Portal Rasmi Jabatan Akauntan Negara Malaysia · Application Form New Zealand ASEAN Scholars Awards New Zealand Pacific Scholarships New Zealand Development Scholarships Commonwealth

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Page 1: Portal Rasmi Jabatan Akauntan Negara Malaysia · Application Form New Zealand ASEAN Scholars Awards New Zealand Pacific Scholarships New Zealand Development Scholarships Commonwealth
Page 2: Portal Rasmi Jabatan Akauntan Negara Malaysia · Application Form New Zealand ASEAN Scholars Awards New Zealand Pacific Scholarships New Zealand Development Scholarships Commonwealth
Page 3: Portal Rasmi Jabatan Akauntan Negara Malaysia · Application Form New Zealand ASEAN Scholars Awards New Zealand Pacific Scholarships New Zealand Development Scholarships Commonwealth
Page 4: Portal Rasmi Jabatan Akauntan Negara Malaysia · Application Form New Zealand ASEAN Scholars Awards New Zealand Pacific Scholarships New Zealand Development Scholarships Commonwealth

Application Form

New Zealand ASEAN Scholars Awards New Zealand Pacific Scholarships New Zealand Development Scholarships Commonwealth Scholarships www.aid.govt.nz/schols


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www.aid.govt.nz/schols New Zealand Scholarships Application Form | Page 2


New Zealand Scholarships empower individuals with the knowledge, skills and qualifications to contribute to

economic, social and political development within selected developing countries. They are funded through the

New Zealand Aid Programme and managed through the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Scholarship recipients are required to return to their home country on completion of their scholarship to

work for a minimum period of two years in order to apply their new skills and knowledge.


It is important that you correctly fill out all relevant sections in this application form and include all relevant

documents listed below. Applications with unanswered questions or incomplete documentation will not be

considered for a scholarship.

Supporting documents provided with this application must be certified true copies of original documents with

the official stamp and signature of a Justice of the Peace, Solicitor, Notary Public, an official from the New

Zealand Diplomatic Post, or another authorised official. Where original documents are not in English, you must

provide certified true copies of official English translations.

All New Zealand Scholarship award applicants must provide TWO copies of this application form (one

original copy and one photocopy), completed in English. Each copy of the application form must include:

A signed application Declaration on page 12.

A certified copy of your birth certificate (in English).

A certified copy of official evidence of any name change (in English).

A certified copy of the personal pages of your passport.

For applicants applying for undergraduate study only (where eligible), a certified copy of your official

secondary school results and the grading schedule for each qualification (in English).

For all applicants applying for postgraduate study, a certified copy of the academic transcript for all

tertiary qualifications and the grading schedule for each qualification (in English).

A certified copy of the completion or graduation certificate for each tertiary qualification that you have

completed (in English).

The original international English proficiency test result, e.g. IELTS or TOEFL, or selection of one of the

valid reasons for not providing the results as listed in Section Eleven on page 10. Photocopies will not be

accepted. Test results must be no more than 24 months old by the commencement of study.

If you are employed, a current job description confirming your position and outlining your

responsibilities and duties.

A current (dated) curriculum vitae - a brief history of your education, work experiences and skills.

Three references (no more than 24 months old) on official letterhead, supporting your scholarship

application to study in New Zealand. References should be provided from your current employer and a

former lecturer (or school principal for undergraduate applicants), and where possible, a relevant

government or community-based organisation.

A 500 word statement describing the specific skills and knowledge you want to gain from your proposed

study and how this will contribute to your current and/or future job.

A 500 word statement describing how your proposed area of study will enable you to contribute to the

social or economic development of your home country.

For Masters and Doctoral research students, a 500 word statement outlining your proposed research topic.

Do not send in an application without all the required documentation


Information on the New Zealand Scholarships including eligible countries, the application process, deadlines,

priority subject areas, and the list of participating New Zealand education institutions is available on the

scholarships pages of the New Zealand Aid Programme website: www.aid.govt.nz/schols

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Which scholarship are you applying for? (tick one)

New Zealand Pacific Scholarship New Zealand ASEAN Scholars Award New Zealand Development Scholarship Commonwealth Scholarship

For information about which scholarship to apply for, visit



Please note that your family name and other names should be the same as the official names on your passport or birth certificate.

