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Power System Stability and Control - P. Kundur - 1994 - McGraw-Hill - IsBN9780070359581 - [OCR_bookmarks]

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    A N D C O N T R O L

    P . K U N D U R

    V ice-president, Pow er Engineering

    Pow ertech Labs I nc . , S urreY, B ritish C olum bia

    Form erlv M anag erA nalvtical M ethods and Sp ecialized S tudies D ep artm en t

    Po w er S vstem Plannlhg D ivision, O n tario H vdro, Toron to


    Adjunct ProfessorD epartm ent of Electricaland C om puter Engineering

    U niversity of T oronto, T oronto, O ntario

    Edited by

    N ealJ . B alu

    M ark G . Lauby

    Pow er System Planning and O perations ProgramElectricalS ystem s D ivision

    Electric Pow er R esearch lnst'Itte34 12 il illl/itl h/v A venuePalo A lto, C alifornia



    M cG raw -H il1, lnc.N ew Y ork San Francisco W ashington,

    M adridD .C . A uckland B ogot

    Caracas Lisbon London M exico Ci+ M ilanM ontreal N ew D elhi San Juan SingaporeSydney Tokyo T oronto


  • C o ntents

    FO R EW O R D xix

    PREFA C E xxi



    1.1 Evolution of electric PoW er system s 31.2 Structure of the PoW er system 5

    1.3 Pow er system


    control 8

    1.4 D ejign operating criteria for stability 13R eferences 16


    2.1 B asic concepts and *dzsnitions 17

    2.1.1 ltotor angle stabilit)r 182.1.2 V oltage stability and voltage cllapse 272.1.3 M id-term and long-term stability 33

    2.2 C lassiscation of stability 342.3 H istorical review of stability PrOblenzs 37R eferences 40

    * *

    V l l

  • * * @

    V I I l C o ntents


    3 SY N C H R O N O U S M A C H IN E T H EO RY A N D M O D ELLIN G 4 5

    3.1 Physical description 46

    3.1.1 A rm ature and f eld structure 463.1.2 h4achines Al?itll llllTltillle pole @Palrs



    3.1.3 M M F Nvavefornls 49

    3.1.4 D irect and quadratureption

    aXCS 53

    3.2 M athem atical descri of a synchronous m achine 543.2.1 R eview of m agnetic circuit equations 56

    3.2.2 B asic equations of a synchronous m achine 59

    3.3 The dq0 transform ation 673.4 Per unit representation

    Per unit


    3.4.1 system for the stator quantities 753.4.2 Per unit stator voltage equations 763.4.3 Per unit rotor voltage equations 773.4.4 Stator fux linkage equations 783.4.5 Itotor f ux linkage equations 783.4.6 Per unit system for the rotor 79

    3.4.7 Per unit POW er and torque 833.4.8 A lternative Per ult system s and transform ations 833.4.9 Sum m ary of Per unit equations 84

    3.5 E quivalent circuits for direct and Quadrature aXCS 883.6 Steady-state analysis 93

    3.6.1 V oltage, current, and ;ux linkage relationships 93

    3.6.2 Phasor representation 95

    3.6.3 Itotor angle 98

    3.6.4 Steady-state


    equivalent circuit 993.6.5 for com puting steady-state values 100

    3.7 E lectrical transient perform ance characteristics 105

    3.7.1 Short-circuit current @111 a sim ple R L circuit 1053.7.2 T hree-phase short-circuit at the ternAinals of

    a synchronous

    llilzlillttit)lzm achine 107

    3.7.3 of dc offset @111 short-circuit current 1083.8 M agnetic saturation 110

    3.8.1 O pen-circuit and short-circuit characteristics 1103.8.2 R epresentation

    lm provedof saturation @111 stability studies 112

    3.8.3 m odelling of saturation 1173.9 E quations of m otion 128

  • C ontents i)t

    3.9.1 R eview of m echanics of m otion 1283.9.2 Sw ing

    M echanical

    equation l28

    3.9.3 starting tim e 132

    3.9.4 C alculation of inertia constant 1323.9.5 R epresentation *111 system studies 135

    R eferences l36

    4 SY N C H R O N O U S M A C H IN E PA RA M ET ERS 13 9

    4.1 O perational


    paranleters 139

    4.2 paranleters 144

    4.3 Frequency-response

    D eterm ination

    characteristics 159

    4.4 of synchTonous m achine paranleters 161R eferences 166


    I,I S TA B ILITY S T U D IES 16 9

    5.1 Sim plif cations essential for large-scale studies 1695.1.1 N eglect

    N eglectingof stator A V ternAs 170

    / 5. 1.2 the effect of speed variations On stator voltages 174

    5.2 Sim plis ed m odel Ahritlz am ortisseurs neglected 1795.3 C onstant tlux linkage m odel 184

    5.3.1 C lassical m odel 184

    5.3.2 C onstant tlux linkage m odel including the effects ofsubtransient circuits 188

    5.3.3 Sum m ary

    capabilityof sim plelim its

    m odels for different tim e fram es 1905.4 R eactive 19l

    5.4.1 R eactive capability*


    CUCVCS 191

    5.4.2 F curves com pounding Curves 196R eferences 198

    6 A C T RA N S M IS S IO N 19 9

    6.1 Transm ission lines 200

    6.1.1 E lectrical characteristics 2006.1.2 Perform ance equations 2016.1.3 N atural br Surge im pedance loading 2056.1.4 E quivalent

    Typicalcircuit of a transm ission line 206

    6.1.5 paranleters 209

  • X C ontents

    6.1.6 Perform ance requirem ents of POW er transm ission lines 211

    6.1.7 V oltag and current prof le under no-load 211

    6.1.8 V oltage-pow er characteristics 216

    6.1.9 Pow er transfer and stability considerations 221

    6.1.10 Effectof line loss On V-P and Q-P characteristics 2256. 1 . 1 1 Therm al lim its 2266.1.12 L oadabilit)r characteristics 228

    6.2 T ransfornAers 231

    6.2.1 R epresentation of tw o-w inding transfornAers 2326.2.2 R epresentation of three-w inding transfornzers 2406.2.3 Phase-shifting transfornAers 245

    6.3 Transfer of POW CC


    betw een active SOurCeS 2506.4 Pow er-f ow 255

    6.4.1 N etw ork equations 2576.4.2 G auss-seidel m ethod 259

    6.4.3 N ewton-Raphson (N-R)m ethod 260(9.21.21 Fastdecoupled load-fow (FDLF)

    ; ow

    m ethods 2646.4.5 C om parison

    Sparsity-orientedof the P0W r- solution m ethods 267

    6.4.6 triangular factorization 268

    6.4.7 N etw ork reduction 268R eferences 269

    7 PO W ER SY ST EM LO A D S 27 1

    7.1 B asic load-m odelling concepts 2717.1.1 Static load m odels 2727.1.2 D ynam ic load m odels 274

    7.2 M odelling of induction nlotors 2797.2.1 E quations of an induction m achine 2797.2.2 Steady-ssate

    A lternativecharacteristics 287

    7.2.3 rotor constructions 293:7.:!.21 R epresentation

    Per unit

    of saturation 2967.2.5 representation 297

    7.2.6 R epresentation @111 stability studies 3007.37.4 z '

  • C ontents xi

    8 EX C ITA T IO N SY ST EM S 3 15

    8.1 Excitation system requirem ents 3158.2 E lem ents of an excitation system 3178.3 T ypes of excitation system s 3 18

    8.3.1 D C excitation system s 3198.3.2 A C excitation system s 320

    8.3.3 Static excitation system s 323

    8.3.4 R ecent developm ents and future trends 3268.4 D ynam ic perform ance nleasures 327

    8.4.1 L arge-signal

    Sm all-signal

    perform ance

    perform ance

    nleasures 327

    8 4 2@ * nAeasures 330

    8.5 C ontrol and protective functions 3338.5.1 A C and D C regulators 333

    8.5.2 E xcitation system stabilizing circuits 334

    8.5.3 Power system stabilizer (PSS) 3358.5.4 L oad com pensation 3358.5.5 U nderexcitation lim iter 337

    8.5.6 O verexcitation lim iter 3378.5.7 V olts-per-hertz lim iter and protection 3398.5.8 Field-shorting circuits 340

    8.6 M odelling8.6.1

    of excitation system s 341

    Per unit system 3428.6.2 M odelling

    M odelling

    of excitation system com ponents 347

    8.6.3 of com plete excitation system s 362

    8.6.4 Field testing for m odel developm ent and verif cation 372R eferences * 373

    9 P R IM E M O V ERS A N D EN ERG Y S U PPLY SY S T EM S 3 7 7

    9.1 H ydraulic turbines and governing system s 377

    9.1.1 H ydraulic turbine transfer function 379

    9.1.2 N onlinear turbine m odel assum ing

    turbinesinelastic w ater colum n 387

    9.1.3 G overnors for hydraulic 3949.1.4 D etailed hydraulic system m odel 4049.1.5 G uidelines for m odelling hydraulic turbines 417

    9.2 Steam turbines and governing

    of steam

    system s 4 18

    9.2.1 M odelling turbines 4229.2.2 Steam turbine controls 4329.2.3 Steam turbine off-frequency capability 444

  • rF >

    X I I C o ntents

    9.3 T herm al energy

    Fossil-fuelledsystem s 449

    9.3.1 energy system s 449

    9.3.2 N uclear-based energy system s 455

    9.3.3 M odelling of therm al energy system s 459R eferences 460

    10 H IG H -V O LTA G E D IR EC T -C U R R EN T T RA N S M IS S IO N 4 6 3

    10.1 H V D C system conf gurations and com ponents


    1 0. 1 . 1 C lassis cation of H V D C 46410.1.2 C om ponents of H V D C transm ission system 467

    10.2 C onverter theory and perform ance equations 46810.g . j V alve characteristics 46910.2.2 C onverter circuits 470

    10.2.3 C onverter transform er rating 49210.2.4 M ultiple-bridge converters 493

    10.3 A bnorm al operation 498

    10.3.1 Arc-back (backsre) 49810.3.2 C om m utation failure 499

    10.4 C ontrol of H V D C system s 500

    10.4.1 B asic principles of control 50010.4.2 C ontrol im plem entation 51410.4.3 C onverter ring-control system s 51610.4.4 V alve blocking and bypassing 52010.4.5 Starting,

