Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Copyright 1985by the American Psychological Association, Inc. 1985, Vol. 48, No. 6, 1467-1478 0022-3514/85/$00.75 Pooling of Unshared Information in Group Decision Making: Biased Information Sampling During Discussion Garold Stasser Miami University William Titus Briar Cliff College Decision-making groups can potentially benefit from pooling members' informa- tion, particularly when members individually have partial and biased information but collectively can compose an unbiased characterization of the decision alter- natives. The proposed biased sampling model of group discussion, however, suggests that group members often fail to effectively pool their information because discussion tends to be dominated by (a) information that members hold in common before discussion and (b) information that supports members' existent preferences. In a political caucus simulation, group members individually read candidate descriptions that contained partial information biased against the most favorable candidate and then discussed the candidates as a group. Even though groups could have produced unbiased composites of the candidates through discussion, they decided in favor of the candidate initially preferred by a plurality rather than the most favorable candidate. Group members' pre- and postdiscussion recall of candidate attributes indicated that discussion tended to perpetuate, not to correct, members' distorted pictures of the candidates. Decision-making groups must often choose from a set of specified alternatives (e.g., guilty and not guilty for a jury, a set of applicants for a selection committee), and this choice is typically preceded by discussion of the merits of each alternative. One goal of discussion is to achieve a consensus among the group's members. Another goal is to pool members' expertise and knowledge. In principle, pooling information permits a group decision that is more informed than the decisions of members acting individually. In particular, discussion can perform a corrective function when members individually have incomplete and biased information but collectively can piece together an unbiased picture of the relative merits of the decision alternatives. Notwith- standing the potential of discussion to serve such a corrective function, group discussion may often fall short of its potential. Discussion Portions of this study were reported at the 91 st annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, An- aheim, California, 1983. We thank Alison Karas, Jerry Kasai, Scott Snell, and Amelia Tynan for assisting in data collection and analysis. We also thank James Davis and Norbert Kerr for reading and commenting on an earlier draft of this article. Requests for reprints should be sent to Garold Stasser, Department of Psychology, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056. is rarely a systematic and balanced exploration of the relevant issues. On the contrary, it is often thematic and consensus confirming; that is, discussion tends to focus on particular issues and to support an existing or emergent consensus (cf. Fisher, 1980). Such patterns may counter effective pooling of information and may perpetuate biases that members bring to the group. In this article, we explore the dynamics of discussion within the framework of an infor- mation sampling model. This model high- lights the role of the pregroup information distribution, a summary of which group members are exposed to what information before discussion. The distribution of infor- mation among group members may give rise to several types of bias. Informational bias occurs when individual group members are given partial sets of information that do not reflect the balance of available supporting arguments for the various decision alterna- tives. Such biased sets of information may, in turn, result in preferential bias: individual members' preferring alternatives at the onset of discussion that they would not prefer if they had complete information. Finally, the sampling model suggests that the pregroup biases in information and preference may act to bias the content of subsequent discussion. 1467

Pooling of Unshared Information in Group Decision Making ......a7 bt, b2, b3, b4 Case 4: Severely biased distribution Pro-A Shared at al Unshared a2, a3 a4, a5 Pro-B a bt, b2, b3,

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Page 1: Pooling of Unshared Information in Group Decision Making ......a7 bt, b2, b3, b4 Case 4: Severely biased distribution Pro-A Shared at al Unshared a2, a3 a4, a5 Pro-B a bt, b2, b3,

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Copyright 1985 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. 1985, Vol. 48, No. 6, 1467-1478 0022-3514/85/$00.75

Pooling of Unshared Information in Group Decision Making: Biased Information Sampling During Discussion

G a r o l d Stasser Miami University

Wi l l i am Ti tus Briar Cliff College

Decision-making groups can potentially benefit from pooling members' informa- tion, particularly when members individually have partial and biased information but collectively can compose an unbiased characterization of the decision alter- natives. The proposed biased sampling model of group discussion, however, suggests that group members often fail to effectively pool their information because discussion tends to be dominated by (a) information that members hold in common before discussion and (b) information that supports members' existent preferences. In a political caucus simulation, group members individually read candidate descriptions that contained partial information biased against the most favorable candidate and then discussed the candidates as a group. Even though groups could have produced unbiased composites of the candidates through discussion, they decided in favor of the candidate initially preferred by a plurality rather than the most favorable candidate. Group members' pre- and postdiscussion recall of candidate attributes indicated that discussion tended to perpetuate, not to correct, members' distorted pictures of the candidates.

Decision-making groups must often choose from a set of specified alternatives (e.g., guilty and not guilty for a jury, a set of applicants for a selection committee), and this choice is typically preceded by discussion of the merits of each alternative. One goal of discussion is to achieve a consensus among the group's members. Another goal is to pool members ' expertise and knowledge. In principle, pooling information permits a group decision that is more informed than the decisions of members acting individually. In particular, discussion can perform a corrective function when members individually have incomplete and biased information but collectively can piece together an unbiased picture of the relative merits of the decision alternatives. Notwith- standing the potential of discussion to serve such a corrective function, group discussion may often fall short of its potential. Discussion

Portions of this study were reported at the 91 st annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, An- aheim, California, 1983. We thank Alison Karas, Jerry Kasai, Scott Snell, and Amelia Tynan for assisting in data collection and analysis. We also thank James Davis and Norbert Kerr for reading and comment ing on an earlier draft of this article.

