PRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY Phone (+34) 964 282 232 Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain 17026 22/09/2009 P P R R O O J J E E C C T T D D E E S S I I G G N N

PPRROOJJEECCTT DDEESSIIGGNN - Vesmondvesmond.co.rs/media/pdf/Projekt_za_ESAROM.pdf · Drive of previous ventilations is by means moto-reductor with microrruptor, being the elevation

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Page 1: PPRROOJJEECCTT DDEESSIIGGNN - Vesmondvesmond.co.rs/media/pdf/Projekt_za_ESAROM.pdf · Drive of previous ventilations is by means moto-reductor with microrruptor, being the elevation



Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

17026 – 22/09/2009


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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

This Document has like unique aim the evaluation on the part of the adressee of the proposal.

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The use of any warning of reserved rights does not mean the public access without restrictions to part some of this document. The INVERCA commercial name used in this document is a INVERNADEROS Y TECNOLOGÍA, S.A. property. Any other registered tradenames are recognized like intellectual property of its legal holder.


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Technical department Agricultural Engineer Commercial Manager



17026 – 22/09/2009


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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

Greenhouse model: Gothic Reinforced.

The total project is composed by one block:

Total Spans: 9.

Width span: 9,6 m.

Length span: 125 m.

Total width of greenhouse: 86,4 m.

Total Surface of the greenhouse: 10,800 m².

Gutter height (from ground level to underside gutter) of all the blocks are: 4,5 m.

Top Height of all the blocks gothic model: 7,15 m.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

The material used for the structure is STEEL, according to Spanish Norm UNE 37.301, UNE 37.508/88, UNE 7.183 and UNE 36-130 (E.N. 10.142). The outside-measures of all sectional parts of the structure are calibrated according to DIN norms 2.394 and DIN 2.395.

Distance between pillars on lateral line: 2,5 m.

Distance between pillars on central line: 5 m.

Frontal pillars: 3 pieces each frontal.


Lateral Pillars, tubes R-100x50 mm. Hot Dipped Galvanized.

Central Pillars, tubes R-100x50 mm. Hot Dipped Galvanized.

Front Pillars, tubes R-80x50 mm. Galvanized


100x50 mm.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

Detail of the posts

The posts that INVERCA uses for its constructions are built under the European Quality (Norms UNE 3659 for the square posts and UNE 36594 for round posts).

These norms guarantee to the customer:

Elastic Resistance < 275 N/mm2

Elastic Limit > 430 N/mm2

Galvanized details

ALL our materials are galvanized under the EUROPEAN NORM EN 10142 under the quality standard DX51 + Z275 NA with a coat of 15-20 microns of ZINC


Corrosion Category Environment Average loss annual in

the thickness of the Zinc(µm)

C1 Very Low Interior: Dry 0,1 150 – 200


C2 Low Interior : Occasional

condensation 0,1 to 0,7 37- 50


C3 Medium

Indoor: High Humidity and air pollution

Outdoor: Urban, not sea

0,7 to 2,1 10-15 YEARS

C4 High

Indoor : Swimming pool. Chemical envior.

Outdoor: Industrial not sea, and Sea Urban

2,1 to 4,2 4- 7 YEARS

C5 Very High Exterior: Industrial very humid or with high degrees of salt in the


4,2 to 8,4 2-3 YEARS

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain


The distance between the arches is : 2,5 m.

All our arches are of Ø-

60x1,5 mm.

Distance between horizontal braces in side spans: 2,5 m.

- 3 vertical braces each 2,5 m.

- 2 diagonals each 2,5 m.

- 3 steel wiring lines in each span, with cramps, as extra-reinforcement.

Distance between horizontal braces in central spans: 5 m.

- 3 vertical braces each 5 m.

- 2 diagonals each 5 m.

- 2 corner braces each 5 m.

- 2 steel wiring lines in each span, with cramps, as extra-reinforcement.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain


Roof Straps:

- 1 line of Steel Galvanized Strap 30x30x1.5mm + Steel Galvanized Clip of 18x26x1.5mm.

- 1 line of Steel Galvanized Strap of 30x30 + Steel Galvanized Clip of 18x26x1.5mm.

- 1 line of Steel Galvanized Strap of 40x30 + Steel Galvanized Clip of 18x26x1.5mm.

- 2 lines of Steel Galvanized Clip of 18x26x1.5mm by gutter.

Lateral Straps:

- 1 line of Steel Galvanized Strap.

- 1 lines of Steel Galvanized Strap of 50x30 + Steel Galvanized Clip of 18x26x1.5mm.

- 1 line of Steel Galvanized Clip of 18x26x1.5mm by gutter.

Frontal Straps:

- 1 lines of Steel Galvanized Strap of 30x30 + Steel Galvanized Clip of 18x26x1.5mm.

- 1 lines of Steel Galvanized Strap of 50x30 + Steel Galvanized Clip of 18x26x1.5mm.


Steel Galvanized Strap

Steel Galvanized Strap+Steel Galvanized Clip of


Steel Galvanized pipe of Ø30x1.5mm Steel Galvanized Clip of 18x26x1.5mm

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain


Dimension of the gutters: 480mm and 8 folds. Lengthness 5050 mm. The gutters are of 1,8 mm of thickness in galvanized steel

Lateral Gutter Central Gutter

Gutter Reinforcements

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

The fixation of parts is done by means of STEEL nuts and bolts, type 5.6 and 8.8, zinc plated and double chromed to protect against corrosion.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

The calculations for Inverca Greenhouse are made by Department of Structure Calculations in the Polytechnic of the University of Valencia:

The actions adopted in the design of greenhouses are as follows:

Wind action:

It has been adopted a reference wind speed of 125 km/h. Roof ventilations should be closed from 50 Km/h. For it, is necessary to disposes of one anemometer connected to the switch board in order to guarantee this close.

Product overload:

It has been considered a production load corresponding with 35 kg/m² annual production , (considering the product hanging from 2,5 mm steel wirings.

Snow overload:

The structure has been calculated to support 20 cm of recently fall snow. With more than 20 cm. of snow is required that the customer has to have heating system.

