Prayers for Lent Written by YOUTH of the MALAWI UNITED METHODIST CHURCH

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Prayers for Lent

Written by YOUTH

of the


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Copyright © 2011 Malawi

United Methodist Church Publications Committee

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Assemblies of God Printers

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Prayers for Lent



Table of Contents Introduction Daniel Kabunduli Conference Youth President Devotions 1st Week of Lent 2nd Week of Lent 3rd Week of Lent 4th Week of Lent 5th Week of Lent Palm Sunday Week Easter Week Special thanks to Jeff Oliver for the photos used through this book.

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Malawi United Methodist Youth


Our experiences as young people in the Malawi United Methodist Church and our sincere reflections on Lent in this devotional book represent the utmost love of Christ in both our life and for your life. Let us celebrate the death and resurrection of Christ for the unlimited joy and hope it bring on us. Be blessed as you read and live in His love,

Daniel Kabunduli Nkhata Youth President

Malawi United Methodist Church

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Prayers for Lent


What is Lent? Lent is the period of preparation leading up to Easter, recalling Jesus' 40-day fast in the wilderness. We remember Jesus’ fasting during the 40 days before Easter. The purpose of Lent is to be a season of fasting, self-denial, Christian growth, penitence, conversion, and simplicity. Lent, which comes from the Germanic word for springtime, can be viewed as a spiritual spring-cleaning: a time for evaluating life and then changing those things that keep us from a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, with a symbol of repentance: placing ashes mixed with oil on one's head or forehead. Typically, in Malawi only the Catholics observe this holiday, but the placing of ashes is an accepted tradition and reminder of our need for repentance in the global United Methodist Church. Our Lenten disciplines are supposed to ultimately transform our entire person: body, soul, and spirit in order to become more like Christ. There are a few basic tasks that traditionally have been associated with Lent. These are fasting, charity, and prayer. We embrace fasting as an excellent spiritual discipline. In this way, Lent represents a spiritual training time to overcome evil. Lent is a good time to develop or strengthen a discipline of daily prayer. Lent has been a traditional time of helping the poor and doing acts of charity and mercy. While as Christians this is a year round calling, Lent is a good time to examine ways to get involved and to make resolutions to actually do them. Let us enter into this season with humility, accepting God’s grace and forgiveness, so that we can celebrate fully the wonderful resurrection of Jesus Christ at our Easter services and programs. Please read these scripture verses, devotions and prayers each week and pray with the pastors and lay people of the Malawi UMC.

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Malawi United Methodist Youth


FIRST WEEK OF LENT Time to Repent Now the serpent was more crafty than any other wild animal that the Lord God had made. He said to the women, “Did God say, ‘You shall not eat from any tree in the garden’?”

Genesis 3: 1 Read Genesis 3: 1 – 7. When I was young, I was learning at a Police Secondary School. There I met my friends, Steve and Congo. These two friends had bad behavior. They encouraged me to have a girlfriend like they did. They also drank and smoked and they took some drugs. They taught me to drink too. Their words were as crafty as the serpent. At school there were some clubs like the Student Christian Organization of Malawi (SCOM). Members of this club tried to convince me to give up drinking. But I denied because them because I was enjoying great pleasure. One day the time for my repentance did come. It was during the night that it happened. I was dreaming and an angel came to my room saying, “Joseph! Stop drinking because the time has come. The son of man is suffering. Wake up and start praying. Wake up, now, please.” I woke up and prayed about the vision from God and knew I had to repent. In my prayers, I knew that I should fast for many days. And after the fast I was free from alcohol. Prayer: O God, bless us, and our friends, who are now suffering. Let them believe in you and bless those who are doing bad behavior. Give them vision of the Spirit’s power. Come into their lives so that they should repent. We give this to you Almighty One. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen. Joseph Chilongo, 20 Mpenya Circuit

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Prayers for Lent


Blinded by Sin

Happy are those whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Happy are those to whom the Lord imputes no iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.”

Psalm 32: 1 - 2

Read Psalm 32. I faced a lot of difficulties before I was born again. I hated the words of God. But I had a friend who encouraged me in prayer; he is the son of a pastor. He once shared Christ with me but I thought it was useless because then I was blinded by the many sins in me. One time I was falsely accused of stealing someone’s things just because I was curious. But this friend did not give up on me. One other time I went to his home, and he convinced me about Christ. Finally, I surrendered and received Jesus Christ to be my Savior. Now I truly know what it means to be happy. My message to brothers and sisters is, let’s repent and follow Jesus Christ, he who married the cross. For the Bible says, “Come to me, all you that are weary and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) Prayer: Thank you, God, for you’re a forgiving God. Thank you for your grace that welcomed me into your kingdom. God, please forgive all who come to repentance. Amen! Madalitso Thembedzah, 18 Nsanje Circuit

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Rely on God Jesus said to him, “Away with you, Satan! for it is written, ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve only him.’” Then the devil left him, and suddenly angels came and waited on him.

