POSTWORD After three decades of continuous refinement, lens implantation has developed to a point where it can yield very positive results. The fai- lures that have occurred can be laid at the door of bad judgment and inexperience, rather than of any unforeseen reaction of the human organism. Such failures, we hope, will constitute permanent object les- sons for the future. It is difficult to be very categorical about the choice of lens model and technique, for, indeed, several techniques and models are quite satisfactory. Neverthelesss, all the models and all the techniques are undergoing constant change, which can be very frustrating for the neo- phyte surgeon. It is precisely for this reason that lens implantation can be called a " method art" that can only be practiced with success by surgeons who are willing to devote themselves particularly to this procedure, who are willing and able to follow its evolution closely, and who have the opportunity to apply it regularly. These last three decades of evolution of lens implantation have opened up vast new areas of research for the non-inplant surgeon, too. These areas range from the study of materials, optical performance, and sterilization problems to the more profound investigation of the biolog- ical response of the eye to the entire implantaion event. All these areas are providing continual impetus for research that extends well beyond the specific concerns of the ophthalmologist. No one can say whether or not lens implantation is the ultimate answer for the optimal rehabilitation of aphakic patients. It may be, for example, that replacement of the content of the cristallin by a highly refractive material will tum out to be a reliable technique, and keratore- fractive surgery is not beyond the realm of possibility. It is a matter of regret that the cost and complexicity of implant surgery and the pressure of time upon the available medical manpower restricts its large scale application in the non-industrialized countries, where cataracts are a major endemic problem. Although intraocular lens implantation certainly constitutes a major step forward in the history of medicine, the final judgment of its util- ity for the human race will have to be rendered by the future.

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After three decades of continuous refinement, lens implantation has developed to a point where it can yield very positive results. The fai­lures that have occurred can be laid at the door of bad judgment and inexperience, rather than of any unforeseen reaction of the human organism. Such failures, we hope, will constitute permanent object les­sons for the future.

It is difficult to be very categorical about the choice of lens model and technique, for, indeed, several techniques and models are quite satisfactory. Neverthelesss, all the models and all the techniques are undergoing constant change, which can be very frustrating for the neo­phyte surgeon.

It is precisely for this reason that lens implantation can be called a " method art" that can only be practiced with success by surgeons who are willing to devote themselves particularly to this procedure, who are willing and able to follow its evolution closely, and who have the opportunity to apply it regularly.

These last three decades of evolution of lens implantation have opened up vast new areas of research for the non-inplant surgeon, too. These areas range from the study of materials, optical performance, and sterilization problems to the more profound investigation of the biolog­ical response of the eye to the entire implantaion event.

All these areas are providing continual impetus for research that extends well beyond the specific concerns of the ophthalmologist.

No one can say whether or not lens implantation is the ultimate answer for the optimal rehabilitation of aphakic patients. It may be, for example, that replacement of the content of the cristallin by a highly refractive material will tum out to be a reliable technique, and keratore­fractive surgery is not beyond the realm of possibility.

It is a matter of regret that the cost and complexicity of implant surgery and the pressure of time upon the available medical manpower restricts its large scale application in the non-industrialized countries, where cataracts are a major endemic problem.

Although intraocular lens implantation certainly constitutes a major step forward in the history of medicine, the final judgment of its util­ity for the human race will have to be rendered by the future.


Acetazolamide, 104 Acethylcholine, 157, 159, 456 Adrenaline, see epinephrine, After cataract,

Binkhorst 2-loop lens, 265, 269, 271, 275

Secondary procedures for, 141-142 Age of patients, 538-539 Air, use of and endothelial damage, 457, Albumin, human, 449 Alpar, J., suturing technique, 163 Amar modification of iris claw lens, 244 Amblyopia, prevention of 399-401, 412,

430 Ametropia, power of human cristallin in

63,64 Ammonium, quaternary compounds for

sterilization, 4, 52 Anesthesia,

general vs. local, 101 soft eye and, 109-110

Angle pathology, Choyce Mark VIII lens, 319

Angle supported lenses, 26-27, 303-355 aniridia and, 314 children and, 395-398, 431 chronic uveal reactions and, 495-496 guidelines for selection of, after extra-

capsular cataract extraction, 544-545 guidelines for selection of, after intra-

capsular cataract extraction, 544 late atrophic changes and, 496 postoperative uveitis and, 482-484 secondary implantation of, 388-390 technical management of, 337-350

Anis lens, 243, 294 Aniseikonia, 538, 85-95

residual in Kern's series, 372 Anterior chamber,

shallow and flat, 450, 138 depth, 66

Anterior chamber lenses, early models, 7-14

advantages of, 10-11 Barraquer, ]., 9, 13-14 disadvantages of, II long term results with, 14

