'" " < 'iU'WpmVPBPI^ipHlliHMp fmmmm .„-.-.* -V.»»w\«»»»v»»*w \V%f»«**»T.lV»*V»*«**»»***»V*»*«*** , -*«****** ** »**'*************"* I INTERVILLE DEPARTMENT! \ In Charge of F. C. NYE i Authorised Agect oi The Eastern R< Hector lor Wintervilk and Vicinity- Advertising Rates on Appiicaiicn I boy to mow 11 his homj Christ- An HE MISSISSIPPI. Wefts Can Fi« MI drugs just in. H; rinmon Barber & Co. Mi . [aggie Butt is moving \ ... r. ; ij.u. i in tOWIJ. \V . . . \\ -Icome h< r and Jl.llll.. I. ..h. Tii ... lountof furniture going tut from A. W. Anal & CoV s.ore is v: r.derful these days. ?fie - King nt « pric« * ; ... - i pie •• ng it out. I G-v< . ii » trial. W. W . F rts . wh !..; accept- j . t\ .. . c >t" : rent ! mos day. Fresh seed rye. ' rrington, Barber & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Prank James, of Grindool. spent the holidays here with relatives, The new reversible disc har- Irow is indispensable on an up to- date farm. See us before buy- it .-. Harrington. Barber & Co. rdi>s Lucy Manning, of H ithel, cam.' in Tuesday to be present at tne fox-Bryan marriage Wednes- day afternoon. jet ihe "Syracuse" plow for tearing up new grounds, Harrington, Barber & ^o- ~: . Edmuudson Bpent the ili h at ins home near Ba* A w».» C3.6 i -.vi'.;; A, G Cox, );:.-; d here. neadquord - E r go >: h . . .. A. G. C '. ' •. Co. ' : ..-. .'.. ... .' e ; re . •' ' in Marl n reka. visiting Mr. Ange's pa- Ch ens end eggs a specialty. . .. and get the best prices. i. . .. : rtiie Hunsuc prbu*v- tiarnngton, Baroer&Co. gi . . lil, going. Cali u# bc« ,.. have just opened a iarge c... Kti :k of runabouts be- ,i.. of best enamel ware. Come f L'rit ••'. are inter - . .... your pick. e.- A. <>. £ ':<.' & ' ... . . 10. B I. C. J. ;..:.;< B '" J----- A. : .„ barmvii .-. v. re \ , re ' ' . . i. . .... . . i - Cull.| ... . ... <. tu kit'- I ... ... V . . 1 -V ...;, .• i . .. for 0 .. .: . .. COUI j ... - . : . . . tOC .. > Co. ... .. I t..i '. i.. .. B. '.' .... ,....,... :.. I u •. .i ... .. .:•-.. . dusti u -..'. .. >.. i..- : L uur at ; ' I .' .... . lull .. thi Par H ::.•. n ad '. •' >' -. Manu ifa turin r C ..-.'. i i . ard ] ' ' t i to Tame Hsr if the Should Cct Decpsratc. The .. . J iiS] - eron in i t and the in ip re* of l«vcmakinjr, while e\ "ii-.M'. need not l"' con- sidered in the light oi a kopelesi undcri i' king. Ham i .'•• ' !- ;Hi:il: m chaperon ma> !»• ii •••• . fed wilh, ol! IT that on* i- . •• ' ' a> '•• :•. Si m Explanfttion of How Run Uphill. Can irater ma uphill? It would ho ;l Icgitill air ull.-WiT 10 this i|1106- Hon perhaps t" cite the flow of wa- ter tl rou£h .i .-«, .' . ' '. - i si a Il i •- . i it .; . n I course when drunk \>) an ani- mal. The inquiry should ( < mads mi '• i iplicit. i . river in in natural i hannel, open to the air, n uphill ? l!r.po»«ib!e o tl-is .• "i-. it i:. -.". eftablithcil fact. In t:.:ih. cvtry nver flowing towarJ the equator for a sultirienl distamo runs upl The mouth of the Mississippi ii three mi leu hii : er than its no in e— tha ..-. Minnesota, where the Mis- ppi ri,-es. i- I hree miles nearer tin center of the earth than i- the Advice to the Aged. Age brlnRS Inflrmltks, «uch us »lus- iri»h boMclA. «nk kklnc>b unJ bind. dcrandlOKHULIVLK. Tutt'sPills have II spec iflc rffecl on these orRani, hlimulittinte the hmul-.i .iusiin Ihcm to perform their natural fuoctionsaa In youth and IMPARTING VIGOR to the kidney*, bladder and LIVriR. Tfc.y a.c uUupUd tu uU and }ounj;. (in , - tin vouiu c an lik i" have pull of Mexico. In the reason for this difference in level mil! be fonnd :i i!ui '. .;'. . With some gir il a tre.il di al safer. ( : ie chaperon is young and handsome and onlv slightly mar- ried herself, - may be a preat ad- dition. In ease the (irl ;. - ba '. on you at D •' 11 you , i:>' fall I k "ii the chaperon. i | eron - of this di -. i ipti >n be- i r ". :i v !il i ( ' mp ithy <i u ' ' tlv e |R'i i ' . | ..,'-. | ai A in > I ihle, <!" not ip " ' I i ' I! Iier that peroi have n; -. ' ; . ;• ,| j:' possible pive ' er kont < i>p early in the ev nil . 0 i pen " ' . : ' ii w,. !' ' I con- ' ' ienee, i... . ihe kind 1 t never the explanation of the river'- uphill fli r. \- any schoolboy will tell u>. the etirtl is a ball Hal ti nod at tlie pn i Tl - flstten njr, while comp ir dive n i-if. i> siill anflicienl ti ir ' , Ihe polai din meter t«i ci .i in' hhni r tlw i Ihe e i ' I i other Ihe north and the south !»>!,• pre fo n II ' - i i" the earl h's ,,., than i I pquator. Vow, the <1 ' o from the neri! •. is i!,000 m '!e . ' ! >in the so re Increased Mail Facilities. Postmaster R. C. Flana;-an 'a'!vises us that beginning Janu- ary 4th railway postofflee service will be e-tabli*hed on Norfolk & Southern trains No?. 14 and 15, operating between Raleigh and Washington. This regular mail service will Oisjilace the pouch service Mr. E S. LauthiDghoase Dead. Pitt county lost a good citizen in the death of Mr- E. S. Laugh- inghouse which occurred Christ- mas night at his home near Grif- ton. Mr. Laughinghouss was about 62 years of age and leaves a wife but no children, he was a son of the late Mr. W. J. Laughinghouse, of Grimesland, and entered the Confederate army when a lad of only 1C years, and went through the war a gal- lant soldier. He was a man of in.iustry and integrity, and one whose moral example made an impress for good upon all with whom he came in contact. He wis a ccusin of Mr. J. J. Laugh- inghouse, of Greenville. A DANGEROUS OPERATION is the removal of the append 1 * by a sur- beretofore handled bylgfj"? N««mtwlio takes Dr. KOIBSIMW , , , ,. , ' Life HI iH is* ver subject to this iiiL'hl- th'se trams oi.ly between Kai- f„ior'e..i The/wwkao quietly you end Greenville, dot tlVtl them. They cure omstiputionc of the !dis.*ii ; 'i : '•• •'.. , r i !' ' rlh :' i . re. there ; - n il f Ii of fn'ii teen eigh, W ilson Tne chanve iui ther increasee the mail facilities hero, and i" espe- cially cor.vii.ient in getting maii to points cast of In re oh i!i- evening trains, as well ei local mall to point" westward en the early mo:*nintr trains'. It will make regular mail fervice on eightdnily tr-iii Bpaa ing through Gnen^ili-. :; lache, b iliousucHH and ma ana. Z5, ai J. L. wooten'i Drugstore, i i . , . .i i , - M teen i . iivs i i es< I'vcrj one e^e i-, , , . . . . a linn ... . i to bend-r > ma ' ae pun .', " '.•' ' ' ', ". : l in t«pu*hi e- ' Aril In Bi-I L"1 : i II " i ; I 'i- :. Vi ou •. thi i HI l,.vei Pill . . •• - . V '"•• Is t' ,r h|.i.us . ii Ti.} So<i b In. Quiet Chrisluai Greenville had a (juiet, or.lerly Christmas '.hat was more in keeping with the wav the day should be observed. Of course the boys had fun, and there was the shooting of lire works, but much lesa noise than usual. The . . was much anjuyed and no lent . i."i:-<iu, ncy has been : . 'ted. 'i i ir-. or I we.! . . . , C ' Tb . h Co . ...... ... . . .'.'. .. rvilli . : I ii . ... ;• the h ilid lys. . ...-, "Alls .. ' "Jai ' co ik i: i< '.'• - .•• ha ' ' " have them pi a interest you. ' ' a! so ; .'.. II e of 1 .. and p i .. ; in i ,. V ! Il "' ' '-. ill In ill •;. . II th ' Hi . When, ! 'i . -'. the thro' the esi mi iti •'"'. - i like :i ilr i •> ' v r from ;• -.' . i. -• p : •! bow, and reaiis you liavi . 'i . I will git I ip| •. i the i ' ' r. l icring i >'.! can i -. cirir dc.itli. She ' ' . •' : :•* . . not oi-il ; .-on . in !' ' .' £'.(.rc Juried. j H. GIL's vatere.l bv t.ie , ,.'...; ,., Aboul 8u*K t'cl Pntu li y night, '•. ' "• J. I!. Cohb, :-t I'allani'a X . rni'ii in " Greei vi •. de . . , .,,| ' y '.- ''' •' i i,.!. J from ." ' .- ei. i. vipkw v, - i R wai- .•-.:..''' the i-i r's n lir ; . : '' . for I ' tf„ . tore .. II . v.' iei ' in ' •,' ; l.. I ' gmifilv rc< >| ,., |p f l | :. M ii a '...:: , : " pi i 'nml. v : ' \. ; i -i I . : i . I .... n i ;> ;.:;... :.. i'i:u.-ui'*s 1" r Hi,- Kidneys are little i: Me i i lobules which act directly on !i k*dneys. A triul wbl convine« yoa oi uj ck resulis for Uscl ache, IJhcu- DI ai I >m. Lumbago and tind wornout feeling, HI' days' trial fl.Ol They i ,r. v th« l.'loi-.i. Bod bv John I. Wooten. Lcdd Sale. 1,'v virtue of a decree of the Superior < irl of I'm eoui ly in special proeeod- In-; No. 1688, entitled N..i:n!e I). Bag- v..il, admx. against P, K. BsgMrell and hers, the undertigncd coumie-loner vi I y ' I fi r .'iish, bsfdrs the court i. use il or III Greenville on Monday, Mr, Col ' was 11 wi rlt i '" ; I i 11 1 -.' ;;',! . I '. •' r ; r , . .^,i i ir '•_. l-nowl '-• nf iJan. 4th, 1909, the following described ' ' i parcel or I t of land situate in said the fire was When (lames : irst| CO unty and State and in ihe town of through t>.: p . itioii cl to him. The tire had made Fuch .• .: : ..:.,. bei i. Notice, ..... rcai ; . : I!; .. I ' - .. i' ' 'run ut, the . .,., i (i,. ji |;.-1 ,,, . , #r - ' f 0! ;iveness.— I" 1 ' ' i * ii i twn i II in 1 r, •. . - , , ,, ,, _ !. ; ai Mi ae_ \ . a dwny that practically . ,, . , about thi- fii' cou'd be sav«d. the building and t„t| I, I A vayc B«t. j v ,. :; .,„ , ,..;, . : , : ,-.,.,. , , _,, ^^ „,.:.,,. , ,,<; r , >v ol. Mr. » .. to increased a< to cxci !•.•.- i o.i.-.»_ i.. ' . ' . : ,' , tion ahueemaM ... fr.ni I •... , •: ib asked. : r„. . ..... . . . •' i .... i . . . . ' . : a oil ir i i State of! . . . . rhi . Cox .?... •. . . pi; . I v.ith thui .... ,.. T .. L I ': maderl and ''" "" Y. C. My« spent tl. .. with i I itiv i in Ii bei . . u . tv ;.ri: Qtui int. Mrs, Nj an ! chi ,!i n will spend netim with i. near Chapt I Hill. Any one in need of a goi d and up-to-ditc buggy will do weil to see Mr. Hunaucker at the .'.. G. Cox Manufacturing Co, bef re they buy Buggy business is rushir.j; and we would advise that you place your orders early. Cooper & Braxton hiive erected a saw mill on the l»t formerly occupi'-d by the Wlnterville Mfg. Co. A full just in. A. VV. Ange & Co. Rev. T. H. Kin<< filled his reg- ular appointment at Goldsboro Sunday. We IN carrying a nice line of Coffins and Caskets. Prices are Tight and can furnish nice hearse service. A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. The spring term of Wlnterville Hiijh school opened Monday morning with a good attendanc?. All have settled down to work. A large attendance is expected this spring. The "New Royal" sewing ma- chine is one of the best on the market. See us for prices that will be of interest to you. A. W. Ange & Co. Ben Sotton had a bou>icia '•; . i •• - : : r v n . i Jayol ... in it] ..-. , i ... i . to | '. : _. . . ; v., onlv i. r i :-" i . : ;. ; i r ' : . i .H tl I .' ' le , : ; , i little betti un the i . , .- , ; iie II i n i '. I i i . . with iphi r.' riiat, everv-' r . '•' I . .,.' IS ' . ; I.l '. , . [u'.ly, thoi thi i . ; , tha cheek's eou- , I the hair about | i r : !'.. ilo pbo- .' i giot ,.:.. ... ross, ami you'll ] I D of i -ii of them ' .: .ide of the fane."— e for'n II \ r '... A i tl i .... . / ,.., i tal i , Mi- is tl : pulf.-l i ; . i i rif'j . ( to l •ci •• .. " il i', !' ' I, . . . . : i fluids OR lb. ' M ' ". .. ll " .' |, ;,,.. had $8,000 iasura c 11 H. A. > hive a a ' icy St G.-oenville. Cl ,'- . Il 'i ''I-.. i . j ti i i, ' Ii I ':.i ^, , . | IUp. il ll« i, ' •• en tb r. PI ai i i.. i Jii . i n f i'i I ..... ; ,l. , : . : up •• Ii 0| il ib, J iL. I Greenville, known aa tin offlcerroperty recently occupied hy tie* lu'e Dr. Bag- irell an., now occupied by Dr. Monill, :I;<I heing a one tout tu divided Interest n the following lot: aegiming at a i> lint on Third street B2 feet fr.mi the i- rn. r of lit No. 91, and runs south parallell with Evans or .Main street, 72 . it, thence psraUel with Third street, - i-- to lot No, 79. thence 'along the line of lot No. 7-nortlito Third street, tncrxe along'third street, <astto the eginning. This the Sthday of Dec. '9 8. Nannie I). Bagwell, ['. (i. James, Af.'y. Cornmi hioner. ... . the c .... Ii.vv-: 1 lot I v i ' ' - :. . ',.' ....! oi bp H. S 1 r i ...... th li I al A . D, ;. . i . .. i,:, i . i; v.i >t by Caroli a i ! il l.i ... P" 1 I ' ' '•' N s. i end a in b •. k B. factl ange. thr ' v. •, ' -i ed i' Hi II. Ptj i'.. . the T he Fnr«. i 'nil- I- bow II ilrlver of II. prl on van kno?:. i ' '• Marl i, d la .-,- i ni hi '' > wi ii il be wii on He M Hsi -, TLo igfa L. D, Wa i". illing h ' m ai ! ho came i.;- lii g a : fung I dy in his stockfiig. the little N arrived Si ' t< ay moi niiig ji si t an hour ifter Christma: It .. ;'l'.l ,1 .: I lip ,i sky / ... ih' rtuT " ( ' ' of I le ci i li i r He 'i nil er, 19 '. J ' : llti . Mort; . . A gr.ee. \V. i . il . .. Ait m Remarkable Cucumber. Saturday Mr, J. A. Tyson of this township brought a large cucumber to The R Hector ollice that was pulled from a vine in his garden tl e later part of August, and was put away to dry for seed. At the time it was ineof best mattresses pulled the cucumber was yellow, but ntter it was put away it turned iireen again and grew ab ml one-third larger than it was when pulled off the vine. This is no "fish story" either, as vlr. Tyson say? he has plenty of witness to prove it by. i. ,i... \ i.< : blm: •I;.I i.n. I-. . Inside, lloborir* "TUere's room for one," replied the driver "We kep" li f--r you." N",,i rii'i. j dlaci II •TI il. Hi'- »it n '•• in.- ih I li "Wi I'l 11 t irnl" In- asked. The answer entlrclj estlDgalsbod blm "lir. :ul :i'l water—-.nil 1 as you had beti re!" Pearson's Weekly. The C-f.-l Circus. The rum II i Coliseum In old Rome, maealve ae II wa», was a mere toy la comparison with the great circus, which llllnl the vnil.-y between Ihi- Palatine and the AventlBe hills The Coltaeam la said to have been stile i sent 80,000 people, while Ih I capacity of the great elreus was. at different periods, 180,000, 9BO,000 and, lastly, 880,000 spectators. The great tin us »in probably the most mi iendnni building ever erected fur pub lie spectnek-s.—New York Aiuerl un Memory, N;l Mystery. "Mi morv e. u play the i-trun of trii ' - " '",' ' : '-'> '• " ' ' ' •' it iv po liblc lor not a few super- h w ay «vf celebret i- the ver ,-,,. j ,,.', ,, ,j mca in pi U ces nance had just expired, where her surronndiogs teemed to Sale of Real Property. By virtu of a power of sale contained ii ;i certain mortgage deed executed and . Ivered bvJohn It. Iluek and wife rj I. Buck, on tlie litii day of Keb- ii v. 19>7, to \J. K. Smith, as appears < . •iril in the register of deeds ofllee Pitt county, in book Q.*8page 27, the undersigned will on Baturt ay the day of January 1909, expose to pub- li.' sale before the court house door in t'itt county, to the higheat bidder for ....-:,. the followuig tract or tarcel of lying I'.-iil being In Pitt county have been known to her before, thourh BUS knew Ih it she had never bi in there previously. Probably \i\<\ will -,i aizo llii> experioni '. which '>:• common enough. How many pcoj c, when reading or lis- tening to a converaation, bacon rsguely conscious that they have read the passage or beard the Idi i Weal words In 'the dim, long part!' -It i.- not a haunting mystery, bal just a wav that memory has. In- RWOI I'.IKS. numeral I e improssiomj of tin- most |/.ans ami discounts if trivial tl ii - are stored in the brain Overdrafts anil will 11,me out when called upon, l-'urnitiire ami fixtures In tin- l.iil-'- case aha bad probably Demand loans u ii a i icture of the leans at some Due from Batiks time, and a view i f the actual placo uml Hankers produced memory's feeble effort to dish Items I North Carolina, and de.se." ., fol- , I lows; Being a part of to. Ma>y A. liuck lam' and being the share deeded u> - id John It. Uuek, nml bounded a.s follows, on the east by Mettii Haddock, and on the South by the W. A. Smith land, and on the west bv K. 0. Smith ami C, ('. Smith containing 63 acres more or less. This sale is made to sat- Pcraonnl txporlenco with a le.be of MarZan Pile li- medy will convince you It ia In modiate relief for al foim oflisfy the termaof said mortgage, riles. Uusrantetd6fe. Sold by John! L. E. Smith, AliJrtpi I.. Wtoton. ny !•'. C. Harding, Attorney. tree. recall it." Plies Cured at Home by New Absorption Method. Shut Him Up. rtaldbeadeil Qentlcmou (having hl« sealing i bootl pollshsd In n hotel)—Confound It. j-ou take an nl ilnnbly long time iibout it. Bboebloi k St, sir. It llo'l Sone so qulel; as when yen 'as your air cut!-London TU Hits. Do you wish to find out the really sublime? Repeat lbe lord's Traycr. - Wasn't a Btauty- Tlred Trnv eler (to borbeW- Bpending the night In a ties plug car doiwi't lni- If you suffer from ileiding. itching, prore one's beauty, decs It? Ilnrlier— blind or protruding Tiles, send me your | doot know what yon looked 111;' address, and I will tell you how to w , (| . n u ltBrtt A |,„t I guess you're core yourself nt home by the new nb- -iinriM-r's Ilaair sorption trci.tinent: and will also send r ' ' gomeof thi^ home treatment free for Do rot forget that !>. Seth Arnold's Bank f Wlnterville. AT WINTERVILLE. In the State of North Carolina, at the clo.ie of business Nov. 27th liK'8. 10,656.30 OHtf.OS 1,178.5« 200.00 8,108.01 67.80 815.00 i,'iS.,-)() 1,187.00 Quid Coin Silver coin including all minor coin currency National bank notes and other l'. S. noli Total | Jli,!iil7.lL' II MIII.ITIKS. Capital atock * 6,000.00 Surplus Inn«l 400.00 1 nilivnliil profits lesi current cxpeniei uml taxes paid 148.70 Rills payable 8,000.00 Time certificate^ deposit 1,850.16 Dep. subject to check 7,086.00 Cashiers checki out" slundiuy 74.lt* Total * 16,907.18 It .1 am is ihe best known Rem.dv for ' h ' s «"> <&* ° f Oec, 1WI8 ,11 How. I ' omplaints Warranted by I J»"' cs F! - Johnson. I I. Wcoten. State of North Carolina, County of Pitt ss: I, J. L. Jackson. Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of mv knowledge and belief. J. L. JACKSON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, | Correct—Attest J F Harrington, J E Green, Notary I'nblic. I W B Wingato, Directors. home trial, with reference! from your own lornlity if requested. Imraeuists re- lief end oermanent cure assorted, R-mi n<> mor'.: hut tell others of this offer. Write today to Mrs M Summer.-, Box 1', NotreDame, Ind. :•; . ..-. j it. I'be ttvHrtCC*r. ,„Ofl ^w-. W„.«* Maud-You say Jack once proposed to you. I don't believe It. He SSld I was Ihe onlv woman he ever loved Klhel Yes, dear, but he didn't class i-»e ii'-inr-T women. ' , : i «. i. .... ;.i« ..