The INVERCA greenhouse has been calculated to support and combination OVERLOAD of SNOW and PRODUCT of 78kp/m2 (*)

(*) Structure in INVERCA greenhouses, under loads item, is calculated using its own crop hanging wiring system. If customer choose to use his own crop hanging wiring system, customer must use, to warranty structure, the reinforcement for crop hanging wiring system of INVERCA. In case customer wants to use his own reinforcement system, this one has to be approved by INVERCA technical department. If customer takes a decision in opposite to that epigraph above. INVERCA don’t take any responsibility or warranty in damage to structure or to crop.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

Roof Ventilation: Single INVERCA© 1/3 in 9 spans with 9,6 m width and 125 m length. Roof Ventilation has 3 windows partition of film Antinsect mesh 8x10 included in Roof Ventilations. Window brace is reinforced with two diagonal braces for perfect insulation. Electrical switch board IS NOT included in this proposal. Electrical wiring IS NOT included in this proposal. Climatic Controller IS NOT included in this quotation. Drive of previous ventilations is by means moto-reductor with microrruptor, being the elevation by means of transmission of control rod with bearings of balls and racks, placed each 2,5 m.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain


The vent arms are made from rectangular galvanised tubes 50 x 30 mm of 1.5mm of thickness.

Thanks to it surface area and increase in interior volume obtained , with opening the 33 % ventilation starts an air flow which has a sweeping effect over the roof and which helps the inward and outward air flows.

This effect will allow the customer to obtain a more homogeneous without needing a great opening height.

A good chimney effect is obtained thanks to the sweeping effect.

Efficient dehumidification thanks to the sweeping effect.

In the chimney position (with wind or rain) a large opening is still possible with protection from adjacent bay.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain


Roof cover is composed of double POLYETHYLENE: Dimensions: 9 Spans with 9,6 m width and 125 m length. Ventilation: Single INVERCA© 1/3.

Include all the accessories of fixation for plastic film, being the subjection of the same one by means of Polyethylene CLIP.

Internal Layer: CRYSTAL polyethylene of high transparency (Values around 91% of visible light transmission and 12% of diffuse light transmission) with 150 microns of thickness, with tri-coated technology that offers full optic and mechanical properties and a high thermal effect (17%) and EVA/EBA treatment, anti-dust treatment (in its external side) and treatment for UV. This film have ANTI-CONDENSATION treatment, to prevent bead drop over culture. Warranty: 3 seasons for film and 12 months for anti-condensation.

External Layer: DIFFUSE polyethylene of high transparency (Values around 88% of visible light transmission and 25% of diffuse light transmission) with 200 microns of thickness, with tri-coated technology that offers full optic and mechanical properties and a high thermal effect (17%) and EVA treatment, anti-dust treatment (in its external side) and treatment for UV. Warranty: 3 seasons.

System for film fixing is polyethylene clip based.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain


Lateral cover is composed of double POLYETHYLENE:

Dimensions: 2 sides of 4,5 m height and 125 m lenght.

Include all the accessories of fixation for plastic film, being the subjection of the same one by means of Polyethylene CLIP.

External Layer : DIFFUSE polyethylene of high transparency (Values around 88% of visible light transmission and 25% of diffuse light transmission) with 200 microns of thickness, with tri-coated technology that offers full optic and mechanical properties and a high thermal effect (17%) and EVA treatment, anti-dust treatment (in its external side) and treatment for UV. Warranty: 3 seasons. Internal Layer : CRYSTAL polyethylene of high transparency (Values around 91% of visible light transmission and 12% of diffuse light transmission) with 150 microns of thickness, with tri-coated technology that offers full optic and mechanical properties and a high thermal effect (17%) and EVA treatment, anti-dust treatment (in its external side) and treatment for UV. This film have ANTI-CONDENSATION treatment, to prevent bead drop over culture. Warranty: 3 seasons for film and 12 months for anti-condensation.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain


Frontal cover is composed of double POLYETHYLENE:

Dimensions: 2 sides of 4,5 m height and 86,4 m lenght.

Include all the accessories of fixation for plastic film, being the subjection of the same one by means of Polyethylene CLIP.

External Layer : DIFFUSE polyethylene of high transparency (Values around 88% of visible light transmission and 25% of diffuse light transmission) with 200 microns of thickness, with tri-coated technology that offers full optic and mechanical properties and a high thermal effect (17%) and EVA treatment, anti-dust treatment (in its external side) and treatment for UV. Warranty: 3 seasons. Internal Layer : CRYSTAL polyethylene of high transparency (Values around 91% of visible light transmission and 12% of diffuse light transmission) with 150 microns of thickness, with tri-coated technology that offers full optic and mechanical properties and a high thermal effect (17%) and EVA/EBA treatment, anti-dust treatment (in its external side) and treatment for UV. This film have ANTI-CONDENSATION treatment, to prevent bead drop over culture. Warranty: 3 seasons for film and 12 months for anti-condensation.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain


Air chamber in roof, side and frontal, compossed by:

- 78 Units of By-Pass Set.

- 18 Units of valve set.

- 87 m of PVC pipe.

- 2 Units of Key valve set.

- 5 Units of CMP-616 FAN KIT.

Double film in sides and frontals. Project in Poland, 2.5 ha.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

Side doors of 2,5 m width and 3 m height, Cover Clip-Film/Rollers: 2 units.




-A -


-B -




Cod. 124200

The covering of doors is polycarbonate of 10mm.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

Priva Integro integrated control system offers growers the opportunity for unparalleled greenhouse management. This advanced control system will create the best possible growing conditions for the crop in the most energy efficient way.

It is designed to grow along with you as you expand your business with simple software updates, offering the up most in flexibility.

Climate Control. Priva Integro constantly monitors inside and outside conditions. It uses these values and settings to maintain the desired climate strategy. Integro optimizes heating, ventilation, lighting, fans, curtains and CO2.

Energy Management. The Advanced Energy Management System in the Integro will monitor and control variable speed pumps, heat storage systems and any other type of heat supply system.

It monitors energy consumption, operates energy saving curtains and performs multi day temperature

integration. By using this pro-active approach of energy management, you can save more than 10% on energy costs compared with standard temperature controlled heating.

CO2 Management. The Integro Management System can control many sources such as boilers, burners or liquid systems. It is optimized to work with sources that have heat by products and use these efficiently by moving them into heat storage to minimize total costs.

Water Management. The Water Management Control is designed around the concept of the closed growing system. All irrigation equipment can be controlled through Intégro including precision fertilizer control and multiple element injection.

PC Priva Office (Included). As greenhouse operations become more complex, ease of use of environmental control is essential. The Priva Office management program was developed to organize your controls in a user-friendly way. When you combine climate data with cultivation and labour data, you get a better idea of what is happening in your business.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

When using Priva Office, you have access to a powerful tool to operate, collate and analyze data.