Matthew 4: 10 - 11 Read Matthew 4: 1 – 11. As we read these verses from Matthew, we can see that this is a very difficult time for the Son of God. Jesus Christ is being persecuted by people like you and me; Jesus is facing this persecution because of our sins. This Lenten season we have many lessons to learn. Among others, we learn to be people of courage, to rely on God. Matthew 4:11 teaches us to rely on God and all our things will go well as we would want them to go. The second lesson is that when we stand on the truth even the enemies will be ashamed and will leave us. When we repent, we talk with God in surrender and humility, intending to be forgiven for all our sins. For the scriptures say, “though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be like snow.” (Isaiah 1: 18a) This shows us clearly that our God is not a failing God. Prayer: Lord, give belief to the people who lack it and guide them to the right path. Amen. Andrew Shuwawu, 19 Zomba Circuit

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Prayers for Lent


New Life   Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death came through sin, and so death spread to all because all have sinned.

Romans 5: 12

Romans 5: 12 – 19. Sin entered the world through one man, and death entered the world through sin. Thus death spread to all men. This means death is the only option when one sins. But by God’s grace, God gave us His son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. There was a time when I was walking in darkness. It was difficult to believe in Jesus. Going to church was a waste of time. I used to play soccer helped by the use of charms, popularly called “juju”. I had love affairs with lots of girls and, on top of that, I was also a drunkard. My life was confused, but as Ezekiel 37 verse 14 says, “I will put my spirit within you, and you shall live.” God put His spirit in me on 12 September 2009. Now I am a new man in Christ and a child of God. My life has completely changed. Now I am at a Bible school and I want to be a pastor so that I can change my friends who are lost. I want them to come and enjoy the blessings of our God Almighty through His son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior in whom we have abundant life. Prayer: I thank you, Lord, for your everlasting love for me, for drawing me from death to life. AMEN. Vitumbiko Lungu, 22 Mzuzu Circuit

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Malawi United Methodist Youth


SECOND WEEK OF LENT Jesus is the Answer “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.”

Genesis 12: 1 - 2

Read Genesis 12: 1 – 4. One day I was sick and I went to the hospital to get treatment. I was admitted and given some medicine. There was a group of people who came to preach and pray with the people in the hospital. One morning they came again to pray with us. That was the day when I was delivered from my sickness. After praying with me, I woke up and started walking and that was my recovery. Everybody was surprised at what happened to me. Since that time I am a changed person and I go to difference places for God’s purposes without being forced. I believe that Jesus is the only source of answers in whatever we ask him. Therefore, we need to be in prayer all the time so that God will hear us. God will send us as Abraham was sent so that we may be blessings. Prayer: Our loving God, I ask you to bless those who are reading this story so that they can understand your existence when they ask you, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen. Frida Joseph, 16 Balaka Circuit

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Prayers for Lent


For God So Loved the World “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.”

John 3: 16 -17

Read John 3: 1- 17. Prayer: God, May each child remind us of the gift of your Son. Let us seek salvation of all children in a world where they too often feel condemned. Amen.

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Miracles on the Day of Baptism If, because of the one’s man trespass, death exercised dominion through that one, much more surely will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness exercise dominion in life through the one man, Jesus Christ.

Romans 5: 17 Read Romans 5: 12 – 19. One day Jesus met John and got baptized by him. As he was being baptized the Spirit descended on him like a dove. The Spirit equipped Jesus with strength and led him into the wilderness. There, the devil tried to find fault with him but failed. Jesus prevailed against the temptations by calling upon the Word of God. Likewise, Jesus visited me on the day of my baptism. The power of the Holy Spirit wrapped me like a blanket. Just after this the devil came and brought upon me many troubles. I realized this to be true even on the way home from the baptism. The traffic police seized the car we were traveling in. I prayed in my heart and I tried to talk with the policeman using words from the Bible. Though he didn’t let us go, I think the word that I gave him lingered in his heart and made him change direction and follow the way of truth. The following day the car was released but fined for moving on the road without a valid license. Even though things went this way, I was grateful that they released our car. In all this I saw God at work for I know what it means to receive grace through Jesus Christ. Prayer: God, I have believed in you. Fight my fights so that the evil one shouldn’t mock me. I will continue singing songs of victory and praise. Amen. Joseph Kaipa, 23 Mpenya Circuit

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Prayers for Lent


Believe in God’s Faithfulness I lift up my eyes to the hills – from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made the heaven and earth.”

Psalm 121: 1 – 2

Read Psalm 121. Imagine a person you love the most is sick and he starts to think that he is going to die. But he is afraid of hell. He comes to you and tells you that he doesn’t want to suffer in hell and then asks you to pray for his salvation. Take it that you have been teaching your friend how to pray for forgiveness, and this your good friend, in his despairing time tells you, “I have prayed for forgiveness but I didn’t feel it. No, I don’t believe in my heart.” Well, this may be difficult and challenging because we share both bad and good times with those we love. We feel sick when our beloved is sick and needs someone to encourage him. But how can we help when we ourselves feel in need of help? The people we love tend to trust us. But if they despair then we also despair. And if we both despair, then whom do we put our trust in? There is someone we can cling to, so faithful and true. His name is Jesus. His promises are worthy of believing and provide strength in despair. This Jesus was sent to die to save humankind. When he was on earth he was faithful and honest to himself and to the Father in this state until death, even death on the cross. You will second me; you and I are not faithful at one point or another. Jesus is faithful to himself as well as to us. When praying for forgiveness let’s not see our faithfulness but his faithfulness, not our feelings but his promises. Prayer: Lord, help us understand the things you do for us. Help us take you by your word and to trust and obey in the name of Jesus. Let it be. Drepentine Chipofya, 20 Jerusalem Circuit

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Malawi United Methodist Youth


THIRD WEEK OF LENT God Meets Our Needs The Lord said to Moses, “Go on ahead of the people, and take some of the elders of Israel with you; take in our hand the staff with which you struck the Nile, and go.”

