Potential of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and remote sensing to accurately estimatepasture biomass in intensively grazed dairy pastures Matthew Rowbottom This thesis is submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for a Bachelor of Science (Honours, Agricultural) SCIE4501-04 Research Dissertation Faculty of Science University of Western Australia October 2015 Supervisors: Dr Kenneth Flower (School of Plant Biology, University of Western Australia) Dr Nik Callow (School of Earth and Environment, University of Western Australia) Dr Martin Staines (Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia, Bunbury) Formatted in accordance with the Journal of Dairy Science Word Count: 8754

Potential of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and remote ... of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and remote sensing to accurately estimatepasture biomass in intensively grazed dairy pastures

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Potential of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and remote sensing to

accurately estimatepasture biomass in intensively grazed dairy pastures

Matthew Rowbottom

This thesis is submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for a Bachelor of Science

(Honours, Agricultural)

SCIE4501-04 Research Dissertation

Faculty of Science

University of Western Australia

October 2015


Dr Kenneth Flower (School of Plant Biology, University of Western Australia)

Dr Nik Callow (School of Earth and Environment, University of Western Australia)

Dr Martin Staines (Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia, Bunbury)

Formatted in accordance with the Journal of Dairy Science

Word Count: 8754



Australian pasture-based dairy systems have been able to remain competitive and persistent in

the global market due to their ability to produce and utilize ―home-grown‖ feed. Increased

pressure for high productivity and the slow improvement in pasture management has seen

dairy farms resort to purchased feeds with associated higher feed costs following. The

accurate estimation of pasture biomass allows for critical decisions to be made regarding

grazing management and feed budgeting. Objective methods of pasture estimation are poorly

adopted within the farming community due to inaccuracies, time constraints, and labour costs.

This study aimed to determine the potential of remotely sensed imagery collected from an

unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) as means to accurately estimate pasture biomass. It was

hypothesized that the performance of the UAV would be similar to that of a current objective

pasture estimation method, the rising plate meter (RPM). Two flights were conducted over a

dairy pasture mix of annual Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and White Clover

(Trifolium repens) to estimate biomass and assess multi-date changes. The performance of

common vegetation indices (VI), radiometric normalisation methods and image formats was

conducted. Production of pasture on offer maps were derived from the relationship between

pasture biomass and VI to demonstrate the application to grazing management and feed

budgeting. Contrary to initial predictions, the UAV did not perform similar to the RPM, with

the RPM (r2 = 0.66) explaining more variation in pasture biomass than the difference

vegetation index (DVI) (r2 = 0.42) and green difference index (GDI) (r

2 = 0.15), the best

performing VI for each flight. Poor results for radiometric normalisation and the second flight

inhibited multi-date comparisons. Jpeg image format out-performed RAW image format

yielding better results for estimating biomass. Production of pasture on offer maps was

successful in demonstrating within field variability in biomass and was shown to be useful for

grazing management and feed budgeting. These results have demonstrated that UAV can

estimate and map dairy pastures but are mostly limited by the sensor used, in this case a low-

cost consumer grade camera. Future development in UAV and remote sensing will most

definitely provide better sensors, workflow and useability to the dairy industry.


Table of Contents:

Abstract: 2

Acknowledgements: 4

Introduction: 5

Materials and Methods: 10

Trial site 10

Rising plate meter and biomass measurements 10

Camera and UAV system 12

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle flights 13

Image mosaicking and georeferencing 13

Radiometric normalisation 14

Calculation of Vegetation Indices (VI) 16

Spatial distribution maps of pasture biomass 17

Statistical analysis 17

Results: 19

Pasture biomass and height 19

Radiometric normalisation 20

Calibration of UAV data with hyperspectral data 20

Effect of radiometric normalisation 20

Relationship between VI and pasture biomass 23

Validation of the DVI vegetation index using the RPM method 26

Spatial distribution maps of pasture biomass 27

Discussion: 32

Rising plate meter and UAV 32

Performance of VI 32

UAV camera and hyperspectral camera 33

Radiometric normalisation 34

Image format 36

Implication for UAV in the dairy industry 36

Recommendations and implications for future research 37

Conclusions: 39

References: 40



Firstly I would like to thank my supervisors Kenneth Flower, Nik Callow and Martin Staines.

The wide range in knowledge and experience that you have brought to the table has made

bringing this thesis together much easier and your individual perspectives has helped shape it.

To Western Dairy for the funding and support you have given me to get this project up and

running. The unexpected publicity from this project has allowed me to network all over the

country, even overseas. It has definitely put me out of my comfort zone and help develop my

professional and communication skills.

To Sam Taylor for originally suggesting the project and getting me interested in the


To Todd Griffin and Griffin Spatial & Mapping for flying and supplying the UAV imagery.

To all the hard workers that helped me out in the field and lab, without you it would have

made my project very gruelling! Thanks to Martin, Leonarda, Lisa, Marcus, Jess, Stephanie

and Jenny.

Finally, a special thanks to my Mum, Jenny and girlfriend, Sasha for giving me the

encouragement to persist at the times when I just didn't want to write anymore!



The Australian dairy industry is considered the third largest rural industry contributing $13

billion from farm, food manufacturing and export sectors, with a total milk production of

9,239 million litres (Dairy Australia, 2013). The single highest variable cost to dairy farms is

the supply of feed to cows (Davies, 1999), with Australian pasture-based dairy systems being

able to sustain a strong competitive advantage in the global market due to their ability to

produce and utilise low-cost, ―home-grown‖ feed (Davies, 1999, Dillon et al., 2005, García

and Fulkerson, 2005, Dillon, 2007). Improvements in pasture management and productivity

have not been sufficient to supply changes in Australian herd requirements (Doyle and Kelly,

1998), with this deficit largely filled with a heavier reliance on purchased feed used to fill the

‗feed gap‘, driving up operational costs and undermining the comparative and competitive

advantage of Australian pasture-based dairy systems (Thorrold and Doyle, 2007, Chapman et

al., 2008). To remain competitive in an increasingly globalised agricultural industry,

improvements need to be made in which the industry can efficiently produce, conserve and

manage ―home-grown‖ feed (Pembleton et al., 2015).

Pasture utilisation, defined as total net annual pasture dry matter (DM) per hectare that is

consumed by the animals (Future Dairy, 2011), is a primary factor related to the profitability

of pasture based systems (Holmes, 2002). It is estimated that potential production for pasture

systems can reach 20 t DM/ha/year (García and Fulkerson, 2005), yet actual pasture

utilisation in some of Australia‘s most favourable dairy regions does not exceed 7 t

DM/ha/year (Kisielewitz, 1998, García et al., 2007). Knowing the amount of pasture biomass

available on farm (before and after grazing events) is a key driver for achieving high pasture

utilisation, farm profitability and efficient management decisions (Hedley et al., 2006,

Romera et al., 2010). It is clear there is room for improvement when it comes to pasture

utilisation and ways in which this can be increased would be beneficial to Australian dairy


Grazing management, which is based on optimising the grazing interval, intensity and

duration (Macdonald et al., 2010), and feed budgeting (i.e. management of feed surplus and

deficits with respect to herd feed requirements, see Dobos et al. (2004)), are essentially

governed by on accurate knowledge of farm pasture biomass production (kg/DM/ha) (Piggot,


1986). The associated benefits of grazing management and feed budgeting has been

demonstrated to improve farm efficiencies, help make critical farm decisions (field selection

for grazing, grazing rotation lengths, stocking rates etc.) and prediction of feed surplus and

deficits (Sanderson et al., 2001, Gray et al., 2003, Dillon, 2007, Macdonald et al., 2008a). The

accurate allocation of pasture to herds has also been shown to increase feed use efficiency,

pasture growth rates, milk production and reduce pasture wastage (Fulkerson et al., 2005).

