1 Practical information 2018 Le Mans 24 Hours 1/ SERVICES o Transport, welcome, safety and first-aid posts o ACO: information offices, the club, the boutiques o Race information Food & drink 2/ ENTERTAINMENT/ACTIVITES In the Fan Zone and the Village o Concerts o The Museum o Karting o Support races o Not-to-be-missed events outside the circuit 3/ MAPS o North-South maps o Cars parks and welcome zone o Shuttle services

Practical information 2018 Le Mans 24 Hours · 1 Practical information 2018 Le Mans 24 Hours 1/ SERVICES o Transport, welcome, safety and first-aid posts o ACO: information offices,

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Practical information

2018 Le Mans 24 Hours


o Transport, welcome, safety and first-aid posts o ACO: information offices, the club, the boutiques

o Race information Food & drink

2/ ENTERTAINMENT/ACTIVITES In the Fan Zone and the Village

o Concerts o The Museum

o Karting

o Support races o Not-to-be-missed events outside the circuit

3/ MAPS o North-South maps

o Cars parks and welcome zone o Shuttle services



Transport, welcome, safety and first-aid posts Arrival at the circuit


- From Paris – 214 km – 2 h 20 (A11) - From Rouen – 224 km – 2 h 26 (A28)

From Nantes – 190 km – 2 h 01 (A11)

- From Rennes – 174 km – 1 h 55 (N136 ; N157 ; A81) - From Caen – 175km – 1 h 58 (A88 ; A28 ; N158)

- From Tours – 90.8 km – 1 h 07 (A28) - From Alençon – 67,3 km – 57 minutes (A28) - From Bordeaux – 441 km – 4 h 20 (A28 ; A10)



Le Mans airport: Tel. 02 43 84 00 43. Le Mans control tower: Tel. 02 43 84 34 85 Nantes Atlantique airport: Tel. 0 892 568 800 (0.34 € TTC per minute) /

www.nantes.aeroport.fr BY TRAIN:

There are many TGV links between Le Mans and Paris and the main towns in the west of France (Nantes, Rennes) as well as Lyon, Lille, Marseille, Montpellier...

In 2018, visitors to the Le Mans 24 Hours enjoy a preferential tariff in the TERs. To facilitate access to Le Mans from Saturday 16th to Monday 18th June midday, the cost of the return trip from all the stations in the Pays de la Loire region has

been reduced from 10 € to 5 €. Le Mans has a multimodal station giving direct access to the Tramway that

provides a direct link between the station and the Le Mans 24-Hours circuit. TRAM

The quickest way to access the Le Mans 24-Hours circuit is the Tramway. From the SNCF station take the line T1 direction Antarès-MMArena. Two stops

possible: Guetteloup - Pôle Santé Sud (northern entrance to the circuit or Tertre Rouge) and Antarès - MMArena – Terminus (eastern entrance to the circuit). For scrutineering on Sunday 10th and Monday 11th June and the Drivers’ Parade on

Friday 16th June follow the direction Université and get off at République.

Frequency - For scrutineering on Sunday 10th and Monday 11th June: a tram every 12mn (approx) between 12:00 and 19:00.

- Practice on Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th June: a tram every 6 mn approx between 6:00 and 20:00. Last train from Université: 1:47. From Antarès:

0:37 and 1:00. - Drivers’ Parade Friday 16th June: a tram every 6 mn between 6:00 and 13:00 and every 3 mn from 13:00 to 23:30. Last train from Université: 1:59. From

Antarès: 1:08. - Race (non-stop service during the 24 Hours). Saturday from 6:00 to 9:00: a

tram every 9 mn. From 9:00 to 15:00 every 6 mn. From 15:00 to 22:00: every 9 mn. From Saturday 22:00 to Sunday 3:00: every 10 mn. From 3:00 to 6:00

every 30 mn. From 6:00 to 9:00: every 20 mn. From 9:00 to 11:00: every 9 mn. From 11:00 to 19:00 every 6 mn. From 19:00 to 21:00 every 12 mn. After 21:00 every 18 mn.


One way: 1,50 € - Return: 2,90 € Day trip: 4,10 € Pass 10 trips: 13,20 €

Ticket “tribu” (valid on Saturday and Sunday for a group of 4 people) 3,30 € Free for under 3 year olds.


Where to buy your tram tickets?

