Post Holidays 1991-92 ThiE VIEQU E$ T MES F-I.3 Esperanza Beach Vieques, PuertoRico 00765 WHAT’S,HAPPENING ON THE ISLA NENA NEW COMMERCE BOOSTER GROUP SWORN IN Tbe Commerco Dcpartme.lt’s Maongenont School f up i I s commitment wi Vilues cfing a of in=agy 6viti including oy f=i of orion t could of a Chnt- of Comm:, bm by islanc wi hl Ins, ning io, inaction of high-h hynic vogablc gcn ysm, dil k- m pm ahd a lt wa slump farm. Schl dkmr Edg Rguez a hom in Viu d ns all hLs fr time hero. DepL Sgonf wi a sm, l in aion Viu having a ny , his mogr is a f vo fields m condnct mi mote m- cl pcipi in vinpmenl activifi. long-range p : a gmwg tin,rest i 1- vlabifity thelvcs. (Condnu p. 5) Governor RIiC Signs Cepeda Bill to, Offset Ferry Ticket Price Hikes l-f , Bill 3200, presented by Disgict Rep. Samuel C.opeda last August, has been ratified and signed by Gover. nor Rafal Hesnfmdez Col6n. The bill provides for an assignment of $1.2 million to the, Ports Authority (PA) as a subsidy to cover operation deficits on the Vieques-Calebra mutes. These moneys were consido ed sufficient to offset ibe passenger and cargo ticket raises imposed last year which set off a series of protests and a $3+billlon law suit alleging tho constitutional rights of Vieques and Culobm residents to froe access routes to and from seats and services of govemmenL Cl’:.xin had met rmmy timos with locals and participated in protest nctivtti and proposed thr separat bills during the last lgislative session. His office explained that ]is bill will reasonably compensate the Authority for losses curred without placing an unfair economic bnrden on the people who need the service. Word on tho hill is this is stopgap measure, that further steps must be taken. Meanwhile the lawsuit proceeds: ".,.if ferry ute is a toll mad. there must be an alternative, free mad."

ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.eduufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/AA/00/06/24/75/00060/AA... · Post Holidays 1991-92 ThiE VIEQUE$T MES F-I.3 EsperanzaBeach Vieques,PuertoRico 00765 WHAT’S,HAPPENINGONTHEISLANENA

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Page 1: ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.eduufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/AA/00/06/24/75/00060/AA... · Post Holidays 1991-92 ThiE VIEQUE$T MES F-I.3 EsperanzaBeach Vieques,PuertoRico 00765 WHAT’S,HAPPENINGONTHEISLANENA

Post Holidays 1991-92

ThiE VIEQUE$ T MESF-I.3 Esperanza Beach Vieques, PuertoRico 00765


Tbe Commerco Dcpartme.lt’s Maongenont Schoolf up i Is commitment wi Viluescfinga ofin=agy6viti includingoy f=iof oriontcouldof a Chnt- of Comm:, bm by islanc wihl Ins, ning io, inaction ofhigh-h hynic vogablc gcn ysm, dil k-

mpmahd a ltwaslump farm.Schl dkmr Edg Rguez a hom in

Viudnsall hLs fr time hero. DepLSgonfwiasm,linaion Viuhaving any,hismogr is a

fvo fields m condnctmi mote m-cl pcipi in vinpmenl activifi.long-rangep: agmwg tin,rest i 1- vlabifity


(Condnu p. 5)

Governor RIiC Signs Cepeda Billto,Offset Ferry Ticket Price Hikes

l-f, Bill 3200, presented by Disgict Rep. SamuelC.opeda last August, has been ratified and signed by Gover.nor Rafal Hesnfmdez Col6n.The bill provides for an assignment of$1.2 million to the,

Ports Authority (PA) as a subsidy tocoveroperation deficitson the Vieques-Calebra mutes. Thesemoneys were considoedsufficient to offset ibe passengerand cargo ticket raisesimposed last year which set off a series of protests and a$3+billlon law suit alleging tho constitutional rights ofVieques and Culobm residents to froe access routes to andfrom seats and services ofgovemmenL

Cl’:.xin had met rmmy timos with locals and participatedin protest nctivtti and proposed thr separat bills duringthe last lgislative session. His officeexplained that ]is billwill reasonably compensate the Authority for lossescurred without placing an unfair economic bnrden on thepeople who need the service. Word on tho hill is this isstopgap measure, that further steps must be taken.Meanwhile the lawsuit proceeds: ".,.ifferry ute is a toll

mad. there must be an alternative, free mad."

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Volume 55 THE VIEQUES TIMES Relatively Early 1992

Santa Claus delivered gifts to Vieques children at NAFin the peman of white-baarded "white-hat" Alvarez.Shownwith the reindeersailorare (1. r.) ChiefSoreason,P.O. Atmando CoI6n, City Hall’s lleana.Pimeatel, NAFcommander Lt. Charles Satmdors and 0meeting) Public

It’s Income Tax Time.Member National SocietyOfPublic Accounlants, Inc.


741-0710 741-0711A.G. Mellado #322 Vieques, P.R.

Rosie Roads commander Capt. Dnald B. Raulstone,(dressed fortion) perceiving an unexpectedly largeturnout, dispatched a helicopter to Ceiba to shuttle inextra toys. HeposeswiththeChef,MS I KennedyandLt. Saunde

f.....,.....o,.......%Advertiser of the Month_COLMADO PUEBLO NUEVO

Wins dinner for two atVieques Country Club J

153 Flamboyan St. Esperanza BeachVieques, P.R. 00765 Tel. 741-8508

Editor Publisher: Charlie ConnellyPrinted by Vieques Printers

The Vieques Times is an independent publicationwith no political, governmental or otherorganizational affiliations. It is supported

entirely by the sale of ads and subscriptions.There are no secret backers.

Opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarilycoincide with those of the editor publisher


NameAddressCity State.....ZipOtherForeign...(Send for Rates)


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Voltn’n 55 THE VIEQUES TIMES Early 1992, so to speak

Sighs of the Times

The local Genexal Electric plant, for 20 years a staple of

the local job market, has laid off 28 workers, about 30% of

its permanent force. Time was GE |rod three shifts going

round theclock. Furtherword is thatwageshave been frozen

and fear rumors abound of more cuts to come,

The Navy has laid off 20% of its civilian security guard

force in Viequcs. Fourteen heads of family joined

o[ the unemployed during the holidays.

Whiie merehan howled about higher ferry fares killing

inter-island toaism during the Christmas season, ferryboat

crews cancelled service during the rush t diuss higher


Government bank forms to slimnltc commercial growhere been held at hey by what manyil)cal businessmen call

nreasonable conditions imposed foe.prepaid insttranc

)olicies, tide seethes and impussiblo r tape.

low Burning Scandal at file FIre Stathra

When ate we going to see d official results of the

investigatibn of adrainistmtive and criminal charges of

heavy hanky-panky among high ranking firemen?

We know of taped intermgafious and inmrviews and

th’s lots of burning words about the one from here who

did lhc dets and tlm one from lhre who covexed them up.