Priva Office greenhouse management program consists of a number of different modules, each with it's own specific function. The program is designed as a client/server system. The server functions as the main PC on which Priva Office software is installed. This server is connected to the Priva control system. All data is stored on the server PC for easy backup. Client PCs have access to all Priva Office modules on the server PC.

The system manager determines authorization levels for each user. Priva Office offers the flexibility to connect to existing networks. Stored data can be easily exported to other programs. Priva Office saves an enormous amount of information for you in such a way that you can use it whenever you need it.

Discover the power of your own data!

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

Offered System Diagram …

The offered system is based on…

Priva Integro System wall enclosure 58 x 53 x 23cm with enough I/O boards to cover the requirements about input and outputs forward specified. Besides, Basic System includes:

CPU 9508 with 1 UTP port 100Mbps and 2 RS232 serial ports, flash memory, battery pack, 300VA power supply unit, alarm board 9540 with 3 alarm relays. Low voltage supply system controlled 240VAC-24VAC-100VA-50/60Hz with adaptation to

115VAC via jumper.

Communication Modules between Priva Cabinets.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

Control Software Version 724 for Integro Program with the following controls:

1x Integro Interface in Spanish language

2x Zone/s with climate and irrigation functions.

2x Control Function for Measurement Box Temperature and Relative Humidity.

3x External Alarm Contact

2x Ventilation Control, with the independent operation over 2 engines based on run time (2 engines per compartment).

2x Screen Control, with the operation over 1 engine based on runtime.

2x Fans Control with Crop Protection.

1x Heat Management with Boiler and 1 Transport Line Control.

2x Heating Control Zones, with switching operation over recirculation groups for Radiant Pipe, Growth Pipe and Anti-Snow Pipe.

1x Irrigation Control for 4 Sectors or electro-valves with different programs and recipes.

1x Fertirrigation Control 3 dosing channels (2 nutrients + 1 acid) in relation with eC and PH probes placed in the fertirrigation machine.


1x English Manual for Integro.

1x Meteo Station with 2 supports for wall installation, 4 meter length, with the following sensors:

Lineal Light Wind Speed Wind Direction External Temperature Rain Detection (yes/no)

2x Measurement Box T+HR for Temperature and Relative Humidity,

with exhaust fan 24VAC-1.5W.

1x Drain Station Cabinet with flow and eC measurement.

11x Pipe Temperature Probes for Heating Control.

1x pH and eC doubled probes for the fertirrigation control on irrigation machine.

It is excluded from this offer…

PC with Windows XP-professional or Vista. PC Anywhere with external modem.

Other sensors or accessories not indicated on this budget.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain


INVERCA offer the complete Automation Control System in the Greenhouse based on an installation for 400VAC 3~+N 50Hz with the main power point located closed to the main entrance, location chosen for the General Maneuvering and just in the middle of one side.

The chosen system is based in the INVERCA® Modular Range Models, which allow you control and protect the engine below in order to perform direct or supporting tasks, as well as to save a great amount of cable.

The Main Switch-Board will be placed in the Greenhouse Wall attached to the structure directly close to the main door. From that main switch-board, there will be several power and control lines up to each Modular Protection Board, just close or below the engine (or couple of engines) that are protecting.

The control wires are placed and calculated depending of the control in which they participate. It will be used hoses with XLPE isolated material according with the UNE 21-123 (90ºC nominal service; 250ºC, maximum service; 3,5kV AC; 8,5kV DC) with widths of 1mm2 0,6/1kW and two wires for heating, doubled chamber, forced ventilation or similar types of actuations, 3 wires for simple Open/Close actuations like thermal screens or simple windows.

The power lines are placed and calculated depending of the control and of the power that will support in which they participate. It will be used hoses with XLPE isolated material according with the UNE 21-123 (90ºC nominal service; 250ºC, maximum service; 3,5kV AC; 8,5kV DC) with widths from 1,5mm2 0,6/1kW to 6mm2 0,6/1kW in order to ensure a maximum voltage descent of the 5% up to the final point of the line.

The connections up to Main Supply point is not included in this offer.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

In order to support the cable, optionally (included in this offer) it can be provided a Metallic Supporting Channel there where the installer finds more that three controls or power hoses lines. Cable channels are zenzimir galvanised and will be supported to the greenhouse structure with the proper accessories to prevent bending and it will cover one unique width of greenhouse up the last Top Vent Engine (We understand the corridor cross from half occidental side to the opposite one).

Technical Specifications

• IP56 Protection against water or dust.

• System prepared for different ranges of Supplying Voltage in order to be suitable to any country or to any kind of installation without any modification (230VAC Mono-phase, 230VAC/440VAC Three-Phase, 50/60Hz).

• Possibility to connect an external climate controller for an automatic actuation.

• 24VAC Maneuvering Control and a large range of maneuvering and power outputs in order to control modular sub-boards or direct 24VDC, 220AC, 380AC engines.

• Possibility to embed a large variety of control devices in order to perform automatic controls.

• Large range of power outputs suitable to any motor-gearbox power used in greenhouse installations.

Installation Data

Voltaje 400VAC 3~+N 50Hz

Installations Number 1

Length 124 m

Span Width 9,6 m

Span numbers per installation 17

Zenith Motorization 9x1 (400VAC 3~ 0,37kW)

Motorización para Laterales / Frontales No / No

Motorización Pantalla 2x1 (400VAC 3~ 0,37kW)

Inflating Chamber 4 inflators

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

Included on this Study…

1 unit Genral Maneuvering Board 2 Zones.

Top Ventilation 1 Side

Forced Ventilation *

Inflating Chamber **

11 units Modular Board 1 engine Top Ventilation (400VAC 3~ 0,37kW)

4 units Modular Boar 1 Inflator (400VAC 3~ 0,37kW)


* Protection for 3 Fans Lines is included.

** The Board includes a timer control for the automatic inflating chamber operation.

Cable included …

Cable between CGM and Modular Boards.

Cable between Modular Boards and Engines.

Cable between Climate Computer and Sensors.

Cable between Main Power Point and Drain Pit.


Metallic Supporting Channel + Accessories enough to cover the Top Ventilation Engines line.