Attach a recent passport

sized photograph of yourself

First name(s)

Family name (surname)

Gender Male Female

Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)

Place of birth

Country of citizenship Please list second country if you have dual citizenship 2

nd country of citizenship

Do you have permanent residency status in any other country?

Yes No

If yes, please list:

Have you applied for permanent residency status in any other country?

Yes No

If yes, please list:

Passport number Passport expiry

Do you suffer from any illness or disability that might affect your ability to participate in the proposed study programme (for example, psychiatric condition, asthma, diabetes, significant visual impairment, motor disability or significant hearing loss)? A ‘Yes’ answer will not affect your chances of successfully obtaining a scholarship.

Yes No

If you have answered ‘Yes’, please provide brief details of the illness or disability and any special requirements or support you may require to complete your study programme on a separate sheet of paper. Please attach a copy of your doctor’s assessment of your needs.

Applicant contact details: The scholarship application process takes several months. Please give an address where you can be contacted when a decision is reached. You may not be offered a scholarship if you cannot be contacted.

Number and street name

PO Box number




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Country Post Code

Home telephone number

Work and/or cell-phone number

Email address (enter more than one if relevant)

Emergency contact details: Name someone we can contact in an emergency during your study in New Zealand


Relationship to you

Number and street name



Country Post Code

Home telephone number

Work and/or cellphone number

Email address


In order to qualify for a reunion airfare or to have your dependants accompany you to New Zealand, you must

complete the information below.

Please note that the scholarship does not provide financial support for your dependants.

Please attach a separate sheet of paper if you have additional dependants to those below.

If you intend to have your dependants accompany you on scholarship to New Zealand, please note the following:

1. You are responsible for supporting your dependants for the duration of their stay in New Zealand.

2. Family entry is subject to meeting Immigration New Zealand’s entry requirements.

3. Spouses/partners may apply for a non-labour market tested work permit.

4. Dependant school aged children have domestic access to New Zealand schools.

5. Families have access to the New Zealand health system as if they were New Zealand citizens.

Family status Single Single with children Married

Engaged De facto relationship / have a partner

Dependants details (Dependants are defined as the Awardee’s spouse (if legally married) or partner (if in a de- facto relationship), and children under 19 years of age)

Full name (first & family) Gender (M/F)

Date of birth Relationship Do you intend for them to join you in NZ? (tick one)

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

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List your first and second choice of qualification that you want to study in New Zealand.

The education institution must be one of the institutions listed in Annex 2 (page 13).

The qualification and major listed must be currently available at the institution. Please check the institution

website or contact the institution for an up to date list of their qualifications (Refer to Annex 2 for website


Refer to www.aid.govt.nz/schols to find out the priority subject areas for your country.

Choose carefully as if you are awarded a New Zealand Scholarship, you will not be permitted to make changes.

First Choice Qualification

Major Subject/s

Education Institution

Second Choice Qualification

Major Subject/s

Education Institution

Use the table in Annex 1 (page 13) to identify one employment sector most similar to your intended area of

work upon completion of your study, and list below.

Employment sector (from the list in Annex 1)

If there are no employment sectors in Annex 1 that are relevant to your intended area of work, please state

your specific sector here:


List your current occupation (if ‘working’ or ‘not studying or working’ is selected, go to Section Six)

Working (full-time) Working (full-time) and studying at

tertiary level (part-time)

Working (full-time) and studying at tertiary level (full-time)

Studying at tertiary level

Studying at secondary school Not studying or working

If you are studying now, list the level at which you are studying

Secondary school University foundation year

Tertiary training / technical certificate

Undergraduate diploma

Bachelors degree Postgraduate diploma

Masters degree Doctorate (PhD)

Qualification name

Major subject(s)

Start date Proposed end date

Length of qualification

Education institution name

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Institution location (town/city and country)

Are you on a scholarship now? If yes, complete details below Yes No

Sponsor name

Scholarship name


For each previous qualification you must also include with this application:

A certified copy of the complete academic transcript (mark sheets); and

A certified copy of the completion certificate

Provide the following information for all completed and partially completed tertiary or vocational qualifications.

