[J.S. Departnrent ol'.f ustice Federal Bu reau of lnvestieation Dear Records responsive Freedom of Information Act. Explanation of Exemptions. Additional records potentially resporrsive to your subject may exist. Please submit a.new FOIA request if you would like the FBI to conduct a search of the indices to our Central Records System. Should you desire, you may also request that the enclosed documents be re-processed. Submit requests by mail or fax to _- Work Process Unit, 170 Marcel Drive, Winchester, VA 22602, fax number (540) 868-4997. You may file an appeal by writing to the Director, Office of Information Policy (OlP), U.S. Departmentof Justice, 1425 NewYorkAve., NW, Suite 11050, Washington, D.C. 20530-0001. Your appeal must be received by OIP within sixty (60) days from the date of this letter in order to be considered timely. The envelope and the letter should be clearly marked "Freedom of Information Appeal." Please cite the FOIPA Request Number assigned to your request so that it may be identified easily. Very truly yours, David M. Hardy Section Chief, Record/lnformation Dissemination Section Records Management Division FOIPA Request No.: Subject: RONCALLI, ANGELO GIUSEPPE to your request were previously processed under the prcvisions of the Enclosed are 10 pages of previously-processed documents and a copy of the I(ashington, D.C. 2053 5 Enclosure(s)

Pope John XXIII's FBI File

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This is the 10 page FBI file that the Bureau was willing to release to me of Pope John XXIII.

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Page 1: Pope John XXIII's FBI File

[J.S. Departnrent ol'.f ustice

Federal Bu reau of lnvestieation


Records responsiveFreedom of Information Act.Explanation of Exemptions.

Additional records potentially resporrsive to your subject may exist. Please submit a.new FOIArequest if you would like the FBI to conduct a search of the indices to our Central Records System. Shouldyou desire, you may also request that the enclosed documents be re-processed.

Submit requests by mail or fax to _- Work Process Unit, 170 Marcel Drive, Winchester, VA22602, fax number (540) 868-4997.

You may file an appeal by writing to the Director, Office of Information Policy (OlP), U.S.Departmentof Justice, 1425 NewYorkAve., NW, Suite 11050, Washington, D.C. 20530-0001. Yourappeal must be received by OIP within sixty (60) days from the date of this letter in order to be consideredtimely. The envelope and the letter should be clearly marked "Freedom of Information Appeal." Please citethe FOIPA Request Number assigned to your request so that it may be identified easily.

Very truly yours,

David M. HardySection Chief,Record/lnformation

Dissemination SectionRecords Management Division


to your request were previously processed under the prcvisions of theEnclosed are 10 pages of previously-processed documents and a copy of the

I(ashington, D.C. 2053 5


Page 2: Pope John XXIII's FBI File

0-20 (Rev. T-18-S8) -t'

/]vin Tolson !' *''/ ':' - - i:l=on ,-----l--({," Mr. Belmont --Ndr. Mo hr

tt4 lv'h'Neqs" I..' i. E N,lr. Pqrsops ,. -

i i Mr. RosefiMr.i;;,7

At t I[]FI-TFX,IATI f I,I tl t-tI,ITAII,IElt

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l.1r-: fr ;111.,r'5 tl.gr rth:l



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,Tele.'ffi\,{ Mr. Hofiomon


'7 ' Miss Gqndy


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Page 3: Pope John XXIII's FBI File

At L II,IFt_rF:lIATf rlllil r_-- r_TIITAIJ,IEIi

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Sub j16ct :



The American Ernbassy

Janu ary 8, 1 9 63

Director r FBI

Leg &t t Rome ( 66*6 I ),nHi s Hol iness - Pqpg-llOHNINFORI'IATION ffiRNING


!r!' '

\^a,t t



+i I







There have been a nunber of articles pub-'_. lished in the press-'chroughout the world conce;ni;; ;h;.,'recent illness of the Pope, These articles have oEr"riu";;.the Pope?s illness as bei.ng anything from a flu aiiiit-tocancetr. Most articles state the pope is not sufferingfrom a serious ilrness and that he is recovering a;-if,"extent that he is able to again receive visitorl, holdaudiences, and conduct his iegular businesst

