POMPTON REFORMED CHURCH NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY 2012 59 Hamburg Turnpike Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442 973-835-0541 [email protected] www.pomptonreformed.org [email protected] Dear Pompton Friends and Family, "200 Years of Serving in Jesus' Name." That is the heading that appears at the top of each Sunday's bulletin. Recently I have been wondering just how our church shared information on church happenings in the year we were birthed- -1812. No newsletter or prayer chains, no telephones or emails. Very likely word of mouth. But the church grew, disciples were added, meetings happened, consistories were formed, prayers were launched. I am eager to learn more of our history during this anniversary year. For those reading at a distance (or even nearby) here are several dates to mark on your calendars pertaining to our 200th year observance: Sunday, February 19 -- Worship modeled in an 1812 format, followed by refreshments that worshipers may have enjoyed in 1812. Research is currently underway for this special morning. Sunday, April 29 -- Worship modeled in a 1912 format, with similar foods to follow. But June is when celebration kicks into high gear. Some of the events are being saved as a surprise. But Sunday, June 3 will be a special morning in our worship, with the celebratory weekend centered around June 10. March's newsletter will hold further details, but we are hoping to welcome many friends who will return to add their voices with all praising God for guiding this church over 200 years, and leading us into an even more exciting future! For all that I know, one of the 200th Anniversary committee members has written far more eloquently in this issue on the above. If not, then watch for it in the next newsletter. My good colleague Pastor Debbie is writing elsewhere in this issue on the Lenten worship theme. We step into Lent at the end of this month, with Ash Wednesday worship on February 22. A good journey ahead in these early months of our 200th Anniversary Year! Serving Christ with you, Pastor Tom Bartha

POMPTON REFORMED CHURCH FEB 2012 NEWSLETTER Finalchurches.rca.org/prc/February2012Newsletter.pdf · 2. IGNORE THE CHEST PAIN Chest pains can feel more like a pressure and can be felt

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Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442 973-835-0541

[email protected] www.pomptonreformed.org

[email protected]

Dear Pompton Friends and Family, "200 Years of Serving in Jesus' Name." That is the heading that appears at the top of each Sunday's bulletin. Recently I have been wondering just how our church shared information on church happenings in the year we were birthed- -1812. No newsletter or prayer chains, no telephones or emails. Very likely word of mouth. But the church grew, disciples were added, meetings happened, consistories were formed, prayers were launched. I am eager to learn more of our history during this anniversary year. For those reading at a distance (or even nearby) here are several dates to mark on your calendars pertaining to our 200th year observance: Sunday, February 19 -- Worship modeled in an 1812 format, followed by refreshments that worshipers may have enjoyed in 1812. Research is currently underway for this special morning. Sunday, April 29 -- Worship modeled in a 1912 format, with similar foods to follow. But June is when celebration kicks into high gear. Some of the events are being saved as a surprise. But Sunday, June 3 will be a special morning in our worship, with the celebratory weekend centered around June 10. March's newsletter will hold further details, but we are hoping to welcome many friends who will return to add their voices with all praising God for guiding this church over 200 years, and leading us into an even more exciting future! For all that I know, one of the 200th Anniversary committee members has written far more eloquently in this issue on the above. If not, then watch for it in the next newsletter. My good colleague Pastor Debbie is writing elsewhere in this issue on the Lenten worship theme. We step into Lent at the end of this month, with Ash Wednesday worship on February 22. A good journey ahead in these early months of our 200th Anniversary Year! Serving Christ with you, Pastor Tom Bartha

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Thoughts on February from Pastor Debbie

