ATOM NEWS 6 The 2006 ATOM Awards AMBER NELSON & ROCHELLE WHITTY FEATURES 10 Media Education in Victoria ROGER DUNSCOMBE 18 Miss Potter and the ‘Green World’ of Children’s Literature SHIRLEY LAW NEW LITERACIES 24 Network Literacy: The New Path to Knowledge ADRIAN MILES 32 An Online Goldmine: Film Australia Digital Learning LEE BURTONF 36 YouTube: The Evolution of Media CHRISTIAN CHRISTENSENF 42 Community Media: Training New SYNners EMILY BREWIN FILM CRAFT AND ANALYSIS 46 8 Cut to the Chase: A Guide to Teaching Film As Text ANDREA HAYES 54 Avoid that Puddle! Ten Classic Errors Made by New Filmmakers MONIQUE HOHNBERG 60 The Fundamentals of Screenwriting: A Guide BORIS TRBIC PRIMARY AND MIDDLE YEARS 66 The Book, the Film and the Website: Teaching Multimodal Texts LEE BURTON 72 Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone: A Teaching Unit on Using a Fantasy Film to Awaken Moral Imaginations KANEANA MAY TEACHING MEDIA 88 Does Media Ownership Still Matter? NHI PHAM 92 Through the Wringer: Teaching Social Values with Print Media MICHAEL CONSIDINE 98 Training New Heroes: Directing the Hero Within CARL KUDDELL THE NATIONAL MEDIA EDUCATION CONFERENCE 102 Introduction MICHAEL DEZUANNI 103 Re-vision: Why Media Studies Does Not Mean the Death of Literature NATASHA MAYNE REAL LIFE 110 The Original Reality Television Series: From 7 Up to 49 Up PETER WILSHIRE 116 Blowin’ in the Wind: A Study Guide SIOBHAN MAIDEN 124 Through My Eyes: The Story of a Marginalized Australian SUE LINGHAM

PQV - Metro magazine Contents.pdf · 116 Blowin’ in the Wind: a study Guide siobhan maiden 124 Through My Eyes: The Story of a ... Ideas for Teaching Donnie Darko gary simmons Product

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atom news

6 the 2006 atom awards ambernelson&rochelleWhitty


10 media education in Victoria rogerdunscombe

18 Miss Potter and the ‘Green world’ of Children’s Literature shirleylaW

new LiteRaCies

24 network Literacy: The New Path to Knowledge adrianmiles

32 an online Goldmine: Film Australia Digital Learning


36 Youtube: The Evolution of Media


42 Community media: Training New SYNnersemilybreWin

FiLm CRaFt and anaLYsis

468 Cut to the Chase: A Guide to Teaching Film As Text andreahayes

54 avoid that Puddle! Ten Classic Errors Made by New Filmmakers moniquehohnberg

60 the Fundamentals of screenwriting: A Guide boristrbic

PRimaRY and middLe YeaRs

66 the Book, the Film and the website: Teaching Multimodal Texts leeburton

72 Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone: A Teaching Unit on Using a Fantasy Film to Awaken Moral Imaginations Kaneanamay

teaChinG media

88 does media ownership still matter? nhiPham

92 through the wringer: Teaching Social Values with Print

Media michaelconsidine

98 training new heroes: Directing the Hero Within carlKuddell

the nationaL media edUCation ConFeRenCe

102 introduction michaeldezuanni

103 Re-vision: Why Media Studies Does Not Mean the Death of Literature natashamayne

ReaL LiFe

110 the original Reality television series: From 7 Up to 49 Up PeterWilshire

116 Blowin’ in the Wind: a study Guide


124 Through My Eyes: The Story of a Marginalized Australian suelingham

Call for artiCles If you have an activity that has worked well for you in the classroom, please submit it for publication. There is a ‘Style Sheet’ for contributors which is available from our website (BELOW). Submit articles by email as an attach-ment, in Microsoft Word, and graphics as attachments saved as either photoshop, tiff or jpeg files.WEB www.metromagazine.com.au.

POST ATOM, PO Box 2040, St Kilda West Post Office, St Kilda, Vic 3182 Australia

TEL 03 9525 5302

FAX 03 9537 2325

EMAIL [email protected]

atoM CoMMittee C h a i r p e r s o n M e g H a n n a n • D e p u t y C h a i r p e r s o n R o g e r D u n s c o m b e • Awards Executive Officer Julie-Anne Smith • Professional Development Executive Officer Kevin Tibaldi • Tertiary Executive Officer Vicki Molloy • Finance Executive Officer Elaine Chia • Legal Representative Peter Hull • Publications Manager Peter Tapp • Education Officer / Awards Manager Amber Nelson • Committee Members Andrew Renaut, George Lekatsas, Jamieson Kane.

Screen Education is indexed by APAIS and the Australian Film Institute’s Research and Information department.