Sound grazing management results in a consistent amount of plant leaf material remaining

after grazing (i.e.post-grazing pasture height) which allows for healthy pasture regrowth and

persistence whilst upholding the nutritional value of the pasture (White et al., 2002, Lee et al.,

2008a, Macdonald et al., 2008a, Chapman et al., 2012). Although the benefits of grazing

management and feed budgeting are often recognised by farmers, barriers to adoption include;

time constraints, resource requirements, difficulty in predicting weather, and inaccuracies in

estimating DM of pasture (Gray et al., 2003).

The estimation of pasture DM is difficult and tedious to measure, even though it forms the

basis for key farm decisions (Doyle and Kelly, 1998, Fulkerson et al., 2005, García and

Fulkerson, 2005).Parker et al. (1993) found only 19% of farmers were using objective

methods to measure pasture biomass and only 35% were actually estimating pasture growth

rates. Whereas, 90% of farmers, including those that used objective methods, use subjective

visual assessments to measure pasture biomass. It is apparent that there is a general lack in

confidence from farmers in the accuracy of current pasture estimation methods, constraining

adoption within the industry and resulting in the use of potentially less accurate subjective

methods (Campbell and Arnold, 1973, Parker, 1999, Eastwood and Kenny, 2009).

Current methods for estimating pasture biomass include quadrat cuts (Piggot, 1986), visual

assessments (Stockdale, 1984b), electronic capacitance meters (Fletcher and Robinson,

1956)and various tools for measuring pasture height, including the rising plate meter (RPM)

(Earle and McGowan, 1979), C-Dax pasture meter(Lawrence et al., 2007). Accurate

estimations of pasture biomass can be determined from quadrats cuts although this method is

often tedious, time consuming and prevents the repeated sampling of plots in future due to its

destructive nature (Tucker, 1980, Catchpole and Wheeler, 1992). Quadrat cuts still play a key

role in biomass estimation as they are required for calibration of many non-destructive

methods (Stockdale and Kelly, 1984, Gourley and McGowan, 1991, Fulkerson and Slack,

1993, Murphy et al., 1995). The convenience, simplicity, cost-effectiveness and ability to fit


into daily routines of farmers make visual assessments of pasture biomass popular(Tucker,

1980, Moran et al., 1997, Eastwood and Kenny, 2009), yet to achieve consistently accurate

estimations, observers need training to account for changes in pasture height, densities, and

species composition (Campbell and Arnold, 1973, Cayley and Bird, 1996).

There are mixed results with the accuracy of some tools to indirectly estimate pasture

biomass(Earle and McGowan, 1979, Stockdale and Kelly, 1984, Murphy et al., 1995). The

use of tools to measure biomass is reported to reduce labour, associated costs and improve

time efficiencies; the use of non-destructive methods have aided grazing management and

pasture growth rate experiments (Tucker, 1980, Vickery et al., 1980, Gourley and McGowan,

1991, Murphy et al., 1995). Use of electronic capacitance meters, which use the relationship

between pasture water content and biomass, have reported variable accuracy due to the effects

of temperature, humidity, calibration drift and with use under wet conditions (Earle and

McGowan, 1979, Tucker, 1980, Murphy et al., 1995, Sanderson et al., 2001).Whereas, RPM

incur problems due to hoof indentations, trampling/lodging of vegetation, rough soil surfaces

and operator error affecting RPM measurements (Stockdale and Kelly, 1984, Murphy et al.,

1995, Sanderson et al., 2001). The C-Dax, however, is able to reduce operator error due to

minimal manual involvement in the pasture measurement (King et al., 2010).There is strong

consensus that the use of generic calibration equations for tools, often provided by the

supplier/maker, to predict pasture biomass should be used cautiously due to lack of specificity

to regional variations in pasture botanical composition, climate and management (Earle and

McGowan, 1979, Sanderson et al., 2001, King et al., 2010, Oudshoorn et al., 2011). Despite

its inherent problems the RPM continues to be recommended in the dairy industry for whole

farm pasture monitoring, decision making, planning and assessment of pasture utilisation

(Lile et al., 2001, La Grange, 2009).

Remote sensing of pastures, via satellite platforms, offer the ability to monitor large areas that

assist in daily and future management decisions for grazing systems (Taylor et al., 1985,

Edirisinghe et al., 2004). It has been shown, via Pasture from Space®, that increased pasture

utilisation and farm profits can be achieved by sheep producers of Western Australia when

supplied with information on pasture growth rates (PGR®) and feed on offer (FOO


(Edirisinghe et al., 2000, Gherardi and Oldham, 2003, Edirisinghe et al., 2004, Hill et al.,

2004). Application of Pastures from Space®

for use by the dairy industry in Australia and

New Zealand has been evaluated but problems with cloud cover, low spatial resolution (250m


x 250m), timely data delivery, accurate pasture estimation, and appropriate support structures

for data interpretation have seen low adoption (Eastwood and Kenny, 2009, Eastwood et al.,

2009, Mata et al., 2011).

Remote sensing, via Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), is an emerging technique, with

applications that have included rangeland monitoring (Rango et al., 2006, Laliberte et al.,

2010, Laliberte et al., 2011a, Laliberte et al., 2011b), pasture management for livestock

(Shepherd et al., 2013, Von Bueren and Yule, 2013), crop monitoring (Hunt et al., 2003, Hunt

et al., 2005, Lelong et al., 2008, Hunt et al., 2010, Swain et al., 2010), orchard and vineyard

management (Berni et al., 2009, Turner et al., 2011) and environmental research (Hardin and

Hardin, 2010). Benefits of using UAVs as a platform for remote sensing include flexibility of

deployment, high spatial resolution(ideal for identification of within field variation), low

acquisition costs (compared to other remote sensing platforms), ability to cover large areas,

and versatility in terms of sensor capabilities (Moran et al., 1997, Hunt et al., 2003, Hardin

and Hardin, 2010, Laliberte et al., 2010, Swain et al., 2010, Laliberte et al., 2011a, Laliberte et

al., 2011b). UAV-based remote sensing has the potential to overcome cloud cover issues,

allow timely and flexible data acquisition with limited labour involvement, which could aid in

more objective pasture estimation methods being adopted within the dairy industry.

Pasture-based dairy systems of Western Australia have limited adoption of current objective

pasture estimation methods (M. Staines, DAFWA, Bunbury, W.A, personal communication).

UAVs are attractive to the industry as they could provide useful information about pasture

biomass in a timely manner, at high spatial resolutions to aid farm decisions, however the

accuracy of this method is at present unknown. For a new method of pasture estimation to be

viable within the dairy industry it would need to meet the performance of the current method.

The aim of this study is to assess the potential for a UAV, as a remote sensing platform, to

accurately estimate pasture biomass in intensively grazed dairy pastures and their possible

role in facilitating grazing management and feed budgeting decisions. To allow for direct

comparison to the most commonly used quantitative industry pasture estimation method, the

UAV remote sensing approach will be benchmarked against the RPM for performance in

estimating above-ground pasture, in comparison to direct measurement by quadrat cuts. The

research hypothesis is: that UAV will perform at a similar level of accuracy to the current

pasture measurement method using RPM for estimating pasture biomass. Development of

high spatial resolution maps will also be created to show within field variability of pasture

biomass, with the intention of supplying pre- and post-grazing pasture cover information to


demonstrate the applicability and usefulness of UAV to aid farm decisions, relative to

conventional point-based measurement and estimation techniques.