Requests for reprints should be sent to Garold Stasser, Depar tment of Psychology, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056.

is rarely a systematic and balanced exploration of the relevant issues. On the contrary, it is often thematic and consensus confirming; that is, discussion tends to focus on particular issues and to support an existing or emergent consensus (cf. Fisher, 1980). Such patterns may counter effective pooling of information and may perpetuate biases that members bring to the group.

In this article, we explore the dynamics of discussion within the framework of an infor- mation sampling model. This model high- lights the role of the pregroup information distribution, a summary of which group members are exposed to what information before discussion. The distribution of infor- mation among group members may give rise to several types of bias. Informational bias occurs when individual group members are given partial sets of information that do not reflect the balance of available supporting arguments for the various decision alterna- tives. Such biased sets of information may, in turn, result in preferential bias: individual members ' preferring alternatives at the onset of discussion that they would not prefer if they had complete information. Finally, the sampling model suggests that the pregroup biases in information and preference may act to bias the content of subsequent discussion.


Page 2: Pooling of Unshared Information in Group Decision Making ......a7 bt, b2, b3, b4 Case 4: Severely biased distribution Pro-A Shared at al Unshared a2, a3 a4, a5 Pro-B a bt, b2, b3,


Thus the content of discussion tends to reflect but not to correct biases introduced by the distribution of information over group mem- bers before discussion.

Pregroup Information Distributions

For many topics of group discussion and decision, we can think of a set of relevant information and arguments (cf. Burnstein & Vinokur, 1977). Members are usually aware of some subset of these arguments before the group convenes and, on the basis of this subset, have a tentative preference for one of the alternatives. During group discussion, members exchange arguments and reevaluate their initial preferences. The information and arguments that members collectively bring to the group guide the emergence of a consensus in two ways. On the one hand, such infor- mation shapes the initial preferences of the group members; these initial preferences de- fine the degree of consensus that exists at the onset of discussion. On the other hand, the content of discussion is drawn from the ex- isting pool of information and arguments, and the balance of arguments favoring one position relative to another partly determines which preferences are likely to be strengthened or changed during the course of discussion.

It is important to consider not only how much supporting information exists for each alternative but also how this information is distributed across a group's members before their discussion. In the extreme, there are two kinds of pregroup information distribu- tions: shared information is familiar to all group members, whereas unshared informa- tion is held by only one of the group's members. (Of course, there are degrees be- tween these two extremes in that an argument or fact may be shared by several but not all members; for our purposes, we shall only consider these two extreme cases.) Burnstein and Vinokur (1977) made a similar distinc- tion in their persuasive arguments theory of group polarization. We will use an example suggested by their analysis to illustrate the distinction between shared and unshared in- formation distributions.

Consider a simple case in which a three- person group must decide between two alter-

natives, A and B. Suppose that there exist seven items of information favoring A (de- noted as a~, a2 . . . . . a6, and aT) and four items of information favoring B (denoted as bl, b2, b3, and b4). For ease of discussion, we assume that these 11 items of information are equally convincing. In Table 1 we present four ways in which this information could be distributed across the group members before discussion. In Case 1, all information is shared; that is, every member is aware of the seven pro-A and four pro-B pieces of infor- mation. In this case, we would expect that each member would prefer A before discus- sion and thus an initial unanimous consensus would occur. Group discussion would serve primarily to reassure the members that they were aware of all the critical information. This reassurance might increase members ' confidence in their preferences, but discussion would provide little impetus for modifying initial preferences.

In Case 2, some information about both A and B is unshared. We refer to this case as an unbiased distribution of unshared infor- mation because each individual possesses a ratio of pro-A to pro-B that is nearly identical to the ratio in the total information pool. Members bring three pro-A and two pro-B items to the group and, if information ex- change is exhaustive, would leave the group with seven pro-A and four pro-B items. Thus members should prefer A both before and after group discussion.

In Case 3, three of the pro-A items of information (viz., as, a6, and a7) are unshared, but all of the pro-B information is shared. Each group member still has more pro-A than pro-B information; however, from each member ' s perspective, the advantage to A appears proportionately less than if they were aware of all of the available information. Thus members would be likely to bring a relatively weak preference for A to the group's discussion, but discussion could strengthen these initial preferences because each member could inform the others of a pro-A argument of which they were previously unaware. As suggested by Burnstein and Vinokur (1977), pregroup distributions of information similar to those in Cases 2 and 3 would probably result in group polarization (cf. Myers & Lamm, 1976); that is, group discussion should

Page 3: Pooling of Unshared Information in Group Decision Making ......a7 bt, b2, b3, b4 Case 4: Severely biased distribution Pro-A Shared at al Unshared a2, a3 a4, a5 Pro-B a bt, b2, b3,


Table 1 Some Possible Pregroup Distributions of Seven Pro-A (ai) and Four Pro-B (bi) Items of Information Over Three Group Members


Group member Item

position X Y Z

Case 1: All information shared

Pro-A at, a2, a3, a4, as, a6, a7 al, a2, aa, a4, as, a6, a7 at, a2, a3, a4, as, a6, a7 Pro-B bt, b2, b3, b4 bt, b2, b3, b4 bt, b2, b3, b4


Pro-A Shared at at at Unshared a2, a3 a4, as a6, a7

Pro-B Shared bt bt bt Unshared b2 b3 b4

Case 3: Mildly biased distribution

Pro-A Shared at, a2, aa, a4 at, a2, a3, a4 Unshared a5 a6

Pro-B a bl, b2, b3, b4 bt, b2, b3, b4

at, a2, a3, a4 a7 bt, b2, b3, b4

Case 4: Severely biased distribution

Pro-A Shared at al Unshared a2, a3 a4, a5

Pro-B a bt, b2, b3, b4 bt, b2, b3, b4

al a6, a7 bl, b2, b3, b4

a All shared.

enhance the initial predisposit ions of the members to select A.

