Prehospital POC monitoring & goal directed therapydebate: does it make a difference ? Tina Gaarder, PhD, Director of Trauma, Oslo University Hospital Ullevål

Pre-‐hospital POC monitoring & goal directed therapy-‐debate: …rdcr.org/rdcrpresentations/2014-gaarder-prepospital-poc-monitoring.pdf · CONCLUSIONS: Hypotensive resuscitation

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Page 1: Pre-‐hospital POC monitoring & goal directed therapy-‐debate: …rdcr.org/rdcrpresentations/2014-gaarder-prepospital-poc-monitoring.pdf · CONCLUSIONS: Hypotensive resuscitation

Pre-­‐hospital  POC  monitoring  &  goal  directed  therapy-­‐debate:  does  it  make  a  difference  ?  

Tina  Gaarder,  PhD,  Director  of  Trauma,  Oslo  University  Hospital  Ullevål  

Page 2: Pre-‐hospital POC monitoring & goal directed therapy-‐debate: …rdcr.org/rdcrpresentations/2014-gaarder-prepospital-poc-monitoring.pdf · CONCLUSIONS: Hypotensive resuscitation


Page 3: Pre-‐hospital POC monitoring & goal directed therapy-‐debate: …rdcr.org/rdcrpresentations/2014-gaarder-prepospital-poc-monitoring.pdf · CONCLUSIONS: Hypotensive resuscitation

Is  there  an  alterna�ve  to  POC  

for  pre-­‐hospital  monitoring  ?  

Page 4: Pre-‐hospital POC monitoring & goal directed therapy-‐debate: …rdcr.org/rdcrpresentations/2014-gaarder-prepospital-poc-monitoring.pdf · CONCLUSIONS: Hypotensive resuscitation

What  goals  ?  

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8.4 million deaths

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Page 7: Pre-‐hospital POC monitoring & goal directed therapy-‐debate: …rdcr.org/rdcrpresentations/2014-gaarder-prepospital-poc-monitoring.pdf · CONCLUSIONS: Hypotensive resuscitation

Bleeding is the major cause of acute death in trauma*

Sauaia A et al. J Trauma 1995;38:185-93 * Patients dying in hospital within 48 hours (acute deaths, n=154)


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Evans  JA  et  al.  WJS  2010  

Page 9: Pre-‐hospital POC monitoring & goal directed therapy-‐debate: …rdcr.org/rdcrpresentations/2014-gaarder-prepospital-poc-monitoring.pdf · CONCLUSIONS: Hypotensive resuscitation

Military  vs  civilian  

Blast  vs  blunt  

Evacua�on  �me  

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Page 11: Pre-‐hospital POC monitoring & goal directed therapy-‐debate: …rdcr.org/rdcrpresentations/2014-gaarder-prepospital-poc-monitoring.pdf · CONCLUSIONS: Hypotensive resuscitation

The  treatment  of  bleeding  is    

to  stop  the  bleeding!  

Page 12: Pre-‐hospital POC monitoring & goal directed therapy-‐debate: …rdcr.org/rdcrpresentations/2014-gaarder-prepospital-poc-monitoring.pdf · CONCLUSIONS: Hypotensive resuscitation

Trauma  is  �me  

Page 13: Pre-‐hospital POC monitoring & goal directed therapy-‐debate: …rdcr.org/rdcrpresentations/2014-gaarder-prepospital-poc-monitoring.pdf · CONCLUSIONS: Hypotensive resuscitation
Page 14: Pre-‐hospital POC monitoring & goal directed therapy-‐debate: …rdcr.org/rdcrpresentations/2014-gaarder-prepospital-poc-monitoring.pdf · CONCLUSIONS: Hypotensive resuscitation

Trauma  is  physiology  

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Hypothermia    Acidosis  

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Page 18: Pre-‐hospital POC monitoring & goal directed therapy-‐debate: …rdcr.org/rdcrpresentations/2014-gaarder-prepospital-poc-monitoring.pdf · CONCLUSIONS: Hypotensive resuscitation


Page 19: Pre-‐hospital POC monitoring & goal directed therapy-‐debate: …rdcr.org/rdcrpresentations/2014-gaarder-prepospital-poc-monitoring.pdf · CONCLUSIONS: Hypotensive resuscitation


Page 20: Pre-‐hospital POC monitoring & goal directed therapy-‐debate: …rdcr.org/rdcrpresentations/2014-gaarder-prepospital-poc-monitoring.pdf · CONCLUSIONS: Hypotensive resuscitation
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25 %

Brohi  K,  et  al.  J  Trauma  2003  

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Curry  NS  et  al.  Blood  reviews  2012  

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1:1:1 ?

Page 25: Pre-‐hospital POC monitoring & goal directed therapy-‐debate: …rdcr.org/rdcrpresentations/2014-gaarder-prepospital-poc-monitoring.pdf · CONCLUSIONS: Hypotensive resuscitation

The  treatment  of  bleeding  is    

to  stop  the  bleeding!  

