Liliana Medeiros Guerra Portfolio


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architecture portfolio

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  • Liliana Medeiros GuerraPortfolio

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    NAME: Liliana Sofia Medeiros Guerra

    ADDRESS: Entroncamento da Bela Vista, n 3, Lamas de Orelho 5370-152

    Mirandela, Portugal.

    TELEFONE: 00351 - 936874740

    MAIL: [email protected]

    NATIONALITY: Portuguese.

    BIRTH DATE: 28|12|86

    DRIVERS LICENCE: (B) | 758190591

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    F.A.U.P. [Faculty of Architecture of University of Porto]

    MASTER DEGREE IN ARCHITECTURE - conclusion: 08-09-2011


    COURSE CLASSIFICATION: 14 values [0-20].

    PROFESSORS AT F.A.U.P.: Nuno Portas, lvaro Siza Vieira, Eduardo Souto de Moura.


    2010|2011: Master thesis Pompeii, the relation between habitation, commerce and the street.

    2009|2010: Tiermes 2010, international workshop Projecting archeological landscape.

    2008|2009: Erasmus at University of Parma, Italy.

    Urbanism - urban area of the university campus at Parma.

    Architectonic Project - collective habitation and public library.

    Architectural restoration.

    2007|2008: Project IV public building museum at Matosinhos.

    2006|2007: Project III Residential building and public space at Porto.

    2005|2006: Project II collective habitation for students at Porto.

    2004|2005: Project I coffee shop at Parque da cidade do Porto and house for 3 students at



    2009|2010: Project of a scenario to Antologia do Fado de Coimbra, at Oportos and

    Famalicos main theatres.

    2003|2004: Organization and participation at the art exhibition Sentir Arte, at Armindo

    Teixeira Lopes museum.

    Collective art exhibition at Mirandelas Hospital.

    2002|2003: Wall painting at the pediatric rooms at Mirandelas Hospital.

    Colective exhibition of glasswork at Mirandelas Hospital.

    Collective art exhibition at Reginorde.


    ARTISTIC SKILLS: Painting and scenography

    ORGANIZATION SKILLS: Experienced user at organizing events, art exhibitions and trips.

    TECHNICAL SKILLS: Models elaboration, technical drawing, graphic edition.

    INFORMATIC SKILLS: 2D Drawing: Autocad; 3D Drawing: Autocad, 3D studio.

    Experienced Adobe Programs user: Photoshop, Ilustrator, InDesign, Premiere, Microsoft Office.

    LANGUAGE SKILLS: Portuguese, English, Spanish, Italian, German.

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    PORTUGUESE (main language):

    Oral and writing understanding: Experienced user.

    Oral interaction: Experienced user.

    Writing: Experienced user.


    Oral and writing understanding: Experienced user.

    Oral interaction: Experienced user.

    Writing: Experienced user.


    Oral and writing understanding: Experienced user.

    Oral interaction: Experienced user.

    Writing: Regular user.


    Oral and writing understanding: Regular user.

    Oral interaction: Regular user.

    Writing: Low user.


    Oral and writing understanding: learning process.

    Oral interaction: learning process.

    Writing: Learning process.


    ITALY: Milan, Parma, Ferrara, Venice, Trieste, Modena, Bologna, Florence, Pisa, Perugia, Siena,

    Caprarola, Rome , Naples, Pompeii, Herculaneum, Sorrento, Palermo, Catania, Siracusa,

    Agrigento, Trapani, Algeria, Oristano, Cagliari.

    SPAIN: Santiago de Compostela, Zamora, Salamanca, Madrid, Seville, SanSebastian, valladolid.

    SWITZERLAND: Basel, Zurich, Geneve.

    FRANCE: Lyon , Firmini.

    GERMANY: Berlin, Frankfurt.

    BOSNIA: Sarajevo, Mostar.


    POLAND: Warsaw, Krakow, Auschwitz.

    SLOVAKIA: Bratislava.

    SLOVENIA: Ljubljana.

    CROATIA: Split, Zagreb, Otok Brac.

    HUNGARY: Budapest.


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    Pompeii. The relation between dwelling, commerce and streets.Master thesis presented at University of Porto - 2011.

