POSSIBLE CONSTRAINTS ON ALLOPHONIC VOICING IN AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINAL LANGUAGES: EVIDENCE FROM BARDI, KAYARDILD, WARLPIRI, AND YAN-NHANGU By Justin Wei Lo A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment for the Degree of Bachelor of Linguistics 2010 Department of Linguistics, Yale University © Copyright by Justin Wei Lo 2010 1

POSSIBLE CONSTRAINTS ON ALLOPHONIC …ling.yale.edu/sites/default/files/files/alumni senior...1.1 The "Voicing" Contrastin Australia In discussing voicing contrasts, it is essential

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Page 1: POSSIBLE CONSTRAINTS ON ALLOPHONIC …ling.yale.edu/sites/default/files/files/alumni senior...1.1 The "Voicing" Contrastin Australia In discussing voicing contrasts, it is essential





Justin Wei Lo

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment

for the Degree of Bachelor of Linguistics 2010

Department of Linguistics, Yale University

© Copyright by Justin Wei Lo 2010


Page 2: POSSIBLE CONSTRAINTS ON ALLOPHONIC …ling.yale.edu/sites/default/files/files/alumni senior...1.1 The "Voicing" Contrastin Australia In discussing voicing contrasts, it is essential


't I" NOWLEDGEMENTS...............................................................................

l:::c'I'RACT ................................ .................................................................

'"' TRODUCTION.....................................................................................

1.1 The "Voicing" Contrast in Australia.......................................................

L:C' Allophonic Voicing in Australian Languages: Hypotheses ..

I\ESEARCH METHODS••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0- •••••••••••••

2 I Speakers and Sources ........................................... .............................

2.2 Parameters....................................................................................

l ESULTS.............................................................................................

? 1 Preliminary Investigation of Syllabic Position .

32 General Observations on Allophonic Voicing .

3.3 Averaged Durations: Models ................................... ............................

34 Post-Hoc Tests: Stop Duration and Preceding Segment. ..


4.1 Reconsidering the Passive Devoicing Model. " " .

4.2 Directions for Further Research............................................................

5 n CONCLUSION.........................................................................................




















36 I




I could have never produced a momentous work like this without the support of faculty and

students of Yale University who have made this work possible. First, I would like to dedicate this thesis

to Professor Claire Bowern and postdoctoral associate Erich Round for supporting my interest and

research in Australian Aboriginal languages for the past two years. As specialists in Australian linguistics,

Claire Bowern and Erich Round were able to provide me with the data, the readings, and the theoretical

background necessary to pursue the mostly unexplored topic that I investigated in this thesis. As my

advisors Claire Bowern and Erich Round also had great insights into the issues I often grappled with, and, -in more ways than one, this thesis could not have proceeded without their oversight.

Many thanks also go to my LING 490/491 Professor Raffaella Zanuttini for her constant moral

support as Director of Undergraduate Studies in Linguistics during the course ofthis year. Along the

same vein, many thanks are in order for my fellow class of2010 Linguistics majors, who provided me not

only useful feedback on my topic throughout the year, but also through their constant encouragement

provided the inspiration to see my thesis to fruition.

I also owe infinite gratitude to two groups of people. First, I want to thank my family for

supporting my academic endeavors. Second, I want to thank the people and communities of Aboriginal

Australia (past, present, and future), without whose support the field of linguistics- and Australian

linguistics in particular- would be greatly impoverished.

Work on this essay was partially funded by NSF grant BCS-844550 "Pama-Nyungan and

Australian Prehistory", awarded to Claire Bowern and Yale University.


Page 3: POSSIBLE CONSTRAINTS ON ALLOPHONIC …ling.yale.edu/sites/default/files/files/alumni senior...1.1 The "Voicing" Contrastin Australia In discussing voicing contrasts, it is essential


tentative until more data can be gathered and analyzed. ng IfJ/


k Ikl

m /n.1

It It Ity lei

ny /n /


n Inl


d tal Apicoalveolar Lammopalatal RetroflexLamiaoden ,. "'- , u',=

th I! I

nh II) I



p /pl



languages (Evans 1996:724).

- hi h i itten in both practical Australianise and IPA orthography:follows, w lC IS wn

Aboriginal groups using 250 languages.

f h ld (Gaby 2008:212). These languages are divided between the Pama-the other languages 0 t e wor

~ ing roughly seven-eighths of the continent, and the Non-Pama-NyunganNyunganlanguages,occupy

A typical Australian phoneme inventory is exemplified in Kayardild as

compared to the other languages of the world,

, d h re up to seven distinct1 ' tori - typically lal Iii lui no fricative phonemes, an anyw esmall vowe mven ones ,

places of articulation, although many have five or six places of articulation (Butcher 2006: 190-191, Dixon

Prior to European contact, the Australian continent boasted about 7001980: 129-135, Bowem p.c.).

These Aboriginal languages developed in relative isolation from


honolozi 1and phonotactic similaritiesThe Australian Aboriginal languages show remarkable p ono ogica

A number of these similarities are readily demonstrable and uniqueacross the Australian continent,

For example, many Australian Aboriginal languages have

Many Australian Aboriginal languages have a single phonological stop series, although others

have been reported to distinguish at least two stop series. The nature of the stop contrasts in Australian

languages has been variously described as that of voicing (Austin 1988), fortisllenis (Butcher 2004),

length (Evans & Merlan 2004), or even a combination of factors (Evans 1996). Few studies, however,

address the nature of allophonic stop variation that is also present throughout the Australian languages,

and even fewer studies attempt to compare phonetically the stops from languages across the Australian

continent. This work addresses these important gaps in the literature and attempts to shed insight onto

phonetics ofAustralian languages in general. To this end, several sound files from four representative

Australian languages were examined: Bardi, Kayardild, Warlpiri, and Yan-Nhangu. After segmenting

these files into individual words, I observed the phonetic context, broadly defined, in which the stops of

the language occur. Then I took several acoustic measurements: VOT, VTT, stop to release duration, and

total stop duration. The data appear to support the idea that stop allophony is contextually conditioned.

Furthermore the degree ofpersistent voicing in otherwise "voiceless" stops in the data may also confirm

the model ofpassive devoicing (Anderson & Maddieson 1994), However, these conclusions remain

Lateral /1/

Trill rr /rl

Approximant w I,vI y /]/ r /J I

front back

high i, i: u,u:

low a,a:

. dild N Pama-Nyungan languageTable 1. Phonemic Inventory of Kayar ) ,a on-

k! in the following sections of this work. TheI The ractical orthography will be used for the stops /p, th, t, ty, rt, _P di . d series will be written as follows: b, dh, d, dy, rd, g.correspon mg voice



Page 4: POSSIBLE CONSTRAINTS ON ALLOPHONIC …ling.yale.edu/sites/default/files/files/alumni senior...1.1 The "Voicing" Contrastin Australia In discussing voicing contrasts, it is essential

As one can demonstrate, Kayardild possesses the typical three vowel contrast with a vowel length

distinction, six places of articulation, and does not have any fricatives in its inventory, although fricatives

do appear as variant forms of stops (Round 2009:52).