Anterior lens capsule, capsulotomy of, 115

capsulectomy of, 11 6-11 7 fixation mechanism, 251-253

Antibiotic, intracameral use of, 456 Anticoagulants, use of, 541 Antiemetics, 106 Anti-inflammatory agents, 101, 478 Aphakia, alternative solutions for correc-

tion of, 538 Appolonio, A., 8 Aseptic measures, 100-101 Aspiration, irrigation, of cortical rem­

nants, 121-125 Astigmatism and wound closure, 136-

137 Atrophic changes of the iris, 486-488

metal-looped lenses and, 491-494 Axial length, 66, 73-83 Azar Pyramid Mark III lens, 352 Azocatalyst, 34

Bacillus subtilis, 53-54 spore death rate of, 52

Baron, A., 7 Barraquer lens, 10, 13-14 Barrier deprivation syndrome, 250-251 Beauchamp magnesure, 160 Bencylcethylammonium and lens sterili-

zation, 52 Benzoylperoxide as a catalyst, 34, Bietti, G.B., 8 Bilateral evolutive lens opacifications, 94 Bilateral lens implantation, 93, 540-541 Binkhorst, CO., 7, 15

2-loop iridocapsular lens, 25, 255-270 after-cataract and, 269, 275, 276 implantation technique of, 256-262 preoperative measures for, 257 postoperative measures for, 262-264 children and, 431

3-loop lens, 256 4-loop iris clip lens, 19, 153-193 barrier deprivation syndrome, 250-251 capsular fixation, 7 capsulectomy, 114-115 determination of iseikonic prepupillary

pseudophakos, method for, 86-88 forceps, 127 implant lens power, diagram for, 77 large incision technique for evacuating

- 550 -

cortical remnants, 121 lens powers by age, table of, 72 results with iris clip lens, 165-183 iseikonic pseudophakos, method for,

Binkhorst-McCannel suture, 148 Binkhorst, R. D.

implant lens power, formula for, 78-79

iseikonic implant power, 91-93 Binocular vision, 93-94

in children, 399-401, 409, 412, 417, 420, 422, 427, 430

restoration of, 399-40 I Biodegradation, see degradation, Blood-aqueous barrier, 470-474, 507 Blink test, 345 Boberg-Ans lens, 10, 241 Bovine submaxillary mucin, 449 Bullous keratopathy, II, 13

Cannulas, irrigation, aspiration, 124-125 coaxial, 124-125

Can-opener technique, 117 Capsular fixation, 247, 255-256

mechanics of, 251-253 Capsular and iridocapsular supported len­

ses, design of, 24-25 Capsulotomy, 114-115, 531

Pearce posterior chamber lens, 290 posterior capsulotomy, 5, 270, 275

Care, postoperative, 137 Caustic soda and lens sterilization, 53-54 Cavitron irrigation, aspiration probe,

124 Cell densities in the endothelium, 440-

441 Cell loss in the endothelium, 441-446 Cetrimide, 52 Cheese wiring, 493 Children, lens implantation in, see Chap­

ter XI, 395-432 see also particular topics

Choroid volume, soft eye and, 103 Choyce, D.P.,

children, traumatic cataract in, 395-397

lenses, Mark I-Mark VII, 304-313 Mark I, results, 305-307 Mark II, 308 Mark III, 308 Mark IV, 309 Mark V, 309 Mark V, results, 310-312 Mark VI-VII, 312-313 Mark VIII, 27, 313-334

cystoid macular edema and, 317, 319,321,322,326

insertion technique for, 345-348 lens length determination for,

340-345 problems with, 326-333 results with, 313-326 vitreous loss with, 348-349

Mark IX, 334-337 Clean and aseptic surgery, 97-101 Closed chamber techniques and lens in-

sertion and, 126, 160 Circular loop lens data, 224-228 Coating agents, 145, 146, 448-450 Coaxial cannulas, 124-125 Coleman-Taylor lens, 293-294 Colen brander's formula

diagram based on, 77 for the power of a planoconvex intra­

ocular lens, 74 Color perception, 57-58 Complications,

postoperative, management of, 137-149

see also individual lens models Congenital cataracts in children, 397-398,

404-405 Contact, corneal and endothelial corneal

dystrophy, 447-453 Contact lenses, 538 Contraindications, see guidelines Copeland lens, 15, 20, 194-212

secondary membrane formation and, 485-486

tissue reactions and, 479-480 Corneal behavior in children, 410 Corneal dystrophy, see endothelial cor­

neal dystrophy Corneal folding, 446-447 Cortical remnants, evacuation of,

large incision technique, 121-124 small incision technique, 124-125

Corticosteroids, topical and wound healing, 136 use of, 5, 211

Cristallin power, 61-66 Cyanopsia, 57 Cyclitic membrane formation, 475 Cystitome, 115

