mikaela ehly Design Portfolio


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A sampling of my print and web-based design work.

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mikaelaehlyDesign Portfolio












{MAKU LAYOUT}book design

{COVALENCE PRODUCTS}product design


{ARTEFAKT PRODUCT}product design

{DATA VISUALIZATION}information graphic

{CSS ZEN GARDEN}web design



{JOIN NRHH}recruitment signage

{UH CONTRACT MATERIALS}marketing package

{GRAND AVENUE CLUB IDENTITY}logo design & applications

01 {MAKU COVER}book design | 9”x7”

Maku: Japanese for “act” (as in a performance).Bento: A Japanese home-packed meal, upon which a considerable amount of time and effort are generally spent to craft an appealing presentation.

The cover for Maku was illustrated in a simple, yet bold style to reflect the interior construct of the book.

A Typographic Bento

maku: A Typographic Bento

Designed by Mikaela Ehly

01 {MAKU INTERIOR}book design | 9”x7”

Maku: A Typographic Bento is a typographic study in book layout design. The book is divided into seven sections, each focusing on a different aspect of typographic design.

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Proceeding eighty miles into the northwest wind, you reach the city of Euphemia, where the merchants of seven nations gather at every solstice and equinox. �e boat that lands there with a cargo of ginger and cotton will set sail again, its hold filled with pistachio nuts and poppy seeds, and the caravan that has just unloaded sacks of nutmegs and raisins is already cramming its saddlebags with bolts of golden muslin for the return journey. But what drives men to travel up rivers and cross deserts to come here is not only the exchange of wares, which you could find, everywhere the same, in all the bazaars inside and outside the Great Khan’s empire, scattered at your feet on the same yellow mats, in the shade of the same awnings protecting them from the flies, offered with the same lying reduction in prices. You do not come to Euphemia only to buy and sell, but also

because at night, by the fires all around the market, seated on sacks or barrels or stretched out on piles of carpets, at each word that one man says—such as “wolf,” “sister,” “hidden treasure,” “battle,” “scabies,” “lovers”—the others tell, each one, his tale of wolves, sisters, treasures, scabies, lovers, battles. And you know that in the long journey ahead of you, when to keep awake against the camel’s swaying or the junk’s rocking, you start summoning up your memories one by one, your wolf will have become another wolf, your sister a different sister, your battle other battles, on your return from Euphemia, the city where memory is traded at every solstice and at every equinox.

In Chloe, a great city, the people who move through the streets are all strangers. At each encounter, they imagine a thousand things about one another; meetings which could take place between them, conversations, surprises, caresses, bites. But no one greets anyone; eyes lock for a second, then dart away, seeking other eyes, never stopping.A girl comes along, twirling a parasol on her shoulder, and twirling slightly also her rounded hips. A woman in black comes along, showing her full age, her eyes restless beneath her veil, her lips trembling. A tattooed giant comes along; a young man with white hair; a female dwarf; two girls, twins, dressed in coral. Something runs among them, an exchange of glances like lines that connect one figure with another and draw arrows, stars, triangles, until all combinations are used up in a moment, and other characters come on to the scene: a blind man with a

cheetah on a leash, a courtesan with an ostrich-plume fan, an ephebe, a Fat Woman. And thus, when some people happen to find themselves together, taking shelter from the rain under an arcade, or crowding beneath an awning of the bazaar, or stopping to listen to the band in the square, meetings, seductions, copulations, orgies are consummated among them without a word exchanged, without a finger touching anything, almost without an eye raised. - .

A voluptuous vibration constantly stirs Chloe, the most chaste of cities. If men and women began to live their ephemeral dreams, every phantom would become a person with whom to begin a story of pursuits, pretenses, misunderstandings, clashes, oppressions, and the carousel of fantasies would stop.