Kayardild also illustrates the general observation across Australian languages that there is only a

single stop series that typically does not contrast for voicing or duration. Hence if one is speaking

Kayardild one can in principle pronounce the word for 'woman' maku as either [maku] or [magu] with no

change in meaning, as /kJ and /g/ are not separate phonemes of the language. On the other hand, there

exist Australian languages with two stop series-perhaps up to 30%- where this generalization does not

hold (Butcher 2004:550). In such cases the voiced and voiceless stop series may in fact contrast

phonemically. Austin (1988) provides the example of the Gugu Uwanh minimal pairs illustrating such a

phonemic contrast: aku means 'skin', while agu means 'ground.'

The phonotactic patterns ofAustralian languages are also remarkable in that a typical word in an

Australian language is at least two syllables long. Thus a prototypical phonological word would be of the

form C1NlTIALVC1(C2)V(CF1NAL). The phonological voicing contrast typically restricted to the word-medial

C1(C2) position, although it can appear in other positions (Dixon 1980: 127). In addition, the word-medial

position is often the only position that allows consonant clusters (Butcher 2006:205). No Australian

language has a voicing contrast in all consonantal positions (Austin 1988, Butcher 2006:193).

1.1 The "Voicing" Contrast in Australia

In discussing voicing contrasts, it is essential to distinguish the phonetic aspect of "voicing,"

which is directly measurable to the acoustic signal, from its associated phonological dimension, which is

abstracted away from the signal, for example in setting up phonological contrasts. In the phonetic

literature, stop voicing is defined by the concomitant vibration of the vocal cords creating the relevant

glottal pulsing that is perceivable in the acoustic signal of the stop (Butcher & Reid 1989:6). From an

articulatory standpoint, this vibration arises from a pressure differential created by the lungs which forces

outgoing air through the narrow opening of the vocal cords. An absence of such concomitant vocal cord


vibration, for example in the case of the vocal folds being too far apart, thus characterizes the voiceless

stop (Ladefoged & Maddieson 1996:52). Voicing effects are measured in terms ofthe voice onset time

(VOT), defined as the time from the release of the stop to the resumption of regular voicing. In voiceless

stops, VOT corresponds to the length of the aspirated segment following the stop's release, whereas in

voiced stops, VOT corresponds to the duration of regular voicing prior to the release and is thus negative

(Ladefoged & Cho 200 I: 1). Voicing contrasts, in about half of the world's languages where the stop

contrast is phonological, employ different target VOT's for the stop distinction (Butcher & Reid 1989:6).

Although it is possible to differentiate voiced/voiceless stops by the maintenance of different

VOT's, it is not the case that these target VOT's are consistent either across or within languages. In an

investigation ofVOT across 18 languages, Ladefoged & Cho (2001) observed that human languages do

not appear to.converge on a common target VOT for each of their voiced and voiceless stops. Instead

much variation in VOT was observed, not only across languages as each language community settles on

its own target VOT values, but also within languages and across speakers as a result of other factors, like

Language Bilabial ~ Alveolar Retroflex Velar Uvular

Aleut (Eastern)59 75 78

Aleut (Western)76 95 92

Apache13 15 31

Apache (aspirated)58 80



Bowiri17 18 39

Chickasaw 13 22 36

Dahalo20 15 42 27

Defaka18 20 30

Gaelic13 22


Gaelic (aspirated) 64 6573

1644 27


Hupa (aspirated)82


Jalapa Mazatec11 23

Jalapa Mazatec63 80

(aspirated) 20Khonoma Angami 10 9

Khonoma Angami 83 5591

(aspirated) 48 55

Montana Salish 22 24

Navajo12 6 45

Navajo (aspirated)130 154

Tlingit18 28 30

Tlingit (aspirated)120

128 128

Tsou11 17 28

Wari'19 26


Yapese20 22


Table 2. Mean VOT stop values showing considerable variation in VOT (Source: Ladefoged & Cho 2001)


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phonetic environment and natural variations in vocal tract physiology (Ladefoged & Cho 2001 :8). The

mean VOT values gathered by for the languages are reproduced in Table 2.

While Australian Aboriginal languages with two stop series can be analyzed as having a contrast

in voicing, recent phonetic research on Australian languages have called this assumption into question. A

handful of Australian languages do not consistently make a distinction in their target VOT's for their two

caveat. The phonetic work on Australian languages has already revealed that a lot of related phenomena

can be hidden in a simple phonological voicing distinction.

This present work will attempt to address allophonic voicing, a phenomenon that cannot be

understood from the phonological voiced/voiceless contrast model alone. It is traditionally assumed that

in most languages with a single stop series the stops are phonetically voiceless. Certainly this is the case

stop series (Butcher & Reid 1989:7). In fact, the phonological stop contrast may be linked to a

combination ofphonetic correlates, including voicing, stress, and vowel length (Evans 1996:730). For

example, the primary phonetic cue for the stop contrast for Jawoyn is stop duration. From acoustic data

in Polynesian languages like Hawaiian, Tongan, and Maori, where the stops all appear to be articulated

with open vocal cords (Ladefoged & Maddieson 1996:53). While Aboriginal Australian languages with

only one stop series typically have their stops described as voiceless and unaspirated, there are languages

languages, that would ensure the voicelessness of the stop, allowing residual voicing from the previous

These "voiced-stop" languages are remarkable until one considers another common pattern of


articulatory level, this may be due to the lack of an active laryngeal opening gesture, like in Polynesian

closure that fades into voicelessness. Such initial voicing may persist approximately 50 ms into the stop,

Wambaya, and Yuwaalaraay, are described as having regularly voiced stop allophones for its stop series,

with voiceless allophones sporadically manifesting in some contexts (Hamilton 1996:54).

segment to carry into the stop (Ladefoged & Maddieson 1996:54). An example of such a partially voiced

stop is illustrated in Figure 1, where the voicing from the vowel persists well into the dental stop.

completely voiced or voiceless, but rather "partially voiced." Such partially voiced stops usually are

recognizable word medially and have a common pattern of having a voiced portion at the onset of the

as reported in the Northern Territory language Tiwi (Anderson & Maddieson 1994:143). On an

where this generalization does not hold (Hamilton 1996:54). Some Australian languages, like Yidiny,

many Australian languages with a single stop series: many stops in these languages are not phonetically

in Jawoyn Evans & Merlan (2004:200) cite the word for 'frog' jatti as phonetically [jab], with the stop

possibly analyzable as a geminate. This is in contrast to the word for 'tributary' jateng, which is [jaden].

Yet this length distinction is not necessarily a perfect phonetic correlate of the phonological contrast, as a

certain degree of duration variability exists. For instance, the word 'spouse/in-law' kakkali is reported to

be pronounced either as [gagali] or [gak.ali] among Jawoyn speakers, although Evans & Merlan do not

cite the actual stop durations for these particular phonetic impressions (Evans & Merlan 2004:200).