[I Charges range from drug u. and trafficking to improper

ts of official equipment (some still missing). But the on

that film the laugh meter at gossip helqanrrs is th

,inoislnl report that favors to "rich, influsntial gringos" did

:indead ineludrepeataddliveadcs ofametgcncyptlmptruckwamr to fill limit swimming pools


Laurel Real Estate741.6806


Bet 1084 Office hound:

Vieques, P,R. 00785 Woekdew 9afll*lpns

Sunny Skies for Sunaire Exprs

fingVPEdBucldey tails usSurmir is increasing its

midday flights toconnect withTWA flights from New York

and Boston nd also Delta’s Athmla arrival Return flights

will al id3’ea to c0nnectWith Cunival Air (Miami),Dlta (Btt & Atlanta) and TWA (St. Louis).Sanaire’s

San Juan tamltnal now hous all major ah.lincs except

Ataesicn: CarniVal, Delta,Tower,TWA,Unitod,USAir. A

new deal ia pending with Branifts NY-Miami anivals,

There will also he more flights to Fajatdo & St. Croix. Info

vailablc at 741-49A2 or US 800 524-2094.

Need a lawyer?We regret to inform readers that we have been informed

liablanues that attoroey RebeccaSandag M’ndez

s not expeetad to renew her pmetishere in the near future.

Final official dlaila have notbcnpublbutweareduffbound to advi readcnl having any caws Ix,mding with her

A 1984 El Mundo cartoon, republished in the President’s

(Reagan) 1986 Vieques relX)n. It shows a joint eff( by

City Hall, the state and the Navy, providing a transfusion

to the sick local economy .from a new industrial planL

l_zmg sin gone in the demise of local manufacturin[)

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Volume 55 THE V1EQUES TIMES January 1992

Season’s First Cosmopolitan Bash at Galerfa Isabela



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Volume 55 THE VIEQUES TIMES First Issue of 1992

Consumers Affifirs Sec, Luis R. Pifiero listens mmerchans complai;’lts ; Commerce See. Jorge R.Sanliago Romfin takes noies. "IVT

Commerce Campain(cont. from front page)

The program that Edgardo Rodffguez is push-ing in Vieques nay have file l]lrhesl reach ofayever implemenled by a San Jtl(n agency rcp. liehas managed to bnng in lxth secrelaries inwlvedin Commerce and a[ pFeSS time was coordinatinga round mbte discussion here belwnen lhem, fleMerchants Assc:afion and Pens Auflmrity direc-tor.Josd Buhngo. He has also established comaclfl::)r Vicqncs projects involving Fomcnto’s rlative

handi}:raf’ts division, the Departmen of

agencies involved wi6 job training incentives:,An ornamental woodworking wr>rksho1, ,s beenestablished in Espenlza and earn,-whilc you-learn incentives are being soughl Io t,ro:cle+, localparticipation in artisan workshops, including pot-

Rodriguez’ big picture prcscmadon w,mld

earmark Vieques as an ansy-craf , low+scale[otlrisl paradise complete with cuhllre ceaers,vendors hfirs and organized educmional publicityIouting not only beautiful beaches btll ualiw: prod+ucts, nat tll’g attractions and arclLaeological discov+eries.

Classes on inexpensive, all-season hydropouicgardening have ah’eady commenced and will in-clude the actual building of a vegetable farm inPuerto Real.e fwm module consisls of a gridlike "lable" ofPVC wamr pipes, a nmrient-enriched wamr rank

liqcch consultanl Prof. Heclor Correa uses projet:tott* delineale cc,mbinalion greenhouse/fish lank. 71,7"

with an aulomatkmlly-timed pump system tocirculate the fertiliscd water+ The vegetablesin oval-shaped holes scooped out of lop part of theplaslic pipes lhrough which the walers flow,

Plantings by individual farmers would incindeseveral varielies of leuuce and oflmr green leavesIonlaloes, cucllnlgrs, [toppers and other saladfoods. Such modules nrc already in production inPuer o R co an] have Iripled the per-square-foolgrowth ram of earth pl:lnlings.

The syscm then requires no digging, earthmoving or weeding alld rises less waer alldfloor space than traditional methods. It ismalcd that an invcSllllClll 0f$5(}00 it gl] area thesize Of tI xlll/tl] [K)It: COtld net twice 1hal Ht(:h ione year aud furthcrtlorg, trained hydropo}cI’armes ;].ould qmllify for l:11A loans for v,’lfich

lhc s.;io)l wuld i;repare necessary paper work.Vicques Air lank prcsidcm Oswddo "Val"

Gonzilcz has provided transpcrlalion and localelbr the lraining sessions and lhe firsl Viequeshydroponic ruble will be buih on his farm.

In shirlst<,ve work sessions wilh bofl Secre-taries, tim Vieques Times has been assuredlhaleach agency will present the Vieques situation toMiguel Domenech, Tourism I)irecmr for PuertoRico. "lira Times has argued lhal Tourism has notgiven Vieques a fair share of promolion,IA recem call from ’lbtuiam" NY Office toM the onlyVieques information availahh there was an ohl copyl,’ieque, 7’imes. We mailed batches gfour turism insertperhaps should point out the ,udscril,tion blank on page 2and our ad on imge 9. Ed.]

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Volume 55 THE VIEQUES TIMES Perhaps Ground Hog Day 1992

A Cold Chrislmas

by Nana Orn’z de Castaao

Now we can feel the biting cohl of the north wind: chillyevenings and dawnings clear signal that we are at the

threshold of another Christmas. The shops ring up more

sales because the houses must be painted, furnishings mustbe bought, and new clothes, toys and festive ornaments ap-

propriate to this time of year.All this consumerism is to celebrate another birthday of

the baby Jesus whowasborn in a humble stable in the distant

town of Bethlehem. Soon our sense of smell will detect the

aromas of roast pork, blood sausage, pasteles, rice with pi.geon peas, coconut candy and that seasonal sine qua non,

rice pudding. Themoonshinerum has long since been curedand the guavaberry a’ees stripped of fruit to abet the curing

The Christmas tree, the balconies, the streets and gardentrellisos will sparkle with multi-colored lights, ribbons andtinsel andevensnowmen. Andwhat about the big-belliedold man with the white "beard in the red boots and suit? That

figure will never be left out. Whathappened with the Three

Kings, the wise men from the east for whose camels we putout boxes of fresh grass which they replaced with toys?Nothing. They disappeared from the Puerto Rican scene as

we imitate or assimilate the Stateside tradition. They rest ir

the anonymous mound for the forgotten.TheChristmas wallas are still observed by Puerto Rican

country folk. The stringed instruments are tuned up, theaccordions, maracas and gtiiros made ready to make the

rounds until dawn. Christmas Eve,Three Kings Dayand t/,e

octavitas.***Where is "d Divine Messiah and those forgotten crea-

tures fgr whom there is no Christmas sea.son? Somewhereduring this season ofrowdy revelry we should call a haltand

say a prayer for them and plead that the men who rule the

destiny ofthe imtiong ofthe world be filled with peace, hopeand love. To love is to give, and loving one another, wemaysay: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth Peace to men

of good will".Merry Christmas to the only bilingual paper on the island:

The Vieques Times, to the editor and his family, the con-

tributors, sponsors, subscribers and readers. Peace and loveto all.

