Postwar Society and Economy Some Generalizations Economy “Boom” Times Reasons Affluence Flaws Society Population Boom Greater Mobility Homogenization

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The Truman Years Domestic Policy Foreign Policy Successes Failures Evaluation?

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Postwar Society and Economy Some Generalizations Economy Boom Times Reasons Affluence Flaws Society Population Boom Greater Mobility Homogenization Social Change The Truman Years Domestic Policy Foreign Policy Successes Failures Evaluation? Truman and Domestic Policy Goals in Domestic Policy? The Twenty-One Points Reconversion Issues 1946 Midterm Elections The 80th Congress Taft-Hartley Act 22nd Amendment Presidential Succession Act The 1948 Election Issues Candidates Dems: Truman S. Dems: Thurmond Progressives: Wallace Reps: Dewey Results 1948 Election The Fair Deal Some Gains Minimum Wage Social Security Farm Subsidies Low Income Housing Liberalism Continued Some Losses Health Care Aid to Education No Repeal of T-H Civil Rights Laws Decline of Liberalism Truman and Foreign Policy Goals in Foreign Policy? Immediate Postwar Issues Collective Security United Nations Secretariat General Assembly Security Council Intl Court of Justice Emergence of the Cold War Definition? Origins? Who Started It? How to Fight It? The Cold War Containment Policy What? Who? When? Where? How? Why? Major Developments The Kennan Letter National Security Act Greece and Turkey The Truman Doctrine The Marshall Plan Berlin Crisis NATO Postwar Europe Post-WWII Germany Containment in Asia Point Four Program Rebuilding Japan Fall of China The Soviet Bomb War in Korea Limited War Strategy? Key Events? Results? The Domestic Cold War The Second Red Scare Loyalty Review Board HUAC The Hiss Case The Rosenbergs The McCarran Act McCarthyism Joseph McCarthy at Work 1952 Election Issues Candidates Dems: Stevenson Reps: Eisenhower Results