Butcher (2004) argues for yet another model of the contrast: lenis/fortis. The lenis/fortis stop

distinction most famously appears in the study of various Korean dialects (see Cho et a12002). The

conceptual distinction between lenis/fortis is that fortis stops are produced with more respiratory effort

and tension than their lenis counterparts (Cho et al 2002: 194, Stoakes et al 2007:869). In contrast with

voicing and its VOT, however, the lenis/fortis contrast is not as well defined in terms of the phonetic

correlates, and this fact necessitates finding indirect phonetic correlates that hint at the lenis/fortis quality

of stops. From the acoustic and articulatory data in the Aboriginal languages Burarra, Murrinh-Patha, and

Bininj Gun-Wok, it can be argued that differences in the duration of the stop closure and peak intra-oral

pressure in the two stop series correlate roughly with the underlying "effort" and "tension" of the

lenis/fortis contrast in these Australian languages (Butcher 2004:556, Stoakes et a12007:869). Despite

the recent theoretical models of Australian stop contrast presented here, this work will, for convenience's

sake, continue the tradition of analyzing phonemically "voiced" and "voiceless" stops with one important




8Figure 1. Partial Voicing is evident in the stop in Kayardild word muthaa (many)

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With so much variation in the reported voicing of stops across Australian Aboriginal languages,

even in languages without the phonological voicing contrast, it is striking that little in the way of

comparative, instrumental analysis has been carried out to date on the allophonic voicing effects in

Australian languages. This present work hopes to address this gap in the literature and open up this field

of research to instrumental phonetic investigation and new insights on Australian Aboriginal languages.

1.2 Allophonic Voicing in Australian Languages: Hypotheses

Although allophonic voicing effects in Australian stops have often been reported in languages

with one stop series, the underlying cause of this allophony is currently not well understood. The

simplest explanation for this allophony is to assume that all allophonic forms of these Australian stops

occur in free variation. For instance, speakers of these languages can use anything available from [p] to

[b] for their labial stop and anything from [k] to [g] for their velar stop. Since the typical Australian

language also has no phonemic fricatives, one also has available the (typically voiced) spirantized

approximations [P] and [y] as other allophones ofthe labial and velar stop, respectively (Hamilton

1996:55). Hence, speakers can choose on arbitrary or extralinguistic grounds which stop allophones they

want to employ in their speech at any given moment. While of course there may be impressionistic

tendencies observed for certain allophones produced in certain contexts, these tendencies need not bother

one working under the free variation assumption. With some reservations, Dixon (1980) typifies this free

variation model in his remarks on Dyirbal pronunciation:

[diban], [tiban] are the two commonest pronunciations of 'stone.' [dipan], [tipan]

are heard much less often; but they are, unhestitatingly, taken as instances of the

same word since any allophone CAN be substituted for another allophone of the

same phoneme, without changing the meaning of the word. (127)

Free variation is certainly plausible in explaining the allophonic voicing in the Australian languages

without a voicing contrast. After all, Dyirbal speakers could in principle interpret with little difficulty the

words of another speaker who regularly alternated between [diban], [tiban], [dipan], and [tipan] forms,


and so in that sense the voicing of the stops in that word could be freely decided according to a speaker's

preference. In addition, it is likely that the context of the utterance can affect the stop's realization. For

example, a stop appearing in a word in citation form may very well vary from the same stop appearing in

continuous speech. However, if one assumes only free variation at work, then one cannot predict

anything about Dixon's "commonest pronunciations" of words with their target VOT's. After all, under a

free variation framework, one would predict that all allophones are permitted in all environments.

Another explanation for allophony is to assume that there exists an underlying normative

articulation (like voiceless unaspirated plosive) for voicing and manner for all the stops of Australian

languages. For instance, one can decide that [p, b, P] are all representations of the stop that is typically [P]

and [k, g, y] are all representations of the stop that is typically [k], with the allophonic variants arising

from some phonologically derived environments: for example, we can suppose that voiced stops surface

only in an intervocalic environment, like the [b] in Dixon's [tiban] example. While this hypothesis

creates testable predictions on allophonic distribution, like which allophone is most likely to surface

phonetically in what environment, several remarks remain to be made regarding this normative

articulation hypothesis. It is of course premature to assume that for Australian languages the normative

stop articulation is always the voiceless unaspirated plosive allophone. In languages with most stops

phonetically voiced, as in Yidiny, we would likely draw the conclusion that in such a language the

allophones [p, b, P] would all represent [b] instead of [p]: Each language in Australia would be able to

choose their normative articulation in this way.

A related approach to explain allophonic voicing in Australian languages with one stop series is

to assume that these stops have no "underlying" voice value and thus are phonologically underspecified

for voicing. According to a phonological analysis based on underspecification, the realizations of the

stops would not be arbitrary, with the voicing parameter largely dependent on either universal or language

specific principles. For example, if one observes that Australian stops tend to voice in intervocalic

position, then one can formulate the rule: [+stoP] ~ [+voice] / V_V. While it is possible to make precise


Page 7: POSSIBLE CONSTRAINTS ON ALLOPHONIC …ling.yale.edu/sites/default/files/files/alumni senior...1.1 The "Voicing" Contrastin Australia In discussing voicing contrasts, it is essential

(laminopalatal /ty/) and lack the laminodental stop /th/.

Of these four languages, only Yan-Nhangu is described to have a phonological voicing contrast

that while Kayardild and Yan-Nhangu have all six places of articulation /p, th, t, ty, rt, k/ for their


Figure 2. Geographicdistributionoflanguagesinvestigated in this work

languages with only one stop series. After all, this language should be expected to exhibit less variation

(Baymarrwanga et aI2008:34). Yan-Nhangu thus can serve as a control case to compare against the

in the voicing parameter compared to the languages without a voicing contrast, since voicing is

phonemic stop inventory, Bardi and Warlpiri only have five, as they only have a single laminal stop

Nyungan languages, whereas Bardi and Kayardild are Non-Pama-Nyungan. It is also interesting to note

While a detailed Australia-wide survey of

four languages have individual differences of interest. For example, Yan-Nhangu and Warlpiri are Pama-

because ample phonetic data was available to investigate these languages in depth. Nevertheless, these

languages were far from being representative of the Australian continent, and they were chosen primarily

work, the languages under investigation consisted of Bardi, Kayardild, Warlpiri, and Yan-Nhangu. These

across the Australian continent as possible. In this

linguistic, phonological, and phonotactic variety

Australian languages that are as representative of the

of allophonic voicing effects to choose a sample of

this work, it was of great interest for the investigation

languages would be too ambitious for the scope of


From the previous discussion and the literature it encompasses, it is clear that there is still much

A final approach for allophony is the passive devoicing model. In this model, the stops in

Australian languages are produced with no actual laryngeal opening gesture, so the voicing from the

previous voiced segment, like a vowel, can passively persist well into the start of the stop until it fully

devoices due to passive cavity expansion (Ladefoged & Maddieson 1996:54). Hence, the continuum of

voiceless to voiced stops is a direct product of voicing duration from the preceding segment carrying over

into the stop. This model, which relies primarily on the phonetic environment and intrinsic phonetic

properties of stops, creates many testable predictions about the distribution of allophonic forms. For

example, we can predict that the maintenance of stop voicing in such a model should be affected by both

stop duration and place of articulation. In particular, it is harder to maintain voicing passively through a

longer stop, like a geminate, than a shorter stop, because the pressure differential provided by air escaping

through the vocal cords can only be maintained for so long before the air supply maintaining voicing runs

out. In addition, it is harder to keep a stop articulated at the back of the mouth, like a 1kI, voiced than a

stop articulated at the front, like a /p/, because of the differing sizes of the cavity behind the oral

constriction (Hayes & Steriade 2004:12-13).

predictions like this one according to the rules of underspecification, an inadequacy with this framework,

and other phonological approaches to allophonic voicing, is that the phonetic reality ofAustralian stops is

often more complex than a binary [±voice] parameter that needs to be filled. In particular, these quasi­

phonological approaches have little to say about the "partial voicing" effects on the phonetic level

reported in many Australian languages.