A movablefiesta composedofplayers, singers anddancers who make the rounds ofcountry homes in order ofincreasing size since the group tends to grow as it goes.* Dried scratch gourds used in percussion rhythm.** Sort ofan encore of seasonal celebrating on the

eighthdayafter the TwelfthDayofChristmas:orJanuary14Nanawasontimeevenifthepaperwasnot. Shema

sure to haveacouple ofcolumns on file before reporting for

scheduled surgery, at a Puerto Rico hospital. Weare told the

operation wentoffwell andNanais recuperating at thehomeof a grand-daughter on the big island.

Get well quick, Nana, and God bless you, readers from

Europe to the Pacific hang on your every word.And please c.heer up about the Thiee Kings. According

to UPR campus reports they are not forgotten. It’s just thathekidsnowputout the toys in hopes theMagi will bring therass. Ed.]


Knows all, Tells, well, per-haps more than she should.(Fair warning to those whodare cross that palm.)

.Dear Gypsy Woman:My Ashley is a virgin, a rare female specimen in these

liberated times. She has come to that time, however, and

there’s a crunch of male suitors howling at my door from

sunset to dawn. The other night one of them jumped in the

kitchen window and sprayed his offensive love juices all

over the floor and cabinets. We were aghast, choking for

days on Romeow’s pungent smell How long will this go on

and how do get rid of that feline’s "calling card"?Signed: Mere d’ Chat.

Dear Mere d’"Another season, another reason for making whoop-

pee"..., try to enjoy it. To rid yourself of the passion juice?

Replace the floor, throw out the cabinets and close the

kitchen window. Save me the calico.Signed: La Gitana

Dear Friends:

Gypsy has the answer. Send in yottr query. Let’s lighten

up] Like what can you rea ly do about the b g p ctare. Let s

write our own script, so what. if they don behe e us. Who

in his right mind could belier.e, the one about Bush-san an0the Prime Minister... and thats the BIG time. Laugh it upfolks. "-’Its time to forget the pot hoes, the emergency room

and the (gasp) ferry.., think no more of the bomb blasts, the

CENIMproject, andSIDA. Kick aside theIn’ash on the beach

sun lovers and have a little fun with la Gitana, Anything goesin our garden of delights.

Signed: Waiting.

FERRETERIA VICTORIA"La Ferreterla del Pueblo" 741-3061Tenemos la m.arca SKILLToda Herram enta El ctrica)

Todo Material de Construccitn

FARMACIA SAN ANTONIOLcda. Eteldreda Acevedo

Box 243 Vieques 741-8397

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Volume 55 TI-IE VIEQUES TIMES Lale January 1992

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Volume 55 THE V[EQUES TIMES Late January 1992

Avoiding and Resolving Problemsby Julio Turres

Everywhere you go on this island you can see the motto."Viequcs en route to Progress." That suggests the questions,"Progress toward what?" "Whatdo you want for Vieques in1995, or in only eight years, in the year 2,000?" Weshouldn’t be struggling to "improve" things without clear,fixed goals. Two areas in particular need attention: The

paralysis which awaits us as the number ofcars on the roadsincreases, and the perennial problem of the economic devel-opment necessary to provide a decent standard of living forall Viequenses. Some solutions to these problems do sug-gest themselves.

It is said that this problem of too many cars and trafficjams in Isabel Scgunda developed only over the last five or

ten years. Anyone can foresee that the day will come whenit will be impossible to move by car, and that there could befighLs, and even riots. You can’t widen the streets in thetown, which makes it seem to have been an error to makeMufioz Rivcra Street narrower by the Post Office and thebank. But this effort to beautify the town suggests a solution.

It seems that a parking deck oftwo or three floors shouidbe built in the ravine over the brook that flows to the oceanby the ferry pier. The motive would not be to accommodatemorn cars. If the parking deck were built, then the center ofthe town could be made into a pedeso-ian mall, from the

telephone company office to the Catholic Church, and fromthe drug store Libertad to the Portela Supermarket, an areato be closed toautomobile traffic, parking would be free, andthe deck could contort a scctinn for "publicos?’

When it comes to the second prohlem, economic devel-opment, one has to be very careful. It would not be desirahleto cover our earth with asphalt, or replace our trees withconcrete condominium and hotel towers, or tun our beaches!into settings for tourist bars, or to find ourselves walkingaround lost in crowds of foreigners from Europe and Japan.We need just enough to provide a job for all who want to

work, and so that our hotel keepers on Vieques can have theirrooms rented to capacity. But what we need most is to

eliminate the reason why Vieques has been economicallystzangled-- we have to replace that horrible ferry service.

What we need is a ferry like the one they use in NewJersey, in the Cape May-Lewes Ferry. It weighs 2,100 tons,

but it draws only seven feet of water. It can carry cigbthundred passengers and 100 cars, together. It can hamlIe

several I8 wheeler trailer trucks, easily. It would flatten outthat channel no one would get wet, no one would get sea

sick. It costs 12 million, but it wotdd replace the four ferriesand the two cargo beats, six vesseIs, so the cost woukl bcsame. People ride these ferries for pcasure, on excursions.

You do not need reservations for your vehicles. If one feltlike it, one could get in one’s cur in one’s driveway, and in

a little over two hours be in Ponce in your own car, and you

La Casa defEstucliantede Mlguel A. Bonano

CHOOL SUPPLIESCatle Carlos LeBrun 741-5621

The Cape ,Slay Ferry

can return the same day. The vessel would be famous allover Puerto Rico, and draw many tourists on holiday.’Viequensescoukltakejobsonthcbigisland,andteehnicianswe need would come to work on Vieques.

The price of goods would go down, because an 18wheeler pays only a S45 fee, and a car, pickup, or van, only$18. This could really be called, "on route to progress."

Studying Spanish.’?Let us recommend Mort Slva s latest book ofdctma&

"Rhyming with Mon",l’,ow on sale at E1Fortfn and Esper-anza Museum.

The dcirna ix a folkloric poetic composition ofoctosyllabic verses set up in a specific order of rhyme.These poems were designed to be sung and are easy to

remember. Particularly so since they usually deal with localconditions, traditioas and happenings as well as the higheremotiuns.

This is Mou’s second book of poems. His musicalexpertise runs the gamut from Spanish guitar to steel drums.

He also has the amazing traditional knack ofsingingimprovised on the spot. NO meun trick when one considers

the rhyming patterns of each 10-verse stanza: ABBA, AC,CDDC.