Case 4 in Table 1 is a more extreme version of Case 3. In this version, only one pro-A i tem of in format ion (viz., al) is shared and the other six are unshared; thus group members should tend to prefer B rather than A at the onset of discussion because they each possess only three pro-A pieces of in- formation. W h e n pregroup dis t r ibut ions of in format ion are sufficiently biased to shift pregroup preferences in this way, we refer to them as severely biased (as opposed to mildly biased dis t r ibut ions that tend to weaken but not change initial preferences). An extension of the logic of Burnstein and Vinokur ' s (1977) persuasive a rguments theory suggests that group discussion could counter this initial bias in favor of B. By exchanging information, each group m e m b e r can gain several i tems of new pro-A in format ion but no new pro-B informat ion. Ideally, even a group having a pregroup dis t r ibut ion of in format ion severely

biased against A could conclude discussion favoring A.

Thus in all cases presented in Table 1, exhaustive in format ion exchange could result in members ' preferring A after discussion and in the group 's choosing A as its decision. Nonetheless, Case 4 presents the most chal- lenging situation. In this case, for the group to eventually choose the best alternative (best in terms of the total available informat iont) ,

m In this article, we use term best in a very restricted way. The best alternative, in our sense, is the alternative that is supported by the preponderance of the information that is collectively available to the group. We do not mean that this alternative is correct. Indeed, criteria of correctness are usually undefined or unavailable for the kinds of decision tasks that we are considering (viz., judgmental tasks; cf. Laughlin, 1980). Furthermore, we recognize that in practice the information that is collec- tively available to a particular group may be incomplete, and thus the best alternative, relative to the informational resources of that group, may not be the best alternative in view of a more complete set of information.

Page 4: Pooling of Unshared Information in Group Decision Making ......a7 bt, b2, b3, b4 Case 4: Severely biased distribution Pro-A Shared at al Unshared a2, a3 a4, a5 Pro-B a bt, b2, b3,


the initial preferences of the members must be changed, whereas in the other cases a group would choose the best alternative by simply acting on the initial predispositions of the members. As a result, group discussion is critical to effective decision making when pregroup distributions of information are se- verely biased against the best alternative.

Case 4 also illustrates a situation in which a group's decision should be better than the decisions of individuals acting alone. A po- tential advantage of group versus individual decision making is that groups can pool information and thus make a more informed decision. In practice, groups are often com- posed of members who are believed to have unshared information (e.g., experts or repre- sentatives of special-interest populations). This strategy would have the greatest potential benefit when the total information pool favors one alternative but individuals have infor- mation that is severely biased in favor of another alternative. However, the following biased sampling model of group discussion suggests that this potential advantage of group decision making may often be unrealized.

Biased Sampling Model of Group Discussion

The biased sampling model identifies sev- eral sources of bias in unstructured, face-to- face discussion when a group is confronted with a consensus requirement. Moreover, we are concerned primarily with decision tasks for which there is no commonly accepted system of logic that would lead to an unam- biguously correct decision. In Laughlin's (1980) terms, we are restricting our attention to judgmental rather than intellective decision tasks. For such tasks, according to the model, the content of discussion is biased in two ways. First, discussion is biased in favor of shared information: An item of information is more likely to enter discussion if it is shared rather than unshared. Second, discus- sion is biased in favor of the current prefer- ences of group members: An item of infor- mation is more likely to enter discussion if it favors rather than opposes the existent pref- erences of group members.

According to the biased sampling model, group members rarely exhaust their store of

information during discussion but sample a subset of the information to contribute to discussion. At the level of the individual member, sampling is biased by the member 's current preference. Preference consistent in- formation is more salient and thus more likely to be recalled during discussion (cf. Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975.) Furthermore, the contribution of recalled information to dis- cussion is probably governed by a norm of advocacy: a social expectation that group members will actively advocate their preferred alternative during debate. At the level of the group, sampling is biased by the number of members who are cognizant of a given piece of information. The more members there are who have been exposed to an item of infor- mation, the more likely it is that at least one of them will recall and mention it. If sampling of the content of discussion is biased in these ways, then it is also the case that the amount of discussion favoring an alternative depends on the number of members who prefer that alternative.

Regarding the severely biased pregroup information distribution that is illustrated by Case 4 in Table 1, the biased sampling model predicts that group discussion will be biased in favor of alternative B even though there exists more information, in total, favoring A over B. This bias in discussion is expected for two reasons. First, group members will tend to prefer B initially and, as a result, will be predisposed to argue in favor of B. Second, shared information favors B even though the total set of information favors A. In summary, Case 4 illustrates a situation in which the collective decision of a group could be better (i.e., more consistent with the implications of all the available information) than the decision of any member acting alone. How- ever, the biased sampling model suggests that groups will often fail to realize their potential, especially when pregroup distributions are biased sufficiently to shift initial preferences away from the best alternative, as in Case 4.