"I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out." ~Roy Croft In February we celebrate Ground Hog Day, Valentine’s Day, President’s Day, and Ash Wednesday. But the one which the media and of course the commercial retailers make the most of is Valentine’s Day. Right after the Christmas displays were taken down we saw hearts and little cupids go up. There are huge boxes of chocolate in my favorite drugstore and I can even buy a heart shaped treat for my pet. On television ads are running which tell me that I must give expensive jewelry, cologne or perfume, or even a car to ensure my partner knows the depths of my love. But that is not what the Bible says about love. The Bible tells us that while we were still enemies of God, Christ died for us, and that love is patient, love is kind, love is not envious or boastful, arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way, it is not irritable or resentful, it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. That kind of love changes everything. From the very beginning when God said, “Let us make humans in our image” we see the truth that we are part of a larger community, that God himself is in community (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). As beings created in the image of God we too are in community, or at least that was the intent from the beginning. When one of us is in pain all of us suffer, when one of us is joyful it is a joy for all of us to share. This is what it says in the book of James chapter 5 verses 13-16. We are to encourage each other on our Journey through life not just because it is a nice thing to do but because of the effect it has on the whole body of Christ and on the world around us. How we love each other, care for each other and encourage each other is the witness of God alive and active in our lives. Now this kind of living and loving is something worth celebrating! On the Journey, Pastor Debbie

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What is Lent

Lent is a time of preparation for Holy Week and Easter. It begins on Ash Wednesday and lasts for 40 days (not including Sundays) and ends on Easter Sunday. In the late Middle Ages the English word lent was adopted from the German lenz and the Dutch lente which comes from a common root meaning long because in the spring the days begin to lengthen. Lent is a time when Christians around the world remember Jesus’ time of temptation in the desert. Some will give up something like chocolate until Easter Sunday, others will add a spiritual discipline like fasting. In general it is time of reflection and a time of seeking to deepen our discipleship, our willingness to follow the way of Jesus. This Lent we will be doing a series of questions Jesus asked based on a book by Benjamin Garrison, “Seven Questions Jesus Asked”. Our hope is that these questions will drive us all deeper in our walk as disciples. 2/ 26 - The Question of Sensitivity "Who Touched Me?" 3/4 - The Question of Brotherhood "Who Are My Brothers and Sisters" 3/11 - The Question of Goodness

“What More Are You Doing Than Others?” 3/18 - The Question of Fear "Why are you afraid?" 3/25 - The Question of Identity "Who do people say that I am?" 4/1 - The Question of Suffering Palm Sunday "My God, why have you forsaken me?" 4/8 - The Ultimate Question Easter Sunday "Why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?"

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MEMORIAL GIFTS Given  By    In  Memory  Of      Designa4on Deborah  Shaw    Shirley  Shaw      Undesignated    

BIRTHDAY GIFTS  In  Memory  of  Albert  Peacock  Connor  Conklin  

Keep an eye out for historical artifacts!

Since 2012 is our Celebratory Year, there will be displays within the Sanctuary of various items concerning the history of our Congregation. Did you know that the church as originally built was not white painted brick? Originally, the brick was left in its natural red state. There will be a watercolor painting on display in the sanctuary, showing the way it looked in its original state. We do not know when the church was first painted white.

Pompton Reformed Church 200th Anniversary News

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How Healthy is Your Heart?

February is Heart Health Month

Have you ever given thought to why February is designated Heart Health Month? Oh, right, it’s the month we celebrate Valentine’s Day. It’s also the month when all the damage we’ve done to our bodies over the holidays is about coming to an end. All the delicious meals and baked goods and party menus have gently settled around our waists and left unnoticed effects in other, unseen places. Time to think about all that. Suggestions Worth Noticing When it comes to heart health there are some things beyond our control, like aging or having a parent with heart disease. There are many more factors that sabotage our heart health over which we DO have control. Gregg Fonarow, MD, associate chief of UCLA’s division of cardiology says, “an ounce of prevention really is worth a pound of cure in this instance.” To help your heart keep on keeping on, here are 10 things NOT TO DO. 1. KEEP SMOKING Smoking raises blood pressure, causes blood clots, and makes it harder to exercise. According to the American Heart Association it’s the number one preventable cause of premature death in the U.S. Your risk begins to go down in just a few days after quitting and the risk is cut in half in a year. 2. IGNORE THE CHEST PAIN Chest pains can feel more like a pressure and can be felt in the front of the chest, with sensations sometime extending into the shoulders, up to the jaw, or down the left arm. If you feel like an elephant is sitting on your chest and you’re breaking out in a sweat -- call 9-1-1. 3. JUST ACCEPT IT’S IN YOUR GENES Having a parent who has had an early heart attack doubles the risk for men and the risk for women goes up by about 70%, according to the AHA. But heart disease isn’t just what you inherit, it’s what you do about it. You can lower the risk by doing heart healthy things. 4. SKIP YOUR CHECK-UP Not getting a check-up may mean you don’t know there is some silent heart risk. Some of the most common are high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Controlling these factors is a thing TO DO. 5. BE A COUCH POTATO Doctors are clear about the fact that being sedentary increases heart risk. Physical activity translates to living longer. Even the shortest walk around the block counts. 6. STOP TAKING YOUR MEDICATIONS You may not feel worse if you stop taking your medication but it could cause you to be heading for a cardiac disaster. Dr. Fonarow advises looking at your heart medications as “insurance” against heart attack or stroke. 7. IGNORE YOUR GROWING WAISTLINE – JUST BUY SOME BIGGER PANTS A hefty waistline is linked to doubling your risk of heart disease. “Apple shape” or excess fat tissue in the midsection could lead to metabolic syndrome. So what is that? It is a combination of risk factors that can lead to heart disease, stroke, or diabetes through hardening of the arteries and inflammation. Getting in shape is not just about your clothes size.