! I


! I

to be learned and refined from the study of allophonic voicing effects in Australian languages. Certainly

none of these models of allophonic voicing need to be rejected a priori, and none of these models are

phonologically contrastive in Yan-Nhangu.

mutually exclusive. This present work will consider the hypotheses presented here using data from

several Australian languages and provide some insight as to some possible phonetic constraints to such

stop allophony.

2.1 Speakers and Sources

Utterances from speakers of these four languages were gathered from various sound files from

field recordings and leamer's guides. Both the field recordings and the leamer's guides contained a

collection of directly elicited forms as well as dialogues in the respective languages. The audio files were


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·1'.··.·· .,... '.~'.'.%.I·.•.··.·.'·.··.·I·...:'·.· ..,".••...,.-," ,", :tw-- 'ii':'-- _,:::-::;,~,- 'lj08

, *

Figure 4. Boxplot ofVOT values (ms) among three speakers in Warlpiri

Figure 3. Boxplot ofVTT values (ms)' among three speakers in Warlpiri

The data was not normalized for speech rate variation or elicitation type, both factors which could

segmented into smaller files containing individual word tokens, the stops in which then transcribed and

the phonetic environment surrounding allophonic voicing effects, and the word-medial position is the

were not explored in this work. The speakers and sources are summarized in detail in Table 3.

only position where relevant voicing contrasts and a variety of phonetic environments can be investigated,

analyzed using Praat software (Boersma & Weenink 2006). As this work was particularly interested in

Natural variation across speakers was also considered as a confounding variable to this study. To

only word-medial or intervocalic stops were used as tokens in this work. Because initial and final stops

are subject to different phonological and phonetic constraints than those in word-medial position, they

confound this work's findings. First, no carrier phrase existed with which to compare speech rate

consistently across the duration of the tapes. Normalization according to elicitation type (e.g. direct word

elicitation versus spontaneous word forms in dialogue) was considered but ultimately was rejected

because of the unbalanced distribution of tokens by each elicitation type.

Language Number of speakers Source Type # Tokens

Bardi 1 speaker Bowem Field Recording 130

Kayardild 7 speakers Round Field Recording 142II

Ii IWarlpiri 3 speakers Laughren et al (1996) Leamer's Guide 186'i

I,II Yan-Nhangu (YN) 4 speakers Bowem Field Recording 207

Table 3. Speaker and source information on the languages studied in this work



I IiI,;




investigate how much of a potential confound that inter-speaker differences contribute to the data, several

measurements, including VTT, VOT, and stop duration', were compared across speakers in Warlpiri.

Warlpiri was chosen out of the four languages investigated because the number and distribution of tokens

across all places of articulation was roughly comparable among the three speakers CH, KH, and TR. The

distribution of the data was graphed in Figures 3, 4, and 5 on the next page.





P t


Stop2 See 2.1.1 for a further description of what these variables measure.

Figure 5. Boxplot of stop duration values (ms) among three speakers in Warlpiri


14 15


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Several particular distributions ofnote were the VOT duration of speaker KH's /ty/ and the stop

duration of speaker KH's /p/. The median ofKH's VOT for /ty/ was about 30 ms, whereas the median of

the other speaker's VOT for /ty/ was about 50 ms. The source of the anomaly located in four /ty/ tokens

with relatively short VOT durations. Meanwhile, the median value ofKH's /p/ was about 250 ms, in

contrast to the other /p/ values with median values < 100 ms (see Figure 5). Upon closer investigation,

the source of this anomaly was located in two /p/ tokens in the Warlpiri word ngapa 'water,' where the /p/

was confirmed to have an unusually long duration. Nevertheless, despite the existence of some outlier

values like KH's /ty/ and /p/ tokens, the overall distribution of these box-plots, clustered around common

values, suggest that speakers, at least in Warlpiri, seemed consistent in their overall articulations of the

stops. While this inter-speaker investigation was only representative of a subset of speakers in this study,

one could tentatively conclude that inter-speaker differences are probably not variable enough to

confound the other variables studied in this work.

2.2 Parameters

Because actual speakers were not available, it was only possible to consider the acoustic, not

aerodynamic parameters of the allophonic voicing contrast. Since this work studied the phonetic

constraints behind allophonic voicing effects of various stops, the independent variables that were ofmost

interest concerned the place articulation of the stop and its phonetic environment, broadly defined. Two

particularly salient features of the phonetic environment that were investigated were the stop's preceding

segment and syllabic position, both of which have the potential to affect the dependent variables of

interest in this work.

2.2.1 Independent Variables

As was previously observed in certain Australian languages, partial voicing effects depend on

voicing that is carried over from preceding segment that passively devoices into the stop (Anderson &

Maddieson 1994: 143). As the nature of the preceding segment could determine the amplitude and degree



of partial voicing in the stop's phonetic realization- for example, more sonorous segments like vowels .

could passively persist into the stop longer than less sonorous segments like liquids and nasals- it was

important that all word tokens were coded for preceding segment. The categories of preceding segment

were coded as follows: V (vowel), L (lateral), R (rhotic), and N (nasal). Note that this notation, when

applied to L, R, and N, describes a natural consonant cluster, whereas V describes a stop in intervocalic

position. For example, if one wants to discuss a stop with the preceding segment ofN, then that is

equivalent to discussing a nasal-stop cluster. Selected examples demonstrating each preceding segment

are illustrated in Table 4.

Preceding Segment Bardi Kayardild Warlpiri Yan-Nhangu

V agal nguku pakaka nhakun

L dalga dulki kulkurru rulka

R rirrga karrkar karrku gurrku

N binkarr kunku pirnki nhanku

Table 4. Examples of word tokens containing the velar stop sorted by preceding segment values

The stop's syllabic position was another independent variable investigated in this work, coded as

Cl, C2, C3, etc., where Cl represents any initial consonant onset joined to the first syllable, C2 represents

any consonant associated with the second syllable, and so on. Hence, the velar stop in the Bardi words

agal 'and' and dalga 'cowrie shell' were coded as C2, whereas bilanggamarr 'helicopter tree' was coded

as C3. In this work, syllabic position was an indirect indicator of the degree of stress of the syllable that

may affect the quality of the stop. In all languages in the sample, stress was always initial and associated

with the syllable associated with Cl position. Thus, C2 always described the syllable associated with

post-stress position, and C3 always described the syllable associated with the next position, and so on.

2.2.2 Dependent Variables: VOT, VTT, Stop Closure to Release, etc.

Each sound file containing a word token was individually labeled with 5 interval tiers in Praat.

