Population Geopardy Migrate? Where and Why? Health and Population Pyramids not in Egypt Acronyms Migration Mania 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50

Population Geopardy Migrate? Where and Why? Health and Population Pyramids not in Egypt AcronymsMigration Mania 10 20 30 40 50

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Population GeopardyMigrate? Where

and Why?Health and Population

Pyramids not in Egypt

Acronyms Migration Mania

10 10 10 10 10

20 20 20 20 20

30 30 30 30 30

40 40 40 40 40

50 50 50 50 50

• The measurement of the number of people per square unit of land.

• Population density

• Term given to a huge agglomeration of many urban areas.

• Megalopolis

• Dot maps are excellent for showing population density, but this kind of map can illustrate population quantity by modifying the size of the space on the map.

• cartogram

• A very mountainous nation will have a _______ population density that is much higher than its _______________ population density.

• Physiological, arithmetic

• Term used for a space that has permanents human settlement.

• Ecumene

• Number of people that die with in the first year of life.

• Infant mortality rate

• A mosquito biting a host, then biting another person, transmitting infected blood is an example of this kind of disease.

• Vectored

• Women in general have a higher __________ somewhat in part do to lifestyle choices and somewhat in part to genetics.

• Life Expectancy

• This disease is the leading cause of death in Sub Saharan Africa.

• AIDs

• These types of disease transmit disorders from one generation to another.

• Genetic


• Colombia, Belgium, India, or Mozambique

• Chandler, Phoenix, • Sun City, Scottsdale

• Gabon, Thailand, Switzerland, Norway

• Japan, Algeria, Turkey, United States

• Ethiopia, Qatar, Russia, Mexico

• When this is 2.1, a population is considered to be reproducing at replacement rate.


• Number of live births per year for every 1000 people.


• This international body was created after WWII to help refugees from the conflict return home. Today it is influential in Africa and Asia.


• The 1993 economic treaty that shifted trade and immigration patterns in Canada, the US, and Mexico.


• These circumstances, perceived or real can attract migrants to certain locals, they might include good legal treatment or environmental incentives.

• Pull factors

• A time when the world’s population will stabilize. The US is predicted to reach it in 2035, China in 2090.


• According to Ravenstein, a majority of migrants move a __________ distance.

• Short

• This stateless group of people fled Iraq During the Gulf War and live as refugees in Iran, Turkey, and Syria.

• Kurds

• The Soviet policy of assimilating the multiple cultures and languages of the empire by moving native Russians.

• Russification

• According to this theory, the further a migrant moves, the less interaction they have with their homeland.

• Distance Decay