May/June 2015 - BattleCry 1 Pope Francis Making a Sharper Left Turn Pope Francis is rapidly embracing the new humanist religion of big government to cure the world’s ills. Here he greets the head of the UN Food and Agriculture Administration (FAO). Prosperity comes only through righteousness, not global government. One of the arguments that Roman Catholics have against Protestants is that Protes- tants are all fragmented into the hundreds of denominations. “Rome never changes” is a common theme. However, the present Jesuit pope is doing a left turn that illustrates how the Vatican has always tried to ride herd on wherever history happened to be going. Francis’s path is in direct line with the Vatican’s long range plan. Ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera describes that centuries-long plan in the Alberto Series of the Crusader Comics available from Chick Publications. The early papal institution was organized under Constantine in the 4th century. From that time on, the goal has been world-wide control using spiritual bondage. In the west, this peaked during the dark ages where the strategy was basically convert or die, or pay tribute.

Pope Francis making a sharper left turn, excerpt from Battle Cry.doc

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Pope Francis Making a Sharper Left Turn

Pope Francis is rapidly embracing the new humanist religion of big government to cure the worlds ills. Here he greets the head of the UN Food and Agriculture Administration (FAO). Prosperity comes only through righteousness, not global government. One of the arguments that Roman Catholics have against Protestants is that Protes- tants are all fragmented into the hundreds of denominations. Rome never changes is a common theme. However, the present Jesuit pope is doing a left turn that illustrates how the Vatican has always tried to ride herd on wherever history happened to be going. Franciss path is in direct line with the Vaticans long range plan. Ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera describes that centuries-long plan in the Alberto Series of the Crusader Comics available from Chick Publications.

The early papal institution was organized under Constantine in the 4th century. From that time on, the goal has been world-wide control using spiritual bondage. In the west, this peaked during the dark ages where the strategy was basically convert or die, or pay tribute. Reaction to this Inquisition- punctuated period led to the Reformation in England and America and the Enlightenment in France and Europe. The popes initially backed Hitler and Lenin to regain control, but that phase did not go well.

In Asia, Jesuit missionaries schmoozed their way into the graces of the leaders for a time, until their goal of domination was discovered. Several dozen countries expelled the Jesuits declaring all Christians as unwanted. True missionaries have had difficulty penetrating some of those countries such as China and Japan, ever since.

So, where are we today? The tiger has turned sly fox. After World War II, Vatican planners decided to abandon warfare and stress ecumenical love, instead. Beginning in the early 1960s, they convened an Ecumenical Council dubbed Vatican II. The general purpose of the Council was to redirect the efforts of the Church to the modern world.Much confusing language has been employed in this shift, but basically it is intended to keep the pagan doctrines of works salvation, virgin goddess worship, wafer god, priestcraft, etc. intact while making friendly noises to everyone outside. The language was changed from heretic to separated brethren. Leaders of other world religions, even governments, were invited to ecumenical prayer gathers. A new, warm face was turned toward the Jews.

Most mainline Protestant denominations were quick to respond. Even Evangelicals fell for the new image, mostly ignoring the fact that none of the unbiblical doctrines were changed.Now, with this new Jesuit pope, we see the next chapter. Rivera noted that Rome always adapts to the changing times. She sees clearly that the prevailing new world religion is secular humanism, expressed politically in the liberal left. Pope Francis is taking up the leftist, socialist talking points of anti-capitalism, climate change, preferential option for the poor, income inequality, anti-war, globalism, etc.None of this is about the true, biblical gospel. It is all about Catholicisms millennium-old thirst for world power. There has been much speculation over the years of the popes position as the last-days anti-Christ or maybe the False Prophet. One thing is sure: pagan rituals guarantee that she is not part of the biblical church of Jesus Christ.

Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? Galatians 4:16Dear Ones in Christ:My heart goes out to the billion precious Roman Catholics trapped in the jaws of the great whore found in Revelation, chapter 17.They are terrified of leaving this religious monster that controls them from birth to death. They are caught in a web of religious traditions never mentioned in scripture. They are now in the hands of a very dangerous Jesuit as their new pope, who believes he is God on this earthand the Roman Catholics believe it, too.If a Catholic person gets saved and makes Jesus Christ his personal Saviour, the whore condemns him for the sin of presumption, a Council- of-Trent law. Most go crawling back into the arms of the monster. In the 1950s, you couldnt find a Catholic claiming to be a Christian, it was always, Ill die a Roman Catholic. Now, all of them claim to be Christians since the Vatican council of the 1960s a new face!Can they be reached with our gospel tracts? You bet they can. I received a letter from a tract-passing U.S. soldier stationed in Germany.During bad weather some cars and trucks were involved in a terrific crash. He arrived at the scene and began passing out tracts to those stuck in traffic. He came to a car that had three nuns and handed each a copy of Are Roman Catholics Christians? And went on his way.

