Pranic Energy

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  • 8/2/2019 Pranic Energy


    Pranic energy; do you know the core of this science In the

    realms of Yogic healing and other kinds of alternate

    remedial measures including Reiki etc. The word energy is

    the fulcrum for all such sciences. The word energy, here,directly indicates towards that subtlest energy substance

    which was observed and understood by great ancient

    Indian seers thousands of years ago. They (ancient seers)

    named it as Prana in Sanskrit the same word later

    acquired its English composition as Pranic i.e. related with

    Prana. This article cannot endeavor to touch the intricate

    details of this subject since the scope of the article cannot

    exceed into a book therefore it confines to the aspect that

    is of great utility to any common reader. According to

    those great ancient Indian seers the Prana (vital energy) is

    a highly sensitive and intelligent substance. When we

    use such adjectives as sensitive and intelligent for any

    substance the mind automatically becomes driven to some

    kind of ambiguity because the substance is considered

    as an objects and objects arenot supposed to bear

    sensation or intelligence barring the artificial intelligence

    created by human being in this recent age. The human

    created artificial intelligence is easily believed since its

    comprehension needs no basis of blind faith; on count that

    its working is easily apparent to any human being and we

    all can observe and benefit of its working all around our

    existence. Now utilizing this same understanding in regard

    with a substance that is neither visible nor easily felt by

    commoners creates ambiguity about its existence. Though

    theoretically one can render several examples about

    various concepts that existence around us but we are not

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    able to see them; such as Nano scale but despite of all

    dogmatism this belief does not find way inside a common

    mind. The another problem with the subject of Prana is

    that unless its practitioner deeply affirms the existence ofthis subtlest energy and starts its related exercises;

    drawing and establishing within through various breathing

    patterns the results are confined just like with a

    swimmer that intends to swim but right at the edge of the

    waters perhaps such a swim shall never be able to swim

    however he maygo on moving his/her hands and legs in

    whatever manner. Similarly with the subtler subjects

    where sensitivity and intelligence rope in as basic

    determinants there the establishment of their existence

    within a seeker must be accomplished beyond an iota of

    doubt; unless that firm belief finds its place within all other

    efforts shall land as acts of futility.

    To start with; under realms of yogic teaching about Prana

    the first part that any good teacher should advance withinhis/her student (or any self study student)is to first of all

    experience and feel the Prana within ones own physical

    body this feeling about the motion of Prana within us is

    also directly related with our emotional state. It simply

    means that when we are under a heightened emotion of

    any kind; irrespective of its positive or negative nature the

    pranic movement also heightens within our existencerespectively. In order to translate it in simplest terms when

    we experience a heightened negative emotion its results

    drain out considerable amounts of Pranic (vital energy)

    from us and on the contrary when we experience any

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    positive emotion with the similar intensity the Pranic gain

    too is heightened appropriately. The teacher or a student

    with self study has to first of all experience the outflow or

    inflow of this vital energy (Prana) within himself or herselfto the extents where the belief is easily established inside

    to the extents that one can easily relate to its existence

    within ones physical body. And as the observation

    proceeds the inflow and outflow become so apparent that

    one is able to easily learn the movement of Prana. Once

    this aspect is established it is then that the aspirant has to

    move forward towards gathering Pranic substance as

    number one and establishment of it within ones own self

    as exercise number two but whatever may be the case

    unless the experience of observing this force within at

    ones own end is dispensed all related procedures remain

    mere dogmatic. A seeker must remember that this highly

    sensitive and intelligent substance cannot be drawn

    without a proper invocation; an invocation that creates a

    command atthe subtler dimension leaving no choice for it

    (Prana) to come and establish according to the wish of its

    seeker. Once an aspirant deeply understands the

    sensitivity and intelligent aspect of Prana then the alone

    the first step should be considered as over. The seeker

    also needs to remember that the source to this vital

    energy (Prana) is through various sources like; breathing,

    water, emotions, intent and thoughts the advanced yogis

    utilize the highest mode of intention whereas the

    progressing souls utilize the thoughts. The learners make

    their way through the breathing and thoughts. Whereas

    the water is for those who want it merely to meet their

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    physical requirements confined at lowest levels. Once you

    understand the crucial aspect behind this subtlest energy

    then the journey towards enrichment shall advance.