The role of initial consensus in determining the outcome of group discussion and decision is emphasized by the biased sampling model. This emphasis is not new in the group deci- sion-making literature (cf. Davis, 1973; Stas- ser, Kerr, & Davis, 1980) but deserves some elaboration in the context of our study. In

Page 5: Pooling of Unshared Information in Group Decision Making ......a7 bt, b2, b3, b4 Case 4: Severely biased distribution Pro-A Shared at al Unshared a2, a3 a4, a5 Pro-B a bt, b2, b3,


t e r m s o f the in i t ia l consensus , Case 4 il lus- t ra tes the wors t o f all poss ib le cases: G r o u p m e m b e r s possess sets o f i n f o r m a t i o n tha t a re n o t on ly b iased aga ins t the best a l t e rna t ive b u t a re also cons i s ten t ly b iased in favor o f a n o t h e r a l te rna t ive . T h u s we expec t an in i t ia l c o n s e n s u s tha t favors an a l t e rna t ive o the r t h a n the best one . L i m i t i n g o u r e x a m p l e to two a l ternat ives p rec luded i l lus t ra t ing a n o t h e r possibil i ty. I f m o r e t h a n two dec i s ion al ter- na t ives exist, i t is poss ib le for p r e g r o u p dis- t r i b u t i o n s o f i n f o r m a t i o n to be b iased agains t the best a l te rna t ive bu t no t consistently, across m e m b e r s , b iased in favor o f a n o t h e r a l t e rna- tive. In o the r words , n o n e o f the g r o u p m e m - bers m a y s u p p o r t the best a l t e rna t ive but , at the s a m e t ime , t hey m a y n o t agree on any one o f the r e m a i n i n g a l ternat ives . Such a l ack o f an in i t ia l c o n s e n s u s m a y avo id dis- cuss ion tha t u n i f o r m l y suppo r t s one a l te rna- t ive a n d p r o m o t e m o r e ex tens ive a n d exhaus - t ive s a m p l i n g o f the to ta l ava i lab le i n f o r m a - t ion . In this way, in i t ia l d i s a g r e e m e n t o r conf l ic t m a y ac tua l ly encourage m o r e effective i n f o r m a t i o n exchange . O the r s have n o t e d the a p p a r e n t va lue o f conf l ic t in g r o u p dec i s ion m a k i n g (e.g., Fisher, 1980; Janis , 1972).

We des igned o u r s tudy to e x a m i n e two i m p l i c a t i o n s o f the b iased s a m p l i n g m o d e l o f g r o u p d iscuss ion . First , w h e n p r e g r o u p dis- t r i b u t i o n s o f i n f o r m a t i o n a re severe ly b iased agains t one a l ternat ive, g r o u p discuss ion tends to e n h a n c e ra the r t h a n e r o d e this in i t ia l bias. Second , d i scuss ion is m o r e l ikely to c o u n t e r an in i t ia l bias w h e n the re is d i s a g r e e m e n t t ha t is d u e to conf l i c t ing pa t t e rns o f in for - m a t i o n ac ross g r o u p m e m b e r s t h a n w h e n p r e g r o u p i n f o r m a t i o n is cons i s ten t ly b iased in favor o f one a l te rna t ive . We e x a m i n e d these p r e d i c t i o n s by c o m p a r i n g the d i s t r ibu- t ions o f p r e g r o u p p re fe rences w i t h the distr i - b u t i o n s o f g r o u p dec i s ions a n d p o s t g r o u p i n d i v i d u a l preferences .

M e t h o d


University students read descriptions of three hypo- thetical candidates for student body president and then met in 4-person groups to decide which candidate was best suited for the position. The profile of Candidate A contained more positive and fewer neutral attributes than the profiles of Candidates B and C. The valences (positive, neutral, or negative) of profile attributes were determined

via pre-experimental ratings. Thus Candidate A was the best candidate in the sense that his profile contained more of the consensually valued attributes of a student body president. We defined three experimental conditions according to how the information about the candidates was distributed over the 4 group members before discus- sion. In the shared condition, participants read descrip- tions that contained all of the profile information about each candidate. Two unshared conditions were used; in both, a participant was given only partial information about each candidate. However, the distribution of infor- mation across a group's members was designed so that a group, collectively, had all of the information and poten- tially could recreate the complete candidate profiles during discussion. In the unshared/consensus condition, positive information about A and negative information about B were unshared (i.e., given to only one member) before discussion in order to bias initial preferences against A and for B. In the unshared/conflict condition, the same strategy for distributing positive information about A was used; however, negative information about both B and C was unshared with the intent of shifting pregroup preferences away from A but, at the same time, avoiding a strong initial consensus for either B or C.


Miami University students participated in order to partly fulfill a research experience requirement of intro- ductory psychology courses. Assignment to experimental conditions and to decision-making groups within condi- tions was random. There were 72 subjects in the shared and unshared/conflict conditions and 84 in the unshared/ consensus condition.


The candidate profiles contained 16 items of infor- mation about each of the three candidates. This infor- mation consisted of biographical data (e.g., extracurricular activities and hobbies, academic classification and major, grade point average) and positions on local and university issues such as dorm policies (e.g., visitation hours, dorm assignments), academic policies (e.g., class evaluations, course scheduling), and student social life (e.g., program board activities, local drinking ordinances). On the basis of an independent sample's pre-experimental ratings of candidate characteristics and policy statements, we con- structed the profiles to include a specific number of positive, negative, and neutral items of information. Positive items are those that were rated, on the average, as both desirable and important attributes for a candidate by pretest participants, whereas negative items were rated as both moderately undesirable and important. (ln order to avoid unrealistic profiles, extremely undesirable attri- butes were not used.) Neutral items either were judged unimportant or received neutral desirability ratings. The profile for Candidate A contained eight positive, four neutral, and four negative items, whereas the profiles for Candidates B and C contained four positive, eight neutral, and four negative items.