The true illness of the pope is undoubtedllb-eing held in secrecy by the vatican. thbre is no doubtIt.nat a- serious illness would have serious repercussionsIthrougholrt the world. Therefore, 'most recent account.slrelate that Pope JOHN is recovering from his ailments an'dJJhaqrhe is in good health for a nan of his age.li= _ ;,i There are sone reports ernanating fron sourTtloog;to the Vatican that the pope is seriousli itt, butf,1Ptt?rrg.,up a good front before the peopte of the woild.Ft:r.g..tports indicate Pope JOHN is-molt anxious to carryieut S,rerrwork of the Ecumenical conference started in Lg6zl$nd.F this end would even sacrif ice his personal health.{lte ig also reportedly nost sincerely inteiested in f iridin$i peEte in the world. He undoubtedly recognizes the sori





- Bureau (I -. r#'eignr 'Rome 66 - 6l



RE$19 A & 4


,,lAN 21. 1963


I iaison! ' ..,.\..,


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Page 4: Pope John XXIII's FBI File

ldanger in comnunisn and is devoting a great deallhis personal efforts in preparing his faithful tolbat this evil philosophy.


Legat, Rome, has met Pope JOHN on twooccasions. During discussion the Pope spo[<e most highlyof the United States and the Anerican peop0e. He indi-cated that the Unit.ed States, as leader of the Westernworld, has a nost inportant mission in its fight againstconmunisn.

Thereinally from sources

are some reports, ostensitly orig-close to the Pope , indicat ing he is

l^, iiY,-l (-

€--Pope was sutterlng tron cancer and 'that he cannotbe expected to live very much longer. According to thissource, the Pope is suffering pain fron the disease, butwishes to carry out his inportant work and resPonsibilityto his people without causing alarm. He reportedly doesnot want the people to know the truth of his ailment forfear it may cause concern.

Onsocial discussion

Janu ar 1965 at edinawith

cuss 1on cont ldent].aI Iy adv 1s eo LegaVatican staff are deeply concerned with the health ofthe Pope. Those who have frequent contact with the Popenotice his courage in carrying out his nany responsibilities,but also note he appe'ars to be suffering from his currentillness. Although there has been no official announl5ucntto the effect, that the Pope has cancer, and although thesubject of the Popefs illness is not openly discussedamong Vatican offi.cials, it is ?tronslv susp?cted-the

further s tated


Pope is suffering from cancsr.members of the Vatican familYin the area of the stomach andPope I s lif e,

the canser is locatedmiracle can save the

b6j-r ? ,-

believeonly a


Page 5: Pope John XXIII's FBI File

I to note thatI fuf l schedutI Ecurnen i ca I C

I to ld the manlwhen the Con

I a new Pope.

In regardthe Pope is

e. In closionf ertnc e iny b ishops anference is r

Bureau. Any "ollill,:l'l#i:*"fl;,,'l:":lf:l'::l::Jf""this and reiated natteis-;iii-b;-;;"il;ii';;r;;;;;;"i;"the Bureau.

to the above, it is interestingonce agaln carrying on a near lfng the first ses3ion of the

Decemb€rr _ tg gZ, he reported lyd cardinals in-attendince th'at

econvened in 196s they may have


Page 6: Pope John XXIII's FBI File

0-19 (Rev. l0-15-62)


HEFI II'I I l:l Ul'I[ LA::l 5I FIEIiDATE IJX-IZ-XLIDE ET EU::?4 ur barr./'::lt}'."kj

,-=-&peiiohn XXUL---,RIMF\Cffi.

May the C&AfrDIAN never bea hate sheet., Your letter columnof July 18 carried a letter frornRaywood F razier critlcizing yourexcellent reporLage on the deathand work of Pope John lO(m.May f, a.s & Unitarian mlnlster,and one hardly in danger ofwalking the road to Rome, re-mlnd Mr. FYazler that lntole-rance of Roman Catholics whowork for peece and hurnanriehts is hardly &n example ofAmerican respect for a societyof divet'se origlns.

