T he governing centre-right coalition, led by Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho, won the most seats in the country’s Oct. 4, 2015, parliamentary elec- tion, but it fell short of capturing a clear majority. Pres. Aníbal Cavaco Silva invited Passos Coelho to form a minority government, but it soon became apparent that it would not survive a vote of confidence. On November 10, after it had been in power for less than two weeks, Passos Coelho’s government was toppled by an opposition coali- tion of the centre-left Socialists, the Communists, the anti- austerity Left Bloc (allies of the Greek Syriza party), and the Greens. Socialist leader António Costa was sworn in as prime minister on November 26. Vital statistics Birth rate per 1,000 pop- ulation (2013): 7.9 (world avg. 19.5). Death rate per 1,000 population (2013): 10.2 (world avg. 8.1). Natural increase rate per 1,000 population (2013): –2.3 (world avg. 11.4). Life expectancy at birth (2011): male 77.6 years; female 84.0 years. Demography Population (2015): 10,349,000. Density (2015): persons per sq mi 290.7, persons per sq km 112.2. Sex distribution (2014): male 48.79%; female 51.21%. Population projection: (2020) 10,122,000; (2030) 9,760,000. Major cities (2011): Lisbon 545,245 (urban agglomeration 2,815,851); Porto 237,559 (urban agglom- eration [2009] 1,344,000); Villa Nova de Gaia 302,092; Braga 181,819; Amadora 175,558. Urban-rural (2014): Portugal Official name: República Portuguesa (Portuguese Republic). Form of government: republic with one legisla- tive house (Assembly of the Republic [230]). Head of state: President Aníbal Cavaco Silva. Head of government: Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho. Capital: Lisbon. Official language: Portuguese. Official religion: none 1 . Monetary unit: euro (>); valuation (Sept. 1, 2015) 1 U.S.$ = >0.89; 1 £ = >1.36. Ethnic composition (2000): Age breakdown (2014): Religious affiliation (2000): Area and population area population 2015 2 Continental Portugal 3 sq mi sq km estimate Regions Principal cities 9,869,783 Alentejo Évora 12,202 31,605 733,370 Algarve Faro 1,929 4,997 441,468 Centro Coimbra 10,888 28,199 2,263,992 Lisboa (Lisbon) Lisbon 1,159 3,002 2,809,168 Norte Porto 8,219 21,286 3,621,785 Insular Portugal Autonomous regions 505,039 Açores (Azores) Ponta Delgado 897 2,322 246,353 Madeira Funchal 309 801 258,686 TOTAL 35,603 92,212 10,374,822 © 2016 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. World Data ENCYCLOPÆDIA Britannica

Portugal 643~644.qxd (Page 643) - Encyclopedia BritannicaInsular Portugal Autonomous regions 505,039 Açores (Azores) Ponta Delgado 897 2,322 246,353 Madeira Funchal 309 801 258,686

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Page 1: Portugal 643~644.qxd (Page 643) - Encyclopedia BritannicaInsular Portugal Autonomous regions 505,039 Açores (Azores) Ponta Delgado 897 2,322 246,353 Madeira Funchal 309 801 258,686

The governing centre-right coalition, led by PrimeMinister Pedro Passos Coelho, won the most seatsin the country’s Oct. 4, 2015, parliamentary elec-

tion, but it fell short of capturing a clear majority. Pres.Aníbal Cavaco Silva invited Passos Coelho to form aminority government, but it soon became apparent that itwould not survive a vote of confidence. On November 10,after it had been in power for less than two weeks, PassosCoelho’s government was toppled by an opposition coali-tion of the centre-left Socialists, the Communists, the anti-austerity Left Bloc (allies of the Greek Syriza party), andthe Greens. Socialist leaderAntónio Costa was swornin as prime minister onNovember 26.

Vital statisticsBirth rate per 1,000 pop-ulation (2013): 7.9(world avg. 19.5).

Death rate per 1,000population (2013): 10.2(world avg. 8.1).