Undergraduate applicants must also provide information about senior secondary qualifications.

List the most recently completed qualification first.


Major subject

Education institution

Institution location

Start date (month/year) End date (month/year)


Major subject

Education institution

Institution location

Start date (month/year) End date (month/year)


Major subject

Education institution

Institution location

Start date (month/year) End date (month/year)

List any of the qualifications that have been studied by distance education

List details of any relevant academic distinction or prizes

List any scholarships you have previously received, including any funded by the New Zealand Government.

Include the scholarship name, duration, qualification or course undertaken and the date completed.

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If you are currently employed or have recently been employed:

Answer the questions in this section, and

You must also include an up-to-date curriculum vitae and current job description with this application.

If you are not currently employed and have no previous work experience, go to Section Nine.

Current/most recent position title


Start date (month/year)

If you are employed now, refer to the list in Annex 1 (page 13) to identify up to two employment sectors most similar to your current area of work, and list below:

Employment sector (from the list in Annex 1)

If your employment sector is not listed in Annex 1 (page 13) please state your employment sector here:

What type of organisation do you work for?

Local Government Community/Non- Government Organisation

Private company

Central Government International NGO Self-employed

Multilateral Agency Other (please state):

Briefly describe the work of your organisation.

Will you return to your current job after your study?

Yes No

If you answered ‘no’ or you are not currently working, what is your prospective employment on your return home?

Name of Job


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If you are working, this section must be completed (in English) by your employer or an authorised officer from your place of employment, or If you are self-employed, you may answer the questions yourself.

Name of company/ organisation


Telephone Number

Email address

Do you endorse and support this applicant’s application for a New Zealand Scholarship?

Yes No

Are there any comments you would like to make in support of this application for a New Zealand Scholarship?

After the scholarship is completed would this person have a position in your organisation?

Yes No If yes, what position:

Describe below the specific skills and knowledge you and your organisation want the applicant to gain from the proposed study. Please be as specific as possible.

Skills and knowledge 1

Skills and knowledge 2

Skills and knowledge 3

Skills and knowledge 4

Authorising official’s full name


Signature Date (dd/mm/yyyy)

Official Stamp

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List any voluntary or community activity in which you have recently been involved. Please attach an additional sheet of paper if required.


Role or type of involvement

Start date (month/year) End date (month/year)


Role or type of involvement

Start date (month/year) End date (month/year)


Please be as specific as possible as your answers to these questions will be a major consideration of your

eligibility for a New Zealand Scholarship.

All applicants:

You must include with this application:

In no more than 500 words (on a separate sheet of paper) describe the specific skills and knowledge you

want to gain from your proposed study and how this study will contribute to the role and responsibilities of

your current and/or future job;


In no more than 500 words (on a separate sheet of paper) describe specifically how your proposed study

and/or research will enable you to contribute to the social or economic development of your home country.

Reference to any existing national skills shortages or labour needs in your home country will strengthen your


Research Masters and PhD applicants:

You must also include with this application:

In no more than 500 words (on a separate sheet of paper) provide an outline of your proposed research

topic, research question and objectives, methodology, and timeline. Note that most PhD and some Masters

research students will be expected to undertake fieldwork in their home country (funded by the scholarship).

You should clearly demonstrate the significance, benefit and application of the proposed research topic to the

development of your home country.

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You must include with this application:

Original IELTS (International English Language Testing System) results. Test results must be no more than 24

months old by the commencement of study;


Original copy of TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) results. Test results must be no more than 24

months old by the commencement of study;


If you are not providing IELTS/TOEFL results please advise the reason:

I have sat an IELTS or TOEFL test and am awaiting results. I will supply the results as soon as they

are available.

IELTS or TOEFL testing is not available in my region or country (Pacific Islands only).

I have previously completed tertiary education in English AND I have included an official statement

from the education provider that English is the language of instruction.