Subjects covered in this colleetion of verses thcludc:Hurricane Hugo, Fishermen, Fighting Cocks, Vicqucnscs in

Desert Storm, A Eulogy to a Departed Decimisl, LazyPeople, Life on the Furm and, of course, the beauty of


809 741-0848

/r, P 0 Box 1496to t,tl C4:trong" VeqJes. PR 00765

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WELCO ,E "BiENVEN DOS" TO VIEQUESA Tou-,m :dotr.v Puil-Oei from THE VIEQUES TI,E Volume 55 Hoiiav t99I92

MAART by TERRY PRICE.Cu"of Caa de Franc SrtFptement T,Se Vieues Time

grourds, coral pGefs, a;rkaeologica! digs, horseback t.rails in memn hot dog mast picnic enus incline more

saalls, fish, lobstcn seafe:d flitters, iohrmyc.es, gain

rises bul rathea a

gabherLqg places for 123 bird >:ies. li is nol unusu msgroup of workmenaon mik -tons in hhe shJe of

verve 6at would do crit m AudoN ie:ies,

m y oiiyslend orrandb@ue thech,

Baroque, by the way, is indigenous worn1 wd &es at

veal fris eqd roas

tick hefiuaeeofFno, 5pqish Afro, Damsh. -rencn,

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Cafe Mar Azul

_Calle}6n de nermtidez

741-860-I L 1) J741-8213 IF D741 0023 L

Crow’sNcst 741 0033 ][F-D L.Depakos tlotel 741 ,1126

ElGrineoL)co 741 I325 F-DEl Lechoncito. 711 0770 F D

EIQueneIx 741 8541 rF D L

Evorott noprosiOing atTo Home ol the Mealloa[ ol the Year Awar6

Sidewalk Cafe MAR AZUL’Tis the season for highballs at high noon

Vhere the elite meet to beat the heat.SERVING SUPER SANDWICHES

and HOME-COOKED SPECIALTIESA block from the dock

Tel. 741-4377 Breakfast by request

Soft Serve Ice CreamFrozen Yogurt , <4.z_x

Hamburgers, Fries, Sandwiches ’-Q _*oMon.- Thurs. 10:30 AM- 8 PMFri.- Sat. 10:30 AM- 10 PM

Sundays 12-8 PM Tel. 741-151ICE CREAM CAKES to order.In Front of the Town Coliseum

Chinese Restaurant Full BarNex,,, to Ocean View Hotel 11 11 Daily

Take-out orders Tel. 741-0622

CANDY’S BAKERYFresh Bread & Pastries

Fttll Breakfasts & Sandwich741-8213

Party & Banquet Catering


Cent’s Rar 74I 0987 F-D

JAYSFun&Munchies741 0175

LaCanmesina [74l 1239La Casa dcl Francds !741 3751La CCTltral 741 010fi

LaConcha 7,II 27!3

()ceaJl Vie 7T-f,96f1. DOWNTOWN



Posada VislamarSea Gate HotelTaverna EspafiolaTrade Winds

Vicqucs Country Club

Vicques InnVilla EsperanzaWai Nam Chinese

PIIC,NE741-8716 IF-D-L741-4661

741 86661F-I) L74174 -15(i0

BIN(;O E’*er3 Monda) Night 7pro

RESTAURANT11 3 Lunch6 11 l)inner

(illsel Stlnd:l


I{enefit for Iglesia"l’odos Los Santosand Vieques; Iligh

School Band



Football Baseball



(Antiguo Hotel Carmen)

f " o.Ocean

Two Bars

IAJllchcoll Specials lon(lav Fridayfrom 11 AM 2 P’M

l:resh-Air Luncheons & DinnerslhJge Menu GenerotJs PortionsDancing and Banquet Facililies




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JAY’S FUN & MUNCHIESFast Food ldoors or Pst]o10 3 Mi: ay tlwu Saturaay

7.9 rB 741-0!75

Pastelills de741-1619 Carruho y ,hapin

PESCADERIA JOHANde To&izz ]edinaIsabel H Ont Dock

Puerle Mulas Antigno Club Nautico

VACATION VILLA RENTALSCONNECTIONS Jane Sablnnagemem, RentaLs 809.741-0023P.O. Box 358

ROMERO REAL ESTATERen,;, Sales, rg,c=m 809,741,735Bkflt,g’ BroW, PO ox 1519

VlEOUES VlL RENTALS 809-74!-8888

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A/r /nk, Ine,

VIEQUES- SAN JUANDeparts Vieques Departs San Juan

#803 7:30 AM #802 6:15 AM#805 9:00AM #804 8:30AM# 809 12 Noon # 810 12:45 PM# 813 4:30 PM # 814 5:15 PM# 815 5:45 PM

VIEQUES FAJARDODeparts Vieques Departs Fajardo

# 301 6:50 AM # 302 7:15 AM# 307 9:15 AM # 306 9:45 AM

#309 11:50 AM #308 On Demand# 311 2:00 PM # 310 1:00 PM

# 317 3:00 PM # 312 2:30 PM# 315 3:30 PM # 314 4:00 PM

# 317 5:00 PM # 316 4:30 PM# 318 5:30 PM

VIEQUES ST. CROIXDeparts Vieques Departs St. Croix

#901 7:45 AM #902 8:30 AM# 905 2:45 PM # 906 3:30 PM#909 12 Noon #910 I:00PM#911 2:00PM #912 3:00FM

Daily Ecep Sunday Sunday Only

Isla Grande 722-3736/723-9882, Vieques 741-8331/8211St. Croix 778-9858. Fajardo 863-3020 Office 741-3266/5861

V1EQUES HUMANE SOCIETY & ANIMAL RESCUE, INC.Alter three years of struggling for the well-beingof our animals NEEDS FURTHER FUNDING.

P’ease send your tax-deductable donationto his non-profit corporation (U.S. & P.R.).

t BOX 1012, Vieques, PR 00765 <vIn addition to medical clinics, society plans Includeall modem methods of population control and the

building of an adequate pound and kennels.

809 741-8397809 741-8163



DREDA ACEVEDO A.G. Me,ado #333

9whets Vieques, P.R. 00765


Scooters & Jeeps


Guided ]’ours- lip t* 12 PassengersChauffered Charier l[,,s[A )-kI.BERTO VELIZ TIRAI)O


Isi.lnd Car Rentals, Inc

Late models Suzuki’s,Sedans, Compacts Je,eps

P.O. Box 423, Vieques, PR 00765 809 741-1666carr. #2Ol Next to Crow’s Nest


Call Marcos... 741-1388 741-8594

Cellular 382-3054

Sammy’s Car RentalEsperanza each

Best BestQuality Service

4-wheel dr*ve .,tzuki’sCall Noemi or Sammy at 741-0106

Credit Card Required

season to be jolly.., so 11o, tlo, IIo, you’re the host,

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RESERI4TIONS1 800.5S5-9501 (PR)1 800 524-209 (US)


Now you can tlyin [tie air-conditioned comfor’,ofan 18 passenger TLRB()PR()P

aircraft from Vieques |o San Juan 1N]’ERNATIONAL airport. We arrive and

depart in Terminal "A" right next to Della. Pan Amand United Airlines. We

offer connections to ALl. majur airlines serving San Juan.


Daily fhghts to San Juan, St. Cr,,fix and Fajardo, and air flihls can be sold

through all travel agericy computer reservations systems ill the U.S.