One does not have to supportthe Sloman Curia or the doc-trines of St. Ttromas to rejoicethat Popes and other Catholicsare in the struggle for humanrights and world peace. Let Mr.fftazier remember that mllllqrslof good men and women are fisprothers and slsters, and t+tlhev &re also CathoUcs. I(Rev., Stephen II. Fritchnan t


To I sonBeLmontMohrCosperCollqhqnConrodDeLoochEvonsG oleR osenSullivonTovelT rot terT ele Roon:

b5l:7 C

The Wr:strirrgton Post crnd

Times Herr:id

Ther Wcshitt<;torr [i::ily l.lews

The [']veninq !itrlr

New Y ork i-lercrlcl Trr brrne

New York Journql-.Anrolictrn

-l.Jew Yclrk lv4irror

New York Doily News

lrjew York Post

I'h e Vrto rk e r

Tlre I'Jew I-ecroer


Holmesr: ^- n,,


. .r'-. rt#If;l,J . -ilf l'ld. d'"., i i

/' tl

1{9 Arlr; 19 lgti, (* .t,:J 2

Page 7: Pope John XXIII's FBI File

0-19 (Rev. l0-15-62)

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i1.he Washington


IIEFI III I::; I-TI'Ill LA:i ::1I FIEDIrATE Lti-13-iulJL|i EY 6t-l::il4 r-lrt b ar,I,/'lrt--I'.rtkj

t ..ll',j ',r 'l" :"I \'




T rot terTele SoomHolrnesCcndy

'I-ri l-.rrrrp: r t v.f r r v



- { lrltroduce ths reason for my "He went on to say 'that he

visit. But Roncalll bntshed had roa.son t'o be'liwe thaty Drew Pearson

ONE : REASON so 'manyptayerlt have been oiteredlo"r me aside, saying, 'Tbat wlll some baptisma'l centifioates

PopC$ohn in the non-Chris- come later. First we must had already been issued byttaFuqf6n as ln the non- enJoy the view, the eonversa. nuns to Hungadan Jews, TheCatholic world is a chapter in tion and the wine.' Nazis had recognized these ashlc life which many Catholics ,,His personality was so crcd,entials and had permittedmay not know about, when radiant and his conviviality their holders to leave thehe belped r€scue $everal thou- ss genuine that for the mo- country.saad Jews from NazI persecu" ment I let the,purpose of my "We agreed that we wouldtlon ln Hungary. plesence escape me, In fact, communicate witJr his repre-

The Pope was then Cartltnat t wasn't until a second bot- sentatives in Hungary andRoncalli, apostolic delegate in Ue had been downed that he that I would get in boucbIstanbul. The story of the would permit any thougtr,t 61 with. our underground con-Jewish reqpue ls told by Ira practicil discuslion. 15gn, -nections'to arrange for eitherHirscbmann, FDR's personal luddenly, he announced, trarge-s_oale baptism of Jews,enYoy on refugee matters, in 'Dunqui,' eominciamo , , , 9t at_least certificates to behis recent book, "Caution to 1ey, iet'us begin.' i-ssued to wom€n and c{ril'the Winds." | ,,Roncalll listened intenfly dT:-

Pqpe Onne Helped Rescue J eurrc:(' if 'Bv'

Adoll Eicbmann had moved I as I outlined the desperate "The proposal and agree'lnto Eulgary and started the I plight ol the Jews io ltun. ment, had been ac.complishedmass uuider of the Jewisnli*}. f

"itoalnu -"u'ur sta. in. what seemerl like a lewpeople. Alil knowing the in. I iiiti". available to me lnd 15u miuules. It_-was _clear to melluenoc of the Cathollo I-*i uiu*iinu.,

"".ouna, ;i that Boncalll had consiilered

Church in Eunsarv_ Iltrcch. | ,riij"i'-,.i -.-o,ori*. a" this plal before my arrival,Churc\ [n Eungaty, Illrsch. I undergrounil operatives. 4r EIt.s plar -Detore my arnval,

