PowerPoint Jeopardy Inventions Industrial Revolution Economics Industrial Revolution Miscellaneou s 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50

PowerPoint Jeopardy InventionsIndustrial Revolution EconomicsIndustrial Revolution Miscellaneous 10 20 30 40 50

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PowerPoint JeopardyInventions Industrial

RevolutionEconomics Industrial


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Who invented theFlying Shuttle?

Category 1 – 10 points

Who invented theSpinning Jenny?

Category 1 – 20 points

Who invented thePower Loom?

Category 1 – 30 points

Who invented theSteam-driven Locomotive?

Category 1 – 40 points

Who invented theSteam Engine?

Category 1 – 50 points

In which industry didthe IR begin?

(hint: it’s another namefor cloth and fabric)

Category 2 – 10 points

What were the (3) factorsof production?

Category 2 – 20 points

Name Britain’s first4 industrial cities.

Category 2 – 30 points

How did crop rotationincrease crop production?

Category 2 – 40 points

How did the middle classchange British society?Category 2 – 50 points

What policy let ownersof industry set working conditionswithout government interference?

Category 3 – 10 points

In what economic system arethe factors of production

are privately owned? Category 3 – 20 points

This is a form of complete socialismin which the means of production are

owned by the people and privateproperty does not exist.Category 3 – 30 points

What group believes thatgovernment should controlthe economy by owning the

factors of production?Category 3 – 40 points

What are Adam Smith’s ThreeNatural Laws of Economics?

Category 3 – 50 points

Why did the IR beginin Great Britain?

Category 4 – 10 points

What were immediatebenefits of the IR?

Category 4 – 20 points

How did Britain keep theirindustrial secrets from the US?

Category 4 – 30 points

The US was able to industrializebecause they had:

Category 4 – 40 points

What industry didItaly focus on?

Category 4 – 50 points

What industry did Spainfocus on during the IR?Category 5 – 10 points

What 3 steps did Japan taketowards industrialization?

Category 5 – 20 points

What country led Europein adopting industrial technology

From Britain?(what was the 2nd Europeancountry to industrialize?)Category 5 – 30 points

What is the growth and developmentof cities and the migrationof people to them called?Category 5 – 40 points

What were the 4immediate benefits

of railroads?Category 5 – 50 points

• How did the Agricultural Revolution lead to the Industrial Revolution?

• What was the benefit of being a stockholder in a corporation?

• The Communist Manifesto argues that:

• (3 things)

• Why was child labor so common during the IR?

• Give 3 examples of reform movements during this time.

• What is an example of a long-term effect of the IR?

• Earliest civilizations all developed near:

• What was the name of the aristocratic class in Rome?

• Whom do Muslims worship?

• In ancient China, women were _____ to men.