The descriptions that were read by participants before group discussion were based on the overall profiles and included a summary of biographical information followed

Page 6: Pooling of Unshared Information in Group Decision Making ......a7 bt, b2, b3, b4 Case 4: Severely biased distribution Pro-A Shared at al Unshared a2, a3 a4, a5 Pro-B a bt, b2, b3,


Table 2 Number of ltems of Information About Each Candidate Received by Group Members Before Discussion

Candidate Condition and

information valence A B C

Shared Positive 8 4 4 Neutral 4 8 8 Negative 4 4 4

Unshared/consensus Positive 2 4 1 Neutral 4 5 8 Negative 4 1 1

Unshared/conflict Positive 2 4 [4] 4 [4] Neutral 4 6 [4] 4 [6] Negative 4 0 [2] 2 [0]

Note. In the unshared/conflict condition, 2 members of a 4-person group received configurations of information about Candidates B and C given by the numbers without brackets, whereas the other 2 members received config- urations given by the numbers in brackets.

by interview excerpts stating the candidate's position on various local issues. In Table 2 we summarize the ways in which positive, neutral, and negative items were distributed in the descriptions read by a group's members. In order to be consistent with our earlier definition, shared information was included in all of the descriptions, whereas unshared information appeared in only one of the members' descriptions.

The scheme for distributing information in the shared condition is straightforward because all information was shared. Every group member received identical descrip- tions containing all of the information in each candidate profile. In the unshared conditions, only eight items of information about each candidate were shared. For the eight unshared items, the description read by the first group member contained two of the unshared items, the description read by the second member contained another two of the unshared items, and so forth. In other words, each member read a description that contained one fourth of the unshared information. This method of distributing unshared information ensured that every item of information was contained in at least one of the descriptions read by a group's members.

The actual items of information to be unshared were selected to bias individual members' pregroup preferences in the unshared conditions. In the unshared/consensus condition, a given description of Candidate A contained only two of the eight positive items but all four of the negative items. In contrast, a given description of candidate B contained all four of B's positive attributes but only one of his negative attributes. The descriptions of can- didate C remained relatively balanced because both positive and negative items about C were unshared. Thus each group member in this condition read descriptions that were biased against A and in favor of B.

A similar effect was obtained in the unshared/conflict condition except that 2 members of a 4-person group read descriptions that were biased in favor of Candidate B over Candidate C (nonbracketed configurations in Table 2) and the other 2 members read descriptions that were biased in favor of Candidate C over Candidate B (bracketed configurations in Table 2). The intent was to split pregroup support between B and C.

We emphasize that even though the descriptions read by participants were biased in the unshared conditions, the total pool of information received by a group's members still favored Candidate A. For example, if each member of a group were to mention his or her two items of positive information about A during discussion, then all the members of the group would be informed of all eight pro-A items.


The procedures for all experimental conditions were identical except for the aforementioned differences in the descriptions that were read by participants before group discussion. Participants met in a classroom at the begin- ning of an experimental session and were seated at random in locations that determined their experimental condition and discussion group assignment. Exceptions to random assignment were made in order to obtain the maximum number of 4-person groups, given the number of participants attending any one session. Participants remaining after the maximum number of groups were formed were given a different experimental task, and their data are excluded from this report.

Preliminary instructions stated that the research was concerned with group decision making and briefly de- scribed the role of a caucus in political elections. Partic- ipants were told that they would be reading descriptions of three hypothetical candidates for student body president and then meeting as a "political caucus" to decide which candidate was best suited for the position. We noted that members of a real political caucus rarely have identical information about candidates and, therefore, the infor- mation given to each member before discussion might not be entirely identical to the information received by their fellow group members. Thus in this study, partici- pants in all conditions were alerted to the possibility that the descriptions might not be complete and their fellow group members might have information of which they were unaware.

Participants studied the candidate descriptions and then indicated their initial preferences on a private questionnaire. After collection of the candidate descrip- tions, participants completed a free recall task by listing as much information as they could remember about each candidate. Our intent for this task was to assess the salient information that participants retained before group discussion.

Participants then adjourned to nearby "caucus" rooms to, as a group, discuss the candidates and decide which one was the best candidate for student body president. After reaching a decision, group members privately com- pleted a final questionnaire. In addition to assessing their postdiscussion preferences, this questionnaire repeated the free recall task.

Page 7: Pooling of Unshared Information in Group Decision Making ......a7 bt, b2, b3, b4 Case 4: Severely biased distribution Pro-A Shared at al Unshared a2, a3 a4, a5 Pro-B a bt, b2, b3,



Pre- and Postgroup Individual Preferences

The distributions of pregroup preferences, given in Table 3, are significantly different among the experimental conditions, X2(4, N = 228) = 51.44, p < .001. In the shared con- dition, Candidate A was the popular choice as expected. By comparison, Candidate A was significantly less popular in the unshared conditions, ×2(1, N = 228) = 51.63, p < .001, and Candidate B was more popular, ×2(1, N = 228) = 27.95, p < .001. Thus the method of distributing unshared information had the intended effect of reducing pregroup support for A and increasing support for B. Furthermore, Candidate C was more popular in the unshared/conflict condition than in the unshared/consensus condition, xZ(l, N = 1 5 6 ) = 7.91, p < .005. In summary, pregroup support shifted from A to B in the unshared/consensus condition, whereas in the unshared/conflict condition, both B and C gained support at the expense of A.