The measures of interest taken included the entire duration of stop closure to the release of the articulators


Page 10: POSSIBLE CONSTRAINTS ON ALLOPHONIC …ling.yale.edu/sites/default/files/files/alumni senior...1.1 The "Voicing" Contrastin Australia In discussing voicing contrasts, it is essential

(see I at Figure 6), voice onset time (VOT): the duration from the release of articulators to the resumption

of regular voicing (2 at Figure 6), and voice termination time (VTTi: the duration of the transition state

from the end of regular voicing up to the final closure of the articulators (3 at Figure 6). Durations were

measured visually using time-aligned waveform and spectrogram windows. Other measures that were

taken include the duration of the preceding segment and the total stop duration (calculated by summing up

I and 2 in Figure 6). As mentioned earlier, many variables could affect the durations measured in this

study: preceding segment, syllabic position, speaker variation, and so on.

in a voiced stop is never supposed to "terminate." However,because a voiced stop can be approximated

as a stop with the maximum VTT value, the VTT can thus be assumed out of convenience to be equal to

the closure duration.

The phonetically spirantized allophones of stop tokens, because of their tendency to be voiced,

were treated similarly to voiced stop tokens, although these fricative allophones have neither VOT nor

VTT values. Spirantized allophones seemed to occur in all environments in free variation with the

corresponding stops (in Yan-Nhangu the voiced stops in particular), although the voiced velar

fricative [y] was the most commonly observed across the languages studied. The notable

exception in this discussion is in Kayardild, where no instances of spirantization were recorded.

Table 5 summarizes the occurrences of fricative stop allophones in this study.

ng a 3;,,, 3.0 RESULTS

Figure 6. Example of stop-related measurements for Warlpiri ngaka 'later', modeled after Stoakes et aI, 2007.

While the measurements of parameters like VOT and VTT in voiceless and partially voiced stop

tokens were straightforward, two special types of tokens deserve special consideration. For the

phonetically voiced stop tokens, the VOT is always negative, and the VTT is ill-defined, since the voicing

3 VTT specifically measures what this workhasbeenreferring up to thispointas the extent of "partialvoicing"noted in Australian stops.


3.1 Preliminary Investigation of Syllabic Position

Many of the stop tokens observed were in the post-stress C2 position, although a few were in C3

or other positions. This bias towards C2 position tokens was out of convenience, as it was easiest to find

examples of stops and phonetic environments in C2 position. As a result, while it was not possible to

explore in depth how much of a confounding role syllabic position played in all the languages studied in

this work, it was at least feasible to lookat-the.effect syllabic position may play in Warlpiri. After all,


Page 11: POSSIBLE CONSTRAINTS ON ALLOPHONIC …ling.yale.edu/sites/default/files/files/alumni senior...1.1 The "Voicing" Contrastin Australia In discussing voicing contrasts, it is essential

there were enough C2 and C3 tokens (primarily for Ip/, Ity/, and 1kI) to make preliminary observations on Warlpiri Stop Duration by syllabic position300 ,-'--------------------~

the effect of syllabic position on this study's dependent variables. VTT, VOT, and stop duration were all *250

compared across C2/C3 positions in Warlpiri, as illustrated in Figures 7,8, and 9. The overall clustered

distribution of these values with respect to C2 and C3 show that the effect of C2 vs. C3 syllable position

on the dependent variables was minimal at best, at least in Warlpiri. However, this result does not rule

out the possibility of measurable effects in other syllabic positions, like the stressed Cl position.





C2 C3 C2 C3

ty kC2 C3



C2 C3

tC2 C3





Figure 9. Boxplot of stop duration (ms) according to C2/C3 positions in Warlpiri

In this study's analysis of allophonic voicing effects, the first step was to determine the voicing

3.2 General Observations on Allophonic Voicing

voiced in spite of the fact that Bardi had no phonological voicing contrast. In this way, Bardi patterned

distribution of the tokens. Impressionistically, Bardi was remarkable in having nearly all of its tokens

like other reported "voiced-stop" languages like Yidiny, Wambaya, and Yuwaalaraay (Hamilton 1996:54).

Kayardild and Warlpiri, on the other hand, had a number of voiced allophones (about 40% of tokens), but


C2 C3 C2 C3

ty k


C2 C3





Warlpiri VTT by syllabic position


C2 C3 C2 C3

P t





'".s 80t-t-> 60







Figure 7. Boxplot ofVTT values (ms) according to C2/C3 positions in Warlpiri

were usually voiceless. In a language like Yan-Nhangu (YN), a language with a voicing contrast, there

Warlpiri VOT by syllabic position was a predictable distribution based on the contrast: the phonological voiceless stops were almost always

Figure 8. Boxplot ofVOT values (ms) according to C2/C3 positions in Warlpiri





'" 50.st-






SyliablePosition C2 C3

stop p


C2 C3


C2 C3 C2 C3

rt ty'v'Jarlpiri

C2 C3


phonetically voiceless, while the phonological voiced stops were almost always phonetically voiced. The

numerical distribution is summarized in Table 6.

Token Count Bardi Kayardild Warlpiri YN (voiceless) YN (voiced)

Voiced Tokens 123 47 77 78

Voiceless Tokens 10 84 103 123 4

Percentage Voiced Tokens 92.5% 35.9% 42.7% 0.0% 95.1%

Table 6. Tokens sorted by language and voicing parameter. For the sake of discussion, partially voiced stops aregrouped with the other voiceless tokens.

20 21

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3.2.1 Mean VTT duration across place ofarticulation /k/, are harder to keep voiced than stop segments formed in the front of the mouth, like bilabial /p/ (Hayes

Mean VTT durations for voiceless stops seemed to vary according to language. For example, in & Steriade 2004: 13). Hence, one would predict that there would be a negative correlation between the

Kayardild the average VTT value across all voiceless or partially voiced stops was around 60 ms, whereas backness of the stop constriction (from /p/ to /k/) and the average VTT duration.

Warlpiri and Yan-Nhangu's voiceless stops had average VTT durations of around 30 ms. The stops In order to test this hypothesis, the Pearson's correlation was calculated for Kayardild, Warlpiri,

appeared to vary less as a function of place of articulation, however. This could suggest a common and Yan-Nhangu's voiceless stops. While in Warlpiri and Yan-Nhangu a negative correlation was found

underlying process, like passive devoicing, that is active across all places of articulation which results in (Walpiri r = -0.06, YN r = -0.24, compared with Kayardild r = 0.022), only in Yan-Nhangu did this

approximately consistent VTT averages, in a manner similar to the VTT averages occurring in Tiwi correlation find statistical significance with p < 0.05 (YN p = 0.008). This lack of a negative correlation

across place of articulation (Anderson & Maddieson 1994:143). In the case ofYan-Nhangu, which does

contrast voiced and voiceless stops, the shorter average VTT duration (resulting in less partially voiced

stops) might reflect the tendency for stops in this language to devoice sooner in order to make the

in Warlpiri was not surprising, given the outliers in VTT values across each place of articulation for

Warlpiri as shown in Figure 10. If one compares the VTT distribution ofKayardild and Warlpiri with

that of Yan-Nhangu (Figure 11), it becomes evident that by inspection that Yan-Nhangu's stops had a

voiced/voiceless contrast more salient. Table 7 summarizes the average VTT durations across the various more defined downward sloping trend from /p/ to /k/ than either of the other two languages.