Casually Elegant TropicwearFor Ladies and Gentlemen


Pelican Gift ShopNative Handicrafts ndSouth American Gifts

On the Airport Road into Tow

zona tropical’-, ROPA CASUAL Y DEPORTIVA


VIEOUES calle 65 de Inlanteria 741-8474


18 o NORTHHeadquarters fo a!l Beach Nee:isT-shirls. Ha!s. Sunglasses Film

Snorkeling Gear Rentais. Beach Umbrellas

Esperanza Beach 9AM 4PM, 74t-8600

. La Copa de Oro-. & Ni 4-K:k-Ml,[M.’g Bill l

" .t---) Ih,use gupplles Great Gift Arlii’les(i’" NE] TO ESPERM/Z TENNIS COUR]

M,RY’S ISGiZINE SHOPFIoers, Cards, Soveliics. Perfumes0 IZsprci:Hc para’0 l)t tie lo Enomorados


2-11til. R RIDE S20 per persm’i

Res,ev;alion: & inft, 41-0033

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!%he "


Great Clothes For The Sun

Atlantic Caribbean Artistic CreationsProfessional Arf & Printing

T-shirts Wholesale & RetailSigns Posters Caps

Rafael A. derm0dez 741-0727Louie Bermez P,O. Box 614, Vieques, PR 741-0175

Beach Comb’rUnisex Hair Stylingsby Lynne Nowonly Saturda)

Se vende Avon 741-0625

KIM’S CABINannounces its 1992 line ofstylishly casual cottons

Now on display in Esperanza



Gift Shop Reading RoomTREES FOR SALE

Vieques Conservation 138 Flamboyan St,& Historical Trust 741-8850


Featuring Fine Artinas, Prints, and CardsCaribbean Birds & Fish


er by Appointment 741-8780

Located between Ferrydock & Lighthouse

New England/Vieques artist Siddhia Hutchinson, ablyassisted by her ardchect husband Stanley Hutchinson, hasopened herlong-planned salon overlookingthetown harbor.

Her well known local works include a covex iilustrafionof the City Ha]] fiesta program and a series ofposters, printsand curds presently available at the Esperanza Museum.

Siddhia was featured in TVT Vol. 28 (March ’89) duringher "Nature of Vieques" watercolor show at the ViequesConservation & Historical Trust.



NameAddressCity State ZipOtherForelgn,,,(Send for Rates)..

Checks to: THE VIEQUES TIMESF-153 Esperanze Beach, Vlequee, PR 00765

809 741-8508



Featuring Contemporary Island An/st&Halt/an Art, as well as Jugoslav/an paintings

and Russian Icons.

Jan. 29th and 30th

WORKSHOP. Make your own earrings, napkindngs, papier machd, unique gift boxes, from

post cards and other craft items.

On her return, Cruise Art Director Dee Modsettewill condu the class.

$5 per day, donation to TODOS LOS SANTOS.January 29:6 8 PM

January 30:9:30 11:30 AM

GALLERYOpen weekdays: 9:30 am noon 3:30 pmWeekends: 2 pm 4 pmClosed Tuesdays


229A Calle Prudenclo Qul!’: .=Blenvenldos We!come

Tel.: 809-741-1515 for Inlormation

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Voh.ne 55

CAI,ENI)AR NOTICESOf Regularly Scheduled

Activities of Pnhlic Interest,to which Visitors Are Invited,

Will he ptlblished free of chargeas a Community Service

in the langnage in which they arereceived.

Admission qttotas must be specified

’ITIE VIEQUES TIMES Lale i991 but Early 1992

ANUNCIOS DE CAI,ENDARIOde Actividades Corrientes

tie lnters Pfiblico,a las thales las visltas son bienvenidas

se publicarfin gratnitamentecomo Ul. Servicio a la Comnnidaden el language en cual se recibe.

Hay qne especiilcar si se cobraentrada.


Snn. Ci:k Fights GatieraSca’vicios lie lglesia (horn, elC.)Volleyball Espemn’i,l Beach Club 2 pm

Mort. Almh6licos An6nimosSpish Chkssc: 74 1-31g)l or 1775

ms. }-Nppy Hour Crow’s Nest 741

Wed. AI-Anon 74t-(195

Thurs. Island Community Dinner New DawnHermit Crab Races 741-8675

Ffi. AlborolO Malec6nSat. Clases tie All,recta 741 1244(Editor may reject and/or abbreviate submi,ions,Editor puede rechazatr o abrevlar submLsiones.)


hamn on esidemial lot Do. Noriaa on

figh, watt. lephone.dayfi 74t-25, St, GzAIez or TVT741-08

TA[A 280 741-14

SALE wMk m h:’. 2 heAaxm/bth, Tilled, fnmithea, tem6delet died,

iramd, avail Vmy f*irly priced. 741-8154


Ders Pil Reeiquiby 10

.m. uny, Alu vBble: frh

lh 7414M95

FOR SALE: 2 urveyed acrel wilh lille. Spec-

Viequ, el times, c: Call 914 221-6669.

HOUSE FOR SALE 4 Ixlm*. 2 Iathml*

aqm/|tmdy nn. C.ldl Mtt. Rivm 741+0225


FOR SALE S.I1 st1RemRtsl* 741:8735

VENI}O: 2 Pl’ Y jues de cneAt.lnfomatei: antvo, de Btmt, fenlt AmigtmFt.. Alvamz Td. 741-5961

17011 SALE pr-fab wlxllxmcttt, 2 bdnn

VACATION RENTAL Furnished 2 I:drmJ

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Volume 55

Edgardo Rodrfguez (de pie) se dirige a la Asociaci6nde C0merciantes TVT

Comercio en VlequesLa Escuela Gerencial del Departamento de

Comercio ha iniciado una serie de actividadesinter-agenciales dndole seguimiento a su com-promiso del efio pas,ado par’Mcon Vieques. Estoincluye la formaci,o,n de una organizaci6n que[a.ctuar como una Camara de ComercJo, asisten-cla con pr6stamos cornerciales, t.’dleres, laintroduccidn de la alta tecnologfa hidropdnica enun sistema de finca de hortalizas, v ademscolaboracidn con el Departamento de ducaci6nen un programa de pesca, proyectos de turismo yuna finca de camaroes de ag.:a salada.

Edgardo Rodrfguez, Director de la Escuela,tiene maresidcncia en Vieques y pasa aqu/todo sutJempo libre Jorge Santiago,, Secretario" del De-partameaur de Comercio, c-m?iesa que ademis deconcentrar en Vieques per qer tm ’&ea necesitada,tieae un iner; especial como hijo de unaViequense.

Rodrfguez ha conmtado los servicios de con-sultantes de varios campo .ara presenmr semi-narios que coaduzcan a !:a participaci6n de loscomerciantes en las acfivi(ade de desarro!!o. Enlos planes est Ia posibi!da, de m l);ry priw.opropiedad de y operado ter t(s propios comerciantes.

E1 progrmna iniciado ror Edgardo Rodn’guezen Vieques podffa tenet et maycr alcace decualquier programa im,plernentado pot un repre-sentante de agenc,i,a de San Jm. Ha logrado traera Vieques a los S,.cxetarios deDACOy Comercio,Hon. Luis R. Pifiero y Hon. Jorge R. SantiagoRomgm, y ha coordinado un intercambio entreellos, el Directorde Autoridad de los Puertos, JoseBuitrago, y la Asociaci6n de Comerciantes. Haestablecido contactosparaproyectos que ir .:iuyenla divisi6n de artesanfas de Fomento, el progmmade entrenamientovccacional del Departamento de

THE VIEQUES TD,IES Empezando 1992 tarde

y otras agencias envueltas en incenti-vos para entrenamientos. Un taller de arte:smfa enmadem se ha establecido en Esperanza y se estainvestigando posibilidades de incentivos paradesarrollar la participaci6n en talleres de m-’tesanfaque incluyen la alfarerfa y otros.

El panorama de Rodrfguez establecerfa aVieques como un centro artfstico/turfstico corn-

con centros culturales, ferias de artesanfa, ypara promover en adicidn a

belleza de sus playas, su artesanfa, sus alac-ciones naturales y su rica historia arqueol6gica.

