and display the

report of discrepancies

12. Select “Confirmed Box Labels” and click on Create Reports button to generate and display

the new labels for boxes containing the confirmed quantities

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13. Go back to Inbound Shipments page just to confirm that the Shipment/Packing Excel file is

checked now as “Received” and the Discrepancies button is now available to display the

related report of discrepancies

14. In the other hand, the Scan List is marked now as processed and therefore is not available

anymore in Inbound Scans page or to be processed from Shipment Arrival Confirmation


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1. This functionality allows the user to easily move items from “un-located” inventory to the

desired locations

2. Go to Main Menu > Inbound > Locating Received Goods page

3. Type a Locating Number for the current operation

4. Select the customer for which you want to locate items

5. Click on Next button to go to Items tab

6. Add the different items to locate to the “Items List To Locate”:

a. Item Number: Select the item number to locate

b. Lot #: Type the lot number if available (optional)

c. Boxes Qty: Type the boxes quantity if available (optional)

d. Pallets Qty: Type the pallets quantity if available (optional)

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e. Item Qty To Locate: Type the item quantity to locate. The system will display by default

the current “un-located” quantity for the selected item. Therefore, the system won’t

allow to enter a quantity bigger than the current “un-located” quantity for the selected


f. Location: Select the location where the item quantity will be moved to

AR: Area Type (from A to Z)

AI: Aisle (from 01 to 99)

SE: Section (from 01 to 99)

LE: Level (from A to Z)

PA: Pallet (00 for front pallet and 50 for back pallet)

g. Click on Transfer button to add the current item to the Items List To Locate

7. Double check the items list to locate before to confirm the operation

8. To remove items from the list just select them and click on Delete button

9. Click on Cancel button to cancel the current locating operation

10. Click on Locate Goods button to add the current items quantities to the selected locations

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11. The items quantities in the list will be removed from “un-located” inventory and added to

the selected locations

12. Go to Main Menu > Inventory > Summary to display the Items Inventory page and confirm

the changes applied to inventories after the locating goods operation is performed

13. If necessary, first filter the inventory by item number in order to display only the locations

and quantities for the desired item

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1. This functionality allows the user to easily create an inbound shipment from scratch, and to

add the shipment items directly to the desired locations in inventories

2. Go to Main Menu > Inbound > Manually Receiving and Locating Goods to display the New

Inbound Shipment page

3. Type a Shipment Number for the current operation

4. Select the customer for which you want to create the new inbound shipment

5. Click on Next button to go to Items tab

6. Add the different items for the new shipment to the “Items List”:

a. Item Number: Select the item number being received

b. Lot #: Type the lot number if available (optional)

c. Boxes Qty: Type the boxes quantity if available (optional)

d. Pallets Qty: Type the pallets quantity if available (optional)

e. Received Item Qty: Type the item quantity received

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f. Location: Select the location where the item quantity will be moved to

AR: Area Type (from A to Z)

AI: Aisle (from 01 to 99)

SE: Section (from 01 to 99)

LE: Level (from A to Z)

PA: Pallet (00 for front pallet and 50 for back pallet)

g. Click on Transfer button to add the current item to the Items List

7. Double check the items list before to confirm the operation

8. To remove items from the list just select them and click on Delete button

9. Click on Cancel button to cancel the current new shipment creation

10. Click on Add to Inventories button to add the current items quantities to the selected


11. The items quantities in the list will be directly added to the selected locations

12. Go to Main Menu > Inventory > Summary to display the Items Inventory page and confirm

the changes applied to inventories after submitting the new shipment

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13. If necessary, first filter the inventory by item number in order to display only the locations

and quantities for the desired item

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1. This functionality allows the user to visualize the current status of inventories at any time,

by displaying different locations per item and also the “un-located” (empty location)

quantities per item if any.

2. The Items Inventory page can be filtered conveniently by item number in order to display

one item’s inventories

3. The grouping options available allow the user to group the inventories by customer (default

grouping), by item number and by location (to show different items in the same location if


4. Drag and drop and/or remove the desired columns from/to the grouping bar just above the

grid headers in order to apply the desired grouping options to the Items Inventory grid

5. Click on Edit (pencil) button to modify the On Hand Quantity for the selected item/location

row from inventories. The changes applied through the Edit option will affect directly the

total quantity of the item inventory

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1. This functionality allows the user to manually create new orders from the portal

2. Go to Main Menu > Outbound > New Order to display the New Order page

3. Type all the mandatory fields (orange fields) for the header of the new order to create:

a. Name: Select the customer for the order

b. Ship To: Select the destiny to which the order will be shipped

c. Order Date: The current date will be selected by default

d. Process Date: Select the star process date estimated for the order

e. Delivery Date: Select the delivery date expected for the order. Be sure that the delivery

date is bigger than the start process date

f. Order Type: Regular order will be selected by default

g. Purchase Order Number: The system will suggest a unique purchase order number by