If the passive devoicing model indeed applies to these stops, then it should be possible to predict

- Mean 31.92




rt tilJVarlpiri

Warlpiri VTT





i 100

:: 80>



Mean 27.5320

0StDp t rt ty

Language Yan-hJhangu

Figure 11. Boxplot ofVTT (ms) according to place of articulation in Yan-Nhangu.



Yan-Nhangu (Voiceless) VTT

Kayardild VTT

180 180

160 160

140 140

120 120

" 100 i 100.§.>- *>- 80 :: 80> >

60 Mean 63,9560

40 40

20 20

0 0Stop th rt ty StDp

Language Kayardild Language

Figure 10. Boxplot ofVTT (ms) according to place of articulation in Kayardild and Warlpiri.


YN (voiceless series)






from the phonetic literature it is known that stops with constrictions in the back of the mouth, like a velar

the subtle effect ofplace of articulation on the duration of persistent voicing measured by VTT. After all,

Table 7. Average VTT durations (ms) across place of articulation from three Australian languages. Bardi and Yan­Nhangu's voiced stops are excluded because their mostly voiced stop tokens lack comparably defined VTT values.

places of articulation for Kayardild, Warlpiri, and Yan-Nhangu.

P 30 65.04 32.74 P 40 38.61 19.52 P 28 31.82 24.16

th 25 65.06 23.03 th - - - th 22 25.41 19.04

t 19 75.28 38.27 t 34 27.82 15.85 t 12 43.00 25.47

rt 12 64.76 27.13 rt 20 24.43 8.47 rt 13 33.85 13.58

ty 22 65.06 31.19 ty 40 33.39 31.08 ty 16 29.94 18.47

k 34 63.06 32.74 k 52 31.20 28.74 k 33 16.02 13.25

i i

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3.2.2 Mean VOT duration across place ofarticulation3.3 Averaged Durations: Models

Stop components (2) (3) (4)

Preceding Segment (1)





(1) Average Duration of Preceding Segment

(2) Average VTT

(3) Average Voiceless Portion of Closure

(4) Average (positive) VaT


,. ,, ,, ,, ,, ,

~2), ,, ,, ,


Actual Waveform & Spectrogram Average Stop (Abstracted from 4 measurements)


Figure 13. Mean ~eas~rements .abstracted from the stop and its immediate environment (preceding segment).The average VOT III this model IS not represented here if it is negative.

While mean VOT and VTT measurements are certainly insightful, they do not summarize in

isolation enough of the relevant phonetic context for the purposes of this work. Thus it was necessary to

abstract away an "averaged stop" from the data combining the relevant mean measurements obtained in

this study (see Figure 13). In particular, this work was interested in comparing the stops across languages

for stop category and the nature of the preceding segment- vowel (V), liquid (L), rhotic (R), nasal (N).

The average stops were generated for each of the individua11anguages studied and will be discussed in

further detail. The parts of the average stop are be abbreviated as (1), (2), (3), and (4). For the purposes

of discussion, average stop duration does not include the duration of the preceding segment.


YN (voiceless series)






Warlpiri VOl Yan-Nhangu (Voiceless) VOl

90 90

80 80

*70 70

*60 *

60 *"' 50 "' 50 *-5. -5..... ....o 40 o 40> - Mean 35.56 >.

:iD 30Mean 27,37

20 20 *10 * 10


* *0 0stop rt ti 5bJp th t rt ti

Language Warlpiri Language Yan-bJhangu

p 23 22.53 8.92 P 32 26.50 9.93 P 28 27.29 12.98

th 21 18.89 7.33 th - - - th 21 26.81 8.09

t 5 27.02 10.92 t 21 25.38 7.08 t 12 25.17 10.53

rt 2 31.50 7.78 rt 10 13.94 7.45 rt 13 16.31 11.51

ty 15 30.60 11.81 ty 33 53.36 14.47 ty 16 33.81 12.82

k 28 29.38 7.66 k 32 35.73 12.26 k 33 29.85 22.23

Mean VOT values were more variable within the stop categories than across languages. On


establish any statistical significance in VOTs between all the stops.

considerably aspirated with the longest VOT value, and the retroflex stop (rt) less so with the shortest

around 30-40 ms (see Table 8). Within Warlpiri and Yan-Nhangu, the voiceless palatal stop (ty) was

average, the mean VOT values for all stops across the languages studied in this work were on average

be differentiated by VOT cues, although there were not enough tokens in the analyzable data set to

VOT value (see Figure 12). These observations suggest that the placement of individual stops may in part

Figure 12. Boxplot ofVOT (ms) for stops across place of articulationfor Warlpiri and Yan-Nhangu. Note thedifference in VOT distribution betweenthe retroflex (rt) and palatal (ty) stops.

Table 8. AverageVOT values for stops across place of articulation from three Australian languages,with the VOTvalues from Bardi and Yan-Nhangu's voiced stops again excluded, as well as any other voiced stops in the otherthree languages.

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3.2.1 Bardi

In Bardi, a language with its stops typically phonetically voiced, it was expected that its (3) and

(4) values contributed little to the averaged stop, and that the stop would consist solely of persistent

voicing duration (VTT), which for voiced stops was defined as equal to the closure duration. This is what

was in fact generated in Figure 14. An interesting pattern also emerges in Bardi: the duration of the stop

seemed to be systematically correlated with the sonority of the preceding segment. For example,

regardless of place of articulation, stops preceded by the more sonorous vowel appeared to be longer in

duration than liquids (laterals and rhotics) which in turn are longer than stops preceded by nasals. This

trend did not apply only to Bardi but to other languages as well. The durations of the average stops

ranged anywhere from about 25 to 125 ms depending on place of articulation and preceding segment.

stop consisting of a voiceless segment (3) and positive VOT (4) duration. Like in Bardi, stops that were

preceded by the more sonorous vowel tended to be longer than those preceded by liquids which were in

tum longer than those preceded by nasals. Perhaps as a natural consequence of this correlation between

preceding segment sonority and duration did stops in nasal-stop clusters tend to be more voiced than in

other environments, as has been observed by Hamilton (1996: 54). After all, if one assumes a relatively

constant VTT value across all stops due to the mechanics ofpassive devoicing, and the stop is relatively

shorter in a nasal-stop cluster, it is likely ceteris paribus that residual voicing would persist through the

stop than in the case of a longer stop (Ladefoged & Maddieson 1996:53).

One interesting pattern in Kayardild was the tendency for many apical clusters" to have a trilled

release (Round p.c.). For example, for the Kayardild word token kultu 'flank,' the liquid-stop cluster was

pronounced somewhat like [kuld'u]. This trilled release posed methodological problems to the stop

Figure 14. Average stop durationfor Bardi (ms). The tokens with preceding segmentsas long vowelswere excluded

from the average stop analysis.

duration labeling process, since the trilled release would occupy the place of the normal aspirated VOT

• AvgVOT

• AvgPrecSegment

• AvgVoiceless Closure

I I I 1 -I I I I I I I I I I Ip th rt tv k









segment (4) of a typical stop and was thus coded for such in the average stops, although it is unclear

• AvgVn

• Avg prec Segment

• AvgVOT

• Avg Voiceless Closure--~~--~~'-~"~'-'-'~~~"-'-~~-.'''~~~'.