-At the sales agency: 65 avenue du Général de Gaulle, Le Mans - At the automatic vending machines on the tramway station quays.

Information: 02 43 34 76 76 and www.setram.fr TAXIS

Radio Taxi Le Mans (24h/24 7j/7) : 02 43 24 92 92 Accueil Assur taxi : 06 63 11 79 10

Taxi radio : 02 43 82 07 07 ABC Taxi : 02 43 42 42 42 Taxis Alliance : 02 43 21 23 05

Central Taxis : 02 43 88 88 88

WELCOME AND SAFETY REINFORCEMENT OF SAFETY MEASURES Because of the state of emergency on French territory the ACO has reinforced its

safety measures for spectators during the event. Tougher safety measures for checking people and vehicles will be in place at accesses to the circuit and

welcome zones. So be prepared for the fact that it may take longer to access the circuit and organise your journey taking this into account.

For the comfort of spectators at the Le Mans 24-Hours circuit a telephone

number is available all week: 02 43 54 32 10. The telephone number of the safety post operational 24h/24h is 02 43 40 24 45. Please use it to signal any problem linked to the safety of people and possessions.

The Welcome for entrants, press, spectator’s tickets, letters to be collected, etc.


Since 2010, the ACO and the ADAPT (Association for the social and professional integration of handicapped people) are taking action to facilitate the access to

the circuit and its infrastructures for people suffering from reduced mobility. A team will welcome handicapped people at the north entrance (under a big, visible

banner) to inform them and help them to access the grandstands and the specially converted areas and to move around inside the circuit. The scouts will join this service, which will be provided on Saturday and Sunday.

A special night watchman will be present. Information: www.ladapt.net.

CAR PARKS Six free car parks will be open for spectators attending the Le Mans 24 Hours

from Wednesday 13th to Sunday 17th June: ActiSud, Les Raineries, Bleu, Héronière, Fresnes, the M1 at Antarès.


Inside the circuit


They are located at the northern entrance to the village, the southern entrance to the paddock, the ‘raccordement,’ and the Houx welcome zone. You can leave

messages for people with whom you’ve lost contact and recharge your mobile. The Information offices are centres for lost and found objects and provide lockers. You can find out about all the services available at the circuit.


Several first-aid rooms and first-aid posts are installed inside the circuit and coordinated by the Spectators’ Medical Centre located in the car parks behind the village. Free ear plugs will be distributed to under 16 year olds.


To facilitate spectator movement 11 shuttles will make round trips between different strategic points of the circuit. At the terminus of each route all

spectators must get off to ensure that people can circulate freely. For spectator comfort the ACO is launching an application to help you find the nearest spectator shuttle: le Mans circuit Info.

Thanks to this application you can follow the map of the shuttles in real time taking into account the delays and the traffic and thus better organise your


This service will be available in the paddock from 28th May until 26th June from 9:00 to 19:00.

A team will be at your service to help you: travel agency, administration, services, medical, etc. Contact: 02 43 40 50 50 and 06 52 61 34 13: [email protected] - www.concierge-circuit.com.


A bike rental service and a grocery will be installed this year in the Beauséjour and Houx welcome zones.

RELIGIOUS SERVICE A mass will be said on Sunday 17th June from 10:30 to 12:30 at the La Chapelle



The ACO club

It’s always a privilege to be right beside the track during the Le Mans 24 Hours in excellent safety and comfort. Discover the privileged and exclusive venues the ACO offers its members to ensure they live the race in all its intensity: privileged

welcome, food and drinks and a bar with preferential prices will be available as well as a relaxation lounge with TV screens and live updated information on the

race plus activities (dedicated autograph sessions, exhibitions, etc). One is installed in La Chappelle corner and the other in the Espace Georges Durand in the interior of the no. 17 grandstand.

These venues can be accessed by all ACO members (as well as their wives and children) with their current valid membership card and three guests (each guest

must pay a 15 euro entry fee). The nos 17 and 18 grandstands are also reserved for ACO members depending on the availability of seats (limited to two seats per card payable on reservation at the ticketing service).

Special activities for members

Sunday and Monday 10th and 11th June - Guided visits to scrutineering Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th June - Guided visits to the behind-the-scenes

of the race (VIP and premium visits). Register for the visits on Saturday 16th June only at the visits counter on the ground floor of grandstand no. 17.