E1 adiestramiento en Cultivos Hidropdnicosya ha comenzado y conlleva la construcci6n de unsistema bfisico en el ea de Puerto Real. E1mddulo consiste de una mesa construida de tubosPVC, un tanque de agua enriquecida de nutdentbscon un sistema de bomba programadoautomiticamete para recircular el agua fertili-zada. Los vegetales crecen en perforacioneovaladas a la pe superior de la pm,’rilla de tubosen cual fluyen las aguas.

El cultivo icmede incluir variedades de lechuga,tomates, pepinillos, pimientos, esp6cias etc. Estosmddulos ya fmcionan en Puerto Rico donde se hatriplicado Ia produccidn por pie cuadrado encomapacidn con la siembra tradicional.

E1 sistema elimi na m preparaci6n del terrenolos .problemas de desherbaje, y utiliza menos aguay m.nos espaco que el m6todo tradicional. Seestima que ce,n una inversidn de $5000 en elespacio de una pequefia casa se podrfa esperar ga-nancias de Sir),000 anualmente. Un cultivadorhidao6nico entrenado en eta tecnologfa cuali-fic para un p6stam, con el FF1A y la escuelapreparfa los lormulafios.

Osvaldo Grzilez, presidente de la ViequesAir ;,k, ofrecd la transpertaci6n y el lugar paralos c ntrem, :c:k:os. La primera mesa hidropdnicaser4 co?strxhla en su

.mbos Secrearios ( DACO y Comercio ) ieasegurar: a1 Vieques Times que cada agencia pre-sent ia situacidn de Vieques al Director deTnrismo de Puerto Rico, Miguel Domenech. E1Vieques Times enfatiz6 que Turismo no le hadadoa Vieques una promoci6n adecuada.[Una ltamada reciente de la oficina de TurismoenNewYorknos indic6 que la Omica itformaci6n sobre Vieques allldisponible, era una edicidn vieja del Viegues Times. Re-spondimos con ur, estaca de suplemens turb qcos con la"mapita" pero tal vez debemos sehalar que hay un blancopara subscripciones en la vdgina 2 y nuestro anuncio deservicios disponibles en la’9 Ed.]

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Volume 55 THE VIEQUES TIMES Enlpezando 1992- tarde

l)iana l.xmnsebury y Don Camplx:ll tie Barmnas hanogmizado uric rie de activides para IIlatller I;kplayas timpias. La pr6xima anuncia parfientto deTratlcWinds el dla de ebtero a s 10 AM. Se raba Lperu en bienle de fiesta playera. El ptiNico %cdainvitado.?e public is inved to parlicoate at a beach clean-uporganized by l)on Campbell and Diana Loum.ebuo,Bananas. 77e group will meet at 10 AM, Fe& 11 at7adeWinds. ht ork, but tt’s also a beach rty

M mhn Sdva, quien era editorpublicisla de I:anligua "’,.E"y Iocutor de radio enuerm R co y Sama Cruz, ha hie z do un peri&licb

ntlevo, ,,. Enlenderns quesaldtfi mensua]mente desde el rea de Faj rdo,pero con focos adicionales hacfa Vieqtms y.tlh..t a.

Hemos visto las dos pfimeras ediciones y hayque decir que tiene ttl tk)r/IllllO nmy lindo entamafio tabloide. Las gnificas salen muy bien confotos del propio Manolfn y, nos dicen, de Geigel

1.a Sunaire Express esm ofrecienclo vuelos al medio-dfa Con,Vieques ahora cuemaqtm e,onectan con vuelos de In TWA tie Nueva York y con cinco medios de publicidad, ya que existfmBoston, y el vuelo de Dehn de Aflanla, Vttelos de regreso Cualro: un estci6n de televisi6n el Canal 28; unapre,",n coneclar con Cami,al Air ( a Miami ), Delta (aBosum y Atlanta), y TWA a St, Iuis ). El terminal de

etntsora de ra&o Sensaci6n 99; el periddicoStmaite boy dia ofra:e lambien los Servicios tie tc’la.,; tas y este servidor.T.t.lg_l.,i.ta’-ea-’reasconlaexcepeidndeAmerit;an. Hay mlulienle Queda por verse, h;.ISI:.t title grado cl rnercadoun ’tt eglo con los, ’euelos Braniff de Nucva Yo*k-Miami local puede -’,aUSplUhtr [a dS elllprs Is i]llbllCllflfHaga m&g vu:a s crate Fajtlo y Sama Cruz Para ms ias durante una recesi6n econ6mica.inbrmacidn: 741-4242 o EU g-5-20gl. IBuena suerte a tos[

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Volume 55 THE VIEQUES TIMES January 1992 (mejor tarde que nunca)

Se Siente el Frio...por Nana Orffz de Casta,qo

Ya se empieza a sentir el viento fuerte del Norte, atarde-

ceres y amaneceres frfos; sefi,’d inequfvoca de que esamos

en el umbral de otra Navidad. Las ticndas y ferreters tiencn

mas vent,as porque hay que pintar la casa, comprar muebles,

ropa nueva, jugoetes y adomos para esta 6poca del aio.

Todo este consumeris;no es para festejar otto

cumpleafios del nifio Jesfis quc nacfo en un humilde pesebre

all. en el lejan6 pueblo de Bel6n. Muy pronto el sentido del

olfato nos har percibir el olor a lech6n a.ado, morsillas,

)asteles, arroz con ganduies, majarcte y el indispensable

postre de arroz con dulce. El ton cafiita hace tiempo quc esUi

curado; y los firboles de murtas peladitos porque recogieron

la cosechaE1 arbolito de Navidad, los balcones, las calles y arcos en

los jardines lucirtn destellos de luccs multicolores, guirnal-

das y hasta mufiecos de nieve. Y qu6.del vicjito barrig6n de

barba blanca, botas y su traje rojo? Esa figura no puede

faltar. LQu6 paso con los tres Reyes Magos para quicnes

coruibamos yerba fresca y nos traian’juguetas? Nada.

Desaparecieron dcl escenario puertorfiquefio al imitar o

absorver una txadici6n amcricatm- Yacen sepultados cn el

mont6n an6nimo del olvido.

Las trullas de Navidad aun perduran entre la clase jara

de Puerto Rico. lnstrumentos dc cuetdas ya templadas,

acordeones maracas y guiros,’ellaados para salir a trullar

basla el amanecer Nochebucna, P,e,yes y octavitas.

/D6nde estn el d v no Mesias y aqucllas criatiras olvida/

"d que no ,,ienen Navidad? Entxe 6ste jolgorio navideo

debemos hacer un alto, orJ" |3.r qlos y pedir pzua que los

hombres quc rigcIl el desttno de ,as [laClolfles dcl mundo scan

!lenos de p,cspranza y amor. Amores dar, y am.ndonos

los unos a los otros podcmos de(’ir. "(31oria a Dios co el cielo

yen la ticrra paz a los hombres de buena vohmtad".

Feliz Navidad al dnico perikJico bilingue de 6sta lsa,

The Vieques Times, a su editor y familia, sts colaloradorcs,

aaspiciadores y lcctores, Paz y amor pzua todos.