Exodus 17: 5 Read Exodus 17: 1- 7. The story about the water from the rock is one of the highlights of the entire book of Exodus. You may remember this miracle in the desert from Sunday school. This is a great story of God working through Moses. But looking a bit behind the scene we find even more reason to praise God than merely another astonishing miracle. Neither God nor Moses had planned this nice little miracle. It was not for the entertainment of the wanderers in the heat. The people were simply thirsty. They were not happy and they complained at Moses. So Moses had to do something about it. He had no clue what to do and he was also upset to discover again how little the people trusted God. Consequently, Moses did the only thing he could; he forwarded the request to the Lord. What happened then is just as miraculous as the water from the rock: God responded positively to Moses’ plea and the people’s expressions of doubt and need. God did not say, “Shut up!” or “Trust and obey.” This great God simply responded to the needs of his people. And gave them something to drink. No matter how much disappointment and dissatisfaction has caused our prayer – God will respond as a loving father. Prayer: God, we give you thanks that you remain faithful even when we lose faith. Thank you for providing for our needs each and every day. Amen. Edgar Lueken Missionary

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New Life He called the place Massah and Meribah, because the Israelites quarreled and tested the Lord, saying, “Is the Lord among us or not?” Read Exodus 17: 1- 7. When Israelites were set free from slavery in Egypt, they started their new lives with happiness. It was a time to celebrate leaving torture and all the difficult life in Egypt. However, they forgot that they were now heading for the desert where there is no water and food. They thought having a relief from Egyptian torture was a solution to all their problems forgetting that it was the opening of a new chapter of problems. No wonder, they day of temptation came when they reached Rephidim where they had run out of water. It is worth mentioning these people were traveling with their livestock, children and women. They all needed water to survive. They forgot that God did their release from Egypt and that it is the same God who can provide solutions for all problems they can have. Instead they started shouting to Moses, “Why did you bring us out of Egypt to make us our children and our live stock die in the desert?” They forgot that God promised them happiness. Instead of simply requesting from God, they started shouting. I started my life in Christ in 2007 and I knew that I was a target for the devil. Satan would like to make every possibility to draw me back to evil ways by bringing problems on to my Christian path. I am only saved by His grace. We should realize that God has a solution to all our problems. When the Hebrews thought that God could not solve their thirst problem, he used a stone to produce water for them. He can use anything to provide a solution for us. We should believe in God for our new life to continue. Prayer: Father, thank you for the grace that you show us in everyday life. Continue to show us this grace as you continuously did to the Jews. In Jesus name, AMEN. Noel Kumwenda, 24 Mzuzu Circuit

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Receiving Jesus O come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker! For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. O that today you would listen to his voice! Do not harden your hearts, as at Meribah, as on the day at Massah in the wilderness.

Psalm 95: 6 – 8

Read Psalm 95. A friend of mine went to church at irregular intervals but was bound by Satan. One time as we were walking from church we discussed eternal life. Because he didn’t understand I referred him to the book of John where Jesus says, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me.” (14: 1) As we walked we chanced a pastor who was also going in our direction. I explained my friend’s trouble to the pastor. He helped my friend and my friend was unshackled. Thereafter, I advised my friend to start going to church regularly. I told him a story about my past. I had not always gone to church regularly but when I started attending church services my life grew in faith and I realized the reasons for my life. It was important because I started understanding godly things and worshiped the only true God. I added that there were some of my friends who tried to pull me back but they failed. He took my example and started a new life. Prayer: Now brethren, let’s persist in prayer and faith because heaven is for us. Amen. Simiyon Kachepa, 13 Mpenya Circuit

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Prayers for Lent


Bridges of Life They said to the woman, “It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is truly the Savior of the world.”