Note: They are not offered canalizations, connections up Main Power Point, Basic Protection Boards (Thermal and Differential Protection) in Main Power Point in Greenhouse. It is required Main Power Point close to the General Maneuvering Board location (rightly protected thermally and differentially) for a voltage of 400VAC 3~+N 50Hz.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain


INVERCA® luminary solution for horticultural indoor production and basic illumination for optimizing the crop works with a better efficiency and production.

Structures made of extruded aluminium section with endplates made of galvanized steel in order to guarantee a long life of the system in the greenhouse conditions.

General Specifications per Each Greenhouse

Basic Light per Greenhouse

1 lamp per each tunnel in the Passage Way 75 lux (average lumens per m2 along the passage way).

There is included a central switch board with independent controls depending in the final amount of sectors inside the Greenhouse. In this case, there is 1 light sectors.

Each sector of lamps has a small and individual protection board.

The cable between the Main Switch Board and the protections board and the cable between these and the lamps is totally included.

Note: The Cable up the Main Switch Board is not included in this Study.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain


INVERCA® will cover the Forced Ventilation of the installation thanks to the IberFan 5500m3/h recirculation model suitable for Greenhouse Series and Parallel ventilation systems.

Its main features are…

• Large aerodynamic inlet radius

• Inverse airstream impeller

• Especially developed motor/impeller

• Compact aerodynamic tube with tube-fan

• Tube suitable for suspension with profiles or chains

• 50 or 60 Hz motors available

• Double wireguard in accordance with CE-standards

The proposed installation will give you the possibility to ensure a smart movement of the air inside the Greenhouse, in order to uniform both temperature and relative humidity in the whole installation volume.

Technical Specs



Air Flow m3/h 5.500

Projection m 45

Sonorous Noise dB 50 (From 7 meters)

Regime r.p.m. 1400

Voltage VAC 380VAC 3~

Frequency Hz 50 (60 on demand)

I nominal A 1,6

Power W 210

Diameter mm Ø 420

Air Input mm Ø 420

Weight kg 9

Box Dimension mm 505x505x311

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

Installation Data

Voltage 440VAC 3~+N 60Hz

Number of Installations 1

Span Length 124m

Span Width 9,6m

Span number per Installation 17

Ventilation Top Ventilation

We have estimated 3 air renovations per hour for the total greenhouse volume, in order to ensure a perfect homogeneity for the conditions.

For Exhaust Fans, the number of recommended renovations per hour should be higher, but about fans, we recommend always a number within the range from 2 to 6.


27 units Iberfan Ventilator 5.500 cubic metres/h divided in 3 lines of fans and 2 Zones.

Cable between the Main Board and the Fans included.

Hanging accessories are included.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain


Thermal and Shading INVERCA® screens certified according to ISO 9001 and 14001 and environmentally certified (Int. Standard) ÖKO-Tex standard 100.

The IBC INVERCA screen controls the climate and saves energy in all types of greenhouses. IBC 5715 Closed screen is designed to retain the maximum amount of heat with a minimal loss of light. These screens are the ideal solution for vegetable production in colder climates and also in installation with a unique thermal screen.

A good use of a thermal screen brings important benefits to the Greenhouse:

• Protect the crop against dangerous solar radiation. Solar radiation could be good for the plant, but high radiation means high temperatures. The plant can be seriously hurts.

• Keep temperature at hours when the system can be sure that the greenhouse is not going to receive more heat from the Sun.

• Save energy from the heating system. During night, the thermal screen makes an isolated chamber between the exterior and the interior of the greenhouse. The heating system heats less volume and at the same time, the losses from the roof are reduced for a really high percent.


The system will be served complete, with all the necessary accessories for a perfect and easy Screen installation. INVERCA takes care of all the details about the high quality and durability materials use. From the fixing of the rectangular profiles (see image on the left), the

polyester wires for the cloth firmness once it has been extended over the greenhouse, or the diabolo that warranty the perfect movement of the transmission pipe.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

The Motorgearbox

Motor-gearbox with chain couples in the output shaft suitable to operate Thermal Screen Systems.

The engine is served by standard with a couple kit double chain and pinions according to the chain number DIN-10B-2. The welded gearbox is available for drive bar of 1’’, 5/4’’ and 2’’.

Below, the technical specifications…

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

Installation Data

Installations 1

Number of Spans 11

Span width 9,6 meters

Total Width 105,60 meters

Length 100,00 meters

Total Area 10.560,00m2

Distance between pillars 5,00 meters

The roof installation is divided in 2 Screen Sectors, one with 38,40 metros x 125,00 metros and the other one, with 48,00 metros x 125,00 metros.

Specific Data

Frontal Reinforcement Add. No

False range pieces None

Shaft Number 2

Transmission Lines 23

Transmission Type Push-pull tube

With roof motor-gearbox

Fasteners Plastic

Motorization 2 Motor-gearboxes 400N

Automation Included in other part of this study

Switchboard and cable Included in other part in this study

Screen Type

IBC 6216 (Shading 65% Saving 62%)

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

Characteristics Of Main Materials.

• Galvanized rectangular tube 50 x 50 x 1.5 mm.

• Galvanized transmission tube Ø 32x1.5 mm L=6Mts.

• Shaft tube Ø 1" L= 6,00 Mts.

• Galvanized Ø 19 mm tube.

• Galvanized steel screws.

• Strengthened 2.5 mm polyester wire.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain


INVERCA® supplies complete fertirrigation system in addition to counseling and maintenance of the system (optional) during its operation. In the following chapters will be described and providing technical data of the various components that comprise the proposed irrigation system.

Installation Data

AREA: 10,800 m2 GREENHOUSES: 1 SECTOR TOTAL: 4 Cropping system on substrate Raspberry FRAMEWORK OF THE ISSUER: 1.60 m (between the lines of emitters) x 0.25 m (including drippers) TYPE OF DRIPPERS: Dripper 2.2 liters / h

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

Irrigation Header

It has designed a main irrigation pipe from the head of PVC Ø 90 mm at 6 ATM pressure rating. Each independent irrigation sector will be led by a solenoid valve 2 ", which will be installed at the entrance of each irrigation sector, and connected by hose irrigation head electric hose.

Fertirrigation Unit

Fertirrigation equipment FERTI 1600 for the irrigation control by radiation sensor. Equipped with venturi injection system for 2 + acid fertilizer.

Generic technical specifications of the equipment: - The core team has expandable irrigation valves according to the needs of the facility.

- Ability to connect up to 7 basic sensors:

- The duration of irrigation can be scheduled by both time and volume.