Opening hours of the members’ venues

La Chapelle: Wednesday and Thursday 15:30-midnight, Friday 10:00-22:00; Saturday 9:00-2:00 and Sunday 6:00-17:00.

G. Durand: Wednesday and Thursday 15:00-1:00; Friday 8:00-22:00; Saturday 7:00 to

Sunday 17:00. Information and membership on lemans.org and on the spot at the ACO stands.


ACO boutiques

Museum: The official permanent ACO boutique is located in the 24-Hours

museum beside the main entrance to the circuit. In you will find the whole range of official Le Mans 24-Hours branded products.

Textiles, accessories, luggage, books, scale models, old posters, etc. And the 2018 collection of the new official clothing supplier – GANT!

Opening hours of the boutique during the event: Monday, Tuesday, Friday: 10:00 to 19:00

- Wednesday, Thursday: 10:00 to 22:00

- Saturday: 10:00 to midnight

- Sunday: 9:00 to 18:00

At the circuit during the event: discover the seven boutiques spread around the track:

Circuit boutiques opening hours: Wednesday, Thursday: 11:00 to midnight

- Friday: 10 :00 to 20 :00

- Saturday: 9:00 to 2:00 Sunday: 9:00 to 17:00

Scrutineering: an official 24 HEURES DU MANS boutique will be installed at

scrutineering on place de la République on 10 - 11 June. And don’t forget the on-line boutique: http://boutique.lemans.org

For every product purchased a part of the price will go to the association that helps children suffering from cardiac malformations via the

association the MECENAT CHIRURGIE CARDIAQUE Join the ACO club and benefit from a discount of up to 15% in our



Keep up to date with the race

15 GIANT SCREENS have been installed around the circuit to relay non-stop images of the race: four on the pits straight (4 from the ‘raccordement’ to terrace 24), on the central square in the village, in the Fan Zone (2), on the

pit exit, at the entry to the Dunlop curve (footbridge), in the La Chapelle, Tertre Rouge, Mulsanne, Indianapolis and Arnage corners and on the Maison

Blanche circuit. RADIO 24 HEURES - 91.5 FM

Radio 24 Heures will broadcast nonstop throughout the Le Mans 24-Hours week from Sunday 10th to Sunday 17th june. The commentaries of Bruno Vandestick,

Vincent Cerutti, Patricia Polisset, Thomas Bastin and Marc Arnoldi, the official commentators, and the interviews of the drivers will back up the circuit sound system.

Once every hour a summary in English and German will be given by David Waldron and Cyprien Chatteleyn.


The Le Mans 24-Hours site lemans.org, is the benchmark site on which to follow the race. It provides complete summaries, the entry list, practice and race

classifications, latest updates, photos, videos, communiqués, a practical guide, the event’s regulations, its history, research facilities, etc.

#LEMANS24 SOCIAL NETWORKS Follow all the Le Mans24-Hours information on the social networks:



NEW: the Le Mans circuit Info application to discover the Le Mans 24 Hours One of the Automobile Club de l’Ouest’s major preoccupations is the welcome of

its public. For this the ACO has created a unique, practical, convivial, playful, free application that provides complete information about the Le Mans 24 Hours and

all the events on the circuit throughout the year. It enables the public, in particular new visitors, to enjoy the event to the full and miss none of the activities and entertainment thanks to its rich content and multi functions.

Discover the race, its jobs, regulations, history and key points of the circuit. Find out where you are thanks to an interactive map as well as restaurants, car parks,

grandstands, first-aid posts, giant screens, shuttle stops, pedestrian access, boutiques, etc.


Discover all the main iconic strategic places on the circuit and in its

environment (the Hunaudières straight, Mulsanne corner, the Dunlop curve, etc.).

Find the nearest spectator shuttle to move around the circuit to visit the different viewing spots and the activities zones. The spectator shuttles can be geolocated in real time.

Prepare your visit thanks to practical information: how to reach the circuit, buy a ticket at the last moment, find a place to stay, choose your arrival

time, etc. Application available in the AppStore and on Google Play


Food and drink

In our 84 food and drink outlets you can find everything from themes to wide-

ranging offers, from fast food in Fast & Good to the gastronomic menu in the Welcome! Mouth-watering concepts, eye-opening decors, quality products, great places to chat, have a rest or party in a warm ambience.