Kelman, 115 needle, 115

Cystoid macular edema, see Chapter XIV, 503-518

angiographic, with lens implantation, 511-515 without lens implantation, 508-509

Binkhorst 2-loop lens and, 267, 274 clinical, incidence of,

without lens implantation, 508-509 with lens implantation, 509-511 clinical picture, 503-504 Copeland lens and, 199, 202, 203, 204,

207, 208, 209, 210, 211 evolution and prognosis of, 505-506

- 551

incidence of, 508-515 iris clip lens and, 169,173, 185, 190 medallion lens and, 218, 227, 228,

229 pathogenesis, 506-507 Pearce posterior chamber lens and, 290,

291 prognosis and evolution of 505-506 secondary implantation of angle sup­

ported lenses and, 389, 390, 393 treatment of, 507-508

Dannheim anterior chamber lens, 7, 9, 12, 303, 398

Decentration, 140-141 Binkhorst 2-loop lens and, 277-278 endothelial contact and, 451 management of, 140-141 Pearce posterior chamber lens and, 290,

291 platinum clip lens and, 282-283 posterior chamber lens and, 286

Decompensation of cornea, 434 Degradation,

nylon, 39-43 polypropylene,44-45

Descemet's precipitates, 475 Descemet's membrane, disinsertion of,

Ill, 345 Dermalon, 37 Diabetic retinopathy, 541, 543 Diabetes, 541 Dilation of pupil, postoperative, 277,

530 Dioptric power,

human cristallin, 61-66 selection of, for

ametropia, 71-85 emmetropia, 71-85 iseikonia, 85-93

Discissions, see secondary membranes Dislocation, 5, 138-140

Binkhorst 2-loop lens and, 269, 276 children and, 411, 423, 424 Choyce Mark I lens and, 307 iris clip lens and, 167, 173-177, l71,

174 medallion lens and, 219, 226, 227 Pearce posterior cham ber lens and,

290 Sputnik lens and, 235

Diuretics and soft eye, 104 Drews, R.C.

dripper, 102 pigtail suture guide, 160

ECCE, see extracapsular cataract extrac­tion

Endophthalmitis, 477 Emmetropia, 63, 66, 67

Emmetropic eye, ideal, iseikonic, 88 pseudophakos and, 67 schematic, 61

Emmetropizing pseudophakos, theoretical values for, 72

Endophthalmodonesis, 250 Endothelial cell densities, 440-441 Endothelial cell loss, 441-446 Endothelial contact and wound closure,

136 Endothelial corneal dystrophy, see Chap-

ter XII, 433-465 angle supported lenses and, 304 anterior chamber lenses and, 13 Binkhorst 2-loop lens and, 266-267,

272 causes of, 410, 434, 435 children and, 424, 429 Choyce Mark I lens and, 306 Choyce Mark V lens and, 311 Choyce Mark VIII lens and, 316, 318,

321, 326 Copeland lens and, 199,203,207, 209,

210 Corneal contact and, 447-453 Dannheim lens and, 12 dislocation of iris clip lens and, 271 epinephrine and, 169, 455-456 incidence of, 457-460 iris clip lens and, 166, 168, 169, 171,

177-183,185,189, 192 medallion lens and, 219, 227 partial, 170, 171, 266 Pearce posterior chamber lens, 290,

291 secondary implantation of angle sup­

ported lenses and, 390, 392, 393 Sputnik lenses and, 234, 235, 237, 239 total, 171

Endothelial damage air, use of and, 457 implant-caused, 447-453 miotics and, 456 mydriatics and, 455-456 polymethylmethacrylate and, 447-448

Endothelium irrigating solutions and, 453-455 lens implantation and, 433-460

Epinephrine, 169, 455-456 Epstein, E.

Maltese Cross lens, 14 posterior chamber lens, 5 iris supported lens, 14

Erythropsia, 57 Ethilon suture, 37 Ethylene oxide,

lens sterilization and, 54-55 toxicity of, 55

Evolutive lens opacification, bilateral, 94

Extracapsular cataract extraction, 24, 114-125

advantages of lens implantation after, 248-251

implant lens styles and, 253-254 iris clip lens and, 256 lens insertion and, 131

External fixation of implant lens, Strampelli and, 11, 12 Choyce and, 314, 315, 336 Parry, T.G, 7

Eyelid pressure on eyeball, 107-108 Eyelid separation devices, 107-108 Eye selection for implantation, 541-543