Materials and Methods:

Trial site

The study was conducted over three fields (field numbers146, 143, 133-135) covering a total

area of 13.7 ha at Vasse Research Station, Vasse, Western Australia (Figure 1) (33˚45‘12‖S,

115˚21‘8‖E). It experiences a Mediterranean-type climate with mean maximum and minimum

temperatures of 22C and 10C respectively. It has a mean annual precipitation of 805 mm,

with most rainfall during winter months (April-September) and otherwise experiences hot dry

summers. The site is a dryland dairy farming system relying on seasonal precipitation, with

annual Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and White Clover (Trifolium repens) the

predominant pasture species. A rotational grazing systems was used by the farmer, with fields

146, 143, and 133-135 respectively grazed on 21/05/2015, 20/05/2015, and 22/05/2015.

Figure 1: (a) Plot transects for 14/05/2015 and 16/06/2015 and (b) site location at Vasse Research Station.

Rising plate meter and biomass measurements

Rising plate meter and pasture biomass sampling were conducted before grazing on

14/05/2015 (n = 60) and then after grazing 16/06/2015 (n = 60). Quadrat locations were




Vasse research


0 300km







determined at random before each flight (to collect remote sensing data) along V-shaped or

diagonal transects (see Figure 1), similar to the approach of Edirisinghe et al. (2011). To

identify the location where the biomass samples were taken within the imagery, 0.24 x 0.24 m

(approximately 6 x 6 pixels) white, painted, wooden targets were used, based on the approach

ofHunt et al. (2010). Targets were placed at each quadrat location, facing due North at ground

level using a compass before each flight. The wooden targets were subsequently painted black

due to their interference with the reflectance data from the adjacent quadrats (Figure 2).

Figure 2:Halo effect of wooden target (small rectangle) colour (a) white with halo and (b) black with no halo,

used to locate biomass quadrat.

Rising plate meter measurements and biomass samples were taken immediately after image

acquisition. Metal 0.5 x 0.5 m quadrats were placed next to wooden targets (Figure 3). Care

was taken when placing quadrats to minimize edge effects (Cayley and Bird, 1996). Two

RPM placements were taken from top left and bottom right corners, within the 0.5 x 0.5m

quadrat (Earle and McGowan, 1979, Stockdale and Kelly, 1984). Initial and final pasture

height readings from the RPM were recorded for each quadrat. All RPM work was done by

one operator for both dates to minimise variability caused by the operator. Rising plate meter

regressions were conducted by pairing RPM measurements and biomass samples (Thomson et

al., 2001).

a) b)


Figure 3: Placement of 0.5 x 0.5m quadrats next to wooden targets.

Pasture was then removed from 0.5 x0.5m quadrats for biomass measurement by a large

battery powered hedge trimmer to approximately 5 cm and remaining pasture was cut to

ground level by a scalpel. Pasture from quadrats was oven dried at 100C for 48 hours and

weighed to determine DM (Earle and McGowan, 1979, Cayley and Bird, 1996, Lile et al.,


Mean pasture height (cm) was calculated for each field 146 (n=200), 143 (n=200), and 133-

135 (n=290) using RPM measurements independent of quadrat RPM measurements. Using

RPM calibration equations (Equation 3), mean pasture biomass (kg DM/ha) and total pasture

biomass (kg DM) for each field was calculated for 14/05/2015 (Lile et al., 2001).

Camera and UAV system

A consumer grade digital camera, that had been converted to acquire near-infrared imagery,

was used to obtain the reflectance data (150 g, 12 mega pixel Canon Powershot S110 NIR).

The camera was attached to a fixed wing Parrot-SenseFly eBee UAV that was owned and

operated by Griffin Spatial & Mapping (http://www.griffinspatial.com.au/). The camera

captured three spectral bands of green (510-680 nm), red (575-690 nm) and near-infrared

(NIR) (800-1060nm), with the spectral response characteristics shown in Figure 4. Camera

acquisition settings for white balance, aperture, ISO and shutter speed was set to automatic

and the camera set to automatically acquire images during flight. All images were intended to

be recorded in Jpeg and RAW (Canon CR2 RAW format) formats, however only Jpeg was

captured for the first flight (14/05/2015) due to issues setting and capturing RAW images that

were resolved before later flights.








Wooden target


Figure 4: Relative spectral response of the Canon Powershot camera for the green, red and NIR bands.

Based on a flying altitude of 114 m, the resulting ground resolution pixel resolution was 4 cm


.The UAV flight path was set up using Emotion proprietary software provided by

SensFly, based on predetermined waypoints and an on-board Global Positioning System


Unmanned Aerial Vehicle flights

The first test flight was done on 13/05/2015 and the data was discarded due to problems

associated with a halo effect from the white wooden targets (Figure 2). Subsequent flights

were done on 14/05/2015 and 16/06/2015. Flight conditions on 14/05/2015 were optimal with

wind speeds no greater than 5 m/s, no cloud cover (affecting sun intensity) and near sun nadir

position. Due to shading of plot 20 from trees on 14/05/2015 it was discarded from analysis.

Flight conditions on 16/06/2015 differed as there was light cloud cover. Also two flights were

conducted with the first in Jpeg and second in RAW format. Flight conditions did not vary

between these two flights in June. Due to flight path issues on 16/06/2015, only 49 and 56

plots were used for Jpeg and RAW imagery respectively.

Image mosaicking and georeferencing

Mosaicking combines a series of overlapping images to a composite image or

orthophotomosaic. Image overlap was optimised in the flight planning to achieve 75% in the

flight direction and 75% in the lateral direction to allow for adequate image mosaicking

(Laliberte et al., 2011a, Fornace et al., 2014). Georeferencing by 15 ground control points

(GCP) were used. The 15 white/orange targets were secured on top of fence posts before each


flight and georeferenced using a Trimble R10 RTK-GPS (Trimble Navigation Ltd.,

Sunnyvale, CA, USA) connected to the virtual reference station (VRS) network to achieve a

manufactured quoted horizontal accuracy of ±2 cm.

Unprocessed RAW images were convert to Tagged Image File Format (TIFF)using XnView

v2.33, a freeware package (http://www.xnview.com/en/). Image processing was done using

Agisoft Photoscan Professional Edition (Agisoft LLC, St. Petersburg, Russia), selected on the

basis of findings by Turner et al. (2014) that this program outperformed comparable software

products. The total XYZ error for flights on the 14/05/2015 Jpeg and 16/06/2015 Jpeg and

RAW were 0.015m, 0.022 m and 0.023 m respectively. From here building of image

geometry was done to create a surface model to orthocorrect the images to create the final

rectified photomosaic. Using image geometry an orthophoto was created and exported as a

TIFF file ready for image analysis in ArcGIS (v10.3 for desktop, ESRI Ltd., CA, USA).

Radiometric normalisation

To account for the effects of images captured under different irradiance conditions and allow

multi-date comparison (14/05/2015 and 16/06/2015), radiometric normalisation was applied

(Lebourgeois et al., 2008). Two methods of radiometric normalisation were tested including

normalisation with Teflon panels (Nansen et al., 2013) and normalisation using invariant

targets (Lebourgeois et al., 2008).

Teflon is a surface that reflects across the visible to NIR portion of the spectrum and is widely

used to calibrate images in remote sensing (Bruegge et al., 1993). Four Teflon panels of 0.25

x 0.25 m were distributed throughout the study site before each flight. Using ArcGIS,

polygons were drawn around the Teflon panels to extract the mean digital number (DN)

values from each camera band (G, R, NIR) within orthophotos. All pixels for individual bands

were normalized to the Teflon reflectance values using the raster calculator function in

ArcGIS and Equation 1 (Nansen et al., 2013).