John 4: 42 Read John 4: 5-42. Just like the Christians in Samaria, I also grew up from childhood to adolescence believing in the testimonies of a God my parents had presented to me. The testimonies, teachings, sermons and bedtime stories all formed a diet at our home though some of us didn’t totally believe in these. Each time my parents disappointed me, I consequently lost belief in their God and each time they whipped me, I also doubted their Christianity. I never had a relationship with God save through my parents and I never offered a private prayer save for the one offered in the presence of my parents. I later moved to a boarding secondary school where Christianity no longer required parents, where fears were faced alone and my whole spiritual diet changed. Within few years I had picked a new life style where drugs, liquor, obscenity, abusive relationships and many more delinquent behaviors were part of the day. In June 2004 I personally met Christ and established a personal relationship with Him. He became my hope, savior, my belief and it became my Christianity .My parents were no longer my bridge to God, their testimonies and sermons were now just a confirmation of what I had personally met and known - Jesus!! Over the years I have learned to trust Jesus with my fears, anxiety, joys and promises. Just like the Christians in Samaria, I now believe in this God because I have heard from Him in the bible and have made a personal choice to love and follow Him even in my youth days. Prayer: Lord Jesus, help many young people to build a personal relationship with you. Amen. Daniel Kabunduli Conference Youth President

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FOURTH WEEK OF LENT Hope That Will Not Disappoint Therefore, since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have obtained access to this grace in which we stand; and we boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.”

Romans 5: 1 - 5

Read Romans 5: 1 – 11. One day at the Easter crusade I found a beautiful phone while I was alone at a quiet place. There was a battle in my mind. On one side, I thought that this discovery must be God’s plan. But on the other side, I thought that keeping the phone would be a sin because the owner of the phone was surely troubled in his or her heart. I decided to announce my discovery to the congregation and surrender the phone. After the phone was returned to its rightful owner, I praised the Lord because of his redemption on the cross. His blood washed away my sin and gives me power on my spiritual side. This caused me to be born again. Now I am proud because my sins were washed away and the love of the Lord is upon my life. My character is strong and I have a hope in God that will not disappoint. Prayer: O God, we thank you because you make the way so that your love and peace should cover the whole world because love is the only way to heaven. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen. Semu Seda, 21 N'gabu Circuit

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The Lord Wants to Do with You

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff – they comfort me.

Psalm 23: 4 Read Psalm 23. In the past year, when I had parents, I was unstable and I didn’t know the Lord. I insulted people and beat my friends even though my mother and father were prayerful people. When my father died, the scripture reading at his funeral sermon was taken from Luke 21:5. This chapter talks about the persecution of Jesus Christ. The preacher said Jesus was killed because of our sins. I was very touched because I had sins and I prayed right away because suddenly I knew this message was true. In the Lord, we are better. In Jesus’ death I see God’s love, that He allowed His son to die on a cross because of us. Imagine. Jesus was betrayed by one of his disciples and he didn’t turn away from death, but died for the human race. This manifests that Jesus loves us more than anyone knows. Therefore, it is necessary that each of us should live with courage before God. When temptation comes, let us overcome them with faith in Jesus Christ. I am grateful that in the valley of the shadow of death, I was released from evil and found comfort. Prayer: Thank you Lord for sustaining our lives. You are a faithful God and also a conquering God to anyone in Jesus name. Amen. Anderson Petro, 19 Nsanje Circuit

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Healing But they kept asking him, “Then how were your eyes opened?” He answered, “The man called Jesus made mud, spread it on my eyes, and said to me, ‘Go to Siloam and wash.’ Then I went and washed and received my sight.”

John 9: 10 - 11 Read John 9: 1 – 12. When I was twelve years old at Bwanje Primary School, I saw the great healing hand of God. One day during examinations I fell sick and I lost hope in healing. My desire was to proceed with the exams but I decided to drop the exams because of severe pain in my body. I went to my teacher and said to him, “I am not okay so I want to go home.” And the teacher said to me, “Have faith and you will be healed.” He asked me to bow down and he prayed with me. There I received healing from God. He commanded me also to repent of my sin and to obey God. After this God spoke to my life and said, “Prayer without faith and a life with sin is useless unto God. We are supposed to be people of integrity with faith.” After I was healed, I went into the examination room and continued writing exams. Soon I was feeling better than before. Prayer: Be praised Almighty God, God of mercy, who created the heavens and the earth. Be with us. Don’t allow the enemies to destroy us, but protect us wherever we go. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen. Dalitso John, 18 Bwanje Circuit

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God Is Love Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love.

1 John 4:8 For once you were in darkness, but now in the Lord you are light. Live as children of light.

Ephesians 5: 8 Read Ephesians 5: 8 – 14. That day my father beat me strongly. I exclaimed, “Sorry, Pa!” But my words could not reverse the whip. It was really a rough day. But I loved stealing and lying. I enjoyed grabbing other people’s luxuries by tricking them with my mouth. Things began to change when I applied to Athens Private for secondary school. I triumphed and was accepted. At Athens there is preaching twice a week during the school assemblies. I found the sermons irksome. Even though I was critical of the sermons, I started loving the preaching. They were like the most beautiful music. By and by, I became a friend to Jesus. I know the day I accepted Jesus as God, the Messiah, Jesus became more than a best friend to me. And my father would not have to beat me again for my stealing ways. Prayer: Jesus, Let other people see the grace through your love. Make them realize that you are our friend forever… Amen and amen. Victor Chipa, 18 Jerusalem Circuit

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Malawi United Methodist Youth


FIFTH WEEK OF LENT Dry Bones No More I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood on their feet, a vast multitude.