~ ~._~-

~.__.~~ F- e--- ~ ~ ~ ~


~ IT IT~-r-r-

\ 1 ~\ IIp t rt k

T'"~_._' __.~~_~____._____<~~_".'"~_~~_ -~~---_.-- I-_.~ "--"-"". " '---~.~~--~-'--_.--~



li'l II











3.2.2 Kayardild

Kayardild, the averaged stops of which in general appeared to be longer in duration and less

voiced than that of Bardi (range approximately from 50 to 175 ms), showed higher portions of the average



Figure 15. Average stops for Kayardild.

4 Apical clusters are definedhere as consonantclusterswith an apical stop (i.e. alveolarItI or retroflexIrt!)


Page 15: POSSIBLE CONSTRAINTS ON ALLOPHONIC …ling.yale.edu/sites/default/files/files/alumni senior...1.1 The "Voicing" Contrastin Australia In discussing voicing contrasts, it is essential

whether this secondary articulation should be considered a proper part of the stop. 3.2.4 Yan-Nhangu

The Yan-Nhangu voiced stop series, shown in Figure 17, patterned much like the Bardi voiced


Warlpiri patterned mostly like Kayardild in terms of the aforementioned sonority trend in the

preceding segment and in particular the trend for stops in nasal-stop clusters to be shorter and completely

stop series with stops that are nearly completely voiced. The average duration for Yan-Nhangu voiced

stops ranged approximately from 30 to 100 ms, and are on average shorter in duration than those of

Kayardild (Figure 15), Warlpiri (Figure 16), or even the Yan-Nhangu voiceless stop series (Figure 18).

duration than in Bardi or Kayardild, with average stop duration in Warlpiri ranging from 25-175 ms

could simply reflect a language-specific property ofWarlpiri palatals.

voiced compared to other environments. Warlpiri also appeared to have a greater variation in stop

• Avg Prec Segment

• AvgVOT

• Avg Voiceless Closure

• AvgVTT

• AvgVoiceless Closure

• Avg Prec Segment

• AvgVOT

• AvgVTT


I I I I I I I I I I 1 I_. - ~-

P th t k

I-- f-- I--, I-- f---

~. II T ~ T1 I ~L ~. -~"--- 1---- ,"~~.~ - ~ ~,~_.~,


dh d rd dv I-- c-.


















Figure 17. Average stops for Yan-Nhangu (specifically its voiced series).

• Avg Prec Segment

• AvgVOT

• Avg Voiceless Closure

• AvgVTT

I 1 I I I I \ I I t I Ip rt tv k

_. !.--,

throughout their duration.

One pattern that seemed to be unique to Warlpiri is the degree of aspiration, measured by VaT,

found in the palatal stop /ty/ in all environments. Comparison of Figure l6's palatal stops with those of

other languages shows that VaT forms a major contribution to the average stop duration (50 ms or more)

in Warlpiri palatals. Given that the notable palatal stop aspiration seems to only be found in Warlpiri, this

according to preceding segment and place of articulation. Like in Kayardild, the longer stops tended to be

voiceless or partially voiced, while the shorter stops (especially in nasal-stop clusters) tended to be voiced







'II -50


I!' -150;' I

Figure 16. Average stops for Warlpiri.



Figure 18. Average stops for Yan-Nhangu (specifically its voiceless series).

Page 16: POSSIBLE CONSTRAINTS ON ALLOPHONIC …ling.yale.edu/sites/default/files/files/alumni senior...1.1 The "Voicing" Contrastin Australia In discussing voicing contrasts, it is essential

I I,

The Yan-Nhangu voiceless stop series, shown in Figure 18, consisted primarily ofphonetically

voiceless and partially voiced stops. While this observation was not remarkable in itself, it is interesting

to also observe that the voiceless stops were on average considerably longer than their voiced

counterparts, with the nasal-stop clusters again appearing to have the shortest stop durations on average.

The average duration for Yan-Nhangu voiceless stops ranged from 75-200 ms, whereas the voiced stops

only ranged from 30-100 ms (about half the duration of the voiceless stop). This durational difference

was reminiscent of Evans & Merlan (2004) observations in Jawoyn, where the voicing contrast appears to

be accompanied by a general length contrast that may be phonological as well. While it may be tempting

to analyze the Yan-Nhangu voiceless stops in a similar way, as phonologically geminate versions of the

"voiced" series, the phonotactics of Yan-Nhangu appear to disfavor such an interpretation (Bowern p.c.).

3.4 Post-Hoc Tests: Stop Duration and Preceding Segment

Several general observations were made about the average stops in the previous section. One of

the stronger trends that recurred throughout the four languages studied concerned the effects of the

preceding segment's sonority on the average stop duration. In particular, stops preceded by nasals in a

nasal-stop cluster-regardless of place of articulation- were generally shorter than stops preceded by

vowels. In order to determine whether this trend was statistically significant, several post-hoc analyses

were performed. One-factor ANOVA tests performed individually on these languages showed that the

effect of preceding segment category on stop duration was highly significant in Bardi (F[3,129]=24.l7, p,

< 0.0001), Kayardild (F[3,138]=35.72, P < 0.0001), Warlpiri (F[3,180]=78.92, p< 0.0001), and Yan-

Nhangu's voiceless series (F[3,120]=4,44, p= 0.005). In contrast, theeffect~)

significant at the p< 0.05 level for Yan-Nhangu's voiced series (F[3,77]=2.13, p= 0.104). Inpost-hoc

paired comparisons of means on the applicable data, preceding nasals had stop durations that were

distinguishably shorter at the 95% significance level than preceding vowel categories. In addition,

Kayardild had durations of stops preceding liquids distinguishably shorter than that of those preceding

vowels and longer than that of those preceding nasals, again at the 95% significance level.


These post-hoc analyses appear to confirm the observation that in the languages studied, the stops

preceded by nasals were shorter than stops preceded by vowels. It is unclear why this may be the case,

although the differences in stop duration among different preceding segment categories could in tum

affect the allophonic voicing distribution of stops according to preceding segment. After all, if stops in

nasal-stop clusters are significantly shorter than stops in other environments in Australian languages, and

shorter stops tend to be easier to keep voiced according passive devoicing model, then one should expect

stops in nasal-stop clusters to be largely voiced, an observation which the data from the languages in this

study appeared to support.


Several hypotheses were outlined in this study explaining how allophonic voicing could arise.

The simplest hypothesis, after one has of course ruled out any phonological voicing contrast, is to assume

that allophonic voicing is explained by free variation in all its forms- from different speakers, from

different elicitation contexts, and so on. In this study, the possibility of free variation inherent in having

different speakers provide tokens being responsible for some allophonic voicing effects was examined.

However, based on the investigation of data from three Warlpiri speakers, it was shown that these

speakers' productions of stops largely agreed with each other in the relevant respects.

While the free variation model is still plausible in explaining some of the allophonic voicing

effects evident among the variety oflanguage communities in Australia, free variation also has its

problems. For instance, it fails to predict the regular linguistic patterns and allophonic distributions that

are observed across these languages, such as the intuition that nasal-stop clusters in Australian languages

tend to have voiced stops (Hamilton 1996:54). In addition, evidence from this study demonstrates that

allophonic voicing is not simply free variation. After all, regularities in the data, like the observation that

longer stops tended to be less voiced, seem to confirm that allophonic voicing is not insensitive to the

stop's greater phonetic context.