Note that you are also required to meet the English language proficiency criteria of the education institution

you are applying to. They may request additional documentation.

Is English your first

language? Yes No

Include details below of any IELTS (International English Language Testing System) academic tests you have

undertaken. Please also include the original results with this application.

IELTS date of test IELTS overall score

IELTS listening band IELTS reading band

IELTS writing band IELTS speaking band

Include details TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) test you have undertaken. This should be EITHER

an Internet-based TOEFL score OR a Paper-based TOEFL score. Please also include the original results with this


TOEFL date of test Test of Written English

(TWE) score

Internet-based TOEFL score Paper-based TOEFL


Have you been taught in

the medium of English? Yes No

If ‘yes’, tick the boxes at the

level you have been taught

in English

Senior secondary


Undergraduate or

postgraduate level

While training for

my job

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Tick the box that most accurately represents where you first heard about the New Zealand Scholarships:

The New Zealand Aid Programme website (www.aid.govt.nz) Event attended or hosted by the New Zealand Embassy or High Commission in your country From information about studying in New Zealand from The New Zealand Embassy or High Commission Website/blog of the New Zealand Embassy or High Commission in your country Social media (such as a New Zealand Embassy or High Commission Facebook page) A New Zealand university A school or university in your country Newspaper Online advertising Employer – private sector Employer – government sector Business association Education agency Friends or family Other (please state):_____________________________________


Conditions of Scholarship

If your application is successful and you are offered a New Zealand Scholarship, you will be asked to sign a declaration which confirms that you understand and agree to certain conditions before accepting the scholarship. Some of these conditions are listed below. Contact the New Zealand Embassy or High Commission for a full listing of these conditions.

In accepting, you will be asked to:

agree to undertake the study programme included in the Letter of Scholarship Offer full time and

understand that this must not be changed without the prior written approval of MFAT;

agree to make every effort to achieve satisfactory academic progress in your studies in accordance with

the continuation criteria set by MFAT and the Education Institution;

agree that you will return to your home country within 14 days completion of your study programme

and return directly to your home country for a minimum period of two years, in order to utilise the

knowledge you have gained through your scholarship to contribute toward the social and/or economic

development of your home country;

agree that your spouse/partner and dependant children (if relevant) will return to your home country

within 14 days of completion of your study programme and return directly to your home country for a

minimum period of two years;

agree that you and your spouse/partner and dependant children (if relevant) will not apply for a visa

(excluding a short term visitor visa) to re-enter New Zealand within two years of scholarship completion;

agree that you will not apply for permanent residency of any country including New Zealand during the

scholarship period or within two years of scholarship completion;

agree to obey the laws of New Zealand and maintain an acceptable standard of conduct while in New


agree that the New Zealand Government is not responsible for any of your actions during the term of

your scholarship;

agree to ensure your immigration visa and passport are kept current for the duration of the scholarship.

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I confirm and declare that:

1. I am not aware of any medical, personal or other circumstances (e.g. disability, illness, family or

financial matters), which might prevent me from completing my study within the scholarship term;

2. I agree to the release of information in this application form and information relating to the

scholarship or study to relevant authorities, in accordance with the New Zealand Privacy Act 1993, to

enable placement in an education institution, consideration for a scholarship, collection of academic

progress reports and results, and the ongoing administration and monitoring of the scholarship;

3. I agree to the exchange of information between MFAT and authorities such as Immigration New

Zealand (regarding your immigration status) or any other relevant government agency (e.g. New

Zealand Inland Revenue or the New Zealand Qualifications Authority);

4. I understand that the law of New Zealand will apply to any agreement between myself and the New

Zealand Government.

I declare that the information provided about and by me in this application for a New Zealand Scholarship

award is true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. I acknowledge that supplying false or

misleading information is a serious offence under the New Zealand Crimes Act 1961 and will result in the New

Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) withdrawing a scholarship, if offered.

Full Name


Date dd/mm/yyyy

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Annex 1 Employment Sectors

Use this information to complete: Section Four: Proposed Study Programme, and Section Seven: Work History

Note that:

Scholarships are awarded in the subjects that are a priority for each country.

Not all subjects are available for all countries.