16'-1, .wlth cu[e*'simonil, i i-;;;fii;;e --*rn ruriu"t l$^11*_1".]"3,_."*"Fd.gwent'to sec Carilinrl no":il uof"t.tUu irOa"A-i"-pal|el. atuosphere iu which to testcaul tn rstantul. Eers ts uow{i.uiii. Td;-il ;"rrffd hi iJ-"fg"1lt5:1l dj:::"ti9lElrsol''o' describer ntsi;hail'""-iiir."i;J-ft"U" tld my ability to help putvlsth -- !;[i,;5";;i";-J;;;. the

-operation lnto practical

6. . . our hoct h'ned t" liiii?in-d-"iri-il ffi";;; errect."

e rmall cupboard from wtrtctt I who will iooferatc?' Thousands of Jewr werchr taatr r lrnf{la nf rart wtno I r.A{*arhr,63n6+tr,-F-nl' fegeUed ffOm HUngaryha tcok a bottle of red wlne. , '.After pry afilrmatlve reply, i*1:-::"-:, I I v r$ 'u[6'drveatii ia"'i.r"i u.s ;ior, r" i r'e r,e-siie;.o; 1#!;+.",Lii $#**ft SinT;trh1:pouled out three grassec 11 lp:tutg e.kilg, 'Do -vou,thrnk ilffiJti; of reoaillng rhislnsbtrd on drinking to our I the Jewr ft""" -:"r::.,-'j litfle-nememberrd crbap.trr rnl"::&.Af :H:.'#1I1.'Hll;'ll'l'""lS.tundergobapusm[-"tlriiiir#n#,:'

t-- G

REGORDEbi'i tlg JtiN 3u19Bs

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t,i,- I !il. )'l'





The Wosht rnglah. F'ostrorld'l'inrr-'s rf.-}c,ra

'['ire w,:ship<7t'a';t nrity n "*=Th e [. ven irr g S tur

t' \fiNew York Iielc*iNew Y ork .r o,i*6"

Ncw Y ork li'lirrf;r

New York Duily l'Jews

l{ew York [)os',

Thc lJew York

The Work er

'l-he New Leoder

The vVoll Street J ournol .--fhe I'l lti.cncrl Observt-'r

li, AY 261963,4

,.(ri ,,,,^!'/i,-\ ltt*'

l'r rt Ii:f, L \j*" 3l'$1

Page 8: Pope John XXIII's FBI File

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Page 9: Pope John XXIII's FBI File


tlv t,

rI'\FIL,RE HAVE BEEN L4 encyclicalI letters on the subject of peace, byvarious Holy Fathers, during the 20thCentury. Pope Bene*lict XV wrote 3;Pope Pius XI wrote l; Pope Pius XIIwrote 9; and Pope John XXIII wrote l,his famous but misunderstood "PacenlIn Terris."

Pope tsenedict XV's first enc:vclical,"Ad Beatissimi," ("Appeal F'or Peace"),issued November l, 1914, explainedthat world unrest was due to lack oflove, contempt for authority, injusticeand greed.

In "Quod Iam I)iLt," ("On 'fhe Frr-ture Peace Conferenc€"), issued De-cember l, 1918, shortly after the endof World War I, the same Pope calledon Catholics to thank God that the warwas over, and urged them to pray fordivine guidance for the member.s of theVersailles peace conference, (theLeague Of Nations).

Two years later, May 23, 1g20, PopeBenedict wrote in "Pacem Dei MunusPulchei'rirnurn," ("On Peace Ancl Chrjs-tian Re<:onciliation"), that genuine for-giveness is a necessary prelude topeace, and that he was grieved at con-tinued ill-w'ill nm<lng nations.

