Potential & Kinetic Energy 1

Potential & Kinetic Energy 1. Alabama Course of Study 10.) Differentiate between potential and kinetic energy. Examples: - potential-rock resting at the

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Potential & Kinetic Energy


Alabama Course of Study

• 10.) Differentiate between potential and kinetic energy.

• Examples:• - potential-rock resting at the top of a hill,• - kinetic-rock rolling down a hill• 11.) Explain the law of conservation of

energy and its relationship to energy transformation, including chemical to electrical, chemical to heat, electrical to light, electrical to mechanical, and electrical to sound.



• Energy- ability to do work• 2 Types of Energy

– Kinetic– Potential


Kinetic Energy• Kinetic Energy- energy of an object of

an object that is due to the object’s motion

• The object has kinetic energy if it is moving

– Kinetic energy=

– Kinetic energy increases as the mass or velocity increases




Kinetic Energy

• What is the kinetic energy of a car has a mass if 1,200 kg and is moving at a speed of 20 m/s?

• KE=

• KE=

• KE=(480,000 kgXm/s²) /2• KE=240,000 kgXm/s²• Now do problems 1-4 on page 241

1,200 kg X (20m/s)²

21,200 kg X 400m/s²



Kinetic Energy

• A bowling ball has a mass of 20kg and it is traveling at 2 m/s. What is it’s kinetic energy?

• A car with a mass of 200kg travels with a velocity of 10 m/s. What is it’s kinetic energy?

• A skier with a mass of 15kg travels with a velocity of 9.9m/s. What is it’s change in velocity?


Potential Energy

• Potential Energy- energy that an object has because of the position, shape, or condition of the object

• The thing on earth that affects potential energy the most is gravity

• Height and weight after GPE the most– Gravitational potential energy=Weight X



Calculating GPE

• What is the GPE of a book with a weight of 13N at a height of 1.5m off the ground?

• GPE= Weight X Height• GPE=13N X 1.5m• GPE= 19.5 NXm or 19.5 J• Now do problems 1-3 on page 242


GPE and Weight• A 500N skier is 40m off the ground. What

is his GPE?• A 600N skier is 40m off the ground. What

is his GPE?• The skier with a higher ______ has the

greater GPE.


GPE and Height

• A 500N skier is 40m off the ground. What is her GPE?

• A 500N skier is 60m off the ground. What is her GPE?

• The skier with a higher _______ has the greater GPE.


Elastic Potential Energy

•Elastic Potential Energy- energy associated with objects that can be stretched or compressed–Ex. When an archer pulls back a bow


Roller Coasters and EnergyWhat energy is at

the top of the roller coaster?

What energy is at the bottom of the roller coaster?

What energy is here?

Or here?


Potential, Kinetic, or Both?

• Rock rolling down a hill• Rock on the top of a hill• You sitting in a chair• You standing up• A penny sinking in a cup of water• Styrofoam ball floating in a cup of

water• Throwing a ball in the air


Mechanical Energy

• Mechanical energy-form of energy associated with position and motion of an object

• ME=PE + KE• Ex. A football has 32 J of potential

energy and 45 J of kinetic energy. What is the ME?

• 32J + 45J= 77J


You Teach Activity• Green-thermal energy pg449• Yellow- electrical energy pg 450• Blue- chemical energy pg 450• Pink- nuclear energy pg 450• Orange- electromagnetic energy pg

450 • Purple-Light energy (I will provide)• Red- sound energy (I will provide)• White- solar energy (I will provide)


•4-5 Posters–No white–Must be named–Definition–1 fact–List 3 examples


Law of Conservation of Energy

• Law of Conservation of Energy- energy cannot be created nor destroyed but can change from one form to another

• When energy is changed from one form to another, it is called an energy transfornmation

• Most forms of energy can be transformed into other forms


Types of Transformations

• Single Transformation- one form of energy is changed into another one• Ex. Cell phone transforms electrical to

electromagnetic energy

• Multiple Transformations- more than change of form of energy– Match-chemical energy/to

thermal(heat)/ electromagnetic(light)18

Transformations between KE and PE

• One of the most common energy transformation is between potential energy and kinetic energy

• Look at pendulum on page 456– Copy picture and words


Energy Transformations

Chemical to Heat

Chemical to Electrical

Electrical to Light

Light to Heat


More Energy Transformations

Chemical to Electrical

Electrical to Mechanical

Mechanical to Sound