Fast & Good For all tastes at all times! Whether you like to eat your fill of sweet or salty flavours that will wake up your

taste buds, our range of takeaway dishes makes you feel really replete! It includes burgers, fish & chips, grilled dishes, pizzas, hot dogs, sandwiches,

crêpes, ice creams, etc. We sell large helpings of delicious-tasting appetising food.

Not to be missed The Pub: This year the pub will be decked out in the famous Carlsberg beer

colours. Don’t worry! The festive ambience will still reign and the Guinness will flow in the heart of the village!

The extra touch: a new bar on the terrace to speed up your orders. Open every day from Wednesday onwards.

The Bar à Vin: In 2018, the Bar à Vin is bathed in a natural, industrial ambience.

There you can enjoy the traditional charcuterie and cheese board as well as a sirloin steak cooked on a griddle accompanied by crunchy golden chips. The extra touch: This year share a tender, mouth-watering rump steak, and a

cool Cesar’s salad when it gets very hot! Open every day from Wednesday onwards.

Coca-Cola Diner: Back to the fifties! As usual the Diner is in the heart of the paddock and from Monday onwards come and taste its legendary American

burger. Sit on the terrace with a cold beer or a delicious breakfast and enjoy watching the parade of cars streaming past. The extra touch: a wide choice of

ice cream to round off your meal on a sweet high! Open every day from Monday onwards.


The Welcome and its panoramic restaurant overlooking the pits straight. This historic venue is a huge restaurant (750 m²) in a privileged setting. The terrace

and bar are open to the public and at all hours of the day they provide an unbeatable view of the track and the paddock. Here are the details of what’s on offer this year:

Brasserie-style menu starting at 50 €. Gastronomic menu with privileged seating at the trackside - 105 €

Special Pitwalk service from 11:30 to 12:30 on Saturday midday. You are advised to reserve on 02 43 40 80 21 or [email protected]


The Rôtisserie: There’s a new restaurant in the heart of the Tertre Rouge corner - the “Poulet de Loué!” To take away or eat on the spot. You can also enjoy the different grilled dishes seated round a table in a warm convivial ambience!

The extra touch: the unbeatable view of the track from the earth bank near this restaurant.

Open from Wednesday onwards (closed Friday). The panoramic restaurant: This year the Tertre Rouge panoramic bar has

evolved and provides take-away snacks on the ground floor (sandwiches, hot and cold drinks), and a bistro-style restaurant on the first floor. Enjoy a tasty Club

Sandwich or a salad and an exceptional panoramic view. No reservations but you can eat there at any moment of the day or night! The extra touch: Enjoy a tasty snack in the Tapas bar while waiting for your table

to be set. Open from Wednesday onwards (closed Friday)

La Guinguette: Last year La Guingette was a huge success and in 2018 it has been moved to the Fan zone on the other side of the road. Share a convivial

break in a festive warm ambience around a Loué chicken roasted in front of you. The extra touch: Off-beat furniture and musical entertainment all day long.

Open every day from Wednesday onwards.



In addition to the race spectators can enjoy a week of activities from Sunday 10th to Sunday 17th June. A raft of festive, convivial events will take place in

addition to the race throughout the Le Mans 24-Hours week at the circuit, in the Le Mans town centre and in the neighbouring communes. Don’t forget the test day, a kind of general rehearsal, that will be held on Sunday 3rd June. The Le

Mans 24-Hours week is one big party for everybody without exception: fans, ordinary spectators, friends, families, etc. Everybody will find an activity or some

form of entertainment to make the most iconic endurance race in the world a unique, magic experience!

In addition to the official Le Mans 24-Hours village with its many exhibitors, stands and boutiques, a new Fan Zone will be installed in a dedicated space

above the village. It will host the children’s village with its many activities including the young drivers’ critérium as well as the connected pavilion in which several simulators will be installed.

In the Fan Zone and the Village

ACTIVITIES IN THE FAN ZONE A new Fan zone with different activities: an

island of entertainment and calm with some teaching and partying thrown in! This zone

packed with activities that bring people together and entertain them is open to the general public and is not to be missed.

Located to the north of the village it’s accessible to everybody whatever their age.

You will learn about the motor car in a fun-filled playful ambience and leave the Fan Zone with many memories. And you will be

ready to hand on the passion for the automobile and motor sport.