Piu s XlPogre Pius Xl, although most noted

for his l'nrlous encyclical, "Divini Re-demptoris," rvhich thoroughly analyzetland condernned Atheistic Communisrnin 1937, long before the Red menacewas a threat to the world, wrote hisvery first encyclical on the subject ofpeace. In "Ubi Arcano," ("On ThePeace Of Christ In The Kingdom Ofl-lrnic.f "\ l\ono'tl-n- 't') I Onn L^ ,A

"Pacem In Terris"Probably no encyclical of recent

times has been more quoted ol' mis-quoted, distorted or twisted to servevatrious propagarrda purpclses than PopeJohn's "Pacem In 'l'erris." f'his lrasbeen done by "liberal" (latholics, asrvell as by the Communists. ln fact, rheCommunists harre sho\r'n sur:h gall con-cerning the encyclical, that they haveactually dared to claim thart the tlol_yFather's words r#ere an official papalendorsement of c(rexi.stence with Corn,munism, Socialism, th(. esrablishment'of a one-world governnrent and policeforce, plus many other irrterprciatioltstlrat would serve their purposes.

What the Communists and "liber-als" have failed to do, we.s to publishand heed both the opening and orher-

iugating people in every country theycontrol, can the Cclmlnunists, by anystretc:h of the irnagirration, be con.sid-ered rnen of good-w'ill?

f'he answcr to all ttrcse qLrestions isbest given by the countless thousands,who try to flec. to frcedorn frorn behindthe Iron arrd Banrboo Curtains, fromCutla. Ijast Germany, lled China anclelservhere. 'Ihe Communists may try to\\/erlr the mirsk of peace, I'rrendship andre.spcc.tibility, in orcler to gain furtlrerconcessions fnlnr the F ree World, butno lxatter hou, hard thev ily. they can-not hide the true picture of thr:ir reign-i blutal tyranny.

Pope John Called Their Bluf{Consicler the circurnsLance uncier

tvhich John XXIII issuecl ,,pacem In'ferris." Though Communism continued[o aclvance in such areas as Cuba, I.at_in Arrrerica and Southeast Asia, gen-erallS, the "(iold War" hacl reachecisomewhat of a sfalemate. The Cornmu-rtist.s, parricularly the Russians, led byKhrushchev, \ ,ere proclainring loudly?nd ltublicly that they \l'ere respecla_ble men urho truly desired rvorld peoce.They had even made some friendly ges_ture.s and overtures, sttch as releasinga Bishop or t\r'o, lt'ho never slrouldhave been irnprisoned in the first place,br-rt millions of other Christians werestill kept in Red chains, They relaxed aferv rules in some countries, and in-vited Western reporters to come in anclsee holv the people were ,,enjoyingfreedom" behind the Iron Curtain.

In face of all this, pope John issued"Pacem ln Terris." Anyone who haslnalvzed it f hnrntrohlr' ^ ^1.- ^ rr- -

munlsrn is not what it likes people tothink

- the Paladin of'the oppressbd,

the knight of independence, the de-fender of peace Communism is areligion whose gospel begins rvitJr thervords: 'In the beginning was matter,and matter rvas god.' Khrushchevknorvs very rvell there can be no peitce-ful coexistence betlveen Communistideology and freeclorn, It is time welearned liker,vise."

'fhe Comnrunists thenrselves finlrllymust have "gottcl'l Lhe message." Sev-cral of therr ptrblications, in analyzingfurther the enc)/clical. wrote similarviewpoints to rhe follorving onc, ex-pressed in the Soviet rnagazine, "ZaRubezhont," ("Abroad").,,'l'he eclitorialboard considers it necessarv to em-phasize that rnany statemenls of theencyclical are derived from the prin-ciples of the Catholic creed, which isincompatible with the purely scientific,(atheistic), Marxist rvorld outlook.',

In other worcis, though thc lteds iradenthusiastically trvistecl the enc_Vclicalto set've Lhcir proltaga nda pLlt'l)osr1s,they firrally had ro adrlit ther-e coulclbe no real coexistence beLween ALhe-istic Conrmunisnr and Chri.stianitl,. Asprot-rf of this, alonnd t he siir r'le rirne''Paceln In Terri.s" wels releasecl. andin the many 'rveeks since then, therehave bcen several of f iciai Conrrnuniststittements calling for a.steppecl-upattack againsl. religion, and a nrilitantcampaign to spreacl atheisnr. Such cam-paigns are under way in Poland, Rus-sia, Cuba, Hungary and elses,lrere.

