Post-Industrial Anina Anina Post-Industr

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  • 7/26/2019 Post-Industrial Anina Anina Post-Industr


    Post-industril Anin

    Anin postindustril

    Deepening coopertion with the locl govern-ment nd community, the second edition ofthe industril heritge workshop held this yer

    in Anin focused on the identiiction, cretiveinterprettion nd generl ssumption of theidentity elements s bsis for the sustinbleregenertion of the re.

    Pentru specialitii n patrimoniu, Anina prezint un interes deo-

    sebit datorit juxtapunerii diferitelor elemente i dentitare: atrac-

    ie turistic n contextul Imperiului Austro-Ungar (staiunea clima-

    teric Sommerfrische); ora minier celebru pentru calitatea huilei

    extrase, adncimea puurilor de exploatare i numeroasele accidente

    de munc; Anina e cunoscut de asemenea ca localitate industrial

    metalurgic i energetic n contextul StEG (Societatea austriac a

    cilor ferate de stat); prin termocentrala Crivina considerat cel mai

    pgubos proiect al Epocii de Aur sau drept teren fertil pentru cerce-

    trile academice paleontologice, arheologice i geograice.

    Pornind de la aceste premise, ediia 2015 a proiectului cultu-

    ral Mina de idei Anina, s-a orientat spre identiicarea i promovarea

    valorilor locale speciice Aninei, prin diverse manifestri artistice pre-

    cum ateliere de creaie (arhitectur patrimoniu industrial), expoziii

    de arhitectur i graic, i proiecii video n spaiul public.

    Prima aciune mai important, Atelierul de patrimoniu indus-

    trial, a avut loc n perioada 24 iulie1 august i a considerat cu prio-

    ritate legtura ntre comunitatea actual i trecut, n vederea conti-

    entizrii valorilor identitare i asumrii unei abordari etice (informate

    For heritage experts, Anina is of interest because of the juxtaposi-

    tion of various identity elements: a tourist attraction when in the

    Austro-Hungarian Empire (Sommerfrische resort); mining town

    famous for the quality of coal here as well as for the depth of the

    exploitation wells and numerous work accidents; Anina is also known

    as industrial settlement (metalurgical and energetical) in the con-

    text of St (the Austrian public railways company); due to the Crivina

    power plant considered as the most unproitable project of the Golden

    Age (the ruling period of dictator Ceauescu) or as fertile ground for

    paleontological, archaeological and geographical academic reseach.

    Starting from these assumptions, the 2015 edition of Aninas

    Mine of Ideas cultural project orientated towards identifying and

    promoting Aninas speciic local values through various artistic events

    such as workshops (architecture industrial heritage), exhibitions of

    architecture and graphics, and open air video projections.

    The irst major action, the industrial heritage workshop, was held

    during July 24thAugust 1st and focused on the relationship of the

    present community with the past aiming at the awareness of iden-

    tity values and the adoption of an ethical (informed and respectful)

    Aprofundnd colborre cu dministripublic i lucrul cu comunitte locl, edi-i dou Atelierului de ptrimoniu indus-

    tril desfurt nul cest l Anin s-concentrt pe identiicre, interpretrecretiv i sumre generl elementeloridentitre c bz pentru regenerre suste-nbil zonei.





    Maria Mandea


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    ritate le


    Z #137_int_MPSO.indd 66 9/8/2015 10:30:1

  • 7/26/2019 Post-Industrial Anina Anina Post-Industr


    i respectuoase) a regenerrii. Destinat studenilor arhiteci din ar,

    workshopul a mbinat teoria cu observaiile in situ i analiza de teren.

    Au fost deinitivate traseele culturale sugerate de studiile din ediia

    anterioar ca baz pentru promovarea turismului i a fost investigat

    trecutul minier al oraului n memoria locuitorilor cu elaborarea unor

    propuneri graice pentru o viitoare campanie de informare i impli-

    care a comunitii din Anina n regenerarea acesteia.