When he enters the territory of which Eutropia is the capital, the traveler sees not one city but many, of equal size and not unlike one another, scattered over a vast, rolling plateau. Eutropia is not one, but all these cities together; only one is inhabited at a time, the others are empty; and this process is carried out in rotation. Now I shall tell you how. On the day when Eutropia’s inhabitants feel the grip of weariness and no one can bear any longer his job, his relatives, his house and his life, debts, the people he must greet or who greet him, then the whole citizenry decides to move to the next city, which is there waiting for


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1 1 9

ichi one

Proceeding eighty miles into the northwest

wind, you reach the city of Euphemia, where the merchants of seven nations gather at

every solstice and equinox. �e boat that lands there with a cargo of ginger and cotton will set sail again, its hold filled with pistachio

nuts and poppy seeds, and the caravan that has just unloaded sacks of nutmegs and raisins is already cramming its saddlebags with bolts of golden muslin for the return journey. But what drives men to travel up rivers and cross deserts to come here is not only the exchange of wares, which you could find, everywhere the same, in all the bazaars inside and outside the Great Khan’s empire, scattered at your feet on the same yellow mats, in the shade of the same awnings protecting them from the flies, offered with the same lying reduction in prices. You do not come to Euphemia only to buy and sell, but also because at night, by the fires all around the market, seated on sacks or barrels or stretched out on piles of carpets, at each word that one man says—such as “wolf,” “sister,” “hidden treasure,” “battle,” “scabies,” “lovers”—the others tell,

each one, his tale of wolves, sisters, treasures, scabies, lovers, battles. And you know that in the long journey ahead of you, when

to keep awake against the camel’s swaying or the junk’s rocking, you start summoning up your memories one

by one, your wolf will have become another wolf, your sister a different sister, your battle other

battles, on your return from Euphemia, the city where memory is traded at every

solstice and at every equinox.


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1 2 5


The first time I rode the bullet train (shinkansen), I expected to feel my hair blowing in the wind and the flesh of my face wobbling from the speed, but the train was oddly quiet and serene as it moved past rice fields and through mountains. I had prepared for the speed of light, but the shinkansen seemed to be moving at the speed of really fast.

{COVALENCE GLASSWARE}product design | variable dimensions

Glass drinkware etched with molecular structure of beverage typically contained by glassware. Products were sold at Fuse, a one-day event located in the UW-Milwaukee student union.


03 {PS LOGO}logo design | variable dimensions

Logo developed for Program Services, located within Sandburg Residence Halls at UW-Milwaukee.

previous logo:

04 {ARTEFAKT PUZZLE}product design | variable widths, 12” tall

Puzzle developed for Wall of Fame show at Design Within Reach in Milwaukee, WI. Puzzle pieces were created double-sided and laser-cut into various sized and shaped pieces. Pieces are meant to be interchangeable between puzzles and not meant to form a set shape. When not in use pieces are stored on a rod, forming a sculptural piece.

05 {DATA VIZUALIZATION}information graphic | 11”x17”

Infographic created to visualize collected data regarding the Soref Family Resource Center at Children’s Hospital in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. Created to compare resources and facilities of current center to those of a library.

06 {CSS ZEN GARDEN}website design | fluid layout

Web layout designed and coded in CSS, following the model and given HTML of CSS Zen Garden (csszengarden.com).

CSSZENGARDENA demonstration of what can be accomplished visually through CSS-based design. Select any style sheet from the list to load it into this page.



by Dave Shea

Littering a dark and dreary road lay the past relics of browser-specific tags, incompatible DOMs, and broken CSS support.

Today, we must clear the mind of past practices. Web enlightenment has been achieved thanks to the tireless efforts of folk like the W3C, WaSP and the major browser creators.

The css Zen Garden invites you to relax and meditate on the important lessons of the masters. Begin to see with clarity. Learn to use the (yet to be) time-honored techniques in new and invigorating fashion. Become one with the web.



by Dave Shea


by Dave Shea


by Dave Shea

Download the sample HTML FILE and CSS FILE

07 {MULTICULTURAL FORUM}event signage | 24”x39”

Poster created for UW-Milwaukee campus event dealing with multicultural and global issues.




08 {EMERGING ARTISTS}logo design | variable dimensions

Logo developed for the Emerging Artist series presented by US Cellular and Summerfest.