Natural increase rate per1,000 population(2013): –2.3 (world avg.11.4).

Life expectancy at birth(2011): male 77.6 years;female 84.0 years.

DemographyPopulation (2015): 10,349,000.Density (2015): persons per sq mi290.7, persons per sq km 112.2.

Sex distribution (2014): male48.79%; female 51.21%.

Population projection: (2020)10,122,000; (2030) 9,760,000.

Major cities (2011): Lisbon 545,245(urban agglomeration 2,815,851);

Porto 237,559 (urban agglom-eration [2009] 1,344,000); VillaNova de Gaia 302,092; Braga181,819; Amadora 175,558.

Urban-rural (2014):


Official name: República Portuguesa(Portuguese Republic).

Form of government: republic with one legisla-tive house (Assembly of the Republic [230]).

Head of state: President Aníbal Cavaco Silva.Head of government: Prime Minister PedroPassos Coelho.

Capital: Lisbon.Official language: Portuguese.Official religion: none1.Monetary unit: euro (>); valuation (Sept. 1, 2015)1 U.S.$ = >0.89; 1 £ = >1.36.

Ethnic composition (2000):

Age breakdown (2014):

Religious affiliation (2000):

Area and population area population


Continental Portugal3 sq mi sq km estimate

Regions Principal cities 9,869,783Alentejo Évora 12,202 31,605 733,370Algarve Faro 1,929 4,997 441,468Centro Coimbra 10,888 28,199 2,263,992Lisboa (Lisbon) Lisbon 1,159 3,002 2,809,168Norte Porto 8,219 21,286 3,621,785

Insular PortugalAutonomous regions 505,039Açores (Azores) Ponta Delgado 897 2,322 246,353Madeira Funchal 309 801 258,686

TOTAL 35,603 92,212 10,374,822

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Page 2: Portugal 643~644.qxd (Page 643) - Encyclopedia BritannicaInsular Portugal Autonomous regions 505,039 Açores (Azores) Ponta Delgado 897 2,322 246,353 Madeira Funchal 309 801 258,686

National economyBudget (2005). Revenue: >56,498,000,000 (tax revenue 56.2%, of which

taxes on goods and services 33.7%, income taxes 20.3%;social contributions 32.9%). Expenditures: >65,096,-000,000 (social protection 35.6%; education 16.1%; health15.9%; public order 4.5%; defense 3.2%).

Public debt (2010): U.S.$216,300,000,000.Production (metric tons except as noted). Agriculture,forestry, fishing (2012): tomatoes 1,392,700, corn (maize)848,9004, grapes 839,500, potatoes 480,8004, olives350,9004, apples 186,000, oranges 183,400, rice 168,3004,cork (2008) 165,000, pears 116,300, carobs 23,000, chest-nuts 19,100; livestock (number of live animals; 2013)2,073,000 sheep, 2,014,000 pigs, 332,000 beehives; round-wood (2013) 10,425,990 cu m, of which fuelwood 6%;

fisheries production 208,135 (from aquaculture 5%); aquatic plants pro-duction 801 (from aquaculture, none). Mining and quarrying (2012):kaolin 317,489; marble (2011) 125,000; copper 74,04310; tungsten 76310.Manufacturing (value added in U.S.$’000,000; 2009): textiles and wear-ing apparel 3,220; food and food products 3,034; cement, tiles, andceramics 1,670; transportation equipment 1,488; fabricated metal prod-ucts 1,219; beverages 960. Energy production (consumption): electricity(kW-hr; 2013–14) 50,982,000,000 ([2011] 55,272,000,000), by source(2012): fossil fuels 56.2%; renewable energy 43.8%, of which windenergy 23.6%, hydroelectric 12.8%, biomass 6.8%, solar energy 0.5%,geothermal 0.1%; coal (metric tons; 2011) none (3,700,000); crudepetroleum (barrels; 2011) none (75,300,000); petroleum products (met-ric tons; 2011) 9,110,000 (8,299,000); natural gas (cu m; 2011) none(5,321,000,000).