    Analiza traseelor turistice a vizat integrarea diferitelor fee

    identitare ale Aninei peisaj marcat de transformrile industriale i

    postindustriale acordnd atenie ariilor de intervizibilitate ntre

    diferitele obiective. Astfel au fost identiicate punctele panoramice

    recurente, identitare pentru Anina, folosite pentru ntocmirea unor

    hri turistice detaliate, posibil de utilizat direct de ctre adminis-traia local sau de orice operator turistic ori ntreprinztor privat.

    n urma analizei detaliate a diferitelor cartiere ale Aninei (Colonia

    Sigismund, Colonia Roie, zona central) a rezultat o list concret

    a interveniilor necesare pentru integrarea i capitalizarea obiecti-

    velor de interes i stabilirea infrastructurii turistice (cvasiabsente

    n prezent).

    n paralel cu aceaste analize, a fost relevat Ca sa mainii de

    extracie din incinta Puului I, declarat monument istoric ( 2010)

    i preferat de administraia local pentru amenajarea unui spaiu

    muzeal. Prin aceasta, iniiativa a contribuit la aciunea mai ampl de

    inventariere a patrimoniului industrial din zon, nceput cu releveele

    grii din Anina i a turnului de pompieri (20032005), trgnd toto-

    dat un semnal de alarm n ceea ce privete gradul avansat de degra-

    dare izico-material a structurilor din zon deja recunoscute oicial

    pentru valoarea lor patrimonial.

    Aciunea de investigare a memoriei locale din Anina a fost dema-rat prin interviuri luate diferiilor actori locali (mineri, ingineri

    mineri, reprezentani ai Consiliului local, ntreprinztori privai) i o

    campanie de centralizare a materialului documentar de la inventari-

    erea fotograic a diferitelor hri cartograice teritoriale i a planuri-

    lor fostelor zone industriale, la poze de epoc i cri potale coleci-

    onate de membrii comunitii locale. Ca i n cazul multor altor orae

    ex-industriale, situaia materialului documentar n msur s redea

    transformrile teritoriale (cheia unei lecturi integrate), se al n ace-

    lai stadiu deplorabil ca i ruinele industriale pe cale de dispariie.

    regeneration approach. Being addressed to the architecture students

    in Romania, the workshop combined theory with on-site observa-

    tions and analysis. There have been completed the cultural routes

    suggested by the previous editions as basis for tourism promotion.

    Moreover, the towns mining history as revealed by locals memory

    has been investigated. Based on this, graphic proposals were made

    for a future campaign for the information and involvement of Aninas

    community in its regeneration.

    The tourism routes were designed to integrate the various iden-

    tities of Anina a landscape marked by industrial and post-indus-

    trial transformations paying attention to the inter-visibility areas

    between different sites. The recurrent viewpoints identiied as dein-

    ing for Anina served to the conception of detailed tourist maps pos-sible to be used directly by the local public government as well as by

    any tourism operator or private entrepreneur. The detailed analy-

    sis of Aninas various neighbourhoods (Colonia Sigismund, Colonia

    Roie, central area) permited the production of a list of interventions

    needed for the capitalisation and integration of the relevant sites and

    the introduction of the currently missing tourism infrastracture.

    These analyses were complemented by the survey of the extrac-

    tion engine hall inside the Shaft I listed as a monument (List of

    Historic Monuments 2010) and preferred by the local administration

    for the organisation of a museum. Through this, the project contrib-

    uted to the wider activity meant for the inventory of the industrial

    architecture in the area started with the study of the railway sta-

    tion and of the iremen tower (20032005). It furthermore pointed

    out the advanced physical degradation of the local structures already

    oficially recognised as heritage values.

    The assessment of the local memory in Anina has been startedwith interviews taken to different local actors (miners, mining engi-

    neers, representatives of the Local Council, private entrepreneurs)

    and the centralisation of documentary material from the photo-

    graphic inventory of various maps and plans of former industrial

    areas to the vintage photos and postcards collected by local commu-

    nity members. Similarly to many other ex-industrial cities, here the

    documentary material able to restore the territorial transformations

    (instrumental to an integrated lecture) is as degraded as the disap-

    pearing industrial ruins.

    Vedere panoramic spre

    zona Puului I

    Panoramic view overShaft I area

    Traseul Rou traseu

    turistic detaliat n zona

    cuprins ntre gar i

    cartierul Colonia Roie,cu marcarea obiectivelor

    de interes i a punctelor

    de belvedere.