Teflon normalized DN values = (DNinitial/mean Teflon DN) (1)

Invariant targets (or also known as pseudo-invariant targets) are ground targets that have

(relatively) consistent spectral response that allow between-image and -date calibration to

produce radiometrically consistent images (Heo and FitzHugh, 2000). Four Teflon panels and


three invariant targets or wooden panels painted white, grey and black were used meeting the

criteria outlined by Heo and FitzHugh (2000).

The targets were first calibrated under controlled light conditions using a hyperspectral

camera (Pika II, Resonon, Bozerman, MT) according to the procedure detailed in Nansen et

al. (2013). The relative response of each board across wavelengths 390 – 890nm is shown in

Figure 5. The consistent response observed for the Teflon board is a result of the calibration

method. Due to the large variation in observed relative response for the white board across the

spectrum (Figure 5) and the halo effect discussed above (Figure 2), it was excluded from

invariant target normalisation. Grey and black boards were more consistent across the

spectrum, especially across the spectral range captured by the Canon Powershot camera, thus

they were used for invariant target normalisation.

Figure 5: Relative response of calibration boards (white, Teflon, grey, black) across wavelengths 390 – 890nm

under controlled lighting conditions using a hyperspectral camera. Canon Powershot spectral band widths also


Targets were positioned on a gravel road at the study site for each image acquisition date.

Digital number extraction, using ArcGIS, was done using the same approach to Teflon

normalisation. For each spectral band, transform functions were calculated between

hyperspectral DN values and DN values extracted from flight images similar to the approach

used by Lebourgeois et al. (2008). These transform equations were then applied to each

camera band in ArcGIS using raster calculator.





Wavelength (nm)



e re








Calibration board

Spectral band


Calculation of Vegetation Indices (VI)

Common Vegetation Indices (VI) (see Table 1) were calculated from the reflectance data

before and after normalisation for the plots (Lebourgeois et al., 2008). Using ArcGIS, 0.5 x

0.5 m (size of quadrat) polygons were drawn around plots, which were located from the black

wooden targets (Figure 6). A buffer of 4 cm (1 pixel) was applied to minimize errors

associated with geometric corrections, border pixels and pasture edge effects (Cayley and

Bird, 1996, Lelong et al., 2008). Extraction of DN values from all pixels and bands from

within the buffered polygon were exported to Microsoft Excel. Mean DN values for plots

were determined to calculate the various VI.

Table 1: List of vegetation indices used in this study.

Index acronym Algorithm References

DVI: difference vegetation index

NDVI: normalized difference vegetation index

GNDVI: green – NDVI

SR: simple ratio

MSR: modified simple ratio

NLI: non-linear index

GDI: green difference index

GRDI: green red difference index

TVI: transformed vegetation index

RG: red green ratio

DVI = ρnir – ρred

NDVI = (ρnir – ρred)/ (ρnir+ ρred)

GNDVI = (ρnir – ρgreen)/ (ρnir + ρgreen)

SR = ρnir/ρred

MSR = (ρnir/ρred – 1)/((ρnir/ρred)1/2+1)

NLI = (ρnir2 – ρred)/ (ρnir

2 + ρred)

GDI = ρnir – ρred + ρgreen

GRDI = (ρgreen – ρred)/ (ρgreen + ρred)

TVI = √((ρnir – ρred)/ (ρnir + ρred) + 0.5)

RG = ρred/ρgreen

Tucker (1979)

Tucker (1979)

Osborne et al. (2004)

Sims and Gamon (2003)

Chen (1996)

Goel and Qin (1994)

Gianelle and Vescovo (2007)

Gianelle and Vescovo (2007)

Rouse Jr et al. (1974)

Tucker (1979)

ρnir: near infrared band; ρred: red band; ρgreen: green band.

Figure 6: Extraction of DN values for each pixel within the 4cmpixel-1

buffer for the quadrat.


Spatial distribution maps of pasture biomass

Using ArcGIS an index map was created from the DVI (see Table 1) using reflectance data.

Secondly, pasture on offer maps (pasture biomass maps) were derived based on the

relationship between DVI and pasture biomass (from DM cuts) (Equation 2).

Pasture biomass (kg DM/ha) = 80.4*DVI+1228 (2)

To demonstrate the application of pasture on offer maps for grazing management and feed

budgeting purposes, pre-grazing pasture cover (pasture biomass present before grazing event)

and post-grazing residual maps (pasture biomass present after grazing event) were created.

Both maps were formed based on certain criteria and followed a ―traffic light‖ system that

determined their management option. For the pre-grazing pasture cover map, the green ―ready

to graze (>2600 kg DM/ha)‖ criteria was chosen based on findings of La Grange (2009) for

pre-grazing cover and herd intake requirements. Criteria for yellow ―residual target (1500-

1600 kg DM/ha)‖ from post-grazing residual maps was based on an acceptable range that

complemented plant regrowth and nutritional factors (Shannon and Tyndall, 2006, Lee et al.,

2008a). Mean (kg DM/ha) and total (kg DM) pasture biomass was calculated for field 146,

143 and 133-135 using zonal statistics function in ArcGIS.

Differences in spatial distribution of pasture biomass between RPM and UAV methods was

shown using pasture on offer maps. Maps derived for the RPM used the relationship between

pasture height (estimated from the RPM) and pasture biomass (from DM cuts) (Equation 3).

Pasture biomass (kg DM/ha) = 381.6*pasture height (cm) -743 (3)

Applying the spatial interpolation method of kriging, pasture biomass maps were then created.

UAV maps were identical to method detailed above using Equation 2.

Statistical analysis

Statistical analysis of the extracted data was performed using Genstat (17th


International Ltd). Assumption of normality was confirmed using Wilk-Shapiro test before

any data analysis was performed. Descriptive statistics was used to evaluate pasture biomass

and height. Correlation coefficients (r) and coefficient of variation (CV) was used to evaluate

the relationship between pasture biomass and spectral bands for the data before and after


normalisation (Kawamura et al., 2011). Linear regressions between pasture biomass, pasture

height and VI was evaluated using coefficient of determination (r2) and root mean square

error (RMSE) (Sanderson et al., 2001, Loris and Damiano, 2006).



Pasture biomass and height

Mean pasture biomass and height was measured from direct harvesting of quadrats and RPM

measurements respectively with results showing significant variation between flight dates

(Table 2). Pasture biomass for 14/05/2015 was lower with a greater variability (2282 kg

DM/ha ±155) compared with that taken on 16/06/2015 (2768 kg DM/ha ±87). A similar trend

was observed for pasture height, with mean pasture height for 14/05/2015 and 16/06/2015 of

7.9cm (±0.33) and 11.2cm (±0.23), respectively.

Table 2: Descriptive statistics (mean, range, SD, CV) for pasture parameters for both flight dates.

Date Pasture Parameters

(n = 60)

Mean Range SEa



Biomass (kg/ha)





Height (cm) 7.89 11.5 0.33 32


Biomass (kg/ha)





Height (cm) 11.19 8.25 0.23 15 a Standard Error

b Coefficient of variation

Regression analysis was performed to test the relationship between pasture biomass and

height (Table 3). There was a strong linear relationship between pasture height and biomass

for 14/05/2015 (r2= 0.66 with RMSE of 702 kg DM/ha). A poor linear relationship was

observed from regression analysis on 16/06/2015 with r2 = 0.27 and RMSE = 305 kg DM/ha.

Statistical models for both dates was significant (p < 0.05) with results showing large within

season variation for both pasture biomass and height.