Fixation, see Chapter II, 17-28 capsular, 251-253 iridocapsular, mechanics of, 251-253 secondary implantation modalities of,

384-387 Flieringa ring, 214 Formed chamber technique, 126 Fyodorov, S., 22

Fyodorov lens, see Sputnik lens, implant lens formula, 74 modification of iris clip lens, 155

Gamma irradiation and lens sterilization, 55-56

G.B.R. solution, see Glutatione-Bicarbo­nate-Ringer Solution,

Gernet, H. and formula for power of im­plant lens, 77

Girard, phakofragmentation method, 121 Glass, intraocular lenses made of, 58,

243 Glaucoma, see chapter XIII, 467-501

Binkhorst 2-loop lens and, 268, 273 Copeland lens and, 201, 205, 209 Choyce Mark I lens and, 307 Choyce Mark VIII lens and, 317, 319 iris clip lens and, 173, 185, 189, 193 Pearce posterior chamber lens and,

290 Sputnik lens and, 238

Glaucoma surgery and lens implantation, 498-501

Glass intraocular lens, 243 Glides and sleeves, 131-134 Globe collapse in children 424 Glucose-Phosphate-Ringer Solution, 455 Glutatione-Bicarbonate-Ringer Solution,

453-454 Glycerol, 105-106 Gonioscopy, 135

angle supported lenses and, 348 Pearce survey of angle supported lenses,

319 ' Goniosynechiae, 135, 319 Gonioprism test, 345

552 -

G.P.R. Solution, see Glucose-Phosphate­Ringer Solution,

Graefe's knife, 108, 109 Gullstrand's schematic eye, 86, 67

aphakic eye, schematic, 67 emmetropic eye, schematic, 61 phakic eye, schematic, 87

Guidelines, see Chapter XVI, 537-545

Haab's knife, 142 Harris lens, 293 H.E.M.A., see polymacon, Hemorrhage,

Binkhorst 2-loop lens and, 268, 273 Copeland lens and, 208 iris clip lens and, 173 U.G.H. syndrome and, 326-334

Honan, P.R., pneumatic eye softener, 107

Humanization of lenses, 53 Hyalon (sodium hyaluronate), 449 Hyaluronidase, 110 Hypermetropia, 63 Hyphema,13

Choyce Mark VIII lens and, 326-334 Hypopion, 5, 475

sterile, 56, 469, 476 Hypotension, induced, 110

ICCE, see intracapsular cataract extrac­tion, 112-114

Implantation technique Binkhorst iris clip lens and, 157-164 Binkhorst 2-loop lens and, 256-264 Choyce Mark VIII lens and, 337-350 Copeland lens and, 195-198 medallion lens, 214-216 slotted medallion lens and, 216-217 Sputnik lens and, 232-233

Incisions in implant surgery, 111 Indomethacin, 472, 478 Infantile cataracts, 395-431 Inflammatory reactions, 467-501 Indications

for pseudophakia, 538-543 for secondary lens implantation, 382-

384, 388 Infection, 475, 477. Injection molding, 332

Choyce-style lenses and, 329-332 Instrumental touch, 447 Intracapsular cataract extraction, 112-

114 barrier deprivation syndrome and, 250-

251 lens insertion and, 126-130

Intraocular lens power determination emmetropia or ametropia as objective,

71-85 iseikonia as objective, 85-93

- 553

Intraocular lenses, see specific lens types Intraocular lenses

children, Chapter XI cystoid macular edema, Chapter XIV sesign, Chapter II endothelial corneal dystrophy, Chapter

XII glaucoma, Chapter XIII guidelines, Chapter XIV history, Chapter I inflammatory reactions, Chapter XIII keratoplasty, Chapter XII management, pre, per, and post-opera-

tive, Chapter V manufacture, Chapter III mixed results, Chapter IX nomenclature, general, Chapter II retinal detachment, Chapter XV secondary implantation, Chapter X sterilization, Chapter III

Iridectomy, 135 lridocapsular and capsular supported len­

ses, design of, 24-25 lridocapsular fixation, mechanics of 251-

253 lridocapsular lenses, 24-25, 255-285

atrophic changes and uveal reactions, 480-482, 491-494

guidelines for selection of after extra-capsular cataract extraction 545

manufacture of, 50-51 as posterior chamber lenses, 292 secondary implantation of, 382-387

Iridocyclitis, see iritis Iridodialysis, 135, 340 Iridodonesis

barrier deprivation syndrome and, 250 iris supported lenses and, 18

Iris atrophy angle supported lenses and, 496 early lens models and, 5 iridocapsular lenses and, 491-494 iris supported lenses and, 486-491

Iris bulge, 349-350 Iris claw lens, 244 Iris clip lens, 19,29,66, 151-193

design changes in, 154-157 implantation techniques of, 157-164 manufacture of, 51 modifications of