Population economically active (2014): total 5,630,000; participationrates: age 15 and over, male 64.5%; female 53.8%; unemployed 14.1%,of which youth (ages 15–24) 34.7%.

Gross national income (GNI; 2014): U.S.$221,692,000,000 (U.S.$21,320per capita); purchasing power parity GNI (U.S.$28,010 per capita).

Average household size (2011): 2.5.Land use as % of total land area (2009): in temporary crops 8.8%, leftfallow 3.5%, in permanent crops 8.5%, in pasture 19.5%, forest area37.7%.

MilitaryTotal active duty personnel (November 2014):

34,600 (army 51.7%, navy 28.5%, air force19.8%); reserve 211,950; U.S. troops(November 2014) 70013. Military expendi-ture as percentage of GDP (2014): 1.2%;per capita expenditure U.S.$243.

Foreign trade8, 9

Imports (2013): >56,906,100,000 (petroleum andpetroleum products 19.6%, machinery and electri-cal equipment 14.7%, chemicals and chemicalproducts 10.3%, transport equipment 8.8%, baseand fabricated metals 7.6%). Major import sources:

Exports (2013): >47,266,500,000 (machinery andelectrical equipment 14.7%, transport equipment10.5%, petroleum and petroleum products 10.4%,textiles and textile articles 9.1%, base and fabri-cated metals 7.8%). Major export destinations:

Transport and communicationsTransport. Railroads (2008): route length (2009)1,763 mi, 2,838 km; passenger-km 3,816,000,000;metric ton-km cargo 2,549,000,000. Roads (2008):total length 51,512 mi, 82,900 km (paved 86%);passenger-km (2006) 83,100,000,00012; metric ton-km cargo 39,091,000,000. Vehicles (2006): passen-ger cars 5,234,477; trucks and buses 148,706.

Education and healthLiteracy (2011): percentage of total populationage 15 and over literate 95.4%.

Health: physicians (2011) 42,054 (1 per 251 per-sons); hospital beds (2012) 35,806 (1 per 293persons); infant mortality rate per 1,000 livebirths (2013) 3.4; undernourished population(2006–08) less than 5% of total population.

1A 2004 concordat with the Vatican acknowledges the special role of the Roman Catholic Church inPortugal. 2January 1. 3For statistical classification only; the actual first order administration of conti-nental Portugal is based on 18 districts. 42013. 5Taxes less statistical discrepancy. 6Unemployed. 7Detaildoes not add to total given because of rounding. 8Imports c.i.f.; exports f.o.b. 9Provisional. 10Metal con-tent. 11Subscribers. 12Passenger cars 72,000,000,000; buses 11,100,000,000. 13Mostly air force personnelstationed at Lajes, Azores.

Internet resources for further information:• Statistics Portugal www.ine.pt• Banco de Portugal www.bportugal.pt

Structure of gross domestic product and labour force2006 2008

in value % of total labour % of labour>’000,000 value force force

Agriculture, forestry, fishing 3,716 2.4 595,600 10.6Mining and quarrying 21,083 13.6 18,000 0.3Manufacturing 916,900 16.3Construction 8,488 5.5 553,600 9.8Public utilities 3,779 2.4 32,400 0.6Trade, hotels 23,854 15.4 1,096,700 19.5Finance, real estate 19,731 12.7 432,400 7.7Transp. and commun. 8,762 5.6 224,900 4.0Services 44,655 28.7 985,500 17.5Pub. admin., defense 341,900 6.1Other 21,2215 13.75 427,1006 7.66

TOTAL 155,289 100.0 5,624,9007 100.0



Communications units unitsnumber per 1,000 number per 1,000

Medium date in ’000s persons Medium date in ’000s persons

TelephonesCellular 2014 11,86211 1,18011

Landline 2014 4,589 433

Internet users 2009 5,169 483Broadband 2014 2,83111 26711

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