Table 3: Coefficient of determination (r2) and root mean square error (RMSE) of regression analysis for pasture

biomass and pasture height for both flight dates.

Date Regression analysis


RMSE p-values

14/05/2015 0.66 702 <.001

16/06/2015 0.27 305 <.001


Radiometric normalisation

Calibration of UAV data with hyperspectral data

Determination of transform equations for invariant target normalisation was derived from

regression analysis between UAV and hyperspectral camera DN values, with the objective of

creating images with radiometric fidelity, such that DN values were comparable between

flights under different conditions. There was a strong linear relationship between UAV DN

values and hyperspectral DN values with all flight data showing r2>0.93 (Table 4).

Table 4: Coefficient of determination (r2) and root mean square error (RMSE) for regression analysis between

UAV DN, extracted from invariant targets, and DN from hyperspectral camera for radiometric normalisation.

Analysis shown for all spectral bands and flights.

Band 14/05/2015 16/05/2015

Jpeg (n = 3) Jpeg (n = 3) RAW (n = 3)

























Effect of radiometric normalisation

Linear relationships between pasture biomass and spectral bands before and after

normalisation is shown in Table 5. Radiometric normalisation had negligible effect on

correlations between biomass and spectral bands, except for a slight reduction for NIR Jpeg

and RAW data from 16/06/2015. There was significant positive relationships between

biomass and the NIR band for Jpeg on 14/05/2015 (r = 0.52) and 16/06/2015 (r = 0.42). Poor

correlations were found for the Jpeg green (r = 0.12) and red (r = -0.03) bands from

14/05/2015; however, positive correlations was observed for green (r = 0.39) and red (r =

0.37) bands on 16/06/2015. Overall, Jpeg images out-performed RAW images, which had

fewer significant correlations, and was an unexpected result (Table 5).


Table 5: Correlation coefficient (r), mean and coefficient of variation (CV) for relationships between spectral

bands and pasture biomass, for different methods of radiometric normalisation, from all flights.



Band 14/05/2015 16/06/2015

Jpeg (n = 59) Jpeg (n = 49) RAW (n = 56)

r Mean CV r Mean CV r Mean CV

Pre-normalised Green






























Teflon Green






























Invariant targets Green






























*significant correlations p < 0.05

Mean DN for the pre-normalised Jpeg data was very similar for the green and red bands,

however an increase in NIR (128 to 142) was observed for 16/06/2015, along with a decrease

in variation (9.5 to5.4). When comparing Jpeg and RAW images, RAW images had an overall

reduced brightness due to a decrease in mean DN values (Figure 7). It was also observed that

for pre-normalised and normalised RAW images there was an overall increase in DN

variation when compared to Jpeg images captured on the same day.

Figure 7: Jpeg (a) and RAW (b) images taken on 16/06/2015. RAW image has a reduced brightness with

distinct vignetting effect (darker at the edges than the middle).

(a) (b)


The overall trend between mean DN values and pasture biomass for the different spectral

bands was consistent before and also after the different normalisations, for all flights, and is

displayed using data from 14/05/2015 (Figure 8). Teflon normalisation increased mean DN

values for only red and NIR bands, with NIR significantly increased from 128 to 232. Teflon

also had the effect of reducing the variation in DN values for NIR (CV = 7.5) compared with

pre-normalised data (CV = 9.5). Radiometric normalisation using the invariant targets

increased mean DN values for the NIR band, with an associated decrease in variation (CV=

4.0). It also had a large effect on reducing mean DN values for green and red bands as well

increasing DN variation compared to the pre-normalised DN values.

Figure 8: Pasture biomass correlated with mean plot DN for (a) pre-normalised, (b) Teflon normalised and (c)

invariant target normalised for flight on the 14/05/2015.



s (k

g D



DN value



s (k

g D















Relationship between VI and pasture biomass

The relationship between biomass and VI for 14/05/2015 is shown in Figure 9. Pre-

normalized DVI, NDVI, TVI, MSR and SR (refer to Table 1 for VI) had similar relationships

with biomass (r2 = 0.416 to 0.421, RMSE = 924 to 928 kg DM/ha). However, a poorer

relationship was observed for VI GNDVI, NLI, and GDI (r2 = 0.248-0.387, RMSE = 951-

1053 kg DM/ha), with indices GRDI and RG found to be non-significant (p < 0.05, also see

Figure 9 for results). Radiometric normalisation reduced coefficient of determination and

increased root mean square errors compared to the pre-normalised data (Figure 9), with a

more significant decrease observed using invariant normalisation, except for GRDI and RG

which increased. The ranking of VI performance altered when using radiometric

normalisation, with indices ranked low in pre-normalised often ranking higher when

normalised (e.g. NLI). Indices DVI (r2 = 0.386 to 0.421, RMSE = 924 to 953 kg DM/ha) and

NLI (r2 = 0.371 to 0.376, RMSE = 959 to 963 kg DM/ha) were the most robust across pre-

normalised and normalised, with minimal changes in r2, this is most clearly shown with

invariant normalisation. Overall, DVI was the best performing VI on 14/05/2015, as it had

had the highest coefficient of determination with pasture biomass and the lowest RMSE

across the pre-normalised and normalised data.


Figure 9: Coefficient of determination (r2) and root mean square error (RMSE) of regression analysis between

pasture biomass and vegetation indices for pre-normalised (a,d), Teflon normalised (b,e) and invariant target

normalised (c,f) for flight on 14/05/2015. Significant correlation (p < 0.05) shown by histograms in black.

For flights from 16/06/2015 the relationship between VI and pasture biomass was variable

(Table 6), where the trends observed on14/05/2015 not being similar on 16/06/2015. For the

comparison between Jpeg and RAW there was a difference in the significance of the

relationship between pasture biomass and VI. For Jpeg VI it was found that six pre-

normalised (r2 = 0.029-0.155, RMSE = 630-676 kg DM/ha), three Teflon normalised (r

2 =

0.066-0.099, RMSE = 651-669 kg DM/ha) and eight invariant normalised (r2 = 0.105-0.133,

RMSE = 638-649 kg DM/ha) were significant (p < 0.05) and all r2 values for RAW imagery

was non-significant (p < 0.05). The most robust VI, for Jpeg, was GDI which showed

significance across pre-normalised and normalised imagery as well as achieving the highest

coefficient of determination for pre-normalised (r2 = 0.155) and Teflon normalisation (r

2 =

0.099). Invariant target normalisation had the overall effect of improving the relationship

between pasture biomass and VI for Jpeg imagery. Poor results on 16/06/2015 for









(f) R








relationships between VI and biomass meant multi-date comparison for changes in pasture

biomass was not performed.