NEW in 2018: the staging of the highlights of the race in a dynamic and innovative fashion using an interactive experience to intensify the involvement of the spectators. Motor sport and its values are highlighted to help increase the

understanding of the event and motor sport in general using a pedagogic approach aimed at the different spectators. The activities will take place on a big

stage with two hosts and two giant screens. There will be daily rendezvous with guests, live interviews and information accessible to everybody on the race, the regulations, protocol, teams, marshals, the ACO Club and the results. Three

music groups, Alpes N’Brass (Faverges music school), Fred Swing (rock, Jazz and Blues group), will perform and different activities will take place - Mr and Mrs

24H (role playing all day).


The Fan Zone will also include three specific zones:

La Kids Zone: children from 3 to 12 years

old, VIP Baby Zone, Kappla Zone, inflatable château, all-purpose trailer, young driver criterium, a make-up stand. Zone monitored

by parents. Zoom on the young driver criterium: it’s a tool

used to awaken an interest in driving in kids and is for children who are over seven years old. Its aims are to raise the awareness of future road users, train and

educate them. This activity will take place in the village. On Friday 15th June it will be held on the pits straight between 10:00 and 19:00.

Experience Zone: the Experience Zone is a leisure centre for all spectators over 12 years old. Fans can discover the world of the motor car from another angle. Race simulators, a pit stop in virtual reality, oculus

headsets and a batak reaction challenge will provide additional fun and games.

Pit Stop Zone: chill out space, bar, food

Fan zone timetable:

Wednesday 13th June from 16:00 to 00:00

Thursday 14th June from 16:00 to 00:00

Friday 15th June from 10:00 to 22:30

Saturday 16th June from 10:00 to 4:00

Sunday 17th June from 9:00 to 16:00


Several official boutiques in the village sell our products, in particular the megastore (400m²) at the entrance.

World Cup matches shown live Torn between supporting your team and watching Le Mans 24 Hours? Don’t

worry! You can do both. You won’t miss any of the action, either on the pitch or on the track. You can even help the French crowd cheer on Les Bleus before the start of the of the 24 Hours of Le Mans on Saturday lunchtime. The Automobile

Club de l’Ouest is happy to provide a little football fever. With fans from all over the world at the track, the atmosphere in the village will be even more festive than usual.

France won the World Cup in 1998, when Fabien Barthez was goalkeeper. He has since turned to endurance racing with his team Panis Barthez Compétition, which is on the grid of the 24 Hours of Le Mans again this year.

So there you have it – football and the 24 Hours of Le Mans make a perfect match!


Matches shown live on a giant screen in the race village:

Russia v. Saudi Arabia: Thursday 14 June 17:00

Egypt v. Uruguay: Friday 15 June 14:00

Portugal v. Spain: Friday 15 June 20:00

France v. Australia: Saturday 16 June 12:00

Peru v. Denmark: Saturday 16 June 18:00

Argentina v. Iceland: Saturday 16 June 15:00

Croatia v. Nigeria: Saturday 16 June 21:00

NEW: 24-Hours immersion venue: Access free. The aim is to offer immersion in the 24h brand in a special venue. Become a part of the Le Mans circuit used all year round. Drive it, visit the museum, share

experiences with the club. It takes place in a darkened environment where you can touch the real 24-Hours Trophy (under a protective cover), and have an up-

close view of an LM P1 immersed in the circuit ambience. There will be meetings and autograph sessions with authors. Aim: touch the Holy Grail – the Trophy! Tell its story, where it comes from, who designed it. Explain that the teams and

drivers race to win it every year and that any manufacturer which wins it three years running can keep it. Which ones have already done so? The story of the

1955 trophy that wasn’t awarded. Officially removed under escort on Friday and on Sunday for the podium.