    C ontrols



    and POW er-tlow reversal 521

    10.4.6 eO ancem ent of c system perform ance 52310.5 H arm onics and f lters 524

    10.5.1 A C side harm onics 52410.5.2 D C side harm onics 527

    10.6 lniuence of ac system strength on ac/dc system interaction 52810.6.1 Short-circuit ratio 52810.6.2 R eactive >PoW er

    Ahritlland aC system strength 529

    10.6.3 Problem s 1()A,;E SC R system s 53010.6.4 Solutions to Pr0blenzs associated Ahritll w eak system s 53110.6.5 E ffective inertia constant 532

    10.6.6 Forced com m utation 53210.7 R esponses


    to dc and aC system faults 533

    D C line faults 53410.7.2 C onverter faults 535

    10.7.3 A C system faults 535

  • C ontents III

    10.8 M ultiterm inal H V D C system s 538

    10.8.1 M TD C netw ork con gurations 53910.8.2 C ontrol of M T D C system s 540

    10.9 M odelling of H V D C system s 54410.9.1 R epresentation for P0W er-



    S ow solution 54410.9.2 Per unit system for quantities 56410.9.3 R epresentation for stability studies 566

    R eferences 577

    11 C O N T R O L O F A C T IV E PO W ER A N D R EA C T IV E PO W ER 58 1

    1 1 . 1 A ctive PoW er and frequency control 581

    1 1 . 1 . 1 Fundam entals of speed governing 5821 1.1.2 C ontrol of generating unit POW er output 592

    1 1.1.3 C om posite regulating characteristic of POW er system s 5951 1.1.4 R esponse

    Fupdam entals

    rates of turbine-governing system s 59811.1.5 of autom atic generation control 601

    1 1.1.6 lm plem entation

    U nderfrequency

    of A G C 617

    1 1.1.7 load shedding 6231 1.2 R eactive PoW er and voltage control 627

    1 1.2.1 Production and absorption of reactive PoW er 6271 1.2.2 M ethods of voltage control 6281 1.2.3 Shunt kreactors 629

    11.2.4 Shunt capacitorscapacitors


    11.2.5 Series 633

    l 1.2.6 SynchTonous condensers 638

    l 1.2.7 Static Var system s 63911.2.8 Principles of transm ission system com pensation 654

    1 1.2.9 M odelling

    A pplication

    of reactive com pensating devices 672

    11.2.10 of tap-changing transfornlers to

    transm ission system s 678

    l 1.2.1 1 D istribution system voltage regulation 67911.2.12 M odelling of transform er U L T C control system s 684

    11.3 Pow er-i ow analysis procedures 687%1 1.3.1 Prefault PoW er floW s 687

    11.3.2 Postfault PoW er G ow s 688R eferences 691

  • xiv C ontents

    PA R T III S Y S T EM S T A B ILIT Y : physical aspects, analysis,and ir:lprovem ent

    12 S M A LL-S IG N A L S TA BILITY 6 9 9

    12.1 Fundam ental concepts of stability of dynam ic system s 70012.1.1 State-space representation 700

    12.1.2 Stability of a dynam ic system 702

    12.1.3 L inearization 70312.1.4 A nalysis of stability 706

    12.2 E igenproperties12.2.1

    of the state m atrix 707E igenvalues 707

    12.2.2 E igenvectorsM odal


    12.2.3 m atrices 708

    12.2.4 Free m otion of a dynam ic


    system 709

    12.2.5 s4ode shape, and participation factor 71412.2.6 C ontrollability and observability 71612.2.7 T he concept of com plex

    betw een

    frequency 717

    12.2.8 R elationship

    C om putation

    eigenproperties and transfer functions 719

    12.2.9 of eigenvaluesof a


    12.3 Sm all-signal12.3.1

    stability single-m achine infnite bus system 727G enerator represented by the classical m odel 728

    12.3.2 E ffects of synchronous m achine S eld circuit dynam ics 73712.4 E ffects of excitation system 75812.5 Pow er system stabilizer 76612.6 System

    Sm all-signalstate m atrix w ith am ortisseurs 782

    12.7 stability of m ultim achine system s



    12.8 Special techniques for analysis of Very system s 79912.9 C haracteristics of sm all-signal stability PrOblenAs 817R eferences 822

    13 T RA N S IEN T S TA B ILITY 8 2 7

    13.1 A n elenlentary view of transient stability 82713.2 N um erical integration m ethods 836

    13.2.1 Euler m ethod 836

    13.2.2 M odi ed E uler m ethod 838

    13.2.3 Runge-Kutta (It-lC)m ethods 83813.2.4 N um erical stability of explicit

    m ethodsintegration m ethods 841

    13.2.5 lm plicit integration 842

  • C ontents XV

    13.3 Sim ulation of PoW er system dynam i'c reSPOnSe 848

    13.3.1 Structure of the PoW er system m odel 848

    13.3.2 SynchTonous

    E xcitation

    m achine representation 849

    13.3.3 syytem representation 855

    13.3.4 Transm ission netw ork and load representation 85813.3.5 O verall system equations 85913.3.6 Solution of overall system equations 861

    13.4 A nalysis of unbalanced faults 87213.4.1 lntroduction to sym m etrical com ponents 87213.4.2 Sequence




    im pedances


    of synchronous nAachines 877of transm isyion lines 884

    13.4.4 im pedances of transform ers 884

    13.4.5 Sim ulation of different types of faults 885

    13.4.6 R epresentation of open-conductor conditions 89813.5 Perform ance of protective relaying



    13.5.1 Transm ission line 90313.5.2 Fault-claring tim es 91113.5.3 R elaying quantities during sw ings 914

    13.5.4 Evaluation pf distance relayduring

    perform ance during sw ings 91913.5.5 Prevention of tripping transient conditions 92013.5.6 A utom atic line reclosihg 92213.5.7 G enerator out-of-step protection 92313.5.8 L oss-of-excitation protection 927

    13.6 C ase study of transient stability of a large system 934

    13.7 D irect m ethod of transient stability analysis 94113.7.1 D escription of the transint energy function approach 94113.7.2 A nalysis

    L im itations

    of practical PoW er system s 94513.7.3 of the direct m ethods 954

    R eferences 954

    14 V O LTA G E STA QILITY 959

    14.1 Basic concepts related to voltag stability 96014.1.1 Transm issiqn system characteristics 96014.1.2 G enerator characteristics 967

    14.1.3 L oad characteristics 968

    14.1.4 C haracteristics of reactive com pensating devices 96914.2 V oltage collapse

    T ypical973

    14.2.1 scenario of voltage collapse 97414.2.2 G eneral characterization based On actual incidents 975

  • xv i C ontents

    14.2.3 C lassif cation of voltage stability 97614.3 V oltage stability analysis 977

    14.3.1 M odelling

    D ynam ic



    requirem ents 978

    analysis 97814.3.3 analysis 99014.3.4 D eterm ination of shortest distance to instability 100714.3.5 The continuation P0W er-; ow analysis 1012

    14.4 Prevention of voltage collapse 1019

    14.4.1 System

    System -operating

    design n3easures 101914.4.2 nleasures 1021

    R eferences 1022


    15.1 Turbine-generator


    torsional characteristics 1026ShaR system m odel 1026

    15- 1.2 T orsional natural frequencies and m ode shapes 1034

    15.2 T orsional interaction w ith PoW er system controls 1041

    15.2.1 lnteraction Ahritll generator


    excitation controls 1041

    15.2.2 lnteraction AAritll governors 1047

    15.2.3 lnteraction shritll nearby dc converters 104715.3 SubsynchTonous resonance 1050

    15.3.1 C haracteristics of series capacitor-com pensatedtransm ission system s 1050

    15.3.2 Self-excitation due ttl induction generator effect 105215.3.3 T orsional interaction resulting @111 SSR 1053

    15.3.4 A nalytical m ethods 1053

    15.3.5 C ounterm easures to SSR PrOblenls 1060

    15.4 lm pact

    T orsionalof netw ork-sw itching disturbances 1061

    15.5 interaction betw een closely coupled units 1065

    15.6 H ydro generator torsional characteristics 1067R eferences 1068

    16 M ID -T ER M A N D LO N G -T ER M S T A BILIT Y 10 73

    16.1 N ature of system reSPOnSe to Severe upsets 1073

    16.2 D istinction betw een m id-term and long-term stability 107816.3 Pow er plant reSPOnSe during Severe upsets 1079

    16.3.1 T herm al POW er plants 1079

    16.3.2 H ydro PoW er plants 1081

  • C ontents xvii

    16.4 Sim ulation of long-term dynam ic rdsponse 108516.4.1 Purpose

    M odellingof long-term dynam ic sim ulations 1085

    16.4.2 requirem entsintegration


    16.4.3 N um erical teclm iques 108716.5 C ase studies of severe system upsets 1088

    16.5.1 C ase study



    involvingan overgenerated

    undergeneratedisland 1088

    16.5.2 C ase an island 1092R eferences 1099

    17 M ET H O D S O F IM PR O V IN G S TA BILITY 1 10 3

    17.1 Transient stability enhancem ent 110417.1.1 H igh-speed

    R eduction

    fault clearing 1104

    17.1.2 of transm ission system reactance 1104

    17.1.3 R egulated, shunt com pensation 110517.1.4 D ynam ic braking 110617.1.5 R eactor sw itching 1106

    17.1.6 lndependent-pole




    operation of circuit breakers 1107sw itching 1107

    17.1.8 turbine fast-valving 111017.1.9 G enerator tripping 1118

    17.1.10 C ontrolled system

    excittionseparation and load shedding 1120

    17.1.11 H igh-speedD ijcontinuous

    system s 1121

    17.1.12 excitation control 1124

    17.1.13 C ontrol of H V D C transm ission links 112517.2 Sm all-signal stability enhancenaent 1127

    17.2.1 Pow er system stabilizers 1128

    17.2.2 Supplem entary

    Supplem entary

    control of static Var com pensators 114217.2.3 control of H V D C transm ission links 1 1 5 1

    R eferences 1161

    IN D EX 1 16 7

  • Forew ord

    T o paraphrase


    the renow ned electrical engineer, C harles Steinnxetz,the N orthA m erican pow er system is the largest and m ost com plex m achine everdevised by Eqan. lt @IS truly am azing that such a system has operated w ith a highdegree of reliability

    T he robustness

    for Over a century.

    of a POW er system is m easured by the ability of the system tooperate in a state of equilibrium under notm al


    and perturbed conditions.Pow er systemdeals w ith the study of the behavior of pow er system s under conditions such

    aS sudden changes ill load Or generation Or short circuits On transm ission lines@ A

    POW ef system @IS said to be stable if the intercom lected generating units rem ain *111

    synchronism .The ability of a POW CC system to m aintain stability depends to a large extent

    On the controls available On the system to dam p the electrom echanical oscillations.