- Independent control of up to 7 fertilizer.

- Ability to schedule by day of week or day of pause.

- The valves may work independently or together (up to 20 simultaneously).

- Programmable Injection special contribution during the irrigation.

- Auto-calibration of sensors.

- Output for fertilizer agitation maneuver.

- Alarm output connection.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

Pumping System

Composed by 1 horizontal centrifugal electric pump, made of stainless steel with 5.5 hp power to drive a flow of 20 m3 / h at a pressure of 36 m by operating the fertirrigation equipment by-pass.


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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

Filtering System

Team automatic filtering of rings, consisting of 2 filters automatic ring 2 "with fully installed accessories. This is a filter made entirely of plastic, which has obtained a high mechanical strength and chemical resistance and high filtration capacity. The filter element is made from grooved rings on both sides, which, once pressed, creates a cylindrical filter. The degree of filtering depends on the number and size of the grooves of the rings, in this case the degree of filtration is 120 mesh (130 microns). The system rated capacity is 40 m3 / h which gives the system a great autonomy in terms of maintenance (cleaning) is concerned.

Fertilizer Tanks

1 unit of 2 consists of deposits paid: 2 white polyethylene tanks with a capacity of 1000 liters, graduate, including cut-off valves and fittings for filling and emptying the tank.

1 unit of 1 tank for acid consists of: 1 white polyethylene tank, bottle type, with a maximum capacity of 500 liters, graduate, including cut-off valves and fittings for filling and emptying the tank.

1 unit agitation deposits consist of: dual electro pump turbine, three-phase voltage supply 220 to 50 Hz, with 2 hp power to drive air to the subscriber 4 deposits, including valves and ancillary court for the connection.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

Material Field

The secondary will Polyethylene pipes of 50 mm section and 04 atm pressure. The greenhouse is divided into four sectors of irrigation shutoff valves and pressure control independent. Drippers pipes are 20 mm LDPE punctured section every 0.25 meters. Autocompensantes drippers with the following characteristics: The drippers shall be provided with the appropriate microtube (0.60 m) Antidrenante Device (AD) to prevent battery drain when finished watering Flow: 2.2 l / h Operating pressure range: 0.6-3.5 bar

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

Accumulator Tank

The irrigation system is fed through 1 tank of galvanized steel with an approximate capacity of 487 m3. Dimensions: - Diameter: 14.10 m - Height: 3.12 m Includes coverage floating Algae. This deposit will be filled from a general pumping system (not covered in this budget) and its function is to serve as a reservoir for possible faults in the overall supply network. * Does not include labor or materials for building the base.

Water Drainage Network

The system of water drainage network would be formed by a line of PVC pipe, buried and slope, in front of each greenhouse. These pipes would be connected to a drainage tank buried in the center of the greenhouse, and from the same water pump drainage would send a galvanized steel tank with an approximate capacity of 283 m3. Dimensions: - Diameter: 10.75 m - Height: 3.12 m Includes coverage floating Algae.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain



Silo drenaje


Cabezal de irrigación

Pozo de drenaje


Silo Agua tradada

Control de drenaje


Sistema de cultivo cerrado

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

Description of the project

The project consists of 1 greenhouse, with a total surface of: 11.088,00m².

The greenhouse has the following specifications:

Greenhouse type : Multi-tunnel greenhouse, gotical type

Roof material : double plastic

Gable material : double plastic

Height below gutter : 4,50m

Width : 9 bays of 9,60m = 86,4m

Length : 25 section of 5,00m = 125,00m

Total surface : 10.800m²

Design basis

Minimum inside temperature : 17ºC

Minimum outside temperature : -3ºC

Delta T (out-in) at wind speed 5 m/s : 20°C (without screen)

Total heat demand at these conditions : 1.825kW

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain


Tube standards

All our steel tubes are offered according to the following standards:

DIN2458/1615 : dimension

DIN 17100 : density

S235JRG2 : material

Water specifications

To ensure that the water is correct for use in a heating installation, the water quality must be checked and be according to the following specifications:

hardness : 0.1 D

pH : 8

Fe : 0.5 PPM

Cu : 0.1 PPM

NH4OH : 0.5 PPM

O : 0.1 PPM

Electrical standards

All our electrical materials and the electrical installations are according to the Dutch standard “NEN 1010/Standard IEC publication 364”.

Voltage : 230/400V – 3 phase + neutral + ground

Frequency : 50 Hz

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

Heating Installation

All our installations are designed according to the principles of Tichelman. This means that throughout the entire installation the pressure loss is the same, this way ensuring a perfect heat distribution in the greenhouse.

The greenhouse will be divided into 2 heating compartments. In each heating compartment we will install:

- Pipe rail heating - Grow pipe heating

In the complete greenhouse we will make one group of gutter heating.

PIPE RAIL heating

The greenhouse will be divided into 2 heating sectors. In each heating sector a pipe rail heating net will be installed. Each heating sector will have an independent mixing group which will be located on the manifold in the boiler room according to quotation drawing.

We deliver the materials for a pipe rail heating system for the following heating sectors:

Heating group 1: 9 bays 9,60 x 62,50m = 5.400m²

Heating group 2: 9 bays 9,60 x 62,50m = 5.400m²

Each heating sector will be heated with 12 tubes 51mm x 2.25mm per 9,60m bay. The tubes will be connected to the distribution lines located at the front gables of the greenhouse.

Flow temperature : 60ºC

Return temperature : 50ºC

The connections of the 51mm tube to the distribution lines will be made with 2x1,50m flexible heating hose of 1” per loop.

After ground tillage and leveling the welded loops can be placed on the tube rail supports.

We deliver click system pipe rail supports to be placed every 2,25m, starting at 2,25m from the concrete footpath. The supports have the following dimensions:

diameter pipe : 51mm

ctc distance : 55cm

height : 15cm

base plate : 70cm

At the footpath loose materials will be delivered to make a headpiece 51mm tube ctc 55cm and on each loop we provide 1 stop plate.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

Distribution lines For each heating net a distribution line will be installed at the front gable. The size of the distribution line will vary from approximately 45mm to 140mm. We provide the following

materials for the support of the distribution lines at the front gables:

- universal heating support including brackets; - ring hooks; - chain; - necessary bolts and nuts.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

Grow pipe heating

The greenhouse will be divided into 2 heating sectors. In each heating sector a grow pipe heating net will be installed. Each heating sector will have an independent mixing group which will be located on the manifold in the boiler room according to quotation drawing.

