Pontifical Council for Culture - Jesus the Bearer of the water of life

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  • 7/23/2019 Pontifical Council for Culture - Jesus the Bearer of the water of life





    A Christian reflection

    on the New Ae!



    1.What sort of reflection

    1.1.Why now?


    1.!.Cltral "ac#$ron%

    1.&.The New Ae an% Catholic faith1.'.A (ositi)e challen$e

    2.New A$e s(iritality* an o)er)iew

    2.1.What is new a"otNew Ae#

    2.2.What %oes theNew Ae claim to offer?

    2.2.1.Enchantment* There +st "e an An$el

    2.2.2.,armony an% -n%erstan%in$* oo% /i"rations

    2.2.!.,ealth* ol%en Li)in$

    2.2.&.Wholeness* A +a$ical +ystery Tor

    2.!.The fn%amental (rinci(les ofNew Ae thin#in$

    2.!.1.A $lo"al res(onse in a time of crisis

    2.!.2.The essential matri0 ofNew Ae thin#in$

    2.!.!.Central themes of theNew Ae

    2.!.&.What %oesNew Ae say a"ot...

    2.!.&.1....the hman (erson?

  • 7/23/2019 Pontifical Council for Culture - Jesus the Bearer of the water of life



    2.!.&.!....the worl%?

    2.&.nha"itants of myth rather than history3*New Ae an% cltre

    2.'.Why hasNew Ae $rown so ra(i%ly an% s(rea% so effecti)ely?

    !.New A$e an% Christian faith

    !.1.New Ae as s(iritality

    !.2.S(irital narcissism?

    !.!.The Cosmic Christ

    !.&.Christian mysticism an%New Ae mysticism

    !.'.The o% within an% theosis

    &.New A$e an% Christian faith in contrast

    '.4ess Christ offers s the water of life

    5.6oints to note

    5.1.i%ance an% son% formation are nee%e%

    5.2.6ractical ste(s


    7.1.Some "rief formlations ofNew Ae i%eas7.2.A select $lossary

    7.!.8ey New Ae (laces


    9.1.;ocments of the Catholic Chrch

  • 7/23/2019 Pontifical Council for Culture - Jesus the Bearer of the water of life



    The present study is concerned with the compe! phenomenon o" #New A$e% which isin"uencin$ m&ny &spects o" contempor&ry cuture'

    The study is & (ro)isional re(ort. It is the "ruit o" the common re"ection o" the (or)in$Group on New Rei$ious *o+ements, composed o" st&"" mem-ers o" di""erent dic&steries o"the .oy See/ the Ponti"ic& Councis "or Cuture &nd "or Interrei$ious Di&o$ue 0which &rethe princip& red&ctors "or this pro1ect2, the Con$re$&tion "or the E+&n$ei3&tion o" Peopes&nd the Ponti"ic& Counci "or Promotin$ Christi&n Unity'

    These re"ections &re o""ered prim&riy to those en$&$ed in p&stor& wor) so th&t they mi$ht-e &-e to e!p&in how theNew Age mo+ement di""ers "rom the Christi&n "&ith' This study

    in+ites re&ders to t&)e &ccount o" the w&y th&tNew Agerei$iosity &ddresses the spiritu&hun$er o" contempor&ry men &nd women' It shoud -e reco$ni3ed th&t the &ttr&ction th&t NewAge rei$iosity h&s "or some Christi&ns m&y -e due in p&rt to the &c) o" serious &ttention intheir own communities "or themes which &re &ctu&y p&rt o" the C&thoic synthesis such &sthe import&nce o" m&n4 spiritu& dimension &nd its inte$r&tion with the whoe o" i"e, these&rch "or i"e4s me&nin$, the in) -etween hum&n -ein$s &nd the rest o" cre&tion, the desire"or person& &nd soci& tr&ns"orm&tion, &nd the re1ection o" & r&tion&istic &nd m&teri&istic+iew o" hum&nity'

    The present pu-ic&tion c&s &ttention to the need to )now &nd underst&ndNew Age&s &cutur& current, &s we &s the need "or C&thoics to h&+e &n underst&ndin$ o" &uthentic

    C&thoic doctrine &nd spiritu&ity in order to propery &ssessNew Age themes' The "irst twoch&pters presentNew Age&s & muti"&ceted cutur& tendency, proposin$ &n &n&ysis o" the-&sic "ound&tions o" the thou$ht con+eyed in this conte!t' From Ch&pter Three onw&rds someindic&tions &re o""ered "or &n in+esti$&tion o"New Agein comp&rison with the Christi&nmess&$e' Some su$$estions o" & p&stor& n&ture &re &so m&de'

    Those who wish to $o deeper into the study o"New Agewi "ind use"u re"erences in the&ppendices' It is hoped th&t this wor) wi in "&ct pro+ide & stimuus "or "urther studies&d&pted to di""erent cutur& conte!ts' Its purpose is &so to encour&$e discernment -y thosewho &re oo)in$ "or sound re"erence points "or & i"e o" $re&ter "uness' It is indeed ourcon+iction th&t throu$h m&ny o" our contempor&ries who &re se&rchin$, we c&n disco+er &

    true thirst "or God' As Pope 5ohn P&u II s&id to & $roup o" -ishops "rom the United St&tes/#P&stors must honesty &s) whether they h&+e p&id su""icient &ttention to the thirst o" thehum&n he&rt "or the true 4i+in$ w&ter4 which ony Christ our Redeemer c&n $i+e 0c"' Jn 6/789:2%' Li)e him, we w&nt to rey #on the perenni& "reshness o" the Gospe mess&$e &nd itsc&p&city to tr&ns"orm &nd renew those who &ccept it% 0AAS;2'

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    The "oowin$ re"ections &re me&nt &s & $uide "or C&thoics in+o+ed in pre&chin$ the Gospe&nd te&chin$ the "&ith &t &ny e+e within the Church' This document does not &im &t

    pro+idin$ & set o" compete &nswers to the m&ny ?uestions r&ised -y theNew Ageor othercontempor&ry si$ns o" the perenni& hum&n se&rch "or h&ppiness, me&nin$ &nd s&+&tion' It is&n in+it&tion to underst&nd theNew Age &nd to en$&$e in & $enuine di&o$ue with those who&re in"uenced -yNew Age thou$ht' The document $uides those in+o+ed in p&stor& wor) intheir underst&ndin$ &nd response toNew Age spiritu&ity, -oth iustr&tin$ the points wherethis spiritu&ity contr&sts with the C&thoic "&ith &nd re"utin$ the positions espoused -yNewAge thin)ers in opposition to Christi&n "&ith' (h&t is indeed re?uired o" Christi&ns is, "irst&nd "oremost, & soid $roundin$ in their "&ith' On this sound -&se, they c&n -uid & i"e whichresponds positi+ey to the in+it&tion in the "irst etter o" S&int Peter/ #&w&ys h&+e your&nswer re&dy "or peope who &s) you the re&son "or the hope th&t you & h&+e' @ut $i+e itwith courtesy &nd respect &nd & ce&r conscience% 01 P :, 9 "'2'

    1.1. Why now?

    The -e$innin$ o" the Third *iennium comes not ony two thous&nd ye&rs &"ter the -irth o"Christ, -ut &so &t & time when &stroo$ers -eie+e th&t the A$e o" Pisces B )nown to them &sthe Christi&n &$e B is dr&win$ to & cose' These re"ections &re &-out the New Age, whicht&)es its n&me "rom the imminent &stroo$ic& A$e o" A?u&rius' TheNew Ageis one o" m&nye!p&n&tions o" the si$ni"ic&nce o" this moment in history which &re -om-&rdin$contempor&ry 0p&rticu&ry western2 cuture, &nd it is h&rd to see ce&ry wh&t is &nd wh&t is

    not consistent with the Christi&n mess&$e' So this seems to -e the ri$ht moment to o""er &Christi&n &ssessment o"New Agethin)in$ &nd theNew Agemo+ement &s & whoe'

    It h&s -een s&id, ?uite correcty, th&t m&ny peope ho+er -etween cert&inty &nd uncert&intythese d&ys, p&rticu&ry in ?uestions re&tin$ to their identity'092Some s&y th&t the Christi&nrei$ion is p&tri&rch& &nd &uthorit&ri&n, th&t poitic& institutions &re un&-e to impro+e theword, &nd th&t "orm& 0&op&thic2 medicine simpy "&is to he& peope e""ecti+ey' The "&ctth&t wh&t were once centr& eements in society &re now percei+ed &s untrustworthy or&c)in$ in $enuine &uthority h&s cre&ted & cim&te where peope oo) inw&rds, intothemse+es, "or me&nin$ &nd stren$th' There is &so & se&rch "or &tern&ti+e institutions,which peope hope wi respond to their deepest needs' The unstructured or ch&otic i"e o"