Page 26: Pre-‐hospital POC monitoring & goal directed therapy-‐debate: …rdcr.org/rdcrpresentations/2014-gaarder-prepospital-poc-monitoring.pdf · CONCLUSIONS: Hypotensive resuscitation

Surgical  disease    

un�l  proven  otherwise  

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Traumekirurgisk vakt

Page 28: Pre-‐hospital POC monitoring & goal directed therapy-‐debate: …rdcr.org/rdcrpresentations/2014-gaarder-prepospital-poc-monitoring.pdf · CONCLUSIONS: Hypotensive resuscitation

Main  principles  

Minimum  scene  �me  

External  bleeding  control  

Op�mal  triage  

Minimize  delay  to  surgical  facility  

Op�mal  resuscita�on  


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MMWR  2012  

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1 Physiology positive

Trauma center

1 Physiology negative

2 Anatomy positive

Trauma center

2 Anatomy negative

3 MOI positive

Acute Care hospital

3 MOI negative

4 special criteria pos

Acute care hospital

4 special criteria neg

Clinic Ac care hosp

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Page 35: Pre-‐hospital POC monitoring & goal directed therapy-‐debate: …rdcr.org/rdcrpresentations/2014-gaarder-prepospital-poc-monitoring.pdf · CONCLUSIONS: Hypotensive resuscitation

CONCLUSIONS: Hypotensive resuscitation is a safe strategy for use in the trauma population and results in a significant reduction in blood product transfusions and overall IV fluid administration. Specifically, resuscitating patients with the intent of maintaining a target minimum MAP of 50 mm Hg, rather than 65 mm Hg, significantly decreases postoperative coagulopathy and lowers the risk of early postoperative death and coagulopathy. These preliminary results provide convincing evidence that support the continued investigation and use of hypotensive resuscitation in the trauma setting.

35 Morrison  CA  et  al.  J  Trauma  2011  


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Tissue oxygenation

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Page 38: Pre-‐hospital POC monitoring & goal directed therapy-‐debate: …rdcr.org/rdcrpresentations/2014-gaarder-prepospital-poc-monitoring.pdf · CONCLUSIONS: Hypotensive resuscitation
Page 39: Pre-‐hospital POC monitoring & goal directed therapy-‐debate: …rdcr.org/rdcrpresentations/2014-gaarder-prepospital-poc-monitoring.pdf · CONCLUSIONS: Hypotensive resuscitation

Op�mal  monitoring  ?  

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Need  increases  with    

transporta�on  /evacua�on  �me    

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Page 43: Pre-‐hospital POC monitoring & goal directed therapy-‐debate: …rdcr.org/rdcrpresentations/2014-gaarder-prepospital-poc-monitoring.pdf · CONCLUSIONS: Hypotensive resuscitation

Available  vs  useful  

‘Nice  to  have’  vs  ‘makes  a  difference’  



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Page 45: Pre-‐hospital POC monitoring & goal directed therapy-‐debate: …rdcr.org/rdcrpresentations/2014-gaarder-prepospital-poc-monitoring.pdf · CONCLUSIONS: Hypotensive resuscitation


Makes  a  difference  

Does  not  increase  scene  �me  

Can  be  used  ‘en  route’    

As  few  devices  as  possible  

Noninvasive  if  possible  

Page 46: Pre-‐hospital POC monitoring & goal directed therapy-‐debate: …rdcr.org/rdcrpresentations/2014-gaarder-prepospital-poc-monitoring.pdf · CONCLUSIONS: Hypotensive resuscitation
Page 47: Pre-‐hospital POC monitoring & goal directed therapy-‐debate: …rdcr.org/rdcrpresentations/2014-gaarder-prepospital-poc-monitoring.pdf · CONCLUSIONS: Hypotensive resuscitation

What  do  we  want  to  achieve  ?    

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Oxygen delivery

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External  bleeding  control  

Airway  control  /cricothyroidotomy  

Chest  tube  /  thoracostomy  

Iv  access  /  fluids  /  transfusion  

CPR  /  cardioversion  


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What  ?    

How  ?  

When  ?  

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Vital  signs  


Tissue  oxygena�on  

Arterial  blood  gas  



Page 52: Pre-‐hospital POC monitoring & goal directed therapy-‐debate: …rdcr.org/rdcrpresentations/2014-gaarder-prepospital-poc-monitoring.pdf · CONCLUSIONS: Hypotensive resuscitation

Vital signs

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Vital signs

J  Trauma  Acute  Care  Surg.  2014  

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Tissue oxygenation

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J  Trauma  Acute  Care  Surg.  2014  

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J  Trauma  Acute  Care  Surg.  2014  

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J  Am  Coll  Surg  2010  

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MacLeod et al, J Trauma, 2003

Frith et al, J Thromb Haem 2010

”When using standard laboratory tests of coagulation, ATC should be defined as an admission PTr > 1.2”

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Hb  8-­‐10  g/L  

INR  <  1.5  

Platelets  >  100.000  

Fibrinogen  >  1.5  g/dL  

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Only  plasma  factors  


No  ‘sexy’  graphs  

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1:1:1 ?

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”Without  randomized  controlled  trials  controlling  for  sur-­‐  vivor  bias,  the  current  available  evidence  suppor�ng  higher  plasma:erythrocyte  resuscita�on  is  inconclusive.”  

Ho,  Anesthesiology,  2012  

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Platelet function Clot strength (G)

Time (min)





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Surgery 2012

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Monitorering av koagulopati

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Indica�on  –  not  just  because  you  can  

Limita�ons  –  can  not  exclude    

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Treat physiology

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Pre-­‐hospital  POC  monitoring  &  goal  directed  therapy-­‐debate:  does  it  make  a  difference  ?  

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Mul�disciplinary  system  development  

Avoid  delay  to  surgery  

Needs  assessment  



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The  treatment  of  bleeding  is    

to  stop  the  bleeding!