Practice These 33 Keys to Spiritual Mastery to Unlock the Door to Consciousness

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  • 8/12/2019 Practice These 33 Keys to Spiritual Mastery to Unlock the Door to Consciousness


    Practice these 33 keys to spiritual mastery to unlock the door to consciousness:

    1.The key to awakening is timing. Before we incarnated, we chose the age that we would begin our

    awakening process, in divine timing with the alignment of the stars.

    2.The key to meditation is grounding. Because we are made of the same elements, aligning with

    Mother Earth is essential in creating the connection with Source within the heart chakra.

    3.The key to the heart chakra is love. The kingdom lies within the heart and we all come from the

    same source of unconditional love.4.The key to creation is geometry. Everything vibrates at a certain resonance that can be

    recognized as geometric patterns of energy in motion.

    5.The key to raising your vibration is positive emotion. The highest vibrational energy in motion is


    6.The key to loving another is loving yourself. Loving yourself creates an expansive space within

    your heart to that allows unconditional love for another.

    7.The key to loving yourself is recognizing who you are. Loving yourself is loving Source.

    8.The key to manifestation is thought. Thought is energy and when used with intention creates your


    9.The key to discernment is intuition. Following your gut will show you the way every time.

    10.The key to forgiveness is compassion. The emotional energy of compassion allows for forgiveness

    which heals wounds and allows us to move forward.

    11.The key to transmuting karma is intention and awareness. Paying attention to your body andrecurring patterns will bring those energies into your awareness that need to be healed.

    12.The key to protection is prayer. Prayer is stating your intention to find the highest path and for

    the light to shine the way without distractions or roadblocks.

    13.The key to faith is trust. Faith is the knowingness that comes from trusting who you are.

    14.The key to joy is doing what you love. Your purpose in life can always be found in doing the

    things that bring you joy.

    15.The key to receiving is gratitude. Gratitude is the appreciation for the Universes gifts.

    16.The key to Grace is being the example. The best way to teach others is to practice what you

    silently preach.

    17.The key to humility is wisdom. The wisdom of knowing that we all come from the same source

    reigns in the ego and allows for humility.

    18.The key to centering is ohming. Ohming can fine tune the vibrational frequency of the water in

    your body to bring you back into alignment with Source.19.The key to the throat chakra is truth. The majority of humanity has a fear of speaking the truth

    because of ingrained beliefs and societal pressure.

    20.The key to levitation is sound. Sound is energy and can be used to change the properties of the

    field around objects.

    21.The key to confirmation is synchronicity. Our spirit guides and angels let us know we are on the

    right path with undeniable synchronistic events or repetitive number patterns.

    22.The key to peace is the Golden Rule. If everyone were to treat others as they would want to be

    treated, the world would be a different place.

    23.The key to standing in your power is knowledge. The knowledge of who and what you are allows

    for you to take your power back from those who wish to dominate and control you and harvest

    your energy.

    24.The key to the fountain of youth is a perfected DNA template. Before the fall of Atlantis and the

    modification of our DNA, humans had the ability to live for hundreds or thousands of years.25.The key to our future is the now. The convergence of our consciousness to this incarnation

    allows us to choose possibilities of future events based on what we do in each present moment.

    26.The key to the Golden Age is balance. Humanity has been under patriarchal domination for

    thousands of years and the time has come for the rise of the divine feminine in balance not only

    externally but internally as well.

    27.The key to all of the answers lies within. The space within can never be tampered with or

    reached by the dark forces, and therein lies the truth.

    28.The key to universal travel is the human body in its divine perfection. Stargate codes lie within

    our DNA strands and are being activated as we prepare ourselves for Universal travel.

    29.The key to the Cosmos is oneness. Integration of all of the pieces and parts of you within this

    focus of consciousness allows for one to follow the threads of existence all the way back to Source in

    the middle of the Cosmos.

    30.The key to oneness is non judgment. Balance and polarity is existent in all of dualistic creation-positive and negative, good and bad, up and down, and light and dark.

  • 8/12/2019 Practice These 33 Keys to Spiritual Mastery to Unlock the Door to Consciousness


    31.The key to unity is multidimensional collective consciousness. The problems that exist in the

    world today cannot be solved in the consciousness that they were created in, and the goal of a

    unified consciousness can only be found in a higher dimension of existence.

    32.The key to freedom is expansion. Creating the space for expansion will allow humanity to move

    into a place that is not accessible by lower vibrational entities.

    33.The key to spiritual mastery is simplicity. A comprehensive understanding of returning to

    oneness brings everything into perspective in this experience that we call life