We deliver the materials for a grow pipe heating system for the following heating sectors:

Heating group 1: 9 bays 9,60 x 62,50m = 5.400m²

Heating group 2: 9 bays 9,60 x 62,50m = 5.400m²

Each heating sector will be heated with 6 tubes 45mm x 2.25mm per 9,60m bay. The tubes will be connected to the distribution lines located at the front gables of the greenhouse.

Flow temperature : 50ºC

Return temperature : 42ºC

The connections of the 45mm tube to the distribution lines will be made with 2x1,50m flexible heating hose of ¾” per loop.

The loops will be supported by the hanging materials of the hanging gutter system.

At the footpath loose materials will be delivered to make a headpiece of ¾” pipe (ctc 1,60m) and 2x1,50m flexible heating hose of ¾” per loop.

Distribution lines For each heating net a distribution line will be installed at the front gable. The size of the distribution line will vary from approximately 38mm to 89mm. We provide the following

materials for the support of the distribution lines at the front gables:

- universal heating support including brackets; - ring hooks; - chain; - necessary bolts and nuts.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

Gutter heating The greenhouse will be divided into 1 heating sector. In this heating sector a gutter heating net will be installed. This heating sector will have an independent mixing group which will be located on the manifold in the boiler room according to quotation drawing.

Important: The gutter system is situated above the thermal screen. This means that with low outside temperatures there is a risk that the water in the pipes freezes and causes the pipes to burst. It is therefore the responsibility of the client to ensure a minimum water temperature at all times!

We deliver the materials for a gutter heating system for the following heating sectors:

Heating group 1: 9 bays 9,60 x 125,00m = 10.800m²

The gutters will be heated with 2 tubes 51mm x 2.25mm per 9,60m bay. The tubes will be

connected to the distribution lines located at the front gables of the greenhouse.

Flow temperature : 90ºC

Return temperature : 74ºC

The connections of the 51mm tube to the distribution lines will be made with ¾” pipe.

The loops will be supported by the greenhouse construction.

At the footpath loose materials will be delivered to make a headpiece 51mm tube ctc 15cm

Distribution lines A distribution line will be installed at each front gable. The size of the distribution line will vary from approximately 38mm to 76mm. We provide the following materials for the

support of the distribution lines at the front gables:

- ring hooks; - chain; - necessary bolts and nuts.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

Gable heating

The gables will be heated in the following way:

Side gables : flow and return tubes + necessary pipes 51mm for correct heat


Front gables : distribution lines

We provide the following materials for the support of the gable heating at the side gables:

- ring hooks; - chain; - necessary bolts and nuts.


For painting, the none insulated, heating tubes and distribution lines we deliver white paint.

This is sufficient for painting the pipes once. With the paint we deliver the necessary dilution fluid and washing gloves.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain


In the boiler room we will deliver the following equipment:

- Boiler - Burner+gas ramp - Condensor - Manifold - Expansion installation - Buffer (next to boiler room)


A manifold will be delivered in loose materials and is to be mounted parallel to the greenhouse wall, see quotation drawing.

The manifold has the following specifications:

Length : 4,00m

Diameter : 323mm

Mixing groups : 5

Transport grps.: -

Spare groups : -

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

Mixing groups

For the 2 pipe rail heating sectors, 2 grow pipe heating sectors and 1 gutter heating sector we will provide in total 5 mixing groups with the following specifications:

1 pc recirculation pump, make Johnson, type CL

1 pc 3-way mixing valve, make Centra

1 pc 24V AC mixing valve motor, make Centra

5 pc butterfly valves

2 pc analogue thermometers, 63mm

1 pc drain and fill valve, ¾”

- all the necessary flanges, gaskets, bolts and nuts; - all the necessary elbows, reductions and other small materials.

Insulation We will deliver prefab insulation materials for the manifold.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

BOILER We will supply 1 hot water boiler. The boiler is a compact and efficient three pass boiler with flame tubes and front water cooling. Because of its big volume, this boiler in combination with the correct burner, is very efficient and has very low NOx emissions.

The boiler has the following specifications: Make : BKC (or TK-top)

Type : WND

Certificates : CE

Capacity : 2.000.000 kCal/hr

Max water temp. : 110ºC

Weight : aprox. 6.800 kg (empty)

Water contents : aprox. 6 800 liters

Length : 4.807 mm

Width : 2.473 mm

Flame tubes : 76 mm mat St.35.8 DIN 2448/17175

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

To reduce water temperature differences in the boiler, we will supply a shunt pump; make Johnson, type CL, including connection materials and two butterfly valves.

With the boiler we include:

1 pc. Low water level detection;

2 pc. Butterfly valves; make Ebro

- Safety valves against overpressure, including blow of pipe to floor. - Drain valve.


To avoid transport and installation damage to the boiler, it will be delivered with a loose prefab package of insulation materials. The insulation package consists of 100mm rock wool and a termination layer of plastic laminated steel plate.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain


For the boiler we will deliver a low NOx burner (CE certified) with the following specifications::

Make : Zantingh (or IC)

Type : RKB 200-ND 2.0 G+O

Fuel : Natural Gas + diesel (emergency only)

Control : modulating on gas, high/low on diesel

Gas pressure : 200 mBar

Capacity on gas : 2.000.000 kCal/hr

Capacity on diesel : 80%

With the burner we supply:

- Thermostat for autonomous control; - Maximum water temperature sensor; - Frequency controller for air fan; - Control panel, including FIDUFACE to connect to climate computer; - Diesel pump and filter, including connection materials to burner; - Gas ramp for natural gas with inlet pressure of 200mBar.


- Gas line until the inlet on the gas ramp. - Diesel tank and supply line until inlet of diesel pump.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain


For behind the boiler we will supply a condenser. The condenser will be mounted in the flue gas outlet of the boiler, and has the following specifications:

Make: van Dijk (o similar)

Type: single coil

To protect the condenser against too high temperatures and pressures, we supply a set with the following safety equipment:

- Pressure sensor in the chimney; - Thermostat and overpressure valve in water circuit; - End switch to detect the position of the by-pass valve.

Flue gas circuit We will supply an aluminum chimney, length 5,00m and with a connection for the CO2 set. The chimney will be mounted on top of the condenser.

The condenser has a by-pass valve, with which we can let the flue gases from the boiler by-pass the condenser coil in case we burn diesel. This to avoid that the diesel fumes will pass through the condenser.