At a plenary session of the Ct:ntralConrrnittee of the Conrrnunist Plrtv,helcl in the Krernlin in Jurnc --- a nleer-ing opcned by I{hrushchcv, and re-ported in all the Soviet ciailiesLeonid F. Ilychev, a parLy secreLilryand ideologicrtl spec:ialist, delivered atltree-hour "keynote" speech, in whichhe sLressed again and again that ,,therenever has been and never can be anypeaceful coexistence of ideologies."n:,,"li,t.ized thos..yho. "think religion

Atl, il'IFrlrF,I'[ATrr_rl'l r]rlrI'ITATI,IEIi 10gg1g6riEF.I II'] I :., I-WL- LA::1 ::i I FIEIIIrATE Ui- I!- J[t[ti: I:Y a.r:r:j:-] r.tr trtrl,r,,'51_I',jEl

'4rt anall'si.s ol sonte of the "peect: entryr'Iir:rrl.s" i.ssrrrr/ ht Iltt, 2Oth [t,rtlrrrl,.pnrticttlurl.v uoPucctrt In'f erri.s."



Page 10: Pope John XXIII's FBI File

viewed the conclitions which follorvedWorld War I -. hatred between nations, fear of the future, clitss rvatrfare,breakdorvn of farnily life, and spiritualdisruption

- and urged that nren re-

store God to public and 1>rivate life asthe only source of peace.

Pius XllPolle Pius XII, knoln as a tircless

foe against Communism, issued his firstpeace encyclical April 15, 1945. In"Communium Interpretes Dolorurn,"("Appeal For Praryers For Peace DuringMay"), he said that corrduct rvill changeonly if rrren lrave a change of heart, andthat peace depends on justice and char-itv.

He called for public prayers forpeirce again July 19, 1950, ;n "SurnntiMirerori.s," and sarid that people rvantpeace but do not use the right lneans:"prayer, penance, expiation and ob-servance of the Commandments."

ln "Miriabile Illud," ("Crusade OfPrayer lior Peace"), I)ecember 6, I950,Pope Pius XII r:alled for a sacred cru-sade to oppose unrestrained struggleelmong treoples.

After the abortive Hungarian Revo-lution, of October 1956, Piu.s XII issued"Luctuosissimi Eventus, October 28,trrging prayers for a peace tlased onjustice for the people of EasternEurope, particularly the Hungarians.FIe condemned the shocking violationof civil rights and personal liberty.

In "Laetamur Admodum," Novem-ber l, 1956, he asked prayers for thesolution of the Egypt-Israeli crisis.

His third encyclical on peace wit,hina week, "Datis Nuperrime," issuedNovember 5, 1956, condemned the bru-tal attack on freedom in Hungary, andurged the world to make efforts to-wards a just and lasting peace.July-September, 1963


"Peoce on osrth . . con be esloblished onlyif the order lsid down by God be dutifully


qualifying statements containcd in theencyclical

- staternents that showed

quite clearly the entire encyclicalrested solidly on a foundation ba.sed onChristian principles. Pope J<,rhn first ad-dressed his encS,glical, not just to Cath-olics, but "to all men of good will."Then followed his oltenirrg staternent:

ttPeace on earth, rvhich men of everyera have most eagerly yearned for, canbe firmly established ONI,Y Ili' 'IHEORDER LAID DOWN BY GOD BEDTJTIFULLY OBSERVED.''

Toward the end of the encyclical, heemphasized again: "In fact, there canbe no peace between men, unless thereis peace within each one of them; un-less, that is, each one builds within him-self the order wished by God . . .

"However peace will be but anempty-souncling rvord unless it istounded on the ordpr which this prcs-sent document, (encyclical), has out-lined in conficlent hope an orderfounded on truth, built according toiustice, vivified and integrated bycharity, and put into practice in free-dom.