2-Day Dry Cleaning Service

Laundromat open til 8 PMSoap & Bleach at righteous prices

_O,r brlnglt In the morningWe II wash and Iron It same day

Lavado y Planchado el mlsmo dla

Calle Victor Dutell #84 741-0680


Entre las realidades y leycndas que rode.an el alia de San

Valcntin podemos decir que sicmpre gran alrededor de un

monje que lleva ese hombre. A este sacerdote se le acrcdika

el habcr ayudado a los cristianos durante la persecuci6n

realizada por Claudius II, el cmpemdor de Romae el siglc

IlL ,os romanos de esa 5poca consideraban un cnmen esc

tipo de acci6n.De acuerdo a ta historia, Valentin fue arrojado a un

calabozo, donde tenla estActamente 1o indispensable para

vivir. Alli em custodiado por Asterius, un carcclcro que no

era muy riguroso con 61. El finico consuclo quc tuvo el

sacerdote micntr,q- e;tuvo cn prisi6n rue precisamentc su

amistad con la hija cicga dcl carcelero quicn le demostraba

su afccto llcvfindole comida y sirvi6ndole de mcnsajcra.

Dcspu6s de tm afio de prisi6n Valentn rue citdo para

presentarse ante Claudius II. E1 emperador se impresion6

tanto con la dignidad del.joven sacerdote que intent6 convcr-

tirlo para que trabajara para los dioses deRomay asi.sa!varlode la ejecuc 6n Va entin rebus6 renunciar a set cnstmno e

inten.6 conve.ir al empemdor al cristianismo. Claudius,

furioso, orden6 que San Valent/n fnera golpe,ado con palo

y piedras y finalmcnte ejccutado.En los filtimos dfas de su vida Valentin, a trav6s de su re,

le devolvi6 !a visl a la hija del carcelero y convirti6 a ella y

a su padre ,’d crist[aniso Esto c vail6 set ejecutado pot

Clau; tsll. EnlatOcbedesuejecuci6nelcerdotecscribi6unmensaje dc despedida a la hija del calce ero y 1o firm6 zsi:

"De tu Valentfn". La m,sma se real6 el 14 de febrero del

afio 209 D.C. De acuerdo a la leyenda, al lado de su rumba

creel6 un almendro rosado qoe floreci6 como simbolo de

amor permanente.El saludo de Valent[n se ha convertido en el simbolo

universal de la amistad y el afecto, celebrndose cada 14 de

febrero cuando se recuerda la ejecuci6n del sacerdote. Los

sacerdotes romanos cristianos, convirtieron el festival de

Lupercali en una celebraci6n en honor de Valentin.

Cupido, un querubin desnudo, armado de un arco y

flecha, se convirti6 en el s[mbolo para aquellos que celebran

cada 14 de febrero con regalos y mensajes de afecto y amor.

INana se ocup6 de enlregarnos estas columnas antes de

someterse a una cirug(a. Actualmente se recupera en la casa

de familiares. Las tarjetas se pueden mandar c/o The

Vieques Times. Ed.]

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Volume 55 THE VIEQUES TIMES Lain January 1992

Golmrnador Acepla Plan CepedaEl Rcprcscntante Popular Samuel Ccpcda

Garcfa ascgtlra, cn un comunicado de prensa, quadurante el rues de febrem ser;i aprobada laResoluci6n Con.iunm radicada per 61 pare sub-vencionar el costo de Iransportaci6n narflimaentre Fajardo, Vieques y Culebra. Usa vez laAsamblca Legislative apruebe la Resoluci6n, elGobernador Rafael Hem6ndez Col6n la finnarL

La Resoluci6n asigna $1.2 millones ala Auto-tided de los Puertos come subsidio pare cubrir losddficits en las ruins Vieques-Culebra. La caniiOad

asignada serfs 1o sufidenm pare elhninar losaumentos en bolelos de pasaje y c:arga impuestosel ao pasado cuales provaroll ta sere de

protestas y usa demands muhi-billonariaabogando per los derechos constitucionales de losresidentes de Vieques y Culebra al acceso libra alos centros de gobierno y locales de sewicios.

Cep6da se ha reunido con los residentes, ha

participado en varies protestas, ha presentado6s medidas legislativas en la pasada sesi6n legis-lative. Su oficina explica que los fondos evitarfanIns pdrdidas econ6micas pare la autoridad mien-tras evfla tma carga econ6mica injusla para losusuafios. Se detm realizer esludios y rendir in-foes sobre altemativas, y lomar Ins medidasnecesafias para evitar futures aumenlos.

Mientras mete prede la demanda: "...si la

ruta perfe es de peaje, tiene qua existir usa ruts

alternx gratis."

Tipo de Ferry propuesto ixr Julio T{rr" (p. 15)

P6rez Professional

Cisco Pr(tz , 809"741"1904

PEREZ PROFESSIONAL FLOOR CLEANINGOilers you Ihe highest qualtly, professional floor care

because your floor Is Imporlsnl to youlOur commercial experience ensures your eatlslactlon.

Page 13

"Men" y el mar

"_Rim,:mlo cot, Mort" el suave libro de d6cimasde Ramon "Men" Silva est,’l disponible en E1Fortfn yen el Museo de Esperanza.

E1 libro de 36 p,’lginas incluye peeress rela-cionadas con la c’uhura, la belteza de Vieques, ladignidad del pescador, la ceiba centenaria, la rata

al progreso, pazen el desierto, gallos,,MaholeAngel Sanes, y haste la vagancia y 1 muerte

misma. "[’ambi6n hay usa secci6n sobre lamec,’inica fen’hal de la dcima y usa serie defotograffas en blanso y negro.

Es el segundo libro de poesfas publicado poreitrovador. Su primero fue entitulado Canto a Isle. Men empez6come mfisico en usa bands destere local, ha desempefiado en varies gruposorquestrales y actualmente dirige su propio grope"Repique."

Tambi6n ha contribuido sus escritos a los

3eri6dicos .l:5i.g na de Cheo, L,hl_N_eaa y

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Volume 55 THE VIEQUES TIMES January1992

Cartas al EditorLa Vida del IndioEstuve observando en el Programa del Pueblo que pre-

senta el Canal 28. emisora de aqul. a has 7:00 pm a la Sra.Myrna Pagan de Connelly, hablar con la esposa de DonChuito Martfnez, que ha mayor pane votante la lleva lamujer. Comparto el mismo texto. Muy respetuosamenteadmiro las mismas en ha sociedad. A continuaci6n un 6xodode tm pensamiento como muchos de los pensamientosindfgenas. Me intriga mucho ha conversaci6n del Tafno oindfgena, indio caribe, etc. ya que al hablar del Hatuey mimente refleja de que al vez en un tiempo remoto del pasadoVieques llev6 el nombre de algfin indio o un dios del Caribe,pues solo sabe Dios por donde en la historia de Viequespasaron Espafloles, franceses, americanos y tal vez otrasnaciones que dejaron su vida en Vieques. Me testa pensarque a todas estos europeos no le importaba ha vida del indioen 1o absoluto. Del origen natural, de 1oecol6gico del pasadoen donde para mi primeramente habit6 aqui el indio caribe.Segtin se remonta ha historia de Vieques, Lacaso no te ponesa pensar como lleg6 y porqu6 la canoa Hatuey soha aVieques? Tal vez por algfin instinto de poder espiritualgraladede lafe, deHatueyqueen su tiltimo viaje queria llegara Vieques y morir en Vieques, pot que tal vez, aqui existi6su bolffo, hogar de Hatuey toda su vida, pero al caprichosoEuropeo 1o finico que le importaba del Iumilde indio era las)iedras de oro, sus bellos collates de diferentes piedras)reci0sas de colores llamativos. El europeo seextrafi6de vetd indioprepararsu cazabe, cultivarusfrutos sembradosporel indio, los cuales todavfa en Europa no exisffan o seconocian, los cuales se cultivaban en esta ea del Caribe,Puerto Rico, Culebm, Vieques e islas adyacentes. Aunqueen aquellos tiempos existieron pocos hombres nobles comoel Ad0airante Crist6bal Col6n, que se daba de cuenta de talignorncia, sus lgrimas brotaron porque sabra que no habfaque matar al indio. Ya que Espafla controlaba la esclavitud,el om, las perlas. Peru el rey Altoro no pensabacomoCol6n.