4. Type the optional fields if necessary

5. Click on Next button to go to the Order Items tab

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6. The order items grid will be displayed and pre-filled with all the existing items for the

customer selected during the previous step

7. Type the ordered quantities for the items being added to the order

8. Click on Validate button in order to accept the new quantities typed and to re-calculate the

ordered totals

9. Any change in the items grid (ordered quantity column) must be validated (by clicking on

Validate button) before to be able to go to the next step

10. After everything is validated, click on Next button to go to the Send Order page

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11. The Send Order page will be displayed

12. Click on Preview Order button in order to visualize the current order being created

13. Click on Cancel button if you want to cancel the current new order operation

14. Click on Save Order button in order to create and submit the current order

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15. If the new order is successfully created, the confirmation page will be displayed

16. The new order will be now available in the Orders page with Status “Order


17. Click on Return to Orders Page button to go to the Orders page

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1. The customer orders (PDF Picking Tickets from FIBERLINKS) must be sent as attachments to

the [email protected] inbox

2. The expected PDF template for customer orders (Picking Tickets from FIBERLINKS) must be

respected for every order being submitted to the system inbox; otherwise the system won’t

be able to correctly process the incoming orders. If any change in this template is required,

please communicate with MW before to use any modified template to send orders

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3. Once the incoming order arrive to the inbox, the system will automatically process the PDF

file attached (Picking Tickets from FIBERLINKS), it will extract the necessary information

from PDF file and it will generate a new order for every PDF file successfully processed

4. The orders generated by the system will be now available in the Orders page with Status

“Order Created/Received”

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5. The Username column in Orders page allows to distinguish between orders manually

created by the user through the web portal (Username = mwprecisetest) and orders

received by email and automatically processed by the system (Username = preciseconsole)

6. The system won’t generate the Picking Tickets for orders created manually by the user (only

for orders received by email and automatically processed), therefore, the picking tickets for

the “manual” orders should be also manually generated by the user as required (see the

procedure to follow in section “Open New Picking Ticket”)

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7. During every running cycle (every 2 minutes), the system will check the new orders

automatically generated by the system (Username = preciseconsole) and it will

automatically generate the corresponding Picking Tickets for all of them

8. After the picking tickets are created for orders, the Status for every order will be

automatically switched to “Picking Ticket Created for Order”

9. The Picking Tickets created will be now available in the Picking Tickets page with Status

“Picking Ticket Opened”

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1. This functionality allows the user to manually create one picking ticket for the selected


2. Go to Main Menu > Outbound > Orders to display the Orders page

3. Select the order to pick and click on the corresponding Action button to display the available


4. Click on Open New Picking Ticket action

5. The New Picking Ticket page will be displayed

6. The header fields for the new picking ticket will be automatically pre-filled with the

matching information from the order to pick (the order selected):

a. Name: Order customer

b. Ship To: Order receiver

c. Order Date: Order date

d. Delivery Date: Order delivery date

e. Order Type: Order type

f. Purchase Order Number: Purchase order number from the order

g. Picking Ticket Number: The system will suggest a unique picking ticket number by


7. The optional fields will be also pre-filled with the available information from the order

8. Click on Next button to go to the Picking Ticket Items tab

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9. The picking ticket items grid will be displayed and pre-filled with the available/suggested

locations from inventories for each item in the order to pick

10. The system will also pre-fill the quantity to pick for each item with the matching ordered

quantity from the order

11. The picked quantity column must be left empty when creating/opening a new picking ticket,

since it should be filled out only when closing the picking ticket by typing the real picked

quantities confirmed after the picking operation is finished

12. Any change in the items grid (to pick quantity column) must be validated (by clicking on

Validate button) before to be able to go to the next step

13. After everything is validated, click on Next button to go to the Send Picking Ticket page

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14. The Send Picking Ticket page will be displayed

15. Click on Preview Picking Ticket button in order to visualize the current picking ticket being


16. Click on Cancel button if you want to cancel the current new picking ticket operation

17. Click on Open Picking Ticket button in order to create and submit the current picking ticket

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18. If the new picking ticket is successfully created, the confirmation page will be displayed

19. After the picking ticket is created, the Status for the matching order will be automatically

switched to “Picking Ticket Created for Order”

20. The new picking ticket will be now available in the Picking Tickets page with Status “Picking

Ticket Opened”

21. Click on Return to Picking Tickets Page button to go to the Picking Tickets page

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1. Print Picking Tickets

a. Select the picking ticket to process from the Picking Tickets page

b. Click on Action button to display the available operations

c. Click on Print Picking Ticket operation

d. To print multiple picking tickets, select them by checking the selection boxes to the left,

and click on Print Selected Picking Tickets button on the top of the grid headers.