09 {JOIN NRHH}poster design | 24”x39”

Poster created for UW-Milwaukee chapter of national organization.

10 {UH CONTRACT MATERIALS}marketing suite | various dimensions

Direct mail postcards, newsletters, and contract developed for University Housing at UW-Milwaukee. Pieces were mailed to current and future students of UW-Milwaukee to promote interest in University Housing.

3400 N. Maryland Ave. • Milwaukee, WI 532111.800.622.0286 • 414.229.4065 • universityhousing.uwm.edu2


Be aware of the due date. Th e upper right-hand corner of your contract contains the due date. Th is is based on the day your contract was sent to you and may not be the same date as other UWM students that have received a contract. Make sure you submit your contract by this date. University Housing is unable to accept contracts submitted after the due date.

Fill out the top section of the contract. It is very important that the student (not a family member) completes and signs this section. Please note that we are asking for your UWM grade level in Fall 2010, not your current grade level. Contracts without a signature will not be accepted.

Indicate your top three room preferences. Use #1, #2, and #3 to indicate the order of your preference. Many factors determine room assignments, including roommate requests, Living Learning Community placement, and UWM application date. However, the inability of University Housing to honor your room preferences does not void this contract. You have the following options for your room preference:

a. Living Learning Community (see the back of the contract for these options)

b. Cambridge Commons doublec. RiverView Residence Hall doubled. Sandburg Halls single, double, or triplee. Sandburg Honors single, double, or triplef. Sandburg Halls East Tower single or double

(a very limited number of these rooms are available to new residents)

Th e centerfold of this newsletter contains more information about all of these options.

Request a roommate, if you wish. If you live in a double or triple room, you will have at least one roommate. You have the option to choose a roommate on the preference portion of your contract. If you request a roommate, make sure that student also requests you as a roommate and you have identical room preferences. We will honor roommate requests to the best of our ability. Th e inability of University Housing to honor your roommate preference does not void the contract.

Carefully consider if you would like to request a roommate. While your best friend from high school may seem like a great choice, think about your sleeping patterns, study habits and cleaning preferences before making the decision to live together. Living with someone you don’t know gives you the chance to meet new people and experience new things. If you do not choose a roommate, you will be randomly assigned one based on your room preference.

Choose a meal plan. Students that live in suites without kitchens are required to choose a meal plan. For those with kitchens, there is an administrative fee assessed to contribute to the upkeep of common area dining facilities. You can change your meal plan at any time, as well as add money online throughout the year. More information about the meal plan is on page seven of this newsletter.

Read the contract terms. It is very important that you read the Contract Guidebook, which is posted online at: www.universityhousing.uwm.edu/apply/contract.cfm

Th e Contract Guidebook contains all of the terms and conditions that you agree to when signing your contract. It includes required entrance and departure dates, cancellation and termination policies, and other important information. Be sure to read it before signing your contract!












L U N C H:Deli sandwich ($3.04) + fountain drink (.80) = $3.84Hot entrée ($2.20) + 2 sides ($1.98) + fountain drink ($.80) = $4.98

University Housing residents are required to participate in the Restaurant Operations resident meal plan. Th e amount of participation required is determined by the presence of a kitchen in the suite—students in a suite without a kitchen are required to purchase one of the pre-set meal plan levels. Student in a suite with a kitchen are only required to pay the administration fee, although they’re welcome to purchase a meal plan or add funds to their meal plan at any time. If you do not choose a meal plan but receive a room assignment that requires one, you will be billed for a Level Two meal plan.

MEAL PLAN STRUCTURE Th e meal plan is comprised of two parts: (1) the administration fee, and (2) meal plan dollars. Th e administration fee covers the fi xed costs of residence hall dining facilities, such as debt payment, equipment, staffi ng, maintenance, etc. Th e meal plan dollars represent the amount of money residents have to purchase food items. Because the administration fee supports residence hall dining facilities, students using their meal plan to purchase food in these facilities receive a discount of 50% off the cash price. Eligible dining locations include:

• Cafeterias (Cambridge Commons, RiverView, Sandburg)

• Palm Gardens (Sandburg)Th e meal plan can also be used at dining facilities in the Union and convenience dining facilities (Grind coff ee shop and convenience stores) in the residence halls. However, items purchased with the meal plan at these locations will be charged at the full cash price. Because of this, it is to your advantage to use the bulk of your meal plan dollars at the eligible dining locations. For more information about campus dining locations and services, visit the UWM Restaurant Operations website: www.aux.uwm.edu/dining.