His home was in Germany and when discharged he reenlisted. A few years later, at a big tennis tournament, two excited ladies approached him say, Remember us? He said, I am sorry, I dont.They replied, We were the three nuns you gave Are Roman Catholics Christians? To at the big accident. We read the tracts and all three of us got saved!!! We left the Roman Catholic Church and are passing out tracts, too!

Beloved, they work! Many ex-Roman Catholics in heaven will bless you for telling them the Truth.

Your brother in Christ, Jack Chick

BATTLE CRYPublished by:

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Editor - George A. Collins

Published six times yearly. Battle Cry is published by Chick Publications, producer of Chick cartoon gospel tracts. Join the tens of thousands of Christians worldwide who have found a fulfilling personal ministry using Chick tracts.

For free catalog and sample, call 909-987-0771.Editorial and publication headquarters at 8780 Archibald Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730. Copyright 2015, Chick Publications, Inc.Visit us online: www.chick.comA sample from: Smokescreens (available at www.chick.com ) Smokescreens

For the Ecumenical Global Religion


My deepest appreciation to Dr. Alberto Rivera for his help in awakening us to the dangers facing the believers in Christ.

Jack T. Chick

Greetings in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. What you are going to read in this book is absolutely devastating. The information and the facts were going to present are going to change your life. Be patient with me and please follow through to the end of the book. Youll never be the same.

Most of you know from studying your Bibles that Satan will build a false Superchuch the whore of Revelation, chapters 6, 13, 17 and 18. According to Bible prophecy, she will have great political, economic, military, and educational power, and she will persecute and murder the true believers inChrist.

I always used to wonder how Satan would be able to pull this off right under Christians noses without them being aware of what was happening, and fighting back. But Satan is the master deceiver and I am beginning to see how he has cleverly set up smokescreens to hide the identity of the whore from the majority of Christian believers. Let me explain what I mean by a smokescreen. In warfare, you have enemy action. When theyre moving in, they set up a smokescreen. And the smoke confuses everyone so that you dont know where your enemies are. Thats one technique. The other is a fifth column where you have a country thats about to fall. So you send in agents and they wear the people down saying its hopeless, or saying, no, the enemy isnt really going to attack. And they in a sense, put up their own smokescreens to confuse the issue before the assault comes.

I believe an assault is coming by the whore of Revelation. I believe they are setting up smokescreens, and that there are others within the Christian community that are setting up smokescreens. Now, we believe at Chick Publications, the whore of Revelation is the Roman Catholic Institution. Our position is not something new. During the Reformation you had men like Martin Luther, John Knox, Calvin, a great number of them, and then the great preachers like Moody, Finney, Spurgeon and so on, they all believed the same thing, that the Vatican was the whore. It wasnt until lately that things have changed.

You see, the Jesuits influenced people and they started setting up smokescreens during our times, through our theological seminaries, and when that smokescreen came up we started seeing the whore of Revelation in a different light. They said, Oh, no, this is something coming in the future. Or, That happened way back in the past. This is done to confuse the Christians. Today, many people believe this. They have been beguiled like I was when I first listened to some of these people. It was a clever smokescreen. I was confused at first, but now I see the whore in her fullness, and it is scary.

I want to show you in this book some of her activities in the past, what shes doing today and what her ultimate goal is for the future. Some will be overwhelmed when they hear this message, but I believe with all my heart that this information must be told. People must be aware of whats going on and how Satan is working to destroy the work of God in these closing hours.

There has been a multi-million dollar campaign made through the media to convince people that I am a bigoted, anti-Catholic, hate literature publisher. And do you know something? They have been very effective in convincing people that this is what I am. The truth is, I love the Catholic people enough to risk my life and my business to reach them with the gospel of Christ to pull them out of this false religious system theyre now serving. I know what this system has done in the past and what it is planning for the future. I believe youll understand when Ive finished this message, where Im coming from... Smokescreens Table of Contents:












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