Continued on next page…

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Cont’d from previous page…. 8. NEVER MIND WHEN YOUR HEART FLUTTERS A fluttering feeling that happens often or is associated with other symptoms could be a sign of a heart arrhythmia. Translated, it’s an electrical problem with your heart. It’s important to have it checked out !!! 9. LET YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE RUN AMOK Untreated, elevated blood pressure makes the heart work harder and can cause the heart to enlarge. Statistics show that about half of Americans fail to keep it under control. 10. EAT WITH ABANDON Obesity contributes to heart disease, heart failure and a shorter lifespan. The good news is that even moderate weight loss can improve heart risk factors. An ounce of prevention really is worth a pound of cure when it applies to heart health. Are there things on the list that you need to look at and changes that need to be made? February is a great time to love yourself and those who love you by doing the things that result in a healthy heart.

Consistory Roundtable of Thanks! (from February’s Consistory)

--Keith, Thomas and Skyler Hanisch, Al Kuebler, Eva Terhune and Tom Bartha for setting up and taking down the outdoor nativity. (Are we missing anyone else who assisted??) --For all who provided Christmas gifts for Sue's Kids in Boonton. You made a difference in a lot of households!

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Love is in the Air by Elaine Peacock

February is the month for love, hearts, flowers and cards. Yes, I know, Valentine's Day has become very commercial, no sooner does the Christmas stuff get moved to the 75% off table, the Valentine cards and decorations are out. I like to think of the Valentines that were handmade and given to a parent or that cute little boy or girl that sat next to you in first grade. Do the kids still make handmade Valentines? Actually, Valentine's Day doesn't have to be all about the commercial stuff, it can be a hug, a smile or a word of encouragement. GOD gives us a chance to spread a little love each and every day. Yes, it's true, love is in the air every day, not just on February 14th.

Written By A Proud Grandparent - Helen Gioia

Kevin Magee, my grandson, is a 15 year old Sophomore & Honor Roll Student at Pompton Lakes High School. And, he is an outstanding quarterback - #12 on the Pompton Lakes Football Team who along with the entire fantastic team beat the Butler Football Team on Nov. 23. Pompton & Butler were rivals for years and had not played against each other for 30 years. Kevin was praised by the news media for being an amazing quarterback, but, Kevin gave all the credit to the greatest football team that he is apart of. This great Pompton Lakes Football Team went on to beat Glen Rock and become "The State Champions."On their way home from the game they were escorted to Hershfield Park by the Pompton Lakes Fire Department trucks, Police cars, First Aid Squad ambulance & the Pompton Lakes Rescue Truck with all their Sirens going! A very Proud time for the Team and for all the Parents and for the Town of Pompton Lakes.

-The above article was reprinted exactly as it was written by the author.