Water circuit For the water circuit we supply the following materials:

1 pc. Circulation pump; make Johnson, type CL;

4 pc. Butterfly valves; make Ebro;

- Necessary tube and connection materials.

The water circuit will be connected to the return of the buffer tank to ensure that it will always get cool water.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

Insulation We will supply a prefab insulation package to insulate the connection lines of the condenser. The package consists of 30mm Rockwool with 0,6mm aluminum termination sheet. The aluminum will be prefabricated.

Heat storage tank

We will supply a horizontal buffer tank to be mounted outside the boiler room. The buffer tank will have the following specifications:

The buffer tank will have the following specifications: Volume : 200 m³

Cylindrical length : 14,45m

Diameter : 4,20m

Material thickness : 7 mm

The tank will be supplied complete with::

1 pc. Manhole;

2 pc. Butterfly valve; make Ebro;

- Spray tubes.


- Foundation for tank;

Filling circuit We will supply a filling circuit for the heat storage tank, which consists of:

1 pc. Filling pump; make Johnson, type CL;

1 pc. 3-way mixing valve; make Centra, type DR

1 pc. Check valve

3 pc. Butterfly valves; make Ebro;

- All the necessary tube and connection materials

Insulation For the heat storage tank we will supply an insulation package. The package consists of 100mm Rockwool with a protection layer of plastic laminated steel sheet. The connection lines will be insulated with 30mm Rockwool with 0,6mm aluminum sheet for protection.

Expansion Installation

To ensure a constant pressure in the heating installation, regardless of the water temperature we supply a complete expansion installation, which consists of: a steel tank with membrane and compressor. The contents of the vessel will be calculated based on the water volume of the installation.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

Co2 dosing installation

To be mounted in the boiler room and connected to the chimney of the condenser we will supply 1 CO2 transport fan.

The CO2 transport fan will be connected to the chimney of the condenser and has a capacity of 120m³ LNG/hora/10.000m².

With the CO2 Transport fan we will deliver:

1 pc. CO detector, make Sercom;

1 pc. Control panel;

1 pc. Maximum temperature sensor;

1 pc. Pressure sensor;

1 pc. Steel support frame for the CO2 transport fan;

- Necessary connection materials.

Distribution pipes in the greenhouse We will supply a PVC pipe distribution system in the greenhouse. From the CO2 transport fan we will make a main PVC transport line until de side gable of the greenhouse. Here the transport line will divide in two secondary lines that go to each front gable. At the front gable we will make a PVC distribution line of reducing pipe sizes.

The distribution pipe system will have the following specifications: Main transport line : 400mm, PVC class 51

Secondary transport line : 300mm, PVC class 51

Distribution line : 300 – 125mm, PVC class 51

Outlets on distribution line : 6 per 9,60m bay

Diameter of lay flats : 60mm

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain


Our model “Marina” boilers of the series DS have a large furnace. This expedient allows to achieve a remarkable bringing down of the ashes, thus making it possible to considerable reduce their deposits inside the tube bundle, resulting in a noteworthy reduction of the cleaning operations. The boilers of the series DS are manufactured with first quality materials and assure high efficiency.

USABLE SOLID FUELS: exhausted olive husks, shells of nuts, walnuts, almonds, pineseeds, sawdust pellets, coal, etc.

Technical Specifications for standard models…

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain


Inverca collaborates with Grodan, INVERCA is synonymous of quality for that, recommend always top brands in market. We choose Grodan because:

Grodan emphasizes its ability to find client-oriented solutions, which are specifically customized for growers.

Growers want the highest possible yield of top quality produce. That is why they want to be in control of their crop. Grodan makes this possible by supplying specially developed equipment and software to support the use of their controllable substrate. Our advisors offer the knowledge and experience of thousands of growers to achieve individual client's requirements. With our solutions, the grower is assured of the added value that Grodan provides.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

In the part of accessories for the greenhouse, INVERCA proposes different types of crop accessories, always with the highest quality materials in order to ensure the hardiness and durability of the systems.

Crop Accessories

Floor cloth. As a system against herbs and for a best realization of the agricultural works it can put a polyfibril floor cloth that avoids the herb at the same time it is able to filter the water. Its use reduces the cleaning works and making easier the movement and manipulation of containers and plants.

Furthermore its use has the following benefits:

• Reduces the use of herbicides.

• Reduces the labour costs.

• Improves the water and air flows.

• Reduces irrigation needs.

• Improves the floor structure.

Crop complements. Rings for the crop fixing to the crop guide, wires for hanging the crop, etc…

Recommended Help for the Greenhouse…

234.000 units of clips.

28.800 units of Metallic Hangers with 18 meters of twine in white colour.

11.220 square meters of white floor cover 105gr/m2.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain


INVERCA proposes its wide range of trolleys, fumigators and platforms specially designed for the collecting of fruits and vegetables and other works in the greenhouse.

1. Trolleys

They have been designed for working in the fields and they are very resistant and strong. The use of these trolleys makes the work more efficient and faster than with other collecting systems. Furthermore, the trolleys have a system of extensible trays that adapts perfectly to any type of agricultural box.

Main Characteristics:

Aluminium / Rubber 200 with metallic rollers.

Heating rail metallic rollers with high resistance.

Box Tray… 122 x 50cms

Rail pipe axis width… 55 cm.

Maximum Load… 200Kg

Steel structure painted with polypox at 200 degrees

Recommended Carriers (included on this budget)… 7 units.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

2. Platforms

From the Wide INVERCA ® range of platforms, fixed manuals and hydraulics units that performs any work over the crop on different altitudes, the proposed one is the IBERCAAN06 unit. It treats about a heating railway electric driven platform with the possibility to change (manually) the height of the altitude plane. Total stability for crop/greenhouse maintenance and collecting.

General Characteristics

Maximum forward speed 40 m/min

Control of forward and reverse speeds, smooth acceleration and braking with luminous interrupter and action treadle.

Maximum load: 1 person + tools (120kg)

CE Conformity

Dismountable Security Banisters with height regulation

Forward wheels made by aluminium/rubber 125 with metallic ball rollers

Heating railway metallic rollers with treads

Anti-snag forward-backward protection

Folding capability to perform transportation

Motor Details

Motor: DC permanent magnet 0,37 kW (0.5 CV) thermal protected 25A.