Refer to www.aid.govt.nz/schols to find out the priority subject areas for your country.

Agriculture (including Agribusiness & Animal Health) Forestry

Business (private sector) Health

Diplomacy / Foreign Affairs Human Rights / Gender

Disaster Risk Management Information Technology Education – Primary/Secondary Public Sector Management/Governance

Education – Tertiary Public Utilities and Infrastructure

Economics Renewable Energy

Engineering Skilled trades (plumbing, electrical, construction)

Environmental/Natural Resource management Tourism Finance Trade

Fisheries/Marine Resources Urban Planning and Development

Food Safety Waste Management

Annex 2 Education Institutions

Use this information to complete Section Four: Proposed Study Programme

Note that:

Scholarships are only available for study at the institutions listed below.

Scholarships are awarded in the subjects that are a priority for each country.

Not all subjects are available for all countries.

Refer to www.aid.govt.nz/schols to find out the priority subject areas for your country.

Visit the institution websites or contact the institutions to find information about their current

qualifications and courses.

Visit www.studyinnewzealand.com to find information about studying in New Zealand

Auckland University of Technology (AUT University) http://www.aut.ac.nz/study-at-aut/international-students

Lincoln University (Christchurch) www.lincoln.ac.nz/scholarships

Manukau Institute of Technology (Auckland) (undergraduate study only) (Auckland) http://www.manukau.ac.nz/students/international

Massey University (Palmerston North, Wellington, and Auckland) http://www.massey.ac.nz/massey/international/

Unitec (Auckland) http://www.unitec.ac.nz/future-students/international-students/international-students_home.cfm

University of Auckland http://www.auckland.ac.nz/uoa/home/for/international-students/ University of Canterbury (Christchurch) http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/international/ University of Otago (Dunedin) http://www.otago.ac.nz/international/index.html Victoria University of Wellington http://www.victoria.ac.nz/international/ University of Waikato (Hamilton) www.waikato.ac.nz/international

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JPA(L)LDP 1B/96[Pin.1/ 2010]




1. Lengkapkan borang dengan jelas, sila rujuk panduan kod di mana berkaitan.2. Perlu diisi dalam SATU (1) salinan.3. Senarai tugas perlu disertakan.


1. Nama Penuh

2. No KPT - -

3. No K/P 4. Tarikh Lahir (Hari) (Bulan) (Tahun)

5. Umur

6. Negeri Lahir (rujuk panduan kod) 7. Taraf Perkahwinan K - Kahwin B - BujangC - Cerai

8. Jantina L - Lelaki P - Perempuan 9. Keturunan (rujuk panduan kod)

10. Agama I - Islam L - Lain-lain 11. Kecacatan (rujuk panduan kod)

B. BUTIR-BUTIR PERKHIDMATAN SEKARANG12. Klasifikasi (rujuk panduan kod) 18. Kementerian: Perkhidmatan

13. Skim 19. Jabatan : Perkhidmatan:

14. Gred Jawatan:(rujuk panduan kod) 20. Jenis Agensi: (rujuk panduan kod)

15. Tanggagaji: P T 21. Alamat Tempat Bertugas:

16. Tarikh Lantikan:

(Hari) (Bulan) (Tahun)

17. Tarikh Disahkan * 22. Telefon (a) Pej :(b) Rumah :

(Hari) (Bulan) (Tahun) :

No. Fax:E-mail:

23. Lantikan pertama ke PERKHIDMATAN KERAJAAN jika lain dari 13(a) Skim Perkhidmatan:

(b) Tarikh Lantikan: (Hari) (Bulan) (Tahun)

* Sila nyatakan sebabnya jika belum disahkan

(c) Bimbit

Page 18: Portal Rasmi Jabatan Akauntan Negara Malaysia · Application Form New Zealand ASEAN Scholars Awards New Zealand Pacific Scholarships New Zealand Development Scholarships Commonwealth