Ezekiel 37: 10 Read Ezekiel 37: 1 – 14. When I first heard about Malawi at Belmont UMC over five years ago, all I knew about were the dry bones here. Two years ago I first heard the history of the United Methodist Church in Malawi. And if someone had asked about the United Methodist in Malawi 20 years ago, they would have said, "It's just a bunch of dry bones." And even in 2008 as Belmont UMC raised money to build churches, we still pictured dry bones. Even the week we moved to Malawi, when I told someone in the Johannesburg airport that I was going to Malawi he said, "why?!" He thought that there were only dry bones here. But the Malawi United Methodist Church is dry bones no more! The Lord has asked the pastors to look at these dry bones and asked if they believe that they will live. The pastors heard God's command to prophesy and responded. They proclaimed the word of God. They have faith that the breath of God will enter these bones. They know that these are dry bones no more! New leadership continues to spring forth from the superintendent to the Women’s Organization and among the youth. And now sinews have been laid on the bones. And as new leaders rise up and circuits expand, flesh comes upon them. I have witnessed churches built and wells drilled and know that the skeleton is being rebuilt. These are dry bones no more! But even as the congregations grow and committees are formed, the church has not stopped with empty structures. Pastors and laity have heard the Lord say again, 'Prophesy to the breath... breathe upon these slain that they may live.' And the Spirit of God has filled the Malawi United Methodist Church. These are dry bones no more! This is a church alive, standing on its own feet, a vast multitude! Amen! Prayer: Lord, may we all find the faith to act as though the dry bones of our lives will live. Amen. Kara Lassen Oliver Missionary

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Prayers for Lent


Waiting Upon the Lord I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, And in his word I hope

Psalm 130: 5

Read Psalm 130.

When I was in primary school I lived a difficult life. I was just staying at home and not even going to church. I didn’t read the Bible or pray. And my work was not good before God. In my spiritual life, I was starving. When I was in secondary school my mum used to take me to church. When I heard this scripture from John 15:7, “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask for whatever you wish, and it will be done for you,” it made me repent and I started staying closer to God’s kingdom. Immediately I saw a change in my life. And now everything is fine in my life because God is on my side. I have learned what it means to cry to the Lord. I know there is forgiveness in God. And I continue to wait for the Lord and to hope, “for with the Lord there is steadfast love, and with him is great power to redeem.” (Psalm 130:7) Prayer: God Almighty, pour favour upon those who live sinful lives and make them return to Your kingdom. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen. Million Mnyangale, 19 Bethel Circuit

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Weeping We know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be destroyed, and we might no longer be enslaved to sin.

Romans 6:6 He said, “Where have you laid him?” they said to him, “Lord, come and see.” Jesus began to weep. So the Jews said, “See how he loved him!”

John 11: 34 – 36 Read John 11: 28 – 37. I was at school when the headmaster told me that my mum is gone. Who could believe this thing? I went home and found everybody in tears. “My mother cannot die!” I encouraged myself, still hoping it was a mistake. No sooner had I sat down than my aunties came to me. When they saw me, they cried, “Victor, your mum is really gone!” Then we all fell into weeping and grief. A number of men tried to wipe my tears but all their efforts were in vain. My mother is now 6 feet under the soil. My mum’s death brings me headache. It is a clear source of worry in my mind. She died for nothing. I cry and know that Jesus weeps with me. Prayer: Thank you, Oh Lord Jesus, that you died to bring me peace with God. You are really a saviour… Hallelujah. Amen. Victor Chipa, 18 Jerusalem Circuit

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God is Not Human To set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. For this reason the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law – indeed it cannot, and those who are in the flesh cannot please God.

Romans 8: 6 - 8 Read Romans 8: 6 – 11. God is not human; God is Spirit. In our everyday life we must know that there is God. And everyone must make a personal decision whether to stand for God or not because no one can live without God. The Bible provides many examples of those who decide to live by the Spirit and those who try to live with their minds set on the flesh. When we ask, God gives. Sore, boiled Job suffered so much that even his wife asked him to curse God, but he said, “No”. He kept his faith in the Lord and the Lord healed him. A blind man cried to Jesus and he was given sight. Jesus wearing the crown of thorns said on the cross, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34) Romans 12: 2 says, “Do not be conformed to this world…” When the world speaks, listen not. God is everywhere and God is the same. When we set our minds on the spirit, God will be on our side. Prayer: I pray for those in various troubles and persecutions. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Jacob Wakhutamoyo, 14 Jersalem Circuit

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PALM SUNDAY WEEK Jesus: Our Worthy Example It is the Lord God who helps me; who will declare me guilty?

