Prayer Path Web

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  • 8/3/2019 Prayer Path Web




  • 8/3/2019 Prayer Path Web


    How to walk the Path

    Welcome to the prayer path. We are so glad youve taken some time to

    come here, and get away.

    This booklet is here to provide a guided time of contemplation. Feel

    free to use it, or to simply walk the path on your own, pausing at the

    stations to reflect and listen.

    The first reflection begins in front of the gate at the entrance to the


    As you use this material, allow time in after each question or idea to

    pause and consider. Listen for what the Holy Spirit may be saying to

    you. There is no hurry here. Take your time. Read and think... slowly.

    If you encounter others on the path, may we encourage you to simplysmile and acknowledge them quietly, then carry on with your journey.

    This isnt a place of absolute silence, but it is a place of peace, so please

    respect others on the path as you walk it yourself.

    We hope you encounter Jesus in a deep and meaningful way during

    your time here.

  • 8/3/2019 Prayer Path Web


    Introduction (at Gate)

    Welcome to the inward journey. Here, you will travel in pursuit not of the

    inner self but past the self into Christ. It is a journey to the True Centre.

    You are embarking on a pursuit that will lead you nearer to the presence of

    God. In truth, you are not the pursuer, but the pursued. You are invitedhere to journey into the awareness of the love of God, which is in

    relentless pursuit of you.

    Let the natural beauty of this environment speak to your spirit. Right now,

    stop and acknowledge every sense at your disposal: Sight, Sound, Smell,

    Touch... together, these allow a Taste of the presence of God. Be aware of

    the meaningbehind everything you encounter and notice, whether thestriking pattern of a leaf, a stone or even a misplaced piece of trash.

    Embrace the many ways in which the Holy Spirit might be pursuing you.

    With each step you take, you are preparing your heart to be found, and

    found again, by the God who pursues. As the psalm reads:

    You have searched me, LORD, and You know me. You know when I sitand when I rise; You perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going

    out and my lying down; You are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is

    on my tongue You, LORD, know it completely. You hem me in behind and

    before, and You lay Your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful

    for me, too lofty for me to attain.

    Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from Your presence? If

    I go up to the heavens, You are there; if I make my bed in the depths, You

    are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of

    the sea, even there Your hand will guide me, Your right hand will hold me

    fast. If I say, Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night

    around me, even the darkness will not be dark you You; the night will shine

    like the day, for darkness is as light to You. --Psalm 139: 1-12 NIV

    Selah- Pause, and think of that. When you are ready, wander down thepath to the first station.

  • 8/3/2019 Prayer Path Web


    Station I: Sound and Noise

    Sound and noise. Listening for the sound of Gods voice is difficult

    when all we can hear is the white noise of the world around us.

    Stop, and listen. What do you hear? Noise is the clamorous thingthat leaves no room for anything else. It communicates nothing but

    drowns out the Voice that speaks everything: truth, love, life, wonder.

    Take stock of every kind of noise coming at you right now. Do you

    hear a train? The noise of the traffic? Children playing, shouting?

    Identify the distractions, and set them aside. Listen for the whisper

    of the Creator.

    As Elijah discovered:

    ...a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and

    shattered the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not

    in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but theLORD was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake

    came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the

    fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his

    cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the

    cave. --1Kings 19:10-12

    Have you been looking for God in the noise? Seeking for Him in the

    busyness? Has He felt distant or absent? Turn down the inner

    volume, and listen for him in the simplicity of uncluttered space.

    What is the white noise in your soul? What clamours for your

    attention? What could be more important than perceiving the voice

    of God... right... now...? Shhhhh.

    Selah- Pause, and think of that. When you are ready, wander downthe path to the next station.

  • 8/3/2019 Prayer Path Web


    Station II: Travelling Light

    Burdens, burdens, burdens. We all carry them. Burdens of

    responsibility, burdens of failure and the fear of failure, burdens of

    provision, burdens of self preservation, and the burdens we take onfrom those we love. On the journey into Christ, you cant take

    anything with you. You will need to leave everything behind. There

    is a reason why most images of Jesus show Him with hands held

    open. He took nothing with Him.