C. BUTIR-BUTIR AKADEMIK24. Kelayakan: Bidang & Institusi/Universiti Kelas/CGPA Tahun (a) Sijil

(b) Diploma

(c) Ijazah Pertama

(d) Ph.D/Sarjana/ Dip.Lepasan Ijazah


25. Nama Kursus :

26. Peringkat Kursus :

27. Nama Institusi :

28. Tempat/Negara :

29. Tarikh/Tempoh Kursus : - / ( bulan)

30. Penganjur :


31. Kursus yang pernah diikuti dalam tempoh 2 tahun yang lepas ( Sila buat lampiran jika ruang tidak mencukupi )

Nama Kursus Anjuran Tempat Tempoh/Tarikh

32. Biasiswa yang pernah diterima :

Penaja Tarikh/Tempoh Biasiswa Kursus Yang Diikuti Tempoh Kontrak

Page 19: Portal Rasmi Jabatan Akauntan Negara Malaysia · Application Form New Zealand ASEAN Scholars Awards New Zealand Pacific Scholarships New Zealand Development Scholarships Commonwealth


33. Nama Suami / Isteri :34. Tarikh Lahir : :35. Pekerjaan / Jawatan :36. Alamat Tempat Bertugas :

37. Memohon Hadiah Latihan Persekutuan : Ya / Tidak Sesi :38. Bilangan Anak orang

Bil. Tarikh Lahir

39. Orang yang boleh dihubungi semasa kecemasan :

(a) Nama : (b) No. Telefon :

(c ) Alamat :

G. PENGAKUAN PEMOHON ( Potong yang tidak berkaitan )40. (a) Saya telah / belum mengisytiharkan harta.

(b) Saya pernah / tidak pernah memohon Hadiah Latihan Persekutuan :

Tarikh Permohonan : Sesi :

(c ) Disertakan salinan dokumen-dokumen sokongan bertanda ( _/ ) yang telah diakui sah oleh pegawai kerajaan Kumpulan Pengurusan dan Profesional seperti di bawah :

(i) Ijazah Pertama atau setaraf

(ii) Transkrip Ijazah Pertama

(iii) Ijazah Sarjana atau setaraf (sekiranya ada)

(iv) Transkrip Ijazah Sarjana (sekiranya ada)

(v) Keputusan TOEFL/ IELTS/ Bahasa Inggeris (SPM) (sekiranya ada)

(vi) Senarai Tugas

(d) Saya mengaku bahawa semua keterangan di atas adalah benar dan permohonan ini adalah lengkap.Sekiranya kenyataan yang diberikan tidak benar atau permohonan ini tidak lengkap, JPA berhakmembatalkan permohonan atau Hadiah Latihan ini.

Tarikh: ( Tandatangan Pemohon )

Nama Anak

Page 20: Portal Rasmi Jabatan Akauntan Negara Malaysia · Application Form New Zealand ASEAN Scholars Awards New Zealand Pacific Scholarships New Zealand Development Scholarships Commonwealth

H. PERAKUAN KETUA JABATAN ( Potong yang tidak berkaitan )41. (a) SOKONGAN: Disokong / Tidak Disokong


(c) Markah Laporan Nilaian Prestasi Tahunan

(i) Tahun : Markah :(ii) Tahun : Markah :(Iii) Tahun : Markah :(iv) Purata Markah :

(d) Pegawai BOLEH / TIDAK BOLEH dilepaskan untuk menjalani pengajian pada sesi yang dipohon.

Saya mengesahkan bahawa semua kenyataan yang diberikan oleh adalah benar dan permohonan beliau

adalah lengkap.




Cop Rasmi Jabatan:


Program LDP 43. Tahun Penajaan 44. Bil

Peringkat Pengajian 46. Negara 1 Negara 2( jika ada )

Nama Kursus:



Tarikh MULA 51. TempohKursus ( Hari ) ( Bulan ) ( Tahun )

( Bulan ) ( Hari )TAMAT

( Hari ) ( Bulan ) ( Tahun )


Jenis Cuti Belajar / Hadiah Latihan 54. Tempoh Kontrak ( dalam tahun )( jika ada )

Surat Kelulusan

(Tandatangan Ketua Jabatan)

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5. Negeri Lahir 12. Klasifikasi Perkhidmatan

