Stewart-alexander ethno zoologists

Power Point Presentation For Stewart Alexander

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This presentation introduces the concept of a new company in the works called Stewart-Alexander Ethno Scientists which will explore different cultures and backgrounds of specific countries.

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  • 1. Stewart-alexanderethno zoologists

2. Our mission
To show the world how to become better acquainted with a cultural background and the diversity of wildlife.
Together we will learn how to make a difference in the way we view wildlife and then we change the world one place at a time!
3. Ready to go to Mexico?
4. Who is Stewart-Alexander Ethno zoologists?
5. Ethno scientist? by Dave Alexander
Ethno- Race; people: ethnology.
[Greek, from ethnos, people; see s(w)e- in Indo-European roots.]
Ethno scientistethno scientist Someone who specializes in ethno science or the study of the system of knowledge of nature and the physical world held by a particular cultural group.
6. Lets take a trip.
What can I expect while visiting Puerto Rico?
Meet Coqui the Frog
the official animal of Puerto Rico.
7. Whats so special about Coqui?
Coqui frogs generally exist only in nature and are not commonly kept as a domestic pet.
Whats the official bird of Utah?
8. Career and Education
What does an ethno scientist do?
9. Coqui says: How much do they earn?
Basic salary range for ethno scientists runs between $25,460, $50,000, and $99,980.
With salaries like these the job is worth it.
10. All information, pictures and clips.
http://www.enature.com/flashcard/show_flash_card.asp?recordNumber=BD0066 California Seagull photo
http://frogworld.net/coqui-frog/ Coqui Frog photo
Definition of ethno found on http://www.thefreedictionary.com/ethno-.
Found under Puerto Rico from Microsoft power point photos.
Image of Mexico from Microsoft power point images.
All sound clips were found on http://office.microsoft.com while in power point by clicking on clip art on Office Online.
La Negra by Silvestre Vargas found onhttp://www.pandora.com/#/song/skip/S643606
All information regarding Ethno scientists where found on the following websites: