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Characerization: Refers to the author’s attemp to create or develop a character Setting: is the time and place of a story’s action Figurative language: Is writing that the reader isn’t supposed to take literally Personification : giving a nonhuman subject human characteristics Metaphor : Describing a person or thing as thought it were somenting else.

Allegory: Is a story or tale with two or more levels of meaning. Narrative Poem: tells a story Irony: ending or use words to suggest something quite different from their usual meanings.

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External : in the part of the outside

Interact : work in group while meet

Perspective : a way to see something

Project : a new goal thinking carefully

Visualize: take a picture in your mind

Environment: The place , situations

and setting where you live

Factors: thing that make diferents

situations or reactions

Individual : one

Respond : answer

Unique : diferent compared with


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Analyze: thing in the order to understand


Concept: an idea that you have about something

Conclude: reach based in facts or logic

Occur: that happen

Precisely : the exatly that is

Schedule : a list of activities that you make

during the day.

Adaptable: that can change with simplicy

Analytical: use the logic

Function : purpose

Logical : think and use the reason

Process: a series of steps to do something

React: changes to differents situations

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I have a friend who is completely stress-full yes,


She can't solve her problems and any conflict she has.

She can't manage any stress in her life. She never thinks

about all the problems and how big they are. She never

forgets her problems, not even while making exercise or

plays some sport. She thinks they can't improve in any

way . She can't eat healthy food because she hates this

type of food and think is not delicious I never think

taking my friend like a model because she is a girl with

serious level of stress.

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The place that I like more is my room because is the place where I can

do the things that I love more. My room are above the kitchen and

down of the gallery this is located on the second floor. In front are the

room where are all the closet and a little garden. My room is made of

brick but is a color pink. Two walls are pink and the others two are a

pastel pink. The night table is to the right of the bed. My desk is pink

and is situated in front of the door while the television and the home

theater are in front of the bed and on the left of the window. The

window is in front of the door and the desk. I can say in a short way

“My room are pink “ because almost my things are pink and have

flowers. I liked so much my room not only for the color but too because

in there I can shout or read , dance and sing , write and cry and

nobody judge me for this because I close the door and my room is my

world , my rules and my little space. When I’m in my room I feel like I

state in another place not only in my house. I can’t imagine don’t have

my own room because I think when you share your room you’re

sharing your privacy and is like you don’t have a place that is YOUR


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When the unit starts I didn’t know some topics ,and I’m really honesty I

don’t had a idea about this exist , but with the readings and when the

teacher explain in class I understand more and I found that is not so

complicated like I thinked.

In this unit I learn vocabulary words like setting a word that every year

was so difficult , because I confused with others meanings. I write a

poem about animals and think about the location of my room , I think

this first unit was great and I like more the English even if I’m bad in

English and grammar but I like and day of day I will improve.

In my opinion the poems was the best topics because they were really

cute like the boy of the oranges I think is so romantic and talk about the

first love and date that is a theme or poem that can be original and


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