M. Kwitko, 157 P. Leonard, 156 L. Lurie, 156

results with, 165-193 tissue reactions and, 478-479, 484-488

Iris coloboma, 384, 390 Iris supported lenses, Chapter VI, 151-

246 chronic uveal reactions and, 484-486 guidelines for selection of

after extracapsular cataract extrac­tion, 545

after intracapsular cataract extrac­tion, 544

models, 18-23 secondary implantation of, 382-387

Iris sutures failure of, 40 medallion lens insertion and, 214-216 stabilization with, 146-149

Iris tuck, 346 Iritis, Iridocyclitis, uveal reaction, see also

inflammatory reactions, 467-497 anterior chamber lenses and, 13 Binkhorst 2-loop lens and, 272 Choyce Mark VIII lens and, 316 Contraindications for implantation,

543 lens types and, 468 iris clip lens, and, 185 Pearce posterior chamber lens and, 290,

291 Ridley lens and, 5 transient, and iris clip lens, 172

Irradiation sterilization, 55 Irrigating solutions and the endothelium,

453-456 Irrigating vectis, 119 Irrigation aspiration of cortical remnants,

124-125 Irvine Gass syndrome, 166, see also cys­

toid macular edema Iseikonic lens power, determination of,


Kelman, C. angle supported anterior chamber lens,

353 cysti tome, 115 phakoemulsification, method of, 124

Keratometer, 137 Keratopathy, see also endothelial corneal

dystrophy lens implantation and, 461-465

Kratz's modification of the Shearing lens, 300

Krasnov extra pupillary iris lens, 241 Kwitko's modification of the iris clip lens,


Lens, intraocular, see specific lens types cristalline power, 61-66 dislocation, see dislocation designs, Chapter II, 17-28 glide, 131-134 preparation of, 103 remnants, secondary procedures for,

141-142 Lenticular myopia, 94 Leonard's modification of the iris clip

lens, 156 Little-Amott posterior chamber lens,

293 Local anesthesia, 10 I-I 02 Lurie's modification of the iris clip lens,


Maltese cross lens, 14-15 Management

children, traumatic cataracts in, 412-415

peroperative, 97-110 postoperative, 137-149 preoperative, 111-137

Manitol, 105 Manufacture of lenses, 48-51 Marcaine, 102 Massage, ocular, 106-107 Materials, 29-49

uveal reactions and, 469 McCannel-Binkhorst suture, 148 Medallion cloverleaf lens, 285 Medallion lens, 21, 29, 213-231

results with, 217-231 tissue reactions and, 478-479, 484-488

Medallion platinum clip lens, 222-224, 279-284

Medallion single loop lens, 224-228 Medallion slotted boomerang lens, 285 Mehta iris supported lens, 242-243 Membranotomy, 531 Membrane, secondary, see secondary

membrane Metal-looped iridocapsular lenses, pro­

blems with, 491-494 Metal-looped iris clip lenses, 192-193 Metal-looped iris supported lenses, pro­

blems with, 488-491 Metal loops, 30 Metals

use of in intraocular lenses, 45-47 sutures made of 45

Methyicellulose, 449 Methylmethacrylate

purification of, 33 synthesis of, 32-33

Micro-erysiphake technique, 124 Microtrauma and uveal response, 469 Miotics and endothelial damage, 456 Monomer purification, 33 Monocular patients, guidelines for, 540 Morcher and the manufacture of irido-

capsular lenses, 50-51 Mydriasis, 530 Mydriatics

endothelial damage and, 455-456 secondary membrane formation and,

480 Myopization, intentional, 71

554 -

Na-hyaluronate, 449, see Hyalon Nomenclature of implant lenses, Chapter

II, 17-28 Nomograms for implant lens power deter-

mination Binkhorst, CD., 77 Colen brander, M.C, 76 Fyodorov, S.N., 75 Oguchi and Van Balen, 78 Thyssen, J.M., 82 Van der Heyde, G.L., 80 variations among, 83

Nudge test for angle supported lenses, 344

Nylon, 36-43 chemical structure of, 38 degradation of, 39-43 loops of, 12, 30-31 sutures of, 30 hydrolysis and, 42

Nucleus, removal of, 117-121 Binkhorst's maneuver, 258-259 Gill's method, 118 Pearce's method, 288

Ocular massage, 106-107 Oguchi and Van Balen, formula for im­

plant lens power, 77-78 Ong lens, 294 Open sky technique, 126

Copeland lens implantation and, 195-196

Sputnik lens and, 232-233 Opacifications, bilateral evolutive lens,

94 Optical quality of PMMA lenses, 58-61 Optical resolution of intraocular lenses,

60 Optics of intraocular lenses, 57-95 Osmotic agents and soft eye, 104-106 Osmotherapy, 104-106 Oval pupil, 320

Pachometric studies, 436-439 Paracentesis, effect of, 470-474 Parry, T.G. and modification of the