    H ence, the study and design of controls are Very im portant.

    O f a11 the com plex phenom ena on pow er system s,POW CC system stability is them ost intricate to understand and challenging ttlanalyze. E lectric pow er system s of the21st century Ahrill present an even DAOFC form idable challenge aS they are forced to

    operate closer to their stability

    of a

    lilr its.

    l cannot tllilllc DIOCC qualif ed Person than I7r.Prabha K undur to w rite a

    book On POW er system stability and control. D r. K undur @IS an internationallyrecognized authority On PoW er system stability.H is expertise and practicalexperience

    in developing solutions to stability PrOblenAs issecond to none.I7r.Kundurnot onlyhas a thorough grasp of the fund@m ental concepts but also has vvorked On solvingelectric tltilit)r system stability PrOblenls w orldw ide. H e has taught rnany COurSeS,m ade excellent presentations at professional society and industry com m ittee m eetings,


    x ix

  • XX Forew ord

    and has w ritten num efous technical Papers On POW er system stallilit)r and control.lt gives m e great pleasure

    be of

    to w rite the Foresvord for this tim ely


    book, w hich1 am con dent Ahrill great value to practicing engineers and in the f eldof PoW er engineering.

    D r.N eal 5.B alu

    Program 4anager

    Pow er System Planning and O perationsE lectrical System s D ivision

    E lectric Pow er Itesearch lnstitute

  • Preface

    This book @IS concerned w ith understanding, m odelling, analyzing, andm itigating pow er system stability and control problem s.Such problem s constitute Veryim portant considerations @11l the planning, design, and operation of m odern POW er

    of thesystem s.

    grow th


    The com plexity of POW CF system s is continually increasing becausein interconnections and uSe of new technologies. A t the SanAe tim e, fnancial

    regulatory constraints have forced utilities to operate the system s


    nearly at

    stability lilnits. These tANrtl factors have created nCW types of Pr0blem s.G reater reliance *1S, therefore, being placed On the use of special control aids to

    enhance system security,facilitate econom ic design,and provideteclm olo

    greater flellillilit)rofsystem operation.l11 addition, advances *111 com puter gy, hum erical analysis,control theory, and equipm ent m odelling have contributed to th developm ent ofim provedm otivation

    analyticalfor w riting

    tools and better system -design procedures. The prim arythis book has been to describe these neW deyelopm ents and to

    provide a conaprehensive treatm ent of the b'ectSu J .

    The text presented @111 this book draNvs together m aterial Onl POW er


    stability and control from m any


    Sources : graduate COurSeS 1 have at theU niversity of T oronto since several E PR IL


    * 997)research projects (RP1208,


    r 2447,

    > 3040, RP 31415- r 4000, r 849, and Ahritll w hich 1 been closelyassociated, and a vast nui ber of technical Papers published by the IE E E , IE E , andC lG R E .

    This book is 'lntended to m eet the needs of practicingindustry

    engineers associated w iththe electric lltilit)r aS w ell aS those of gradate students and researchers.

    Bookson this subjectare at least15 yeafsold;Sorne well-known booksare 30 to 40years old.ln the absence of a com prehensive text, COurSeS On PoW er system stallilit)r

    xx i

  • xxii Preface

    often tend to addressnarrow aspectsof the subject with em phasison special anlyticaltechniques. M oreover, both the teaching staff and students do not have ready aCCCSS

    ttlinform ation on the practicalaspects.Sincethesubject requiresentering

    an understanding of

    a wide range ofareas,practicing engineers just thisfeld are faced with theform idable task of gathering the necessary inform ation from w idely scattered SOurCeS.

    This book attem pts to 5 1l the gaP by providing the necessary fundam entals,explaining

    developm ents

    the practical aspects, and givingand

    an integrated treatm ent of the latest*

    111 m odelling teclm iques analyticalinform ation

    tools. lt @IS divided into three

    parts. Pa= I provides general


    background *111 tANrtl chapters. C hapter 1

    describes the structure m odern POW er system s and identif es different levels ofcontrol. C hapter 2 introduces the stability PrOblenA and provides basic concepts,

    defnitions, and classis cation.Pa= 11 of the book, com prising C hapters 3 to 1 1, *IS devoted ttl equipm ent

    characteristics and m odelling. System stability *IS affected by the characteristics of

    every m ajor elem entof thepower system .A knowledge of the physicalcharacteristicsof the individual elem ents and their capabilities is essential for the understanding of


    m athem aticalstability. The representation



    of these elem ents by DAeans of appropriatem odels critical to the analysis of stability. C hapters 3 to 10 arC

    devoted to generators, excitation system s,prim e m overs, aC and dc transm ission, and

    system loads.C hapter 11 describes the principles of active POW CC and reactive POW CCcontrol and develops m odels for the control equipm ent.

    Part 111, com prising

    stability.C hapters

    is placed

    12 to 17,considers different categories ofPoW er

    of thesystem

    stabilityEm phasis on physical understanding


    of DRany facets

    phenom ena. M ethods of analysis along control nAeasures for m itigationof stability PrOblenls are described @111 detail.

    The notions of PoW er system stability and POW er system control are closelyrelated.The overallcontrols ill Jtpow er system are highly distributed in a hierarchical

    structure. System


    stability @IS strongly infuenced by these controls.ln chapter, the theory @IS developed from sim ple beginnings

    situations.and *IS

    gradually evolved SO that it Can be applied to com plex practical This *ISsupplem ented by a large num ber of illustrative exam ples. W herever appropriate,historical perspectives and past experiences are highlighted.

    Because this @ISthe firstedition,it*ISlikely thatSonAe aspects ofthe subjectm ay nOt be adequately covered. It @IS also likely that there m ay be SonAe errors,typographicalfor

    or otherw ise.l w elcom e feedback on such Crrors as w ellaS suggestionsim provem ents in the event that a second edition should be published.

    1 am indebted to m any people w ho assisted m e in the preparation of this book.B aofu G ao and Sainath M oorty helped m e shritlz riany of the calculations and

    com puter

    C hisim ulations included in the book.K ip M orison,Solom on Y irga,M eir K lein,

    T ang, and D eepa K undur also helped m e A'ritll SonAe of the results presented.

  • Preface ***XXIII

    A tef M orched, K ip M orison, E rnie N eudorf, G raham R ogers, D avid W Ong,

    H am id H am adanizadeh, B ehnam D anai, Saeed A rabi, and Lew R ubino review edvarious chapters of the book and provided valuabl com m ents.

    D avid L ee review ed C hapters 8 and 9 and provided valuable com m ents and


    num ber


    J.have w orked Very closely sAritll M r. L ee for the last 22 years On aof com plex POW er system stability-related problem s', the results of our 'ointJ

    effort arC reiected *111various pad / of the book.C arson T aylor review ed the m anuscript and providd m any helpful suggestions

    for im proving the text.ln addition,nAany stillllllttilljM r.

    discussions 1 have had AhritllM r.

    Taylor,D r.C harles C oncordia, and w ith Y akout s4ansour helpedstability

    m e develop a

    better perspective


    of current and future needs of POW er system analysis.

    Scott and C hristine H ebscher edited the frst draft of the m anuscript.Janet

    K ibblew hite edited the snal draft and suggested nAany im provem ents.l anx deeply indebted to L ei W ang and his Avife, X iaolu h4eng, for their

    outstanding vvork in the preparation of the m anuscript,gratitude

    including the illustrations.l w ish to take this opportunity $0 express m y to M r.PaulL . D andeno

    for the encouragenAent he gave D C and the condence he show ed *111 m e during theearly part of m y career at O ntario

    tltilit)pHydro.lt is because of him that Ijoiqed the electric

    industry and then ventured illttl the DAany areas of PoW er system dynam ic

    perform ance covered *111this book.l am grateful to the E lectric Pow er R esearch Institute for sponsoring this book.

    ln particular,


    l am thankful to D r. N ealB alu and M r.M ark L auby for their inspirationsupport. M ark L auby also review ed the m anuscript and provided nAany helpful


    l w ish to CXPreSS m y appreciation to L iz D oherty and Patty Jones for helpingm e AAritll the correspondence and other business m atters related to this book.

    Finally, l w ish to thank m y w ife,G eetha K undur,for her unfailing suppol and

    patience during the DAany m onths l vvorkd On this book.

    P rabha Shankar K undur

  • PA R T


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    %4.+.*..,.... +w . .. 4-.'v3v.v.....vv. -#,*#:s:-i-..ry.... ,*-*-.z.-;.-;.*Ai-,$*


    1.,.- - v.-4nw.4-..b....,$%....,.%v-.n%-v.. ..:.;.z,KA41...Ay#....zu...-..x ., .-. .. !4. *:is4#+#x#x..-*.-. ,k:.4&yAk-.

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    :r.# ..: .*-. ...:..i. , -.. . . . .#.'i,-. .-.#*':'* * C hapter 1 exh.tuvwl ++%..+..+. z#.< - . w .*V.w#v. +%w . .>. . .. .

    G eneral C haracteristicsof M odern Pow er S Ystenns

    The PurPOSe of this introductory chapter is to provide a general description ofelectric pow ercharacteristics

    system s beginningand

    w ith a historical sketch of their evolution.The basicstructure of m odern POW er system s are then identifed. The

    perform ance requirem ents of a properly designed pow er system and the various levelsof controls used to m eet these requirem ents are also described.