• - Tniaa ii' EES LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP CONFORMS TO NATIONAL PUNt FOOD AND ORUOS LAW. An lir-rnwinr-t over mtr-.y ^o-.ijh. I.mU and BrORehtal H me'les, because It rids the iv, ; ..i % rold by s-tii.j ss s cathinle on tlie bowels. No opiates. G-asrnnteed to |IVS SStJafaetion »r monay reiunded. Prepnrsd by PlNtllLE firDlCSNE CO.. CHICAGO. U. S. A. TOR SALE BY JNO. L. WOOTEN. ] THE EASTERN D. i. WHP4AKD, ErJitor and Owner Truth in Preference to Fiction. VOL. No. XXVI GREENVILLE, PITT COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY. JAN. 8. !909 One Dollar Pci Year NUMBER 2 MODEL TOWN OF EAST CARGLtNAJpoveroment in all our towns and ! cities! GREENVILLE AND THE NEW TEACH ("reenvllle his been getting i larjre sums from the profits of [thedispensary, which closes to- day. It sold out all the intoxi- ! cants—lock, stock and barrel— by noon today and hadn't a ER'S TRAINING SCHOOL Josephus Daniels in Kslrir.h News and Observer Points toGnenville as s Model in Conducting Public Utilities. Greenville. N, C. D-c. 31.-If a person well acquainted with Greenville should have gone west fifteen years ago and codld re- turn today he would not know he was in the same town, except for a few landmarks, and they are so rapidly disappearir.n that "abort" left—if anybody had wanted that quantity. But Greenville will not be troubled by this loss. It did what some of us tried unsuccessful to get Raleigh to do-it did not put the money in the regular city receipts, but used it as a separate fund for street improvements. Therefore there is no dislocation are now close neighbors arid oie of these days Raleigh should en joy the advantagr BttENViun ?mm OCCASION ar.» the architects, and the growth and leads all s-ctionsin Greenville Building Company tin-returns per acre from tie which cheap the contractor. A local company j farm. The past two years in all EAST CAROLINA TEACHERS TRA1N- water transportation to Green-.obtained the contract and it his. the count to east of Pitt the IKGSCII001 ville should give. .demonstrated that a North Car- 'flu ds end heavy rain* have done But the chief step forward t olina company can construct! serious damage. In Pitt the low jlfavsjef Trustees sad State otrd of forward i olina that Greenville and Pitt county'large college buildings as well, price of cotton causes all the have made is in public education. I as companies from Ihe big j farmers who eandosoto hold j Uiidir the leadirship of County cities tnat charge- for their repu- their cotton for living prices. Superintendent Ilugsdile Pitftation. The report of the trustees j To sell now means to swap Jol- has made more progress in build- to tlie Legislature will show that lars. The farmers who make ing public schools than any coun*jthe State owns Land and buildings] large crops aregenerJly holding ty in North Carolina. And here\that could not be replaced lor tha cotton. From cne bi.: life in a few years the Greenville of i of city finances, no necessity to the eighties would not be reeog" the increase tax rate, and no dan- teed Stall, It has gone forward Iger that it will starve the minds steadily and its progress is ten i of its childre* by shortening fold more marked than you would j the school tern , for Greenville suppose unless you were here for | people nave comj to learn- yourself to see the improvements though it took tine for some of and come in touch with the pro- gressive and united spirit that •re e.-sential for the rifcht sort of development. The people have learned to pull together here. By that I do nut mean they think them to grasp it -that it pays in dollars and cents to invest in immortal mind. It may not do some other things it would like to do, but Greenville people wiil not permit its children to lack educa- alike or that there are not sharp itional facilities because of the rivalriesand.keencompelitionani loss of revenue derived by sell- some times the sort of friction necessary to make things move, but they have learned In agree to disagree upon many things, but to pull together for the town. The era of change from the village of 1,200 in the country town to the large and hustling and growing town with it poptl lation of 5,000 has not been at- tended by any booming, wild'CSt speculation, or fr.-nzitd financier- ing by individual-; or the public. These people have made haste slowly and been certain of the solid ground before they have stepped forward. Usually a town that gets out of thi slow village life is in a nurry fur show- ing city Improvements and is tempted to ru-sh headlong into debt The fact thatlGreenville's debt up M last year was only $100,000. and that it owns its ing that which demoralised and injured the town and county. There is not now standing 1 ut two business houses on the chief business street in Green ville that were there fifteen years ago. Scores of modern and elegant houses and hundreds of neat and modern cottages show that the population has grown rapidly and that they have been well housed. Its tobacco section ha? the largest warehouses, prize houses and the like, giving evi- dence of the big tobacco business that has cCCelerats Greenville s growth. The manufacturing plants, yet few in number, are prosperous. The completion of a large veneering plant gives it the best concern of tnat kind in Eastern North Carolina, in every line of business there has been progress and marked •gain they showed wisdom m handling the dispensary profits. Ins-tead of putting that money, which they were wise enough to know was temporary, into the regular school fund to add to the length of th- term, it was kept separate ana apart and used to buibi school nouses until ne irly every district has -i modern school house and most of them have attractive school houses that would do credit to any com-'spirit and the best judgment in munity ten times a; rich. Green- (every step that has been taken. ville delayed in establishing a| * graded school, but when i' de- The chief need today in cur cideJ to do so it buiit a brickIpubkc school policy is capable building that is admirably equip-j teachers specially educateu for ped and under Superintendent!the work. Tab need is felt here Smith is doing fine work. Every tin Pitt and in all Eastern North town in the county-(and no | Carolina. This lacK was tne *175,000 which has cost the-insurance company *50,0O0 WS8 State only $15,000—the amount'.borrowed this week to enable appropriated by the last Legisla-1 farmers to hold cotton- This has ture. The land was sold at aImade money tig'iter than bargain and Greenville and Pitt usual in this a Q in othtr county put up $100,00» which cotton counties, but Gr en- has been spent to better ville looks to the future advantage than any privat i with present prwperlty f.id con- "j citizen could have expended]fidense in creator enlargement it. 'Hie whole Stales owes and prosperity in die new year. a debt to the practical trus !Its business mt-n are second to tees who have shown the properinone in the Stab : it banks I d the rock of Gibraltar; its en-1 EdsKOiioa li .-: :; bsptd tbe nCli&j ,' The- -.1 in North Carolin i - pi ly tran*- ferred to ' '<> nviil iday, the occaM-iii being the meeting of the Bo-:-! of Trustees <>f the East Cpr.ilin-! T ac! ' inuring School aid the State t-oard of Educat "ii t<- ir.sp ci the build- ings no .v m c K i for the school Al : but one E H ' ' . •i..-. fficers wi i- •re i ' ' rifcii , w 1 ii cc-un; :ii ; -: . i; trusts ; ' '. Jo; ol (ir. erection trustees .. of the nt, be- guished ur own !1S t!.e I 0CK Oi uiuramv, i>a cu , , . ,. J. ,i:.:\n terpiises tcundtd upon firm ., __ -,.- : , ,. , . , ,, , '(arr, id iVili . foundations and well man Bed; , its b^r able and resounv fo : , fu'l of public ppirit and leadii g fi r everything to h !p county and town; its public officiali "i', honest, capable," measurino: up to t!i" J. li". r. "iiiar. standard; Chair- li igh; T. : J. O. J. G. Par- : 'tor, {•• ii d, of . . iVilson, . •. Wr.ito, county in the East has so manyIprime motive tiict caused ail thj i-* dailynewi r-; -.•, I). J. W hich- little towns)—has a ] representatives in Easfrn biorto aid'-, Kill ct< ', true t prosperous good bCboo'i, and some of tlie; Carolina to unite to rural school houses are j-jgi HS good as those in the town- Greenville and Pitt county won the victory when the Last! Carolina Teacher*' Training! .cure t;i' << Teachers' the easte a establishment <>i Training school i p rt of the otate. OJ teacners will ie the work ol andinbslliu '. the school here a:;d i.is confi.|bappi er.vhonm thing fo- mai rial and ecuca cation up!'in i..; and the raiiK and fi- of its peo| 1 - bu: ! - rhe training upon faith in industry, hon«-st u) Tri id ; <>'. Bm " . : .v i.. I ; > c tar , : Sc i.l d : •; ol Fra i. •• The I its i . . i ere are ti ;v, rnor i: B. G i, Superiii" ten lenl of E '• V Jcy- .: r, ';'; .-i :' i- ... .. Aud- it / i;. :. Uix ,: •• iwCcm- mii . " ;'. I - ui •;. rci r JUMP ; i Is, of - the Ki. :}: N«*ws .i server; It is in such aU, flj . E .j. !la . . . Fsy. : urtn ^ aro -etteville Go .... A Ed- •**"•* !*, edit .• i : •: Pre* 'Press; Pi f. L C B •. i, sup- enriteM' sohoo . o: MIKSI water, lights, sewerage and has i growth and there is every reason its main business streets paved with vitrified brick speaks vol- umes fo• local government End the conservative habits of its people There were plenty of to believe that Greenville is but upon the threshold of a prosper- ous career that wi'! mak! the growth of the recent past seem small by comparison. The p<.'0- applications from private com-1 pie hero have faith in them- panies, ti furnish water and lights, but the business men argued that if a private company could make money furnishing water and lights, the whole peo- ple ought to enjoy these modern necessities at the lowest possible cost without any profit to middle- men. That correct principle pre- vails in every community where its town officials were too wise to give away franchises for a song. Here the management of these public utilities is admirable. A board composed of solid business n.en has control of water and lights. It is owned by the city, but the city pays the Water and Light Board for water and lights just as private consumers pay and the management knows to a cent the cost of operation and the receipts. The problem of city govern- ment is troubling every city in America and most of the larger towns in North Carolina. Here it is solved. The best men in town accept position on the town board and give the same careful and prudent management to city affairs they give to their private affairs. Therefore they have a low tax rate and good home gov- ernment, how do they do it? By close economy, putting only successful and public spirited men in charge of affairs, not multiplying offices and like methods that eat up the money of Ut piy-r.J. 0 levu Green- title spirit of prr-y.r «•: >uoiny in not have voted the $100,000 of bonds that gave a fund sufficent to erect tlie necceesarv buildings wich which to start the school 'Willicghi n- will treat you njri-.t DISPENSARY CLOSED. nt ol . Dr. J. . . ! , ! tl. School was located here long Ideally believed when the tlo.-t-s linahas locat d its baby bef ore the contest began. They open next September, th': eu-'tional institution which laid the foundation lor success! roll-rent will be iquulioii;.. t.c- StSned to hear a conspicuous part when they voted local tax in I commodations—two hundred and in the real uplift of Eastern town and county district and! fifty. The trustees, among the* North Carolina and win a place aroused the people in every see-'first men in Eastern North Caro- among the most influential insti-Lj ^ a . tion of the county to the Impor-jlina, headed by ex-Govt rnor jtutions in th; state, tanceof educating their child-jjarvie, will ask tbe Legislature) ren. But for that pioneer pre-(to furnish and equip the I.UI..I- paratory work the people would lags and give an annual appro- priation of $25,000. The report will be transmitted to the gen eral assembly by Govei nor Glenn and there is no doubt tliat it will graded k I K Ugh. !. o. Isbury, .: the vis- itors. The rc'mtec's, C ' [Chariot' at.d ii. VV. I New !• '•;;. are regrut. i ' li ok, of on, of :i here. It is r v if State ', Tombstoce Fcund at Frcr.t Daor Early This Heraiof. when it wiil open its doors next Iproperly equip and care for this! September for students. The youngest u.siilutionof the State, I Knowing that the dispenrary people voted the gift of $100,000 the only one located east ofltol-! woa,a < ' ll) '" with the end of the almost dy acclamation and they eigh. With the parent State - vt;ar ' , tkc "' ».»" arufhof bu«i- will find that they nwer invested Normal and Industrial college- ' money that win pay a better I Greeosbor dividend. It was my pleasure agog/ today to visit the rite of this new . SOI iO, J. Bry. II C< .iid :: county p thi? wo pleasure. Theentertai Civimb IV I I. i ard ivith his i n like double c immikteea uf Ci . merce selves, faith in their town, they have made money and know how to keep it turning over, and they lave the sort of faith and hustie that win in any race. No town has better transporta tion facilities. The Atlantic Coast Line and the Norfolk arid Southern Railroads gives fine mail and passenger and fneght service, and the boats on the river for heavy freight insures the advantage which competition always gives to a town. Before there was any railroad here Greenville enjoyed a large trade and its water transportation enabled it to sell cheaply. It has not lost the river and possible water transportation and if freight rates go up it can protect itself by shipping by water, a chance for self-preservation not enjoyed by inland towns. A few years ago it was easier to go to New York from Raleigh than to come here from the State's capital. A Greenville citizen would have to snatch un early breakfast in order to get to Raleigh for an early supper. Now he can eat supper at home and get to Raleigh at ten o'clock. Two daily trains on the Norfolk and Southern make the connec- tion so close that the Raleigh and Greenville folks, long sepa- rated, now feel as if they are near neighbors. More people from this place attended the State "air last Cvtob-r from tWl c .uiily thui ever before. We State School at.u to go through tha buildings. The trustees had $115,000. They bougl t a site- oi forty seven acres, within a short distance of the court house, thut is admirable for the purpose. It is on a bluff, or high hill over- looking the town, with level ground beyond the hiii whereon has been erected four oi the best school buildings in the whole South. There are two dormi- tories—one for boys and one for girls—and they are models in architectural beauty and in con- venience. The refectory (din- ning room and kitchen, cold storage and bakery) is a gem in beauty and perfect in arrange- ment. The adminstration build ing, for class rooms and library and auditorium that will seat 800 people, will be an imposing structure, These four buildings will cost less than $100,000—the trustees having constructed them cheaper than any like th tran meti and women, the Appalachin school for men anil women in northwestern North Carolina, and the Eastern North Carolina Teachers' Training school, this good State will provide the best facilities for preparing teachers for the public schools. They will also stimulate desire .for educa- were amus.'d at seeing e tomb- stone before the door where the dispensary had existed, with this inscription hanging on it: In Memory of Dispensary Born July 1st. 1904. Wounded May 26th, 1908. Died Dec. Ub-t. 1908. G»ne, but not forgotten. mere. 'Willingham will treat you right' tion in every part of the State Goodbye, Old BOOK •. forever- and give us a new generation where illiteracy will be a thing of the past in the good Common- wealth. Every man, woman and child in Pitt county takes B pride in the new institution. Almost every one had a hana in securing the location and all will help to Better Mail Facilities. The railway postal service that goes into effect today on Norfolk & Southern trains Nos. 14 and 16 , between Raleigh and Waahing- pay the-UOO.OOO town and coun-! toni wi put The Udkclor in ty bond issue from the proceeds of which the buildings have been erected. They all take the keen- est interest in the work and the people of this and other eastern buildings could bo constructed'counties who are poor see in the at any other time. They gave Iestablishment of this institution out the contract when all build- [a better chance Jto give their ing material was cheap, labor' children an education that will plentiful, and business dull, prepare them for teaching and The result was they have secur- for the duties of life. ed buildings for $109,000 that three years ago could not have been built for less than $150,000. They were fortunate in contrac- tors; and architects, for the work is being so well done as to win universal commendation. Mr. Grimesland the same evening it is printed, and to subscribers on the rural routes supplied from that town the next morning, a day sooner than heretofore. This ought to give us many more subscribers in that section of the county. There is a notion in Piedmont North Carolina, which has made more rapid progress in manufac- turing, that it is doing greater things than those sections having fewer spindles and making lessj son ' noise. The truth is that Eastern Lost—Lady's small gold watch, blue open face, monogram "H. S. W." on back. Reward for return to this office. Shingles for sale by G. T. Ty- 12 29 lwkd 2wkw C C. Hiok. of Charlotte, and I North Carolina has been second | Fresh Pork Sausage at S. M. ;>ir. tl. -v. bmipsoi), of New 13-:rn, t> no part of the State in fo!U Sohultz. school and spent two fc< urs going over the buildings and grounds. Many expressioi of delight were heard from the visitors as they noted the architectural beauty of the buildings, the fine progress that has been made on them, atd the splendid location. It was it.deed a surprise to them. Returning from the school about neon, the trustees held a meeting in the ollice of County Superintend .'lit \Y. II. Ragsdale to transact business incident to the enterprise and receive re- ports iro.n the contractors, the architect:-, and committt 63. The executive committee made a de- tailed report of all that had been dono since the beginning of the work to secure the buildings. Any matter m the reports and the deliberations of the trustees that is for publication will be given later. After the meeting of the trus- tees all the visitors were invited to a lunch spread in the rooms of the Carolina Club and furnished by the ladies of the End of the Century Book Club. The re- mainder .of the afternoon was devoted to showing the visitors around the town. A great many people of the county were in town to mingle with Ptut*" r,ffi- cers and visitors. It was an import;. ay for Greenville and the tow., was de- i lighted to have the visitors here. X » »• K /\ , "i^s* eji* POOR PRINT