Authors’ book signings Information about the book signings and the authors.*

TEST DAY 3rd June o Archimède during the test day on 3rd June 14:00-15:30 in the

village boutique o Guillaume Lopez with his strip comic book Steeve McQueen in Le

Mans during the test day on 3rd June 14:00-17:00 in the village

boutique SCRUTINEERING 10 – 11 June

o Robert PAQUET and Christian Papazoglakis, the authors of GLENAT, during scrutineering on 10th June 13:00 – 18:00 and 11th June 10:00 - 17:00h

RACE 16 - 17 June o Guillaume Lopez with his strip comic book Steeve McQueen in Le

Mans on Saturday 16th June 10:00 – 12:00 in the village boutique


o Robert PAQUET and Christian Papazoglakis, the authors of GLENAT,

and Denis Bernard Saturday 16th June 16:30 – 18:30 in the A.C.O members’ venue (La Chapelle), and 17:00 – 19:00 in the village

boutique o Robert PAQUET and Christian Papazoglakis, the authors of GLENAT,

and Denis Bernard on Sunday 17th June 10:00 to 12:00 in the A.C.O

members’ venue (La Chapelle), and 14:00 – 16:00 in the village boutique

o Archimède Sunday 17th June 10:00 – 12:00 in the Museum boutique *And many other authors!

FIA Stand

Located in the heart of the village, the FIA stand aims to raise awareness on road safety, in partnership with the local Préfecture de la Sarthe. Showcasing key figures, it features the #3500LIVES global campaign, embodied by 15 famous ambassadors from the sport, music and film industries including Fernando

Alonso, Patrick Dempsey, Rafael Nadal or Michael Fassbender among others. On the stand, fans are also invited to test their skills on a driving simulator and are

warned of the dangers of distracted driving.

MOTUL activities

A corner in the Lescot boutique - A Gibson engine on display

- A giant screen to show live images TOYOTA activities

- TS050 Pit Stop - TS050 Cockpit Experience

- Toyota Yaris WRC and photo in driver’s suit - Concept Car: GR Supra Racing Concept + simulator - 2 WEC simulators

- Concept Car: GR Super Sport Concept on a podium - The TOYOTA Hilux DAKAR on display

- Autograph sessions by the drivers in the Fan Zone: o Wednesay 13 :21:00

o Thursday 14: 17:30 o Saturday 17: 17:30


Army venue

The ACO and the different branches of the French army share numerous common values and once again this year they meet up in a specially dedicated venue. The

French army will be present at the level of the Allée Georges Durand behind the village The French army, navy and air force will be on display. Each force will have its

own domain where it will organise different activities and exhibitions in its field of competence. In particular, equipment used in the operations of the French army

will be on display. This year the big draw is the display of a Leclerc tank on the army’s stand. The air force will have a Cap 10 stunt plane giving spectators the opportunity to

sample what it feels like to be a pilot. The navy will bring along personnel from the fleet to explain the different jobs on board a ship.

This army venue will be open from Wednesday 13th to Sunday 17th June.




2018 Le Mans 24 Hours - Concert line-up announced

As usual, the Automobile Club de l’Ouest treats fans to three free concerts at the circuit during the Le Mans 24 Hours. This year Texas, emblematic British pop

group, Arcadian and Black Minou head the line-up. Rendezvous on 13-14-15-16 June on the big stage at the foot of the Dunlop Footbridge.

The programme in detail

Wednesday 13th June 2018

20:00 : Concert first part 21:00 : ARCADIAN

ARCADIAN came to the fore in the 5th series of the French version of The Voice. Both "Folie Arcadienne" and "Ton combat" were hits en 2017. Yoann, Florentin

and Jérôme form an inseparable trio, three likeable Millenials emblematic of their carefree, spirited, digital-native generation. The group do pop with a

vigorous rock attitude and their “basement band” camaraderie transpires on stage. Arcadian delivers an energetic performance of radiant melodies with their voices mingling and unravelling in perfect harmony.

Thursday 14th June 2018

20:00 – Concert first part

21:00 – Dr FEELGOOD, marked by the strong personalities of guitarist Wilko Johnson and

singer Lee Brilleaux, was formed in 1971 on Canvey Island. From 1975 onwards the group

imposed its style, a retro sober Rhythm’n’Blues that evoked the early years of the Rolling Stones. Dr Feelgood dressed in tight-fitting black suits and ties gives a well-rehearsed performance on stage brimming

with energy, and their cutting-edge songs like “Roxette” and “Back In the Night” have made them a decisive contributor to the flowering of the British pub rock scene.

The inheritors or direct descendants of this group are Bijou, Téléphone, les Dogs de Rouen and Starshooter de Lyon without forgetting the faithful Little Bob.


Friday 15th June 2018

20:00 – HER: Their hit “Five minutes” racked up 13 million views. Her was founded in 2015 by Simon Carpentier and Victor Solf from Rennes, two young

men who are resolutely feminist. The group’s musical compositions are inspired by soul, pop and electro.