e. The selected picking tickets will be displayed for print purposes

2. Print Boxes Labels

a. Every picking ticket will be accompanied by a box label which will identify the box

containing the order picked after picking operation is completed

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b. To print boxes labels, select the corresponding picking tickets by checking the selection

boxes to the left, and click on Print Selected Box Labels button on the top of the grid


c. The box labels for the selected picking tickets will be displayed for print purposes

3. Pick items for order and close the picking ticket

a. After that the items for the order are picked, the picker person must to identify the

packing container (order box) with the corresponding Box Label for the order

b. The packed order should be moved to a temporary location and the picking ticket

should be closed

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c. In order to close the picking ticket:

The system user must select the picking ticket from Picking Tickets page

Click on Action button to display the available operations

Click on Update/Close Picking Ticket button

The Update Picking Ticket page will be displayed containing all the details about

the current picking ticket being processed

Click on Next button to go to the items page

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The items page for the selected picking ticket will be displayed containing the

expected items to be picked and the picked quantity column

Type the real quantities picked for the order. Get the picked quantities from the

printed version of the picking ticket which should be filled out by the picker

person after finishing the picking operation

Validate the picked quantities by clicking on Validate button

Click on Next button to go to the Send Picking Ticket page

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The Send Picking Ticket page will be displayed

Click on Print Picking Ticket button to visualize the picking ticket before to close

it if desired

Click on Cancel button to cancel the current update/close picking ticket


Click on Close Picking Ticket button to save changes and close the picking ticket

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The confirmation page will be displayed

Click on Return to Picking Tickets page button to go to the Picking Tickets page

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After closing the picking ticket its Status will be automatically switched to

“Picking Ticket Closed” and it couldn’t be updated again (the Update/Close

Picking Ticket operation will be removed from Action button options)

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1. Manually generate packing lists

a. Go to Picking Tickets page and select the picking ticket closed

b. Click on Action button to display the available operations

c. The New Packing List operation will be available and visible only for picking tickets


d. Click on New Packing List operation

e. A new packing list will be generated for the current picking ticket selected

f. The new packing lists created will be displayed on the Packing Lists page with Status

"Packing List Created”

g. After a new packing list is created for the selected picking ticket, the corresponding

items picked will be moved from the picked locations to a temporary location

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2. Generate packing lists from Scanner

a. Turn on the scanner (see Scanner section for details about installing and required

settings for scanners to be used)

b. Open (double click) the “CustProdCE5” application from the scanner’s desktop screen

c. Select the tag “PRECISE: SHIPPING” in “Customer” dropdown from the application’s


d. Click on “Product” text box to start scanning operation (be sure that the scanner’s

pointer is in “Product” text box every time you try to scan a label)

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e. Scan every barcode (Box Labels) from packed boxes in order to generate a Scan List

which will be processed by the system

f. Verify the scan list is complete before to process it

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g. Be sure that the eBase of the scanner is conveniently plugged to your computer

h. Plug the Scanner to the eBase. You should hear a beep if connection is successful

i. Ignore and close the mobile window opened by default

j. Go to your computer’s desktop screen and execute (double click) the “ScanUploadProd”

program pre-installed in order to read the scan list from the scanner and transfer it to

Meade Willis servers

k. You will see the program being executed

l. If you see “No file to Send” message being displayed, then try to plug again the scanner

device on the eBase and execute the “ScanUploadProd” program until the current scan

list is successfully sent to Meade Willis servers

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m. Once the scan list file is correctly processed by the system, one new packing list will be

automatically generated for each box scanned (order picked)

n. After a new packing list is created for each order picked, the corresponding items picked

will be moved from the picked locations to a temporary location

o. The new packing lists generated by the system will be visible in Packing Lists page with

Status “Packing List Created”

p. Go to Main Menu > Outbound > Packing Lists to display the Packing Lists page

q. The Username column in Packing Lists page allows to distinguish between packing lists

manually created by the user through the web portal (Username = mwprecisetest) and

packing lists automatically generated by the system after processing Scan Lists of picked

orders (Username = preciseconsole)

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1. Go to Packing Lists page

2. Select the packing list for the order to be shipped

3. Click on Action button to display the available operations

4. Click on Shipping Goods / New Bill Of Lading

5. The New Bill Of Lading page will be displayed

6. The header details for the new bill of lading will be pre-filled with the information from the

selected packing list (order)

7. Click on Next button to go to the Items page

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8. The Items page will be displayed

9. The Items List will be pre-filled with the items to be shipped for the selected packing list


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10. Click on Preview Bill Of Lading button to visualize the current Bill Of Lading being processed

for print purposes

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11. Click on Cancel button to cancel the current new bill of lading operation