01 Johor A Pengangkutan02 Kedah B Bakat dan Seni03 Kelantan C Sains04 Melaka D Pendidikan05 Negeri Sembilan E Ekonomi06 Pahang F Sistem Maklumat07 Perak G Pertanian08 Perlis J Kejuruteraan09 Pulau Pinang K Keselamatan dan Pertahanan Awam10 Selangor L Perundangan 11 Terengganu M Tadbir dan Diplomatik12 Wilayah Persekutuan N Pentadbiran dan Pembangunan13 Sabah P Pencegahan14 Sarawak Q Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan15 Lain-lain R Mahir/Separuh Mahir/Tidak Mahir16 W.P. Labuan S Sosial

U Perubatan dan KesihatanW KewanganX Penguatkuasaan Maritim

8. Keturunan Y PolisZ Tentera

01 Melayu02 Cina 14. Gred Jawatan03 India04 Orang Asli Semenanjung Contoh: YY15 = Y Y 1 507 Kadazan/Dusun08 Murut 20. Jenis Agensi09 Bajau, Ilanau10 Lain-lain Bumiputera Sabah 1 Perkhidmatan Awam Persekutuan13 Melanau 2 Perkhidmatan Awam Negeri14 Iban 3 Badan Berkanun Persekutuan15 Bidayuh 4 Badan Berkanun Negeri16 Lain-lain Bumiputera Sarawak 5 Penguasa Tempatan17 Lain-lain 6 Syarikat Kepentingan Kerajaan

7 Swasta

10. Kecacatan

A ButaB Buta WarnaC Mendengar dengan alat bantuanD PekakE BisuF GagapG Cacat KakiH Cacat TanganI LumpuhJ Kecacatan Lain

Page 22: Portal Rasmi Jabatan Akauntan Negara Malaysia · Application Form New Zealand ASEAN Scholars Awards New Zealand Pacific Scholarships New Zealand Development Scholarships Commonwealth

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New Zealand Commonwealth Scholarships 2015 Applications for tenure from 2016

Information for Applicants

1. The Application Form

The application form is available from the applicant’s Nominating Agency. The form can also be downloaded from the page on the NZ Aid web site which contains information for each country. A link to the information page for each country can be found here: https://www.aid.govt.nz/funding-and-contracts/scholarships/eligible-countriesregions

2. Applicant Enquiries

When seeking information or making enquiries concerning eligibility, process, timing etc. for the New Zealand Commonwealth Scholarships applicants should contact the Nominating Agency in their country of citizenship.

3. Eligible New Zealand Institutions

A New Zealand Commonwealth Scholarship may be held at a New Zealand university. The eight New Zealand universities are listed on page 13 of the application form. Note that Manukau Institute of Technology and Unitec are not universities so a New Zealand Commonwealth Scholarship may not be held at either of those institutions

4. Eligible Postgraduate Programmes

Applicants must be applying for direct entry to a Masters or PhD programme at a New Zealand university. An offer of place from a New Zealand university must be for a Masters or PhD programme. Offers for a pathway programme, for example an offer for a Postgraduate Diploma leading to a Masters programme, are not eligible.

5. Application to a New Zealand university

Applicants must make an early application to a university. A Commonwealth Scholarship cannot be confirmed without evidence that an applicant has received an offer of a place from a New Zealand University.

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6. Applicant Eligibility Criteria

Intending applicants must ensure that they are eligible to apply for a Commonwealth Scholarship. The eligibility criteria are listed on the page on the NZ Aid web site which contains information for each country. A link to the information page for each country can be found here: https://www.aid.govt.nz/funding-and-contracts/scholarships/eligible-countriesregions

7. Application Procedure

Each applicant must submit to their Nominating Agency two copies of their application - one (1) original and one (1) photocopy. Both the original and the photocopy must include all requested attachments. The application declaration in Section 13 on page 12 of the application form must be signed by the applicant. In addition to the application form the documents listed on page 2 of the application form are required.

8. English Language Requirements

The information page for each country on the NZ Aid website has information regarding the English Language Requirements for admission to a New Zealand University.

Section 11 of the application form, ‘English Language Competency’ must be completed by applicants.

9. Nominations from the Nominating Agency

Each Nominating Agency may nominate to Universities NZ a maximum of two applications from their country. The specific process to assess the applications that have been received will be determined and established by the Nominating Agency. The Nominating Agency will advise applicants whether or not their application has been nominated to Universities NZ.

10. The Decision Process - Universities NZ

Universities NZ will receive the nominated applications from the Nominating Agencies.

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New Zealand Commonwealth Scholarships - 2015 Applications for tenure from 2016 Information for Applicants Page 3 of 5

These applications will be subject to a final check for eligibility and completeness. Any nominated applications that are found to be ineligible or incomplete will be stored for a period of six months then destroyed. Complete and eligible applications will be assessed and reviewed by a selection committee in Wellington, New Zealand. Members of this committee will be representatives from the New Zealand Aid Programme at MFAT and representatives from the Scholarships Committee of Universities NZ. The selection committee will make scholarship award recommendations to the New Zealand Aid Programme team at MFAT. The New Zealand Aid Programme team at MFAT will review the recommendations and decide which will they will endorse. Only those endorsed by the New Zealand Aid Programme team may be offered a scholarship. The New Zealand Aid Programme will liaise with staff at the applicant’s preferred university to coordinate the details of the offer of scholarship with the offer of place.

11. Timeline and Due Dates

Each Nominating Agency will set their own country deadline for the receipt of applications. Applicants must be aware of this date and abide by it. Nominating Agencies are aware that their nominations must be received by Universities NZ in Wellington, New Zealand no later than 31 July 2015. The selection committee will meet in Wellington in September 2015. As soon as possible after the committee meeting Universities NZ will write to Nominating Agencies to advise them of the result for each of their nominees. Universities NZ will also make direct contact (by email) to advise successful nominees that they have been recommended to MFAT for a scholarship award. Universities NZ expects that the Nominating Agencies will advise the unsuccessful nominees.

The New Zealand Aid Programme team at MFAT will issue the formal offers of scholarship to the successful nominees.

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12. Priority Study Areas

Scholarships will be awarded in agreed priority study areas to meet countries’ or regions’ human resources development needs and training priorities, as set by the New Zealand Government and Nominating Agencies (as outlined, wherever possible, in countries’ National Strategic Development Plans and Human Resources Planning Frameworks).

Information relating to the priority study areas for each country can be found on the information page for the country on the NZ Aid website.

13. Selection Criteria

The nominations submitted to Universities NZ will be considered by the selection committee according to the following selection criteria:

- academic merit of the candidate. - the quality of the research proposal. - the likely impact of the work on the development of the candidate’s home


The assessment schedule which will be used is:

Academic Merit · Examination results. · Academic transcripts. · Referees’ reports. · Any academic prizes. · Other relevant activities. · Publications, where appropriate.

Development Impact · The extent to which the candidate illustrates that the proposed study will

increase knowledge about development and / or solutions to poverty reduction (including, amongst other themes, public health, education, governance, political, social and economic development and environment).

· Relevance and extent to which the Plan of Study fits well with the strengths and career aspirations of the candidate.

Quality of Study Plans - PhD Applications · Extent to which the study programme has been well researched and thought

out, including the identification of appropriate institution and supervisor. · Degree of innovation. · Likely impact. · Clarity of presentation. · Relevance to field. · Feasibility.

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Quality of Study Plans - Master’s Applications · Extent to which the proposed course / institution of study has been well

researched (including specific options and dissertation topics, where appropriate) and presented.

· Clarity of presentation.

14. Nominees who are offered a scholarship

If offered a Commonwealth Scholarship, candidates must:

a. reside in their country of citizenship until taking up the scholarship in New Zealand.

b. be able to satisfy Immigration New Zealand requirements for international student entry to New Zealand (i.e. medical examination and police clearance/character checks, etc.).

c. not hold another scholarship during the period of the Commonwealth Scholarship.

d. agree in writing that they will return to their country of citizenship for a minimum period of two years following completion of their scholarship in order to contribute to their country’s social or economic development.