POOR PRINT - East Carolina Universitydigital.lib.ecu.edu/encore/ncgre000/00000019/00018026/...'" " < 'iU'WpmVPBPI^ipHlliHMp fmmmm .„-.-.* -V.»»w\«»»»v»»*w \V%f»«**»T.lV»*V»*«**»»***»V*»*«***,-*«********♦»**'*************"*

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    ■ .„-.-.* -V.»»w\«»»»v»»*w \V%f»«**»T.lV»*V»*«**»»***»V*»*«***,-*«****** **♦»**'*************"*

    I INTERVILLE DEPARTMENT! \ In Charge of F. C. NYE i Authorised Agect oi The Eastern R< Hector lor Wintervilk and Vicinity- Advertising Rates on Appiicaiicn

    I boy to mow 11 his homj Christ-



    Wefts Can

    Fi« MI drugs just in. H; rinmon Barber & Co.

    Mi . [aggie Butt is moving \ ... r. ■;■ ij.u. i in tOWIJ. \V • . . . \\ -Icome h< r and Jl.llll.. I. ..h.

    Tii ... lountof furniture going tut from A. W. Anal & CoV s.ore is v: r.derful these days. ?fie • - King nt ■■ « pric« * ; ... - i pie ■ •• ng it out. I G-v< . ii ■» trial.

    W. W . F rts . wh • !..; accept-


    . t\ .. . c >t" : rent

    ! mos day. Fresh seed rye.

    ' rrington, Barber & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Prank James, of

    Grindool. spent the holidays here with relatives,

    The new reversible disc har- Irow is indispensable on an up to- date farm. See us before buy- it .-. Harrington. Barber & Co.

    rdi>s Lucy Manning, of H ithel, cam.' in Tuesday to be present at tne fox-Bryan marriage Wednes- day afternoon.

    jet ihe "Syracuse" plow for tearing up new grounds,

    Harrington, Barber & ^o- ~: . ■■ Edmuudson Bpent the ili h •■ at ins home near Ba*

    A w».» C3.6

    i -.vi'.;; A, G Cox, );:.-; d here. neadquord - • E r go >:

    h . . .. A. G. C '. '■   •. Co.

    ' : ..-. .'.. ... .' e ; re . •'■■' • • in Marl n reka.

    visiting Mr. Ange's pa- Ch ens end eggs a specialty. . .. and get the best prices.

    i. . .. : rtiie Hunsuc prbu*v- tiarnngton, Baroer&Co. gi . . lil, going. Cali u# bc« ,..■ have just opened a iarge c... Kti :k of runabouts be- ,i.. of best enamel ware. Come f L'rit ••'. are inter- . .... your pick. e.- A. . £■': Co. ... .. I

    t..i '. i.. .. ■       

    B. '.' .... ,....,... :.. I u •. .i ... ..

    • .:•-.. . dusti u -..'. .. >.. i..- : L uur at

    ; ' I .' ....

    . lull ..

    thi Par H • ::.•.■    n ad

    '. •' >' -. Manu ifa turin r C ..-.'. i • •

    i .

    ard ] • ' ■ ' ■ • t • •


    to Tame Hsr if the Should Cct Decpsratc.

    The .. ■ • ■ . J ■ iiS] - eron in i t and the in ip • re* of l«vcmakinjr, while e\ "ii-.M'. need not l"' con- sidered in the light oi a kopelesi undcri i' king.

    Ham i .'•• '■!- ;Hi:il: m chaperon ma> !»• ii •••• . fed wilh, ol! IT that on* i- .■ ••■ ■'■ ■'■  a> '••■:•. Si m

    Explanfttion of How Run Uphill.

    Can irater ma uphill? It would ho ;l Icgitill air ull.-WiT 10 this i|1106- Hon perhaps t" cite the flow of wa- ter tl rou£h .i .-«,■ .' ■. '■'.■- i si

    a Il i •- . i it .; . n I course when drunk \>) an ani-

    mal. The inquiry should (■■n be- i r ". :i v ■■ !il i ( ' mp ithy p early in the ev nil .

    0 i

    pen " ' ■ 

    • . : • ■' ii w,. !' ' I con-

    ' • ' ienee, i... ■ • . ■ ihe kind 1 t never

    the explanation of the river'- uphill fli r.

    \- any schoolboy will tell u>. the etirtl is a ball Hal ti nod at tlie pn i Tl - flstten njr, while comp ir dive

    n i-if. i> siill anflicienl ti ir ' ,■ Ihe polai din meter t«i ci .i in' hhni r tlw i Ihe e i

    ' I i other ■ Ihe north and the south !»>!,• pre fo n II ' - i i" the earl h's ,,.,■•■• than i I ■ pquator.

    Vow, the | ,., |p f l | :.

    M ii •

    a '...::■, :" pi i • • 'nml. v : '

    \.; ■     i ■ • -i

    I . : i .■  I .... n i •

    ;> ;.:;... :..

    i'i:u.-ui'*s 1" r Hi,- Kidneys are little i: Me i i lobules which act directly on ■ !i k*dneys. A triul wbl convine« yoa oi uj ck resulis for Uscl ache, IJhcu- DI ai I >m. Lumbago and tind wornout feeling, HI' days' trial fl.Ol They i ,r. v th« l.'loi-.i. Bod bv John I. Wooten.

    Lcdd Sale. 1,'v virtue of a decree of the Superior

    t by Caroli a

    i ! il l.i ... P"1 I ■' '■ ■'•'■ N s. i end a in b ■•. k B. factl ange.

    thr ' v. •, ■•' -i ed i' Hi II. Ptj i'.. . the The Fnr«.

    i 'nil- I- bow II ilrlver of II. • prl on van kno?:. i • ' '• Marl i, d la .-,- i ni hi ''■     > wi ii il be wii on

    He M Hsi -, TLo igfa ■ 

    L. D, Wa i". ■ illing h '■ m ai • ! ho came i.;- lii g a : fung I dy

    in his stockfiig. the little N ■ arrived Si '■■■ t< ay moi niiig ji si

    ■t an hour ifter Christma: It .. ;'l'.l ,1 .: I lip ,i sky / ...

    ih' rtuT " ■  ( ' '■    of I le ci i li i r He 'i nil er, 19 '. J ' : llti . Mort; . . A gr.ee.

    \V. i . il . ..

    Ait m

    Remarkable Cucumber.

    Saturday Mr, J. A. Tyson of this township brought a large cucumber to The R Hector ollice that was pulled from a vine in his garden tl e later part of August, and was put away to dry for seed. At the time it was

    ineof best mattresses pulled the cucumber was yellow, but ntter it was put away it turned iireen again and grew ab ml one-third larger than it was when pulled off the vine. This is no "fish story" either, as vlr. Tyson say? he has plenty of witness to prove it by.

    i. ,i... \ i.< : blm: •I;.I i.n. I-. . Inside, lloborir* "TUere's room for one," replied the

    driver "We kep" li f--r you." N",,i rii'i. j dlaci II •TI il. Hi'- »it

    n '•• in.- ih I li "Wi I'l 11 t irnl" In- asked. The answer entlrclj estlDgalsbod

    blm "lir. :ul :i'l water—-.nil1 as you had

    beti re!" Pearson's Weekly.

    The C-f.-l Circus. The rum II i Coliseum In old Rome,

    maealve ae II wa», was a mere toy la comparison with the great circus, which llllnl the vnil.-y between Ihi- Palatine and the AventlBe hills The Coltaeam la said to have been stile i sent 80,000 people, while Ih

    I capacity of the great elreus was. at different periods, 180,000, 9BO,000 and, lastly, 880,000 spectators. The great tin us »in probably the most mi iendnni building ever erected fur pub lie spectnek-s.—New York Aiuerl un

    Memory, N;l Mystery. "Mi morv e. u play the i-trun

    of trii '■-■" ■      ■'",' '■:'-'> '• "■'■' '■ •' it iv po liblc lor not a few super- h way «vf celebret i- the ver

    ,-,,. j ,,.', ,, ,jmca in piUces nance had just expired, where her surronndiogs teemed to

    Sale of Real Property. By virtu ■ of a power of sale contained

    ii ;i certain mortgage deed executed and . Ivered bvJohn It. Iluek and wife

    rj I. Buck, on tlie litii day of Keb- ii v. 19>7, to \J. K. Smith, as appears

    < . •iril in the register of deeds ofllee Pitt county, in book Q.*8page 27,

    the undersigned will on Baturt ay the ■ day of January 1909, expose to pub-

    li.' sale before the court house door in t'itt county, to the higheat bidder for ....-:,. the followuig tract or tarcel of

    lying I'.-iil being In Pitt county

    have been known to her before, thourh BUS knew Ih it she had never bi in there previously. Probably \i\ experioni '. which '>:• common enough. How many pcoj c, when reading or lis- tening to a converaation, bacon rsguely conscious that they have read the passage or beard the Idi i Weal words In 'the dim, long part!'

    -It i.- not a haunting mystery, bal just a wav that memory has. In- RWOI I'.IKS. numeral I e improssiomj of tin- most |/.ans ami discounts if trivial tl ii - are stored in the brain Overdrafts anil will 11,me out when called upon, l-'urnitiire ami fixtures In tin- l.iil-'- case aha bad probably Demand loans u ii a i icture of the leans at some Due from Batiks time, and a view i f the actual placo uml Hankers produced memory's feeble effort to dish Items

    I North Carolina, and de.se." ■    ., fol- , I lows; Being a part of to. Ma>y A.

    liuck lam' and being the share deeded u> - id John It. Uuek, nml bounded a.s follows, on the east by Mettii Haddock, and on the South by the W. A. Smith land, and on the west bv K. 0. Smith ami C, ('. Smith containing 63 acres more or less. This sale is made to sat-

    Pcraonnl txporlenco with a le.be of MarZan Pile li- medy will convince you It ia In modiate relief for al foim oflisfy the termaof said mortgage, riles. Uusrantetd6fe. Sold by John! L. E. Smith, AliJrtpi I.. W to ton. ny !•'. C. Harding, Attorney.


    recall it."