    &tern&ti+e communities o" the 97>s h&s $i+en w&y to & se&rch "or discipine &nd structures,which &re ce&ry )ey eements in the immensey popu&r #mystic&% mo+ements'New Ageis&ttr&cti+e m&iny -ec&use so much o" wh&t it o""ers meets hun$ers o"ten e"t uns&tis"ied -ythe est&-ished institutions'

    (hie much o"New Ageis & re&ction to contempor&ry cuture, there &re m&ny w&ys in whichit is th&t cuture4s chid' The Ren&iss&nce &nd the Re"orm&tion h&+e sh&ped the modernwestern indi+idu&, who is not wei$hed down -y e!tern& -urdens i)e merey e!trinsic

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    &uthority &nd tr&dition peope "ee the need to #-eon$% to institutions ess &nd ess 0&nd yetoneiness is +ery much & scour$e o" modern i"e2, &nd &re not incined to r&n) #o""ici&%1ud$ements &-o+e their own' (ith this cut o" hum&nity, rei$ion is intern&ised in & w&ywhich prep&res the $round "or & cee-r&tion o" the s&credness o" the se"' This is why New

    Age sh&res m&ny o" the +&ues espoused -y enterprise cuture &nd the #prosperity Gospe% 0o"which more wi -e s&id &ter/ section '62, &nd &so -y the consumer cuture, whose in"uenceis ce&r "rom the r&pidy8$rowin$ num-ers o" peope who c&im th&t it is possi-e to -endChristi&nity &ndNew Age,-y t&)in$ wh&t stri)es them &s the -est o" -oth'02It is worthremem-erin$ th&t de+i&tions within Christi&nity h&+e &so $one -eyond tr&dition& theism in&cceptin$ & uni&ter& turn to se", &nd this woud encour&$e such & -endin$ o" &ppro&ches'The import&nt thin$ to note is th&t God is reduced in cert&inNew Agepr&ctices so &s"urtherin$ the &d+&ncement o" the indi+idu&'

    New Age&ppe&s to peope im-ued with the +&ues o" modern cuture' Freedom, &uthenticity,se"8rei&nce &nd the i)e &re & hed to -e s&cred' It &ppe&s to those who h&+e pro-ems with

    p&tri&rchy' It #does not dem&nd &ny more "&ith or -eie" th&n $oin$ to the cinem&%,


    &nd yetit c&ims to s&tis"y peope4s spiritu& &ppetites' @ut here is & centr& ?uestion/ 1ust wh&t isme&nt -y spiritu&ity in &New Ageconte!t The &nswer is the )ey to unoc)in$ some o" thedi""erences -etween the Christi&n tr&dition &nd much o" wh&t c&n -e c&ed New Age. Some+ersions o"New Age h&rness the powers o" n&ture &nd see) to communic&te with &notherword to disco+er the "&te o" indi+idu&s, to hep indi+idu&s tune in to the ri$ht "re?uency tom&)e the most o" themse+es &nd their circumst&nces' In most c&ses, it is competey"&t&istic' Christi&nity, on the other h&nd, is &n in+it&tion to oo) outw&rds &nd -eyond, to the#new Ad+ent%o" the God who c&s us to i+e the di&o$ue o" o+e'062

    1.2. Commnications

    The technoo$ic& re+oution in communic&tions o+er the &st "ew ye&rs h&s -rou$ht &-out &competey new situ&tion' The e&se &nd speed with which peope c&n now communic&te isone o" the re&sons whyNew Age h&s come to the &ttention o" peope o" & &$es &nd-&c)$rounds, &nd m&ny who "oow Christ &re not sure wh&t it is & &-out' The Internet, inp&rticu&r, h&s -ecome enormousy in"uenti&, especi&y with youn$er peope, who "ind it &con$eni& &nd "&scin&tin$ w&y o" &c?uirin$ in"orm&tion' @ut it is & +o&tie +ehice o"misin"orm&tion on so m&ny &spects o" rei$ion/ not & th&t is &-eed #Christi&n% or#C&thoic% c&n -e trusted to re"ect the te&chin$s o" the C&thoic Church &nd, &t the s&metime, there is & rem&r)&-e e!p&nsion o"New Agesources r&n$in$ "rom the serious to theridicuous' Peope need, &nd h&+e & ri$ht to, rei&-e in"orm&tion on the di""erences -etweenChristi&nity &ndNew Age.

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    1.!. Cltral "ac#$ron%

    (hen one e!&mines m&nyNew Agetr&ditions, it soon -ecomes ce&r th&t there is, in "&ct,itte in theNew Ageth&t is new' The n&me seems to h&+e $&ined currency throu$h

    Rosicruci&nism &nd Freem&sonry, &t the time o" the French &nd Americ&n Re+outions, -utthe re&ity it denotes is & contempor&ry +&ri&nt o" (estern esotericism' This d&tes -&c) toGnostic $roups which $rew up in the e&ry d&ys o" Christi&nity, &nd $&ined momentum &t thetime o" the Re"orm&tion in Europe' It h&s $rown in p&r&e with scienti"ic word8+iews, &nd&c?uired & r&tion& 1usti"ic&tion throu$h the ei$hteenth &nd nineteenth centuries' It h&sin+o+ed & pro$ressi+e re1ection o" & person& God &nd & "ocus on other entities which woudo"ten "i$ure &s intermedi&ries -etween God &nd hum&nity in tr&dition& Christi&nity, withmore &nd more ori$in& &d&pt&tions o" these or &ddition& ones' A power"u trend in modern(estern cuture which h&s $i+en sp&ce toNew Ageide&s is the $ener& &ccept&nce o"D&rwinist e+oution&ry theory this, &on$side & "ocus on hidden spiritu& powers or "orces inn&ture, h&s -een the -&c)-one o" much o" wh&t is now reco$nised &s New Agetheory'

    @&sic&y,New Age h&s "ound & rem&r)&-e e+e o" &ccept&nce -ec&use the word8+iew onwhich it w&s -&sed w&s &re&dy widey &ccepted' The $round w&s we prep&red -y the$rowth &nd spre&d o" re&ti+ism, &on$ with &n &ntip&thy or indi""erence tow&rds theChristi&n "&ith'

    Furthermore, there h&s -een & i+ey discussion &-out whether &nd in wh&t sense NewAge c&n -e descri-ed &s & postmodern phenomenon' The e!istence &nd "er+or o"NewAgethin)in$ &nd pr&ctice -e&r witness to the un?uench&-e on$in$ o" the hum&n spirit "ortr&nscendence &nd rei$ious me&nin$, which is not ony & contempor&ry cutur&phenomenon, -ut w&s e+ident in the &ncient word, -oth Christi&n &nd p&$&n'

    1.&. TheNew Ae an% Catholic Faith

    E+en i" it c&n -e &dmitted th&tNew Agerei$iosity in some w&y responds to the e$itim&tespiritu& on$in$ o" hum&n n&ture, it must -e &c)nowed$ed th&t its &ttempts to do so runcounter to Christi&n re+e&tion' In (estern cuture in p&rticu&r, the &ppe& o" #&tern&ti+e%&ppro&ches to spiritu&ity is +ery stron$' On the one h&nd, new "orms o" psychoo$ic&&""irm&tion o" the indi+idu& h&+e -e

    come +ery popu&r &mon$ C&thoics, e+en in retre&t8houses, semin&ries &nd institutes o""orm&tion "or rei$ious' At the s&me time there is incre&sin$ nost&$i& &nd curiosity "or thewisdom &nd ritu& o" on$ &$o, which is one o" the re&sons "or the rem&r)&-e $rowth in thepopu&rity o" esotericism &nd $nosticism' *&ny peope &re p&rticu&ry &ttr&cted to wh&t is)nown B correcty or otherwise B &s #Cetic% spiritu&ity,02or to the rei$ions o" &ncientpeopes' @oo)s &nd courses on spiritu&ity &nd &ncient or E&stern rei$ions &re & -oomin$-usiness, &nd they &re "re?uenty &-eed #New Age% "or commerci& purposes' @ut the in)s

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    with those rei$ions &re not &w&ys ce&r' In "&ct, they &re o"ten denied'