"This is such a noble an'J elevatedtask that human resources, even thoughinspired by the most praise-worthygood will, cannot bring it to realiza-tion alone help from on high isnecessary."

Can. you imagine the Cornrnunistscalling down God's lrelp to further theirattempts at an atheistic peace? Can youimagine them allowing the rnillions en-slaved behind the Iron and BambooCurtains, to live in peace and freedom?With their reign of brutal terror sub-

see that in offering the'hand of friend-ship, the Pope was actually "callingtheir bluff," by inviting the Cornrnun-ists to prove they truly were nlen ofgood will, through the establishmentot' a just peace founded on divine larv.

Communist ReactionWhat vrits the response of the Corn-

munisLs to "PaeL'ln In Terris?" In thebeginning, It'titny Communi,st pr-rblica-tions prinl.erl lengthy excerpts andfavorable comrnents. For exarnple, inrhe United State-s, the official Com-mun.ist publication, "The Wot'l(er',"carried editorials and articles for sev-eral u,eeks in April and May, whichindicated the Red leaders here weredeliriously ecstatic, in reading into thecncyclical an official Church endorse-ment of peaceful coexistence on theirtcrms which means a Comrnunistdorninated rvorld.

fhe Communist Party, USA accuallywa.s so brazen as tcl send letters to nrostall of tlrs Catholic colleges in thiscq,r ntry, offering to provide Comtnun-ist'. spc.akers to address the students,and explain or interpret for them themeaning of the encyclical. Norvlrerein all the Cornrnunist pr<lpaganda wasthere any rnention ol the moral prin,:r-plers laid down by the late Holy Father,as the necessary requisite s for truepeace.

After a while, hou'ever, the truthnrust have d:rrvned on lhe Cornnruniststhat they were the ones really "on thespot" as a result of the encyclical.First, the Valican Radio, within a weekafter "Pacem In 'Ierris" was released,broadcast a special warning to theworld that the Reds were distortingthe true meaning of the Holy Father'swords. Another Vatican Radio broad-cast of May 7, 1963 warned:

"ft is necessary to StV, and to re-peat and to convince people, that Com-

ciai erio;t i" -ri;iJ'it,:;';;l'

r,"'iiiJofor a program of action "to opposereligion with active, militant anti-re-ligious work."

The Communists relentlessly carryout such programs of extermination ofreligious rvorship and belief, while atthe same time Khrushchev hues usrvith his smiles into signing a nucleartest ban agreement and other conces-sions that can only hasten the day of0ur own destruction.

From thcir own statements, then,it can be seen they have no illusionsabclut "Pacem [n 'ferris," alnd have re-jected its call for a peace based on thedivine principles of truth, justice, char-ity and liberty.

At his death, Pope John nlust haveseen that the Colnmunist.s would rejectsuch a peace. According to the front-page articles in nrany papers, on theday of his death, the Pope's personalsecretary, told the mourners that PopeJohn had sarid on his death-bed: "I'mafraid. I fear my children might be-come involved in a new war."

Some of rhe wrlrst distortions oftruth, concerning "Pacem In Terris,"came over Pope John's words about theUnited Nations. ltecall if you will someof the banner headlines in both the sec-ular and "liberal" Catholic press, S-iet-infi that J '-ufavorable way to the UN, had called fora super-state, a one-world government,with a world police force designed tokeep peace, even at the expense of na-tions having to surrender their nation-al sovereignty. Nothing could be fur-ther from the truth.

Rt. Rev. Msgr. R. G. Bandas, STD,et M., (in the May 2, 1963 issue of

{Concluded on back page)Poge 5


Page 11: Pope John XXIII's FBI File

" L) iv -1ile Lr-,v e "]lr'€.s,-o, (r.riiif, L,

The Popes

(Concluded f rom pqge 5 )

"The Wanderer," 128 E. Tenth Street,St. Paul l, Minnesota), proved con-clusively that the English translation,as published in practically all Dio-cesan and secular papers, erred gravelyby omitting a most irnportant phrarse.Without this phrase, the impressionwas given that the I-Ioly Father wasendorsing the original IJN Declara-tion Of Human - Rights, withoutcriticism. But with the phrase inserted,it can be seen the Holy Father acknow-ledged that the Declaration was subjectto just criticism. and that the Pope hadreservations in spite of his favorablewords about the UN in general.