One can assess the effects of group discus- sion on individual preferences by comparing pregroup with postgroup preference distri- butions. The biased sampling model suggests that candidates having the predominance of support before discussion will maintain or even gain support during discussion. This expectation follows because the content of discussion is presumed to reflect the initial allegiances of group members. If, however, groups do effectively pool members' infor- mation, group discussion should substantially increase support for Candidate A in the unshared conditions.

The distributions of postgroup preferences, given in Table 3, are consistent with the biased sampling model predictions. The dif- ferences among the experimental conditions observed in the pregroup preferences are enhanced rather than mitigated in the post- group preferences. For example, in the shared condition, the proportion of participants pre- ferring A increased from .67 to .85, and in the unshared/consensus condition the pro- portion preferring B increased from .61 to .75. Overall, the distributions of postgroup preferences are significantly different, X2(4, N = 227) -- 122.00, p < .001. Again, A was chosen more frequently in the shared condi-

Table 3 Relative Frequencies of Pregroup and Postgroup Preferences and Group Decisions


Condition A B C n

Pregroup preferences Shared info. .67 :17 .17 72 Unshared info./

consensus .25 .61 .14 84 Unshared info./

conflict .21 .46 .33 72 Postgroup preferences

Shared info. .85 .11 .04 72 Unshared info./

consensus .20 .75 .05 83 a Unshared info./

conflict .17 .47 .36 72 Group decisions

Shared info. .83 .11 .06 18 Unshared info./

consensus .24 .71 .05 21 Unshared info./

conflict .12 .53 .35 17 b

" O n e participant failed to report a postgroup preference. b One group failed to reach a decision.

tion than in the unshared conditions, X2(1, N = 227) = 89.51, p < .001, and B was chosen more frequently in the unshared conditions than in the shared conditions, ×2(1, N = 227) = 51.17, p < .001. Finally, C was more popular in the unshared/conflict condition than in the unshared/consensus condition, ×2(1, N = 155) = 24.17, p < .001.

In sum, the patterns of differences obtained for pregroup preferences tend to be exagger- ated in the postgroup data. Our expectation was that conflicting patterns of pregroup in- formation would increase the likelihood of discussion shifting preferences toward A when information was unshared; this expectation was not supported. The postgroup support for A is not significantly different between the unshared/consensus and unshared/conflict conditions.

Group Dec&ions

The distributions of group decisions in Table 3 parallel closely the distributions of postgroup preferences. Overall, the distribu- tions of decisions are significantly different

Page 8: Pooling of Unshared Information in Group Decision Making ......a7 bt, b2, b3, b4 Case 4: Severely biased distribution Pro-A Shared at al Unshared a2, a3 a4, a5 Pro-B a bt, b2, b3,


among the experimental conditions, Xz(4, N = 56) = 28.81, p < .001. In the shared condition, 83% of the 18 groups chose Can- didate A whereas only 18% of the 38 groups in the unshared conditions chose A, ×2(1, N = 56) = 21.59, p < .001. Candidate B was chosen more often in both of the unshared conditions than in the shared condition, X2(1, N = 56) = 13.31, p < .001, and Candidate C was chosen more often in the unshared/ conflict condition than in the unshared/con- sensus condition, x2(l, N = 38) = 5.83, p < .025. Again, there was no support for the notion that conflicting patterns of pregroup information would increase the likelihood that sentiment would shift toward Candidate A during discussion when pro-A information was unshared. In fact, groups in the unshared/ conflict condition tended to choose A less frequently than did groups in the unshared/ consensus condition; however, this difference is not significant.

Davis (1973) suggested that group process can be represented as a rule (social decision scheme) relating the group decisions to the configuration of members ' preferences at the onset of discussion. In Table 4, we represent the initial preference configuration of a group by (r,, r2, r3), whereby ri is the number of members in a fraction such that r~ > r2 > r3, and rl + r2 + r3 = r, group size. In the present case, r = 4, and the possible initial configurations of preference are as follows: (4, 0, 0) = initial unanimity; (3, 1, 0) = initial majority; (2, 1, 1) = initial plurality; and (2, 2, 0) = initial nonplurality. In Table 4, the decision of a group is classified as the candi- date initially supported by the largest faction (plurality supported), by a minority faction (minority supported), or by no members of the group (unsupported). Note that for some initial configurations, one of the classifications for decisions does not exist. In particular, the distinction between plurality supported and minori ty supported does not exist for the (2, 2, 0) case. Thus for the (2, 2, 0) configu- ration, decisions are simply tabulated as un- supported or plurality supported.

Candidates with initial unanimity or ma- jority support won with one exception: the unsupported candidate chosen by a group with an initial (3, 1, 0) configuration. Can- didates with only plurality support in the

Table 4 Group Decisions as a Function of Initial Support Within the Group

Supported Initial

consensus By plurality By minority Unsupported

(4, O, O) 6 - - 0 (3, l, O) 24 0 I (2, l, 1) 13 3 - - (2, 2, O) 9 - - 0

Note. Dashes indicate outcomes that are not defined for an initial consensus configuration.