    This chapter, together w ith the next, provides general background inform ationand lays the groundw ork for the rem ainder of the book.


    The com m ercial use of electricity began in th.

    e late 1870s w hen arc lam ps w ereused for lighthouse illlzlllilllttit)ll and street lijlltillj.

    Thefrstcomplete electric POWersystem (comprisingE dison

    a generator, cable,fuse,m eter,

    N ewand loads)

    C ityW aS lltlilt by Thom as the historic Pearl Street Station @111

    hrork w hich began operation @111 Septem ber 1882. This W aS a dc systemconsistingw ithin an

    of aare a

    steam -engine-drivenroughly 1.5 km in

    generator supplying pow er to 59 custom ersradius. The load, w hich consisted entirely ofdc

    incandescent lam ps, W aS supplied at 110 V through*h?itllill a few years sim ilar system s svere *111 Operatlon

    an underground cable system .in m ost large cities throughoutSpraguethe developm ent of m otors by

    w ere added to such system s. This w @s the begilm ingof the largest industries in the w orld.

    w orld.W ith the Frank 41' ?-1l11884,nAotor loadsof w hat F ould


    develop into One

  • 4 G eneralC haracteristics of M odern Pow er System s C ha p . 1

    111 spite of the illititl w idespread uSe of dc system s,lim itations of dc

    they SVCCC alm ostsuperseded by ac system s. B y 1886, the system s w ere

    lncreasingly apparent. They could deliver pow er only a short distance from2 d voltage drops tothe generators

    . To keep transm ission power losses (RI ) anacceptable levels, voltage levels had to be high for long-distance pow er transm ission.Such high voltages w ere not acceptable for generation and consum ption of pow er;therefore, a convenient m eans for voltage transform ation becam e a necessity.

    The developm ent of the transform er and ac transm ission by L. G aulard andJ.D . G ibbs of Paris, France, 1ed to ac electric pow er system s. G eorge W estinghousesecured rights to these developm ents in the U nited States. ln 1886, W illiam Stanley,an associate of W estinghouse, developed and tested a com m ercially practicaltransform er and ac distribution system for 150 lam ps at G reat B arrington,M assachusetts.

    com pletelybecom ing '

    111 1889,the srst aC transm ission line in N orth A m erica w asoperation in O regontransm itting

    betw een W illam ette Falls and Portland.lt w asput into

    a single-phase line

    POW erthe

    at 4,000 V OVer a distance of 2 1 km .sritll developm ent of polyphase

    B y

    system s by N ikola T esla, the aC systemm otors,becam e Cven nAore attractive. 1888, T esla held several patents On aC

    generators, transform ers, and transm issionttl these early inventions,


    111and they

    system s.

    form ed the basisW estinghouse bought the patentsof the present-day aC system s.

    the there W aS considerable controversy OVer w hether the electrictltilit)rbetw een

    industry be standardized on dc or aC.There svere passionate argum entsE dison,w ho advocated dc,

    hadand W estinghouse, w ho favoured aC.B y the turn

    of the century, the aC system W On Out OVer the dc system for the follow ingrC a SO n S :

    @ V oltageflellillilit)r


    levels Can be easilydifferent

    transform ed @111 aC system s, thus providing* @

    thefor uSe of voltages for generation, transm lsslon, and

    consum ptlon.

    * A C generators are m uch sim pler than dc generators.

    @ A C nlotors are m uch sim pler and cheaper than dc m otors.

    T he rst2,300N iagara

    V , 12

    three-phase line inkm line in southern

    N od h A m erica w ent illttl operation @111 1893 aC alifornia. A round this tim e, aC W aS chosen at

    Falls because dc W aS n0t practical for transm itting POW Cr to B uffalo, about30 aW ay.This decision ended the ac versus dc controversy and established victoryfor the aC system .

    In the early period of ac4anyproblem for interconnection.A m erica, although m any other

    pow er transm ission, frequencyw ere in use: 25, 50, 60, 125, and

    W aS not standardized.different frequencies 133 llz. This posed a

    E ventually 60countries use

    H z W aS adopted aS standard @111 N od h50 llz.


    increasing needcreated an incentive

    for transm itting larger am ounts of pow er over longerto use progressively higher voltage levels. The early ac Z


  • Sec. 1.2 Structure ofthe Pow erSystem 5

    system skv in 1923, 287 kv inenergized its frst 735 kv

    used 12,44,and V (RM S line-to-line). This1935, 330 kv in 1953, and 50060 k rose to 165 kv @111 1922,220

    kv *111 1965.@

    111 1966, and 765 kv W aS introduced @111Hydro Quebec

    the U nited States*111 1969.

    T o avoid the proliferation of an unlim ited num ber of voltages,the industry hasstandardized voltage levels.The standards are 1 15,

    for the138, 161 and 230 kv for the5 high


    f1,2J.developm ent of m ercury arc valves in the early 1950s, high voltage

    dc (HVDC) transm ission system s becam e econom ical in special situations. The HVDCtransm ission is attractive for transm ission of large blocks of pow er over longdistances. The cross-over point beyond w hich dc transm ission m ay becom e acom petitive alternative to ac transm ission is around 500 km for overhead lines and 50km for underground or subm arine cables. H V D C transm ission also provides anasynchronous link betw een system s w here ac interconnection w ould be im practicalbecause of system stability considerations or because nom inal frequencies of thesystem s are different. The rst m odern com m ercial application of H V D C transm issionoccurred in 1954 w hen the Sw edish m ainland and the island of G otland w ere

    and(HV)class,and 345,500 765 kv extra-high voltage (EHV)

    W ith the

    intercoM ected by a 96 subm arine cable.shritlz the advent of thyristor valve converters, H V D C transm ission becam e

    Cven nXore attractive. The srst application of an H V D C system using thyristor valvesW aS at E el R iver @111 1972betw een the POW er system s

    - a back-to-back schem e providing an

    of Quebec and N ew Brunswick. W ithasynchronousthe

    tiecost and size

    of conversionsteady increase

    equipm ent decreasing and its reliabilityin the use of H V D C transm ission.

    increasing, there has been a

    lnterconnection of neighbouring*

    lltllitie s usually*

    leads ttl im proved systemsecurity and econor;y of operatlon.

    Cm ergencythe

    assistance that the utilitiesIm proved securlty results from the m utualcan provide. Im proved econom y results from

    need for less generating reserve capacity On each system .transfers

    ln addition, theintercoM ection perm its the utilities to naake Cconom y and thus takeadvantagerecognizedtltilitie s

    of the m ost econom ical SOurCeS of POW er.*

    These benests have beenfrom the beginning and interconnections contlnue


    to grosv.A lm ost a11 thein the U nited States and C anada are nOw part of one interconnected system .

    suchThe result is a Very largeoperation

    system of enorm ous com plexity. The design of asystem and its Secure are indeed challenging PrOblem s.

    1.2 S T R U C T U R E O F T H E PO W ER S Y S T EM

    E lectrica11have the

    pow er system s varysam e basic characteristics'.

    in size and structural com ponents.H ow ever,they

    @ A re com prised of three-phase aC system s operating essentiallythree-phase

    at con stant

    voltage. G eneration and transm ission facilities uSe equipm ent.

  • 6 G eneralC haracteristics of M odern Pow er System s C ha P . 1

    Industrial loads are invariably three-phase; single-phase residential andcom m ercial loads are distributed equally am ong the phases so as to effectivelyform a balanced three-phase system .

    @ U se synchronous@

    Prlm ary

    nAachines for generation of electricity. Prim e m overs conved

    the SOUrCCS ofenergy (fossil,nuclear,to

    and hydraulic) to m echanicalenergygenerators.

    that *1S, @111 turn, convel ed electrical energy by synchronous

    @ Transm it pow er over signis cant distancesarea. This requires a transm ission systemdifferent

    to Consum ers spread OVer a w idecom prising subsystem s operating at

    voltage levels.

    Figureis produced

    1.1 illustrates the basic elem ents of a m odern POW CF system . E lectric

    PoW era com plex

    at generating stationsnetw ork of individual

    (GS)and transm itted to Consum erscom ponents, including transm ission


    transform ers, and sw itching@

    devices.It is com m on practlce to classify the transm ission netw ork illttl the follow ing

    subsystem s:

    1. Transm ission system

    2. Subtransm ission system

    3. D istribution system

    The transm ission system intercoM ects a11 *m alorof theload centres in the system .It form s the backbone

    generating stations and m ainintegrated pow er system and

    Operatesvoltages aretransm ission

    theat highestvoltage levels (typically,230 kv and above).The generatorusuallyvoltage


    111 the range of 11 to 35 kV . These arClevel,and PoW er is transm itted to transm ission

    stepped up to thesubstations w here

    the voltages

    kV).Theare stepped dow n to the

    generation and transm issionsubtransm ission level(typically,69 kv to 138subsystem s are often referred to aS the bulk

    # OW er system .The subtransm ission system transm its

    transm ission substations to the distributionpow er



    111 sm aller quantities@

    from theLarge industrlal custom ers are

    com m only supplied directly from the subtransm issionis no clear dem arcation betw een subtransm ission and

    system .ln son:e system s,theretransm ission circuits. A s the


    older transm issionexpands and higher voltage

    oftenlevels beconae nCCCSSarY for transm ission, the

    lines are relegated to subtransm ission function.The distribution system represents the snal stage *111 the transfer of PoW er to

    the individualand 34.5

    custom ers. The prim ary distribution voltage is typically betw eenkV . Sm all industrial custom ers are supplied by prim ary feeders

    4.0 kVat this

    voltageG level.The secondary distribution feeders supply residential and conlnlercialcustom ers at 120/240 V .

  • Sec. 1.2 Structure of the Pow er System 7

    G S

    22 W

    500 W 500 kv a?p kv

    G S G S

    20 kv 24 kv

    T ie line toneighbouringsystem i

    I j jonI Transm ssTransm ission system (230 kV)

    system T ie line500 kV) 230 kv l( .