MEAL PLAN CHOICESAll items in UWM dining locations are priced individually; there are no all-you-can-eat meal options. Consequently, you will choose a meal plan that represents the amount of money you expect to spend on food for the semester. Th ree meal plans are available—the level that is appropriate for you will vary based on your needs. Generally, students that eat 2-3 meals per day choose Level Two, and very active students or athletes choose Level Th ree. Meal plan dollars can be added to your plan at any time at www.uwm.managemyid.com. If funds remain at the end of the year, the balance will be refunded less a $10 processing fee.

For 2010-2011, Restaurant Operations will off er three meal plan levels, instead of the six levels that were previously off ered. 2009-2010 prices are listed as a guide. You can expect the new plans to represent the low, middle, and high end of this plan with a slight price increase.

2009-2010 MEAL PLAN RATES• Level 1: $2,060.00 per academic year » Admin fee: $612.00 per semester » Meal plan dollars: $418.00 per semester• Level 2: $2,300.00 per academic year » Admin fee: $612.00 per semester » Meal plan dollars: $538.00 per semester• Level 3: $2,450.00 per academic year » Admin fee: $612.00 per semester » Meal plan dollars: $613.00 per semester• Level 4: $2,700.00 per academic year » Admin fee: $612.00 per semester » Meal plan dollars: $738.00 per semester• Level 5: $3,224.00 per academic year » Admin fee: $612.00 per semester » Meal plan dollars: $1,000.00 per semester• Level 6: $3,600.00 per academic year » Admin fee: $612.00 per semester » Meal plan dollars: $1,188.00 per semester




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B RE A K F A S T:Cereal ($1.00) + milk ($1.05) + whole fruit ($.60) = $2.65Pancakes ($1.85) + eggs ($1.05) + bacon ($.96) + juice ($1.45) = $5.31

D I N N E R:Hot entrée ($2.20) + 2 sides ($1.98) + fountain drink ($.80) + ice cream ($1.50) = $5.13Cheeseburger ($1.40)+ fries ($1.50) + fountain drink ($.80) + cake ($1.99) = $5.69Salad ($3.00) + soup ($1.45) + milk ($1.05) = $5.50

SAMPLE MEAL PRICES (for meal plan customers)Th ese estimates are provided to help you decide which meal plan meets your needs. Some items are sold by weight, so average costs have been used. Th e same meal may cost you more or less, depending on your portion size. Prices are accurate as of December 2009.

3400 N. Maryland Ave. • Milwaukee, WI 532111.800.622.0286 • 414.229.4065 • universityhousing.uwm.edu6

LIVING LEARNING COMMUNITIESYou also have the choice to request a room assignment based on your major or area of interest—a Living Learning Community. If you choose an LLC, you will be placed in the building that is assigned to that LLC. Please see the enclosed brochure for details about each Living Learning Community. You can also visit www.llc.uwm.edu to learn more about what the LLCs are doing this year.


• American Sign Language• Beyond Borders: International• Business Panthers• Community Leadership• Creating Your Future: Exploring Majors & Career

Directions• Dance Foundations• Environment and Global Sustainability• Film, Video, and New Genres• Healthcare in the 21st Century: Exploring Health

Careers and Issues in Healthcare Delivery• Information Society, Cambridge Commons• Innovation House for Computer Science &

Engineering• Th e Lab Rats• Making a Diff erence with Public Speaking• Visual Art• Writing and Visual Culture


HOUSING ADVANCE PAYMENTTh e $300 dollar advance payment is due two weeks after you submit your contract. Th e charge will be posted to your PAWS account as soon as University Housing receives your contract. Payment can be made online at www.paws.uwm.edu or by mailing a check to the Bursar’s Offi ce:

UW –MilwaukeePO Box 500Milwaukee, WI 53201-0500

YOUR BILLYour fi rst semester room and meal plan charges will appear on your PAWS account in June. Log into your account to view your charges. New students will receive a paper bill in June. Continuing students do not receive paper copies of their bill. Your bill will consist of the following charges:

• Room Fee » Cost of your assigned room• Meal Plan Fee » Administration fee plus the cost of your meal

plan (if you chose one)• SHAC fee » Residence hall student government fee

By signing the contract you are agreeing to pay for the room and meal plan that are assigned to you. You also agree to pay for any damages to your room, mailbox, keys, and any damage to the building, fi xtures, or accessories in your residence hall. You are also responsible for the actions of your guests. If they cause any damage, you will be held responsible.

PAYMENT TIMELINE & FINANCIAL AIDFirst semester housing charges and meal plan charges will be due in August, and second semester charges will be due in January. Your advance payment will be applied to your second semester charges. If you receive more fi nancial aid than the cost of tuition, you may use any excess aid to pay for housing and meal plan charges. Th is will happen automatically on your PAWS account; no additional paperwork is required to apply excess fi nancial aid to your University Housing bill. Th e Bursar’s Offi ce also has payment plans available. For more information on payments, please visit the Bursar’s Offi ce website: www.bfs.uwm.edu/fees

PENALTIES FOR NON-PAYMENTUniversity Housing may cancel housing contracts prior to move in if the August payment is not paid in full. Pending fi nancial aid will be taken into consideration. If payments are not made for any charges, University Housing has the right to place an academic hold on your record. You will not be allowed to register, add or drop classes. You also will be denied a transcript until this amount is paid in full. If you have any questions about your account, please call our offi ce.









May 1Last day to cancel and receive a refund for your advance payment

JulyFirst semester housing and meal plan charges will appear on PAWS

Early AugustPortion of fi rst semester charges due

Late AugustRemaining charges and tuition due

*Exact payment dates will appear in future publications.

3400 N. Maryland Ave. • Milwaukee, WI 532111.800.622.0286 • 414.229.4065 • universityhousing.uwm.edu4






All UWM residence halls are suite-style. Suites consist of between two and four bedrooms that share a semi-private bathroom. Although rooms may be single, double, or triple occupancy, anywhere from four to six students live in a suite. University Housing has the right to assign rooms above the stated capacity. Your room occupancy refers to the number of people that will be sharing your bedroom, not the bathroom and other common suite areas. Cambridge and Sandburg East have suites that include kitchens. However, be aware that these suites are very popular among our returning students, and there may not be many available for fi rst-year students. For more information about your building/room choices, visit: www.universityhousing.uwm.edu/communities

CAMBRIDGE COMMONSPOPULATION: 700 students (approximately 550 fi rst-year)YEAR BUILT: 2010BUILDING AMENITIES: Cafeteria, Grind coff ee shop, 24-hour service desk, computer lab, fl oor kitchens, fi replace lounge, music practice rooms, outdoor patio and green space, retail shops, limited underground parking, LEED gold certifi edSUITE AMENITIES: Large rooms, walk-through closet, air conditioning, sink/vanity separate from bathroom, full-size refrigerator. Upgraded suites only: Kitchen w/ refrigerator, stove & microwave, living room.LOCATION: Cambridge Ave & North Avenue, approximately 1.5 miles south of campus. On the University Housing shuttle route (8 minute ride to campus).ESTIMATED COST: Double room: $6,100 per academic year, Upgraded double room: $7,100 per academic year

Note About Prices:At this time, 2010-2011 prices are not available. Th ey are subject to approval by the Board of Regents. Estimated prices are listed for each room type. Prices will be posted on our website when they become available.




W IN 2010!