• SyBIL BELL senior education officer,Curriculum strategy Branch,education Queensland • INA BERTRAND Principal fellow, school of fine arts, Classical studies and archaeology, University of Melbourne • KATE BOWLES lecturer, Department of Communication and Cultural studies, University of Wollongong • FELICITy COLLINS lecturer, Department of Cinema studies, la trobe University • JACKIE COOK senior lecturer, school of Communication and information studies, University of south australia • JEANETTE DELAMOIR senior lecturer, school of Contemporary Communication, Central

Queensland University• MICHAEL DEzuANNI lecturer in film and Media Curriculum, Queensland University of technology • ANNA DzENIS lecturer, Department of Cinema studies, la trobe University• DR BERyL EXLEy school of Cultural and language studies in education, Queensland University of technology • FREDA FREIBERG independent film scholar • ROGER HORROCKS Professor emeritus, University of auckland • JOHN LANGER associate Professor, Department of Communication, language and Cultural studies, Victoria University of technology • BRIAN MCFARLANE Honorary associate

Professor, english Department, Monash University • DR GEOFF MAyER reader and associate Professor, Head, school of Communication, arts & Critical enquiry, la trobe University • JANE MILLS associate senior research fellow, australian film, television & radio school • LORRAINE MORTIMER senior lecturer, Department of sociology and anthropology, la trobe University • GABRIELLE MuRRAy lecturer in Cinema studies, la trobe University • LEONIE NAuGHTON Cinema studies fellow, University of Melbourne • RICK THOMPSON senior lecturer, Department of Cinema studies, la trobe University

• SuE TuRNBuLL senior lecturer, Department of Media studies, la trobe University • CON VEREVIS lecturer, Department of Visual Culture, Monash University • MICHAEL WALSH lecturer, Department of screen studies, flinders University • DEANE WILLIAMS lecturer, Department of Visual Culture, Monash University • BRIAN yECIES lecturer in Communication and Cultural studies, faculty of arts, University of Wollongong • AuDREy yuE lecturer, Department of english and Cultural studies, University of Melbourne.

assoCiate eDitors for refereeD artiCles

aUstRaLian nationaL Cinema

130 silent Cinema: Archetypes and Cliches andreWzielinsKi

135 australian Cinema in the 1930s and 1940s: The Persistence of the Bush Myth andreWzielinsKi

FiLm as text

141 The Castle: Home of the Brave brianmcFarlane

Editor Peter Tapp

Assistant EditorZoe Tovey

Sub-editorRjurik Davidson

Editorial Committee Lee Burton (Vic) Anne Cloonan

(Primaryconsultant) Christine Evely (Vic)

Imre Hollosy (boardofstudies,Vic)

Michael Dezuanni(qld) Robyn Quin(Wa)

Art DirectionDavid Moore

Subscriptions &Proofreading

Zak Hamer

IT ConsultantBruce Wilson

ISSN 1449-857X © ATOM 2007

147 Under the storyteller’s spell: The Usual Suspects and Narrative Ingenuity catherineWood

153 Running in Circles: Form in Run Lola Run KatemattheWs

159 in the thick of it: Trust and Suspicion in Lantana lucianodigregorio

165 social Vertigo and Loss of the self in Gattaca JustinshaW

170 where’s donnie? it’s neither here nor there: Ideas for Teaching Donnie Darko garysimmons

Product description: Theaward winning Directing the Hero Within DVD & Teacher’s Starter Kit package provide a step-by-step introduction to digital media literacy across all stages of production; from first idea to finished film. The package covers; Story, Camera, Sound, Screen Language, Edit-ing & Screening. There are also professional tips on storytelling devices, identifying your audi-ence, the ethics of filmmaking, media analysis, editing wizardry and web distribution.Directing the Hero Within is a unique and ground-breaking digital storytelling project de-signed for young Australians.Through hands-on digital storytelling, Directing the Hero Within invites young people to creatively claim their future.The package provide a step-by-step introduction to digital

media literacy across all stages of production; from first idea to finished film. A 10-week curriculum guide supports teachers to get the most out of digital media in their classroom.Nine short films on the DVD showcase the rich talent of Aus-tralia’s regional young people. By following the behind-the-scenes clips the viewer is re-warded with delightful insights into the filmmaker’s own learn-ing and plus they themselves find the inspiration to make their own digital story.Designed for emerging film-makers, classrooms and youth groups. It is suitable for the absolute beginner or those who want to skill up on a particular aspect of digital storytelling. Featuring dramatic regional landscapes, a dynamic young host and a funky design the

package is a high quality digital media experience.True to the movie’s philosophy is community. This package is the first step for young people, teachers and filmmakers to join a supportive and dynamic dig-ital media network: http://www.directingthehero.comproduced in South Australia by South Australian filmmakers, students and educators, Direct-ing the Hero Within is leading the way in:• promoting youth empower-

ment and identity • supporting peer education• developing new strategies

for school retention • providing media literacy

programs across the cur-riculum

• bridging the digital gap us-ing IT and social documen-tary

• investing in creative digital

learning tools• encouraging vibrant online

youth digital storytelling communities

• supporting youth par-ticipation in the commu-nity through documentary practise

• empowering regional and marginalized communities

Includes: Video workshops, teacher professional develop-ment, a fun DVD, Teacher Curriculum Guide, an Interactive website & Youth Film Festival.Cost: Normally $218.90. CURRENTLY ON SpECIAL:$163.90.

Product description: The Resource Box is the final stage of Big hART’s work at the Northcott public Housing Estate in Surry Hills and represents the legacy for the work. It contains the entire crea-tive product developed over the last four years, a book document-ing how these creative initiatives have brought about the changes at Northcott, and a community directory. The Resource Box contains: 2 DVDs, 52 double-sided cards, Community Directory and a book.Also available as DVDs only: The DVDs include Can You Hear Them?, The Grey Room, 14 Storeys, 900 Neighbours and Sticky-brickS.Cost: $110 for the Resource Box or $55 for DVDs only.

New DVDs are available from THE EDUCATION SHOp

http://www.theeducationshop.com.auVisit the shop today!

The Education Shop also has thousands of articles to help teachers & students.