PRAGATI PUBLIC SCHOOL 1.pdf · PRAGATI PUBLIC SCHOOL CLASS I ACADEMIC SESSION 2019-20 Dear Parent ... Our Green Friends Mother Earth Love for Animals and make manageable props for

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    Dear Parent

    of the year,

    e the best time

    Holidays are the best time of the year,

    Time to shout, clap & Cheer!!!

    Jump about and have lots of fun,

    Enjoy treats in tons and tons!!!

    Plan a trip, go around and explore,

    Be it mountains or the sea shore!!!

    Playing or cycling, whatever you do,

    Museums & mountains can be visited too!!!

    TTry cool recipes with your grandparents too,

    EE Experiments and projects to be done by you!!!

  • Looking forward to meet to you all in July……….Happy

    Holidays!!!!!!! Have a great time!

    Dear Parents

    1. A healthy mind resides in a healthy body so start your day early and set a routine even

    during vacations. In addition you and your little one can spend some quality time playing

    or simply making normal conversation to enhance the bond, go cycling, swimming to

    keep yourself fit and healthy. Encourage your child to take care of personal hygiene

    by inculcating the following habits:

    • Brushing teeth twice daily.

    • Combing hair regularly.

    • Bathing every day.

    • Washing hands before and after meals.

    • Trimming the nails and keeping them clean .

    Eating healthy food .

    Washing hair regularly with a shampoo.

    2. A book is a child's best friend. Develop a love for reading and listening to stories.

    Suggested series of story books for reading: Pepper, Bruno, Bubbles

    3. Encourage self-responsibility and accountability. Encourage them to keep the

    house clean especially the play area.

    4. Watch English Movies like Frozen , Home Alone , Zootopia

    5. Some activities suggested for the kids to experience and value nature, so that they

    can understand their importance and protect them.

    6. Allow your child to play outdoors, get hurt and dirty. It’s okay for them to fall

    down and experience pain once in a while. Comfortable life within sofa cushions will

    make your child lazy.

    7. Help your children learn a sport or join talent class this summer. While learning

    new skill/ sport, children stay active and attentive

    8. Keep your children away from T.V, mobile phones, computers and other

    electronic gadgets. They have their whole life for that.

    9. Encouage your child to do the homework on their own under parental guidance

    in legible handwriting .

  • 10. The date of submission for the same is : first week of July.

    11. The holiday home work will be assessed on the basis of originality , presentation.

    12. Revise all the work done till date in notebooks and worksheets .

    A happy and healthy family time is the best way of imparting the much needed life

    skills to our children. We all wish to see them grow up as responsible and caring

    individuals who understand the value of time. As parents, it is important to invest

    your time with them now. With good wishes for a marvelous vacation


    1) Draw/ Paste picture of 2 domestic animals, 2 farm animals and 2 wild animals in scrap book .Count and write the total number of legs of all the animals.

    2) Go for a nature walk. Collect fallen leaves. Paste them in scrapbook to create one digit addition.

    2) Paste the stickers stars in scrapbook on the number grid to show skip counting of 2.

    1 2 3 4 5 6

    7 8 9 10 11 12

    13 14 15 16 17 18

    3) Use geometrical shapes to draw a landscape of tree, house and sun.


    1) Pictorial Dictionary of Animals -Make a mini dictionary using waste paper

    or old greeting cards (any ten animals/birds/insects). Write one line each

    below every picture.

    2) Try to read newspaper with the help of parental guidance.

    3) Learn one poem with suitable gestures and voice modulation related to

    the theme: Save water

    Our Green Friends

    Mother Earth

    Love for Animals

    and make manageable props for the same.

    4) Make a hand printing drawings with appropriate colours in the scrap book

    and label the animal name (choose any 2) . Write lines on them -the food

    they like ,the habitat in which they live, where they are found the most.

    5) Wear your creative cap. Make a self portrait using things from nature in

    Scrap Book. (Use dry fallen leaves for hair , small pebbles for eyes , flower

    petals for lips……) Write 5 lines on Myself .