    An &de?u&te Christi&n discernment o"New Agethou$ht &nd pr&ctice c&nnot "&i to reco$ni3eth&t, i)e second &nd third century $nosticism, it represents somethin$ o" & compendium o"

    positions th&t the Church h&s identi"ied &s heterodo!' 5ohn P&u II w&rns with re$&rd to the#return o" &ncient $nostic ide&s under the $uise o" the so8c&ed New Age/ (e c&nnot deudeourse+es th&t this wi e&d tow&rd & renew& o" rei$ion' It is ony & new w&y o" pr&ctisin$$nosticism B th&t &ttitude o" the spirit th&t, in the n&me o" & pro"ound )nowed$e o" God,resuts in distortin$ .is (ord &nd rep&cin$ it with purey hum&n words' Gnosticism ne+ercompetey &-&ndoned the re&m o" Christi&nity' Inste&d, it h&s &w&ys e!isted side -y sidewith Christi&nity, sometimes t&)in$ the sh&pe o" & phiosophic& mo+ement, -ut more o"ten&ssumin$ the ch&r&cteristics o" & rei$ion or & p&r&8rei$ion in distinct, i" not dec&red,con"ict with & th&t is essenti&y Christi&n%' 0

  • 7/23/2019 Pontifical Council for Culture - Jesus the Bearer of the water of life


    wom&n who is prep&red to respond to his o+e'

    2.NEW A$E S6:T-ALT* AN O/E:/EW

    Christi&ns in m&ny (estern societies, &nd incre&sin$y &so in other p&rts o" the word,"re?uenty come into cont&ct with di""erent &spects o" the phenomenon )nown &s New Age'*&ny o" them "ee the need to underst&nd how they c&n -est &ppro&ch somethin$ which is &tonce so &urin$, compe!, eusi+e &nd, &t times, distur-in$' These re"ections &re &n &ttemptto hep Christi&ns do two thin$s/

    B to identi"y eements o" the de+eopin$New Agetr&ditionB to indic&te those eements which &re inconsistent with the Christi&n re+e&tion'

    This is & p&stor& response to & current ch&en$e, which does not e+en &ttempt to pro+ide &ne!h&usti+e ist o"New Agephenomen&, since th&t woud resut in & +ery -u)y tome, &ndsuch in"orm&tion is re&diy &+&i&-e esewhere' It is essenti& to try to underst&nd NewAge correcty, in order to e+&u&te it "&iry, &nd &+oid cre&tin$ & c&ric&ture' It woud -eunwise &nd untrue to s&y th&t e+erythin$ connected with theNew Agemo+ement is $ood, orth&t e+erythin$ &-out it is -&d' Ne+ertheess, $i+en the underyin$ +ision o"NewAge rei$iosity, it is on the whoe di""icut to reconcie it with Christi&n doctrine &ndspiritu&ity'

    New Age is not & mo+ement in the sense norm&y intended in the term #New Rei$ious*o+ement%, &nd it is not wh&t is norm&y me&nt -y the terms #cut% &nd #sect%' @ec&use it is

    spre&d &cross cutures, in phenomen& &s +&ried &s music, "ims, semin&rs, wor)shops,retre&ts, ther&pies, &nd m&ny more &cti+ities &nd e+ents, it is much more di""use &nd in"orm&,thou$h some rei$ious or p&r&8rei$ious $roups consciousy incorpor&teNew Ageeements,&nd it h&s -een su$$ested th&tNew Age h&s -een & source o" ide&s "or +&rious rei$ious &ndp&r&8rei$ious sects'02New Ageis not & sin$e, uni"orm mo+ement, -ut r&ther & oose networ)o" pr&ctitioners whose &ppro&ch is tothink globally but act locally. Peope who &re p&rt o" thenetwor) do not necess&riy )now e&ch other &nd r&rey, i" e+er, meet' In &n &ttempt to &+oidthe con"usion which c&n &rise "rom usin$ the term #mo+ement%, some re"er to New Age&s miieu%,09>2or &n #&udience cut%'0992.owe+er, it h&s &so -een pointed out th&t #it is & +erycoherent current o" thou$ht%,092& dei-er&te ch&en$e to modern cuture' It is & syncretisticstructure incorpor&tin$ m&ny di+erse eements, &owin$ peope to sh&re interests or

    connections to +ery di""erent de$rees &nd on +&ryin$ e+es o" commitment' *&ny trends,pr&ctices &nd &ttitudes which &re in some w&y p&rt o"New Age&re, indeed, p&rt o" & -ro&d&nd re&diy identi"i&-e re&ction to m&instre&m cuture, so the word #mo+ement% is notentirey out o" p&ce' It c&n -e &ppied toNew Agein the s&me sense &s it is to other -ro&dsoci& mo+ements, i)e the Ci+i Ri$hts mo+ement or the Pe&ce *o+ement i)e them, itincudes & -ewiderin$ &rr&y o" peope in)ed to the mo+ement4s m&in &ims, -ut +ery di+ersein the w&y they &re in+o+ed &nd in their underst&ndin$ o" p&rticu&r issues'

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    The e!pression #New Age rei$ion% is more contro+ersi&, so it seems -est to &+oid it,&thou$hNew Ageis o"ten & response to peope4s rei$ious ?uestions &nd needs, &nd its &ppe&is to peope who &re tryin$ to disco+er or redisco+er & spiritu& dimension in their i"e'A+oid&nce o" the term #New Agerei$ion% is not me&nt in &ny w&y to ?uestion the $enuine

    ch&r&cter o" peope4s se&rch "or me&nin$ &nd sense in i"e it respects the "&ct th&t m&nywithin theNew Age *o+ement themse+es distin$uish c&re"uy -etween #rei$ion% &nd#spiritu&ity%' *&ny h&+e re1ected or$&nised rei$ion, -ec&use in their 1ud$ement it h&s "&iedto &nswer their needs, &nd "or precisey this re&son they h&+e oo)ed esewhere to "ind#spiritu&ity%' Furthermore, &t the he&rt o"New Age is the -eie" th&t the time "or p&rticu&rrei$ions is o+er, so to re"er to it &s & rei$ion woud run counter to its own se"8underst&ndin$' .owe+er, it is ?uite &ccur&te to p&ceNew Agein the -ro&der conte!t o"esoteric rei$iousness, whose &ppe& continues to $row'09:2

    There is & pro-em -uit into the current te!t' It is &n &ttempt to underst&nd &nd e+&u&tesomethin$ which is -&sic&y &n e!&t&tion o" the richness o" hum&n e!perience' It is -ound to

    dr&w the criticism th&t it c&n ne+er do 1ustice to & cutur& mo+ement whose essence isprecisey to -re&) out o" wh&t &re seen &s the constrictin$ imits o" r&tion& discourse' @ut it isme&nt &s &n in+it&tion to Christi&ns to t&)e theNew Age seriousy, &nd &s such &s)s itsre&ders to enter into & critic& di&o$ue with peope &ppro&chin$ the s&me word "rom +erydi""erent perspecti+es'

    The p&stor& e""ecti+eness o" the Church in the Third *iennium depends to & $re&t e!tenton the prep&r&tion o" e""ecti+e communic&tors o" the Gospe mess&$e' (h&t "oows is &response to the di""icuties e!pressed -y m&ny in de&in$ with the +ery compe! &nd eusi+ephenomenon )nown &sNew Age' It is &n &ttempt to underst&nd wh&tNew Ageis &nd toreco$nise the ?uestions to which it c&ims to o""er &nswers &nd soutions' There &re some

    e!ceent -oo)s &nd other resources which sur+ey the whoe phenomenon or e!p&inp&rticu&r &spects in $re&t det&i, &nd re"erence wi -e m&de to some o" these in the &ppendi!'.owe+er they do not &w&ys undert&)e the necess&ry discernment in the i$ht o" Christi&n"&ith' The purpose o" this contri-ution is to hep C&thoics "ind & )ey to underst&ndin$ the-&sic principes -ehindNew Agethin)in$, so th&t they c&n then m&)e & Christi&n e+&u&tiono" the eements o"New Agethey encounter' It is worth s&yin$ th&t m&ny peope disi)e thetermNew Age, &nd some su$$est th&t #&tern&ti+e spiritu&ity% m&y -e more correct &nd essimitin$' It is &so true th&t m&ny o" the phenomen& mentioned in this document wi pro-&-ynot -e&r &ny p&rticu&r &-e, -ut it is presumed, "or the s&)e o" -re+ity, th&t re&ders wireco$nise & phenomenon or set o" phenomen& th&t c&n 1usti"i&-y &t e&st -e in)ed with the$ener& cutur& mo+ement th&t is o"ten )nown &sNew Age.