Isaiah 50: 4 - 9

When I was 16 years old, my parents sent me to our home village to visit my grandparents. I was happy because it had been a long time since I had seen my grandparents and my cousins. When I reached there, I met all my old friends and cousins. Most of them were alcoholics so they took me to a village party. They offered me liquor but I refused and told them that my body is the temple of the Lord Jesus Christ. They were very disappointed with me, so they started mocking me and calling me a fool. Then they beat me and kicked me out of the party. I went to my grandfather to tell him everything. When I told him, he said we must wait until my cousins come back home. When they came back my grandfather asked them what happened but they lied to him and said that I had stolen their money. Although it was a lie, my grandfather believed them. He beat me and told me to go back to town and I told my parents what happened. My parents believed me because they know me very well and they decided to reward me with a trip to the lake. It was something that I was not expecting. But I remembered that Jesus was also beaten and nailed on the cross although he was not guilty of any crime. So we must not shake in our faith in times of temptation and tribulations. But we must stand strong like Jesus who suffered without doing wrong. If we follow Jesus’ example we’ll certainly have the same results. We actually don’t have any excuse! Jesus did everything for our sakes, so we would know what kind of life he’s called us to live. He’s our worthy example. Prayer: Dear Father, I thank You because I have the mind of Christ, who being Himself God, nevertheless came in the likeness of men. I manifest the humility of Christ and His love and even through your temptation I learn something. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Foster Wakhutamoyo Jerusalem Circuit

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Feeling Guilt?

He said, “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.” But they said, “What is that to us? See to it yourself.” Throwing down the pieces of silver in the temple, he departed; and he went and hanged himself.

Matthew 27: 4 - 5 Read Matthew 27: 3 – 10. Have you wronged someone? What wrong did you do? What have you done to deal with the guilt? I wonder what Judas would say if we asked him the same questions. After betraying Jesus he would have to answer, ‘Yes, I have wronged someone one.’ ‘I betrayed my master.’ And, ‘I committed suicide to deal with the guilt.’ Judas found himself guilty and sentenced himself to death by hanging. He took all the responsibility into his own hands. Instead, he could have taken more time to calculate a solution. It is sad that he denied himself a chance to receive grace and be forgiven. He met the Righteous Judge and faced judgment a second time, damned into the lake of fire. In our lives there are times when we, like Judas, think we are conquering, but in truth, we are retreating. And that’s why sometimes we find our problems are not solved, but remain. It is bad to retreat! But what do we do then? First, we can recognize the wrong we have done, confess, and repent. Then we wait to see if the relationship can be reconciled. As for our God, we know what God can do. God FORGIVES and SAVES. Look to Jesus who died on the cross. If you have any sin against Him, don’t dare judge yourself. My friend, acquire knowledge. Embrace prudence. And be set free from your guilt, not condemned. Prayer: God, help me to see with the eyes of the Spirit, help me to notice which step is forward and know the step, which is backward. Sela. Drepantine Chipofya, 20 Jerusalem Circuit

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The Betrayal “Judas, is it with a kiss that you are betraying the Son of Man?” …Then one of them struck the slave of the high priest and cut off his right ear. But Jesus said, “No more of this!” And he touched his ear and healed him.

Luke 22: 48, 50 – 51

Read Luke 22: 47 – 53. “Get out of my house, you thief! I do not want to keep you any more!” my brother shouted. He slapped me and threw my things out of his house. I tried to prove myself, and convince him that I was not responsible for the stolen things, but he stood his ground. Life in the street was difficult. There was no one I could call for shelter or food, but one night I found hope. In earnest prayer I heard, “He is the father of the fatherless, and hope to the hopeless.” In the morning I went to my friend. I narrated the whole story to him. He felt sorry for me and offered me a place to stay. I told myself not to stop praying. This was the genesis of my happiness and good life. I called this friend a brother, indeed. Later I felt sorry for myself when I heard it was this same person who told my brother I was stealing. I considered him a friend and wondered how he could do this. I thought maybe it had happened for me to know my God better. The story is marrying with that of Judas Iscariot. Sometimes we cannot trust the love of our friends. Sometimes when we save someone, he might one day betray us without our knowledge of him. So with lack of love, Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus. But Jesus responded with love and even healing. Prayer: Lord, show us how to be a true friend, even in the face of betrayal. Thank you for the example of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen. Erick Monomala, 16 Mpenya Circuit

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Forgiveness Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.”

Luke 23: 34 Read Luke 23: 32 – 43. My father is a subsistence farmer. He grows crops and raises animals as a source of food for our family of eight children. In 2007 my father’s nephew gave him a young pig to raise and breed. He constructed the house and after some months the pig gave birth to 6 young ones. They moved around our home eating green plants such as black jack leaves and sweet potato leaves. Our neighbor was not happy to see them and one day he poisoned them by applying poisonous chemicals on the vegetation. We knew he had done this terrible thing. When my father asked him why, he answered, “They were disturbing me.” My father reported the matter to the Village Head who charged our neighbor to give my father pigs. But all along my father was asking himself, “What does God say when people do wrong things on us?” Matthew 18:35 teaches us that the Lord shall forgive us if we forgive our friends with a truthful heart. And that is what my father did. He told the public that he had forgiven the man. I felt angry when I heard this since I was not born again during that time. Some months later God used people to feed our family. We received a bag of maize from some people and others offered to pay my school fees until 2009 when I finished secondary school. God blesses people who forgive their friends and people will be saved after forgiving others. Jesus asked God to forgive people who crucified him on the cross and that means we have to forgive people who are sources of trouble in our lives. Prayer: Our Almighty Father, we ask you to give us the Spirit of forgiving others in order to fulfill your words. Amen. John Nyadaufe, 19 Mpenya Circuit

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Perseverance The woman said to Peter, “You are not also one of this man’s disciples, are you?” He said, “I am not.”