    The Red Route touristroute in the area betweenthe railway station andColonia Roie (the RedColony) neighbourhoodshowing the relevantviewpoints and objectivesof tourist interestEchipa / team: ValeriaArtenii, GeorgianaJipa, Claudia Moei( Bucharest)

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  • 7/26/2019 Post-Industrial Anina Anina Post-Industr


    Interviurile au indicat orientarea clar a localnicilor ctre regenera-

    rea economic prin exploatarea resurselor minerale rmase, vzut

    de muli drept unic salvare ntr-un context de nostalgie i regret al

    perioadei industriale. Apare aici o contradicie cu nsi intenia admi-

    nistraiei locale de a investiga posibilitatea de regenerare prin turism

    cultural. Mai mult, noiunea de patrimoniu industrial este asociat de

    oameni doar cu locurile de producie, n timp ce elementele (att tan-

    gibile, ct i intangibile) componente ale culturii industriale generate

    la Anina sunt neglijate dintr-o lips de informare i implicare.

    Ca rspuns direct la aceast problem, n cadrul atelierului au

    fost dezbtute cteva strategii de stimulare i angajare a comunit-

    ii n aproprierea identitar a cadrului construit. Dou dintre aciunile

    primite pozitiv de ctre administraia local fac referire la recom-

    pensa recunoscut prin plcue identitare aplicate locuinelor mini-

    ere cel mai bine ntreinute i conservate, i, respectiv, la diseminarean diferitele zone ale Aninei a aielor de informare asupra obiecti ve-

    lor de interes patrimonial.

    n cadrul taberei a fost realizat deopotriv o c olecie de ilustra-

    ii pentru contientizarea asupra abandonului elementelor identitare

    ale culturii industriale din Anina. Acestea vor i distribuite la nivelul

    zonelor studiate, pentru a strni interesul i a informa despre dife-

    ritele elemente construite, iar n perioada 18 19 septembrie vor i

    expuse n Anina, ca parte a evenimentelor culturale destinate animrii

    traseelor turistice din Anina.

    The interviews have indicated a clear orientation of inhabitants

    towards an economic regeneration through the exploitation of the

    remaining mineral resources, variant seen by many as the only solu-

    tion in the context of the industrial period nostalgia and regret. This

    attitude contradicts the very intention of the local government to

    investigate the possibility of cultural tourism based regeneration.

    In addition, the notion of industrial heritage is associated by people

    with the production sites only, while the elements (both tangible and

    intangible) composing the industrial culture generated in Anina are

    neglected because of the lack of information and involvement.

    In order to respond to this problem, on the occasion of the work-

    shop, several strategies have been discussed for the motivation and

    engagement of the community in the identity appropriation of the

    built environment. Two of the actions positively received by the local

    administration refer to the recognised reward through identityplates hanged on the best maintained mining houses and respectively

    to the dissemination of posters informing about the heritage sites in

    different areas of Anina.

    In the same context, a collection of visuals has been produced

    for rising awareness regarding the abandonment of the identity ele-

    ments corresponding to the industrial culture in Anina. Those will be

    distributed in the studied areas in order to incite and inform on vari-

    ous elements and between September 18th19th they will be exhib-

    ited for the cultural animation of the tourist routes in Anina.

    Punct de belvedere

    propus n zona grii.

    Viewpoint proposed inthe railway station area. / :Valeria Artenii, GeorgianaJipa, Claudia Moei( Bucureti)

    Plcue identitare

    prevzute a i

    amplasate pe faadele

    caselor de mineri

    din diferite zone

    rezideniale protejate

    ale Aninei.

    Identity plates proposedto be hanged on theminers houses fromthe different classiiedresidential areas in Anina.

    / :Maria Mandea, AdelinaLupu, Cosmin Scorcealof( Bucureti)

    Proiect cultural:Mina de idei Anina Identitate cultural postindustrial,ediia 2015Cultural Project:Aninas Mine ofIdeas Post-industrial cultural identity,edition 2015Iniiator / Initiator:Asociaia AlbaVerdeCoordonatori proiect / Project

    coordinators:arh. Marius Barbieri,arh. Oana iganeaEchipa proiect / Project team:Simona Zrnescu, Irina Iamandescu,Gabriela Pacu, Ovidiu Mica,Irina Rotaru, Visual

    Parteneri: Naional (inanaredin taxa de timbru, sesiunea proiecteculturale mai 2015); Timi;Primria oraului Anina; Facultatea deArhitectur i Urbanism TimioaraPartners: National (funding fromstamp tax, cultural project sessionMay 2015); Timi; Anina Townhall; The Faculty of Architecture andUrbanism TimioaraStudeni participani / Participating

    students:Valeria Artenii, Claudia Moei,Georgiana Jipa, Maria Mandea, AdelinaLupu, Cosmin Scorcealof, AdrianaCiotu, Adina Lehene, Edith Heczei,Teodora Ungureanu, Cristina Costea

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