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The next approach to examining allophonic voicing is a quasi-phonological one: to assume an

underlying form to the stop (normative articulation model) or not (underspecification model) that is given

either [+voice] or [-voice] values in different environments. The major problem with this approach, as

this study demonstrates, is that Australian stops, especially in languages that do not contrast for voicing,

phonetically appear as various degrees of "partially voiced" that do not necessarily obey the tight rules of

phonology like [+stop] ~ [+voice] / V_V. This problem is to be expected, since one cannot use the

language of phonology to deal with effects, like allophonic voicing, that are by definition outside the

phonological system.

The most promising approach to explaining allophonic voicing in Australian languages, then, is

to posit that stop realizations are contextually conditioned to some degree by phonetic factors like stress

This work's l·nvestigation on segments' preceding stops support the validity of thisand stop duration.

h. 11 ded model at least as far as confirming that factors like the preceding segment and

p onetica y-groun ,

stop duration can affect allophonic voicing tendencies.

4.1 Reconsidering the Passive Devoicing Model

It is likely that given the trends observed in the averaged stops in section 3, the biggest predictor

of whether a stop is phonetically realized as voiced, voiceless, or somewhere in between is the length of

the stop. The idea that a stop's length can affect the maintenance of its voicing is not theoretically

unfounded. After all, the phonetic literature discusses at least two universal sources of articulatory

difficulty in maintaining stop voicing: the overall length of oral closure and size of the cavity behind the

closure as determined by place of articulation (Hayes & Steriade 2004: 13). The difference between

maintaining voicing in the case of a [g] versus a [b] is the relatively small volume of air behind the velar

closure in the case of [g] that causes it to spontaneously devoice after enough air passes through the vocal

cords that the air pressure differential that normally maintains voicing is insufficient. In the case of

geminates, where the oral closure is lengthened, the possibility of passive devoicing is increased because

the pressure differential necessary for voicing can only be maintained for so long(see Ladefoged &

Maddieson 1996). Thus, by the overall articulatory constraints presented here, one can already generate a

hierarchy of stops that respond differently to passive devoicing that naturally occurs in Australian

languages. A longer (perhaps even phonologically geminate) velar stop is perhaps the hardest to keep

voiced throughout its entire duration, whereas on the other extreme a shorter or non-geminate bilabial

stop is perhaps the easiest to keep voiced by passive devoicing (Hayes & Steriade 2004: 13).

While a geminate/non-geminate analysis does not apply to any of the tokens gathered in this

study, the more general principle that stop duration can affect its voicing does. A possible analysis ofthe

Australian languages like Bardi, then, could be that the typically voiced realization of its stops is a natural

phonetic consequence of how typically short the total duration of the stops are compared to that of

Warlpiri or to a lesser extent Kayardild. After all, the average stop duration across all stop categories for

Bardi is about 70 ms, compared to Warlpiri's average of 120 ms or Kayardild's average of90 ms. One

thus need neither to appeal to the argument that Bardi and other "voiced-stop" languages must have

voiced stops as their normative articulation, nor to the argument that Kayardild and Warlpiri have

typically voiceless stops. Instead, if the passive devoicing model is true, one should be able to predict

how voiced the language's stops tend to be realized from average stop durations alone.

It is remarkable that Australian languages like Yan-Nhangu and Tiwi, which contrast for voicing,

also appear to obey the same passive devoicing principles that languages without a voicing contrast do.

In both these languages, after all, longer stops are usually nearly voiceless, and shorter stops are usually

voiced, just like the passive devoicing model would predict if they did not have a voicing contrast. It is

unclear why this pattern should occur, but it is certainly worthy of further investigation.

4.2 Directions for Further Research

It is clear that while cross-language comparisons are insightful in determining the range of

allophonic voicing effects in Australian languages, the four languages studied in this work do not begin to

exhaust the range of the phonetic and phonological variation across Aboriginal Australia and its speakers.

While it is hoped that the generalizations on allophonic voicing that are consistent with the passive



:1 I

ill I II

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, ,i'



,I I


r : I II I

'I I,I I

I I'


devoicing model apply beyond the four languages in question, such generalizations remain tentative until

more acoustic data from these four languages- as well as from other Australian languages- is gathered

and analyzed. In addition, it is hoped that future studies involve many more speakers, as the natural

variation between speakers can hardly be assessed on three Warlpiri speakers alone. Nevertheless the

preliminary cross-linguistic data represent a step in the right direction towards understanding the possible

phonetic constraints on allophonic voicing amid the natural free variation inherent in these Australian


Other phonetic constraints in allophonic voicing remain subject to future research. For example,

the potential variable of stress and position was never fully explored in this work. While there was some

preliminary work determining the potential effect of C2 and C3 position on the dependent variables

explored in the work, the particular emphasis on the C2 syllabic position leaves little said about the stop

voicing effects and constraints that might appear word initially or word finally.


\ This present work has addressed a much understudied phenomenon in Australian Aboriginal

languages: allophonic voicing in stops. Allophonic voicing effects are especially observable in Australian

langUag:~th-onlYone stop series, where voiced and voiceless instances of stops appear interchangeable

on the phonetic level. However, upon further investigation, it is clear that the stops in these Australian

languages show more variation in voicing than just voiced and unvoiced stop variants, as many stops can

1 rti 11 . d Thus, it perhaps makes more sense to viewbe phonetically described as more or ess pa ia y VOIce .

allophonic stop voicing on a continuum, measured by VTT durations, for instance, rather than be

constrained to the language of phonology and use artificial [±voice] labels.

The underlying theory behind allophonic voicing is to date not wen understood, and a lot of

phonetic groundwork and analysis still needs to be done on Australian languages in order to find the right

theory. Nevertheless, one ofthe contending explanations behind allophonic voicing lies in the passive

devoicing model. In this model, since stops in Australian languages are produced with no actual


laryngeal opening gesture, the voicing from the previous voiced segment, like a vowel, can passively be

passively maintained well into the start of the stop. This model not only can account for the degrees of

partial voicing observed in Australian language data, but can also make powerful predictions on the

distribution of voiced, voiceless, and partially voiced allophones that is observed in Australian languages

according to phonetic constraints. For example, one prediction that the passive devoicing model makes

is that because it is harder to maintain voicing through longer stops, longer stops would be less likely to

show more voicing and thus have smaller VTT measurements. This prediction appears to be largely

confirmed across the four Australian languages studied in this work.

In the larger picture, if the passive devoicing model proves to be the correct explanation behind

allophonic voicing in Australian languages, then this gives further credence to the idea that allophonic

voicing effects, particularly in Australian languages, are not outside the methods of rigorous phonetic

analysis. It is hoped that more acoustic studies on Australian field tapes and recordings, a number of

which remain largely unanalyzed, can be analyzed in this fashion in the future.


Page 19: POSSIBLE CONSTRAINTS ON ALLOPHONIC …ling.yale.edu/sites/default/files/files/alumni senior...1.1 The "Voicing" Contrastin Australia In discussing voicing contrasts, it is essential

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