    Think for a moment: Can you identify the weight in your chest? Are

    your shoulders slumped under external pressures? If so, identify

    them. Name them. Now.... wait and ask, are there more burdens

    beneath the surface? What are you holding onto? Whats holding on

    to you? Prepare to leave these burdens here when you move from

    this place. Are some easier to let go of than others? Are there others

    that you dont want to relinquish? Why? Be remindedNOWthat

    Jesus Christ is sufficient.

    The risen Christ reminds us:

    My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in

    weakness. --2Corinthians 12:9

    ...Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and Iwill give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,

    for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for

    your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

    --Matthew 11:28-30

    Let go before you go.

    Selah- Pause, and think of that. When you are ready, wander downthe ath to the next station.

  • 8/3/2019 Prayer Path Web


    Station III: This is No Hiding


    The mark of fallen humanity is that we

    hid from God. We put a shield between

    our vulnerability and Him. So much of

    our energy is daily diverted into keeping

    up appearances. We put on our faces

    and shape the image others see when

    they look at us. Have you built up wallsof vanity to conceal the humble,

    shameful creature buried deep within? Or have you dressed up in

    beggars clothes to protect the treasure inside from being stolen?

    Consider: What costumes and masks do you wear to preserve


    There can be no hiding place from God. There is a hiding place with

    Him. InHim. WithinHim. Name your secrets, your concealments,

    and present them to Him as an offering. As you remove each mask

    and expose every dark place, allow yourself to become transparent

    before God. This is a time for full disclosure to the God who

    already knows. For he looks to the ends of the earth, and sees everything

    under the heavens. --Job 28:34

    In the garden, God allowedus to hide from Him. Did He know

    where Adam and Eve were hiding? Of course. But He called for

    them and then waited for them to present themselves. Do you hear

    Him calling you to step out from your hiding places? Will you?

    Selah - Pause, and think of that. When you are ready, wander downthe path to the next station.

  • 8/3/2019 Prayer Path Web


    Station IV: Toward Grace and Mercy

    You are drawing quite near, now, to the deepest part of the journey.

    Before moving forward, take stock. Are you ready to encounterHim? Do you feel prepared? Worthy? Quieted, weightless and fully

    transparent? Certainly you dont! All effort and discipline comes to

    nothing apart fromgraceand mercy. We engage in the practices of

    quieting our souls, releasing our burdens and making ourselves

    transparent, not to achieve worthiness but to prepare to encounter

    the One who is worthy. Allow these words to wash over you:



    Are you unworthy to proceed? Yes. Take a moment and reflect on

    what disqualifies you. Name those things, and turn from them,

    toward Christ. Remember, you are not the pursuer but the pursued.



    Is there any deficiency or brokenness or inadequacy that is not

    covered by those two words, if we turn toward Christ?

    Paul writes: Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for

    ourselves, but our competence comes from God. --2Corinthians 3:5




    Selah- Pause, and think of that. When you are ready, wander down

    the path to the next station.

  • 8/3/2019 Prayer Path Web


    Station V: Sacred Space

    You have now entered the deepest part of the journey. This is

    primarily a place of resting, waiting and encountering. This is sacred

    space. It is sacred not because of the ground on which you stand,

    but because of the purpose that rests in your heart. With hearing

    attuned, burdens lifted, masks discarded and heart cleansed, youve

    sent up flares to the heavens and are now ready and longing to be

    found by the Risen Christ, the Eternal Centre.

    The God who pursues longs to make His dwelling place within you.

    Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will

    build for me? Where will my resting place be? --Isaiah 66:1

    Consider this ancient poem. Let this be your prayer. Then simply


    *Ancient celtic oral traditions - carmina gadelica)

    Selah- Pause, and think of that. When you are ready, wander downthe path to the next station.

    God to enfold me,

    God to surround me,

    God in my speaking,

    God in my thinking.

    God in my sleeping,

    God in my waking,

    God in my watching,

    God in my hoping.

    God in my life,

    God on my lips,

    God in my soul,

    God in my heart.

    God in my sufficing,

    God in my slumber,

    God in mine ever-living soul,

    God in mine eternity.*

  • 8/3/2019 Prayer Path Web


    Station VI: Re-Direction

    Youve now turned the corner, and begun the outwardjourney. An

    encounter with Christ is never, ever left behind. It is not confined to oneplace, rather it is interior and lingers with you. Reflect for a moment on

    what youve heard and encountered. If you have a journal with you, take a

    moment to record whats in your heart.

    Now, each step brings you closer to re-engaging your day-to-day world.