    Plies Cured at Home by New Absorption Method.

    Shut Him Up. rtaldbeadeil Qentlcmou (having hl«

    sealing i bootl pollshsd In n hotel)—Confound It. j-ou take an nl ilnnbly long time iibout it. Bboebloi k St, sir. It llo'l Sone so qulel; as when yen 'as your ■air cut!-London TU Hits.

    Do you wish to find out the really sublime? Repeat lbe lord's Traycr. -

    Wasn't a Btauty- Tlred Trnv eler (to borbeW- Bpending

    the night In a ties plug car doiwi't lni- If you suffer from ileiding. itching, prore one's beauty, decs It? Ilnrlier—

    blind or protruding Tiles, send me your | doot know what yon looked 111;' address, and I will tell you how to w,(|.n u ltBrttA |,„t I guess you're core yourself nt home by the new nb- -iinriM-r's Ilaair sorption trci.tinent: and will also send r ' ' gomeof thi^ home treatment free for

    Do rot forget that !>. Seth Arnold's

    Bank f Wlnterville. AT WINTERVILLE.

    In the State of North Carolina, at the clo.ie of business Nov. 27th liK'8.

    10,656.30 OHtf.OS

    1,178.5« 200.00

    8,108.01 67.80




    Quid Coin Silver coin including all

    minor coin currency National bank notes and

    other l'. S. noli ■ 

    Total | Jli,!iil7.lL'


    Capital atock * 6,000.00 Surplus Inn«l 400.00 1 nilivnliil profits lesi

    current cxpeniei uml taxes paid 148.70

    Rills payable 8,000.00 Time certificate^

    deposit 1,850.16 Dep. subject to check 7,086.00 Cashiers checki out"

    slundiuy 74.lt*

    Total * 16,907.18

    It .1 am is ihe best known Rem.dv for 'h's «"> c tar , •: Sc i.l d : •; ol Fra ■   i. ••■ 

    The I its ■• i . . i ere are ti ;v, rnor i: B. G i, Superiii" ten lenl of E ■■ '• V Jcy- .: r, ';'; .-i :' i- ... .. Aud- it / i;. ■:. Uix ,: •• iwCcm- mii . " ■;'. I - ui •;.

    rci r JUMP ;■    i Is, of - the Ki. :}: N«*ws .i server;

    It is in such aU,flj. E.j. !la . . . Fsy. : urtn^aro-etteville Go .... A Ed-

    •**"•*■!*, edit .• i :■      •: Pre* 'Press; Pi f. L C B •. ■■ i, sup- enriteM' sohoo . o: MIKSI

    water, lights, sewerage and has i growth and there is every reason its main business streets paved with vitrified brick speaks vol- umes fo• local government End the conservative habits of its people There were plenty of

    to believe that Greenville is but upon the threshold of a prosper- ous career that wi'! mak! the growth of the recent past seem small by comparison. The p

  • wmm mum •PWW"™- ~—'**•**



    Lay. IS As. land Sale. Official Statement. Notice.

    • ii ■ 


    i • i .II in. rab< i- for i i'

    \ sive.

    ■■• ■ Bl ■ 01 I


    S3 on com. " i ' " ■'■'' TraveleJ >i miles, I » !'•"


    . , r. , in II!.- Sboi iug thi i, rtui -■! * ludtment oi •

    • j . . i i>l P tt county . . ■    • numb. BNU or, V H.

    at Pec. •>•>»•. »fH.ui ,. .- ;.. c-.-.' enti ...

    I , .. iiii n & Co. et • • ;" ■     I J^CKS .. el WH-. .199, lt , ." . ,..,•>■• I. L'.Campb. ■ v . ■ ■   -•■   lr" *r u" towi otUn ... L ., ireervilie on Mon ,N Ci-W| rided ... mto

    . . 18.!), 191®. 1- • - - •'■■-'• • ••

    ■• 'Jaffa ii ,», .. ■    b •.- '■'r:'1 NO- ..-..-. . . • ■• a r. - more

    i.i ■.-.. p fj, j. .. | : •., ,-1 said ma.'.

    .... ..:.:■... .'>.-

    ... .\ ... .1.- Sl •• ' ' -• I map, -

    ... • ■    - ■   ■ ' '

    I , .... >,; , . -..■   on KU > ma . » 1-2 acres, i • ...

    I % . . WHO .:..'.;.!■ 

    ■   • ' -i in .. i . Iiownon s iid mi , ■ CVS, more or

    S -. ..- . ■■• wn on .... ■ " _~ '.' .■   i.-res, more < less.

    . . . ■ • ■■ 

    i ..'..■ 

    . ' | '• , . .i .-...

    a ■ s, i '■ . g towi of.

    I. ..... .'> : • ' ■ ' elusive, a* shown , -•• : map.

    fiovd V. Sn ■ Hayw od E r.ilh, fas-. , ■   . 1. Smith, si-.l !>•

    . (IX

    a adii Conti nt H I

    Ja-kson ii I A. B. H'ltor. con- ts ii.i 1 -.' *ere» nwre or It* , .. ■ ■ : stb« Allen Jackson

    .■ ti 11". .»d.j' i I. .'. . , '•..- n, G I

    i, It. I". 'i■•■■>■ ! , , ., iii •.:•_';>acre-.

    pi .c I

    .at | ■ - . i 0 I .'i I ' ■'- • ' d , .- ■      ' •• •'• :-.. ' -' 8G.I ■ Trav.1. ' ■. 7 I. - . ■ !- "

    Ti t:,i * 2» M

    M. '.". S ■ '■-. Httl - ,..,.. • :■   •■ :■ Bl -- . rds) ! -.' ' | . ■• . " t " " ->•■ I

    Tra\ • '■'■ - ■ 

    1 ■..

    •i • A. is t • . .. i' • ;' 1 •■•'''

    .;. udayofD c 1908 j. B. James, Commi^si ■<

    notice of Sale. N- . .. In Ltx S. C '■■ 

    ; ... .■ . i>. C. Ueore Clerk.

    D. : 1! 11 ind. ■'••.■■ .- . ,i\s :i- romm'r i>t 9- I ■■'•■■ 11 : on c v . •■   - " ' -f'|;

    :' .. .... ■ n :. i ■■ S5.2B

    ■ • ._

    N. T. C ■ . . . •:•■"•,

    •,-, .. || J.0B

    ... i . i ..'..- been

    ■ I , , .- , Ger.ie Smuh. ..... i . and ■     ■• Gi -•

    1- • ■'■■       ' '•' erti m

    S1 . uarda: :•' j' G. 8 in :■■■    • .;'. : th v ii ...

    . bi C b.



    J . . .. u e . .

    i.i ...

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    I. :':•' k .'. ■ •

    . . : .... ».H -■•..

    I . : . - "'■'

    - . II

    - -

    Total amount a Nn I :.

    itl .. .■■■', .•.':.. r.iv.

    I. RWirrd Will .....' atd «.f

    (- unt) I'.ini.i ■-.■ • d for t le « iv afo-esaid. • ' '■   •

    ' ■   ■■• '

    and BI, I '• •

    ■  : , l "'-• '.. \ IAAAMS

    , . i .■ i I tor 1'itl

    . . ■.,.. of ' '- -"!' ■' * ., • . * . ; , \.'-

    ... ... I . '.. i-. -x > . . A Vi.i ■■          J. W.

    •,..•.... i- Ih IH d»J "i Ijai-.uj ' luly i • %> ■■ - bi ill . .. ..,.• 'r , tlKl I U •> . I N rtb < io . a. . . I ■■ • > P-8 pag ■■-'■ 

    , .•.■:_•. •.. . ■ cp M L i . :. thee an h" . .• *

    ,; . IV .;,.. | ,, : i.i..,!, r ....

    Janaarj lltn. 1909 aejrialn tract tie pared 01 land lying a a being in i:c eoanty of Piti andSut ol Norta Carotii a . d .!> cnbtd a- '■-■    ■■■■ '•"

    ! wit: k, own asth George Mo re lai '■ ' t ho entire tract owmd b} tne aaid George lieareatthetime 01 hisdeatn. iiigii'ining at a | ine. d-" n. ill n ' :.,. roaa thencet- .• h 73, eai. ■ 5 i »'■ to a Maaip, Elixa Laaglay'a earner thence north 15 1-2. c-.-t 9- poke to three gums, Wl.li in Langhy's earner, thence north t\ west ai poles to a i>.ne. tbi nee north i- 1-2. west 16 poles to •! st; k.- K- nj imi: Da1 iel« Iii e: I ,.., .».-1>,.-;. J --.. wait 5» poics to^a pine: thence south 5 '.--. «'••-' l«a iw.- I . ii •>■:■ . naK; th.n.e south 4,

    • ll' poles to Cooper's swan.p;l . with i oo| : 's awanip to the h»-.

    ■i i.i!'!'. Also t •.'•".•t ■djotaing the I . ,..,■ tr.-.-:. b | .ni g i ■■■ Ian.- Known! ., Georg Daniel and George Moore I |.;,-. at Itippir Ward's corner, thence with th • Rippin Ward's line to the Io! 1.. 1 ., i iii ■    i •■■. thence to the K ppa i Ward l< an r cur er;then«c with - i, ; lei ling ..... ' ■  the earner of , Ueore line and the Cooper swamis tnence up the Coop, r rwamp a-d George UooraHne to the George DM .an.1: tbenceup the canal to a bridge in the above banted line; thence with the centre of the lane to the be-

    ins;. Thi ■■ ova discripti n is in-. . . ., ,• vi.■''"•■■ act. .- n.i-r. or les . I

    land .'«: bj U, B. UcGowa ai . i. A. McGowan known as the)

    .... -. to sat sfy a id, :.. ,ii- tr .-:. T. in.-, of stile, one I

    . ■. ; .. :... ;.. ii pa Uan. 1st, LV10 » ,. |, . x DM rtgaj . on tin- prop, rty

    : oth daj • i Dec l!' 8. j. W, Ayeoek, Trustee

    i'. U. Wooti ■. Attorn y.



    WANTED-ft RIDER AGENT h satni V I-ttr-e* M k* i "linncfr " I trvir ran 'h»Hl nr ii* f «' ' rl^Ift V UnET

    LI l»

    IHEACHTOWM ■•J di>!t t l> • -.- ■ 

    • 11,:... t. an

    . "hi^ ■-:... ■     f ■■ 

    U iti.iv tnic tlK' I

    r > 1 4i*|>»\i*e,«»l


    ■■,..< v ..■!>rt«*Ml vur t«cTitisn^J »ilh »i co profit jb»\c Uctucy " t.

    B1CVC1JE DKrilsKltfli V"'f « "■ '* 'I "ur '1-'Ai« under >vur o»n tutur i :J - -' tfur mm. tHdfw tillrd tttc da? i..« trd ....... , , ,

    ni\h H \M» IlK'^t'LKS. Wf do I 4 r«r«bH» ha«Ilr *frnnd IHTMI bicirlra. b-il jvr a r.iiiit«r un la;*l Uk in "MO.' bl oar lliu HO '"' MUM. 1 hr>c *>r «.c*f t-ui l laMMll-MlM in.™ *3 io »H of #!0. Ii.-.-.i. « I .ii,;.:n hits mx ,4 Ire*.

    i,nn A



    •.,;■* Tack* ■• Cal-wo will n**t l»i the .■".:. Vi\tv thooMM pair* sold last >-e«r.

    \ > BAlMlcd lluniaand pairs now in uae. —PlPTSQRt Ma.U-iiiallM«e». It i-.1ive?!v

    " ■ iu'iii»!^Ci*d'>"«''l''indlin,rJ,,lfc'dcw,lh , tal oualii* of rubber, whtcli m-*xr laoa. They •*Sr"P nmcxJB'ii. • -'■ - — -■*•" — — —. ^. ru - v life. Ihetwncture resisting qua hticj being RI veil

    " .■ - F t\ * -.-••-.*— ..*^« . - I f r i.. , r . .., t nil

    f Notle« thp Ihlok rul.l-r trra.l "A" and punctur* strips "II ' and "IV »l«> rim «trlp "11" to i.r.-...ii! rim fiutllllE- ThU

    i tlrv will outlaat any ollo-r miki. -llir, ILAMtl -,..! EASV RIOINO.

    uikiufci.*,..,''.!..!"".."".™,. : " rVrtl.cr, of«hin.npecial1yr!',Psr™ ""JtSH

    . - i'..!."i...larptireo(tln:,«i.t«,..e. jrpcipm.r.bulfur

    .." '.'„• v,„V;i,rn.,l ii«i a Mat unlit von iM.eexamin-it and (oun.1 Ihrra Mncllv a« i*|.tr»nlr.l.


    wTwsntlin io aaal u. a uial oVdcr ai on,t. hcuc« in., resurfcsbia On offer

    La.-c1 Sale,


    , .

    . Superior " ' "• I by '■ 

    11 '•,.'■'. I - I •..: . . M»y ' '■'••'■.' case of A. -■•■ '.'■ •' • - 1'8. I • i

    C. Vert TS, tl.i .. ■■' i . ' mi • wi i - ' • r : I urt


    Be i e. . n>ol i.he DOV ' of salt ;

    con'.ai: '■'■   ■■ - ' -•,• m r■•■ *'' let ' : cated an! delivered by

    :,. :. , rea id wif Mag ie '■ .' i' K ■■- saul the 15 d tyi I Nov.

    7. iii.d ;.-• recui '■•; i hi KiKistcri r D •••' office ol Pitl

    M* ' " county. North Carolina, ia B ok •;•■■■ "V.''' .■"I"1'- '■••'!., paq. ■     . the »•-''•- i

    er 81 oni.o. nenceintaremaiK-uicii.*-«•*■- .„„,;, ,# -, -"^-' —ma-** tkxil buy any kind »: any pnee until MMd [^.•W?!

    "^RSKSifex^S"^-^"'-^ l JOf WAIT ot • pair of lirca from anyone unl.l you know UMPea and .. -1

    tmSfcaSf. 11 only PPJM • poalal lo learn cvcrylhing. » rile .1 ->,»»».

    L lEftD CYCLE COMPANY, CHIC*- *>,"> »,

    ■Ml ■.-■••

    u . . - «*« •-• "'• wives, " '"• ':: ;"-'

    , -i i; .!' ■'.. 1.1 « Ai, .■>-. i^* *rV

    a lUOilC Xi.l,*,

    -t ''.

    l. . .1--


    :'. I . . nail b .o ." ' Je*a

    . I ' Ill •'' '■' ' -

    t - 2 ■••■ si 14 to i the i —• Smi •

    n ': 19 t ■■   ■   I ,. ■     . " ar a | a-Hifla. . .; -. • II! 71 .-US' l» • "I"" ;.. ,j | . .:: i ; I oaK • I .,.. with t ■ i— ii ■■ ' 2, .. egii .-. 1:01 -.i II • •l, ■ :- ■'■ ■   *■ 

    Tr. L N' ■ - ' ' .'ii-

    . lini II I.I ... :.

    • , ■ .

    ■ ■ 

    ■■■'.: ■ 


    . . .

    ioiniS^n'thewal rt >' la^ "ofjto the highest biddrr on Pa.ur- \

    : ■ ■v. ! es

    ,\. i

    Stephen Durhi n

    ( • the north ;;..• lar.d • . '•• '•':"'!-- • ainil ' • r :' \\C\w.': no- w idvi "Thi-'l^lOth. Ii) ". i8ame convened_to J.

    Stati of North Carolina »i .1 d -

    rha tract oi '..r.d inli v r .... : •.. . hip uoon f.hic'i .-■ .: ..

    :,. i

    11. Moore : ,. Ji KM :.

    ('...I...,' • . •.'.". ■ 

    Ch«s. W. Shaw a. try deed which appear ol nthe Etegister of Deeds


    ' . Klt'cant Tub!. Iii:. • I . 75c. Club Breakfast l1', toCUc.