(2, 1, 1) configuration won very frequently (81%) over the minority-supported candi- dates. Given the nonplurality configuration (2, 2, 0), one of the two supported candidates always won over the unsupported candidate. Thus a "plurality-supported wins" rule ac- counts for most of the group decisions; that is, a candidate with at least a plurality of initial support was likely to be the group's decision. Such a process suggests that discus- sion rarely erodes even a minimal consensus. This finding is consistent with Laughlin and Earley's (1982) conclusion that groups decid- ing issues of judgment or social preference seem to follow a majority rules process. However, the dominance of the initial plurality in our groups is particularly noteworthy be- cause the distributions of unshared informa- tion provided ample opportunity for discus- sion to counter the initial consensus in the unshared conditions.

Furthermore, it is worth noting that the seven groups that chose Candidate A in the unshared conditions were, by chance, assigned at least two members who favored A at the onset of discussion. Thus it was not the lack of a consensus for B or C that resulted in groups' discovering the merits of A (the in- tended effect in the unshared/conflict condi- tion); rather, it was the presence of at least two members who supported A.

Information Recall

Even though group discussion may often fail to correct the bias in information that members bring to the group, the biased sam- pling model suggests that the content of discussion is nonetheless instrumental in pro-

Page 9: Pooling of Unshared Information in Group Decision Making ......a7 bt, b2, b3, b4 Case 4: Severely biased distribution Pro-A Shared at al Unshared a2, a3 a4, a5 Pro-B a bt, b2, b3,


ducing shifts of preference. The point is that shifts of preference occur in the direction of the initial consensus because members tend to recall and contribute arguments and facts that support their existent preferences. The content of discussion serves not only to give members new information but also to change the salience of old information. If shifts of preference and the emergence of a group decision are dependent on the content of discussion, there should be a concomitant increase in the salience of information that supports the winning candidate from pre- to postdiscussion. Thus information that sup- ports the winning candidate should be more likely to be recalled after than before discus- sion.

The numbers of positive and negative items recalled before and after discussion were tab- ulated separately for the winning and losing candidates. Because Candidate A had more positive attributes than B and C, and because there was always more total information about the two losing candidates than about the one winning candidate, we analyzed the percent- age of information recalled rather than the absolute frequency. Also, because of a possible dependency of postdiscussion recall among a group's members, we averaged the recall scores of the four members of each group and conducted an analysis of variance (ANOVA), using these group means (following a method of analysis suggested by Myers, DiCecco, & Lorch, 1981).

Figure l contains the average pre- and postdiscussion recall of positive and negative information about the winning and losing candidates for each experimental condition. Although we are primarily interested in the changes of recall from pre- to postdiscussion, it is important to note that the prediscussion recall of positive attributes of the winning candidate is noticeably higher in the unshared conditions than in the shared condition. This inflated recall reflects the biasedness of the sets of information given to members before discussion in the unshared conditions; that is, the percentage of unshared information recalled before discussion in the unshared conditions is necessarily low because each member received only one fourth of the unshared information. The winning candidate in these conditions was typically (except for

the few groups who chose A) the one for whom members were given all of the positive information before discussion. Unshared in- formation, in these conditions, was typically (a) negative information about the winning candidate and (b) positive and negative infor- mation about one or both of the losing can- didates. Thus if group discussion had cor- rected the bias introduced by the patterns of shared and unshared information in the un- shared conditions, this disproportionate recall of positive-winning information should have been reduced in postdiscussion recall. How- ever, visual inspection of Figures lc and le suggests that this bias in recall increased from pre- to postdiscussion.

A 3 X 2 X 2 X 2 (Experimental Condi- tion X Winning vs. Losing Candidate X Pos- itive vs. Negative Valence × Prediscussion vs. Postdiscussion) ANOVA of the recall scores

6° I O < 50 i

4 0 '

~ ao ~ 20 z lo

d <

t~ I - Z


[L Z




3 0


10 !

j J 6O



,~ 3o tE



(a) I I



(c) I I

U N S H A R E D / C O N S E N S U S C O N D I T I O N



(b) I



, i i P R E P O S T


(d) I


( f )



U N S H A R E D / C O N F L I C T C O N D I T I O N

Figure 1. M~an percentage of pre- and postdiscussion recall of positive and negative information about the winning and losing candidate for each of the experimental conditions.

Page 10: Pooling of Unshared Information in Group Decision Making ......a7 bt, b2, b3, b4 Case 4: Severely biased distribution Pro-A Shared at al Unshared a2, a3 a4, a5 Pro-B a bt, b2, b3,


was conducted. Two three-way interactions are of primary interest: the Condition X Candidate X Time interaction, F(1, 53) = 5.43, p < .01, and the Candidate X Infor- mation Valence x Time interaction, F(1, 53) = 8.98, p < .01. Post hoc analyses sug- gested that both of these three-way interac- tions are due primarily to three simple main effects of time. In the shared condition there is a significant decrease in the recall of neg- ative information about the winning candi- date, F(1, 53) = 12.05, p < .01 (see Figure 1 a). In contrast, there is a significant increase in the recall of positive information about the winning candidate in both the unshared/ consensus and the unshared/conflict condi- tions, F(1, 53) = 16.38, p < .01, and F(1, 53) = 8.43, p < .01, respectively (see Figure 1 c and l e). All other simple main effects of time are not significant.

Thus the results for the unshared conditions support the predictions of the biased sampling model. Effective information exchange during discussion should have resulted in a substan- tial gain of negative information about the winning candidate in these conditions because group members could give each other new information that opposed the winning can- didate. Clearly, discussion did not serve this corrective function but tended to increase the salience of information supporting the win- ning candidate even though members of most groups had been exposed to this information before discussion.