RIVERVIEW RESIDENCE HALLPOPULATION: 488 students (all fi rst-year)YEAR BUILT: 2008BUILDING AMENITIES: Cafeteria, convenience store, 24-hour service desk, shared kitchen, river-front terrace, limited underground parking, fl oor lounges with river views, study rooms on each fl oorSUITE AMENITIES: Large rooms, walk-through closet, air conditioning, sink/vanity separate from bathroomLOCATION: 2340 N Commerce St, approximately 1.75 miles south of campus. On the University Housing shuttle route (8 minute ride to campus)ESTIMATED COST: Double room: $6,100 per academic year

SANDBURG HALLSPOPULATION: 2800 students (approximately 2000 fi rst-year)YEAR BUILT: 1970, East tower in 2000BUILDING AMENITIES: Cafeteria, Palm Gardens late-night restaurant, Grind coff ee shop, Emporium convenience store, 24-hour service desk, shared kitchen, Flicks movie theater, Green Room fi tness center, central fl oor lounges, very limited garage parking.SUITE AMENITIES: varied fl oor plans, closet organization systems, full bathroom, city/lake/campus views. East tower only: Kitchen with refrigerator, stove & microwave, air conditioningLOCATION: 3400 N Maryland Avenue, on the north side of campusESTIMATED COST: Single room: $5,775 per academic year; Double room: $4,300 per academic year; Triple room: $3,700 per academic year. East Tower single room: $6,500 per academic year, East Tower double room: $5,000 per academic year*Students with a 3.5 GPA or acceptance to the UWM Honors College can request a room on the honors fl oor.









3400 N. Maryland Ave. • Milwaukee, WI 532111.800.622.0286 • 414.229.4065 • universityhousing.uwm.edu8

Contract Acceptance Letter. Students with a February 1st contract due date should receive a letter confi rming receipt of your contract and deposit in late February. If your contract due date is after February 1, expect a letter 3-4 weeks after University Housing receives your contract. Contracts will not be accepted until the advance payment is received.

Living Learning Community Welcome Letter (if applicable). If you applied to join an LLC, you should receive an acceptance letter from the affi liated campus department in April or May.

Room and Roommate Assignments. Most room and roommate assignments will be available online at the end of May, just before New Freshmen Orientation starts. You will receive a postcard to remind you. Because we receive cancellations throughout the summer, some students may not receive their room assignments right away. Rest assured that this is normal—everyone with an accepted contract will receive a room assignment prior to move in.

Move In Newsletter and Appointment Sign-up. In early July you’ll receive the move-in newsletter. You will be directed to sign up for a move-in appointment online beginning July 12. Information in the move in newsletter will also be available online at:www.universityhousing.uwm.edu/policies/movein

Tour a room at New Freshmen Orientation. If you did not have a chance to tour a residence hall room during Open House, there will also be a chance at New Freshmen Orientation. You will not see the room that’s been assigned to you, but the tour suites will be representative of most rooms in University Housing.

Submit your fi rst semester payments. Th e fi rst portion of your fi rst semester payment will be due in early August, and the remainder will be due just a few days prior to move in.

Move In Day! Move in will occur Saturday, August 28 – Tuesday, August 31. You’ll be able to choose the day and time you arrive. Panther Welcome Day is Wednesday, September 1, and classes begin on Th ursday, September 2.










Follow us on



3400 N. Maryland Ave. • Milwaukee, WI 532111.800.622.0286 • 414.229.4065 • universityhousing.uwm.edu

ABOUT YOUR CONTRACTTh e enclosed contract is a legal document committing you to live in the residence halls at UWM and participate in the established meal plans. Cancellations (before move-in) and terminations (after move-in) of the contract may be subject to fi nancial penalties depending on applicable deadlines. In order to live in the residence halls, you must be registered or in the process of completing all applications necessary to become a full-time student at UWM. You can expect to receive information about your contract status approximately 3-4 weeks after it is received by University Housing. Room assignments will be available in late May, prior to New Freshman Orientation.

If at any time you wish to cancel your contract, you must notify University Housing in writing. We will only accept cancellations from the contract holder (student). Cancellations submitted to any other university offi ce will not be honored. Cancellations must be submitted by May 1 to avoid a fi nancial penalty. Th e cancellation form can be found on the University Housing website under the Forms/Publications Quicklink.