Table 6: Coefficient of determination (r2) and root mean square error (RMSE) for regression analysis between

pasture biomass and VI at different levels of radiometric normalisation. Results from Jpeg and RAW flights from


Regression Analysis

Radiometric normalisation Vegetation index Jpeg (n = 49) RAW (n = 56)

r2 RMSE r


Pre- normalised

DVI 0.029* 676 0.034 680

NDVI 0.000 692 0.006 690

GNDVI 0.113* 646 0.000 693

SR 0.000 692 0.006 690

MSR 0.000 692 0.006 690

NLI 0.124* 642 0.038 679

GDI 0.155* 630 0.037 679

GRDI 0.067* 662 0.003 691

TVI 0.000 692 0.006 690

RG 0.066* 663 0.003 691


DVI 0.000 693 0.001 691

NDVI 0.048 669 0.000 698

GNDVI 0.000 692 0.003 691

SR 0.046 670 0.000 698

MSR 0.046 669 0.000 698

NLI 0.000 690 0.000 693

GDI 0.099* 651 0.023 684

GRDI 0.067* 662 0.003 691

TVI 0.048 669 0.000 698

RG 0.066* 663 0.003 691

Invariant targets

DVI 0.119* 644 0.000 695

NDVI 0.12* 643 0.000 695

GNDVI 0.133* 638 0.017 686

SR 0.122* 642 0.000 695

MSR 0.122* 642 0.000 695

NLI 0.119* 644 0.000 698

GDI 0.105* 649 0.024 684

GRDI 0.000 692 0.014 687

TVI 0.119* 643 0.000 695

RG 0.000 692 0.014 687

*significant correlations p < 0.05


Validation of the DVI vegetation index using the RPM method

To confirm the DVI, obtained using the UAV, as a valid pasture estimation method it was

compared to the RPM, a commonly used method for estimating pasture biomass. The DVI

and RPM could be compared directly due to both methods measuring the biomass from the

same plots, on the same day. It was found that the statistical model for RPM, based on pasture

height, had greater ability to explain the variation in pasture biomass (r2 = 0.66) on

14/05/2015, as well as higher predictive ability (RMSE = 702 kg DM/ha, P <.001) compared

to the best performing VI, the DVI (r2 = 0.42, RMSE = 914 kg DM/ha, P<.001) (Figure 10).

A similar result in terms of preferred technique was found for 16/06/2015, though the ocerall

predictive capability was lower later in the season with the RPM (r2 = 0.27, RMSE = 573 kg

DM/ha, P<.001) out-performing the best VI, GDI (r2 = 0.16, RMSE = 630 kg DM/ha, P =



Intercept r2

RMSE p-value

Pasture Height (a) 381.6 -743 0.66 702 <.001

DVI pre-normalised (b) 80.4 1228 0.42 924 <.001

DVI Teflon (c) 53.6 -2591 0.40 942 <.001

DVI invariant targets (d) 57.2 -4867 0.38 953 <.001

Height (cm)




s (k

g D





s (k

g D










s (k

g D



(a) (b)





Figure 10: Relationship between (a) pasture biomass and height, (b) DVI pre-normalised, (c) DVI Teflon

normalised and (d) DVI invariant target normalised. Slope and intercept are shown with associated r2, RMSE

and significance (p < 0.05). Data acquisition from 14/05/2015.

Spatial distribution maps of pasture biomass

Spatial distribution maps of pasture biomass were created as an insight into the application of

mapping pasture biomass with remote sensing, using UAV's. Figure 11 shows pasture

biomass maps for the DVI, formulated from reflectance data, and pasture on offer maps

derived from the relationship between DVI and pasture biomass (from DM cuts).

Figure 11: Spatial distribution of pasture biomass using DVI map and pasture-on-offer map derived from the

relationship between DVI and pasture biomass (from DM cuts). Data acquisition 14/05/2015.

As a practical application, the pasture on offer maps have been demonstrated to identify the

status of individual fields and their readiness to be grazed (Figure 12). For example, red,

yellow and green ‗traffic light system‘ identifies that field 143 is ready to be grazed, fields

133-135 can be grazed soon and field 146 is not ready to graze. Using the post-grazing

residual target map (Figure 12), the amounts of biomass remaining have been categorised.

Field 146 was grazed to hard and fields 143 and 133-135 grazed to lightly, with no fields

achieving the 1500-1600 kg DM/ha target (ideal amount) for remaining biomass after grazing.






Figure 12: Application of pasture biomass maps to be used for pre-grazing pasture cover and post-grazing

residual targets to aid gazing management and feed budgeting decisions. Data acquisition 14/05/2015.

Identification of oat (Avena sativa) patches in Field 143, shown in Figure 13, indicated low

biomass of less than 1500 kg DM/ha. Visual observations on the day of sampling

(14/05/2015) revealed there was large differences in biomass between pasture and oats; where

oats had much larger observed biomass and height than pasture, which did not correspond to

high biomass estimated from the pasture on offer map (Figure 13).











Figure 13:Effect of botanical composition on the estimation of pasture biomass, where patches of oats (Avena

sativa) are shown as low biomass, whereas in-field observations revealed relatively high biomass. Data

acquisition 14/05/2015.

The difference with how within-field variability is captured between the two methods (UAV

estimation and spatial interpolation of point plate meter measurements) is quite significantly

illustrated within Figure 14.Overall, both methods rank each field the same with respect to

mean biomass and total biomass (Table 7), however, the RPM (kriging) seems to largely

overestimate pasture biomass from field 146.

Oaten Hay




Figure 14: Pasture on offer maps created from spatial interpolation using kriging, based on estimation of pasture

biomass from pasture height, and estimation of pasture biomass from spectral data using the DVI.

Table 7: Mean pasture biomass (kg DM/ha) and total biomass (kg DM) for each field derived from quadrat cuts,

RPM (from independent RPM measurements), UAV (using DVI), and RPM (using kriging spatial interpolation).

Error of pasture estimation relative to quadrat cuts is shown.

Field Pasture measurement methods

quadrat cuts RPM UAV RPM (kriging)

Mean biomass (kg DM/ha) 146 1063 997 (-6.2%) 899 (-15.4%) 1577 (+48.3%)

143 3154 3293(+4.4%) 2435(-29.5%) 2925(-7.8%)

133-135 2573 2126(-21.0%) 2044(-25.9%) 2266(-13.5%)

Total biomass (kg DM) 146 4223 3958(-6.7%) 3566(-18.4%) 6262(+48.2%)

143 14069 14688(+4.4%) 10859(-29.6%) 13036(-7.9%)

133-135 13563 11205(-21.0%) 10784(-25.8%) 11884(-14.1%)











The effect of shade on spectral data was observed with the spatial pattern created by the tree

line evident in both pasture on offer map and UAV false colour image (Figure 15). Shaded

areas of the field may have reduced estimated pasture biomass, in this case, estimates have

been reduced to the 0-1500 kg DM/ha category.

Figure 15: The effect of shade on estimated pasture biomass.


from tree








Rising plate meter and UAV

Due to limited research on the use of UAV and their nature as an emerging technology, this

study represents the first known work to directly evaluate UAV remote sensing methods to

the most commonly used and recommended industry method, the RPM, when evaluating

pasture biomass for dairy systems. Previous experience with the RPM have shown it to be

accurate for research purposes, with its automated function and simplicity making it

applicable to aid farm decisions (Earle and McGowan, 1979, Lile et al., 2001, Thomson et al.,

2001). It was hypothesized that the UAV, using VI, would perform similar to the RPM, which

uses pasture height, in estimating pasture biomass. However, this hypothesis was rejected,

with the RPM explaining 24% and 11% more variation in pasture biomass than the indices

DVI (14/05/2015) and GDI (16/06/2015) respectively, the best performing VI for each date.

A range of results for the performance of RPM are reported in the literature (r2 = 0.31 to 0.92)

for similar species composition to those in this study (Stockdale, 1984a, Stockdale and Kelly,

1984, Scrivner et al., 1986, Murphy et al., 1995, Sanderson et al., 2001). This study showed

that the RPM performed within this range, however, coefficient of variation (15-32%) was

found to be greater than other studies (11-22%) (Stockdale, 1984a, Stockdale and Kelly,

1984). Earle and McGowan (1979) showed that within operator variation of RPM

measurements resulted in yield estimate errors of less than 3%, but they found significant

variation in yield estimation between operators, mainly due to technique differences whilst

operating the RPM. One operator was used for all RPM measurements in this study, which

reduced the likelihood of operator error and therefore estimates of pasture biomass. Any error

discrepancies associated with the RPM were thought to arise from uneven soil surface, cow

dung, senescent vegetation and potential inclusion of other pasture species within the quadrat

(Earle and McGowan, 1979, Stockdale and Kelly, 1984, Sanderson et al., 2001).