    2.1. What is new a"otNew Ae#

    For m&ny peope, the termNew Age ce&ry re"ers to & momentous turnin$8point in history'Accordin$ to &stroo$ers, we i+e in the A$e o" Pisces, which h&s -een domin&ted -yChristi&nity' @ut the current &$e o" Pisces is due to -e rep&ced -y the New Ageo" A?u&rius

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    e&ry in the third *iennium'0962The A$e o" A?u&rius h&s such & hi$h pro"ie in the NewAgemo+ement &r$ey -ec&use o" the in"uence o" theosophy, spiritu&ism &nd&nthroposophy, &nd their esoteric &ntecedents' Peope who stress the imminent ch&n$e in theword &re o"ten e!pressin$ &wish "or such & ch&n$e, not so much in the word itse" &s in our

    cuture, in the w&y we re&te to the word this is p&rticu&ry ce&r in those who stress theide& o" & New P&r&di$m "or i+in$' It is &n &ttr&cti+e &ppro&ch since, in some o" itse!pressions, peope do not w&tch p&ssi+ey, -ut h&+e &n &cti+e roe in ch&n$in$ cuture &nd-rin$in$ &-out & new spiritu& &w&reness' In other e!pressions, more power is &scri-ed to theine+it&-e pro$ression o" n&tur& cyces' In &ny c&se, the A$e o" A?u&rius is & +ision, not &theory' @utNew Ageis & -ro&d tr&dition, which incorpor&tes m&ny ide&s which h&+e noe!picit in) with the ch&n$e "rom the A$e o" Pisces to the A$e o" A?u&rius' There &remoder&te, -ut ?uite $ener&ised, +isions o" & "uture where there wi -e & p&net&ry spiritu&ity&on$side sep&r&te rei$ions, simi&r p&net&ry poitic& institutions to compement more oc&ones, $o-& economic entities which &re more p&rticip&tory &nd democr&tic, $re&teremph&sis on communic&tion &nd educ&tion, & mi!ed &ppro&ch to he&th com-inin$

    pro"ession& medicine &nd se"8he&in$, & more &ndro$ynous se"8underst&ndin$ &nd w&ys o"inte$r&tin$ science, mysticism, technoo$y &nd ecoo$y' A$&in, this is e+idence o" & deepdesire "or & "u"iin$ &nd he&thy e!istence "or the hum&n r&ce &nd "or the p&net' Some o" thetr&ditions which "ow intoNew Age&re/ &ncient E$ypti&n occut pr&ctices, C&--&ism, e&ryChristi&n $nosticism, Su"ism, the ore o" the Druids, Cetic Christi&nity, medi&e+& &chemy,Ren&iss&nce hermeticism, en @uddhism, Ho$& &nd so on' 092

    .ere is wh&t is #new% &-outNew Age' It is & #syncretism o" esoteric &nd secu&r eements%'09

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    there is & shi"t "rom one p&r&di$m to &nother, it is & ?uestion o" whoes&e tr&ns"orm&tion o"perspecti+e r&ther th&n one o" $r&du& de+eopment' It re&y is & re+oution, &nd uhnemph&sised th&t competin$ p&r&di$ms &re incommensur&-e &nd c&nnot co8e!ist' So the ide&th&t & p&r&di$m shi"t in the &re& o" rei$ion &nd spiritu&ity is simpy & new w&y o" st&tin$

    tr&dition& -eie"s misses the point' (h&t is &ctu&y $oin$ on is & r&dic& ch&n$e in word8+iew, which puts into ?uestion not ony the content -ut &so the "und&ment& interpret&tion o"the "ormer +ision' Perh&ps the ce&rest e!&mpe o" this, in terms o" the re&tionship-etweenNew Age&nd Christi&nity, is the tot& rec&stin$ o" the i"e &nd si$ni"ic&nce o" 5esusChrist' It is impossi-e to reconcie these two +isions'092

    Science &nd technoo$y h&+e ce&ry "&ied to dei+er & they once seemed to promise, so intheir se&rch "or me&nin$ &nd i-er&tion peope h&+e turned to the spiritu& re&m' New Age &swe now )now it c&me "rom & se&rch "or somethin$ more hum&ne &nd -e&uti"u th&n theoppressi+e, &ien&tin$ e!perience o" i"e in (estern society' Its e&ry e!ponents wereprep&red to oo) "&r &"ied in their se&rch, so it h&s -ecome & +ery ecectic &ppro&ch' It m&y

    we -e one o" the si$ns o" & #return to rei$ion%, -ut it is most cert&iny not & return toorthodo! Christi&n doctrines &nd creeds' The "irst sym-os o" this #mo+ement% to penetr&te(estern cuture were the rem&r)&-e "esti+& &t (oodstoc) in New Hor) St&te in 9

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    strict sense' Other "riends &nd counseors "rom the spirit word &re &n$es 0which h&+e-ecome the centre o" & new industry o" -oo)s &nd p&intin$s2' Those who re"er to &n$es intheNew Age do so in &n unsystem&tic w&y in "&ct, distinctions in this &re& &re sometimesdescri-ed &s unhep"u i" they &re too precise, since #there &re m&ny e+es o" $uides, entities,

    ener$ies, &nd -ein$s in e+ery oct&+e o" the uni+erse''' They &re & there to pic) &nd choose"rom in re&tion to your own &ttr&ction=repusion mech&nisms%'02These spiritu& entities &reo"ten in+o)ed 4non8rei$iousy4 to hep in re&!&tion &imed &t -etter decision8m&)in$ &ndcontro o" one4s i"e &nd c&reer' Fusion with some spirits who te&ch throu$h p&rticu&r peopeis &notherNew Agee!perience c&imed -y peope who re"er to themse+es &s 4mystics4' Somen&ture spirits &re descri-ed &s power"u ener$ies e!istin$ in the n&tur& word &nd &so on the#inner p&nes%/ i'e' those which &re &ccessi-e -y the use o" ritu&s, dru$s &nd othertechni?ues "or re&chin$ &tered st&tes o" consciousness' It is ce&r th&t, in theory &t e&st,theNew Age o"ten reco$ni3es no spiritu& &uthority hi$her th&n person& inner e!perience'

    2.2.2.Har%on* an" Un"erstan"in& $oo" +i)rations

    Phenomen& &s di+erse &s the Findhorn $&rden &nd!eng Shui 0:2represent & +&riety o" w&yswhich iustr&te the import&nce o" -ein$ in tune with n&ture or the cosmos' InNew Age thereis no distinction -etween $ood &nd e+i' .um&n &ctions &re the "ruit o" either iumin&tion ori$nor&nce' .ence we c&nnot condemn &nyone, &nd no-ody needs "or$i+eness' @eie+in$ inthe e!istence o" e+i c&n cre&te ony ne$&ti+ity &nd "e&r' The &nswer to ne$&ti+ity is love. @utit is not the sort which h&s to -e tr&ns&ted into deeds it is more & ?uestion o" &ttitudes o"mind' Lo+e is ener$y, & hi$h8"re?uency +i-r&tion, &nd the secret to h&ppiness &nd he&th &ndsuccess is -ein$ &-e to tune in, to "ind one4s p&ce in the $re&t ch&in o" -ein$' New

    Agete&chers &nd ther&pies c&im to o""er the )ey to "indin$ the correspondences -etween &the eements o" the uni+erse, so th&t peope m&y modu&te the tone o" their i+es &nd -e in&-soute h&rmony with e&ch other &nd with e+erythin$ &round them, &thou$h there &redi""erent theoretic& -&c)$rounds'062

    2.2.!.Health& $ol"en li,in

    Form& 0&op&thic2 medicine tod&y tends to imit itse" to curin$ p&rticu&r, iso&ted &iments,&nd "&is to oo) &t the -ro&der picture o" & person4s he&th/ this h&s $i+en rise to & "&ir &mount

    o" underst&nd&-e diss&tis"&ction' Atern&ti+e ther&pies h&+e $&ined enormousy in popu&rity-ec&use they c&im to oo) &t the whoe person &nd &re &-out healing r&therth&ncuring..oistic he&th, &s it is )nown, concentr&tes on the import&nt roe th&t the mindp&ys in physic& he&in$' The connection -etween the spiritu& &nd the physic& &spects o"the person is s&id to -e in the immune system or the Indi&n ch&)r& system' In & NewAgeperspecti+e, iness &nd su""erin$ come "rom wor)in$ &$&inst n&ture when one is in tunewith n&ture, one c&n e!pect & much he&thier i"e, &nd e+en m&teri& prosperity "or some NewAge he&ers, there shoud &ctu&y -e no need "or us to die' De+eopin$ our hum&n potenti&