TIENDA SAN JUANalzado Para Toda La Familia )

Calle Antonio G. MelladoBox 518, Vieques, P.R. 741-3861

LA MUEBLERIA NUEVAUEBLES Y ENCERES DE IALIDRNeveras .LavadorasEstufas .Juegos de SalaTelevisores .Juegos de ComedorMicrohondas .RadiosComponentes -Figuras

BenRez Guzmtn #52 741-3101 MASTER CARD

CARNICERIA PUERTO REAL -’.Abraham Vlez Garc[a para Servirle ’=’

Fresh Local Meats Carne del PaL ,Calle A.G. Mellado Tel. 741-8807

Tal vez pens6 en la raza o en la vida imperial para 61 delindio tafno y caribe.Firmado: Marcos A. Roddguez Flores

ANALISISLo que ha acontecido en Puerto Rico con el Referendum

que 1o han bautizado como hist6rico, debe ser para muchosmotivo de preocupaci6n. En ocasiones ganando se pierde oviceversa. El no gan6 las elecciones con el anna mpoderosa qu6 existe: el est6mago. Un poco mtis de la mitadde P. R. pens6 con el est6mago en vez de con ha cabeza. Yocreo que todos los partidos de 6ste pals y al electorado en sutotalidad debe de preocuparle pot qu6 tanta genre no fan alas ttmas. Repito 6sto es motivo de preocupaci6n para todos10s partidos y electures en general. De esa gran cantidad deelectores qe por confusi6n o porque no les import6 uncomino. Ah0m 1o que est en juego y que son qu,enverdaderameiaie van a decidir 1o que verdaderamente leconvine al pais. Si Puerto Rico se define por la estadid,vayamos buscando a d6nde confesarnos. No cabe ha me’norduda que estaremos mejor econ6micamente pero que tam-bien estaremos peor en cuanto a io que ahora nos quejamos:mdroga, ms alcoholismo, mils crimen. Estos males queahora tenemos, los hemos heredado de quien muchos creeno 1o yen como una soluci6n cambiando nuestra identidad.Cuando se piensa con la barriga la mente malfunciona.

A nosotros se nos usa como marioneta y muy pocos sedan cuenta o sea, te dan cupones, te dan becas y tantas otrascosas mas y luego vienen despues de bien educados y noscompran el talento. Esto sucede afio tras afio con nuestrosacad6micos para desarrollar a otros. L Acaso P.R. no estficapacitado para gobemarse o tendmmos que eslar toda lavida sometidos o dirigidos por los Estados Unidos o es queno aplicamos nuestro talento, o no aprendemos o somoscobardes o que toda la vida decidirin por nosotros? Existeuna interrogame y estamos a ley de un ao y sto hay queanalizarlo bien porque si el partido estadista ganaelecciones de192, Dios nos coja confesandoen el 93 o sea 8nel Plebiscito. Aunque ya yo no voto tengo libermd deexpresi6n mientras tenga la lengua saludable. Es mejorhabhar con valor que morir atxaganuado. ?????

Firmado: Flavio Silva Casanova


"00 TIRESBO. Monte Santo near G.E.

La Casa del RegaloCalle A. G. Mellado #327


Joyeria, Enseres Elctricas, EfectosEscolares y de Oficina, Carteras de Cueropara Hombres y Mujeres y mucho mts

Master Card, Visa, Ided, American Express

Page 14

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Vohme 55 TItE VIEQI. ES TIMI.Lq January 1!)92

Cartas a[ fitorPeligro en el IIo.vpilMVieques Time Edihr

diciemhrc., par; q,c mandara a =con.jar a mi marido. Me

hi ilii, el rndico dijo ilUO si no hubiela illi,qol-ia al dhi

El 171[ll’l{:s, diciemhre "11, his dolores (’.1"i11 lilil; filerl y,

mi{s tarde, leganios a Conlro M{!codond tl:scuhl ieron uii

So s hifl)iora igrdido lilts ienll)O Ini elpo:;o so f:i i/lilorto

A Qti valiios hitter sol)re liUeslro prol)leni:i tit: s;ihidViequcs7Fillllado: Lynlie {lrllalid

Peligro en las Carreteras20 de enero tie 1992Cahas ltl Eililor:

:llCaltlftl!Firth;ida: J{’.tll/y [hmii0z

COLMADO PUEBLO NUEVOde Luii & Awllda Gonzlilez

al cruzar el Puenlo Santa Maria741-2465 741-2724 ,t,

Carnes Viandas Rofrescos/’; " Cerveza bien fria y(I { " Todoparaelhooar

I!]vihindlt y Resolviendo Irol)leinaspor Julia Torre.v

Un lama (pie seve l)t)r doquicra (:s, "Vic(tues en rlJl{l

I)rogreso. ESO stigicre pfl:giirliS, "’/.Progrcso haci;i qtlccsI;Idl)?" "7, OliOOs lo qilo lillCrC rilos vcr on VIc( IlOS (’,n ol

y 01 i)loblit;ljrenlie (Jc.I tlos3r’roll) ocontSmico no.co,arial)iira provccl’lc 111] rllvcl iIo vid;i dx!clllt: ii h)dl) viol i1cIlo.

offor redilcir Io illlch(i do l:l cllllc Mufloz Rivcril fr0111{)

boca lrcil/e al lo1111111oliio tie los Ii.ios AliSOIIIOS, l] IiOIivO

hi Iolol6iiic;i lia.lli I;i iglohi (’al61icli, y dcsde I;i Ihrmacia

I)rohibiria lranSilo n aillOlli6vil, ifi elil:ihr{a 11118 sec’ci6n par;I pfihlico.

procauci6ti. Nfi ora ilcseahlo foi’ll la Iiorra oin

quiol’C Io Slll]CiOlilO llai-a llliO lOdO ol quc tlUiela lrahalo IoIoiig:l, y pllfll title Ills hololeros do Vicques ICllgtll sus

New Jtrtiy, cl Clipe May-l,cwos [,’crry, ItJSll 2,100

l;l isla a divorlirse, VicqiiOliC pxlrfiin Ir;ibajar on I:it(ralido y dc a] h{ vc[Idf;in 1( 16cnico quc ncccil:lnh :4. I.a,

cs <I, y llil ;illO, "picklip’, o "Villi", ll’.llllCllh’ . I{O

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Volume 55 THE VIEQUES TIMES January 1992


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Page 16




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