Performance of VI

The use of green and red band VI showed poor results, that were similar to that of Gianelle

and Vescovo (2007) and Tucker (1979) using spectrometers. Vegetation indices using red and

NIR bands consistently outperformed VI containing the green band, suggesting use of the

green band inappropriate for estimating pasture biomass. The good performance of red and

NIR bands is due to the strong relationship between red and NIR areas of the spectrum with


physical and physiological properties of vegetation (Knipling, 1970, Tucker, 1979, Peñuelas

and Filella, 1998).

Relatively high r2

values were obtained on 14/05/2015, compared with 16/05/2015. The low r2

for the second date, in terms of estimating in pasture biomass, made multi-date comparisons

less reliable in this study. However, poor results for the RPM on 16/05/2015 indicated that

camera performance (i.e. VI) and environmental conditions were not solely to blame, and that

choice of quadrats potentially failed to accommodate sufficient range in biomass to achieve

similar results as on 14/05/2015. A smaller range in pasture biomass, hence smaller range in

corresponding pasture height (for RPM) and VI, has been shown to have a large influence

over r2 values (Cornell and Berger, 1987). The data for the second date could have been

improved if the farmer had grazed some of paddocks just prior to taking the measurements, to

make the range in biomass greater. Different acquisition dates within season cannot be ruled

out in affecting the result of the relationship between biomass and pasture height or VI as this

is often observed in the literature (e.g.(Earle and McGowan, 1979, Michell, 1982, Lelong et

al., 2008, Edirisinghe et al., 2011).

Further discrepancies between individual spectral bands and biomass, where significant

correlation was only established for the NIR band on 14/05/2015, whereas, significant

correlations were drawn for all bands on 16/06/2015, could have influenced VI results. This is

an inherent problem when dealing with consumer-grade digital cameras using wide

bandwidths, large band overlaps, and restrictive use of broadband VI (von Bueren et al.,

2015). The use of consumer-grade digital cameras to predict quantitative values will be less

accurate than more expensive sensors with narrow spectral bands and use of specific

bandwidths to assess different biophysical parameters (Mutanga and Skidmore, 2004, Berni et

al., 2009, Kawamura et al., 2011, Vescovo et al., 2012, von Bueren et al., 2015).

UAV camera and hyperspectral camera

Established relationships exist between VI and various biophysical parameters such as leaf

area index, above ground biomass, green ratio, and absorption of photosynthetically active

radiation. These have been derived/calibrated from monitoring vegetation/crops/pastures

using field spectrometers (Asrar et al., 1984, Weiser et al., 1986, Boschetti et al., 2007,

Gianelle and Vescovo, 2007, Flynn et al., 2008, Vescovo et al., 2012). Due to this,

cameras/sensors on board UAVs for monitoring vegetation/crop/pasture are assessed for their


performance or calibrated against spectrometers. Primicerio et al. (2012) tested a multispectral

camera (Tetracam) for vineyard management and showed strong correlation (r2 = 0.97) of

NDVI values to a field spectrometer. Furthermore, Swain et al. (2010) and von Bueren et al.

(2015) found similar correlations between multispectral cameras and spectrometers (r2 =

0.897 and 0.92 respectively).

The lack of a field spectrometer in this study meant ground spectral reflectance of quadrant

biomass and calibration targets could not be determined at time of image acquisition. Instead,

an in-situ hyperspectral camera, under controlled light conditions was used to calibrate

targets, consisting of wooden, coloured, boards, for invariant target normalisation only.

Preliminary regressions between hyperspectral and UAV camera showed very strong

correlations (r2> 0.93) for all dates, image formats and bands inferring use of transform

equations for invariant target normalisation was reliable. However, calibration of targets

occurred under different light conditions to that in the field and this has potential to introduce

calibration error. The wooden targets were easily deployed in the field and avoided many

major limitations outlined by Moran et al. (2001) when using tarps. Negligible differences in


indicated that calibration targets were spectrally consistent over changes in time, irradiance

and spectral bands. Using a Canon PowerShot SD 780 IS von Bueren et al. (2015) established

a good correlation with a high-resolution spectrometer (r2 = 0.65). If a field spectrometer was

available it would be expected similar correlations could be achieved considering the camera

in this study was similar (Canon Powershot S110 NIR).

Radiometric normalisation

Radiometric calibration (relative or absolute) aims at reducing environmental effects, such as

illumination levels due to changes in angle from sun, target and sensor, by achieving

consistent levels of radiance at the surface level both temporally and spatially by improving

at-sensor radiance (Hunt et al., 2003, Kelcey and Lucieer, 2012). Radiometric normalisation

(also known as relative radiometric calibration) was expected to improve the relationship

between pasture biomass and VI by accounting for these changes. Neither radiometric

normalisation methods, Teflon and invariant target, followed the expected results, in fact, the

reverse was observed and pre-normalised VI were found to estimate pasture biomass with

higher accuracy. Invariant target normalisation had a greater negative effect on the

relationship between biomass and VI than that of Teflon normalisation.


There were two possible reasons for the poor performance of the radiometric normalisation.

Firstly, Teflon normalisation had the effect of increasing DN dependent on spectral sensitivity

of bands, i.e. mean DN increased 0.4, 21.7 and 81.2 percent respectively for green, red and

NIR bands. This implied that Teflon normalisation was able to correct for the sensors lower

sensitivity in the red and NIR bands. However, saturation occurred in the NIR band as mean

DN for high biomass plots exceeded mean Teflon DN, this incurred a loss of spectral

information due to the normalisation process and explains the reduction in coefficient of

determinations for VI compared to those of pre-normalised data. Shepherd et al. (2013) also

indicated saturation in the NIR band from a multispectral camera despite radiometric

normalization. Secondly, invariant target normalisation adjusted DN according to transform

equations which resulted in major changes (increase or decrease in DN) to all three bands

independent of band spectral sensitivity. There was a compounding effect as the same

saturation problem was evident for the NIR band and also the decrease in DN for the red and

green bands was not conducive to sensor response for those bands. In addition, the increased

variation and errors associated with band DN was amplified when calculating VI, therefore

affecting the relationship with biomass (Lebourgeois et al., 2008). It was interesting to note

that radiometric normalisation had no effect on the correlation between spectral bands and

biomass which seemed counterintuitive as radiometric normalisation reduced the relationship

of VI and biomass. Lebourgeois et al. (2008) had similar conclusions, stating that radiometric

errors (using invariant targets) associated with individual bands gave variable VI results,

whereas, normalisation improved individual relationships of spectral bands with vegetation


Radiometric normalisation on mosaicked images was performed in this study and based on

findings of Laliberte et al. (2010) is a justifiable approach, yet vignetting was observed for

RAW images on 16/06/2015. Lelong et al. (2008) found vignetting had the effect of

decreasing mean DN by 5% in visible bands and 35% in the NIR band, with correction of this

suggested as vital if quantitative use of data is needed. Use of vignetting corrections could be

applied to improve the results of RAW images in this study. However, due to the large image

overlap (75% in UAV flight and lateral directions) and the nature of vignetting to effect only

the edges of an image, it is suggested that the workflow in Photoscan potentially avoided this

by replacing affected images with spectral data from the centre of unaffected images during

the mosaicking process. Furthermore, vignetting would only cause an issue if extraction of

spectral reflectance data from quadrats was within the affected areas of an image.


