Srta. Rivas Español MI FAMILIA FANTÁSTICA Description : Create a poster that displays a family tree with the pictures of at least 8 family members. These can be pictures of your real family, images of famous people, cartoon characters, etc. Be creative, but keep it PG. Instructions : A. Write the title of the project on top of your poster: Mi familia fantástica. B. Include the pictures of your fantastic family (at least 7 members). C. Type the following information about each of your fantastic relatives and include it below their pictures: 1) Éste es (masc) / Ésta es (fem) (THIS IS)

Poster: Mi Familia Fantástica

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Page 1: Poster: Mi Familia Fantástica

Srta. Rivas Español


Description: Create a poster that displays a family tree with the pictures

of at least 8 family members. These can be pictures of your real family,

images of famous people, cartoon characters, etc. Be creative, but keep

it PG.


A. Write the title of the project on top of your poster: Mi familia fantástica.

B. Include the pictures of your fantastic family (at least 7 members).

C. Type the following information about each of your fantastic relatives and

include it below their pictures:

1) Éste es (masc) / Ésta es (fem) (THIS IS)

2) The family member’s name: mi tío, mi tía, mi primo, mi prima…

3) His/her physical and personality description (hair, eyes, character)


Éste es mi padre. Él es delgado e inteligente. Tiene el pelo castaño y

corto, también (also) tiene los ojos verdes.

Ésta es mi tía. Ella es alta y simpática. Tiene el pelo largo y rubio,

también (also) tiene los ojos azules.

D. There will be an oral presentation in front of the class.

Page 2: Poster: Mi Familia Fantástica

Srta. Rivas Español