Ridley lens, 6-7 Patient guidelines, 538-541 Pearce, J,

evaluation of Choyce Mark VIII lens, 317-320

irrigating vectus, technique for nucleus removal, 288

Pearce posterior chamber lens, 287-292 bipod,287 stich less, 291 tripod, 288

survey of iris clip lens, 169-170 Perlon, 37 Peroperative management, 111-137

Peroxide catalyst, 34 Perspex, 35, 48, 49

- 555

Perspex CQ, spectral transmission curve, 36

Phakoemulsification, Kelman's method of, 119

Phakofragmentation, Girard's method of, 121

Photocoagulation, problems with im­plants, 530

Pigment deposits, 474-475 iris clip lens and, 172

Pigtail suture guide, R.C Drews, 160 Pilocarpine

eye drops, 159 intracular use of, 456

Plastics, intraocular use of, 31-45 Platina lens, see medallion platinum clip

lens, Platinum, 29, 45-46 Platinum clip lens, 23, 25, 29, 279-284

guidelines for selection of after extra-capsular cataract extraction, 545

modifications of, 283-284 results with, 282-283 surgical techniques, 280-281

Platinum iridium, electrochemistry of 45-47

Plexiglas, 29 Pneumatonography, 108 PMMA, see polymethylmethacrylate Polyamides, see nylons Polymacon, 450

protective shield of, 461 Polymerization of polymethylmethacryla­

te, 34-35 polymethylmethacrylate, 3, 4, 10, 29, 30,

32-36, 48, 57 basic properties of, 36 chemical structure of, 32-33 deterioration of, 35 endothelial damage and, 447-448 lens manufacture and, 48-51 manufacture of, 32-35 optical quality of lenses and, 58-61 polymerization of, 34-35 properties of, 36 purity of, 34

Polypropylene, 43-45, 51 advantages of, 44 disadvantages of, 44-45 loops of, 30 manufacture of, 44 properties of, 44

Polyvinylpyrrolidone, 449 Posterior capsule,

advantages of, 248-249, 543 barrier deprivation syndrome and, 250 cystoid macular edema and, 513-514,


incision of ,142-145 retinal detachment and, 523-524 UGH syndrome and, 330-331

Posterior chamber lenses, 2-7, 66, 286-301

advantages of, 286 children and, 431 disadvantages of, 5, 286-287 guidelines for selection after extracap­

sular cataract extraction, 545 history of, 2-7

Postoperative management, 137-149 Power of implant, determination of, 71-

95 formulas for, 73-93

Binkhorst, CO., 86-88 Binkhorst, R.O., 78-80, 91-93 Colen brander, CM., 74 Fyodorov, 74 Gernet,76 Oguchi and Van Balen, 77-78 Thyssen, I.M., 81-82 Van der Heyde, G.L., 89-90

practical considerations for, 93-95 Preoperative management, 97-110 Preparation of lenses, 103 Pressure dysregulation,

causes of, 478 late, 497-498 uveal behavior and, 474-498

Pressure, external, 107 Pressure, intraocular, 103-110 Primary implantation,

Binkhorst, CD. and, 168-171 Choyce Mark VIII lens and, 322-326 Choyce's method of, 339

Prolene, 29, 45 thread, 31

Prostaglandins, 471-474 Pseudophakodonesis, 114

iris clip lens and, 180-181 Pseudophakos as substitute for cristallin

lens, 66-71 Pupil,

dilation of, 101 dilation and retinal detachment, 527-

530 distortion of and Choyce Mark VIII

lens, 320 mobility and iris supported lens, 18 occlusion, 5

Pupil block, 478 angle supported lenses and, 482 Binkhorst irodocapsular lens and, 273 Choyce Mark VIII lens and, 316, 322 Copeland lens and, 205 iris clip lens and, 189 iris supported lenses and, 479 prevention of with Choyce Mark VIII

lens, 349-350, 482-483

- 556

Quaternary ammonium compounds and lens sterilization, 4, 52

Quartz, intraocular lenses and, 52

Racial factors and lens implantation, 541

Radiation and implant sterilization, 55 Rainin Anchor Mark III lens, 242 Rayner and lens manufacture, 48-49 Refraction parameters, 65-66 Refractive error, 73, 83-85 Remnants, lens, secondary procedures

for, 141-142 Removal of implant, 145-146 Requirements, patients, 539-541 Resolution efficiency, 59, 60 Resolutive power, 59-61 Resolving power, formula for, 59 Restrictive factors for implantation, gene-

ral conditions, 541 Results,

children, 395-431 comparative, ICCE vs ECCE and lens

implantation, Renardel de la Valette, 369-370 Kern, R., 371-372

lenses, of Binkhorst 2-loop lens, 265-279 Choyce Mark I lens, 305-307 Choyce Mark V lens, 309-312 Choyce Mark VIII lens, 315-326 Copeland lens, 198-211 iris clip lens, 164-191 medallion lens, 217-230 Pearce posterior chamber lens, 289-