Generally circulated English text:ttSome objections and reservationswere raised regarding certain points inthe Declaration (of Human Rights).There is no doubt, however, that thedocument represents an important stepon the path toward the juridical-politi-cal organization of the world commun-ity."

The offic:ial Latin text: r'Nos profec-to non praeterit, quaedam Professionishuius capita minus probanda nonnullisvisa esse: NEQUE ID IMMERITO.Nihilominus Professionem eandem ha-bendam esse censernus quendam quasigradum atque aditum ad iuridicalempoliticamque ordinationem constituen-dam omnium populorum qui in mundosunt'.t'

Monsignor Bandas, a noted theolo-gian and recognized authority on Vat-ican affairs, then offered the followingas a literal translation of the officialLatin text:

"It does not escape Us that someconsider certain points in this Dec'laration (of Human Rights) as lessdeserving of approval: AND. JUSTI;I

_.SO-.- Nevertheless, we think that theDeclaration is to be considered as a

CERTAIN step, as it were, (the wordtimportant' is not contained in the Lat-in text), and an approach to the iuri-dical and political organization of all

ples in the world."From this we see that the I{olY Fa-

ther admits there is just criticism ofthe more idealistic UN Declaration OfHuman Rights, which was never for-mally ratified or adopted, but ratherhas been replaced by a much watered-down and in some respects essentiallyaltered Covenant Of Human Rights. '

Nowhere in the encyclical does Pope

The Holy Father, in "Pacem In 'fer-ris," went on to declare that in a worldcommunity, such as the UN, mernber-ship must be voluntarY, and nationsmust -be permitted To keep their free-dom. ana


1,TuI'.1t affairs.This is in complete con-/- 1 ttast wiTElFt--mmonly advocated ver-

i I sions of the "one-worlders." who want


And Peace

No Bfankef ApprovalFinally, even though Pope John did

speak somewhat favorably of the ideaof the United Nations, he did not givea blanket endorsemeltt or approval toall the organization did or represented.Here is what Pope John did sry, con-cerning the UN:

'5It is our earnest WISH that theLJnited Nations Organization in itsstructure and in its means may be-come ever more equal to the magni-tude and nobility of its tasks."

Likewise, when the UN Secretary-General, U-Thant, visited Pope Paul inJuly, although the Holy Father spokefavorably of the ideals of the UN, healso expressed the hope that the organ-ization rn'ould live up to those publicly-profess e ope str. tod'

"We avail ourself of the occasion torenew the expression of our esteem,and of Our }IOPES for the fundament-al program of the United Nations, es-pecially in regard to the eliminationof war, the assistance of developingpeople, and of those in need of de-fense and promotion, the lawful liber-ties of individuals and social groups,and the safe-eparding of the rjghts .qqd _

dignity of the huma-n person."

ES andHOPES of Pope John XXIII and PopePaul VI concerning the UN, to be con-sidered a blessing or approval of A[,f,the organization has done or says. NoPope can fail to be concerned abo.uttrue world peace, and to do all in hispower to work toward such a goal. NoPope, therefore, can ignore a world-wide organization such as the UN,which is publicly established for theprofessed purpose of maintainin!peace, law and order.

Pope Benedict XV spoke favorablYof the League Of Nations. But in spiteof his favorable words of hope and en-couragement, and call ing for prayers rfor divine guidance on its deliberations,

Ithat organization failed miserably in I

its efforts to maintain peace. It finallycollapsed because it was not foundedon true Christian principles of moralityand justice.

So, also, in spite of the favorablewords of praise and hope sPoken bYboth John XXIII and Paul VI about theUN, that organizatron rn'ill likewisefail to rnaintain world peace, and willeventually collapse, unless it is guidedby God-given Christian principles inits deliberations, decisions and actions.