Th e instructions on the following pages will help you complete your contract. Please read them carefully. If you have any questions about any portion of your contract, please contact University Housing.

AT A GLANCECANCELLATION - Occurs prior to move-in (fees may apply).

CONTRACT TERMS - Available on our website. Please read before signing.

ADVANCE PAYMENT - $300 must be received before contract is accepted. Refundable until May 1.

FERPA - Federal guidelines that determine what student information can be shared with families.

ROOM ASSIGNMENTS - Available during the summer.

TERMINATION - Occurs after move-in (fees may apply).

NOTE TO PARENTS AND FAMILY:All communication regarding bills and deadlines will be sent directly to your student. Additionally, we are required by law to keep most student information (including fi nancial aid, meal plan information, and behavioral issues) confi dential, even from parents. More information about the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is available on our website:www.universityhousing.uwm.edu/policies/ferpa.cfm


�ank you for your interest in the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Our records indicate that you did not apply for University Housing. Because of the high demand for campus housing at UWM, it is important that you apply now if you are interested in living on campus. You can change your application status by calling Enrollment Services at 414.229.5932. If you are not interested in living on campus, you may disregard this notice.

-University Housing Sta�


University Housing3400 N. Maryland AvenueMilwaukee, WI 53211

nonprofit org.u.s. postage paid

milwaukee, wipermit no. 864

�ank you for your interest in University Housing at UWM!

We have received your application and will begin to issue contracts to admitted students in January. When you �ll out your contract, you will have the opportunity to request a roommate. Please visit our website at www.universityhousing.uwm.edu for more information about living on campus including our Living Learning Communities. In the meantime, focus on having a successful year at your current school. We look forward to seeing you next fall!

-University Housing Sta


University Housing3400 N. Maryland AvenueMilwaukee, WI 53211

nonprofit org.u.s. postage paid

milwaukee, wipermit no. 864

Are you interested in

at UWM?











Y (L





ION llc application

Fill out this application only if you wish to become a member of a Living Learning Community (LLC). After your application is reviewed, you will be notified of your acceptance into the community. Acceptance into a LLC does not impact your housing contract status (i.e. if you do not get accepted into an LLC, you still will have a room).

Please select a maximum of two Living Learning Communities (consult enclosed LLC Brochure for detailed information and specific requirements for each of the LLCs). Please rank your selections 1 and 2, with 1 being the most preferred. All LLCs require taking a minimum of one required for-credit course (most LLCs require 2 courses; one in fall, one in spring). LLCs have fixed locations, as noted in the enclosed brochure and the notations below.cc: Cambridge Commons rv: RiverView s: Sandburg

American Sign Language (s)Beyond Borders: International (s)Community Leadership (rv)Creating Your Future (rv)Dance Foundations (rv)Film, Video, and New Genres (rv)Healthcare Careers (rv)

Why have you chosen to apply to live in this LLC? What do you hope to gain from this experience?

What can you contribute to the LLC? What background, experiences, or influences contribute to your interest in living in this LLC?

You may add additional pages as necessary to answer questions 2 and 3.

participation agreementI, (print name), Campus ID , understand that there are many ways that I can benefit as a student new to UWM by being involved in a Living Learning Community and that my participation in the course(s), along with getting involved in related activities outside the classroom is what will ensure that I get the most from this experience. I also understand that if I withdraw from my LLC course or choose not to follow through on other items listed on this Living Learning Community Agreement, University Housing reserves the right to move me out of the Living Learning Community into another comparable living space.

Signature: Date:

Information SocietyInnovation House (s)Lab Rats (s)Speaking (cc)Visual Art (rv)Writing & Visual Culture (s)

CURRENT RESIDENTS:Apply for 2010-2011 University Housing

• RoomsavailableinCambridge


• Suiteswithkitchensandliving


• Chooseyourroomandroom/


t o re q u e s t a c o n t r a c t, youmustapplyonlineat:

www.universityhousing.uwm.eduMonday, February 1 - Friday, February 5

a p p l i c a t i o n e n d s February5at4:00pm.Call414.229.4065orstopbySandburgC100withquestions.



ty h



this agreement must be returned to university housing by:

Your $300 advance payment must be made on your PAWS account within 2 weeks of submission of this contract.