Image format

It has been reported that the use of Jpeg or TIFF images in remote sensing results in reduced

image quality due to radiometric degradation (Lelong et al., 2008, von Bueren et al., 2015).

Radiometric resolution is lowered by camera specific operations during Jpeg ‗lossy‘

compression and DN having a non-linear relationship with brightness throughout the image

(Lebourgeois et al., 2008). Many authors recommend the use of unprocessed (RAW) images

for best radiometric performance (Lebourgeois et al., 2008, Lelong et al., 2008, von Bueren et

al., 2015). It was expected that RAW images would out-perform Jpeg images at estimating

pasture biomass from VI; however, this was not observed, with Jpeg VI performing better

overall than RAW format, regardless of radiometric normalisation method on 16/06/2015.

Correlations between spectral bands and biomass was consistently lower for RAW images

explaining the poor performance of VI. Summing of radiometric errors outlined before and by

Lebourgeois et al. (2008) support the results that no improvements were found from RAW

radiometric normalisation. Conversion of RAW images to TIFF was performed before image

mosaicking. TIFF compression is ‗lossless‘, therefore any radiometric degradation is thought

to be negligible from this process (Bauer and Becker, 2011).

Implication for UAV in the dairy industry

The availability of pasture biomass at a whole farm scale is a key driver for achieving high

pasture utilisation, farm profitability and efficient management decisions (Hedley et al., 2006,

Romera et al., 2010). This study has validated that UAV and remote sensing can provide, at a

field scale, reliable estimates of pasture biomass availability. It has shown the need to move

away from qualitative remote sensing (DVI map) that only indicate areas of low and high

biomass which is open to interpretation, to more quantitative remote sensing (pasture on offer

map) that can provide useful information that will drive grazing management and feed

budgeting decisions.

The present study has demonstrated that post- and pre-grazing information can be derived

from mapping pasture biomass and be presented in a way which is conducive to easy data

interpretation, ideal for time-poor farmers. If the approach used in this study was applied to a

whole-farm scale it is has implications for grazing intervals and intensities which can avoid

over- and under-grazing, beneficial to plant persistence, regrowth and nutritional status

(White et al., 2002, Lee et al., 2008a, b, Macdonald et al., 2008a, Chapman et al., 2012). Pre-

grazing pasture cover maps allows direct application of the ―feed wedge‖ management tool


(www.dairynz.co.nz) that enables ranking of a farms fields based on individual performance,

promoting correct grazing intervals or rotations tailored to the readiness of a field to be

grazed. Pre-grazing pasture cover maps that can provide spatial identification of within field

pasture biomass, along with mean and/or total field biomass, can be used as a tool to integrate

the appropriate stocking rates and pasture allocation based on animal requirements. The

benefits of correct stocking rate and accurately allocating pasture to cows has been shown to

positively affect milk production (Fulkerson et al., 2005, Macdonald et al., 2008b). Post-

grazing residual maps provide a further validation whether the grazing management decisions

imposed are adequate. Indication of over- or under-grazing of fields supplies the farmer with

direct and powerful feedback on past decisions about feed supply to animals, which presents

itself to better future decisions in the allocation of feed as pasture or as supplements in the

diary to meet that optimum post-grazing residual.

The concept that frequent mapping of farm pasture availability, via UAVs, is possible lends

itself to be useful in feed budgeting. For the medium to long term planning, UAVs can

provide a holistic approach to what on-farm pasture biomass is doing throughout the season

which can help identify surplus or deficits at critical times of the year. For example, early

season detection of pasture biomass can assist in deciding when to commence grazing or,

during spring, when pasture growth rates start to exceed animal requirement, identification of

fields that should be locked up for forage conservation. Furthermore, there is a range of

software packages available to farmers/advisors to conduct feed budgeting or planning, for

example FeedPlan (Dobos et al., 2004). One of the main inputs these packages require is

pasture availability or biomass which is initially an educated guess with the possibility of

objective estimation coming later (Dobos et al., 2004). The ability of the UAV to estimate

available pasture biomass at the field and whole farm scale allows the potential to feed such

information directly into feed budgeting tools.

Recommendations and implications for future research

The use of wooden targets to extract spectral data from ground measurements was found to be

simple, accurate and robust. The methodology is repeatable and can be easily adopted in

future research for other remote sensing applications

Radiometric normalisation was not a useful component of this study, potentially due to the

limitations of the low cost consumer grade sensor, not the radiometric normalisation method.

The sensor used in the study did not provide adequate radiometric resolution for successful


normalisation. It is inevitable that multi-date comparison and seasonal calibration will be

required for UAV much the same as other objective methods. For that reason radiometric

normalisation will be a necessity to achieve consistent and comparable results over time.

Future improvement and/or evaluation of higher grade sensors in estimating biophysical

parameters may improve results. As development and investment in UAV technologies drives

down the costs and weight of higher spectral fidelity sensors, this may see an increasing

availability of higher quality sensors at a low cost.

The use of Jpeg format had a superior performance in comparison to RAW format. The

shorter processing time required for Jpeg is an advantage, however for high quality results,

minimizing radiometric degradation, RAW image would be the preferred format for future


It was evident that multi-date comparison of pasture biomass estimation was variable and this

has limitations when it comes to an industry that needs frequent and reliable information to

make critical decisions. The dairy industry would need a robust algorithm that is resistant to

changing conditions within and between seasons for accurate pasture estimation specific to

the chosen VI. This would only come about from repeated calibration of the UAV throughout

the growing season. An alternative approach to estimating pasture biomass that uses climatic,

soil and plant data to derive pasture growth models, (e.g.(Hill et al., 2004, Edirisinghe et al.,

2011, Rahman et al., 2014) could reduce repeated ground calibration measurements.

There is an ever growing concerns for the environment due to intensification of dairy farms,

increased effluent production and fertilizers use, such as nitrogen and phosphorus (Gourley et

al., 2007, Monaghan et al., 2007). Lelong et al. (2008) demonstrated UAVs can estimate and

map spatial variability of nitrogen in wheat crops. The use of UAVs to determine and

spatially map pasture nutrient requirements would be extremely valuable to the dairy industry

in terms of nutrient budgeting, reduced input costs, variable rate application and mitigation of

environmental issues such as runoff in to waterways.

This was a pilot study to test the potential of UAV in the dairy industry. It did not focus on

efficient workflow methods that could reduce time between image acquisition and production

of useful pasture biomass maps. This is not only a problem for this study but a general UAV

remote sensing problem that will most notably improve in time. However, it did demonstrate

that data from UAV could be easily interpreted but work needs to be done to develop a

workflow that provides the output within a timely manner. The results from this study,


confirm that this method is able to produce reliable estimates of pasture biomass, that are

comparable (though slightly less accurate for point measurements) to industry best practice

methods such as RPM, but with the significant advantage of powerful maps of the spatial

distribution of pasture across the paddock. These advances in technology offer the potential

when combined with some additional research refinement in the methods and workflow, to be

integrated into dairy systems to optimise feed allocation and drive increased productivity for

this important industry.


Although pasture biomass is inherently difficult to estimate accurately it is an essential factor

that enables improvement in pasture management, pasture utilisation and farm profitability.

This study demonstrated that UAV can be used to estimate and spatially map pasture biomass

whilst avoiding issues associated with other remote sensing platforms. The UAV does come

with its own set of limitations, however, with significant interest and fast development in

UAV (and sensor) technologies there is no doubt these constraints will be improved. Further

studies are needed to evaluate other UAV and sensors that can specifically target the needs of

the dairy industry. With that in mind UAV can be considered a useful future tool for dairy




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