    ! 345 kv

    500 kvTransm ission To subtransm ission and dlkstributionbsttion Y ulkSu

    PoW er System115 kv

    Subtransm ission Subtransm issionand

    distributionlndustrial systemstom er lndustrialcu

    custom er115 kv

    D istributionsubstation

    12.47 kv 3-phase prim alfeder

    D istributiontransform erS

    m all ja;/a4; vG S Si

    ngle-phaseC om m ercial secondry feeder

    R esidential

    F igute 1.1 B asic ele> ents of a PoW er system

  • 8 G eneralC haracteristics of M odern Pow er System s C haP . 1

    Sm all generating plants located near the load are often coM ected to thesubtransm ission Or distribution

    lnterconnections tosystem


    PoW er system s are usually form ed at thetransm ission system level.

    The overall system thus consistslayers of transm issionthat enables

    netw orks.of m ultiple generating

    This provides a high degree ofSOUCCCS and several

    structural redundancythe system to w ithstand unusual contingencies w ithout service disruption

    to the Consum ers.

    1.3 PO W ER S Y S T EM C O N T R O L

    The function of an electricnaturallyconsum ption.

    available fornls to thepow erelectrical

    system is to convel energy from one of theform and to transport it to the points



    ofEnergy *IS seldom consunaed @111 the electrical form but rather

    to as energy. advantageof the electrical form of energy is that it can be transported and controlled w ithrelative ease and w ith a high degree of eff ciency and reliability. A properly designedand

    convel ed other fornls such heat,light, and m echanical The

    operated PoW er system should, therefore, m eet the follow ing fundam entalrequirem ents..

    1. The system m ust be able to m eet the continually changing load dem and foractive and reactive POW er.U nlike other types

    quantities.of energy, electricity

    adequatecannot be

    conveniently stored @111 sufs cient Therefore,bereserve of active and reactive PoW er should m aintained and


    controlled at a11 *tlm es.

    2. The system should supply energy at m inim um cost and Ahritll m inim umecological lm pact.

    3. The

  • >eC. 1.3 Pow er System C ontrol

    G eneratorFrequency T ie Gow s pow er

    System G eneration C ontrolSchedule L oad frequency control w ith

    econom ic allocation

    Supplem entarycontrol

    j-- jG enerating jl prjm e j

    =I U nit C ontrolsI m Over l XQI and lI j I .Tcontro

    I aIl I > a! shaft j x a1

    pow er l .: :I l % oI l : ol E

    xcitation l x =l F ield l Ox 2: system o eserator l

    .QI and cua en l t ool I

    ll control l o 4,l I

    l V oltagoe Speed ll I

    I s eedmower II pE lectricalpow er

    T ransm ission C ontrolsR eactiv pow er and voltage control,

    H V D C transm ission and associated controls

    Frequency T ie G eneratorGow s pow er

    F igure 1.2 Subsystem s of a POW er system and associated ontrols

  • 10 G eneralC haracteristics of M odern Pow er System s C ha p . 1

    excitation control is to regulate generator voltage and reactive pow er output. Thedesired M W outputs of the individual generating units are determ ined by the system -generation control.

    The prim ary PurPOSe of the system -generation control @IS to balance the totalsystem against system load and losses so that the

    power interchange with neighbouring system s (tie fows) isThe transm ission controls include pow er and voltage


    generation desired frequency andm aintaind.control devices, such as

    var com pensators, synchronous condensers, sw itched capacitorstap-changing transform ers, phase-shifting transform ers, and H V D Ccontrols.

    and reactors,transm ission

    The controls described above contribute to the satisfactoryfrequency

    operation of the

    PoW ervariables

    system by m aintaining system voltages and and other systemNhritllirl their acceptable @ @llm lts. They

    of the PoW er systemalso hve a profound effect on theand on its ability to cope w ithdynam ic perform ance

    disturbances.The control

    system .


    U nderobjectives are

    norm al conditions,voltages

    dependent On Operating State Of the pow er

    Objective is to Operate as effciently asthe

    the controlNh?itll anddevelops, neW

    frequency close to nom inal values.

    objectives must be m et to restore theW hen an abnorm alsystem to norm al


    M ajorsystem failuresare rarely the resultof asingle catastrophic disturbancecausingabout by a com bination

    collapse of an apparentlyof circum stances

    Secure system . Such failures are usually broughtthat stress the netw ork beyond its capability.

    Severe natural disturbances (such aS a tornado,inadequate

    Severe storm , Or freezingto

    rain),equipm entpow er system and eventually lead tooutages that m ust be contained w ithinis to be prevented.

    m alfunction, hum an error,and designThis

    com bine w eaken the'


    its breakdow n. m ay result @111 cascadinga sm allPa= of the system if a *m alof blackout

    Operating states of a powtr system and controlstrategies JZ V

    For PUCPOSCS of analyzing PoW er system security and designing appropriatecontrol system s, it is helpful to conceptually

    norm al,classifyi'l

    theillttl lve states : alert, em ergency, extrem is,

    w hich

    system -operatingand restorative.


    1.3depicts these operating states and the W ays *111 transition Can take fromOne state ttl another.

    ln the norm al state, all systemThe

    variables are Al?itllill the norm al range and noequipm entto

    is beinga contingency

    overloaded. system operates @11l a Secure m alm er and is. ablew ithstand violating

    The system enters the alert state if thew ithout any

    securityof the constraints.

    level falls below a certain lim itof adequacy, Or if the possibility of a disturbance increases because of adversew eather conditions such aS the approach


    variablesof SCVCCC storm s. l11 this state, a11 system

    are still An?itllill the range and a1l constraints are satisf ed.H ow ever, the system has been to a level w here a contingency m ay Cause

  • Sec. 1.3 Pow er System C ontrol 11j

    N orm al

    R estorative A lert

    In extrem is E m ergency

    F igure 1.3 Pow er system operating states

    an overloading of equipm ent that places the systemextrem e


    111 an enAergency state. If thedisturbance *IS Very

    theSevere,the i'3extremis (or em ergency) state m ay result

    directly from alert state.Preventive action, such aS generation sllifting

    the(security dispatch)

    lf theOr increased

    re serv e y

    docan be taken to restore the system to norm al state. restorative steps

    n0t succeed,The

    the systementers

    rem ains @111 the alert state.system the em ergency state if a sufs ciently Severe disturbance

    OCCUFS w hen the system @IS *111the alert state.In this state,voltages*

    at m any buses are1()AA?and/or equipm ent loadings exceed short-term Cm ergency ratlngs.The system *IS

    m ay be restored to the alert state by theactions: fault clearing, excitation control, fast-valving,run-back, H V D C m odulation, and load curtailm ent.

    stillintact and initiating of em ergency* @ @

    controlgeneratlon trlpplng,generation

    lf the above DACaSUrCS are not applied Or are ineffective, the system @IS

    extremis; result is cascading outages and possibly a shut-down of a m ajor portionof the system . C ontrol actions, such as load shedding and controlled systemseparation, are aim ed at saving as m uch of the system as pojsible from a w idespreadblackout.


    The restorative statetaken to recoM ect a11 the

    represents afacilities and

    condition @111 w hich control action *ISto restore system load. The system


    from this state to either the alert state Or the norm al state, depending on the systemconditions.

    C haracterization of the system conditions irlttl the f ve states aS describedabove provides a fram ew ork in w hich control strategiesactions identifed to deal effectively w ith each state.

    can be developed and operator

  • 12 G eneralC haracteristics of M odern Pow er System s C hap . 1

    For a system that has been disturbed and that has entered a degraded operatingstate, POW CC

    lf thesystem

    disturbancecontrols assist the Operator *111 returning the system to a norm al


    to achieve this task.sm all, pow er system

    H ow ever, if the disturbance


    IS controls@


    by them selves m ayit is possible that

    be able

    actions such aS generation rescheduling Or elem entlarge,sw itching

    Operatorm ay be required for a

    return ttlthe norm al state.The philosophy


    that has evolved to COPe AAritll the diverse requirem ents ofsystem control COm Pr1SeS a hierarchial structure aS shou @111 Figure 1.4. ln thisstructure,

    as excitation system s, prim e m overs, boilers, transform er tap changers, and dcconverters. There is usually som e form of overall plant controller that coordinates thecontrols of closely linked elem ents. The plant controllers are in turn supervised bysystem controllers at the operating centre. The system -controller actions are

    there are controllers operating directly on individual system elem ents such7

    coordinated by pool-level m aster controllers. The overall control system is thus highlydistributed, and relies on m any different types of telem etering and control signals.

    Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system s provide inform ation toindicate the system status. State estim ation program s data and providean accurate picture of the system 's condition. The hum an operator is an im portant link

    slter m onitored

    at various levels @111 this controlprim ary function of the

    hierarchyoperator is toeconom ic

    and at keysystem

    locations On the system .and

    Them onitor perform ance DAanage

    qualityresources SO aS to ensure operation w hile m aintaining the required

    Pool control centre

    To other system s system control centre Y 0 Other system s

    Transm ission plant Pow er plant

    D istribution centres G enerating units

    F igure 1.4 Pow er system control hierarchy

  • Sec. 1.4 D esign and O eratin.h

    9 C riteria f o r Stability 13

    and reliability ofPOW er supply.role by



    relatedcorrectlve strategles ttl restore

    D uring systel em ergencies, the operator plays a keyinform ation from diverse sources and developingthe system to a m ore secure state of operation



    For reliable service, a bulk electricity system m ust rem ain intact and becapablethe system be designed and operated so that the m ore probable contingencies can be

    sustained with no loss of load (except that connected to the faulted elem ent) and sothat the m ost adverse possible contingencies do not result in uncontrolled

    , w idespread

    and cascading pow er interruptions.The N ovem ber 1965 blackout in the northeastern part of the U nited States and

    O ntario had a profound im pact on the electric utility industry, particularly in N orth

    A m erica. M any questions w ere raised relating to design concepts and planningcriteria. These 1ed to the form ation of the N ational E lectric R eliability C ouncil in1968. The nam e w as later changed to the N orth A m erican E lectric R eliability C ouncil

    (NERC). 1ts purpose is to augm ent the reliability and adequacy of bulk power supplyin the electricity system s of N orth A m erica. N ER C is com posed of nine regionalreliability councils and encom passes virtually a11 the pow er system s in the U nitedStates and C anada. R eliability criteria for system design and operation have beenestablished by each regional council. Since differences exist in geography

    , load

    pattern, and power sources, criteria for the various regions differ to som e extent g5).Design and operating criteria play an essential role in prevenying m ajor system

    dijturbances follow ing severe contingencies. The use of criteria ensures that, for all

    frequently occurring contingencies, the system w ill, at w orst, transit from the norm al

    of w ithstanding a w ide variety of disturbances. Therefore, it is essential that

    state to the alert state,tather than to a nAore Severe state such aS the em ergency stateOr the extrem is state. W hen the alert state *IS entered follow ing a contingency


    Operators Can take actions to return the system to the norm al state.