12. Click on Submit Bill Of Lading button to submit the current bill of lading and exit the

corresponding items from inventories

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13. After the submission of the new bill of lading is confirmed, the items will be definitively

exited from inventories

14. The Status for the packing list (order) related will be switched to “BoL for Packing List

Extracted from Inventories”

15. The Shipping Goods / New Bill Of Lading action won’t be available anymore for the related

packing list

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16. The Bill Of Lading processed will be now available to be printed for the related packing list

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1. This functionality allows the user to easily create an outbound shipment from scratch, and

to extract the shipment items directly from the selected locations and from the

corresponding total in inventories

2. Go to Main Menu > Outbound > Manual Extract Goods From Inventory to display the

Manual Extract Goods From Inventory page

3. Type a Bill Of Lading Number for the current operation

4. Select the Shipment Date

5. Select the customer for which you want to create the new outbound shipment

6. Click on Next button to go to Items tab

7. Add the different items for the new outbound shipment to the “Items List”:

a. Item Number: Select the item number being received

b. Shipped Item Qty: Type the item quantity to extract

c. Location: Select the location where the item quantity will be moved to

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AR: Area Type (from A to Z)

AI: Aisle (from 01 to 99)

SE: Section (from 01 to 99)

LE: Level (from A to Z)

PA: Pallet (00 for front pallet and 50 for back pallet)

d. Click on Transfer button to add the current item to the Items List

8. Double check the items list before to confirm the operation

9. To remove items from the list just select them and click on Delete button

10. Click on Preview Bill Of Lading to visualize the new outbound shipment before to submit it

11. Click on Cancel button to cancel the current new outbound shipment creation

12. Click on Submit Bill Of Lading button to extract the current items quantities from the

selected locations and from the corresponding totals in inventories

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13. The items quantities in the list will be directly extracted from the selected locations and

from the corresponding totals in inventories

14. Go to Main Menu > Inventory > Summary to display the Items Inventory page and confirm

the changes applied to inventories after submitting the new outbound shipment

15. If necessary, first filter the inventory by item number in order to display only the locations

and quantities for the desired item

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1. Print & Stick Location Labels To Racks

a. All the racks containing goods from different customers should be identified (labeled)

with corresponding locations before moving goods to them

b. The Location (Rack) Labels are the labels that will be used to identify different racks

storing goods.

c. Go to Main Menu > Precise Labels > Rack Labels and generate all the labels required to

identify the racks and/or the locations existing through the warehouse area:

Label Type: Select the type of rack to be labeled (big rack or small rack)

Area Type From/To: Select the area range for which you want to print labels

(from A to Z)

Aisle Range From/To: Select the aisle range for which you want to print labels

(from 01 to 99)

Section Range From: Select the section range for which you want to print labels

(from 01 to 99)

Level Range From: Select the level range for which you want to print labels

(from A to Z)

Copies Quantity: Type the quantity of copies you want to print for each label

being added to the Rack Labels List (1 by default)

Transfer To Label List: Click on Transfer button to add the current ranges

selections to the labels list

Generate Labels: Click on Generate Labels button to generate the PDF file

containing the desired labels to be printed

Rack Labels List: Every row in the labels list will be added to the pre-printing

PDF file generated

Delete Item: Click on Delete Item button if you want to remove any selected

row from Rack Labels List

Reset/Clean: Click on Reset/Clean button if you want to reset the Rack Labels

List by removing all the current rows and start again from scratch

Total Big Labels: Display the total labels quantity for big racks that will be

generated from Rack Labels List

Total Small Labels: Display the total labels quantity for small racks that will be

generated from Rack Labels List

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d. After printing the required labels, stick them to the corresponding racks/locations

e. Big rack labels will look like the example below (3” x 5”)

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f. Small rack labels will look like the example below (0.75” x 2.25”)

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1. Before to be able to use HONEYWELL scanners for inbound and/or outbound operations

some settings/checks should be performed

a. Install the “CustProdCE5” application in the HONEYWELL scanners to be used for

inbound receiving and outbound shipment operations, if this application is not already

installed (see the scanner desktop screen and search for CustProdCE5 shortcut icon)

b. Create the new tags to be selected from CustProdCE5 when performing inbound

receiving and outbound shipment operations (“PRECISE: RECEIVING”, “PRECISE:

SHIPPING”), if these tags are not already available in Customer field from CustProdCE5


2. Install the “ScanUploadProd” desktop application on each one of the work stations

(computers) to be used for transmission of inbound receiving and outbound shipment files

from scanners

a. Unzip the PreciseLoader.zip folder to get the installer for ScanUploadProd application

b. Double click on “setup.exe” file in order to install ScanUploadProd application in the

current computer

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c. Follow the steps suggested by the installer wizard in order to successfully install the

required application

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d. After installing process is successfully completed a new ScanUploadProd icon will be

available from computer’s desktop screen to easily run the application as required (see

inbound and outbound scanner operations)