292 Platinum clip lens, 282-283 Shearing lens, 296-300 Sputnik lens, 234-239 various lenses,

Hirschman, H., 361-362 Jaffe, M.S., 363-364 Kratz, R. et aI., 368 Shepard, D.O., 365-366 Snider, M.L. and W.V. McRey­nolds, 367 Worst, J. et aI., 357-360

Pseudophakic vs. aphakic, Azar, R., 377 Galin, M.A. et aI., 479 Jaffe, M.S., 373-374 Prokop, B.S., 375 Stark, W.J. et aI., 378 Taylor, D.M. et aI., 380 Williamson, D.E., 376

Retina, pathology as contraindication for lens

implantation, 534, 543 postoperative problems with, 510, 525 visualization of, 527-529

Retinal detachment, 519-535 aphakic,

contributing factors, 521-523 after extracapsular cataract extrac­tion, 523-524

pseudophakic, 524-534 treatment problems, 527-531

Retinitis pigmentosa and lens implanta-tion, 543

Retinopathy, diabetic, 541, 543 Retractors, eyelid, 107-108 Retrolenticular membranes, see seconda-

ry membranes, Ridley, F. and lens sterilization, 5, 53-54 Ridley, Harold, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 52 Ridley lens, 3, 9 Ridley tripod anterior chamber lens, 312-

313 Rubella cataract, congenital, as contrain­

dication for lens implantation, 542 Rule, 1.25 diopter, 72-73 Rotation test, 344

Sachar lens, 241 Scharf, J., 8 Schematic aphakic eye, 67 Schreck, E., 8, 13 Scleral ring, 108 Scleral wall, deformation of and soft eye,

103 Sclerotomy, posterior, 108 Secondary capsulotomy, 5, 142-145 Secondary cataract, see lens remnants Secondary glaucoma, see glaucoma, Secondary implantation, 381-394

angle supported lenses and, 388-391 Choyce's method of, 337-338 Choyce's lenses and, 304-322 indications for,

Hardenberg's indications, 391-393 iris and iridocapsular supported lenses

and, 382-387 Secondary membranes, 475, 484-486

Copeland lens and 200-201, 205, 209, 485

Incision of, 142-145 iris clip lens and, 173, 485 Sputnik lens and, 237, 485

Severin lens, 245 Selection of eyes for implantation, 541-

543 Shearing lens, 9, 295-301

modifications of, 300-30 I problems with, 298-300 results with, 296-298 tissue reactions and, 482

Sheets glide, 131-134, 346 Sheets lens, 295 Schott, K. and modification of the iris

clip lens, 157

- 557 -

Silicate glass, 10 Simcoe, C.W.

cortical remnants, stripping of, 123 lens retaining suture, 132, 134 modification of Shearing lens, 300,

301 suturing technique, 163

Sleeves and glides, 131-134 Slotted medallion lens, 216-217 Small incision lenses, 284 Sodium hyaluronate, see Hyalon Sodium hydroxide and sterilization, 52-

53 Soft eye, 103-110

anesthesia and, 109-110 diuretics and, 104-106 osmotic agents and, 104-106 position of head and body and, 110 vitreous bulge and, 103

Sore eye syndrome, 350 Specular microscope studies, 439-446 Spontaneous deep anterior chamber, see

soft eye, Sputnik lens, 22, 29, 232-240

implantation technique, 232-234 results, 234-239 tissue reactions and, 478-479

Stabilization of implants by suturing, 146-149

Stainless steel, 46 Stainless steel wire, electrochemistry of,

47 Standard power lens, 71, 93 Sterile hypopion, 56, 469, 476 Sterilization, 52-56

beta-irradiation, 56 electron beams, 41 ethylene oxide, 54

hypo pion formation and, 476 reduced suture strength and, 41

gamma-irradiation, 45, 56 suture strength and, 41

history of, 4 quaternary ammonium compounds

and,52 ultraviolet irradiation and, 53

Strabismic deviation in children, 399-401, 409-410, 420, 423, 427

Strampelli, B., 7, 8, II, 303 humanization and, 53

Strampelli thread, 149 Subluxation, 138-140 Supramid, 9, 14, 29, 37, 172 Supramid loops,