21:00 – Jamiroquai: The British Group led by the charismatic Jay Kay has stamped its style on the music world selling more than 35 million albums in a

career lasting almost 25 years. Who does not remember hits like “Cosmic Girl,” “You Give Me

Something” as well as “Virtual Insanity?” After a hiatus of almost seven years, Jamiroquai is making his big comeback to centre stage with a new

studio album, Automaton, released in 2017.

Saturday 16th June 2018

21:20 – YAROL & BLACK MINOU: Yarol & Black Minou has always treaded a fine line between different imaginary worlds in total freedom. With his natural instinct for aesthetics he has always fed his insatiable appetite for different musical

universes ranging from Rock to Blues to Punk, Hip-hop, Afrobeat, Funk, Soul and Electro – he loves it all provided it gets you dancing and sweating. Johnny

Hallyday’s former guitarist surfs different styles with one single aim – feverish excitement!

22:40 – TEXAS: “Life's too short, let's work it out” is the visionary all-too-relevant chorus of

the first single of Jump on Board, the brilliant new studio album of British Group, Texas. This

album is the sound of a band perfectly at ease with itself, comfortable in its skin, packed with songs influenced by Northern Soul, Disco, British

founding groups like the Bee-Gees or Orange Juice. Texas has never been afraid to do its own

thing. The Group has been around for one hell of a long time and their latest offering is characteristic of their style with flourishes that hark back to well-loved hits like: “Say what you want,” “Halo,” “Black Eyed

Boy,” “Summer Son,” milestones on a career of almost 30 years during which they have sold 40 million albums. In 2017, the Group has never seemed so alive.

It’s an amazing British success story that still has a long road ahead of it. “We feel reinvigorated,” smiles Sharleen.

00:15 – DJ LORAN (RTL2 POP-ROCK LIVE) from RTL2 will get behind the turntables to keep the show going late into the night with his live Pop-Rock mix.


The Museum

Free access to the 24-Hours museum on 16 – 1June!

In 2017, the Automobile Club de l’Ouest, owner of the Le Mans 24-Hours museums since February of

the same year, allowed all general enclosure ticket holders to access the museum free of charge so they could immerse themselves in the

history of this iconic race. The same conditions will apply in 2018.

Visitors can discover the temporary exhibition Blue & Orange, a team, a legend that retraces the incredible history of John Wyer. In just under two

decades this team manager built a formidable race team which won the Le Mans 24 Hours on

three occasions making his partner, the Gulf Oil Company and its famous blue and orange colours, a motor racing icon. Wyer was a visionary when it

came to choosing drivers and he helped some of the greatest to victory including Lucien Bianchi, Pédro Rodriguez, Jackie Oliver,

and Jacky Ickx who were responsible for his three successes in the Sarthe in 1968, 1969 and 1975.

About the museum

Throughout the year, the ACO’s Le Mans 24-Hours museum tells the story of the saga of the motor car in the Sarthe and the success of its international event through 120 vehicles. Bentley, Ferrari, Jaguar, Ford, Porsche, Matra, Audi, etc.

all the great names are represented by their iconic models. Contemplating them the visitor is immersed in the greatest endurance race in the world.

Le Karting The Karting at the circuit is open throughout the whole week of the event from

Monday to Sunday 10:00 – 20:00.

Prices 20€: 10-minute kart session 20€: 12-minute session on the simulator

30€: 20-minute session on the simulator


Supporting races

Aston Martin Racing Le Mans Festival:

10:15 to 11:00 on Saturday 16th June.

In addition to Road To Le Mans, there will be

another supporting race as a curtain-raiser

to the 86th Le Mans 24 Hours: the Aston

Martin Racing Le Mans Festival, which is back after a three-year hiatus.

Between 40 and 45 Aston Martins including LM P1s, GT1s, GT2s, GT3s and GT4s are expected to enter. Owners of racing Aston Martins backed up by team-mates

will go pedal to the metal and put on a thrilling spectacle for 45 minutes on Saturday morning. Thus, spectators will see several cars that shone in the past on the iconic Sarthe circuit.

Since 2015 Road To Le Mans has been one of the curtain-raisers to the Le Mans 24 Hours.

