Postgraduate Essay Cover Sheet

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  • 7/28/2019 Postgraduate Essay Cover Sheet





    Name: Student ID Number:

    Telephone: Due Date:

    Subject Number:

    Subject Name:

    Date Stamp:

    Seminar Leader: Seminar Time and Day:

    Assessment Type:

    Length of Assessment (Word Count):

    IMPORTANT: Make and keep a copy of all assignments before submitting them for assessment; You are required to submit a hard copy of assessment to the School office in addition to on-line submission via

    LMS by the specified due date. Your work will not be assessed unless both copies have been submitted. Marked essays will be returned in seminars unless your subject coordinator makes other arrangements. To have

    final essays returned to you after assessment, (ie. essays due during the examination period) provide a suitablysized, stamped, self-addressed envelope. Provide at least $1.10 postage. Assessment extension forms areavailable from the front counter at the School office.

    PLAGIARISM and COLLUSION:Plagiarism is the presentation by a student of an assignment which has in fact been copied in whole or in part fromanother students work, or from any other source without due acknowledgment in the text. Examples include: direct duplication, by copying (or allowing to be copied) another's work. This includes copying from a book, article,

    journal, web site, or another student's assignment; paraphrasing another person's work with minor changes, but keeping the meaning, form and/or progression of

    ideas of the original; piecing together sections of the work of others into a new whole; submitting an assignment that has already been submitted for assessment in another subject; presenting an assignment as independent work when it has been produced in whole or part in collusion with other

    people, for example, another student or a tutor.

    CONSEQUENCES OF PLAGIARISM AND COLLUSION:Where a student is suspected of plagiarism by an examiner, the following procedures will apply: the examiner will present the details to the Chair of the subject Examination Board (Head of School) who will

    determine whether to proceed with the matter; if the Chair determines to proceed, the student(s) will be invited to a hearing before the relevant subject

    Examination Board; if, after the hearing, the subject Examination Board is of the opinion that the student(s) has been guilty of

    plagiarism it may: return a mark of zero for the piece of assessment; return a fail grade for the subject; refer the matter to the Dean regarding the possible presentation of a case of academic misconduct to a

    discipline committee under Statute 13.1.3;

    In all cases where a penalty is applied to a student, written notification will be sent by the Chair of the subjectExamination Board to the Faculty Office.

    I declare that this is my own original work and has not been submitted for any other subject

    Signature: Date:

  • 7/28/2019 Postgraduate Essay Cover Sheet