John 18: 17

Read John 18: 12 – 27. So many times when we are in trouble we lose hope. But it is in these times when we can experience God’s ability. We should always remember that Jesus was a man when he was on earth, just like you and me. He faced all kinds of hardships but he didn’t deviate from the path of the Lord. He knew who he was. At one time in our family, we had little to use for our day-to-day life. My dad and my mom did not have work. Things became worse and made my life miserable. Friends began to segregate me because my education was not like theirs. It was difficult for me to cope since these friends were long-time friends. I found comfort in John 18: 12 – 27 when these things were happening. In these verses we hear Peter denying that he knew Jesus just because Jesus was in trouble. Peter didn’t want to share Jesus’ trouble. These words encouraged me and I praised the Lord. When we are facing difficult times we should not despair but instead understand that God is always by our side. I testify that I saw the light of the Lord after a long walk in the darkness. In all the dark times of my life the name of the Lord was always on my lips. Prayer: You are the God of all things. Take control of my life. Enlighten my path and be with me all my life. Don’t leave me alone. Amen. Foster Wakhutamoyo Jerusalem Circuit

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God Hears Our Prayers It will be said on that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him so that he might save us. This is the Lord for whom we have waited; let us be glad and rejoice in his salvation.

Isaiah 25: 9 Read Isaiah 25: 6 – 9. I was born in 1990 in Lilongwe, Malawi. Immediately after birth, I was kept in the maternity room while my parents waited to take me home. When my mother came into the room to pick me up, she was surprised to find a different baby instead of me. She reported the matter to the nurse. As a faithful member of the United Methodist Church, immediately she started praying. After praying, something strange happened. The woman who had taken me brought me back to the hospital because I fainted on her way home. She laid me on the bed and took her child. When my mom came into the room she found me still unconscious. Just like before, she started praying for me. I woke up after 47 seconds. I thank God because God gave me into the hands of my mother and for the protection God provided. She had faith that God would save and he did wipe away her tears. God hears our prayers all the times. We need to ask and God shall give to us. Some people are lost in Spirit and God is ready to guide them into the way of salvation, if only they ask. Remember, “Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” (Philippians 4:6). Prayer: Our loving God, I ask you to bless everyone who needs your help so that we can recognize your presence. Amen. Morlys Bandah, 20 Lilongwe South Circuit

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EASTER WEEK God Protects Us But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, “You are my God.” My times are in your hand; Deliver me from the ahdn of my enemies and persecutors. Let your face shine upon your Servant; save me in your steadfast love.

Psalm 31: 14 - 16 Read Psalm 31: 9 – 16. One day my parents went to Blantyre for a church conference. When they were coming back they boarded a bus that collided with a truck. It was a big accident; God was on their side. My father stood two seats behind from the front seat and he had a minor injury while my mother had a scratch on her neck. The bus driver and other passengers died on the same spot. People took both my parents and other people to Dedza hospital where they received treatment. What I want to say is that whatever we do, and wherever we are God is always with us. I thank God because He protected my parents. However, what is required of us is to avoid sins. The book of Matthew tells us that if we ask it shall be given, but the first thing we have to do is repent. Prayer: Lord, bless those who need you so that they can know you and be with those who are in hospitals so that they can be healed through your name. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. Emmanuel Chisale, 14 Lilongwe South Circuit

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Victory And suddenly there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord, descending from heaven, came and rolled back the stone and sat on it.

Matthew 28: 2 Read Matthew 28:1-10. I have lived in different countries and societies and I have seen that people tend to stick to their customs and culture. We read about the women following their Jewish culture, going to anoint Jesus’ dead body with spices. They had accepted Jesus’ death as a mater of fact. And so they went to the tomb, accepting that their beloved one was gone. Often times we are in similar situations. We live accepting defeat, failure, and disappointment. We are not comfortable in these situations but we feel there is no way out. The ways to bail ourselves out seem too challenging and big. Or maybe the situation can only be solved with large sums of money. Maybe our defeat means we have to start all over. But there is hope even in these situations. Like Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, we need to realize that the Lord is not in the grave. What I like about this passage is what is in verse 2, the angel rolls away the stone and is sitting on that big heavy rock. That shows confidence, victory! The Lord is mindful of our situations. He knows we are feeble and we cannot roll the stones of our lives. But he provides victory at the end! Prayer: Loving God, when we must suffer, be with us and remind us there is always a new life after the tomb. Amen.  Siyileni  Malinki  Publications  Committee,  Secretary  

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Resurrection He is not here; for he has been raised, as he said. Come, see the place here he lay.