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Feb. 1 - 6:30pm Operations Committee 7:30pm Worship Committee Feb. 8 - 6:00 Autumnfest planning: kick off meeting! All welcome! 7:30 Fellowship Committee 8:00 Mission Committee Feb. 13 - 7:00pm Finance Committee 7:30pm 200th Anniversary Committee Feb. 15 - 7:00pm Consistory Feb. 19 - Healing Service Feb. 22 - Ash Wednesday 7:30pm Ash Wednesday worship in the sanctuary Feb. 26 - First Sunday in Lent Feb. 29 - Leap Year Every Tuesday from 1:30 to 3:00 pm, knitters meet in the Gathering Area. All are welcome, and if you do not know how to knit, we'll teach you! Sunday evenings at 6:30 pm, Journey Together meets--a more contemporary time of worship, led by Pastor Debbie Rundecker Thursdays at 7:30pm, Chancel Choir Tuesdays at 6:30 pm. Adult Bells * New singers and ringers always welcomed! *

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Cereal, jell-o, and peanut butter.

The Deadline for Newsletter Articles is the Sunday before the First Sunday of the next month. Please send submissions to [email protected] or feel free to drop it in the mail slot in the church office!

The deadline for March’s newsletter is

February 26, 2012.

All interested in reaffirming or making profession of faith or transferring membership to Pompton Reformed Church, or simply learning more about Reformed beliefs, are invited to a planning meeting following worship on February 12. We'll find a time suitable for all for this three-session series. Pastor Debbie will be offering Confirmation Class for youth in near future. Notify the pastors of your interest.

Membership Classes Begin!

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An  Open  Le(er  to  Our  Dear  Readers:    

   Well,  we  have  dipped  in  our  toes,  cracked  our  knuckles,  dusted  off  the  cobwebs  and  have  otherwise  go(en  a  feel  for  this  thing  called  the  PRC  Newsle(er!  Over  the  past  two  ediDons,  we  ‘tweaked’  some  things  and  leH  others  as  they  are.  We  have  discussed,  someDmes  rather  strongly,  what  our  vision  for  the  newsle(er  should  be.  We  are  now  ready  and  trust  in  the  Lord  that  He  has  prepared  us  for  what  lies  ahead.  

     One  of  our  favorite  parts  of  the  newsle(er  is  the  submissions,  by  you,  our  readers  and  members  of  PRC,  and  with  the  publicaDon  of  the  March  newsle(er,  we  respecMully  ask  that  you  adhere  to  our  submission  policy,  which  is  as  follows:  

     We,  the  editors,  reserve  the  right  to  edit  any  and  all  submissions  for  clarity,  spelling,  grammar,  punctuaDon,  space,  content  and  style.  We  follow  the  AP  Style  Book,  which  is  the  accepted  style  manual  among  all  newspapers,  newsle(ers  and  many  publicaDons  naDon-­‐wide.  Generally  speaking,  it  gives  guidelines  for  consistency,  including  spelling  out  numbers  through  nine,  headlines,  punctuaDon,  etc.  We  will  not  publish  any  submission  exactly  as  wri(en  unless  it  has  clarity;  correct  spelling,  grammar  and  punctuaDon;  proper  style  and  relevant  content.  

 We  thank  you  for  your  cooperaDon  and  God  Bless  You  All!    Jackie  &  Beth  

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T-­‐Shirt Small Medium Large   X-­‐LargeHeather  GreyForest  Green

Total  @  $15

Golf  Shirt Small Medium Large   X-­‐LargeHeather  GreyForest  Green

Total  @  $25

Hooded  Zip  FrontSweatshirt Small Medium Large   X-­‐LargeHeather  GreyForest  Green

Total  @  $30

Total: Paid CashCheck

The 200th Anniversary Committee is once again taking orders for T-Shirts, Golf Shirts and Hooded Zip Front Sweatshirts. Please return your order form to Cindi Petrides, Valerie Petrides, Donna DeBlock or Joanie Warner as soon as possible. All order are custom made, choose sizing carefully as there are no returns. Any questions on sizing please contact: Cindi : [email protected], or Valerie: [email protected]. NAME: _______________________________________________ PHONE # _____________________________________________ POMPTON REFORMED CHURCH 200TH ANNIVERSARY


T-Shirt $15 Golf Shirt $25 Sweatshirt $30 Delivery in 2-3 weeks Children’s and Extra Adult sizes also available