Ppt Harmonic Motion

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harmonic motion

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  • Harmonic Motion : by Ahma Y Usman Vera MHarmonic motion

    Gerak Harmonis : by Ahma Y Usman

  • Harmonic motiion : by Ahma Y Usman Vera MSIMPLE HARMONIC MOTIONIf the spring is pulled downward with a deviation of X then realeased,the spring will move up and down around the state of equilibrium periodically.In other words, the spring is oscillating . This vibration is called simple harmonic motion..A Vibration mean ::A B A C AC A B A CB A C A - BDEFINITIONExsample : Spring Motion and Simple Pendulum

    Gerak Harmonis : by Ahma Y Usman

  • Harmonic motion : by Ahma Y Usman Vera MPeriod and FrequencyPeriod (T)The time requred by an object to make one vibration or oscilationFrequency(f) The number of oscilations or vibration make by an object in one secon.Frequency (f) units : Hertz (Hz)RelatedExsample :If in 5 seeon there are 10 vibrations,calculate the period of the motion !

    Harmonic motion : by Ahma Y Usman Vera M

  • Gerak Harmonis : by Ahma Y Usman

    Gerak Harmonis : by Ahma Y Usman

  • Deviation (y)Deviation (y) is the projection of a point on the circle to vertical line (y axis).Deviation of simple harmonic motion is the result of projection from the position of an object that moves in uniform circular motion on the vertical line (y axis). In this case, the equation of simple harmonic motion can be expressed as follows:Farthest deviation of an oscillation object from its equilibrium point called is Amplitudo (A)Or : Y = A Sin 2ft

  • Velocity of simple harmonic motion (vy)Linear velocity of an object which move in uniform circular motion always touching rectangular with its radius of circleRelated between v and is : v = RSo : Vy = R Cos Because R = A ; = t Then : vy = A Cos tOr vy = 2fA Cos 2 ft

  • Simple Harmonic Acceleration (as)Acceleration of an object which had circukar motions is called by Centripetal acceleration(as) and its always direct to cente\re of cirleatau : ay = - 42f2A Sin 2 ftwhere :ay = Acceleration of HM (m/s2)A = Amplitudo (m)T = Period(s)f = Frequency (Hz)

  • Harmonic Motion: by Ahma Y Usman Vera MExercise ::A mass of particel 0,5 kg at the end of spring has harmonic motion with amplitudo 0,1 m dan period 2 secon Calculate Deviation,Velocity and Acceleration of harmonic motion this particel after t = 0, 0,25, 0,5, and 1 secon!Solution :knowing : m = 0,5 kg A = 0,1 m T = 2 detikAsk : y, v dan a untuk t = 0, 0,25, 0,5 dan 1 detik

    Harmonic Motion: by Ahma Y Usman Vera M

  • Harmonic Motion : by Ahma Y Usman Vera MPeriod dan Frequency on Spring Fe = m ay = m (- 2y = - m2y Newton II Lawthen- ky= - m2y k= m2

    Harmonic Motion : by Ahma Y Usman Vera M

  • Harmonic Motion : by Ahma Y Usman Vera M

    Harmonic Motion : by Ahma Y Usman Vera M

  • Harmonic Motion : by Ahma Y Usman Vera MPeriod OF Simple pendulumTime needed for one swing or from P A B A P called Period.F = w sin = mg sin F = m ay = m2yRestored force causingIt is swinging Newton II law

    Harmonic Motion : by Ahma Y Usman Vera M

  • Harmonic Motion : by Ahma Y Usman Vera M

    Harmonic Motion : by Ahma Y Usman Vera M

  • Harmonic Motion : by Ahma Y Usman Vera MArrangement of SpringSeriParalelConstant of spring become smallerConstant of spring become bigger

    Harmonic Motion : by Ahma Y Usman Vera M

  • Harmonic Motion : by Ahma Y Usman Vera M

    Harmonic Motion : by Ahma Y Usman Vera M

  • Harmonic Motion : by Ahma Y Usman Vera MMECHANICAL ENERGY CONSERVATION LAW FOR HARMONIC MOTIONMechanical energyEnergiy which has by harmonic motion cause deviationKinetic energy Energy which has by harmonic motion cause it velocity Potential energy

    Harmonic Motion : by Ahma Y Usman Vera M

  • Harmonic Motion : by Ahma Y Usman Vera M

    Harmonic Motion : by Ahma Y Usman Vera M

  • Gerak Harmonis : by Ahma Y Usman Vera M

    Gerak Harmonis : by Ahma Y Usman Vera M

  • Harmonic Mootion : by Ahma Y Usman Vera MDefinition of Phase angle, Phase and Difference PhaseAt the picture, C1 dan C2 acted harmonic motion as projection B1 dan B2 which acted circular motion.. Both of them have same deviation but opposite in direction so called that they are has opposite phase When 2 point have opposite phase ,so :

    Harmonic Mootion : by Ahma Y Usman Vera M

  • Harmonic Motion : by Ahma Y Usman Vera M

    Harmonic Motion : by Ahma Y Usman Vera M

  • Good luck

    Gerak Harmonis : by Ahma Y Usman