Maximum revolutions 2000 rpm

Tension: 24 V DC / Intensity: 15 A

Batteries / Charger

2 Acid-Lead Batteries in series

Tension: 12 V

Capacity: 102 Ah

Feed: 230v – 50/60 Hz

12-24v - 20 A

Weights and Dimensions

Total length: 175 cm

Minimum/Maximum Working platform height regulation: 85 cm / 235 cm

Weight: 275 kg

Recommended Platforms (included on this budget)… 2 units.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

3. Automatic Fumigator with 1.000 litres deposit

INVERCA provides heating railways automatic fumigator systems to perform treatment and cleaning tasks in conjunction with a 1.000 litres deposit equipped with a 2 wheels tow to facilitate transport between installation working points and a 4kW engine for the aspiration pump.

Main characteristics…

Fumigation System:

115º planed stream treatment nozzles with inclination orientation

Anti-drip system with individual filter

Manometer with pressure regulation

Main mesh filter with stainless steel

100 meters length treatment hose

Deposit Characteristics:

5,5CV Engine with 40l/min Pump

Union reducing

Painted steel chassis

Great Capacity pneumatic wheels 16x6,50-8

Turning Forward wheels

Tractor hook

Traction System:

24VDC 0,37kW electric Engine

115Ah Batteries

High Hose Unfold speed in backward way

Automatic treatment hose collecting

Continuous and Synchronized Hose alignment

12-24V Battery Charger with security device

Speed potentiometer in both directions: forward/backward

Metallic roller for heating railway systems with treads

Nylon 100 Wheels with lateral displacement

Folding capability to perform transportation

Recommended Complete Fumigation Units (included on this budget)… 1 units and 1 battery charger.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain


They have been designed for working in the fields and they are very resistant and strong. The wheels are made of high quality materials in order to work over unstable surfaces. The use of these carriers makes the work more efficient and faster than with other collecting and/or tow systems.

Technical Specifications…

Included in this Offer… 1 unit of our Electric Tow Tractor (with battery charger).

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain


Note: The system has been chosen in order to cover the most possible part of the greenhouse systems. Anyway, it must be had in count that we treat with an emergency system: An inappropriate use of this system (p.e. artificial crop supply lights, forced ventilation supply) can result in an energy loss with the really vital systems (p.e. irrigation system, roof ventilation, climate controller, etc..). The manufacturer is not going to be responsible of a bad use of the emergency power supply.

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain

Structure price :

Including, double film, air chamber, crop wiring system, motor for ventilations.

GREENHOUSE 165.762 €

Screening system 53.815 €

Automation System (Including Total Climate Priva Integro Control System with PC Priva Office Software and sensors, switchboxes, cable, metallic support channel, lights in greenhouse passage-way and fans)

63.361 €

Irrigation and Ferti irrigation system 79.244 €

Heating system ( Incuding boiler, burner and Heat storage tank, CO2 condenser)

368.105 €

Grodan rockwool 23.000 €

Accessories 30.500 €

Setting up of heating system 2.500 €

Setting up of irrigation and automation system 4.500 €

Transportation by truck: 21.000 €

Technician Supervisor of INVERCA FREE

PP rr ii cc ee

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Phone (+34) 964 282 232 – Fax. (+34) 964 282 440 – Ctra. Grao-Almazora, km 1,5 – 12100 Grao de Castellón, Spain


A) When the aim of the contract refers to the supply of a personal property, the total agreed price will not include installation nor will it be brought into service except that it is stated the opposite.

B) The possible damages the material could undergo from INVERNADEROS DE CASTELLON,S.A.., home address to the indicated delivery place will be up to and in the charge of the retailer when the transportation is carried out by the latter’s own risk, likewise, the damages produced to third people or things will be up to the seller. When the material object of the contract is got in the seller’s address by the buyer, the delivery will be considered to have taken place to the customer and therefore all the damages caused to the merchandise, as well as the damages to third people or things will be up to and in the charge of the buyer.

C) If for any reason beyond INVERNADEROS DE CASTELLON,S.A..´s control is compelled to cancel the demand of the product; it will only be obliged to give back the amount of money received, if any, without taking place any indemnification in no case.

D) INVERNADEROS DE CASTELLON,S.A.., reserves the domain over the materials object of this contract while the buyer has not fully satisfied the agreed price, being therefore the buyer a mere holder of the material, with the faculty of using it and with the obligation of taking care of it, with no possibility, therefore, of selling it, charging it, pawning or transferring it incurring on the opposite case in the required responsibilities to the depository of inappropriate things, and assuming, from now on, all the responsibilities derived from a misuse of itself.

E) The buyer empowers The staff of INVERNADEROS DE CASTELLON,S.A.. to get into the place where the object material of this contract has been installed or placed, with the aim of the beginning to extract it supposing that the aforementioned buyer does not fail to observe the obligations that are derived from this contract, likewise, the quantities gives on account by the buyer will remain in favour of INVERNADEROS DE CASTELLON,S.A.., and the buyer will have to pay a 10% of the total price of the materials object of this contract in concept of indemnification for damages.

F) It will be understood that the materials have been perfectly received and in satisfaction of the buyer, if in a reliable way he has not stated his inconformity to the seller part within four days.

G) The seller guarantees the materials object of supplying of the present contract for a period of six months for automation, programmers and accessories for the installation of thermal screens, and five years for cloth thermal screens, polyethylene film guarantee is determinate in project, galvanized material guarantee against corrosion is estimated in project, for a guarantee contract for galvanized steel, customer shall provide INVERNADEROS DE CASTELLON, S.A. all test and probes about environment that European norm recommend , above all default of manufacturing, being exempted from all type of guarantee the damages produces by the misuse of the same on behalf of the buyer.

H) All types of taxes, rates or adjudications that could be drawn as a consequence of this contract will be in the charge of the buyer.

I) For any type of controversy or any other kind of lawsuit that will arise between the parts, the latter will submit to the District Courts of Spain, if contract doesn’t specify another country, with a specific abdication related to the jurisdiction attributed to them.

H) Pictures in project are not contractual. Are only for orientation to customer about product.

J) If it is not write in project material will be delivered EX-Works in INCONTERMS 2000.

K) Supervision times and duration are always determined by INVERNADEROS DE CASTELLÓN, S.A.

L) Supervisor reports have the validity to lay down prove in guarantee or court.

M) For any commercial misunderstanding or dispute International Chamber of Commerce will be first stamen of discussion.

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