    Poll .• .ti-: t, ii nd th very b..-1 service in every way Leave Norfolk (Foot of Jac ;eon trcet) dally (except Sunday)

    6-Mir.'ii. Arriv. in Hallimor- 7SH) a. m., connecting with rail Urn s for Phili-dalphia, Ni wYi rk. nnd '! i ..nil.- ■ ast and west,

    ""For all inform;.;1 ..:.,. i v. tl .;; i.i" MS

    E. T. UMB, Gen. Aft CHAS. L. H0PKIKS, T. P. A. NORFOLF, Va.

    ,1 , .. '.••'■•. v. In- sday at ,1 j of' a. in . i" the town ol Bethel,

    B~UREZZF\xl*-ZBr~f-::.Ti .•-'_ . '::..■ • a mmmmmmmmmammm

    i ■ 

    Trustee's Sale. I'nder and by

    led i in • i"' n ;' VX' cuie.l to ..■ bj in lv,ife, El tl

    ii ue of ■-•■'' >ii rtain d ■■• ■! :' tri I

    Ka-o.i M*tthewl Matthews on the

    , N. C, in .,; i. ,ii.'... :. 1 for caah, to the hiirh-

    . ..• bidder, the following (.escribed r. .1 ental' . to-wit:

    Situated iaPlttcounty. Bethel town- . la i lini g the lani - ..f Mack

    Uai„cr, Tobt Griroea, Alfred Ar.drcws ed ...ii. - and bounded by the A. C.

    I. R. It. rear the town of Parmclc, N. C, »i.l containing two acrei more

    r .• ■.-•. and for H more accurate I e- script on r feion c i« made '■> the deed of i-a .1 Jenkins recorded In .tt county.

    Thia December 4th, I» • J. C. Smith, Trustee.

    .. th day of V;.. • i " eteen hund i",, >,• re ti ■   ! aynientof a .•.•"-

    twwaww«WMW»iw»««^»'»mwwwwwwttww I

    A TERRIFIC CRASH sasjepaMasa^ ?.;**!(• . ;.SR!f_.._Ji..ii_lJ*!S3

    At Munford's Big Store The Big Sale is s'iU going on to raise money

    for creditors. Come quick and get your share of tie Low Prices.



    Kotlce to Creditors. Havii g ■  is ed as i icecutoi of Mrs.

    Betti. P. o un, d. a* d, lab ' Pit' cuntv, pel e-'..i' • i i I i.i . in. ,i. from thi i

    ■, •■     - . to said will p! ■  '■' puynvi

    ■   •.

    ltd •., . lie ■. f • "■ 

    Notice cf Sa'e. ^ .;■      ■' ] wi.-, f tal nla id

    •.,-.,-.. ....... . ■   , . |i ,!

    . !•" ., ;.: . ., ;. Martha '■        I on • - i" Hr an Buck o . ti, -•■  ,1 . nf I', hrdary 908, and duly recoricd i - er of deeds office in p tl co • '. . in bn ' • ■ ;• ■  108, ihc ui ■... .... t; ■ :,,•: Ui di ■   Jai uarj . 19 '•'. expose to

    ire the court hcu m On II. hi jhi -t bidd. i foi .... fi ,,v : IT.i prop, i;;. lo-

    in Swift C e. I) i ,• ' ' i ' Iii .. ;■ gi nil g


    - .


    » ^•ianu,fet^"dTTcd'X!r^^ W MWlL rcKlaterof deeds for Fitt count . i ;$} Us TT . IIrtl\L Ll-,


    Groceries And Provisions

    Cotton Bayslnsrand < •• vson nand


    ■ ■ 

    g i.,. ll. ok 'is in •> !.'.■  ■'••■ and the stipt , , contained in aid dead in ir i

    i having been i omplii d with, ai d upon the rcqueal ofJ.W. H. Cobum. the ccntul qua trust therein nam I • hall, on Thursday, the Slat d , ; t Ue ■ n. er, nineteen hundred and eight at ten o'clock a. in., in the town ol Bethel, in front of the Bank of Bethel, expose to public sale for cash, to the highest bidder, ..... -third ui ■' nteresl in trie following d. crib>d

    tract or pi reel of land, situate in I I t .■■ un'y, B" thel ; WI -'.h: and iiv I. particularly describl d a* follows to-wit:

    Beglunlng on the n*w mad I i-dine ir. m -he B tin I and Tarboro road to Gum swamp ,.i tht co.i .-r of Iii I cca \ , Harri '. bridge; tl

    h aaid 11 i ' ' ■ nc lo th ■■ '

    II i,


    ... ... •■■      ,

    ... . ■ 

    . i '• '

    Subscribe to The Daily Reflector.


    —,.;.:.— _xJU m i i ■ —rr T^^*^**™**,™**** m jj r "E A L ESTATC

    Fresh Ooo-ts kept ion-

    .' i.intly in stock. Cuuntiv

    ;;'. I'roduca Bought and Sold

    | ":.'.V. rl . - [tt IVIL1 N 1

    NORFOLK. VA Cotton Factors ana handle™ o Bagging Tics and Bag*.

    Corrt'suondence Bad shipment* ■olicHed

    BM W J. TURNAGE before buying your coal for the winter. He can give yon a bargain.

    PHONE NO 40



    v . mm®Bsm

    Notice. Ailaccoui la due H. A. Wroberlake i

    Igon .■ •!...: 1901 and J. r. Th ibcr Annual mcf til K of Btcckhold- lak. r he; ai 19IM ui pal > Jan,

    It» TS Naflonal Bank of ' " ,t,nf l0.fi3" '! "•" ors of The national Dana »i ., , .,nti„u, aiudgment, and Greenville will be held in It. :, ,,.,.

    ,,l>,lii„.s wifl : ; . .anking house on roeaday, JanU" ;..-,, Dail Reflector giving thei names

    , r.. to 1000, n» 10 r»e»-r* ■.».'• ; ' .

    I P. J. Forbes, , ,. t ^12 2L'd&wtf Ca.hu r n, v.' •

    TZn now offering some very desirable Residence lots for sale. If you a^e expecting to build you a home or want to make a paying investment

    it will he to vour interest to see me. . t , 1 al^ have some splendid Manufacturing sites on railroad sidings for sale. Terms to suit purchers.

    I i I 1 1

    ARHTUR ^ UlREENVILLE, Vi- ^» I iHH^gilllliMMilllillllllPI MM iM HI* I Il'ill"!" » '" ' ' ^~rrV^

    1 1 ■ '• \ .


    c. r> v' INSTALL Opposite I eater Brick Warehouse. General Merchandise.

    Taft & Vandyke rHeceweiusl

    solid car load BUCK STOVES Also 100 Ro'.ls Matting. Fine Line Couches, Portieres and LaceCurUms

    P ULLEY & BO WEN Home of A omen's Fashion-*. Greenville C.


    Origin of the Painter's Fawous "Hs Stc=r-. and Sp:tJ."

    ur all |ileliirea hj the ereal Kngllsh . olur |.-... Turner, none la im re >■ ■■; n -.;• I ban thai ivldeh now gru ' '.' London National pillory Uirflrr ■■ name of "Itnln. Bteani and Rneec. which was first Atalulted In f»n. ii iu imi-.ssiiile i . reproduce ll - "•'- OIV".'l>.

    Coi mine the origin ot Ihl* |A I'iro Kn-'in fnrin-.li.'-- Bn tntercallns Wle Th ■ story was ...l.l to hlni by a rrlcinl, I.n.lv Pinion. It aeeins that she was travellns on* nltrbt in the .ml' frwm Rioter io London. "When 1 Innl taken ,,1T my ."Hi i'1'd smoothed my rulBoO plumes and Bonernlly aettled myself." aha tells, "I looked op i" sec Ihc mcd I Uoin ml aid. Well. 1 latvo lieen dreti ' 1. '■'" " v ' ': '' "•'

    I, i n..i smiled nnd again . iis Moiidy im In.iffeimlve ne-

    -n-ii-.t .f my face. The next year. I ,„i ... it was. polna t.. Ihe academy. I ,,.-.,. I .• onee, i- • 1 always did. to see n-hnt Tnrnrra tliere were. Imagine „iv feelings! There stood written Bain. Strain and Speed. Greal tVeat- .rn. June, i^:;.- I had f"in»l «"" a-hnra ih* seeing ryes belonged to. A" I si l looking nt Ihe picture I hoard a mawkish voi.o l oMn.i me says

    ••There, now. Jnsi look at that! Ain't M lust like Turner? Who over anw such a ridiculous ponglomeraMoB r 1 mmed very qnlatly round and said: ■1 did I was In i'io train that night, nnd H Is perfectly and wonderfatU true.' After Ihnt I walked qatetry away." rfelen Zlmmern In Meirop.-i- llnn Magaalno.

    Excursion Rates

    prehensln Ileoilen e. nld ».. ... . ..-• I, i en ' '.•"

    Wee" • "" i.ive. I'

    V. for hoi :

    ■    ' '

    . • i !• ■  . ' .

    i-ai.n -'i '.i •


    s\ . "tPPS

    i-i :- i •■■ ' . .i !.|-


    cm-.i-r'!" a-;, ii' '■■■ ■■• ■ -.- •' • i..;.:

    ii •

    i ne i lornlni:. and litt; ■ HI

    ■ i- wi 'i the •inilier ;n lias bee •

    '.'." > l" :'

    and than, 'Town lady, would you mind my putting down this window?

    '•••nh. no n.'i a' all.' "Vi.ii may ho drenched, yon Know •• \i- .v mind, sir.' .•Immediately down went ibo wln-

    ....-.! ...::-'■'

    i. ..,!■• ■    TS, and . ■• il. '!>• i.;,,., p ! i me look.'

    •••Vinv. yon will be drenched.' IK- re ,,,„, ■■ led. Bill he ln'if o|s-mnl the

    ••, •■ i ..... - .p. ;'"• Ii i ' ■:

    . , .. .. i .,-•, ■• o| ---.-•:11-1* ami irtill lol

    Kcngo Natives and Their Dead. -i- ii,.. matter of preacrvlng bodies

    f r rli : Kongo*. ««er the usual l,i ..;: - |u oh.Hi. keep them f"r two ... ihr, months In their liousea, whew a hro i< hept IrarnlnB, bul In Z.enbo they iiv suspendod on two forked slicks m n dngunt vanlt in the ground. vJiieh is covered over with pnim branctiea and earth." saya a mlaalon- ■.rv "Somptlmes H"' body is placed

    .'iilidpr a s|.o. lull- bnlll crass root hi ' , in, This ;- i'.i ... i-i.!.-ivl il

    ,„,,.., ,.i:l( s..i. • yenra nto they i. ..ut feraMsftn I**N POOR PRINT


    sjpyjsajscsrf^- -——• ;


    c. J. wnevAio. E8IT0« AND P«O?«I;TOR.


    Tbe mouey heretoforespent for' Did you forget to thank God

    whiskey csu now go for some- that II.' had spared you aud

    thing else that \wl! do more blessed you through the old

    (ROSSING THE THRESHHOLD. hear a howl from a lot of mail



    Sabsrr ;••-. ■     11 s,, Month! Single Cp/

    (1.00 ,6u

    Adv'Mi :•:•:• m»j be hal upon •n ;„■ i,.,; i Hi buii ej*..jrc in in-; kenecfri! ...--. co M wsw and IhirJ s lort,

    E tered i;> th- | ■ t d ■• 0 i • He N. I"., uaeco .:- i -•• ' ■■> ;' • "'•'

    standing by the death bed

    'year,:,.,! permitted ,ou to see a .lying year. Thursday nigh..' "Brother Charles" did not in- ■"* . ;h|g brigli; „,; ^t *as a, apt time for meditation tend to make that $110.OK, eon-

    Mr. Merchant, write one this • as to what the old year had giv- tribution to the campaign fund

    way "KeaoWed that i will do Tlioae folk* who are going to on. To some its donation had for nothing, l.ut it failed to get

    n,oroadvertising in 19WI than in establish eight «i.vless tele- i„.e,. peace and joy. while to him the Ohio Benatorahip.

    ,„,.v •• "raph stations in North Caro-(others it was discord aud aorrow. '■M,s B ' , , , , . , ,., i Congress did the maguaui-

    — . |iua seem to have overlooked To some it gave health and vig- . l„ ^uding - .-•:, of hisl known in-

    habitants of those islands are

    1 U issue of the Raleigh News

    and Observer for Sunday was

    twenty-four pages, many of

    Which were filled with splendid

    articles showing the progress of

    North Carolina during the year

    WON. Il is a line showing, and

    the compilation is interesting.

    Such publications as this is one

    of the many instances in which

    the News and Observer does its

    State a great service.

    \ oil do not want any better

    evidence of the good effects of

    prohibition than was shown in

    Greenville Saturday, the lirst

    Saturday on which no whiskey

    was sold here. The drunken-

    ness that could formerly be seen

    was missing, aud some of the

    merchants say it was noticeable

    that certain people spent more

    money for groceries Saturday

    niaht than formerly.

    Congress will get back Mon

    .lay to annoy tin- president and

    ■ provoke hini to more message ' you can I writing. He needs a rest.

    ir i" the! Good-bye, old year! May we

    'koop in memory the pleasure

    Let your now year resolutions and blessinas you brought us.

    tomorrow he good oucs, and stickjbut forget the sorrows and

    to the.::. trials.

    all supposed to have perished.

    It is time folks were getting I chief trading point in tins section. It has had for many

    years daily boats to and from Washington, and freight, fertili- zer and lumber barges from Nor- folk. B«ltim ,re, Pniladolphia and other places find their way to this point, insuring always cheap water ttansportation. Being at deep water it is an ideal site for large lum )er and wood working plants: BS lumber on the cieeks above ai.d tributary to Tar river can be easily and cheaply floated to this point.

    The poor crops of the past three years have had a depress- ing effect upon our people, but during the last year a number of residences have been irtcted hero, ai.d Messrs. J. 0- Proctor & Uro., th«j leading merchants, ha»e built a mammotn brick store building and also warehouses.

    A large and commodious school building is now ne^ring comple- tion, jjunuunded by a highly prosperous community tne steady certain growth of oar town is assured. Grimesland ii no* the distributing point f >r the rural mad routes of this s.ction.

    w. s. G iiioway. Mayor, -Raleigh News and Observer.

    The chamber of commerce of 1'"''" B.lfen{ Atlanta is to give a big banquet

    credit in any hue "' l»»'"'^s| in honor ofPresideut-elect Taft lUgkt to take pleasure in paying


    A western iodgs granted a divorce on CCOUni Of l l-tcinp.r anil bad bi-atli. Dr. King ■ New Ufa Pills would have previ iiu-.i it. They cure CoMtipaUnn, causing b c at J. L. Woo.en's

    their bills, and the collector is

    entitled to ju-t as much courtesy

    as the seller. The favor of let-

    ting you have something 00

    credit when you did not have

    the money to pay for it at the

    time, should be appreciated, and

    you should not look at it as if

    you had "beat somebody" out of

    that much. It is not strict

    honesty to wilfully neglect pay-

    ing your bills.

    who is sojourning in that State.

    The announcement is made that

    "in addition to 'possum and

    'totem the banquet will have

    other sparkling features." Pos-

    sibly one of them will be 'sim-

    mon beer.


    Next week is court, and The

    Reflector will be disappointed unless it receives calls from quite

    a number of subscribers to get

    subscription receipts.

    \He hope one of the president':

    new year resolutions was to

    write fewer messages. •

    The papers have to tell every

    time Mr. Taft plays golf, just

    like it was something. •

    It is appalling to think of 7">,-

    000 people losing their lives in

    the earthquake in Italy.

    We believe that the legisla-

    ture which meets this week will

    he a conservative body and do

    what its members think is for

    the best interest of the State. •

    The presidential electors of

    forth Carolina will meet in

    Raleigh on the 11th inat. to cast

    their votes for president. Of

    course they will all be cosl (of


    Greenville extends a cordial

    welcome to the distinguished

    visitors within her gates today.

    May their stay be pleasant, and

    when they depart may they

    carry the impression with them

    that Greenville is the best town

    of its size in the State.

    There is not a happier man in

    all Pitt county today than OX-

    GOT. T. J. Jarvis, local member of

    the Board of Trustees of the

    East Carolina Teachers Training

    School. Nothing gives him more

    joy than to promote a church or

    a school. The presence of the

    Board of Trustees, the State

    Board of Education anil other

    distinguished visitors to inspect

    the buildings fills him with pride

    that he has something worth

    while no show them.

