PowerPoint Presentation · 2019-08-02 · Engineering is an all-around perfection. Not becoming only a technocrat but a technocrat whose values shall be as high as beyond as anybody

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  • Mantra Rock – NAMROCK Band, U.S.

    NAMROCK Band from Southern California, U.S. got everyone on their feet toSING AND DANCE on the “Mantra Rock” with Hare Krishna Mantra in RockMusic.

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    Mr. Shubha Vilas DasKeynote Speaker

    International Motivational

    Speaker | BestSeller Author

    There is one famous saying that “the quality of communicationwith world outside determines my success but the quality ofcommunication with the world inside determines the happiness”.What is success and the first definition of success is publicvictory. Public victory means what the world thinks about you. Alot of people thinks success means public victory if people say Imean successful that means I am successful.The second way of looking at success is private victory. Privatevictory means what I think about myself.One of the most beautiful quote that I came across.How successful you are depends on how many things you havethat money can’t buy?There are many things that money can’t buy.Contentment satisfaction love relationship happiness. There areso many things money can’t buy. Life is complete when yousuccess on public level which is public victory but the life is morecomplete when you have success on private level. And thecombination of public and private victory makes life amazing.

    Most of the times the student whowould be joining engineering collegeout of parent’s and social pressure andmost of the times we don’t really knowwhat is the meaning of education itselfand for what purpose we are gettingeducation? Unfortunately we dobecome qualified but have we beeneducated? Do we really live to theexpectation of being called qualifiedcitizens?

    Dr. P NagabhushanDirector IIIT Allahabad

  • Engineering is an all-around perfection. Not becoming only atechnocrat but a technocrat whose values shall be as high as beyondas anybody. I am sure that all of you understand the meaning, thenectar the value the importance of “Simple living is always the greatliving, living for a purpose living with the purpose living for thedivinity and nobility shall be the cause of values.” and I am verythankful to ISKCON for organizing such programs. In my opinionsuch programs should be organized at the beginning of academicyear for freshers to help them imbibe positive values since the veryinception of their professional lives.

    H’ble Justice Rajesh

    Kumar Agrawal

    I am very thankful for organizing thiskind of event for the youth. I hope wewill continue to organize this kind ofevents. You see youth is our future.Why this issue has become soimportant for us, we have to thinknow. We have to think why this valueissue has become so important.

    These are unfortunate thing , Punjab you see more than 60 % peoplewere been selected in military ,now their selection is only 30 % ,this isonly because of drug. Their all immunity power has gone. If thesevalues goes we will be animal, not remain as a human being. So thinkupon this issue, and where the problem lies? The problem lies in oureducation system. Children are not being taught about values. I requestall the management of the institution to please come up and developvalues, half of the classes should be for this purpose, otherwise yourstudies will be useless. evils are part of our life. But there are threethings that checks the evils. Number one the culture, number two thesocial and number three the legal bindings. We should work on Cultureand Education rather than always depending on the Legal Bindings.

  • Celebrities Speak…

    Mr. Satpal GulatiVice-Chariman, United Group

    If you think positive you will getsuccess. अगर आप अच्छा सोचेंगे नह ीं तोआप कर ेंगे भ नह ीं | अगर आपके पासthoughts अच्छे हैं तो कोई भ आपकेsuccess में आपको प छे नह ीं कर सकता |You should affect people by yourpositivity rather than getting affectedby their negativity.I am very thankful to ISKCON जिसकेविह से हम आप इकट्ठा हुए हैं | ये इतनाबड़ा काम कर रहे हैं | मैं ISKCON के सभ अधिकाररयों का बहुत आभार हूँ जिन्होंने मझुेआपसे धमलवाया.

    Dr. GopalChiranjeevi Hospital

    We are highest evolve animal created by God. So everyone mustrealize this. I have seen that even a single dose, students want toshare, can cause you addiction. Addiction is such when you seepatients they want to commit suicide, they even stab you for just 10rupees. This is my message to my children and grandchildren.So all the youngsters should not try even once. This is my message.

    तो मरेा मानना है जिस मकसद से आपके माूँ बाप ने आपको भेिा है उसकेफुलफफल कररये | जिस फदन आपका ररिल्ट आता है उस फदन आपके घर काscene चेंि हो िाता है और िब 2 साल बाद आपका प्लसेमेंट हो िाता औरआप job करते हैं आपके माूँ बाप के उम्र 5 साल बढ़ िात है just आपकेसक्ससे को देखके | कहते हैं 25 साल उन्होंने आपको पाला है तो आपका भ फ़र्ज़ बनता है काम से काम 25 50 साल उनकी सवेा कर उनके ि वन मेंखजुिया लाये .

    What I want to share is that thereare lot of person as a patient they arecoming from kanauj. In kanauj thereis big business of supari, all theseperson who are having gutka thesupari being boiled with the samepot. Even whatever gutka they areusing is too addictive.Because god has not created anyother living entity after humans.

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    Spirituality is a very important factor sayif you, you know make yourself spiritualit is a barrier or a check to go to the badevents so therefore spirituality is a veryimportant factor and I believe that oneshould follow spirituality or go forspirituality he can keep himself awayfrom all these bad evils. This is a betterway because youth also requires someenjoyment also so in order to attract

    H’ble Justice

    Rajesh Kumar


    Mr. Satpal GulatiVice Chairman, United Group

    This is the right way to do it togive positive message to theyouth. Through the entertainmentwe can do it. Like you do it today.

    Very nicely done program byISKCON. I congratulate them forthis initiate and look forward tomore such efforts I future. Youthsare future of our nation and theirempowerment should be all ofour priority.

    them it is good but ultimately you should give the message that you know about their duties also and about their values and the national character. Yes its a good physiology and I think it should continue it will help you know to improve the society and particularly the children

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    Very motivating and very inspirational andwell organized program. This is the firsttime when something like this hashappened in my city and I am very happyvery about it and I thank ISKCON forbringing such type of programs here and Idefinitely would like that this should becontinued on a regular basis. I am sure thiswill greatly help the youngsters.

    People should understand the value ofeducation. Education is not for earning.Education phase is for excellent livingthey should understand. ISKCON shouldmove in that direction.Life is always a celebration, a learning andin learning there need to be some values.

    Mr. Naresh RoyOwner, El Chico Hotels

    Dr. P NagabhushanDirector, IIIT Allahabad

    I am really happy and hope all thestudents here take lot of from it. Itwas really encouraging not only forstudents but for all the people.If Indians want to move ahead inleading the world then spiritualityhas to be a part of it and the valueshas been really well done in thetoday’s programme.Dr. Arpit Bansal

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    Very true and the program, the dramaespecially, it was like the children would beable to take a long term message from thedrama and very beautifully it took up themenace of drugs and these days we allknow that the school children or thecollege children they get into it due tomaybe peer pressure or something. So itwas a topic which was very relevant to theyouth today and they showed how they canovercome, so a beautiful presentation witha very beautiful message behind it.|

    Thanks to ISKCON team members whohave organized such a beautiful and anevent which is going to appreciate not onlythe parents but also by the studentsbecause that's the crux of the event...wonderfully plan and organized event.They’ve done more than justice to thepurpose of this event, justice is just anunderstatement because I manage some ofthe educational institutions so I would bemore than willing to associate our school

    Mr. Sushmita KunongoPrincipal,

    Gurukul Montessori School

    Mr. ApoorvDirector,

    Ramanujan Public School

    with the ISKCON group so to make sure that we're able to spreadawareness against drugs and stress management definitely we'relooking forward to more. This lifestyle is that is going to be helpfulfor the parents as well.

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