Matthew 28: 6

Read Matthew 28: 1 – 10. Life seemed so tough after I finished primary school. Our family lives hand to mouth. Anxiety ate me to the bone, because I had no way to further my education. I consider it one of the most difficult challenges in my life. One day I made a great decision. I started climbing the nearest mountain for prayers. That helped me to have a lot of time with God who was, and is, my refuge and I realized that I was not alone. Five months later, Mai Superintendent invited me for prayers and I knew that something would happen. Superintendent and Mai Superintendent came to visit me at my house. We prayed, chatted and I was encouraged. As my parents and I escorted them out, the Superintendent touched my shoulder, “God is with you, son.” Mai Superintendent smiled at me and gave an envelope to open. Inside the letter read, “You have received a sponsorship for your education. Please find a good school the fees will be paid.” I bowed down; suddenly, I saw tears dropping from my eyes. My parents were shocked, and they gave me a big hug. “God has better plans for you to prosper not to be harmed, my son,” Mum whispered. On that day I was rejoicing, singing and praising God. I saw myself resurrecting together with Christ from my challenge. Now I am in Form 3 at Joyce Banda Secondary School, one of the best high schools in Malawi. To God be the glory, for I am restored… I have resurrected with more hopes and vision. Prayer: Almighty God, thanks for your son Jesus Christ. I pray that you help us overcome every misfortune through the Spirit. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. Steve Hamera, 18 Mpenya Circuit

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On the Third Day “Then go and quickly tell his disciples, ‘He has been raised from the dead, and indeed he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him.’ This is my message for you.” So they left the tomb quickly with fear and great joy, and ran to tell the disciples.

Matthew 28: 7 - 8

Read Matthew 28: 1 - 10. I have run from the tomb with fear and great joy. One afternoon, my old boss, Mr. Nkhoma called and asked to meet me at Zingwangwa bus stop. But when I reached the bus stop it was an angry policeman that met me. I wondered what was happening. I thought of running but I couldn’t. I gained confidence by remembering how the Lord had rescued my friends Paul and Silas, and Shadrack, Mishak and Abednego. These things gave me a song of courage, and I prayed for guidance and protection. He instantly gave me the answer, rebuking me with the word from Joshua 1:9, “I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” And I became encouraged. The officer took me to the police station and the two of us were alone in a room. He asked me seriously about a crime that I did not commit and I answered with the truth. After so many questions he ordered me to untie my belt and to remove my shoes in order to take me to a cell. Before he took me to the cell I was allowed to call my pastors. When neither of my pastors answered their phones, I prayed. Then the policeman wrote me something on a paper and told me to visit the police station the following day. That day I went to the police station and was told to go and come back the following day. On this third day is when I saw Jesus with me and I was very happy. They discovered that I was telling the truth. On the third day Jesus resurrected from the dead. And for me too, the third day meant it all. Prayer: Thank you God. Joseph Kaipa, 23 Mpenya Circuit

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At the Tomb The two were running together, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first. He bent down to look in and saw the linen wrapping lying there, but he did not go in. Then Simon Peter came, following him, and went into the tomb.

John 20: 4 - 6 Read John 20:1-18. When I was a small boy, the thing I enjoyed most was running a race. My school participated in an annual district competition. I had won several races but after each race I always wondered what to do after getting to the finish line. I would stand wondering, “Now what?” It always perplexed me because I couldn’t figure out what to do next. Peter and John had a similar experience on the third day after Jesus was crucified. After a report from Mary that the stone had been removed from the tomb, Peter and John ran to the tomb. Peter, though a great adventurer in matters of faith, was not the best runner. John outran Peter in this race. And when he arrived at the tomb, he wondered like me, what to do upon his arrival. All John could do was to bend and look from outside. But when Peter, the outclassed runner, arrived, he went directly into the tomb and saw the linen wrappings. He knew what to do upon arrival. Upon entering, John then entered too and believed and together they understood the scriptures that Jesus must rise from the dead. There is need to arrive, to enter, and to witness to others who are still standing outside the Christian faith. All must believe in our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. We are called not only to arrive at faith, but also to enter into it fully. Prayer: Lord Jesus, allow me not to remain outside the tomb and only bend to look in. But allow me to enter in and believe in your saving grace. Amen. Rev. Daniel Mhone Missionary Conference Superintendent

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This  Lenten  Devotional  is  a  landmark  publication  of  the  Malawi  United  Methodist  Church  Publications  Committee.  Aside  from  our  quarterly  newsletters,  this  is  the  first  Malawian-­‐authored  project.  

Over  30  youth  from  across  the  country  gathered  at  Galilea  Local  Church  in  Blantyre  to  learn  what  it  means  to  write  devotional  literature,  the  marks  of  good  Christian  writing,  and  how  to  write  to  an  editor’s  specifications.  

You  will  find  within  this  book  devotions  authored  by  youth  as  young  as  12,  to  young  adults  and  even  the  Conference  Superintendent  and  missionaries  in  the  conference.    

We  pray  that  these  reflections  on  scripture  and  honest  expression  of  life  and  faith  in  Malawi  will  enhance  your  own  devotions  and  preparation  for  Easter.  

This  project  could  not  have  been  completed  without  the  strong  leadership  of  Daniel  Kabunduli,  the  Conference  Youth  President,  each  youth  who  participated  in  the  training,  and  the  four  young  men  who  worked  tirelessly  to  translate  each  mediation  into  English:  Drepentine  Chipofya,  Joseph  Kaipa,  Francis  Nkhoma,  and  John  Nyadaufe.  

Blessings  this  Lenten  Season!