    The saloon men always grab at

    the last straw. They are going

    to contest the recent election in

    Uoauoke, Va., in which that city

    voted "dry" b> 8tt majority.

    But what is the use ? They have

    got to go, and had as well make

    up their minds to that effect.

    The Kaleigh News and Obser-

    ver credits a gentleman who was

    in Kaleigh on the eve of the leg-

    islature with saying that $8,•'"• -Vvden and vicinity. Advertising rate fnmuh lAnttorued-Vgentof ^ __ ___

    RODS seed a-. J.R. Smith Mer. I The old tapey** Mf** » ■W« ■"■■**■ jto l>- converted from af.o.vof

    Vim Marion Bofeef, of Kin- spin's to allow of blood JI. T. •tin isspmuuiKthe week with , K«l H to open « bc,f M I

    Miss Sadie May Cannon. "Have VLU planted your gar-


    IV SFSSHHi KSpttrkk w ■ dec'...r..i cltctc

    „n.i,iu ci crT-'1 wereIIMorwented forassistnnt ltm%ug%i*S?

    m E St D. H. a.

    rmtw I TJM ITT '" li;^ L_un)iJll0iU.

    Not Many t> Rtcctti This Time—Fewer

    QPCiVSR OF HOUSE aoor uf,*PPr- "■   "■      , .V r< ' " SPEAKER OF HOUbt. Halifax; John A. Lish. of Mont- - t

    . u J ' - ■ 

    II. M. Saula baa just received a line lot of perlUinw ai.U toi.f,

    water. Everybody down this way,

    Democrats ana Republicans alike as Weil OH the womtn and child- ren, are wishing Col. Skinner may get the judgeehip. He is the only radical that has pulled a unanimous vote, in this section. This is "Old Content," you know, all Democrats, but the "colonel" is the man for the place and we want him.

    J. R. Smith Co. & Dixon have a nice lot of coffins and caskets on hand and can furnish hearse when desired. Give them a call when in need of any of their goods. This firm has a good sup ply of first class wagons, a few good buggies, and are run over making hogsheads and repairing. Truly Ed Garris, the manager,

    is a busy man. Mrs. A. B. Holton and Miss

    May Holton. from the country, have been pleasant visitors in town during the week.

    Lost—A red headed and red neck calf with white streak down back, red sides, about nine months old. The calf strayed away from my Iplace about 10th November, 1908. A liberal re- ward will be paid for return of same. to me. Dennis Dupree.

    Ayden, N- C. Mrs. Minnie SugK and children

    are here from Greenville, the gutsta of h. C. Ormond.

    For Rent and Sale-One 5 room house and lot in Wmterville, N- C. Good pump water, out build- ings, garden lot, &c. For sale, one B. Hat C, G. Conn Cornet in first class condition, silver and gold plated, pearl finger tips. Also one Edison phonograph with a $12 hand painted horn, records, &c. Apply to C A. Fair,

    Ayden, N. C

    of Ayden and all the surrounding country and has a snug littw place in the hearts of all. Tin/r- are none of us but what will be delighted to nate this little jiirl's

    entire rt cover v. C. O. Aimsirong. Dixie Can

    non, Allen Cannon and Guy Ros* after spending the holidays ut home have returned to their re- spective schools.

    Prof. J. A. McArthnr, who has been spending Christmas at his horn-? in PayettevllU came in Saturday to resume his place as principal of tne graded school.

    All the teachers have returned and are at their respective places in the various schools here.

    Misses Dora and Ethel Piwrll, of Goldsboro, who have boen vWtm. tlua llelt-n JibnrOT for the past week, bav* returned li

    their borne. Mr*. C D. Bow it

    ville, came oo» n visit relativ < s.

    Harold McKinm-y, an «i

    Five Points. J. L. Harris, who has beenj ^^ ftfae

    ck-rking for D. W. Hardee, has- ^._ Tl.„„ utive purchased the grocery business j * ^ ^

    r-;st was as to wl.o should bejg, house of represen

    There wen: three can honor. 1 x-Judge

    Meond ballot: Graham 36, 33. Hayes 11. Third ballot Gra- qam 48, Dowd 3'J. H ty t» 'L and Graham was declared elected.

    was - iOn motion the election of J.J TurnageonFive fttafc W. Graiiara. 0f Granvi.ie; W. S^mMumoua. He will be. succeeded in the,,, ^^ ftf Mpcklenbua'. and! JJ^mittee was appointed to


    !C. Dowd. of Mecklenburg, and Hardee store by N. H. Barber, j R H of Chatham, ul

    J. E. Williams lias gone in- with J. M. Ruess in the battery

    l",Ol ii:'- 01.- e>LcrdaV I"

    nd grocery business. Mrs. R. Greene and K. W.

    Cobb have retired from VV. B. Brown's up town 6tore at the M Wilkinson stand, and C. H. Forbes has taken the manage- ment ol that establishment

    Leon Fleming, who has been clerking for J. B. Johnston, will go back to his father's in the

    country. Cary Warren has retired as a

    salesman at Frank Wilson's, and jvill as.-ist his father in the fert- ilizer iind insurance business.

    T. E. Hooker & Co. have re- j tired from the retail grocery j business and are succeeded at 1 the same stand by the wholesale ; rirm cf Hooker & Anthony.

    Ayden boy, but now »t .'■ yl more, after Bpmdmg BOineiime Killed by F»lling Windov/. at Ual'MV -M and Ayden. Ml yes A IMQ gon Mr_ L A_ May0 terday f..i bh.p-I Hi 1. -".>•• •• who Bffg 4 m;iJ3 {rom towni isate..d.oBcei.l,- w-akniedafewday«aBoin»pe.

    MlP» !:«*, rtM.de "!; ■■'• Ljiar manner. NearMr. Mayo's a vi ■•■■ i" Kms'on .^1 imi-y. |

    Ki'ii- ;.t P.'Sle.i, .'.11 n. -. "•■nil 1 8t)ilHii» in the a--..■:■■■■-:; . ■   le! 'for hi* home in L •■'. S. 0 . •'•"'i" day eveni.ig.

    Lee Sauls, from black Creek, was heie on business with his

    brother, Monday. Henry Manning who has been

    conducting a shoe shop here for a number of years has moved with his family to the country where he will farm during the

    present year. Malone Tucker, of Grimesland.

    was here Monday. R. H. Garris left Monday for

    Newbern to attend Fredtral

    court as a juror. Mrs. Edwin Tripp came up

    from Grifton Monday evening where she had been on a visit

    to friends. Lester Cox who has been

    spending several weeks with friends in Ayden left for his home in Greensboro yesterday.

    Mrs. R. W. Smith and Mrs. W. T. Hart spent Sunday at Hooker-

    ton. Mrs. Sancil Hodges returned

    Sunday from a pleasant visit in

    Virginia. | Rev. C- M. Morton of Wilson

    pastor of the Christian church was here Sunday. He will preach for this church every first, and third Sundays.

    Mr. James Fleming died Sun- day near here. He was 94 years old. He wos a good citizen and a member of the Free Will Baptist church.

    Ayden is to have another to- bacco warehouse the lot has been secured and work will be- gin at an early day.

    Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Tinjrle who have been visiting in.Jones county returned Saturday.

    which tools and farm implements '.are kept. It is supposed that the little boy wanted to get something out of this building and wa? trying to enter by rais ing a heavy window from the outside, and as he was about to climb through the window it fell un his neck. When the boy was found he was dead with his neck broken. It was a distress- ing accident.


    Humlri-di of orphans have bj-i-n helped by the President of The Indus- trial anil Orphan's Home at Macon. (Ja. who writes: "We have used Electric Bitters in this Institution for nine years. It has proved a most ex- cellent medicine for Stomach, l-iver and Kidney troubles. We repard it as one of the best family medicines on earth." It invigorates th« vital organs, purifies the blood, aids diges- tion, creates appetite. To strengthen

    ! able men with a strong follow* 'int'. With tow three cornered contest it was impossible to fore- see accurately what would lie the outcome of the caucus, and every candidate and his fi leads expressed confidence of success.

    HOUSE CAUCUS. it was 8:20 o'clock when the

    caucus of the house w;is called to order by Representative Mor- ton, of "New Hanover, tnd ix- Speaker R. A. DaughtOO. of Alleghaney, was elected cha'r- man of the caucus by acclama- tion. Representative Green, ol Craven, was elected secretary.

    Representative Turlington, of Iredell, explained that a wreck had occurred between Durham and Raleigh which for a lime detained some members enroute who had telephoned a request that the election of a speaker be deferred, until they arrived to participate in it, and h.s offered the motion that the election of other 'officers of the house be proceed 3d with first and the speaker left for the last. This motion was adopted-

    The roll of counties electing Democrats was called and 81 Democrats were present, a few

    being absent. The election of officers then

    took place us follows;

    Chief deck T. G. Cobb, of Burke, by acclamation, Reading clerk R. It. Phillips, of Lee by ac- clamation Engrossing clerk, M.D.

    iKinsland, of Haywood by acla- Imation. Ths first contest came fjrthe position of sergeant at- arms. Then Confederate sol- diers who had made brilliant records were presented, George L. Kiloatrick. of Lenoir; John A. Lisk, of Montgomery, and John H. Keir. of Caswell. The first

    wait on the Bpeaker-elect am! in-

    vite him into the hall. Ex-Ju Ige Graham came forward -mid ap-j plause and thanked the CHUCUS in a neat, soeecb for ihe .honor eonfern d upon him. Represent- ative Dowd was also called for and said while he could not fee. cheerful at his own funeral, be had never seen the hour when he was not r.-ady to submit M th- will of a majority of the Democp - tic party. He nled0'«d tor him*.'-) and the friends who stood b) him most ioyal tupport to the speaker in making this one ■•; the best sessions of the l.'gis.a- ture. Representative Hayes wa* also called for ana in a brief elo- quent speech thanked biafriwrdi and pledged support, t» the

    speaker. At 11 o'clock the caucus ad-

    journed. SENATE CAUCUS

    The senate caucus was also held with Senator J- A. Long chairman; resulting lowing elections!

    president protem, Senator Whitehead Kluttz. of Rowan.

    Sergeantaat-arms, R. M. Staley

    of Wilkes. Assistant sergeant- afarms,

    Nicholas Deboy, of Wake. Chief clerk, A. J. Maxwell, of

    Craven. Engrossing clerk. W. E.

    HOOKS, of Pitt. Reading clerk, Mark Squires,

    of Caldwell.

    Fewer Italia 1 go 10 !.«■ watering placcJ lha •;"' other co JI try. Tin I m of the Itn wii \»\ •■;■'■ 


    grape j'uin- r.iu) ?ra • ' ' «' ,:n I* taUen. in the 1 .v.! B!>l

    ,,.,...: I" ",J 1 - • ... :i mo ■  . ' - r.!«l rs| ■•

    ire ■   ■•■   ■"' "f. nd nt 1 1:1 \ ■■ .. -ni 1 111 '• rni ■ ' ■•-'■-■ ■ ■■ . , ■ ■ nil -I :' '" ih! - ■    I ■ • -•,,-, 1 he patir-i • •- ■ ' ' 1 :' -,-;■ feel ;.:. ■ 11 d - ronl | wn. 1 ■ 1 crai 1 i r tl ,- : "■ '■ beef ii.i ■■■   0 l< '• ! •, :■* ,:'' the si li. ar ■■ tn 1.10 Hi..- i;m pliye ■ an*.

    Birds Wi■> :■ -"'" ■ • • . " . |EI 1 ais- I'r.i.'.— Mm • I Ui^.lM.f-'lBtl"!*'? ,.

    ififtsxattsi* •. • .j|i f 1 rat I w.i. «, 1.1' fjml 10 MM H Wt v*y r*•w••„•",' [




    ^ m '* POOR PRINT

  • 1■*■■■' -, r- in i iiiPiNi imiuM* HI iiHijiiimji 'VMIeP-iW'.' ■ ' " pp


    1 iiis is toe Place Wc will deem it a privilege to show you a very extensive

    assortment of

    Dress Goods, Dry Goods

    Trimmings, Laces,

    Ladies Tailor-made skirtS.

    Shoes to Fit all feet and Anv Size Purse

    R:m:-Tibcr that wc represent all thing* as they are^ ani

    regulate the price by the true value of the article.

    'r-trur;ioii of Llfo niul Proper!} , '„ „ _ , 1 niMi a wan «n her nose. - New vori by Art'ldcutc, Wreck* ami Fires* ... Jttlseeilaneoiia It rum *»ff Interest.



    YOUR NEEDS IN ALL LINES of GOODS Come to us for a-iy Goods you may|ieed. Look through

    our beautiful stock and you will be pleased.

    J. R, & J. G. MOYE "Hoi ? or Good Gcods"

    GREENVILLE, N.C., U. S. A.

    1 he World of Sport*—A Cteroawtog-

    Ical Urvleiv.

    Tlie year IOtS baa been mainorjibU for a prolonged drought daring \'< r^;cnii)£ -.'.'.t'li »»f some soil product * yet a bumper crop la puiut of value «:i" Bantered. Stirring political treats Rxcd the attention of tlie w«»rM from ill*.* i |K*llll)3 t. ..:i tor Alllw n, Konator i'r.>i..r and Sen alT \V!i;. Ie, L- t'. SteUinati. .I.

    JANUARY. 1. Storm: 1* deaths la a tornado Ben

    \V,-.-•-.;;. r. - i Obitu ■• : ! r. Nicholas 8ei n. ^ ir -

    I ;' A •'■■•■ III »' i • I /rac U i ......

    4. < I'aarl* -1 t - : ■ 

    r : I ' i\ • ■.!•:!: -■ •. • -r* :i- :■■• .:

    r«i i ir i: >' rMw.o it v 1. MR IL I rjo I Itlm

    **»*%******%***%*.^%*%%VM***t.%V\%V.\%*%%\%»%*A -

    Norfolk mi Siiathem S^i:ivav r:\iivM, Wilaatt & Kvr, liMhvi.

    SCHEDUL3 SiTECIIVX 0:r. 11, 19332

    Chintmas Holidays Attractive Low Round Trip Fares.

    Ticket on sale Iv>eemr>er. 18th, 19th, 23rd, 24th, 25th. 80tb, 81, 1908, and January, 1st, 1909.

    Final limit, January, or-*ll noted An ei »i In the builneca district

    Obituary: Cardinal Rlrhard. archbishop of Paris. In that city; ased 89.

    Personal; Gladys Vanderbllt married to Count i..i.' :■' : David Johnson. Aiuerlcnii landscape painter, at WaMon, N. T.i agcl SI.

    II. Political: special presidential message to congress upon the corporations.

    Obituary; Pilshop v.. •• Ii I*." paid Ida. "Well, here l> the four «»f bearta."

    "I'TC --'i the neo ^f hearta.7 purred Bnsau. I ioe» ,' 11 i.iko the trieh!"

    "Of coorse ;. iloca." answer. | Jane. No, It d v n'i'." said Ida. "A conn

    card always lakes another card." "Oh. let'a atop playloc!" cried Maria

    wearily. "It'a no fun vrhen then* are no men I" toll yon how to play." - Pearann's Weekly.

    Farms for Sale on Easy Terms.

    We will sell with small cash pojment, balance on easy terms,

    1 e latm of 900acres with4.000,- 000 feet of standing; timber.

    One f'.rm of 200 acres with 8,000,000 feet of standinar tim- ber.

    One farm of 110 acres. All of these are best of farm-

    ing lands. Apply to J. F. Davenport, Greenville. J. R. Davenport, Pactolus.

    12 21 lmd & w.

    Notice. Having tliln day qualified before D. C.

    Moore, Clerk of the Superior Court of Pitt County, aa executrix of the laat will and testament of E. S. Laughing- house, deceased, notice ia hereby given to all persons in 'epted to the estate of E. S. l.aughinghouse to make immedi- ate payment U> the undeisigned, and all persons huvinir claims agair.st s .id estate are hereby request, d to file their claims duly authenticated with the undersigned executrix within twelve months from the date of this noti-e, or this notice »ill be plead in bar of re- covery. This l he 31st day of December, ISM,

    Rachel F. Lauginghouse, Kxrcutrix of last will and testament

    of E S. Lauhinghoudc, dee'd.