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    wi put us in touch with our inner di+inity, &nd with those p&rts o" our se+es which h&+e-een &ien&ted &nd suppressed' This is re+e&ed &-o+e & in Atered St&tes o" Consciousness0ASCs2, which &re induced either -y dru$s or -y +&rious mind8e!p&ndin$ techni?ues,p&rticu&ry in the conte!t o" #tr&nsperson& psychoo$y%' The sh&m&n is o"ten seen &s the

    speci&ist o" &tered st&tes o" consciousness, one who is &-e to medi&te -etween thetr&nsperson& re&ms o" spirits &nd $ods &nd the word o" hum&ns'

    There is & rem&r)&-e +&riety o" &ppro&ches "or promotin$ hoistic he&th, some deri+ed "rom&ncient cutur& tr&ditions, whether rei$ious or esoteric, others connected with thepsychoo$ic& theories de+eoped in Es&en durin$ the ye&rs 9897>' Ad+ertisin$connected withNew Ageco+ers & wide r&n$e o" pr&ctices &s &cupuncture, -io"eed-&c),chiropr&ctic, )inesioo$y, homeop&thy, iridoo$y, m&ss&$e &nd +&rious )inds o" #-odywor)%0such &s or$onomy, Feden)r&is, re"e!oo$y, Ro"in$, po&rity m&ss&$e, ther&peutic touchetc'2, medit&tion &nd +isu&is&tion, nutrition& ther&pies, psychic he&in$, +&rious )inds o"her-& medicine, he&in$ -y cryst&s, met&s, music or coours, reinc&rn&tion ther&pies &nd,

    "in&y, twe+e8step pro$r&mmes &nd se"8hep $roups'


    The source o" he&in$ is s&id to -ewithin ourse+es, somethin$ we re&ch when we &re in touch with our inner ener$y or cosmicener$y'

    In&smuch &s he&th incudes & proon$&tion o" i"e,New Ageo""ers &n E&stern "ormu& in(estern terms' Ori$in&y, reinc&rn&tion w&s & p&rt o" .indu cycic& thou$ht, -&sed onthe atman or di+ine )erne o" person&ity 0&ter the concept o""iva2, which mo+ed "rom -odyto -ody in & cyce o" su""erin$ 0samsara2, determined -y the &w o" karma,in)ed to-eh&+iour in p&st i+es' .ope ies in the possi-iity o" -ein$ -orn into & -etter st&te, orutim&tey in i-er&tion "rom the need to -e re-orn' (h&t is di""erent in most @uddhisttr&ditions is th&t wh&t w&nders "rom -ody to -ody is not & sou, -ut & continuum o"

    consciousness' Present i"e is em-edded in & potenti&y endess cosmic process whichincudes e+en the $ods' In the (est, since the time o" Lessin$, reinc&rn&tion h&s -eenunderstood "&r more optimistic&y &s & process o" e&rnin$ &nd pro$ressi+e indi+idu&"u"iment' Spiritu&ism, theosophy, &nthroposophy &ndNew Age & see reinc&rn&tion &sp&rticip&tion in cosmic e+oution' This post8Christi&n &ppro&ch to esch&too$y is s&id to&nswer the unreso+ed ?uestions o" theodicy &nd dispenses with the notion o" he' (hen thesou is sep&r&ted "rom the -ody indi+idu&s c&n oo) -&c) on their whoe i"e up to th&t point,&nd when the sou is united to its new -ody there is & pre+iew o" its comin$ ph&se o" i"e'Peope h&+e &ccess to their "ormer i+es throu$h dre&ms &nd medit&tion techni?ues' 0

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    du&ism' These du&istic tendencies &re o"ten &ssumed to -e utim&tey -&sed on the 5ud&eo8Christi&n roots o" western ci+iis&tion, whie it woud -e more &ccur&te to in) them to$nosticism, in p&rticu&r to *&nich&eism' The scienti"ic re+oution &nd the spirit o" modernr&tion&ism &re -&med p&rticu&ry "or the tendency to "r&$ment&tion, which tre&ts or$&nic

    whoes &s mech&nisms th&t c&n -e reduced to their sm&est components &nd then e!p&inedin terms o" the &tter, &nd the tendency to reduce spirit to m&tter, so th&t spiritu& re&ity Bincudin$ the sou B -ecomes merey & contin$ent #epiphenomenon% o" essenti&y m&teri&processes' In & o" these &re&s, theNew Age&tern&ti+es &re c&ed #hoistic%' .oismper+&des theNew Age mo+ement, "rom its concern with hoistic he&th to its ?uest "or uniti+econsciousness, &nd "rom ecoo$ic& &w&reness to the ide& o" $o-& #networ)in$%'

    2.!. The fn%amental (rinci(les ofNew Ae thin#in$

    2.!.1.A lo)al res-onse in a ti%e of crisis

    #@oth the Christi&n tr&dition &nd the secu&r "&ith in &n unimited process o" science h&d to"&ce & se+ere -re&) "irst m&ni"ested in the student re+outions &round the ye&r 9

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    $&p -etween cre&tion &nd the tr&nscendent F&ther8God o" 5ud&ism &nd Christi&nity, &ndremo+es the prospect o" -ein$ 1ud$ed -y such & @ein$'

    In such & +ision o" & cosed uni+erse th&t cont&ins #God% &nd other spiritu& -ein$s &on$

    with ourse+es, we reco$ni3e here &n impicit p&ntheism' This is & "und&ment& point whichper+&des &New Age thou$ht &nd pr&ctice, &nd conditions in &d+&nce &ny otherwise positi+e&ssessment where we mi$ht -e in "&+or o" one or &nother &spect o" its spiritu&ity' AsChristi&ns, we -eie+e on the contr&ry th&t #m&n is essenti&y & cre&ture &nd rem&ins so "or& eternity, so th&t &n &-sorption o" the hum&n I in the di+ine I wi ne+er -e possi-e%' 0:92

    2.!.2. The essential %atri. of New Ae thin/in

    The essenti& m&tri! o"New Agethin)in$ is to -e "ound in the esoteric8theosophic& tr&dition

    which w&s "&iry widey &ccepted in Europe&n inteectu& circes in the 9;th

    &nd9thcenturies' It w&s p&rticu&ry stron$ in "reem&sonry, spiritu&ism, occutism &ndtheosophy, which sh&red & )ind o" esoteric cuture' In this word8+iew, the +isi-e &ndin+isi-e uni+erses &re in)ed -y & series o" correspondences, &n&o$ies &nd in"uences-etween microcosm &nd m&crocosm, -etween met&s &nd p&nets, -etween p&nets &nd the+&rious p&rts o" the hum&n -ody, -etween the +isi-e cosmos &nd the in+isi-e re&ms o"re&ity' N&ture is & i+in$ -ein$, shot throu$h with networ)s o" symp&thy &nd &ntip&thy,&nim&ted -y & i$ht &nd & secret "ire which hum&n -ein$s see) to contro' Peope c&n cont&ctthe upper or ower words -y me&ns o" their im&$in&tion 0&n or$&n o" the sou or spirit2, or -yusin$ medi&tors 0&n$es, spirits, de+is2 or ritu&s'

    Peope c&n -e initi&ted into the mysteries o" the cosmos, God &nd the se" -y me&ns o" &spiritu& itiner&ry o" tr&ns"orm&tion' The e+entu& $o& isgnosis, the hi$hest "orm o")nowed$e, the e?ui+&ent o" s&+&tion' It in+o+es & se&rch "or the odest &nd hi$hesttr&dition in phiosophy 0wh&t is in&ppropri&tey c&edphilosophia perennis2 &nd rei$ion0primordi& theoo$y2, & secret 0esoteric2 doctrine which is the )ey to & the #e!oteric%tr&ditions which &re &ccessi-e to e+eryone' Esoteric te&chin$s &re h&nded down "rom m&sterto discipe in & $r&du& pro$r&m o" initi&tion'

    9thcentury esotericism is seen -y some &s competey secu&rised' Achemy, m&$ic,&stroo$y &nd other eements o" tr&dition& esotericism h&d -een thorou$hy inte$r&ted with&spects o" modern cuture, incudin$ the se&rch "or c&us& &ws, e+outionism, psychoo$y

    &nd the study o" rei$ions' It re&ched its ce&rest "orm in the ide&s o" .een& @&+&ts)y, &Russi&n medium who "ounded the$heosophical Society with .enry Ocott in New Hor) in9;7' The Society &imed to "use eements o" E&stern &nd (estern tr&ditions in &ne+oution&ry type o" spiritu&ism' It h&d three m&in &ims/