    Christ alone can orient you as you navigate unexpected obstacles and

    encounter enticing paths that threaten to pull you off-course.

    With any journey into unfamiliar territory, the most critical piece of gear is

    a good compass. As you move from the centre of the path, allow Christ to

    become your reference point, your True North.

    True North directs us on our way and keeps our paths straight. What

    pathways in your day-to- day life need to be re-oriented around Christ as

    the point of reference? Allow Him to speak into your life journey and re-

    direct your ways.

    The future is nothing if not unfamiliar territory. How will Christ be your

    True North as you head forward on your outward journey? Hear the words

    of Jesus:

    The one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. The

    gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He

    calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has

    brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep

    follow him because they know his voice. --John 10:2-4

    Selah- Pause, and think of that. When you are ready, wander downthe path to the next station.

  • 8/3/2019 Prayer Path Web


    Station VII: Pursuits

    The outwardjourney is about our response to Him through

    transformation. Every encounter with Christ brings transformation,

    and that transformation affects everything.

    What does transformation look like?

    What will happen once you move from this time and place of

    contemplation and re-engage normal life? What will you pursue

    first? Whats thefirstthing youll think about? Whats thefirstthing

    youll do? Will you reset to your defaults, or will you allow whatever

    you pursue to undergo change and transformation?

    The true pursuits of our hearts are mirrored in those things we invest

    our time and energy on. What would it mean for your pursuits

    (dreams, visions, ambitions and desires) to be transformed by Christ,

    to be held in orbit around Him? What would decision-making looklike?

    Consider: Seek first His

    kingdom and his righteousness,

    and all these things will be

    given to you as well .

    --Matthew 6:33

    Is the Holy Spirit speaking through these words? Into these words?Seek first... what?

    Selah- Pause, and think of that. When you are ready, wander downthe path to the next station.

  • 8/3/2019 Prayer Path Web


    Station VIII: Radiation

    Vocation is whatever you do that radiates who you are. As Christ

    lingers in the interior places of your life, allow the actions and

    activities of your life to radiate... Him. This is the transformation ofyour inner self acting to transform the world outside you. Love God,

    and then the radiation of that love will become the substance of love

    toward others. (See Luke 10:27; cf. Mark 12:31-32; Matthew 22:36-40;

    John 13:34-35.)

    We tend to define ourselves by what we do. This leads to discontent

    and striving and ultimately exhaustion. However, the call into

    vocation (literally defined as call) re-orders that. Who we are

    defines what we do. Living out your vocation is life-giving,

    transformative, and purposeful.

    Have you tried to define yourself by your actions? By your job? By

    your bank account statements? That is the world acting on you... theworld radiating inward. The Christ-centered life calls you to act on

    the world, from the inside out.

    When Jesus acted on the world, He modelled something for us. He

    so radiated God that everything He did became a reflection of that


    Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he

    sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.

    --John 5:19

    How does the Risen Christ intend to radiate through you? Ask Him.

    Wait and listen.

    Selah- Pause, and think of that. When you are ready, wander downthe ath to the next station.

  • 8/3/2019 Prayer Path Web


    Station IX: Rhythm

    You have come to the final station on this journey. What have you

    encountered? What have you heard from the Voice that speaks life? How

    have you responded? Store up and treasure these things in your heart asyou move from here, back into the regular rhythms of life!

    Take a moment and do nothing but breathe purposefully. Measure each

    breath. Breathe in. Breathe out.

    Be aware of your heart beating. Steadily, and without conscious thought,

    these rhythmic patterns sustain your life. Youve just experienced a rhythmof engagement with God that can be encountered daily, hourly, moment by

    moment. These are the sustaining rhythmic patterns of grace and

    encounter with Christ.

    Yield Encounter Respond

    As you move from this place, allow the moments of yielding, encounter,

    and response to bleed over in fullness of your lived life: In your speaking,

    in your seeing, in your loving, in your doing.

    Go with the words of this blessing echoing in your heart:

    *Blessing from the Northumbria Community daily hours morning prayer

    In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.

    Selah- To exit the path, leave to your right. To re-walk the path, exit the

    station to the left.

    May the peace of the Lord Christ go

    with you, wherever He may send you.

    May He guide you through the

    wilderness, protect you through the


    May He bring you home rejoicing

    at the wonders He has shown you.

    May He bring you home rejoicing

    once again into our doors.*