    Notice. By virtue of the power of sale con-

    tained in a mortgage deed executed and di'liv.-red by Alfred Nicho's and L. A. 0. Nichols his wife to Julia Crawford on the :flst day of January. 1907. and duly recorded in the register of deeds office of I itt county. North Caolina, in b ink t}-S, psge II!, the unit rs'gned will » x. ose to public sale, before the court hourO door in Greenville, for cub, to the binhaatbidder, "" Me ly the first Jayol K-b'y. lfr 9. i.t 12 o'clock, M.th- folowlruT real property, to-wit: Ad- loining the land, of Henry c. Kmaaul, :{. A. Nil h la and others, coi.tainfn.



    At the close of burinesK, Novenilxr J7lli. IMS.

    Resources Liabilities Loana and diaeounta 1126^82.81 Capital stock 25,000.00 Overdrafts s-e.-iire.l and Surplus fund 25.000.00

    *' —* - i ndirideti profits, lancnr- rent expenses and tax

    paid 16.78P.M

    unsecured All other itocka, liiinds,

    raortgagoa 2,400.00 II Hiking lintises, fiirnit lire

    and fixtures 8,127.821Bills iwyable Demand loans 11,064.88 Time t'er. of Due fn.m l.'ks, bk's 62,028.14] „,,.;, 2l,&ti.*i fash Items 8,117.44 r, Is, Gold ••'in 681.00 Si!\.■;• •■■■in iHC*g

    min currency 1,169.18 Nat B'kandoth- joutatanding er I'8 notes I0,544.(H1 12,687.18


    Deposit sub. 1 check 118,184.91 184,827.11

    !Cashier's .'hecks


    Total (217,446.64( Total #217, H«..")4

    state ef North Carolina, County of Pitt, ss: I, James L. Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do

    solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and lielief. JAMES L. LITTLE, Cashier.

    Subscribed and sworn to be- fore me tin's ith day of Decem- ber, 1808. •

    11. D. BATEMAN, Notary Public.

    Correct —Attest; .1. A. ANDREWS W. B. WILSON J. G. MOYE




    AT GREENVILLE. N. 0. At the Close of Business November 27, 1808.

    n.ng ?0acfcsirjor< or .- andbcinffths land ai on Whli h the raid Alfred Nichols and wife now ft aide. The «aleia made to satisfy s:.ii| mortgacs ilaed.

    Tins Hist day of I ecember, 19i>. J Ilia CfB* ford, Mort^'.ageo.

    K. C. Harding, Aity. ItdStd. 1 2

    Resources Liabilities

    Loans and discounts 1180,462.171 Capital stork 825,000.00 Overdrafts 2 606.84 Surplus fund 15,000.00 All other stocks, bonds 'I'ndivi.le.l prof, less

    and nmrtgacea I,8O0.I0I ' , , „ Ku.-niture and fixtures 4.698.17J «?ur. exp., taxes pd. o,761.80 Demand Loans 10,000.001Notes and bills redis- Due from b'ka, b'k'rs 28,404.10 counted 7,750.00 Cash items 8,721.00 Time.-, dep. 23,870.88 Silver coin, includ. all I,, , , ,

    minor .-..in currency 4ol.2i),,)ol'- Bubck 108,607.22 National bank notes, Cash. cks. 1,842.98181,920.48

    other l". S. notes 0,030,, |)„„ |L.,„|-< 7g.58 Total «186,608.861 Total #lW,5wdS

    Male of Ni i'iIi t'arolina, ('ounry of Pitt, m : I,C, s. Carr, Cashier of the alMive-named bank, do »deinnly

    swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowl- edge and belief. C. S. CARR, Cashier.

    Subscribed and sworn to !»•• Correct—Attest: fore me, this 10th, day of Dec-! Chas. Cohb, • mber, nils c. T. Mtinford,

    ANDREW J. MOORE. II, C. Flanagan, Notary Public i Directors.


    Hot and Cold Baths Electric Massage ap- pliance. Cosmetics A specb.lty Electric Massage and Hair tonic given to ladies at their homes-

    Ii you want your HORSE to troll fast and pull strong buy your [

    Hay, Oats and Corn.

    of W. B. HIGSON. He will sell you Better Feed and More for Less Monty than any man in town.

    W. B. HIGSON'S Place is headquarters for Corn, Hay, Oats, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls, Brand, Chicken Hominy, Cracked Corn, corn Meal and all kinds of Feed.


    We have moved our stables and transfer business to the old market building on Second street, where we ___ have plenty of stable room, nice and > tion of the town. Four chairs convenient, to take care of our | in operation and each one pre- trade. We can shelter your bug- j sided over by a skilled barber.

    Opposite J. R. J. G. Moye

    CENTRAL Barber Shop

    Edmond fit Fleming props. Located in main business sec-

    gies in rainy weath:r Hor*e< C:r place ia inviting, razors n...rp. Our towels clean. thank you for past patronage

    boarded at r«._son*!>le ratcv W thank our old pat'-ns for tne bus- iness they have iavorrd us with, and ask all to come to see us.


    Cobb Hros.&Co. NORFOLK. VA.

    Cotton Buyers, Brokers In Stocks, Cotton. Grain

    and Provisions,

    PRIVATE WIRE to New York. Chicago

    and New Orleans.


    and ask you to call attain when good work is wanted.


    The Mutual Life INSURANCE COMPANY,




    Org, 1843. Asseta over $500,000,000 H. BENTLEY HARRISS

    Olli.f. Nest Door toPo.tofficc GREENVILLE. N. CAROLINA

    Dry Goods and Ladies Dress Goods. 1 have purchased the interest of the

    For Sale. I«U' B. E. Patrick in the firm .if U. E. ■ ,,i_ ,,.,»« i •'"trick .t Co., an.l will continue to

    On Monday, .Ian. 1tn, llHUt, 1 earry on a genera) dry goods buiineea will nil at public auction More «^^£rt^ with . I the court house door in Green- ville, at 1 o'clock, p. m. six good mules, for cash.

    A. K, McGowan.

    al of dress goods and trimminpvi hua been added, huss Noltts Barnhiii being i.i ch.irge of this department. The ladies are cordially invited >o cull sod look at this line. it. P. PATRICK



    A B.ili»at iMarriaje io Winterville Wcii.if «1« ' Afternoon

    WedaMdfV afternoon at 3 o'clock ont of "»t goods We your orders bom a box o tax to." cai nails. Give us a call.

    te with can till load of

    Baker & -'ras.T'SSXx-.- 7..iJ^asK^ssatiJr,iSJia.,»«a5rrj-.T::?r 31

    A. J. OutterbriJge THE GREENVILLE. N. C.

    ihecounty of Pitt aid State of North! ing west »-|ih Wilson street .'!! 1-3 Carolina and described 1.1 follow-, to-1 feet to George Dunn's corner, thence wit: I with Dunn's line south HO feet to Dr.

    That tract rf land in Beaver Ham Moore's Hne, th-nee east 33 1-8 feet, township, adjoining the lands of T. A Nichols Nannie B. Nichols and Alfred Nich'lsland, containing 5.") acres morj or less. Known as lot No. 1 in the di- vision of J. B. Niche s lard. Also Oil" piece or tract, . djoining the lands of H U. Nichols, Mis Agnes Blount an.l T. A NichoK being lot No. 5 in taid divUion, containing 10 1-4 acres, to satisfy said mortgage deed. Terms of sale cash.

    This 2lth day of November. 1908. F. G. Ji.nes, Mortgagee

    11 28 ltd 3tw


    Mr. B. P. Cobb invites you to be present

    at the marriage of his daughter Mary Perry

    to Mr. Ned Laughinghouse

    Tuesday afternoon, January the twelfth

    nineteen hundred and nine at two o'clock

    Cobbdale. Greenville, North Carolina.

    No invitations sent in town.


    Fever sores and old chronic Bores should not be healed entirely, but should be kept in healthy condition. This can be done by applying Chamber- lain's Salve. This salve has no super- ior for this purpose. It is also mo-t excellent for chapped hands, sore nipples, burns ana diseases of the skin. For sale by J. L. Wooten and Coward & Wooten.

    thence * orth with .-ai.l Moore's line 1 0 feet t" th" 'eginnhag ' it lei e; the same 1- t whirh waa conveyed to the said Ur. J. N. Moore, to satisfy s id II ortgage deed. Terms of sale cash.

    This 23rd dav of D"C. 19 8. W. K. Webb, Mortgagee.

    Moore & Lohg. Attorneys.


    By virtue of .lie powei of sale con- tame.I in a certain mortg.ee deed cxe- cut d and delivered by S-muel bos and wi e, Mary E. K"*s toJeaSSThom- as on the 1st day of March. 1!"'5. and duly recorded i > tie rogiater of deeds ofticeof Pitt eouniy, N. C., in bo' k J 8 page 5>7n, th'undersigned will exi.se to pu'dic sale before ihe court home doo- in Oreenviile lo the high, sf h •!• r on Monday, January 4tJ, .'.t'j. at 1 o'clock p. m., a certain tract »r pram I of land lying and being In Ihe count v . i Pitt and State of N. ()., and described as follows to wit: One house and lot bei g and lying in or near the town of Bethel. N. C. Beginning at the edge of the Bethel and Tnrboro road and the corner of W. J. Barn hi I's lot, thence with the public road about 40 yards t'i M. 0. Blonr.t'a walling, thence a j ar- allel line with W. J. Barnhill's line about'.13 yards to M. O. Mount's buck walling, thence about 40 yards to Vi. J. Barnhill's line, thence with W. J. Barnhill's line to the beginning, con- taining 8,620 suuare yards more or less it being the lot conveyed to Mary E. Ross by M. O. Blount. To satisfy saiil mortgage deed. Terms of sale cash

    This the :-0th day or November, 19 8. Jesse Thomas, Mortgagee.

    Julius Brown, Atty.


    Thi. U a common form of muscular reheumatism No miernaJ treatment is nee "•!. Applv Cvambcrlain'a Li ••- meet freely twiec a day and a quick cure ia c "tain. T!-.is limlment has proven eapeciallv valuable f r muaculnr and chronic rehumatiam. srd is sure to give quick relief. Chamberlain's Liniment is also moat excellent for sprains anil t raise . Price. 25 centa: |. rge sir.- 50 centa For ale by .1. L. Wooten * Coward & Wooten.


    Can be found on Fourth street prepared to clean, press repair

    Mens Clothing and ladies Skirts All work done promptly, suits made to order when desired. Your patronage Foliated.




    Tin Close "f Bushiest November 27, I-'"''-

    Rcsourscs Liabil:t:s

    liscounts f . -■ ■•'. •_'.'Jli."l.'.H>

    1,002.441 lixtures bk'rs


    Killed a Swan,

    Mr. E. B. Ficklen was today exhibiting a large swan which he killed Tuesday morning while on a hunting trip in Curituck sound. The swan measured 8 feet between tip of wings and weighed 20 pounds. It was quite a curiosity to people here.


    Secretary Wilson says: "One of the objects of the law is to inform the consumer of th? presence of certain harmful drugs in medicines." The law requires that the amount of chloro- form, opium, morphine, and other habit forming drugs be stateil on the label of each bottle. The manufacturers of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy have always claimed that their remedy did not c ntain any of these drugs, and the truth of thai Claim is now fully proven, as n• ro'Jec1ovSry his I''1 -lib. I.' B. W. > i, N>

    . ....... ■    ■    ■   ■ ■ 

    are now arriving, plant early to get laest results A nice line of Pa'ms, and Ferns in ail sizes. Choice eut flowers a specialty, wedding bouquets and Floral offerings at short! notic. Mail, Telegraph, and em Telephone orders receive prompt attention. Phone 149.

    J LO'QUINN & CO Raleigh, N. C.

    Loans ami Overdrafts sec Unsecured Furniture and Hue from bks. Cash items Gold coin Silver coin, including all minor coin currency Nat. bk. notes and other

    !'. S. notes _^ Total ♦HS.a».i.V73

    i|,P88.ticJ t upital stock iKnrplil" fund

    iS.'Jiis \-> fn.iivi.l,.,! profits, l,«3»-3" ,.„,. pxp. and taxen

    ■ i«w ,,7 Dividends tu pai.l 'IBills payable


    :....! i0.no

    I..1. 1



    , 11)5.011

    Time Certificates tie. Deposit sub, to cheek Cashier c'k niitstanding Oertilied cheek


    1.000.00 111,000.00 0,888.91

    17.-'i 18.(17

    M-2.-22 SI 99

    ^ •■.'n.'i.".')

    luunty of 1

    licrof tin above staten

    a I" • •i.t

    W. M. DAWSON Ladies and Gents Tailor,

    Greenville, N C.

    Pressing, Altering. Repairing. Dyeing. Scour:ng, Chemical and Dry Cleaning. •IBB, .

    Satisfaction or no charges. In rear of Edmonds & Fleming's ber Shop


    BREAD! BREAD Mrs. Maggie Whitley at the Norcott

    building near courthouse, bakes every day, bread, rolls, cakes and piea. Or- dera filled anywhere in town. Ice cream Bold daily.

    Farm for Rent.

    The Joel Tyson farm, four miles west of Greenville, is for rent for the year 190!). One hundred acres cleared land, "> room dwelling house, 4 tobacco barns and good pack hou^e. 3 tenant houses and nil other needed buildings on the farm.

    Mrs. Louisa Tyson, R. F. D. No.l., Greenville, N.C. 12 28 2wks d & w.

    Notice. By virtueof the power of sale con-

    tained in a mortgaj.-e deed, executed and delivered by Walter Hardy to.l.l W illiamaon the 3rd day or Fob y, 1908. and dulv recorded in the register of deeds ofticeot Pitt county, North Caro- lina, in book Q S, page Sol, the under- signed will expose to public sale, before the court house door in Greenville, fur cash, to the highest bidder, on Monday, Kct.'y. 1st, 1909, at 12 o'clock M. the following real property, to wit: On. tractof landin oelvoirtownahii on th. north Ide of Tar river and bouni d by i he river on tho south andfn '• ing" tin lar'aofU. A. Pa ki ro" being a part if (I :., ; • V Ion I A. CO li

    I acres met i n.ort ■:.." deed.

    ■i hii . i. daj n '.li nuary, P .1 (\ Willinn Mortg

    ■ .

    ' North Carolina,

    .1. R. Davis, Oa swear that the

    knowledge and belief. Siiliseiilie.l and sworn to be- Corn

    fore me, this 2nd day of Da.'em- ber 1908.

    .1. A. UKWBOKN, Notary Public.

    i- true li

    ,1, it, 1

    ha ||o

    . -i sol-

    id III/


    W. J. TI IfNACE R. I.. !>.\\l-. F. M. DAVIS




    At the Close of Business November, 27, 1908.

    Resources Loans ami discounts Overdrafts Furniture and Fixtures Due from B'ks, I'.'kr-


    ♦28,580.80; Capital Stock H25.00 . .. ,

    1,810.00 Snrp'n* [""'1

    14,204.2811'ndivided profits, less Silver coin, including

    minor coin currency National Lank notes

    and other I*. S. notes

    rlll'l'ent e\p. paid

    Time t'er. of Deposit -i igr n,71 Deposits subject tock.

    Total. otal, * 17.-Ji'.7..V.i

    ♦n.oon.oo 1,500.00

    187.07 8,401.08

    82,808.89 •*l7.'J(oVT'

    State of North Carolina, Couiaty of Pitt, ss: I. W. II. Woolard, Cashier of the alaovo-named ban!

    that the above -tateinenl is true to I lie best • solemnly swear knowledge ami belief.

    Subscribed and sworn to before (Corn me, this 5th day December, 1908,

    S. T. OARSON, Notary Public*

    ii :• W. II. WOOLARD, Cashier.

    ft—Attest: M. (I. B-I.ol NT. BoBT. ST ATi IN. s. M. .Iti.NF.s,


    H L Genera!

    CARR Hardware

    S i] I \:-. nt f.

    DevocsLcad an i Zlnel' Inl Jewel Stoves and Kangos ..... implcrn •■ ' ■ r SOWOT


    Keen-Kutter Edge Too,

    m W'J/Hf U ' -. ' i".'.' "i-"!.. gp,»saiuuite:

  • ■mjawi'i •■in i mm* mmm iVMwiiujiwi wm • "'9- +

    ITERVILLE EPARTMENT 1 In Charge of F. C. NYE |

    DANIEL- FLEMIrtt 'Colerainethis morning to resume ' v '"•' her worn \.\ scho.'l there after

    having epent the holidays «{PfeUj Weiifa( SoletaBMo' «• H -... Kb. T. M. Moore.