    The follow ing exam ple of design and operating criteria related to system

    Coordinating Council (NPCC) g6).lt does not attem pt to provide an exact reproduction of the N PC C criteria but givesan indication of the types of contingencies considered for stability assessm ent


    stallilit)r is based on those of the N ortheast Pow er

    N orm al design contingencies


    The criteria require that the stability of the bulkduringto reclosingsigniscant

    and after the m ost Severe of the contingenciespow er

    specif edsystem be m aintainedbelow ,basis

    w ith due regardthatfacilities. These contingencies


    are selected on the they

    com prisinghave a

    probabilitysystem .

    norm al

    theof occurrence glven the large num ber of elem ents

    PoW erThe design contingencies include the follow ing'


  • 14 G eneralC haracteristics of M odern Pow er System s C ha p . 1

    (a) A perm anent three-phasetransform er or bus section,reclosing

    fault Onw ith norm al

    any generator,fault clearing and

    transm ission circuit,w ith due regard to


    (b) Sim ultaneousperm anent phase-to-groundtransm ission circuits on

    faults on different phases of eacha m ultiple-circuit tow er, cleared


    two adjacentnorm al tim e.



    (c) A perm anent phase-to-ground fault on any transm ission circuit, transform er,or bus section w ith delayed clearing because of m alfunction of circuit breakers,relay, Or signal channel.

    (d) Lossofany elem entwithouta fault.

    (e) A perm anent phase-to-ground fault On a circuit breaker,cleared *111norm altim e.

    (f) Simultaneous perm anentlossof both polesof a dcbipolarfacility.

    The criteria rzquire that, follow ing any of the above contingencies, the stability of thesystem

    applicablebe m aintained,

    lim its.and voltages and line and equipm ent loadings be Ahritllirl

    These requirem ents apply to the follow ing tAA?tl basic conditions'.

    (1) A11facilities @111service.

    (2) A critical generator, transm ission circuit,and

    Or transform er Out of service,

    betweenassum ing that the area generation POWer Pows are adjustedoutages by uSe of ten m inute CCSCrVC.

    E xtrem e contingency assessnlent

    The extrem e

    PoW ercontingencies.

    system Can


    be subjectedobjective is to

    in order to

    assessm ent recognizesto events that exceed in

    that the interconnected bulkseverity the norm al design

    The determ ine the effects of extrem e contingenciesstrengththough

    perform anceO n


    determ ineobtain an indication of system and to

    the extent of a yvidespread1()A4?contingencies


    do have Verycontingencies,


    probabilities ofdisturbance Cven extrem eOCCurrCnCe. A ftir an analylis


    of extrem e nxeasures are to be utilized, w hereto reduce the frequency of OCCurrenCC of such contingencies Or to m itigate theConsequences that are indicated aS a result of sim ulating

    the follow ing:for such contingencies.

    The extrem e contingencies include

    (a) Loss of the entire capability of a generating station.

  • Sec. 1.4 D esign and O Peratin9 C riteria for Stability 15

    (b) Loss of a1llines em anating from a generating station,switching station Orsubstation.

    (c) Loss of a11transm ission circuits On a COnUnOn right-of-way.

    (d) A perm anent three-phase fault On any generator, transm ission circuit,transform er,reclosing

    or bus section,w ith delayed fault clearing and w ith due regard ttlfacilities.

    (e) The sudden dropping of a large-load 0rm ajor-load centre.

    (f) The effectof severePOWerswingsarising from disturbances outside the NPCCinterconnected system s.

    (g) Failure or m isoperation of arejection, load rejection, or special protection system , such astransm ission cross-tripping schem e.

    a generation

    System design for stabilip

    The design*

    of a large interconnectedm inim um cost ls a very com plex prbblem .The

    system to ensure operation ateconom ic gains to be realized through


    the solution to this problem*


    are enorm ous. Frona a control theoryoperating


    f vi'ewO , the

    pow erchanging


    is a hlgh-orderB ecause

    m ultivariableenvlronm ent. of the high

    PrOCCSS,dim ensionalityassum ptionssystem


    ln a constantlycom plexity of the

    system , it essential to naake

    PrOgood graspindividual

    blenAs using the rightcharacteristics

    degreesim plifyingof detail of

    to analyze specis crepresentation. This requires a


    of the of the overall system aS w ell aS of those of itselem ents.

    The PoW er@

    IS iniuenced bySystem


    a w ide


    IS a highly nonlineararray of devices


    w ithw hose dynam ic perform ance

    different reSPOnSe rates andcharacteristics. stability m ust be view edterm s of its different aspects.The next chapter

    not as a single problem , but rather indescribes the different form s of pow er

    system stabilityC haracteristics

    blem s.PrO

    effect On systemof virtually every m ajor elem ent of the power

    stability. A know ledge of thege characteristics issystem have anessential for the


    of varlous


    study ofm odelling w ill

    pow er systembe discussed in Part

    stability. Therefore, equipm entII.Intricacies of the physical

    analysis, andnAeasurs

    categoris of the system stability, m ethods of theirfor enhancing stability perform ance of the pow er system111.

    w ill bein Part

  • 16 G eneralC haracteristics of M odern Pow er System s C haP . 1


    (1) H .M .Rustebakke (editor),Electric Utility Systems and Practices,Jolm W iley& Sons, 1983.

    (21 C.A .Gross,Power System Analysis, Second Edition, John W iley & Sons,1986.

    (31 L.H . Fink and K . Carlsen,M arch

    (to perating under Stress and Strain '' IE E ESp ectrum , PP.48-53, 1978.

    g41 EPRI Report EL 6360-L, ttDynam ics of lnterconnected PowerT utorial for System D ispatchers and Plant O perators,


    55 FinalSystem s: A

    Report of Project2473-15,prepared by Pow er T echnologies M ay 1989.

    (51 IEEE Special Publication 77 CH 1221-1-PW R, Symposium On ReliabilityCriteria for System Dynamic Performance, 1977.

    (61 Northeast Power Coordinating Council, (tgasjc Criteria forO peration of lntercoM ected Pow er System s,55 O ctober 26, 1990

    D esign andrevision.

  • + v ygp +' wTwr ' v F4tw'+Y *' * ' v ' kw'r '%* ' Y' +' *+* * *' * ' 4T v v ' v 'v v v '* Yi * +' * v' Ykw' +' + .w6+' *' *' ' + *' '* ' * *=* * * * *' *' * ' '+ ' '+ ' 6+ v , ' ' ' # '+' '+ += +'' *' + Y' ' Y' *'' *' 'v v' v +' '- -,evw-A1'.',..-w>4##,....*.4.v##'..








    :.y>.,.1;.#.L*.#D* 424&.Vx#.2......wez'>...v.*?.p..4..*.

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    . . . 111.. liz . . 1*!.!.....1.




    . tll''.'.* . .. ..##:... 4.e. .





    z.x..,:.1i.-.-. . ..:.-

    j,k.:i- ..-..*.4-. . 141.; ..'qv4%.. .. . -. -.:: . -i .4 . . . .'*% % .%'v w ,.

    4...,4 .. . .

    , , . .., . . . . . . . .

    ...,.,w,v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .%%%x ew .w ,..* , .> + C hapter 2 j#!e *#v+v' f***'*'v'#r%TeTf*4%* Nv v%%% x , wA##, Av. *#e4ow.ss*r..m*#>**X+.*.*2+##.+.>,e*-* *.*-*=* -*' WW

    Introd uctio n to thePow er S Ystenn S tability Problem

    This chapter presents a general introduction to the POW CC systemof related

    stabilityproblemA nalysis of elem entaryillustrates som e of the

    including physical concepts, classis cation,conf gurations

    and denition ternls.POW er system by nAeans of idealized m odels

    stability proped ies of pow er system s. ln addition,a historical review of the em ergence of different form s of stability problem s as pow ersystem s evolved and of the developm ents in the associated m ethods of analysis is

    presented. The objective is to provide an overview of the power system stabilityphenom ena and to 1ay a foundation based on relatively sim ple physical reasoning.

    This will help prepare for a detailed treatm ent of the various aspects of the subject insubsequent

    fundam ental



    P ow er





    enables itstabilisto

    conditions and

    m ay as property pow errem ain in a state of operating equilibrium under norm alto regain an acceptable state of equilibrium after being

    be broadly defned that of a

    to a disturbance.Instability in a pow er system m ay

    depending on the system cons guration andproblem has been One of m aintaining

    m any w aysoperating m ode. Traditionally, the stability

    synck onous operation. Since pow er system s

    be m anifested @111 different


  • 18 lntrod uction to the Pow er System Stabil.ity Problem C haP . 2

    rely on synchronous m achines for generation of electrical pow er, a necessarycondition for satisfactory system operation is that a11 synchronous m achines rem ainin synchronism or, colloquially, GEin step.'' This aspect of stability is infuenced by thedynam ics generator rotor pow er-angle

    Instability m ay also be encountered w ithout lossof angles and relationships.

    a system


    consisting ofa transm ission

    a synchronous generatorof synchronism . For exam ple,

    feeding an induction m otor loadline Can beconae unstable because of the collapse


    of loadM aintenance of synchronism @IS nOt an issue ill this instance; lnstead, the

    Concern @IS stability@loads Coverlng an

    and control of voltage. This form of instabilityextensive area supplied by a large system .