11 student informationPlease verify all pre-printed student information and add any missing information.Campus ID: Date of Birth: Gender: Email:

Home Phone:Cell Phone:

UWM Grade Level 2010-2011 (circle one): Freshman Other Grade Level:

I acknowledge receipt of the accompanying documents: 1. “Your Contract” Newsletter and 2. Signature Page and Preference Form. All other necessary information that I am expected to live by (including, but not limited to, the Rules and Regulations and the Contract Book) is contained on the University Housing website at www.universityhousing.uwm.edu. Students without web access may request these materials in printed form. I understand that I am expected to live by the policies, rules, and regulations contained in these documents.

Signature: Date:

Parent or Guardian Signature (if student is under 18):

Please consult “Completing Your Contract” in the Contract Newsletter for more information on the following choices.note: Your room rankings will be taken into consideration, but University Housing will determine your final assignment. Some residents may be assigned to Purin Hall or Cambridge Commons upgrades if rooms are available.

room preference Rank your choices 1-3, 1 being the highestCambridge Commons Shared DoubleRiverView Shared DoubleSandburg SingleSandburg Shared DoubleSandburg Shared TripleSandburg Honors SingleSandburg Honors Shared DoubleSandburg Honors Shared TripleSandburg East Tower Shared DoubleSandburg East Tower Single

roommate preferenceList any preferred roommate. Roommates must list each other as preferences in writing to be considered. List two (2) only if you are requesting a triple. Every effort will be made to accommodate your roommate request. Due to housing demand and shortage of residence hall space, roommate requests cannot be guaranteed. Please do not make any plans until we notify you of your assignment in June. We are unable to accept suitemate requests.

Name (Roommate): Campus ID:

Name (Roommate): Campus ID:

special requirements For physical or medical reasonsPlease explain:

meal plan selection Please pick oneMeal Plan 1Meal Plan 2 (default if no plan is chosen)Meal Plan 3

**only llc requests must complete reverse side**

for office use only Contract Recd Date By Acceptable? Verify/Enter HMS InfoAccepted by: Date:

University Housing

{GRAND AVENUE CLUB IDENTITY}logo design & applications | variable dimensions

Logo developed for Grand Avenue Club of Milwaukee, a community for individuals suffering various mental illnesses to gather, learn, and grow. Print materials including letterhead, business cards, and envelopes and mock website developed to demonstrate possible applications of logo.


210 e. michigan ave | milwaukee, wi 53202-4901 | 414.276.6474

210 e. michigan ave | milwaukee, wi 53202-4901 | 414.276.6474

210 e. michigan ave | milwaukee, wi 53202-4901 | 414.276.6474

210 e. michigan ave | milwaukee, wi 53202-4901

Joe SchmoeJob [email protected]: 555.555.5555f: 555.555.5556


Donate to GAC

Grand Avenue Club

Mental illness is common everywhere in the world, with one person in every fourth or fifth household struggling with the symptoms of mental illness and the loss of confidence and isolation that often accompany it.

Grand Avenue Club (GAC) offers adults who experience mental illness an array of opportunities 365 days a year. Program participants are “members” of a community with a place to come, meaningful work, and meaningful relationships. GAC members work alongside a small but dedicated staff to actually run GAC and are involved in every aspect of the work.

What makes us unique:

∙ The expectation that members can be productive and contribute to the community.

∙ The assumption that the community needs and values them.

∙ The idea that when members work, go to school, vote, take an interest in social issues, and participate in cultural and recreational life, they take their rightful place in society.


[email protected]


WRITE OR VISITGrand Avenue Club, Inc.210 E. Michigan StreetMilwaukee, WI 53202-4901

DONATE ONLINEUse your credit card through our secure PayPal site.

DONATION FORMUse our mail-in donation form if you prefer to send a check.

CALL USCall us at 414.727.3361 to pay with a credit card over the phone.

Work Ordered Day

Work Units



Evenings, Weekends, Holidays