    ■; •

    . h "• \ : rj e

    ! ., )■ ■• s

    I'.. ' rc, BarbvT & ( o.

    D.\l H . ■ • !■' MIL ANU UBS. A. COX ENTERTAINED.

    A bi Pitiful I .'• very quiet home wedding was solemnised at the residence of Mr. T. M. Moore, 1083 Wert Market Btreet this • t 8:15 o'ebel .





    v. I.

    SUui ' ■   •' ring D - 26'h, ■   n ' Week, the! >meof|The , •._ i ,r *•«•

    , -, v r r • « • rtm MiM Pennii Ward Dai .. and iMrc.A.G.Coxw^tlu Robcrt F|crn5n, • Strea .. • r. ...,,.,.:i i Ugl tfu! r ccption|(. j.,

    given b: -. .Mimfc and Dora ' " ^ ■ MJ8g


    A Cfcris'.xas Diacc.

    Editor Rell ctor: For several yean I have

    watched the editor, his paper and his county with a loving eye. liis pain:- get. bett* t "Very day. He gives good ;•!• ••■ I i the cau.e of education. He tell* -what the churches a:id «choola are de;ng. He works forth uplift of Ins town and county. Gad bleaa "The R :! ■«->:■" and its editor! I spent th ee app< years In Pitt, ,i: d have man; I nds th ire. i think I • iver i iw i n '■"■ m ivi item in "The Befloctoi till Dec. IS. 1908. I th - saw a "Christ- mi i ,:■ nee" ad ertii d! If 1 wanted to dance with my friend?, 1 think I would m I

    . thebu lay of Jesua for the time.

    A happy n iw yeai to th editor an i h" r< .-!

    A. ii. l.?i tt.. Greensboro, N. C,

    Ilk.- Reflector itself regrets

    Caigbt Istsl ati.n frcm The Refector.

    Maj. E. .'. Hale, of F^yette- tjistin-


    Tlie man who Insures hU life i* , B|IJ«.| one of the most wise for his family. , , ... 5,.., . The man who Insures hU health guWisd editors of the Stati,. and Is wise both for his family *nd who was one American \ onsul himself, to Manchester. England), was You mav Insure health by guard- . u,-«'. j tag it. it Is worth guarding. amen* the vmtnrs here today, At the first attack of disease, land it gave The R- Hector „iens. which generally approaches , ure to greet him once DMHa through the LIVLR and manl- ! ^|.,jOP Hale oomplim*n's u° very (Mtl KMH I" Innumerable niiji TAKE

    And save your health.

    Marriage LiceSMS.

    Since lasl report R gister of D ds W. M. Moore has issued licti b s lo the following parties:

    highly l>y to'linr that he caught inspiration tack in the !M)'s to make his paper, the Fayetteville O'.i^erver. a daily paper, from noting what we were doing with a little daily paper in Greenville started ahout that time. He thought if we coula make 1 daily paper live in a little town like Greenville then was. surely he could do as well in Fayetteville. The R< Hector is frank to admit that he has outrun us in the newspaper race. The State has



    fluent writer than Major Hale.

    'Willirgharri will treat you lipht*

    Land Sale,

    ..', .■• • ■-.-• :•'■ ■• v

    el. li : ssociat I with ! 1

    . I .

    . "special' abjeets P««««W . oi th B is rsation. A er the • ■■ ■> - '

    . p, ressive ( ■ • aati 1 had 8 mgnwaj • ■      •' ';•" 3 ...•• -0rMa 1 ' m -' . an■ 1 . .

    ■    • : 1 • ■'. i.-

    - >.,. :■       . .■      ,1 . ■     ' • • •

    t\ ■ 

    ' . . ' ' laii tr et i, 1 "'A,i,KJn#.th,'i ApMh lOUnt' ofPitl ' "' N'.vili t ■>'-■ |;j v, ].iu' !.

    .. olii.ii« ' *» t° *lt:l m- Mil

    i ccuv virtus of 11 dcerca of the Superior li... • , Inert « t I'i'l COU' ty in pptciul pn*ced- 1 dl"" we No. 1688. eitltloH N. ni iu D. »ag-

    III, sdmx. affslns' F. B, Bijr» 111 and hers, the u>'. i.r- . r c0f|0rts"o. 7»northto Third atroat, thenrealoi • Third t'reet. east to the'

    T. J. M (yard Olivia Blount. 11 fhlatteSthdayoi Dec MS. ■ no R: -■••i.,1 !).:».-I''''-- Nannie P. Bagwell,

    , G. James, Att'y. (on.mi slonwr.

    ■    ...

    1 ■ •:

    ,. olii.ii i wr. to wit: • ' .. i>. ... .

    >i■ werof8»leeont»ii

    a n,« M< n, -•; ;•;,- ^-^7^ ' ■ ., ^^^SST^tS and "wife BUt-k'i and \- enty 'hri • lieaaot ,lh,- kidneys. AtrUl wil con- ineu you Mj( L Bucki on ,,.,, nutdii) of rvii- , ., ,, . . .■,... -Is* Mr of quck riB.ulla.for buckoelie, Kii ■ 1- IUi,ry, 19«7, to L. B. Smith. «s npueara

    ' '\' -.": '.• ifcm. Umhagoanr ir-.l worn; ■   ^"reVord In the regiater of .kids office

    f.-r iheKion •tmloi which

    are little ...,c c1 y

    '.. . '. . c. t .'

    ,..1.:'... ; for this] ,,',|.,,1

    ..u .: , .....,,.- ... .dioundsV;.^

    ;i. is.'.. ii.c i:«....

    tii.il ? ,01 Tl. So.u bi Jili"

    . ,■ Eta ...:.'. .Var e.--n

    but as to many • en to the) BC 0 th« lire il -.. • impossi*

    • • ceil- ■ - . . ,r, biitdr, of ■■''•■■■ ,;- ■ ■■- ';"; T,u'

    of record In tl.e resistor of ih .... office In Pitt county, in l»»'k Q.-8 page ^V. tl„. ui dcrsigned «i!i on Satun ay the ct. day of J >nuary 1900, expose to pub- lic sale ii tor Hi • court liouae door in i'itt coui ty, to the highest bidder for cash. tli. following tract or parcel of land lying and being in Pit! county v ... ;.,•,>,.;., un 1.; .. 1 ,-... ;..■■■. *", d *tldbjp_ the share da ded

    ,„ ... „ .... ., anaPau • 1 rt .tFactelus. • . ,.,„ ftnd wa8 buried tins sfttrnoon» t,,^ John R. BUCIC. >.ndboindei as r" ' ■■  ' Oneoft wmao , \, "-." •—■.'" 'at aD0U ^' Cherrv Hill cernetery. foiled, on the east by Metis fc«a oek, ..: .... ; .. , „ ,,„,;.. with no insurance. cnerry am cemwiwj. and tn the South by the W. A. gm th , .;. :.' „j"i home wan set r.part for the dis. land, and on the west by E. O. Smith

    thelwr Wc have them Ptpncei . ,,..; ,.„• whj,. •. t ptrmaa\ exuerionce with* tube -f and C, C. Smith containing 68 acres

    tn. ... ... . n 1

    > " ' lvl ' ..'.'v'7;' playoi W • r liris of which .,.„., ,. 1DD1ES Pirsonal exuerionce withatube -f -•■•••--,-: - .- t: ■ •• -est you. V, alsoij'.' v.. ., , .... BRAVE FIRE UDD1ES J lfemedy will convlnos you more or leia. Thia sale is made to sst

    .: ■ «i i-.- i';,M":.: .■■.-.■..,. :.,..■ r r-JB.o^pV«afi^»A&tf.7ftoc^A^iaW Harrington. B • ,.,; .liif!.( . . shich the Sa dforg. . li s L. W.otan. ay F. C. Harding, Attorney. "'!'.. , 1, ;_ V-IJ nil p ill, For 1 II "° ■" '■'■ ' ,,i... 1,1— 11. 1 in ■ - ' " «"—— , ,, ol in ou.- midot. . . .. (popular younj 1 mi 1 is new .. . ,ut,.>t

    , , • . . . ii, . : .■•■•• Thetrii charrrirg youna he-ler. Quid . ...... truptioni. ■' ! . - ■• . ' r . Prii 1 are' , • Old ores. «, uh s, felons;bestpili th '■ -. . cottaj andwnl l-1'1 '.' " womanposa i.ig many admira- cure marit.. i: : ig imUnt, 23 at occupy ■   !- F. Elli l has " ht and can fur.iish nice hearse We u..i;i. d ,,,u ,...,-, which JL Wo-tsn. .: . totr David Hinea col ••'" -1"- have won for her a large numbtrj

    ■    .,; nKma- of warm frier.ds A Resolotlsa, '■' ",f '•" ' on 'he The bridegroom is a native of

    m rket, Se ■ ; that *„, '■' ' ' '"' "'■'■' ' " : •' • |0n

    A. W. Ange&Co. ■ 

    tag,e. v.. r I as 1 to hi i . ... down on the railn I. 0. W. B" Hi h - : , ptcd pcfition w.;.. VV. 1. Houst and Co. W B. Brj in

    Bank ol Winterville, AT WINTEUVILLE.

    In the State of North Carolina, ntthc close of business Nov. -7th !i)'.8.

    RHSorai'is. l.euu- ami discount • ■•? he bridegroom is a ialive«.t; .«.„«»_„» tua PIM- ommrv Ixians and discounts •*

    tcounty, this .State. K--'i' ..^7"et '^V | £ ,l^'-:lnl'1- , • ol Mr Robert Flemirut a Med,c*] Bna?*9 ,['""■ Dcceml)ler Furniture and fixtures ol Mr. luuu pieming, a .{(..h iy03i t!). f0nowing resolu* Demand loans

    cessful business man ol Uiat „11„„r;„„11K!,.,v,.MH. in... imm Hank-

    1.1 \r.11.1riKs.

    0,066.20 capital stock * 6,000.00 live. »•> . ' . JlStl.tf Hurnlus fund

    Carts, box 1 bodies. Prices made right. Call and see th.M.

    Prof. up;h. Bold by John L. Wooten. I

    Buiial Thursday evening. Poi.ot forget that Dr. Baft Arr.o'd' u •"■■■■» ■"■■^' I ng| am i„ -he best known Remedy for The remains of Mrs. SalHfl Ann all Bow-dComplsInU Watrai ted by

    Cherry, who died Wednesday/' ' morning, were interred Thurs-j day evening In Cherry Hill cemetery. Func 1 al services were conducted ii' Memorial Baptist church by Rev.T. II. King, of1


    Due from Bank ami Bankers

    Cat.li items Gold Coin Silver ..'in including all

    minor coin currency National bank notes and

    other U. H. note* 1,187.00

    - , an tl I u.i.i 1.1,:!..).. 1 -i,,ii\i.lt.l profits less

    aOw.OQ nun.1,1 expenses and taxes paid

    Bills payable Time certificates

    deposit Dep. subject I" cheek Cashiers checks out-


    4111 I.I II)

    2,lu!1.0J 67.8'J

    818.00 I


    148.70 2,000.00

    1,850.16 7,025.00

    Total I 10,007.12 Tots


    if 10,007.12

    ^lulffla^ttSismrt bank, do sokmnly swear kwU JtawttfifK to .,, Kest of -InowM^d^ief. ^^

    James K. .!ohnsr:i, | J t. (ireen, Notarv Public. W B WingatO, Directors.


    I An .mr.ro~m.nt a* m.nv MM-J.SS1 S^&^S^XS V .a&Is.&Vr' i£XES&i eiCiSSlZ SU&U I^OiaNi CO.. CH.CACO. U. ,. A.

    .Willing'' im v ■ax. FOl: SALE BY JNO. L. WOOTEN.


    D. J. WHl"HA*D, Eoitor and Owner Truth in Preference to Fiction.

    VOL. No. XXVI




    One Dollar Per Year

    NUMBER 3


    Churches and Pcrple U»"= 'a tl,e

    Welcome- Excellent Addressc.a. d InspiriBR Miiic.

    "Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." Those were the first words in the Scrip- ture reading at the welcome ser- vice to the new pwslor of Memo- rial Baptist church Sunday nigh', and they never seemed to apply with more appropriateness than on this occasion. There was an outpouring of people of all de- nominations repre^eniid in the town, as well as these of no de ncmi'.ation, united in greeting a new pastor, and they made a congregation that would liil ary speaker with pride 11 face. It was an inspiring gathering it. Christian fellowship, typical of the chinged condition? thathave come to Greenville in late years, i

    Rev. J. B. Conk, f jnn.rly ol Manchester, Va.. came to Green- ville to assume th j pastorate of the Baptist church on the first of January, and this service gun- day night was arranged to give hint a welcome to his new field of labor. The service was made op of addresses am! a "elect musical program, and the large congregation took keenest inter-

    est in all. The music, which interspersed

    the addresses, was fully in keep- ing with the high record Green- ville has attained. There were special songs by Mrs. T. E. Hooker. Mrs. B. E. Parham and Mrs. VV. L. Hall and Mr. Chatlea J;.:--:- th** were heard with much

    differentlaWV. D.W. ARNOLD'S »DDBBSS, I am thankful for tins oppor-

    tunity. It gives me great ard unlimited pleasure to welcome

    , you. Mr. Cook, to our town. Sir.

    t*n years ago when the peo- I am prone to ^•JJjjJJ . WT ■ not united in anything, your people here will bedellgbted

    or.rider, to s Christian bodies of the town m -ting in a welcome service to a new minister, said it was in striking contrast with the spirit

    ol pl

    off the necessity laid upon Urn t-/Society was read: 'render ui.to Csssar thej things At a meeting oi H Pitt County

    He rejoiced in the coming of this new era when peace, har- mony and co-operation prevailed, congratulated the new minister that his advent was under such auspicious circumstances and el- oquently welcomed him to the city on behalf of the citizens generally without regard to pol- ities or religion.

    Mayor Whedtee's address was a gem, and we regret that he

    to promulgate your succ. ■ B, aa to that matter all the citizenry of Greenville will do so with

    gladness. In olden times, a new comer,

    entering a house for the first time had to read his passpoi-t. I am thankful that such is un- necessary now. But I trust It will be easy for you to read your welcome in our open BM»8 and grateful hearts. Your coming

    hono* a"d ulory to the name

    ourK,nK: ,., .„ itelthatan Caesar's." The minis-Medical Society held December We welcome you also to BM« ^^^ ,(;, g .... -d mi.,;. 30i;)> l908| til ; , , resolu.

    Sunday school, wherei are «au-« hearted, publi". spiritidItion was unanimously passed: eradlromSabbathtoSabbathour JWJ ^T[r;^u.. cheerfully That this aoei ty rcsp a fully brightest and best, who an- to • , .^ BUbstanceI request the Boari « ■     rmen be .rained for a higher brighter, .£^"^monwealtii. inotioc: , lie ■- the sale holier and more useful AaB minister he is a man with | of whisk-i .-.res or

    : 1

    Mav your presence in this

    ever be a benediction as you shall

    no a ii........%-• '•. — , I a message--:! message from God.medical i i i he city

    copy of :

    '—« message to the hearts and!of Greev/iiie. rhai xhibitthe spirit of our tovi°K l^ngdencesof the people to>hom this resolution b« pnnb I in The

    he expounds the Wcrd of the i Daily Rt fleet or. Lord, a message delivered not in , L C. bn inn« r, ^ the "enticing words oi' man's,Jan, 5 1C-C3 becty wiBdom"butin"thedemonstra-| The board in i i with

    a gem, ana we regret m»* "» *»,» v , . , „... ,._ »VP so pressed with other duties just j among us hlM joy. We now that he could not prepare a need you and weare ntWKaW M\ c'pv of it for pu lie rtion. for your presence. We_ trust Mt£!l UUSKK'S AOOKKSS. | that OU, home., « M. OU

    We have met tonight for a entire town. wHI be UjtaJ" definite purpose. That purpose for your having cast your lot with h to welcome the Rev- M, Cook | -L ^^ ^ ^ ^ .)c j

    to£ welcome lain our hearts, aeenonah r floating to t» I

    Lord. Last but not least, we welcome

    you to our hearts, loyal and true, to our aSec