PRACTICAL INSIGHTS ON SELECTING THE RIGHT …adiuvoengineering.com/RIGHT PROCESSOR FOR YOUR APPLICATION… · Radiation Tolerance ... •ESA Handbook –Techniques for Radiation Effects

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It is a bit more complicated than

Need a More Structured Approach – 10,000 Ft view

• Mission Requirements

• Operating Environment

• Component Availability

• Experience and Heritage

Harsh Environment – Getting There

Launch• Acoustic Loading• Vibration• Random and Sine

• Shock • Depressurisation – Venting• Electro Magnetic Interference

Harsh Environment –Operating there

Operation• Temperature• Radiation• Reliability• Long Operating life

• Electro Magnetic Interference

What are some of the Processors are Available

Processor Architecture MIPS Comments

LEON 3 FT ASIC Dual SPARC V8 200 100 MHz

LEON 3 FT AISC Single SPARC V8 75 66 MHz


RAD 750 Power PC 400 200 MHz

PC 7448 Power PC 3000 1267 MHz

ARM7-TDMI ARM7 36 40 MHz CubesatNot Rad Hard

Mongoose-V MIPS R3000 8 10 - 15 MHz

Processor Selection


ManagementRedundancy Architecture

PCB Mounting

Operating Systems

Communication IF’s

Debugging Tools


• Key Driver for achieving mission requirements

• Million Instructions Per Second

• Number of Instructions per Clock Cycle – Scalar / Vector / Superscalar

• Floating Point Unit

• Multicore

• Hardware Acceleration / Peripherals

• Direct Memory Access

• Memory Bandwidth


• Drives the thermal management of the payload –Conversion losses

• How many voltage rails are required – this complicates the power architecture - increasing losses and decreasing MTBF, Weight etc.

• Does the processor have low power modes

• Can we reduce the core frequency if desired – Dynamic Power Management

• Voltage scaling

Power Management

• How our equipment communicates externally

• On Chip Peripherals for communication

• Simple UART, SPI, I2C, Ethernet, PCIe

• DMA Provided to reduce load on processor

• Is the bandwidth sufficient for the application requirements

Communication IF’s

• Operating system enables scheduling of processes and processor resources

• Application dependant

• Hard Real Time

• Soft Real Time

• Do we need an operating system – Can it be achieved using a bare metal solution

• Certification – DO178B, Sil3

• Examples in use in space missions

• RTEMS, VxWorks, uC/Osii, eCOS, Linux (RTAI and Xluna)

Operating Systems

• Development Environment

• Can we debug at the system level

• Can we examine the processor state without impacting programme execution

• Can we profile the application

• Can we trace where the processor has been

• Is it possible to analyse communication protocols on communication interfaces

Debugging Tools

• Often the most over looked aspect

• Is it BGA, CGA or QFP

• Impacts reliability – BGA balls fail, Column Crack,

• How it mounts has a large impact on how we perform thermal management.

• Number of IO required

• Is the mounting method currently qualified for your manufacturing facility

PCB Mounting

• Is the device latch up immune

• Can it experience SEUs

• What is the maximum Total Ionising Dose

• Does the processor contain fault tolerant circuits e.g ECC / EDAC to correct for faults

• Is there a watchdog provided for lock ups – often thsneeds to be independent.

Radiation Tolerance

• Is Redundancy required ?

• Inter or Intra module

• Hot or Cold spared

• Cost and Weight driver

• Redundancy approach for SW

• External / internal watchdog provided for SEFI

Redundancy Architecture

• For Space Applications there are some mitigation strategies we can follow

• Redundancy at the Instruction level

• Redundancy at task level

• Redundancy at application level

• ESA Handbook – Techniques for Radiation Effects Mitigation in ASICs and FPGAs is provides a good understanding for all engineers – does include a section on processors.

SW Techniques

Processor Selection

Component CostSW Design

CostsHW Design


Technical Risks

Schedule Design Reuse Heritage & TRL

Programme Risks

• Goal is meeting mission requirements within the available budget.

• Number of Cost drivers

• Bill of Materials

• Engineering Life Cycle costs – design reviews

• Design / Verification / Integration costs for HW and SW

• Certification programmes


• Any Programme will have a number of risks technical and programmatic

• Technical risks relate to engineering aspects i.e. Quality

• Programmatic relate to cost and timescale

• Process

• Identify candidate risks

• Identify applicable standards, laws, agreements and company policies

• Analyse Risks / Plan Risk Management / Evaluate

• Risk Profile and Risk Strategy will result

Risks – Technical and Programmatic

• Not necessarily the domain of the project manager but also the Work Package Manager.

• All projects want to deliver

• On Schedule, On Cost, On Quality

• Schedule will define the engineering and programmatic milestones –enables progress to be tracked

• Crucially it will enable past performance to be used as an indicator of future performance

• If you are slipping 6 months in 12 months for example, without addressing the issues via a recovery programme future performance will continue to slip 6 months in 12.


• Does the processor have any heritage in the application. Reduces risk of implementation or qualification issues

• Technology Readiness Level

• Determines the readiness level of the technology to be used in your application

• ESA have 9 levels from concept to proven and used on a mission.

• TRL development plan – shows the path taken to prove the system to the required level.

Heritage & TRL

• Enables faster time to market

• Requires a development rules to enable reuse

• Increases quality as it is used across several projects

• Enables the estimation of new projects to be undertaken easier

Design Reuse

Conclusion • Technical and Programmatic

considerations have been presented

• Criteria's use depends upon your application

• Thank you for listening

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