Ministering in the Caribbean [email protected] www.caribbeanoutreach.com U.S.: 954-681-4692 Bahamas: 242-323-6202 T HE S ELVER F AMILY Prayer Letter May 2009 P LEASE PRAY FOR …. ...God’s presence on our lives as we seek to serve Him ...Individuals & churches to sponsor teen(s) for camp ...Camp Preparation Week (June 28-July 4): The right counselors, campers, & helpers ...Camp Week (July 5-11): Lasting decisions to be made in the hearts & lives of those we minister to ...Upcoming trips to Dominica in July & Jamaica in September ...Building needs for the camp property To remove your name from our mailing list, please reply to this email with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line. Questions or Comments? Please email us at [email protected]. This verse became my ministry verse years ago and it still reigns true today. I am truly thankful that God placed me in the ministry. It has been a busy few months for us. In January we held a Back-to- Camp Bash. We invited teens from Nassau to a fun-filled day of games and preaching. The goal of this event was to get teens excited about our upcoming Camp Elienai week in July. We then traveled to preach a winter youth camp for Temple Baptist Church in Fredericksburg, VA. It was a true blessing to see some of the teens make decisions to live for Christ. From there we went to Nevis (in the Caribbean) and attended a pastor’s conference called the West Indies Baptist Fellowship. I had the privilege of teaching 2 sessions for youth leaders. This was a fulfillment of one of my goals to assist youth pastors in the Caribbean. February through April was primarily a time to assist the ministry here in Nassau. As I stated in the last prayer letter, I am now the assistant/youth pastor of New Testament Baptist Church and vice principal of Teleos Christian School. My wife plays the piano in church, teaches a singles women Bible study, and assists me in counseling and youth work. She also teaches computers for the school. Please continue to pray that God gives us the strength and wisdom to accomplish the amount of work that we have to do. In May we traveled to Chattanooga, TN to preach a four-day youth conference. Although the crowd was not very big, our God was. My favorite memory was speaking to the young men about remaining pure until marriage. We praise God for His work there. On this same trip we had the wonderful privilege of visiting two of our supporting churches for the first time as a married couple. Joy Baptist Tabernacle in Chattanooga and Tampa Bay Baptist in Tampa Bay welcomed us with open arms and warm hearts. I pray that we get to visit each one of our supporting churches in the near future. Also this month was my first time assisting my pastor in a baptism of 3 teen boys. It was a very exciting time for me to see what God is doing in their lives. At present, everything is about Camp Elienai! Organizing forms, recruiting workers, and advertising to teens is all I find myself doing these past few weeks. We are looking forward to another great summer of life-changing decisions. Our key preacher is Pastor Dwayne Johnson who is the senior pastor of Berean Baptist Church in Daytona, FL. We anticipate great things from a great God this summer! If you are interested in financially helping us and being a part of our dynamic camp ministry this summer, please see the attached form or contact me. Kwame was able to witness to his dad. Although he did not make a profession of faith, another seed was planted. Thank you to all that continue to pray for his salvation. Another church has committed to financially support our ministry. PRAISES MINISTRY U PDATE Kwame & Jennifer Selver And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry.” I Timothy 1:12 Bro. Kwame prays with a young man from the Caribbean who is desiring to serve Christ Bro. Kwame assist Pastor Adams in baptism

Prayer Letter2

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“And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry.” I Timothy 1:12 PRAISES To remove your name from our mailing list, please reply to this email with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line. Questions or Comments? Please email us at [email protected]. MINISTRY UPDATE Bro. Kwame assist Pastor Adams in baptism [email protected]  www.caribbeanoutreach.com U.S.: 954-681-4692  Bahamas: 242-323-6202

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Ministering in the Caribbean [email protected] www.caribbeanoutreach.com

U.S.: 954-681-4692 Bahamas: 242-323-6202


Prayer Letter May 2009

PLEASE PRAY FOR…. ...God’s presence on our lives as we seek to serve Him ...Individuals & churches to sponsor teen(s) for camp ...Camp Preparation Week (June 28-July 4): The right counselors, campers,

& helpers ...Camp Week (July 5-11): Lasting decisions to be made in the hearts & lives

of those we minister to ...Upcoming trips to Dominica in July & Jamaica in September ...Building needs for the camp property To remove your name from our mailing list, please reply to this email with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line. Questions or Comments? Please email us at [email protected].

This verse became my ministry verse years ago and it still reigns true today. I am truly thankful that God placed me in the ministry.

It has been a busy few months for us. In January we held a Back-to-Camp Bash. We invited teens from Nassau to a fun-filled day of games and preaching. The goal of this event was to get teens

excited about our upcoming Camp Elienai week in July. We then traveled to preach a winter youth camp for Temple Baptist Church in Fredericksburg, VA. It was a true blessing to see some of the teens make decisions to live for Christ. From there we went to Nevis (in the Caribbean) and attended a pastor’s conference called the West Indies Baptist Fellowship. I had the privilege of teaching 2 sessions for youth leaders. This was a fulfillment of one of my goals to assist youth pastors in the Caribbean.

February through April was primarily a time to assist the ministry here in Nassau. As I stated in the last prayer letter, I am now the assistant/youth pastor of New Testament Baptist Church and vice principal

of Teleos Christian School. My wife plays the piano in church, teaches a singles women Bible study, and assists me in counseling and youth work. She also teaches computers for the school. Please continue to pray that God gives us the strength and wisdom to accomplish the amount of work that we have to do.

In May we traveled to Chattanooga, TN to preach a four-day youth conference. Although the crowd was not very big, our God was. My favorite memory was speaking to the young men about remaining pure until marriage. We praise God for His work there. On this same trip we had the wonderful privilege of visiting two of our supporting churches for the first time as a married couple. Joy Baptist Tabernacle in Chattanooga and Tampa Bay Baptist in

Tampa Bay welcomed us with open arms and warm hearts. I pray that we get to visit each one of our supporting churches in the near future. Also this month was my first time assisting my pastor in a baptism of 3 teen boys. It was a very exciting time for me to see what God is doing in their lives.

At present, everything is about Camp Elienai! Organizing forms, recruiting workers, and advertising to teens is all I find myself doing these past few weeks. We are looking forward to another great summer of life-changing decisions. Our key preacher is Pastor Dwayne Johnson who is the senior pastor of Berean Baptist Church in Daytona, FL. We anticipate great things from a great God this summer!

If you are interested in financially helping us and being a part of our dynamic camp ministry this summer, please see the attached form or contact me.

Kwame was able to witness to his dad. Although he did not make a profession of faith, another seed was planted. Thank you to all that continue to pray for his salvation.

Another church has committed to financially support our ministry.



Kwam e & Jennifer Selver

“And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me,

for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry.” I Timothy 1:12

Bro. Kwam e prays with a young m an from the Car ibbean who is

desiring to serve Chris t

Bro. Kwame assist Pastor Adams in baptism