    1.#To "orm & nuceus o" the Uni+ers& @rotherhood o" .um&nity, without distinction o" r&ce,creed, c&ste or coour'2.#To encour&$e the study o" comp&r&ti+e rei$ion, phiosophy &nd science'

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    !.#To in+esti$&te une!p&ined &ws o" N&ture &nd the powers &tent in m&n'

    #The si$ni"ic&nce o" these o-1ecti+es''' shoud -e ce&r' The "irst o-1ecti+e impicity re1ectsthe 4irr&tion& -i$otry4 &nd 4sect&ri&nism4 o" tr&dition& Christi&nity &s percei+ed -y

    spiritu&ists &nd theosophists''' It is not immedi&tey o-+ious "rom the o-1ecti+es themse+esth&t, "or theosophists, 4science4 me&nt the occut sciences &nd phiosophy the occultaphilosophia,th&t the &ws o" n&ture were o" &n occut or psychic n&ture, &nd th&t comp&r&ti+erei$ion w&s e!pected to un+ei & 4primordi& tr&dition4 utim&tey modeed on &.ermeticistphilosophia perennis%'0:2

    A prominent component o" *rs' @&+&ts)y4s writin$s w&s the em&ncip&tion o" women, whichin+o+ed &n &tt&c) on the #m&e% God o" 5ud&ism, o" Christi&nity &nd o" Is&m' She ur$edpeope to return to the mother8$oddess o" .induism &nd to the pr&ctice o" "eminine +irtues'This continued under the $uid&nce o" Annie @es&nt, who w&s in the +&n$u&rd o" the "eministmo+ement' (icc& &nd #women4s spiritu&ity% c&rry on this stru$$e &$&inst #p&tri&rch&%

    Christi&nity tod&y'

    *&riyn Fer$uson de+oted & ch&pter o"$he A%uarian &onspiracyto the precursors o" theA$e o" A?u&rius, those who h&d wo+en the thre&ds o" & tr&ns"ormin$ +ision -&sed on thee!p&nsion o" consciousness &nd the e!perience o" se"8tr&nscendence' Two o" those shementioned were the Americ&n psychoo$ist (ii&m 5&mes &nd the Swiss psychi&trist C&rGust&+ 5un$' 5&mes de"ined rei$ion &s e!perience, not do$m&, &nd he t&u$ht th&t hum&n-ein$s c&n ch&n$e their ment& &ttitudes in such & w&y th&t they &re &-e to -ecome &rchitectso" their own destiny' 5un$ emph&si3ed the tr&nscendent ch&r&cter o" consciousness &ndintroduced the ide& o" the coecti+e unconscious, & )ind o" store "or sym-os &nd memoriessh&red with peope "rom +&rious di""erent &$es &nd cutures' Accordin$ to (outer

    .&ne$r&&"", -oth o" these men contri-uted to & #s&cr&is&tion o" psychoo$y%, somethin$ th&th&s -ecome &n import&nt eement o"New Agethou$ht &nd pr&ctice' 5un$, indeed, #not onypsychoo$i3ed esotericism -ut he &so s&cr&i3ed psychoo$y, -y "iin$ it with the contents o"esoteric specu&tion' The resut w&s & -ody o" theories which en&-ed peope to t&) &-outGod whie re&y me&nin$ their own psyche, &nd &-out their own psyche whie re&yme&nin$ the di+ine' I" the psyche is 4mind4, &nd God is 4mind4 &s we, then to discuss onemust me&n to discuss the other%'0::2.is response to the &ccus&tion th&t he h&d#psychoo$ised% Christi&nity w&s th&t #psychoo$y is the modern myth &nd ony in terms o"the current myth c&n we underst&nd the "&ith%' 0:62It is cert&iny true th&t 5un$4s psychoo$ysheds i$ht on m&ny &spects o" the Christi&n "&ith, p&rticu&ry on the need to "&ce the re&ityo" e+i, -ut his rei$ious con+ictions &re so di""erent &t di""erent st&$es o" his i"e th&t one ise"t with & con"used im&$e o" God' A centr& eement in his thou$ht is the cut o" the sun,where God is the +it& ener$y 0i-ido2 within & person'0:2As he himse" s&id, #thiscomp&rison is no mere p&y o" words%' 0:

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    Potenti& *o+ement &s it de+eoped tow&rds the end o" the 9s &t the Es&en Institute inC&i"orni&' Tr&nsperson& psychoo$y, stron$y in"uenced -y E&stern rei$ions &nd -y 5un$,o""ers & contemp&ti+e 1ourney where science meets mysticism' The stress &id on -odiiness,the se&rch "or w&ys o" e!p&ndin$ consciousness &nd the cuti+&tion o" the myths o" the

    coecti+e unconscious were & encour&$ements to se&rch "or #the God within% onese"' Tore&ise one4s potenti&, one h&d to $o -eyond one4s egoin order to -ecome the $od th&t one is,deep down' This coud -e done -y choosin$ the &ppropri&te ther&py B medit&tion,p&r&psychoo$ic& e!periences, the use o" h&ucino$enic dru$s' These were & w&ys o"&chie+in$ #pe&) e!periences%, #mystic&% e!periences o" "usion with God &nd with thecosmos'

    The sym-o o" A?u&rius w&s -orrowed "rom &stroo$ic& mythoo$y, -ut &ter c&me to si$ni"ythe desire "or & r&dic&y new word' The two centres which were the initi& power8houses o"theNew Age, &nd to & cert&in e!tent sti &re, were the G&rden community &t Findhorn inNorth8E&st Scot&nd, &nd the Centre "or the de+eopment o" hum&n potenti& &t Es&en in @i$

    Sur, C&i"orni&, in the United St&tes o" Americ&' (h&t "eedsNew Ageconsistenty is &$rowin$ $o-& consciousness &nd incre&sin$ &w&reness o" & oomin$ ecoo$ic& crisis'

    2.!.!. Central the%es of the New Ae

    New Age is not, propery spe&)in$, & rei$ion, -ut it is interested in wh&t is c&ed #di+ine%'The essence o"New Age is the oose &ssoci&tion o" the +&rious &cti+ities, ide&s &nd peopewho mi$ht +&idy &ttr&ct the term' So there is no sin$e &rticu&tion o" &nythin$ i)e thedoctrines o" m&instre&m rei$ions' Despite this, &nd despite the immense +&riety withinNew

    Age,there &re some common points/B the cosmos is seen &s &n or$&nic whoeB it is &nim&ted -y &n Ener$y, which is &so identi"ied &s the di+ine Sou or SpiritB much credence is $i+en to the medi&tion o" +&rious spiritu& entitiesB hum&ns &re c&p&-e o" &scendin$ to in+isi-e hi$her spheres, &nd o" controin$ their owni+es -eyond de&thB there is hed to -e & #perenni& )nowed$e% which pre8d&tes &nd is superior to & rei$ions&nd cuturesB peope "oow eni$htened m&sters'''

    2.!.&.What "oes New Ae sa* a)o(t000

    2.!.&.1.000the h(%an -erson#

    New Agein+o+es & "und&ment& -eie" in the per"ecti-iity o" the hum&n person -y me&ns o"& wide +&riety o" techni?ues &nd ther&pies 0&s opposed to the Christi&n +iew o" co8oper&tion

  • 7/23/2019 Pontifical Council for Culture - Jesus the Bearer of the water of life


    with di+ine $r&ce2' There is & $ener& &ccord with Niet3sche4s ide& th&t Christi&nity h&spre+ented the "u m&ni"est&tion o" $enuine hum&nity' Per"ection, in this conte!t, me&ns&chie+in$ se"8"u"iment, &ccordin$ to &n order o" +&ues which we ourse+es cre&te &ndwhich we &chie+e -y our own stren$th/ hence one c&n spe&) o" & se"8 cre&tin$ se"' On this

    +iew, there is more di""erence -etween hum&ns &s they now &re &nd &s they wi -e when theyh&+e "uy re&ised their potenti&, th&n there is -etween hum&ns &nd &nthropoids'

    It is use"u to distin$uish -etween esotericism, & se&rch "or )nowed$e, &nd magic, or theoccut/ the &tter is & me&ns o" o-t&inin$ power' Some $roups &re -oth esoteric &nd occut' Atthe centre o" occutism is & wi to power -&sed on the dre&m o" -ecomin$ di+ine'