    Can also OCCUF *111

    In the evaluation of stabilit)rthe Concern is the behaviour of the PoW er systemw henSm all


    fO a transient disturbance. The disturbance m ay be sm all Or large.form of load changes take place continually, and the system

    adjusts itself to the changing conditions. The system m ust be able to operatesatisfactorily under these conditions and successfully supply the m axim um am ount ofload. lt m ust also be capable of surviving num erous disturbances of a severe nature,such as a short-circuit on a transm ission line, loss of a large generator or load, or lossof a tie betw een tw o subsystem s. The system response to a disturbance involves m uchof the

    in the

    equipm ent. For exam ple,relays

    a short-circuit On a critical elem ent follow ed by itsisolation by protective

    busAhrill CaUSC variations *111POW Cr


    transfers, m achine rotorspeeds, andtransm ission

    voltages; the voltage variations A,;11l actuate both genertor@

    andsystem voltag regulators;the speed variations Alrillactuate Prlm e m over

    governors; generation controls; the changesin voltage and frequency w ill affect loads on the system in varying degrees dependingon their individual characteristics. In addition, devices used to protect individualequipm entperform ance.

    the change in tie line loadings m ay actuate

    m ay respondany given

    to variations @111 system variables and thus affect the system111 situation,how ever,the CCSPOnSCS


    of only a lim ited am ountof equipm ent m ay be signis cant. Therefore,sim plify the problem and to focus on factorsproblem .classi cation

    T he

    m any assum ptlons areiniuencing the specif c

    usually naade to


    IS greatlytype

    facilitatedof stability

    understanding of stability problem sof stability into various categories.

    by the

    The follow ing sections w ill explore different form s of pow er system instabilityand associated concepts by considering, w here appropriate, sim ple pow er systemconf gurations. A nalysis of such system s using idealized m odels w ill help identify


    fundam ental properties of each form of stability problem .

    2 .1.1 R otor A ngle Stability

    R otor

    a PoW erof the electrom echanical

    angle stability is the ability of interconnected synchronoussystem to rem ain in synchronism . The stability problem involves

    naachines of .the study

    factoroscillations inherent *111PoW er system s.A fundam ental*

    111 this problemas their


    IS the m anner @111 w hich


    rotors oscillate. Apow er

    brief . discussionthe outputs of synchronous nAachines

    of synchTonous m achine*

    IS helpful aS a first step in developing the related basic concepts.

  • Sec. 2 .1 Basic C oncepts and D efinitions 19

    Synchronous m achine characteristics

    The characteristics and m odelling of synchronous rnachines w ill be covered @111considerablecharacteristics

    A synchronous m achine has tw o essential elem ents: the f eld and the arm ature.N orm ally, the feld is on the rotor and the arm ature is on the stator. The feld w inding

    is excited by direct current. W hen the rotor is driven by a prim e m over (turbine), therotating m agnetic feld of the seld w inding induces alternating voltages in the three-phase arm ature w indings of the stator. The frequency of the induced alternatingvoltages and of the resulting currents that ;ow in the stator w indings w hen a load isconnected depends on the speed of the rotor. The frequency of the stator electricalquantities is thus synchronized w ith the rotor m echanical speed: hence the designation(dsynchronous m achine.''

    W hen tw o or m ore synchronous m achines are interconnected, the statorvoltages and currents of a11 the m achines m ust have the sam e frequency and the rotorm echanical speed of each is synchronized to this frequency. Therefore, the rotors ofa11 interconnected synck onous m achines m ust be in synchronism .

    The physical arrangem ent (spatial distribution) of the stator arm ature windingsis such that the tim e-varying alternatiqg currents i ow ing in the three-phase w indingsproduce a rotating m agnetic feld that, under steady-state operation, rotates at the sam e

    speed as the rotor (see Chapter 3, Section 3.1.3). The stator and rotor selds react with

    detail @111 C hapters 7=n 4, and 5.llere discussion @IS lim ited to the basicassociated w ith synchronous operation.

    an torque tw oto align them selves. In a generator, this electrom agnetic torque opposes rotation of therotor, so that m echanical torque m ust be applied by the prim e m over to sustain

    rotation. The electrical torque (or power) output of the generator is changed pnly bychanging the m echanical torque input by the prim e m over. The effect of inzreasingthe m echanical torque input is to advance the rotor to a new position relative to therevolving m agnetic Seld of the stator. C onversely, a reduction of m echanical torqueor pow er input w ill retard the rotor position. U nder steady-state operating conditions,the rotor eld and the revolving Seld of the stator have the sam e speed

    . H ow ever,

    there is an angular separation between them depending on the electrical torque (orpower)

    each other and electrom agnetic results from the tendency of the S elds


    of the generator.a synchronous m otor, the roles of electrical and m echanical torques are


    com pared to thosew hile m echanical


    11l a generator. The electrom agnetic torque sustainsload OPPOSCS


    rotation. The effect ofm echanical load *IS to retard the rotor posltion w ith respect to the

    increasingrevolving f eld


    the stator.

    ln the above discussion, the ternls torque and # OW er have been usedinterchangeably. This is com m on practice in the pow er systemsince the average rotational velocity of the m achines is constant


    literature,Cven there

    m ayunit values

    be sm all nAonlentary excursions above and below synchronous speed. The Per

    of torque and POW er are, *111 factj Very nearly equal.

  • 20 Introduction to the Pow er System Stability Problem C ha P . 2

    Power lvrsllf angle relationsh

    A n im pod antrelationship betw een

    characteristic that has a bearingand

    On PoW er system stabilitythe

    is theinterchange POW er angular positions of rotors of

    synchronousconsider the

    m achines. This relationshipshow n


    IS highly nonlinear. T o illustrate this 1et USsim ple system





    connected a transm issionFigure 2.1(a).line having

    It consists of tw o synchronousan inductive reactance X z but


    resistance capacitance. L et US aSSUDAC that m achine 1 represents afeeding PoW er

    transferredto a synchronous

    from thenAotor represented by


    m achine 2.The POW er

    () betweengenerator to the m otor ls a function of angular


    the rotors of the tw o m achines.three com ponents: generator

    f eldinternalangle c (angle

    This angularby w hich the

    separation is duegenerator rotor

    leads the revolvingvoltagesleads that of the

    of the generator

    m otorl;

    angular difference betw een the term inal

    and m otor (angle by which the stator feld of the generatorand the internal angle of the m otor (angle by which the rotorfeld).

    of the statorl;

    lags revolving statorbe used to determ ine the

    the Figure 2.1(b)shows a m odelof the system thatCanPOW Cr Versus angle relationship.A sim ple m odel com prising

    an internal voltage behind an effective reactance is used to represent each synchronousm achine. The value of the m achine reactance used depends on the purpose of thestudy. For analysis of steady-state perform ance, it is appropriate to use thesynchronous reactancebasis for such a m odel

    w ith the internal voltage@ @ '


    theto excitation voltage.presented

    Theand the approxlm atlons w ith it are *111

    C hapter 3.A phasor diagranA identifying the relationships betw een generator

    theand nAotor

    voltages *ISshown @111Figure 2.1(c).The PoWertransferred from generator to thenzotor *IS given by

    # X EMsin (2. 1)X v

    w here

    X v X +X +XG L M

    The correspondingsom ew hat

    PoW er Versus angle relationship @IS plotted in Figurethe idealized m odels used synchronous

    2.1(d). W ithm achines, the

    PoW eraccurate

    varies aS a sine of thefor representing the

    angle: a highly nonlinear relationship. s?itll nlorem achine m odels including

    anglethe effects of autom atic voltage regulators, the

    variation *111 PoW erhow ever,

    w ith w ould deviaterelationship; the general form w ould be

    signif cantly from thesim ilar. W hen the angle


    IS Z ero , n O

    POW er*

    m a x lm u m .


    IS transferred. A s the angle *IS increased, theA fter a certain angle,nom inally 90O5

    pow era further '

    transfer increases UP to alncrease @111 angle results *1T1

    a decrease @111PoW er transferred.There is thus a m axim um steady-stateof the

    PoW er@

    that canbe transm itted betw een the tAArtl m achines. The m agnitude m axlm um POW CC @IS

  • Sec.2 .1 Basic C oncepts and D efinitions 2 1

    M achine 1 M achine 2

    L ine

    G M (a)Single-line diagranA

    X G X o X M

    f s E I ET1 D EM (b)Idealized m odel

    E o

    IX o

    E v1

    s IXL

    s E n


    IX u

    E u

    (c)Phasor diagranl

    6 = + 6 + 6G L M


    (d)Power-angle Curve

    Figure 2.1 Pow er transfer characteristicsystem

    ofa tw o-m achine

  • 2 2 Introduction to the Pow er System Stability Problem C hap . 2

    directly proportional to the m achinereactance betw een the voltages,

    internal voltages and inversely proportional to thew hich includes reactance of the transm ission line

    coM ecting the rnachines and the reactances of the m achines.W hen there are nAore than tsA?tl m achines,

    sim ilartheir relative angular displacem ents

    affect the interchange of POW ef @111 a m aM er. H ow ever, lilllitirlj values ofpow erdistribution.

    transfers and angularM angular

    separation are a com plexseparation of 90O betw een

    function of generation and load

    any two m achines (the nom inallilzxitilljvalue fora two-m achine system ) in itself hasnO particular signiscance.