This race organised by the Automobile Club de l’Ouest with Le Mans Endurance

Management is reserved for cars from the GT3 and LM P3 categories. It is the second round of the Michelin Le Mans Cup, which is part of the European Le Mans Series. Drivers in the Road To Le Mans, based on the regulations of the

Michelin Le Mans Cup, have to learn the specific features of the Sarthe circuit and abide by its safety regulations, in particular those governing the slow zone

procedure. So it’s a great way of finding their feet before taking part in the Le Mans 24 Hours. This is the aim of this event whose vocation is to highlight the Endurance Pyramid conceived and put in place by the ACO. The two races

(Thursday and Saturday) will be run to the same format: 55-minutes duration with an obligatory pit stop lasting at least two minutes between the 22nd and

32nd minutes of the event. The first heat will start at 17:30 on Thursday 14th June and the second will take place on Saturday morning at 11:30 shortly before the start of the Le Mans 24 Hours.


Events outside the circuit

PRE-RACE EVENTS In the run-up to the start of the Le Mans 24 Hours several events will take place in the vicinity of the circuit during the week:

Sunday 10th (14:30 - 19h00 and Monday 11th June (10h00 - 18h00):

scrutineering and administrative checks of cars and drivers, Place de la République.

Monday 11th June, Henri Pescarolo’s print laid in the presence of the driver

himself organised by the town of Le Mans, Place de la République at 18:00.

Tuesday 12th June in Ruaudin: The R’Hunaudières, the Ford GT saga Place François Mitterrand 15:00 – 23:00.

Thursday 14th June at Arnage: Arnage in the Race, Porsche at Le Mans.

Place de la Mairie 9:00 – 17:00. Friday 15th June: Gérard Larousse’s imprint laid place de la République at

15:30 Friday 15th June: The Le Mans 24-Hours Parade in the Le Mans town centre

starting at 17:00.

Friday 15th June at Mulsanne 9:00 - 22:00: Mulsanne corner: Theme Corvette.

Friday 15th June at Saint-Saturnin 9:00 – 17:00: Classic British Welcome: Theme BMW.

WEIGH-IN IN THE TOWN CENTRE: scrutineering and administrative checks

Sunday10th June: 14:30 – 19:00 Monday 11th June: 10:00 – 18:00

As has been the case since 2012 scrutineering and admin checks (Pésage in

French, a term used in the early days of motor sport) will be held on Place de la

République in the heart of the town. Over a day and a half the 60 cars and the 180 drivers in the 86th Le Mans 24 Hours will

present themselves one by one to the scrutineers to see if the cars comply and the

men/women are fit to drive them. Spectators love this free spectacle. The position of the scrutineering bay means they can see all that’s going on. They are right in the heart of the action and

always turn up in large numbers to get near the drivers who sign autographs or have their photos taken.

At scrutineering the cars follow a precise route with three posts. The first one is where the measurements of the car’s main dimensions (width, length,


overhangs, wheelbase, height of the wing, of the fin, and dimensions of the holes

cut in the upper part of the wings, etc) are taken. Then the underbody is checked and finally the bodywork is partially dismantled to allow the inspection of safety

elements like the adhesives and the timing devices. While this is going on the drivers, fully kitted out, go through administrative checks where their licences, helmets, driver suits, and all their equipment, which

must comply with the FIA standards, are controlled. They are also weighed to define the average weight of the driver line-up to respect the current sporting

regulations. They then take part in various communications operations (individual photos, team photos with the cars, press interviews, etc.). It all happens in a friendly, laid-back ambience based on passion and sharing and

gives the Le Mans 24-Hours week a joyful kick-off! In additions to the free grandstands installed around the scrutineering bay 2

giant screens show what’s happening. Numerous events will take place at scrutineering in the different stalls in the village which is set up around the installations in which the various checks take


More information on the ACO internet site or the Le Mans Circuit 24 app.

THE DRIVERS’ PARADE Friday 15th June in the Le Mans town centre

The Drivers’ Parade, a not-to-be-missed rendezvous between the

drivers and the public on the day before the start of the race, will celebrate its 24th staging this year.

In the late afternoon all the drivers entered for the Le Mans 24 Hours

parade in the town centre in historic cars. The organiser, Classic

Automotive in partnership with the Automobile Club de l’Ouest, will bend over backwards to give the public an

unforgettable festive spectacle on the specially laid-out route that

winds its way along the town’s streets.