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    ABSTRACT The present thesis, presented for the finalization of the Master in Architecture, seeks to ponder on the relation between dwelling, commerce

    and streets, in the Romanized city of Pompeii. This city lies in the Campania

    region, and presents itself as one of the finest examples of Roman culture.

    Through the analyses of the urban network of Pompeii, we noticed

    that it presents a first center. However, at the time of the eruption of

    Vesuvius, 79 AD, the urban grid occupied all the area between walls,

    66 acres. The development of the urban network, which culminates

    in the structure of the city in 79 AD, was marked by three moments of

    reformulations. Romanization, which implied the presentation of this city

    in Roman way, representing the grandeur and culture of this society; the

    transition to an Imperial City, reflecting one more time increase in new

    construction and public buildings; and the earthquake of 62 AD, which

    demanded major reforms in the urban area, since most of the town had

    been damaged.

    The study of urban elements - residences, commerce and streets -

    allow us to identify forms of communication between them. The domus,

    houses with courtyards, set in depth, according to a longitudinal axis,

    presenting itself as closed organisms, which had a single point of contact

    with the public space, the entrance. The commerce, regardless of its type,

    required a direct relationship with the street, with wide openings to the

    outside. The street, presented itself as an accumulation of events. This was

    constituted by the buildings that defined it, and the point of connection

    with them would be the facade. The degree of constitutedness of the

    streets is defined by the occurrence and variation of entrances, presented

    at the street.

    The relations between urban elements studied are present throughout

    the city, however, they presented itself with greater intensity in the main

    streets. So, we choose as a study case one of the principal axes of Pompeii,

    which connects two of the city gates to the Forum. Observing and

    analyzing through drawing, we identify the various types of communication

    between the different urban elements, and how the relationships between

    them are involved in the design and space environments, in Roman cities.

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    Porta de Herculano

    Porta do Vesvio

    Porta de Cpua

    Porta Martima

    Restantes tipologias de comrcio Pousadas, Tabernas e Lupanares.Edifcios pblicos.

    general plan of pompeii

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    Porta de Nola

    Porta do Sarno

    Porta de Nuceria

    Porta de Estabia

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    analysis of a porcion of the main street

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    Museum in Matosinhos. Project of an art museum for the city by the ocean, near Oporto - 2008.

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    This volume presents itself like a massive rock, which has only a moment of rupture, its entrance. The hole

    created by the main lobby assumes an important position on the composition, not only by its evident reflex on

    the exterior, but also as a conexion element of the two main volumes.

    The formal rigidity results in simple spaces which have the capacity of being divided and reformulated

    according to what the exhibition needs.

    This piece, built of concrete, is organized around the courtyard, the central space. In the courtyard, we

    can see screenprinted glass, as well as in the outside fassade. which designs every space a different light

    intensity. The whole composition is made with engraved concret, presenting this way an abstrac image.

    1 - workshop and conference rooms.

    2 - cafeteria.

    3 - exhibition rooms.

    4 - main lobby.

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    South faade

    first floor

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    North faade

    second floor

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    longitudinal seccion

    East faade

    West faade

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    Residences in Oporto. Project of a residential complex - 2007. These volumes are implanted in a known neighborhood in Oporto, near Casa da Msica. Buildings are

    mainly composed by residencial flats of vertical access, with 2 and 3 bedrooms, but the complex also

    has shops in the first floor, and one office building.

    main building 3D

    general plan

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    South faade

    North faade

    residenctial plane

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    Urban planning. Reformulation of Parmas campus area- 2009. This project was realized in Parmas University during Erasmus Program. The

    objective was to study and reformulate the urban area between the two

    rivers and Parmas university campus.

    study area - levels of intervention

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    History of Portuguese Architecture. 2008.As everything in Oportos architecture school, History is a very practical

    subject. In this project we had to study, analise and document the growth and

    development of the urban morfologie of a small medieval city - Castelo de Vide.

    city main buildings

    city urban structure

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    Mogadouros Castel

    Coimbras cathedral

    Mogadouros Castel

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    St. Urraca Cathedral St. Urraca Cathedral

    St. Urraca Cathedral

    Mogadouros Castel

    My drawings.

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    St. Cruz Church

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    Oportos Cathedral

    Oportos Cathedral

    Geronimos Monastery

    Coimbras cathedral

  • Liliana Sofia Medeiros Guerra.

    00351-936874740 [email protected]