    *ind8e!p&ndin$ techni?ues &re me&nt to re+e& to peope their di+ine power -y usin$ thispower, peope prep&re the w&y "or the A$e o" Eni$htenment' This e!&t&tion o" hum&nityo+erturns the correct re&tionship -etween Cre&tor &nd cre&ture, &nd one o" its e!treme "ormsis S&t&nism' S&t&n -ecomes the sym-o o" & re-eion &$&inst con+entions &nd rues, & sym-o

    th&t o"ten t&)es &$$ressi+e, se"ish &nd +ioent "orms' Some e+&n$eic& $roups h&+ee!pressed concern &t the su-imin& presence o" wh&t they c&im is S&t&nic sym-oism insome +&rieties o" roc) music, which h&+e & power"u in"uence on youn$ peope' This is &"&r remo+ed "rom the mess&$e o" pe&ce &nd h&rmony which is to -e "ound in the NewTest&ment it is o"ten one o" the conse?uences o" the e!&t&tion o" hum&nity when th&tin+o+es the ne$&tion o" & tr&nscendent God'

    @ut it is not ony somethin$ which &""ects youn$ peope the -&sic themes o" esoteric cuture&re &so present in the re&ms o" poitics, educ&tion &nd e$is&tion' 0:72't is especially the casewith ecology' Deep ecoo$y4s emph&sis on -io8centrism denies the &nthropoo$ic& +ision o"the @i-e, in which hum&n -ein$s &re &t the centre o" the word, since they &re considered to

    -e ?u&it&ti+ey superior to other n&tur& "orms' It is +ery prominent in e$is&tion &ndeduc&tion tod&y, despite the "&ct th&t it underr&tes hum&nity in this w&y'' The s&me esotericcutur& m&tri! c&n -e "ound in the ideoo$ic& theory underyin$ popu&tion contro poicies&nd e!periments in $enetic en$ineerin$, which seem to e!press & dre&m hum&n -ein$s h&+eo" cre&tin$ themse+es &"resh' .ow do peope hope to do this @y decipherin$ the $eneticcode, &terin$ the n&tur& rues o" se!u&ity, de"yin$ the imits o" de&th'

    In wh&t mi$ht -e termed & c&ssic&New Age&ccount, peope &re -orn with & di+ine sp&r), in& sense which is reminiscent o" &ncient $nosticism this in)s them into the unity o" the(hoe' So they &re seen &s essenti&y di+ine, &thou$h they p&rticip&te in this cosmicdi+inity &t di""erent e+es o" consciousness' (e &re co8 cre&tors, &nd we cre&te our ownre&ity' *&nyNew Age&uthors m&int&in th&t we choose the circumst&nces o" our i+es 0e+enour own iness &nd he&th2, in & +ision where e+ery indi+idu& is considered the cre&ti+esource o" the uni+erse' @ut we need to m&)e & 1ourney in order "uy to underst&nd where we"it into the unity o" the cosmos' The 1ourney is psychother&py, &nd the reco$nition o"uni+ers& consciousness is s&+&tion' There is no sin there is ony imper"ect )nowed$e' Theidentity o" e+ery hum&n -ein$ is diuted in the uni+ers& -ein$ &nd in the process o"successi+e inc&rn&tions' Peope &re su-1ect to the determinin$ in"uences o" the st&rs, -ut c&n-e opened to the di+inity which i+es within them, in their continu& se&rch 0-y me&ns o"

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    &ppropri&te techni?ues2 "or &n e+er $re&ter h&rmony -etween the se" &nd di+ine cosmicener$y' There is no need "or Re+e&tion or S&+&tion which woud come to peope "romoutside themse+es, -ut simpy & need to e!perience the s&+&tion hidden within themse+es0se"8s&+&tion2, -y m&sterin$ psycho8 physic& techni?ues which e&d to de"initi+e


    Some st&$es on the w&y to se"8redemption &repreparatory0medit&tion, -ody h&rmony,ree&sin$ se"8he&in$ ener$ies2' They &re the st&rtin$8point "or processes o" spiritu&is&tion,per"ection &nd eni$htenment which hep peope to &c?uire "urther se"8contro &nd psychicconcentr&tion on #tr&ns"orm&tion% o" the indi+idu& se" into #cosmic consciousness%' Thedestiny o" the hum&n person is & series o" successi+e reinc&rn&tions o" the sou in di""erent-odies' This is understood not &s the cyce o"samsara, in the sense o" puri"ic&tion &spunishment, -ut &s & $r&du& &scent tow&rds the per"ect de+eopment o" one4s potenti&'

    Psychoo$y is used to e!p&in mind e!p&nsion &s #mystic&% e!periences' Ho$&, 3en,

    tr&nscendent& medit&tion &nd t&ntric e!ercises e&d to &n e!perience o" se"8"u"iment oreni$htenment' Pe&)8e!periences 0rei+in$ one4s -irth, tr&+ein$ to the $&tes o" de&th,-io"eed-&c), d&nce &nd e+en dru$s B &nythin$ which c&n pro+o)e &n &tered st&te o"consciousness2 &re -eie+ed to e&d to unity &nd eni$htenment' Since there is ony one *ind,some peope c&n -echannels"or hi$her -ein$s' E+ery p&rt o" this sin$e uni+ers& -ein$ h&scont&ct with e+ery other p&rt' The c&ssic &ppro&ch in New Age is tr&nsperson& psychoo$y,whose m&in concepts &re the Uni+ers& *ind, the .i$her Se", the coecti+e &nd person&unconscious &nd the indi+idu& e$o' The .i$her Se" is our re& identity, & -rid$e -etweenGod &s di+ine *ind &nd hum&nity' Spiritu& de+eopment is cont&ct with the .i$her Se",which o+ercomes & "orms o" du&ism -etween su-1ect &nd o-1ect, i"e &nd de&th, psyche &ndsom&, the se" &nd the "r&$ment&ry &spects o" the se"' Our imited person&ity is i)e &

    sh&dow or & dre&m cre&ted -y the re& se"' The .i$her Se" cont&ins the memories o" e&rier0re82inc&rn&tions'


    New Age h&s & m&r)ed pre"erence "or E&stern or pre8Christi&n rei$ions, which &re rec)onedto -e uncont&min&ted -y 5ud&eo8Christi&n distorsions' .ence $re&t respect is $i+en to &ncient&$ricutur& rites &nd to "ertiity cuts' #G&i&%, *other E&rth, is o""ered &s &n &tern&ti+e toGod the F&ther, whose im&$e is seen to -e in)ed to & p&tri&rch& conception o" m&e

    domin&tion o" women' There is t&) o" God, -ut it is not & person& God the God o"whichNew Agespe&)s is neither person& nor tr&nscendent' Nor is it the Cre&tor &ndsust&iner o" the uni+erse, -ut &n #imperson& ener$y% imm&nent in the word, with which it"orms & #cosmic unity%/ #A is one%' This unity is monistic, p&ntheistic or, more precisey,p&nentheistic' God is the #i"e8principe%, the #spirit or sou o" the word%, the sum tot& o"consciousness e!istin$ in the word' In & sense, e+erythin$ is God' God4s presence is ce&restin the spiritu& &spects o" re&ity, so e+ery mind=spirit is, in some sense, God'

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    (hen it is consciousy recei+ed -y men &nd women, #di+ine ener$y% is o"ten descri-ed &s#Christic ener$y%' There is &so t&) o" Christ, -ut this does not me&n 5esus o" N&3&reth'#Christ% is & tite &ppied to someone who h&s &rri+ed &t & st&te o" consciousness where he orshe percei+es him8 or herse" to -e di+ine &nd c&n thus c&im to -e & #uni+ers& *&ster%'

    5esus o" N&3&reth w&s nottheChrist, -ut simpy one &mon$ m&ny historic& "i$ures in whomthis #Christic% n&ture is re+e&ed, &s is the c&se with @uddh& &nd others' E+ery historic&re&is&tion o" the &hristshows ce&ry th&t & hum&n -ein$s &re he&+eny &nd di+ine, &nde&ds them tow&rds this re&is&tion'

    The innermost &nd most person& 0#psychic%2 e+e on which this #di+ine cosmic ener$y% is#he&rd% -y hum&n -ein$s is &so c&ed #.oy Spirit%'

    2.!.&.!.000the worl"#

    The mo+e "rom & mech&nistic mode o" c&ssic& physics to the #hoistic% one o" modern&tomic &nd su-8&tomic physics, -&sed on the concept o" m&tter &s w&+es or ener$y r&ther th&np&rtices, is centr& to muchNew Agethin)in$' The uni+erse is &n oce&n o" ener$y, which is &sin$e whoe or & networ) o" in)s' The ener$y &nim&tin$ the sin$e or$&nism which is theuni+erse is #spirit%' There is no &terity -etween God &nd the word' The word itse" is di+ine&nd it under$oes &n e+oution&ry process which e&ds "rom inert m&tter to #hi$her &nd per"ectconsciousness%' The word is uncre&ted, etern& &nd se"8su""icient The "uture o" the word is-&sed on &n inner dyn&mism which is necess&riy positi+e &nd e&ds to the reconcied 0di+ine2unity o" & th&t e!ists' God &nd the word, sou &nd -ody, intei$ence &nd "eein$, he&+en&nd e&rth &re one immense +i-r&tion o" ener$y'