changes in, 40 digestion of, 40

Surgical techniques, see individual lenses Sutured medallion lens data, 229 Suture guide, R.C. Drews, 160 Sutures,

anti-luxation, 146-149, 159-160, 162-164

materials, intraocular, 30-31 tissue reactions and, 488

Suturing techniques, Alpar, J., 146, 163 Charleux, J., 163 Gills, J., 264 McCannel-Binkhorst, 148 Simcoe, C.W., 132, 134, 147, 163 Strampelli thread, 149 Worst,1. and the iris clip lens, 162, and

the Medallion lens, 214-217 Suturing transiridectomy, 159-160 Synechiolysis, 530 Synechia, 475

iris supported lens and, 478-479 iridocapsular lenses and, 481

Tap test, 344 Tennant anchor lens, 355 Tennant, J.

anchor lens and, 355 Choyce Mark VIII lens, modification

of, 324 Thyssen, J.M., formula for implant lens

power, 81-82 Tilting of platinum clip lens, 282, 283 Tissue reactions, see iritis Titanium, 46 Tscherning and the schematic em metro­

pic eye, 61 Toxicity, lens determination of, 469 Traction theory for cystoid macular ede-

rna, 506 Transillumination, 475 Transiridectomy clip, 223 Transiridectomy suture, 159-160 Traumatic cataracts in children, 395-397,

398-404, 405-426, 430 management of, 399-404, 412-415

Triple procedures, 462-463 Turbulence endotheliopathy, 250

UGH syndrome, 326-334, 496-497 clinical findings, 327-329 etiology of, 329-333 treatment of, 329

Ultrasonography, 73 Ultraviolet ray irradiation and lens sterili­

zation, 53 Ureum, 105 Uveal behavior,

children and, 410, 417, 420, 424, 429 Uveal reactions,

angle supported lenses and,· 482-484, 495-497

Copeland lens and, 200, 204, 207, 209, 479

iridocapsular supported lenses and,

- 558 -

480-482, 491 iris supported lens and, 478-479, 484-

486 postoperative, 467-487 Sputnik lens and, 237

Uveitis, see iritis and uveal reactions

Van Balen and Oguchi, formula for im­plant lens power, 77-78

Van der Heyde, G.L. formula for implant lens power, 79-80 nomograms for iseikonic lens power,

88-91 Vannas scissors, 116 Vascular theory for cystoid macular ede­

rna, 506 VISC devices, see vitreous suction and

cutting devices Viscous agents, 134, see also coating

agents Visibility and intraocular lens placement,

102-103 Visual access for fundoscopy

measures to improve, 529-531 problems with, 527-528

Visual acuity, see also Chapter IX, 357-380

Binkhorst 2-loop lens and, 266, 271, 276

children and, 397, 398, 399-401, 404, 407-409, 416, 419, 422, 427

Choyce Mark I lens and, 305 Choyce Mark V lens and, 310-311 Choyce Mark VIII lens and, 316, 318,

322, 323, 325, 389 Copeland lens and, 199,203,207,210 iris clip lens and, 165, 166, 169, 170,

184, 186, 188, 189 medallion lens and, 218, 226, 227,

229 Pearce posterior chamber lens and,

289 Secondary implantation and, 165, 166,

389, 392

Sputnik lens and, 234-235, 236-237 triple procedures and, 462-463

Vitrectomy, pars plana vitreous tap, 108-109

Vitreodonesis, 250 Vitreous bulge, soft eye and, 103 Vitreous loss, problems, prolapse, 109,

191,348-349 Binkhorst 2-loop lens 268, 274 children and 412, 420, 428 Choyce Mark VIII lens and, 317 cystoid macular edema and, 505, 514 iris clip lens and, 167, 191 lens decentration and, 151 peroperative contraindications, as, 543 retinal detachment and, 521, 534 Sputnik lens and, 235

Vitreous pressure negative, see soft eye Vitreous suction and cutting devices, 143-


White-to-white plus one rule, 340-343 Worst J.

anti-luxation sutures, 162, 215, 217 clover leaf lens, 285 cortical remnants, evacuation of, 121 iris claw lens, 244 medallion lens, see medallion lens platinum clip lens, 23, see also plati-

num clip lens single loop medallion lens, 224 slotted boomerang lens, 285 slotted medallion lens, 216 small incision lens, 284 Taxila lens, 228

Worst et aI., results with various lens types, 357-360

Wound closure, 136

Xylocaine, 102

Zephiran and lens sterilization, 52 Ziegler catalyst for polymerization of pro­

pylene, 44


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Author.;' address:

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