The results for the shared condition are somewhat more puzzling although they are not necessarily inconsistent with the biased sampling model. It seems that when group members had received all of the information before discussion, the discussion maintained the salience of information favoring the ini- tially preferred (and ultimately winning) can- didate, whereas information opposing this candidate was less likely to be recalled after discussion. One interpretation of this finding is that giving members all of the information before discussion resulted in information overload. Discussion then served to reduce this overload by focusing on information that supported the initially popular candidate and ignoring other information. The net effect of this focus, coupled with information overload, would be to reduce the recall of nonsupport- ing information.


Several theoretical perspectives emphasize the role of information exchange in guiding the emergence of a consensus and modifying members' preferences during group discussion (e.g., Anderson & Graesser, 1976; Hoffman & Maier, 1964; Kaplan, 1977; Stasser & Davis, 1981). Burnstein and Vinokur's (1977) persuasive arguments theory suggests that shifts of preference are due to the number of persuasive and unique arguments that are introduced into discussion. Unique arguments are considered particularly instrumental in producing preference shifts. Viewed in this way, information that is unshared before discussion should be more likely than shared information to affect members' preferences during discussion. However, Burnstein and Vinokur (1977) are primarily concerned with the group polarization phenomenon, and in their analysis they assumed that the prepon- derance of unshared arguments tends to favor the initially most popular position for tasks used in this research tradition. They thus concluded that unique arguments exchanged during discussion tend to bolster the initially popular sentiment within a group.

We are primarily concerned with a situation in which the balance of unshared information opposes the initially most popular position. In this case, according to the biased sampling model, the unshared information will tend to be omitted from discussion and, therefore, will have little effect on members' preferences during group discussion. Our results confirm this notion. Group decisions and postgroup preferences reflected the initial preferences of group members even when the exchange of unshared information should have resulted in substantial shifts of opinion. Furthermore, discussion did not increase the recall of un- shared information. On the contrary, discus- sion tended to increase the recall of infor- mation that supported the initially most pop- ular (and ultimately winning) candidate even though this information was primarily shared before discussion.

The unshared conditions in this study sim- ulated a situation in which the quality of the group's decision was potentially better than the quality of its members' pregroup choices. The pregroup choices were based on biased sets of information, but if members had

Page 11: Pooling of Unshared Information in Group Decision Making ......a7 bt, b2, b3, b4 Case 4: Severely biased distribution Pro-A Shared at al Unshared a2, a3 a4, a5 Pro-B a bt, b2, b3,


effectively exchanged information during dis- cussion, the collective choice would have been based on less biased information.

Extending Steiner's (1972) process-loss model of group productivity, Shiflett (1979) proposed a general model that analyzes group performance in terms of resources, trans- formers, and outputs. Resources include knowledge and abilities that are relevant to performing a task. Transformers are variables that mediate the ways in which member resources are combined or weighted to yield the group output (e.g., a solution to a problem, a judgment, or a decision). For our decision- making groups, the information in the can- didate profiles can be viewed as resources, and the collective choice of the best-qualified candidate as the group output. Transformers would include variables that affect the likeli- hood that information is introduced into discussion and thus is reflected in a group's decision. Shiflett (1979) also distinguished unique resources (resources held by one member) from redundant resources (resources held by all members). In our case, unique resources are items of information unshared before discussion, and shared information constitutes redundant resources. We suggest that one criterion of group productivity in a judgmental task could be the extent to which unique resources are considered in a group's final judgment. Viewed in this way, the de- cisions of groups in the shared conditions are a standard against which to judge the decisions of groups in the unshared conditions. If unique and redundant informational re- sources were weighted equally, there should be no difference in the distributions of group decisions between the shared and unshared conditions. However, our results suggest that unique or unshared information had little impact on groups' decisions.

The biased sampling model of group dis- cussion identifies several possible mechanisms that may result in commonly held information receiving m o r e weight than uniquely held information in a group's decision. One pos- sibility follows directly from Shiflett's (1979) distinction between unique and redundant resources: The more members there are who are exposed to an item of information, the more likely it is that at least one of them will recall and mention it during discussion. In Shiflett's (1979) words, "The fact that two or

more individuals possess the same resource does not increase the total set of available resources but does increase the probability of that resource being used" (p. 72). Further- more, according to the biased sampling model, members ' initial preferences are a transformer variable in Shiflett's formulation. Initial preferences may mediate the contri- bution of information to discussion in either of two ways. First, members ' recall may be biased because preference-consistent infor- mation is more salient than preference-incon- sistent information. Second, members may tend to advocate or defend their initial pref- erence and thus bias their contributions to discussion even if their recall is not biased, In sum, initial preferences may act as trans- former variables by introducing selective recall or selective contribution of information dur- ing discussion.

In many contexts, a desirable goal may be to increase the weight of uniquely held infor- mation in the determination of a group's judgment. One suspects that unshared infor- mation may often be just as important, or even more important, than commonly held information in arriving at a collective choice. For example, if a group is composed of members who have differing areas of exper- tise, consideration of unshared information may be very critical to the quality of the group's final decision. Similarly, groups whose members represent disparate points of view or special-interest populations may err by focusing on their shared perspectives and thereby negating any advantage that accrues from multiple sources of diverse input. Our results suggest that unstructured discussion in the face of a consensus requirement may often fail as a means of combining unique informational resources. Ironically, our anal- ysis also suggests that this failure to consider unique information is most likely when the unique information counters the prevailing sentiment in the group and could change its final decision.


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Received February 1, 1984 Revision received July 6, 1984 •