    The stability p henom ena

    Stability *IS a condition of equilibrium betw een opposing forces. Them echanism by w hichw ith One another *IS

    synchronous m achines m aintain synchronismtk ough restoring forces, w hich act w henever there are forcesor decelerate one or m ore m achines w ith respect to other


    tending to acceleratem achines. U nder steady-state conditions, there is equilibrium betw een the inputm echanical torque and the output electrical torque of each m achine, and the speedrem ains constant. If the system is pel urbed this equilibrium is upset, resulting inacceleration or deceleration of the rotors of the m achines according to the law s ofm otion of a rotating body. If one generator tem porarily runs faster than another, theangularresulting

    position of its rotor relative to that of the slow er m achine Ahrill advance. Theangular@

    difference transfers pa= of the load from the slow m achine to thefast m achlne, depending On the pow er-angle relationship. This tends to reduce thespeed difference anddiscussed above, isseparationseparationsystem


    hence angular separation. The pow er-angle relationship, asnonlinear. B eyond a certain lim it, an increase in angularthe


    IS accom paniedfurther

    by-'a decrease in pow er transfer; this increases the angularand leads to instability. For any given situation, the stability of the

    depends On w hether Or not the deviations @11l angular positions of the rotors*

    111 sufs cient restoring torques.m achinesvhen a synhronous

    theloses synchronism falls out of step''or w ith the

    rest of system , its rotor runs at a higher Or loqver speed than that requiredstator



    (correspondingin the m achine

    voltages at system frequency. The i i j * 55S IP betw een rotating@


    f eld

    to system frequency) and the rotorfeld results largeprotection

    iuctuationsPOW er output,

    m achinecurrent, and voltage;this Causes the system

    to isolate the unstable from the system .betw eenL oss of synck onism Can OCCUF One m achine and the rest of the


    m aintainedOr betw een grOuPS of m achines. 111 the latter CaSC synchronism m ay be

    Alritlzill each groupoperation

    after its separation from the others.The synck onous of interconnected

    W aysother

    to several Cars speedingbands.

    synchronous m achines is in som e

    around a circular track while joined to eachanalogousby elastic links Or rubber The

    rotors and the rubber bands are analogous@ *

    cars representto transm ission lines.

    synchronous% en a11 the

    the m achineC ars ru n

    side by side,the rubber bands rem aln lntact.lf force applied to one of the cars Causesit to speed UP tem porarily, the rubber bands coM ecting it to the other Cars AArill

  • Sec. 2 .1 Basic C oncepts and D ef i n itions 23

    tretch;sreactionof the

    this tends to slow dow n the faster Car and speed UP the other Cars.A chainresults lzlltil al1 the Cars run at the Sanle speed OnCC @agaln.If the pull On One

    rubber bands exceeds its strength, it Alrill break and One Or m OrC Cars sArill pullaW ay from the other Cars.

    slJitll electric POW erperturbation

    system s,the change in electrical torquecom ponents:

    of a synchronous

    m achine follow ing Can be resolved illttltAA?tl

    16 T L6 +FpAY (2.2)

    w here

    Tsh &perturbation


    IS the com ponent of torque changethe


    111 phase Ahritll the rotor angleA and @IS referred to aS synchronizing torque com ponent; Ts


    IS the synck onizing torque coeff cient.

    FoA @



    IS the com ponent of torque @111 phasecom ponent;

    w ith the speed*

    deviation A andreferred to aS the damp ing torque TD IS the dam ping torque

    coef cient.

    System depnds onthe synchronous m achines.instability throughsuff cient dam ping

    stability the existence of bothL ack of suff cient

    com ponentssynchronizing

    of torque for each oftorque results @111

    an aperiodic drift*


    ill rotor angle.instability.

    On the other hand, lack oftorque results oscillatqry

    andFor convenience @111 analysis for gaining useful insight illttl the nature ofstability problem s, it is usual to characterize the rotor angle stability phenonaena @111ternls of the follow ing tw o categories:

    (a) Small-signal (or small-disturbance) stability is the ability of the power systemto m aintain synchronism under sm all disturbances. Such distgrbances occurcontinually on the system because of sm all variations in loads and generation.The disturbances are considered sufsciently sm all for linearization of systemequationscan be

    to be pernlissible forPUCPOSCSincrease

    of analysis.in rotor

    lnstability that m ay result

    of two form s:(i)steady angle*

    due to lack of suffcient

    synck onizing torque, or (ii) rotor oscillations of lncreasing am plitude due tolack of sufftient dam ping torque. The nature of system response to sm alldisturbances depends on num ber of factors including the initial operating, thetransm ission system


    strength, and the type of generatorlarge

    excitation controlsused. For a connected radially to a PoW er system , @111 the

    absence of autom atic voltage regulators (i.e., with constant seld voltage) thelack of suff cient synchronizing torque. This results innon-oscillatory

    instability is due toinstability through acontinuously acting#


    m ode,aS shown @111Figure 2.2(a).* @

    sTitlzvoltagesuff cient

    regulators,the sm all-disturbance stablllty problemOne of ensuring dam ping f 'O system

    am plitude.oscillations. Instability *IS

    norm ally through oscillationsof increasing Figure2.2(b)illustrates

  • 24 Introduction to the Pow er System Stability Problem C haP ,

    AS0 =lStable@PositiveTs@PositiveFDA*AF 'AFD I eIlIIlI AI=.AFA

    0 = t

    N on-oscillatory


    @ N egative Ts

    @ Positive FD


    g T - - . - . - - A T-ej - 'DI

    ll a l >


    h Ts

    (a)ss?itllconstantfeld voltage

    AS0 r'fStable*PositiveTs@PositiveFDAYAF 'AFD I elIIIII AI=AFA

    0 = t

    O scillatory

    Instabilip@ Positive Ts

    * N egative Tn

    A a r a Il1IIIII

    A F ----------- 'h TD e

    (b)shritllexcitation control

    F igure 2.2 N ature of sm all-disturbance reSPonse

  • Sec. 2 .1 Basic C oncepts and D efinitions 2 5

    the nature of generator reSPOnSe Apritll autom atic voltage regulators.

    ln today's practical gower systems, small-signal stability is largely a problemof insufs cient dam plng of oscillations. The stability of the follow lng types ofoscillations is of concern:

    @ f ocal m odes or m achine-system m odes are associated w ith the sw inging ofunits at a generating station w ith respect to the rest of the pow er system .The term local is used because the oscillations are localized at one stationOr a sm all pa= of the PoW er system .

    @ Interarea m odes are associated w ith the sw inging ofDAany nlachines in onepart of the system against nxachinesOr m ore groups of closely

    parts.coupled m achines being

    in other T heyintercoM ected

    causedare by tw oby w eak


    @ C ontrol m odes are associated Alritll generating units and other controls.Poorly

    com pensators

    tuned exciters, speedarC the usual

    governors,causes of instability

    H V D C converters and static Varof these m odes.

    @ Torsional m odes arC associated snritll the turbine-generator shaft systemrotational com ponents.interaction w ith excitation

    Instability of torsional m odes m ay be caused bycontrols, speed governors, H V D C controls, and

    series-capacitor-com pensated lines*

    (b) Transientstabilip is the ability of the PoWersystem to m aintain synck onismwhen subjected to a severe transient disturbance. The resulting system responseinvolves large excursions of generator rotor angles and is iniuenced by thenonlinear pow er-angle relationship. Stability depends on both the initialoperating


    state of the systemthat

    and the severity of the disturbance. U sually,@


    from that prioralteredIS SO

    thethe post-disturbance steady-state operation dlffers

    to disturbance.

    D isturbances of w idely varyingthe

    degrees of severity and probability ofOCCUCCCnCC Can OCCUC On system . T he system *1S, how ever,




    SO RS to be stable for a selected set contingencles. Theusually considered are short-circuits of different types: hase-to-P

    assum edground,to

    phase-to-phase-to-ground,on transm ission

    Or three-phase. They are usuallyO,CCur lines, but occasionally bus 0r transform er faults are

    also considered. The fault *IS assum ed to be cleared by the openinghigh-speed


    breakers to isolate the faulted elem ent.I11 Sonle CaSCS,m ay be assunzed.


    2.3 illustrates the behaviour of a synchronous m achine for stable andsituations.It show s the rotor angle

    In theFCSPOnSCS for a stable Case and for

    twO unstable CaSeS. stable Case (Case 1),the rotorangle increases ttla

  • 2 6 Introduction to the Pow er System Stability Problem C ha p . 2





    C ase 2

    . '



    Z* z

    Z. ZC ase 3 z



    N z/, : & l

    & lJ ! t' l tl & Il l I

    ! ll I I C ase 1ll Il

    l l ll l ll I I l ll / l l& I t ll / l lt l l lA z l lN z ;

    - z

    0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0Tim e *111 seconds

    F igure 2.3 Itotor angle reSPOnSe to a transient disturbance

    m axim um ,reaches

    then decreases and oscillates Alritlla steady state.ln C ase 2,

    form of instability

    dereasing am plitudeangle continues to increase

    lllltil itthe rotor steadily

    lllltilsynchronism @ISlost.This *ISreferred to as flrstmswinginstability


    and @IS caused by insufscient synchronizing torque.In Case 3: thesyytem

    oscillationsls stable in the srst sw ing but becom es unstable aS a result of grow ing

    aS the end state is approached.This formOCCUCS w hen the postfault steady-state condition

    of instubility generallyitself is ttsm all-signal''

    unstqble, and not necssarily RS a result of the transient disturbance.

    111 large PoW er system s, transient instability m ay not alW ays OCCUC aS frst-instability; it could be

    of oscillation causing largethe result of the SuPerPOsition of several m odes

    excursions of rotor angle beyond the frst @Sm ng.

    111 transient stability studies the study period of interest @IS usually lim ited ttl3 to 5 seconds follow ing the disturbance, although it m ay extend to about tensconds for Very large system s Alritll dom inant interarea m odes of oscillation.

    The ternl dynam ic stability has also been w idely used @111 the literature aS aclass of rotor angle stability.H ow ever,

    authors.it has been used to denote different aspects


    the phenoraenon by different In N orth A m erican literature, it has usedm ostly to denote sm all-signal stability in the presence of autom atic control devices

    (prim arily generator voltage regulators) as distinct from the classical steady-statestability without autom atic controls (1,21. In the French and Germ an literature, it hasbeen used to denote w hat w e have term ed here transient stability. Since m uchconfusion has resulted from use of the term dynam ic stability, both C IG R E and IE E E

  • Sec.2 .1 Basic C oncepts and ,D efinitions 2 7

    have recom m ended thatit not be used (3,41.

    2 .1.2 V oltage Stability and V oltage C ollapse

    Voltage stability is the ability of a pow er system to m aintain steady acceptablevoltages at al1 buses in the system under norm al operating conditions and after being

    subjected to a disturbance. A system enters a state of voltage instability when adisturbance, increase in load dem and, or change in system condition causes aprogressivetlltl

    and uncontrollable drop in voltage.m eet

    The m ain factor causing@

    instability @ISinability of the PoW er system to the dem and for reactlve POW er. The heal

    of the PrOS ow

    blenl is usually the voltage drop that occurs w hen active

    POW CC(5-7J.

    through inductive reactances associated Ahritl