    6) Food chain in an ecosystem

    Smaller insects feed on green plants and bigger animals feed on smaller ones

    and so on. This feeding relationship in an

    ecosystem is called a food chain. Draw a

    food chain in your scrap book also. Write

    two lines on it.

  • Environmental Studies (EVS)


    DIRECTIONS : Habitat is the place where a plant or animal lives. Choose two animals. Think about, or research, each animal’s habitat. Draw the environment

    in which the animal would be found ,and write about why it would live in this

    habitat. ( in scrap book)

    2) List 3 things that are the same and 3 things that are different between plants and animals.(in scrap book)



    3) Life cycle in an ecosystem

    All living things have a life cycle. They are born, they grow up, they

    reproduce and they die. Different groups of living organisms have

    different kinds of life cycles. The life cycle of an insect is very different

    from the life cycle of a mammal or a reptile.

    Look at the life cycle below. Think about how each

    animal changes over its lifetime. Label the pictures from 1 to 4 in the order of

    the each animals life cycle. Draw the correct order in scrap book.

  • 4) Explore the amazing world around us . Learn any four amazing facts on animals or birds or plants .

    For eg ; Ants never sleep.

    Elephants can smell water from about 5km.

    Bamboo is a rapid growing plant.

    Humans and elephants are are the only animals with chins.

    5) Learn few lines on any one endangered/ extinct animal . Make a face mask also for the same.


    iz”u 1- करवाई गई मात्राओ से वाक्य बनान ेdk vH;kl fyf[kr #i ls ,d fnu NksM dj 1 मास तक कररए A

    iz”u 2- आ (ाा) और इ (िा) की मात्रा से सम्बंधित आकाश में रहने वाल ेकोई 4-5 पक्षिओ के नाम ललखिए व धित्र स्क्रैप बकु में धिपकाइए |

  • iz”u 3- ' जानवर हमारे लमत्र ' ‘पेड़ हमारे लमत्र’ से सम्बंधित कोई भी एक कववता daBLFk कीिजए व उससे सम्बंधित मिुौटा बनाइए |

    iz”u 4 पंितंत्र से कोई भी एक कहानी भावपरू्ण याद करे व उससे सम्बंधित धित्र स्क्रैप बकु में धिपकाइए व कहानी से आपन ेक्या सीिा इसकी ििाण किा में कीिजए |

    iz”u 5 v] vk ]b ] bZ ]m ]m ek=kvksa ds fp= ,df=r djds

    dksykt बनाइएA


    Let’s take the time to say "Thanks, dad. I'm glad you're mine."

    LEARNING OUTCOME - To enhance creativity and to express love for our


    Gift a special card to your Dad on 16th June with the help of elders in the family.

    You will require-

    Cartridge sheet or chart paper A4 size



    What to do –

    First are the footprints and handprints.

    Do the “body “which is the footprint, in blue.

    While the “cape” which is the Handprint, in red.

    Paint a circle on the canvas for the head and paint hands/arms coming

    from the “foot/body” of your superhero.

    Paint on some clouds or other embellishments to the canvas.

    Click a photo gifting the card to your Dad and paste its printout (postcard

    size) in your scrap book .

    Write a small thank you note for your dad also.



    Choose and create an ecosystem that you find most interesting.

    For eg. desert, under the sea, forest, grassland, rainforest, polar region etc

    Material Required

    Shoebox, dry grass, sand, clay to make different animals or plant life, old

    newspaper, magazine for pictures of animals (can be given 3D look), paint,

    fevicol, coloured sheets, waste material at home – small plastic bottles, old

    toys, paint colours, small stones or pebbles. Waste things can be taken

    according to the habitat chosen.


    Make a strong base with the shoe box.

    Create the elements by collecting material from different sources

    mentioned above in the material required.

    For the ground - Sand can be used for desert. Dry grass/ artificial grass for

    the forest. Cotton / foil paper / blue plastic polybag / cotton for under

    water and polar regions.

    Animals can be created using clay or old toys. Also picture or cut out of

    animals from old books or magazine can be used and give them a 3D look.