    5&mes Lo+eoc)4s -oo) on the G&i& .ypothesis c&ims th&t #the entire r&n$e o" i+in$ m&tteron e&rth, "rom wh&es to +iruses, &nd "rom o&)s to &$&e, coud -e re$&rded &s constitutin$ &sin$e i+in$ entity, c&p&-e o" m&nipu&tin$ the E&rth4s &tmosphere to suit its o+er& needs&nd endowed with "&cuties &nd powers "&r -eyond those o" its constituent p&rts%' 0:;2To some,the G&i& hypothesis is #& str&n$e synthesis o" indi+idu&ism &nd coecti+ism' It & h&ppens&s i"New Age, h&+in$ puc)ed peope out o" "r&$ment&ry poitics, c&nnot w&it to throw theminto the $re&t c&udron o" the $o-& mind%' The $o-& -r&in needs institutions with which torue, in other words, & word $o+ernment' #To de& with tod&y4s pro-ems New Agedre&ms o"& spiritu& &ristocr&cy in the stye o" P&to4s(epublic, run -y secret societies'''%'0:2This m&y-e &n e!&$$er&ted w&y o" st&tin$ the c&se, -ut there is much e+idence th&t $nostic Jitism &nd

    $o-& $o+ern&nce coincide on m&ny issues in intern&tion& poitics'E+erythin$ in the uni+erse is intere&ted in "&ct e+ery p&rt is in itse" &n im&$e o" the tot&itythe whoe is in e+ery thin$ &nd e+ery thin$ is in the whoe' In the #$re&t ch&in o" -ein$%, &-ein$s &re intim&tey in)ed &nd "orm one "&miy with di""erent $r&des o" e+oution' E+eryhum&n person is &hologram,&n im&$e o" the whoe o" cre&tion, in which e+ery thin$ +i-r&teson its own "re?uency' E+ery hum&n -ein$ is & neurone in e&rth4s centr& ner+ous system, &nd& indi+idu& entities &re in & re&tionship o" compement&rity with others' In "&ct, there is &n

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    inner compement&rity or &ndro$yny in the whoe o" cre&tion' 06>2

    One o" the recurrin$ themes inNew Age writin$s &nd thou$ht is the #new p&r&di$m% whichcontempor&ry science h&s opened up' #Science h&s $i+en us insi$hts into whoes &nd

    systems, stress &nd tr&ns"orm&tion' (e &re e&rnin$ to re&d tendencies, to reco$nise the e&rysi$ns o" &nother, more promisin$, p&r&di$m' (e cre&te &tern&ti+e scen&rios o" the "uture'(e communic&te &-out the "&iures o" od systems, "orcin$ new "r&mewor)s "or pro-em8so+in$ in e+ery &re&%'0692Thus "&r, the #p&r&di$m shi"t% is & r&dic& ch&n$e o" perspecti+e,-ut nothin$ more' The ?uestion is whether thou$ht &nd re& ch&n$e &re commensur&te, &ndhow e""ecti+e in the e!tern& word &n inner tr&ns"orm&tion c&n -e pro+ed to -e' One is"orced to &s), e+en without e!pressin$ & ne$&ti+e 1ud$ement, how scienti"ic & thou$ht8process c&n -e when it in+o+es &""irm&tions i)e this/ #(&r is unthin)&-e in & society o"&utonomous peope who h&+e disco+ered the connectedness o" & hum&nity, who &reun&"r&id o" &ien ide&s &nd &ien cutures, who )now th&t & re+outions -e$in within &nd th&tyou c&nnot impose your -r&nd o" eni$htenment on &nyone ese%' 062It is io$ic& to concude

    "rom the "&ct th&t somethin$ is unthin)&-e th&t it c&nnot h&ppen' Such re&sonin$ is re&y$nostic, in the sense o" $i+in$ too much power to )nowed$e &nd consciousness' This is notto deny the "und&ment& &nd cruci& roe o" de+eopin$ consciousness in scienti"ic disco+ery&nd cre&ti+e de+eopment, -ut simpy to c&ution &$&inst imposin$ upon e!tern& re&ity wh&tis &s yet sti ony in the mind'

    2.&. nha"itants of myth rather than history306:2?*New Ae an% cltre

    #@&sic&y, the &ppe& o" theNew Ageh&s to do with the cutur&y stimu&ted interest in the

    se", its +&ue, c&p&cities &nd pro-ems' (here&s tr&dition&ised rei$iosity, with itshier&rchic& or$&ni3&tion, is we8suited "or the community, detr&dition&i3ed spiritu&ity iswe8suited "or the indi+idu&' TheNew Age is 4o"4 the se" in th&t it "&ciit&tes cee-r&tion o"wh&t it is to -e &nd to -ecome &nd 4"or4 the se" in th&t -y di""erin$ "rom much o" them&instre&m, it is positioned to h&nde identity pro-ems $ener&ted -y con+ention& "orms o"i"e%'0662

    The re1ection o" tr&dition in the "orm o" p&tri&rch&, hier&rchic& soci& or eccesi&or$&nis&tion impies the se&rch "or &n &tern&ti+e "orm o" society, one th&t is ce&ry inspired-y the modern notion o" the se"' *&nyNew Age writin$s &r$ue th&t one c&n do nothin$0directy2 to ch&n$e the word, -ut e+erythin$ to ch&n$e onese" ch&n$in$ indi+idu&

    consciousness is understood to -e the 0indirect2 w&y to ch&n$e the word' The most import&ntinstrument "or soci& ch&n$e is person& e!&mpe' (ordwide reco$nition o" these person&e!&mpes wi ste&diy e&d to the tr&ns"orm&tion o" the coecti+e mind &nd such &tr&ns"orm&tion wi -e the m&1or &chie+ement o" our time' This is ce&ry p&rt o" the hoisticp&r&di$m, &nd & re8st&tement o" the c&ssic& phiosophic& ?uestion o" the one &nd the m&ny'It is &so in)ed to 5un$4s espous& o" the theory o" correspondence &nd his re1ection o"c&us&ity' Indi+idu&s &re "r&$ment&ry represent&tions o" the p&net&ry hoo$r&m -y oo)in$within one not ony knows the uni+erse, -ut &so changes it' @ut the more one oo)s within,

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    the sm&er the poitic& &ren& -ecomes' Does this re&y "it in with the rhetoric o" democr&ticp&rticip&tion in & new p&net&ry order, or is it &n unconscious &nd su-te disempowerment o"peope, which coud e&+e them open to m&nipu&tion Does the current preoccup&tion withp&net&ry pro-ems 0ecoo$ic& issues, depetion o" resources, o+er8popu&tion, the economic

    $&p -etween north &nd south, the hu$e nuce&r &rsen& &nd poitic& inst&-iity2 en&-e ordis&-e en$&$ement in other, e?u&y re&, poitic& &nd soci& ?uestions The od &d&$e th&t#ch&rity -e$ins &t home% c&n $i+e & he&thy -&&nce to one4s &ppro&ch to these issues' Someo-ser+ers o"New Age detect & sinister &uthorit&ri&nism -ehind &pp&rent indi""erence topoitics' D&+id Sp&n$er himse" points out th&t one o" the sh&dows o" theNew Age is #&su-te surrender to poweressness &nd irresponsi-iity in the n&me o" w&itin$ "or the NewAgeto come r&ther th&n -ein$ &n &cti+e cre&tor o" whoeness in one4s own i"e%' 062

    E+en thou$h it woud h&rdy -e correct to su$$est th&t ?uietism is uni+ers& inNewAge &ttitudes, one o" the chie" criticisms o" theNew Age*o+ement is th&t its pri+&tistic ?uest"or se"8"u"iment m&y &ctu&y wor) &$&inst the possi-iity o" & sound rei$ious cuture'

    Three points -rin$ this into "ocus/

    B it is ?uestion&-e whetherNew Age demonstr&tes the intellectual cogencyto pro+ide &compete picture o" the cosmos in & word +iew which c&ims to inte$r&te n&ture &nd spiritu&re&ity' The (estern uni+erse is seen &s & di+ided one -&sed on monotheism, tr&nscendence,&terity &